Rule 1003/25
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
1. Forming an Organization
An Organization is a named unownable entity. Any player may publically announce eir intent to form an Organization, unless e is a pseudo-Founder.
When a player has done so e becomes a pseudo-Founder for a period of 7-days.
If during those 7 days at least two additional players publically announce that they wish to join the Organization the pseudo-Founder intends to form, and the pseudo-Founder agrees, then the pseudo-Founder forms the Organization by announcing the Organization's name, its type,pays the standard Harfer's Fee, and announces the name of its members.
The name must be a legal name, if a type of Organization is not specified than the Organization is of type Society.
Any player may request membership in an Organization. The Organization may then grant the request for membership as a public Action. When a request for membership is granted, the player becomes a member of the Organization.
2. Organization Disbandment
The rules may call for the disbandment of an Organization.
Unless the rules for a specific type of organization specify another way for disbanding, then Disbanding an organization is allowed as a public action.
When an Organization is disbanded, everything owned by the Organization is transferred to the Treasury, all members of the Organization are no longer considered to be members of the Organization with any attendant effects [such as Swinger/Party Hall], and the Organization is then no more.
3. Very Small Organizations.
Organizations that have fewer than three members are known as Very Small Organizations - or VSO. a VSO can only perform the following Organizational Actions:
a. Accept new members
b. Change admissions policy
c. Change its name
d. Trade away entities it owns to its members.
A VSO may not receive gifts or accept trades. Any attempt on the part of a VSO to perform any other kind of Organizational Action fails.
4. Organization Size
The Size of an Organization is the number of members it has. Terms such as 'larger' and 'smaller', when applied to Organizations, refer to the Sizes of the Organizations being compared. [For example, to say that one organization is larger than another is to say that it has more members.]
The Active Size of an Organization is the number of Active Players who are members of that Organization.
5. Organization Similarity
For any two Organizations X and Y, orgsim(X, Y) is defined as the percentage of members of X who are also members of Y, except for the case where X and Y are the same, in which case it is defined to be 0.
The H Similarity between two Organizations, A and B, is the greater of orgsim(A, B) and orgsim(B, A).
The L Similarity between two Organizations, A and B, is the lesser of orgsim(A, B) and orgsim(B, A).
The M Similarity between two Organizations, A and B, is the average (mean) of orgsim(A, B) and orgsim(B, A).
6. Player Liberty Clause
No player may become a member of an Organization without first expressing their consent to joining it. A player may leave an Organization of which he or she is a member at any time.
7. Organizational Voting
When an Organization is called on to vote, it has 7 days to conduct and publically report the results of the vote, and how each member voted, unless the rules call for a different amount of time. If everyone who is eligible to cast a vote in a given has done so, the results may be announced before the voting period ends. For the purposes of this rule, the composition of an Organization is taken to be its composition at the end of any voting or decision period.
Acting members are considered to be members in place of the members they are acting for.
8. Unique Organizations
This section takes precedence over all rules concerning Unique Organizations, and all rules concerning Organizational Powers. It is impermissible for Unique Organizations to use Organizational Powers. If a Unique Organization comes to own an Organizational Power, by any means, then that Organizational Power has no effect on that Organization. Unique Organization membership is defined by the rules defining the Unique Organizations in question. If membership is not defined for a specific Unique Organization, then it has no members.
9. Types of Organizations
Other rules may define types of Organizations. A rule defining an Organization may define other membership requirements and restrictions. It is permissible for a rule defining an Organization to add conditions under which an Organization may become a VSO, however, it not permissible for any other rule to allow an Organization with fewer than three members to exist and not be a VSO. Rules may define Unique Organizations. Such rules also implicitly define the type of Organization.
The rules may define ways for Organizations to transform from one type to another.
When an Organization transforms from one type to another, then all the procedures that occur as a result of the disbandment of an Organization of the type it transforms from, and which do not occur as a result of disbandment of an Organization of the type it transforms to, are executed. Unless specifically restricted by other rules, an Organization of any type may transform its type as an Organization Action by announcing that it transforming, the type it is transforming to, and paying standard Harfer's Fee. Other rules may specify higher fees for specific transformations.
Rule 1004/2
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
A Society is a type of Organization.
Society's may own A$, and Organizational Powers. Societies may not own any other type of entity. Society's may receive A$ as a gift. If a Society receives a Trinket as a gift, then the trinket is deemed to have been destroyed for A$ just prior to the transfer. A Society may only transfer A$ to the Treasury. [ this enables a Society to purchase powers, or transform itself into another type of Organization]
Rule 1005/6
Organizational Action
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
This Rule defers to all other rules. [Not all Organizations necessarily work this way. Churches in particular have their own unique internal structures. The Rules may also define other ways Organizations can act, and may define that certain Organizations are unable to use this process under certain circumstances.]
An Organization can attempt actions. However, the process for an Organization to attempt an action is somewhat more complex than the same process for players. First, some member of the Organization sends a public message suggesting an action for the Organization to take. The suggestion must include the name of the Organization for which it is being suggested. The other members of the Organization may then approve of the suggestion or denounce it. If any member denounces the suggestion, it is voided.
If, after a suggestion is made, all active, non-gaoled members of the Organization approve it within seven days, and no member denounces it, then the Organization attempts the action as suggested. The time of this attempt is the time of the last approval. Submission of a suggestion is considered to constitute approval of that suggestion.
If seven days pass after a suggestion is made, then the Organization shall make the attempt, as suggested, if and only if no member of that Organization denounced the suggestion, and at least two thirds of the Organization's members approved it within the seven-day period.
A member of an Organization may proxy their approval to that Organization, or renounce it as a public action. At the time a member proxies their approval, they shall automatically approve of all organizational actions under consideration for that organisation. Whenever an Organizational Action is suggested by a member of that Organization, all members of that Organization whose approval is proxied automatically approve of the action at the time it is suggested.
Rule 1006/2
When You Don't Get a Say
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
A player may not denounce an Organizational action which:
1) consists entirely of eir removal from that Organization unless there are
only two members of the organisation.
2) was suggested prior to eir most recent acquisition of membership in that
Rule 1007/0
Organizational Name Change
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Any player-sanctioned organization is permitted to change its name as an organizational action. The desired new name of the organization is necessary to fully specify this action. An attempt to perform this action fails if, at the time of the attempt, (1) the organization does not own at least the standard Harfer Fee, or (2) it is not legal for the organization to have the specified new name. If the attempt succeeds then the Organization shall pay the standard Harfer Fee.
Rule 1007.1/1
Admissions Policies
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
As an organizational action any organization may change its admissions policy. The following are valid types of admissions policies:
1. Standard: the organisation may accept new members as an organizational action.
2. Open: any player may join the organization as a public action.
3. Privileged Single Player: a single member may grant any request for membership in that Organization, without waiting around for the consent of the rest of the members. A single player with this ability must be specified.
4. Quasi-open: Any player may request membership into the organisation and will become a member three days later unless any member of the organization refuse the player admission.
5. Communist Single Player: a single member may grant any request for membership in that Organization, without waiting around for the consent of the rest of the members. Any member of the organisation may grant membership in this way.
Rule 1008/7
Organizational Powers
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
This rule defers to all other rules.
Organizational Powers ("Powers" for short) are entities. All Organizations can own Powers.
Where the rules say that an Organization may buy a Power of a certain type, what is meant is that the Organization may, as an action, contribute an amount of currency to the Treasury in exchange for a new Power of the type specified, which is then created in that Organization's possession.
Rule 1009/14
Political Parties and Rewarding Party Unity
Mitchell Harding
A Political Party is a type of Organization. Being a member of more than one Political Party simultaneously is the Crime of Branch-Stacking. At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes on that proposal are counted, if every active player member of a given Political Party voted YES on that proposal, and no member of the Party is also a member of some other Party, then the Political Party itself shall cast an additional YES vote on that proposal for every three active player members it has.
Party membership and how players voted are determined based on the facts in force at the end of the voting period for each proposal.
A Political Party may own and Trade A$, Trinkets, Land, Buildings, and Organizational Powers. A Political Party may not offer or accept trades in which it would receive any other kind of entity, but may trade away anything it owns.
The fee for transforming from a Society to a Party is A$300.
Rule 1011/0
Excavation Permit
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
An Excavation Permit is an Organizational Power, it is also Red Tape. An Organization may buy an Excavation Permit for the princely sum of the Standard Harfer Fee.
An Organization that is not a VSO and owns an Excavation Permit may:
i) Accept tradable entities for the purposes of burying em as a
treasure. If the Organization would otherwise be unable to own a type
of entity it will be transferred to the treasury after a period of 1
week if it has not been buried as a treasure.
ii) May, as an action, bury any tradable entities that it owns as a
treasure as described in rule 1217.
iii) May legally own any entity that has been part of a buried
treasure during the previous two weeks.
This rule has precedence over any rule with which it conflicts regarding what a particular Organization may own, accept or bury as a treasure.
Rule 1013/8
Secret Laboratories
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
A Secret Laboratory is an Organizational Power. An Organization may buy a Secret Laboratory for A$ 1000. An Organization may own at most one Secret Laboratory.
An Organization may, as an action, use any Secret Laboratory it owns to build a Gadget from any existing Blueprint. A member of the Organization must be specified as the recipient of this gadget at the time the action is declared. Three days after the action is announced, the Gadget is created in the specified player's possession. Each Secret Laboratory may be used to build a Gadget at most once each calendar month.
Rule 1015/1
More Than Human
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
A More Than Human is an Organizational Power. An Organization may buy a More Than Human for A$200.
An Organization that has a More Than Human is allowed to have non-player Entities as members, provided that said Entities are capable of expressing eir consent in the public forum, or that the rules allow for some method by which said Entities can become members of Organizations. An Organization with a More Than Human is allowed to enable non-player Entities to become members, by expressing its consent to the joining of the non-player Entity (or by having an open admissions policy), and by the non-player Entity expressing eir consent to join the Organization in the public forum.
Rule 1017/1
else...if (Henry Towsner)
A Trust Fund is a type of organization. Trust Funds act like Societies in terms of ownership except that it may transfer A$ to anyone. In order to be a Trust Fund, the organization's founder must specify that they desire it to be a Trust Fund when it is created. When a player who announces eir intent to form a Trust Fund and the player may legally announce eir intent to form an organization the Trust Fund immediately comes into existence; it need not wait for other players to join. When the Trust Fund comes into existence and the founder pays the SHF only its founder is a member, and it acts like a VSO with two exception: no one may join it, and it may perform the additional organizational action of accepting a charter.
When a Trust Fund accepts a charter its founder is ejected and the Trust Fund may act like a full Trust Fund. It continues to exist as long as it possesses at least one A$ or until its charter specifies that it disbands.
A Trust Fund's charter should specify what it should do with its A$. It may only transfer A$ as specified by its charter and when it is pointed out by a player that the A$ should be transferred.
This rule takes precedence over rule 1003.
Rule 1020/2
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
The Org-Harfer (or, if that seat is vacant, the Web-Harfer) shall maintain a list of Dispensations which is an unownable entity. This list is an official Document, but is not a Rule, and shall only have effects as defined by the Rules. An entry on the Dispensations List shall consist of the name of a Society, a colon, and an action or a description of a number of actions (so that it is possible to distinguish between actions described by that description and actions not described in a non-paradoxical way).
If an entry on the Dispensations List contains the name of a Society and an action, then the Society may perform that action as an Organisational Action.
A member of a Society may submit an Indulgence by sending it to the Org-Harfer privately. It is a Duty of the Org-Harfer to publish Indulgences. An Indulgence must be an entry of the form included in the Dispensations List. Any player may object to a published Indulgence within 3 days of it being published.
If, 3 days after an Indulgence is published, fewer than 2 players have objected to the Indulgence, then the Indulgence will be added to the Dispensations List as a new entry.
The Dispensation list may only be manipulated as specified by the rules.
Rule 1030/0
J. M. Bear (Frank Schmidt)
The Worker Caste, the Warrior Caste and the Religious Caste are Unique Organizations. There are no other Castes.
When a player ceases to be a Newbie, e becomes a member of one of these Castes by random determination. The chances to join a Caste are equal to the number of members in the other two castes divided by twice the number of members in all three Castes.[This adds up to one.]
No player may leave eir Caste. However, it is possible that two or three players agree to swap Caste membership, provided that the players swapping membership have all been in the Player State of Voting for at least 3 weeks, and none of them swapped Caste membership within the last 3 weeks.
Rule 1031/2
Grey Council
J. M. Bear (Frank Schmidt)
The Grey Council is an Office with up to nine seats. It is also a Unique Organization.
Each Caste (Worker, Warrior, Religious) has the right to fill 3 seats in the Grey Council.
The rules for nomination, election and impeachment apply with the restriction that only a member of a Caste may
a) nominate emself for a seat that this Caste has the right to fill,
b) vote in the election for seats that this Caste has the right to fill,
c) vote on the impeachment of a Grey Council member of this Caste. In this case, the procedure followed for impeachment is the same as that outlined in Rule 404, except that the IP will be ACCEPTED if at least 1/2 of the members of the Caste voted on it, and 2/3 of those voting on the IP voted YES.
When a member of the Grey Council changes Caste membership, eir seat immediately becomes vacant. When a player who has nominated emself for a seat in the Grey Council changes Caste membership, eir nomination is considered to be withdrawn.
Rule 1040/31
Party Hall
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
I. Swingerships and Provisional Swingerships are tradeable entities. The owner of a Swingership is known as a Swinger.
II. Each Swingership has associated with it a Party attribute. This attribute is either the name of a Political Party, or the null string [""]. A Swingership with Party attribute "" may be referred to as a Free Swingership. All other Swingerships may be referred to as Party Swingerships, and their owners may be referred to as Party Swingers. A Party whose name matches the Party attribute for a given Swingership is the Appropriate Party for that Swingership.
III. When a Political Party is created, a Swingership with Party attribute the name of that Political Party is created, and is Somewhere Else. When a Political Party is destroyed, any Swingership with Party attribute the name of that Political Party becomes a Provisional Swingership.
IV. The owner of a Provisional Swingership may convert it into a Free Swingership by paying 15 times the Standard Harfer Fee to the Treasury. If a Provisional Swingership has existed as such for 7 days or longer, then it is destroyed when any player points out this fact.
V. If less than seven Swingerships exist, a player may create a new Free Swingership by paying 10 times the Standard Harfer Fee to the Treasury, and specifying a legal Ackanomic name which can be used to refer to the new Swingership.
VI. If a Party Swingership is Somewhere Else, any member of the Appropriate Party may, as a public action, take possession of that Swingership. The ownership of a Party Swingership may be changed as an Organisational Action of the Appropriate Party. If ever a Party Swingership is held by a player not of the Appropriate Party, then it goes Somewhere Else.
VII. Any player may cause a Swingership they own to go Somewhere Else as a public action. Free Swingerships which go Somewhere Else are destroyed. When the owner of a Party Swingership goes on Vacation, that Swingership goes Somewhere Else.
VIII. Whenever a Swingership or Provisional Swingership is destroyed, all Party Chess Pieces associated with it are destroyed.
IX. A Swingership that has been Somewhere Else for the last 7 days is called a Warm Swingership.
X. Any player may change the name of a free swingership they own by announcing the name change and paying the standard harfer fee.
Rule 1044/21
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Swingpoints are tradeable entities. Swingpoints may only be created as described by the Rules. Whenever the Rules call for someone or something to receive Swingpoints, and does not specify where those Swingpoints are to come from, then new Swingpoints equal to the number owed that recipient are created in its possession, and it is considered to have received its Swingpoints.
1. Let NoS be the the number of Swingers, excluding vacationing Swingers, including Acting Swingers.
2. a. Every two weeks on Monday the Chess-Umpire awards Swingpoints to Swingers who have positive Weights. Each such Swinger receives a number of Swingpoints equal to the number of Swingers (excluding Swingers on Vacation, but including Acting Swingers) with equal or lower Weights.
b. If the application of Section 2a results in Swingpoints being awarded to at least one Party Swinger on a particular Monday, then all other members of the Party of the Party Swinger who received more Swingpoints than any other Party Swinger (or the only Party Swinger who received Swingpoints, if only one received any) each receive one Swingpoint for eir support immediately after Swinger Swingpoints are awarded.
3. Swingpoint Conversions
a. Otzma Card Conversions
(i) A Player may convert 10 Swingpoints into any Otzma Card with an F-Designation of Common.
(ii) A Player may convert 15 Swingpoints into any Otzma Card with an F-Designation of Normal.
(iii) A Player may convert 20 Swingpoints into any Otzma Card with an F-Designation of Rare.
The above three conversions may only occur if no Otzma Card instance limits are violated by the conversion.
b. A Player may, as a public action, convert four of his own Swingpoints into one Bonus Vote.
c. A player may convert N Swingpoints into a Party Chess Piece in the possession of a specified Swinger, provided that the material value of that Party Chess Piece is no more than (5*N)/7, provided no instance limits are violated by the conversion, and the specified Swinger owns at most 15 Party Chess Pieces.
d. A Player may, as a public action, convert ten of eir own Swingpoints into a Benefyt. Benefyts are tradeable entities.
Rule 1060/2
Transnomicial Trade Pacts Rule Suite.
Wild Card (Jonathan David Amery)
Trade Pacts may be set up between Ackanomic and other nomics.
A Trade Pact is set up with an other nomic if and only if the following five conditions are satisfied:
1) The other nomic's ruleset allows Trade pacts, and doesn't contradict the Ackanomic ruleset on how they should work.
2) There are at least two players of Ackanomic who are also players of the other nomic.
3) An organisation, defined by rule, exists in Ackanomic for the purpose of conducting trade with the other nomic. (This shall be known as "A" below.)
4) An organisation or similar entity (as defined by the rules of Ackanomic) exists within the other nomic for the purpose of conducting trade with Ackanomic. (This shall be known as "B" below.)
5) The intersection of (the set of members of A) and (the set of members of B) has at least two members each of which is a player of Ackanomic.
If a Trade Pact exists between Ackanomic and another nomic then A may import items from the other nomic that are transfered them from B and A may export items to the other nomic by transferring them to B. Items may only be transfered by A if they would be allowed to be given to a player or organisation by A.
If A is transfered an item from B and it is specified that this item is to be given to a player or organisation C then A must give this item to C.
If A is given an item from a player or organisation D and it is specified that this item is to be transfered to B then A must transfer this item to B. If further it is specified that B must give this item to an entity E within the other nomic then A must specify this to B during the transfer.
If either of the last two paragraphs are contravened then all the members of organisation A are guilty of the Crime of Trading Under False Pretenses.
[This rule is the head of a rule suite defining such organisations]
6) Custodianship
The Ambassador is Custodian of the Transnomicial Trade Pacts Rule Suite (the 1060.Y rules).
Timestamp: Fri 02 Oct 1998 08:13 EDT