Proposal 2051 - Fri, 6 Jun 1997 23:24:53 -0500
Cleaning up those ugly craters made by the landing gear
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
{{[This is a Modest proposal, which removes some of the gizz added by those pesky aliens, which can only clutter and confuse the rules]}}

Amend rule 106, "Voting on Proposals", to remove the following sentence:

This rule defers to all other Rules which do not contain this sentence outside of quotation marks.

Proposal 2052 - Fri, 6 Jun 1997 23:57:59 -0500
This name has been changed to protect the innocent
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Repeal Rule 1060 Organized Crime

Ammend Rule 315 Tammany in the following manner:

Delete the paragraph begining "Each player who submitted a Tammany Bribe..." and replace it with the following paragraph:

"each Player who submitted a Tammany Bribe on a Proposal which is about to be resolved shall have the designated amount of currency deducted from his account and placed in the Treasury. If this would result in a negative curreny balance for the player, his entire Bribe is disregarded and no currency is deducted.

Proposal 2053 - Sat, 7 Jun 1997 00:25:05 -0500
Mohammed's Box
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule entitled "Mohammed's Box" with the following text:

[This is the long delayed public voting proposal. I've given it this goofball format in an attempt to cut Mohammed some slack, since he'll need to retool the bot for this. Our intrpid Postmaster/Demon King/etc might also want to consider some changes if this passes.]

A unique, unownable entity named Mohammed's Box exists. It is about the size of a Refrigerator box, but is made out of wood. No one knows where it came from, but some suspect "those pesky aliens" If Mohammed's Box is opened, the following ammendment to the rules immediately takes place.

Ammend Rule 106 by deleting the first sentence of the first paragraph and replacing it with the following sentence: Voting players may vote either YES, NO, or PRESENT on each proposal, by sending their vote to a public forum appropriate for voting, as described in the Postal Code.

Immediately after the above ammendment takes place, this Rule shall repeal itself, and the entity known as Mohammed's Box will cease to exist.

There are only two methods in which Mohammed's Box can be opened. The first method is that the Tabulator, or acting Tabulator, can open Mohammed's Box at any time by posting a public message that he is doing so. The only other method to open Mohammed's Box is to wait two weeks after this rule was accepted, at which time Mohammed's Box will open by itself.

Proposal 2054 - Sun, 8 Jun 1997 03:00:11 -0500
Stop Malenkai Before He Kills Again!
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: retracted by author

Amend Rule 597, "The Frankenstein Monster" as follows:

Replace the sentence

Any voting player(including the Mad Scientist)has the option of digging up and delivering a Frankenstein Part to the Mad Scientist, provided that Players has not already done so since the prior Thursday.


Any voting player, including the Mad Scientist but excluding other Scientists(who would never grant any credence to the Mad Scientist's plans) has the option of digging up and delivering a Frankenstein Part to the Mad Scientist, provided that Players has not already done so since the prior Thursday.

{{[ What this really is intended to do is keep Scientists from authoring Blueprints for the express purpose of providing Frankenstein Parts. And the reason for this will become clear soon enough. ]}}

Amend Rule 1060, "Organized Crime", as follows:

Replace the sentence

Any member of the Narfalone Family may bet by publicly stating which event they are wagering on and the $A they are wagering.


Any member of the Narfalone Family except the Godfather may bet by publicly stating which event they are wagering on and the $A they are wagering.

{{[ Setting one's own odds on an event and then being able to bet on it is, as Malenkai recently demonstrated, a bit too much power for one person. ]}}

{{[ Finally, it seems that Victory Eggplants only inhibit attempts to win by points. I think they should do a bit more than that, if other ways of winning are to continue to exist... Also, I think it would be a good idea if sometime all the Victory Eggplant rules were collected in once place. ]}}

Create a new rule, called "Victory Eggplants", numbered 621, with the following text(delimited by EGGPLANT):


Victory Eggplants are nonunique, nontradeable entities. Other rules may define ways in which Victory Eggplants are destroyed and created in the possession of a given player; this rule defers to such rules in these matters. A player with a Victory Eggplant cannot win the Cycle; this takes precedence over all other rules which may specify circumstances in which players are determined to be the winners of Cycles.


{{[ So a Victory Eggplant holder has to first get enough points to offset their Eggplant Weight, since the VE disappears when their score is positive, before winning the cycle by other means. ]}}

Proposal 2055 - Sun, 8 Jun 1997 03:00:16 -0500
Auction Action
Alfvaen (Aaraon Humphrey)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 516, "Auction", as follows:

In section 1, add a clause f), as follows:

f) If the answer to b) is "no", and the items being auctioned are not all identical(in the sense of their being nonunique, non-named entities which do not have different values assigned to them), then a method(from among those described below)to determine how the items are assigned to each bidder. Otherwise, this need not be specified. (In this case, the Auction may be referred to as a Jumble Sale.)

{{[End of Clause f]}}

{{[This will hopefully clear up the question of what happens when you auction a number of disparate items separately in the same Auction.]}}

Replace the current contents of section 5


5) The Auction shall last for 3 days, or 3 hours past the auction's most recent bid(in public auctions), whichever is longer, after which time the Auctioneer shall announce the results, and all A$ and items shall be transferred to their new owners. If the Auction was private, the Auctioneer shall keep a 10% commission of all monies transferred to the Treasury as compensation for performing the work and not being permitted to bid.


with the following text(delineated by GARPLY):


5) The Auction shall last for 3 days, or 3 hours past the auction's most recent bid(in public auctions), whichever is longer, after which time the Auctioneer shall announce the results. The items will then be distributed to bidders as specified in section 6 below. The money bid by those players receiving items shall go to the player who called the Auction, or the Treasury if the Auction was not called by a player. If the Auction was private, and not called by a player, the Auctioneer shall keep a 10% commission of all monies transferred to the Treasury as compensation for performing the work and not being permitted to bid.


{{[ Hopefully this will help clarify the question of where the money that is bid goes. See below also. ]}}

Add a clause 6f) immediately after 6e), to read as follows(delinated by SHUBIK):


6f) If a Jumble Sale is being held, one of several methods must have been specified to determine which bidder receives which item. The valid methods are listed below:

Random--The Auctioneer will assign the N items for auction to the N bidders in some random way.

Bidders' Choice--The highest bidder will choose one of the N items, then the second highest bidder will choose one of the remaining N-1 items, and so on until the Nth highest bidder must take the only item remaining. If at any point there are K players tied for a bid, all players with higher bids have already received items, and less than K items remain, then players from out of those K that have not yet selected items shall be chosen randomly until all items are gone.

Auctioneers' Choice--The Auctioneer will assign items to the bidders based on eir own personal choice.

Value--If the items have differing values, then the bidders, ranked in order of the size of their bid, will receive the items correspondingly ranked in order of their values. (That is, the highest bidder will receive the item with the highest value, the lowest bidder the item with the lowest value, etc.) For the purposes of this clause, the "value" of an item shall only be nonzero if the item is a trinket or other item with an intrinsically defined value. One of the preceding methods should also be specified as a secondary method, for the case where one or more bids or values are identical.


{{[ 6d) might take effect in this case, but I think it would be better if the Auctioneer had some control over how items were to be distributed. Also, 6d) only refers to a case where bids are tied, and says nothing about deciding which item to give to which bidder when no bids happen to be tied, but the items are all different. ]}}

Finally, replace the current contents of section 7


7) When a player acting on their own calls a private auction in which exactly one item is being auctioned, that player may declare that auction to be a "Shubik Auction" when it is initiated. An auction may not be so declared under any other circumstances. At the conclusion of a Shubik Auction, the player who made the second highest bid, if such a player exists, forfeits his bid to the treasury as well, and receives no compensation.


with the following(delimited by GRAULT):


7) When a player acting on their own calls a public auction in which exactly one item is being auctioned, that player may declare that auction to be a "Shubik Auction" when it is initiated. An auction may not be so declared under any other circumstances. At the conclusion of a Shubik Auction, the player who made the second highest bid, if such a player exists, forfeits his bid to the treasury, and receives no compensation. The highest bid is transferred to the player who called the Auction, as normal.


{{[ There's a world of confusion in that "as well" in the original text of section 7, and this should clear it up. ]}}

Proposal 2056 - Sun, 8 Jun 1997 03:00:17 -0500
Scary Monsters
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal

{{[Malenkai wonders if /dev/joe is still harfing that music allusion list we worked on?]}}


Amend rule 597, "The Frankenstein Monster(s)", to replace

A complete sentence of no more than thirty words is copied from either some current Rule, or some past version of a Rule, or the text of a Blueprint for something other than a Frankenstein Monster.


A complete sentence of no more than thirty words is copied from either some current Rule or some past version of a Rule, such that the rule in question was initially created by a Proposal.

Proposal 2057 - Sun, 8 Jun 1997 03:00:18 -0500
Null Organizations
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend rule 1003, "Organizations", to add the following text to the end of the paragragh that constitutes the body of section 2, "Organization Disbandment":

A Player-sanctioned Organization is disbanded upon it having no members.

1) All Organizations with no members are disbanded. [at least "The Band"]
2) If proposal 2052 was accepted, the Narfalone Family is disbanded, if such an Organization exists. [I believe it will still exist, as neither a rule or player-sanctioned org.]

Proposal 2058 - Sun, 8 Jun 1997 03:00:20 -0500
Constants of the Universe
CV1701 (Chris Vogt)
Decision: Rejected

Title: Constants of the Universe
This is an Immutible Rule

1) This proposal creats a new rule entitled "Constants of the Universe"

2) A new term "Universal Constant" Shall be created. A Universal Constant is a definition of a word or term that comes from a specified source from the outside word that cannot be changed except by a player who has a God-like status ( as defined in "Amung Gods". If a player adds a universal constant to a proposal and said proposal passes the Constant can be used in any other proposal.

3) To add a constant to the text of a proposal enclose the word in quoutes and all caps it, as such, bla bla bla lba "SPIDER BROOMS".

4) In order for a constant to have meaning the Constant must be defined and the end of the proposal in this fassion:

Name of Constant: ___________________
Definition: ______________________
Reference: _____________________

a) The Name of the Constant is the proper name of the constant that is to be used.
b) Definition is the definition of the constant as taken directly from the text of the reference.
c) Reference is the source of the definition. A reference must be able to be checked by other players by either reading the reference or picking up a copy or reading it on-line.

5) This Rule takes precidence over all others.

Proposal 2059 - Sun, 8 Jun 1997 03:00:21 -0500
Amung Gods
CV1701 (Chris Vogt)
Made harfy by Vynd at Sun, 8 Jun 1997 20:45:57 -0400 (EDT)
Decision: Accepted

Title: Amung Gods
1) A "GOD" has the power to change universal constants and other fudimental aspects of the universe.

2) A person has "GOD" status when they have been deemed enlightened, hold a public office, have donated to any organization in Ackanomic and must have created at least one trinket or gaget. They must be a voting player, who has lost no CFJs in the current cycle.

3) To become a "GOD" a player must meet the requirements above and be abel to provide documentation of the trinket or gadget, that they were deemed enlightened, and that they hold a public office. They must then submit a statement, along with the approiate documentation, to the speaker requesting the rank of "GOD". The speaker then must destribute a notice of this. If anyone has an objection to this player becoming a "GOD" they may publicly say so and the matter will be brought to a CFJ. All objections must be processed with in 5 days of the decloration of "GOD" request. If they are not, all are rendered null and void.

4) When someone passes the scrutiny described above they are given "GOD" status with all the rights and privliges there of.

5) "GOD" hood lasts for the duration of the current cycle.

6) A "GOD" has the ablilty to change a universal constant. If a GOD submits a proposal they have the advantage of only needing 3/8 of the vote to pass a proposal as opposed to the standard 1/2.

7) "GOD" Status wears off if a person passes 2 proposals with only 3/8 as defined in section 6.

8) A person cannot become a God twice in one cycle.

9) Only a "GOD" Can change this rule.

10) Title of Constant: "GOD"
Definition: one controlling a particular aspect of part of reality.
Resource: Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary

Proposal 2060 - Sun, 8 Jun 1997 03:00:22 -0500
Frivolous E-mail
CV1701 (Chris Vogt)
Decision: Rejected

Title: Frivolous E-Mail
1) "FRIVOLOUS" E-Mail is no longer legal. If a person is caught sending "FRIVOLOUS" e-mail they shall have 25 points deducted from their scores.

2)"FRIVOLOUS" e-mail, in addition to the definition of the constant, shall be also mail that is sent for the sole purpose of agreeing or dissagreeing, unless asked for by the person who wrote the mail that is being responded to.

3) Title of Constant: "FRIVOLOUS"
Definition: Of little weight or improtance
Resource: Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary

Proposal 2061 - Sun, 8 Jun 1997 12:39:44 -0500
The Whistle Recedes In The Distance
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend the text of Rule 1250.1, "Games & Contests", as follows:

In clause VI, add a section d), as follows(delimited by EEYORE):


d) If a game has a Referee, a player in a particular instance of that game may, if the Referee of that instance has not responded in more than a week, point out this fact in a public message. The Speaker shall then send email to the Referee in question asking em if e wishes to continue as Referee, or resign. If no response is received within three days, it shall be assumed that the Referee has resigned.


Proposal 2062 - Sun, 8 Jun 1997 13:09:51 -0500
I'm Late, I'm Late, For A Very Important Date
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a new rule, numbered 381, named "Procrastination", whose text is as follows(delineated by LONGINES):

This rule takes precedence over all rules that specify what will happen when a player violates a deadline for performing a public action.

If a player is required to perform a certain public action[for instance, a Phoebe post]before a certain time, and fails to do so, then e may do so within three hours after the deadline in the following manner:

The player must perform the public action, and include in the text of the message the following sentence: "I will never say the word procrastinate again; I'll never see myself in the mirror with my eyes closed." [They Might Be Giants, "Dead", _Flood_, verse N, line N]

Then the player's action will count as if it had been performed before the deadline, with the following differences:

1) Anyplace where the public action is recorded [e.g. on a web page], it must be marked by the word "LATE".

2) If there is an award in points or Ackadollars for performing the action on time, then the player shall receive only half that award. If there is a penalty in points or Ackadollars for failing to perform the action on time, then the player shall be penalized half that amount. [So, in essence, the player shall receive (bonus/2)-(penalty/2). Which will, in most cases, be better than just -(penalty).]

Any public action for which there is no bonus for prompt performance nor a penalty for tardy performance cannot be performed "late" by this means. [So auction bids, CFJ appeals, etc. will still have firm deadlines.]


{{[This proposal is, of course, Literature.]}}

Proposal 2063 - Mon, 9 Jun 1997 23:27:49 -0500
Some Other Lame Pun On Contracts
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 517, "Contracts", as follows:

Replace the sentence "Any player may create a contract by publicly announcing that e is doing so and providing the text of the contract" with "Any player may create a contract by publicly announcing that e is doing so and providing the name and text of the contract."

{{Any contracts for which names were announced when they are created are now given those names. Any other contracts are given the name '<player> Contract #N', where <player> is the name of the player who created the contract and N is the least positive integer that will create a unique name for the contract.}}

Replace the sentence "If the signers of the contract all publicly agree to destroy it, it will be destroyed." with "If the signers of the contract all publicly agree to destroy it, and it is in the possession of one of them, then it will be destroyed."

Replace the following paragraph(delimited by JUKKASJARVI):


Once a player has signed a contract, that player must obey any restrictions that that contract places on em; to do otherwise is a crime.


with the following text(delimited by CHORG):


Once a player has signed a contract, that player must obey any restrictions that that contract places on em; to do otherwise is a crime. However, a contract that either requires a player to break the Rules, or to disobey a contract created earlier, is invalid and will be destroyed.


Proposal 2064 - Tue, 10 Jun 1997 10:24:11 -0500
The Nameless Horror
Red Barn (Daniel Knapp)
Decision: Accepted

If a nameable object at any time does not have a name, it shall immediatly take the name "Nameless Thing #X", where X is the lowest non-negative decimal integer creating a legal name for the object.
If this would result in multiple objects having the same name, one of them is randomly chosen and the rest remain nameless. [For an infintesimal amount of time.] {{[Should happen sufficiently rarely to not cause much trouble.]}}
If this method does not produce a legal name, the object remains nameless. [Possible, you know!]

Proposal 2065 - Tue, 10 Jun 1997 14:33:26 -0500
Stop Me Before I Kill Again!
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: retracted by author

Amend Rule 597, "The Frankenstein Monster" as follows:

Replace the sentence

Any voting player(including the Mad Scientist)has the option of digging up and delivering a Frankenstein Part to the Mad Scientist, provided that Players has not already done so since the prior Thursday.


Any voting player, including the Mad Scientist but excluding other Scientists(who would never grant any credence to the Mad Scientist's plans) has the option of digging up and delivering a Frankenstein Part to the Mad Scientist, provided that Players has not already done so since the prior Thursday.

{{[ What this really is intended to do is keep Scientists from authoring Blueprints for the express purpose of providing Frankenstein Parts. ]}}

Amend Rule 1060, "Organized Crime", as follows:

Replace the sentence

Any member of the Narfalone Family may bet by publicly stating which event they are wagering on and the $A they are wagering.


Any member of the Narfalone Family except the Godfather may bet by publicly stating which event they are wagering on and the $A they are wagering.

{{[ Setting one's own odds on an event and then being able to bet on it is, as Malenkai recently demonstrated, a bit too much power for one person. ]}}

Proposal 2066 - Tue, 10 Jun 1997 20:33:53 -0500
Ambassador Check/Balance
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

The following is hereby added to the end of Rule 415:

IV. Ambassador

The President may remove the Ambassador from office. In doing so, he or she may also appoint a replacement Ambassador from among the players eligible to hold the position.

{{ 4 points are transferred from Mohammed to Calvin n Hobbes. }}

Proposal 2067 - Wed, 11 Jun 1997 09:15:08 -0500
Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war.
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

The following is hereby added to the end of Rule 419.2:

In order to change the Attitude of Ackanomic toward any other member nomic of InterNomic (as defined by the InterNomic rule set), a vote must be held. Each Senator has one vote, and the Ambassador has one vote (if the Ambassador is also a Senator, e only gets one vote total). If 3/5 or more of the eligible voters vote in favor of changing the Attitude of Ackanomic, then the Liaison is obligated to take whatever steps are necessary to carry out this decision in InterNomic (per the InterNomic rule set). If the InterNomic rule set does not define the Attitude of one nomic to another, then this paragraph is dormant and is not a binding rule, until such time as the InterNomic rule set contains the appropriate definition.

Proposal 2068 - Wed, 11 Jun 1997 21:54:45 -0500
Committee for the Protection, Preservation, and Integrity of
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author

the Arts

{{[or giving Ad-Hoc committees something to do]}}

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a new rule numbered 1141 with the following text:

If a player feels another player has created a lame, inane, or otherwise useless Trinket of negligible artistic merit within the past 3 days, they may make public complaint to that effect by naming the offending player and offensive Trinket (or Trinkets), provided no such complaint has been previously logded naming the allegedly offensive Trinket(s).

An Ad Hoc Committee is then called on the matter of whether the allegedly offensive Trinket(s) are in fact lame, inane, or otherwise useless or of negligible artistic merit. This committee is called the Committee for the Protection, Preservation, and Integrity of the Arts (CPPIA).

The CPPIA shall then decide whether the Trinket(s) is(are) "the most inane thing since the 'whatever it is we're auctioning today'", or "the hottest thing since the 'Hubert Feathers'". The CPPIA may use any criteria they choose, but it should consider the artistic merit and usefulness of the Trinket(s) when making its decision. Only one decision will be made for each CPPIA session; it shall apply to all Trinkets under review before the committee.

If the CPPIA makes the latter ('hottest') decision, the player who originally made the complaint shall post a limerick praising/ admiring the vindicated Trinket(s) (within 3 days of the decision), forfeit A$30 for some sorely needed art appreciation classes, and be immediately transported to the Museum for an education.

If the CPPIA makes the former ('inane') decision, the player who created the Trinkets forfeits A$25 for the cost of new murals to decorate the walls of the Gaol (which they should describe), and, if the total value of the Trinkets in question is A$25 or less, the Trinket(s) are donated to the Treasury.


Amend Rule 505, "Treasury and Ackadollars", to replace:

If the entity is a Trinket, it is transformed into its value in A$ upon donation.


When a Trinket is donated, it is transformed into its value in A$ upon donation.

{{all trinkets in the treasury are hereby transformed to their value in A$ [this would handle the case of the inky blotter decoys]}}


{{[the payment for the members of the Ad Hoc would unbalance the new rule. I was thinking of adding a deferral clause in Ad Hoc to allow other rules to specify alternate payment schemes (and in this case specifiying 0, after all, this is for the good of the Arts (and the sanity of the *-harfers) :), but decided the A$25 Ad Hoc payment is a hassle for someone (whoever has to write those bot commands, so lets just nuke it for simplicity]}}

Amend rule 1080, "Ad Hoc Committees", to remove:

Each member of the committee receives A$25 from the Treasury, as compensation for eir trouble, unless they indicate a favorite charity, in which case the money is transferred to that charity instead.

Proposal 2069 - Wed, 11 Jun 1997 22:06:51 -0500
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[or giving Ad-Hoc committees something to do]}}

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a new rule numbered 1141, entitled "Committee for the Protection, Preservation, and Integrity of the Arts", with the following text:

If a player feels another player has created a lame, inane, or otherwise useless Trinket of negligible artistic merit within the past 3 days, they may make public complaint to that effect by naming the offending player and offensive Trinket (or Trinkets), provided no such complaint has been previously logded naming the allegedly offensive Trinket(s).

An Ad Hoc Committee is then called on the matter of whether the allegedly offensive Trinket(s) are in fact lame, inane, or otherwise useless or of negligible artistic merit. This committee is called the Committee for the Protection, Preservation, and Integrity of the Arts (CPPIA).

The CPPIA shall then decide whether the Trinket(s) is(are) "the most inane thing since the 'whatever it is we're auctioning today'", or "the hottest thing since the 'Hubert Feathers'". The CPPIA may use any criteria they choose, but it should consider the artistic merit and usefulness of the Trinket(s) when making its decision. Only one decision will be made for each CPPIA session; it shall apply to all Trinkets under review before the committee.

If the CPPIA makes the latter ('hottest') decision, the player who originally made the complaint shall post a limerick praising/ admiring the vindicated Trinket(s) (within 3 days of the decision), forfeit A$30 for some sorely needed art appreciation classes, and be immediately transported to the Museum for an education.

If the CPPIA makes the former ('inane') decision, the player who created the Trinkets forfeits A$25 for the cost of new murals to decorate the walls of the Gaol (which they should describe), and, if the total value of the Trinkets in question is A$25 or less, the Trinket(s) are donated to the Treasury.


Amend Rule 505, "Treasury and Ackadollars", to replace:

If the entity is a Trinket, it is transformed into its value in A$ upon donation.


When a Trinket is donated (or otherwise transferred to the Treasury), it is transformed into its value in A$ upon donation.

{{all trinkets in the treasury are hereby transformed to their value in A$ [this would handle the case of the inky blotter decoys]}}


{{[the payment for the members of the Ad Hoc would unbalance the new rule. I was thinking of adding a deferral clause in Ad Hoc to allow other rules to specify alternate payment schemes (and in this case specifiying 0, after all, this is for the good of the Arts (and the sanity of the *-harfers) :), but decided the A$25 Ad Hoc payment is a hassle for someone (whoever has to write those bot commands, so lets just nuke it for simplicity]}}

Amend rule 1080, "Ad Hoc Committees", to remove:

Each member of the committee receives A$25 from the Treasury, as compensation for eir trouble, unless they indicate a favorite charity, in which case the money is transferred to that charity instead.

Proposal 2070 - Wed, 11 Jun 1997 22:49:08 -0500
Zombie Master
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made harfy by Vynd at Sat, 14 Jun 1997 01:23:53 -0400 (EDT)
Decision: Accepted

{{This is a Modest proposal

[Just a bit of non-related cleaning up first]

(1) Replace the last sentence in R1117 by:
"This paragraph takes precedence over the Rule called 'Dealing with the Paranormal'."

[The following is based on cross referenced reports by doctors, residents of Haiti etc, who claim to have seen Voodoo masters do their deeds. I have taken a few artistic liberties since we have neither horses nor tombs]

(2) Create a new rule, number 261 to read:

"Should a player follow all the directions below, in order, with all steps made publicly on the same day (none earlier than 2am Acka time, none later than 3am) then the player is said to control the Undead (who is also a Zombie).

1. Using his wings to fly backwards to where an Undead is located.
2. To destroy a trinket [to please Baron Samedi]
3. To say the incantation 'Mortoo Tomboo Miyi' preceded by the Undead's name. [this means 'mine the undead in the tomb']
4. To give 10% of their Ackadollars to the poorest player.

If the incantation is said but the ritual fails for some reason (including not being completed), then the player loses 10 points.

The player controlling a Zombie may bid it by a public message to do one the following actions:
(i) To destroy a certain Frankenstein Monster. The named monster is destroyed.
(ii) To act as patsy for a CFCJ before judgement is returned. If there is a penalty for a Crime it is applied to the Zombie, the player is kept innocent (Takes precedence over the rule "Criminal Justice"). The Zombie is then busy for as long as any sentence would keep it busy or otherwise occupied (eg: goal sentence) and cannot do its master's bidding until it is no longer busy.
(iii) To go arm wrestle another Zombie. Both zombies are busy for 7 days and cannot do their masters' bidding during those seven days.
(iv) To protect a player's donkey in a Grab-A-Donkey game. The donkey cannot be grabbed for the coming turn.

Bidding an Undead to do one of the above counts as a Paranormal Power use by a player entity (the controlling player).

A Undead will stay under the control of another player until it is no longer an Undead, the controlling player himself becomes Undead, or someone kisses that Undead."

(3) Subtract 4 points from Calvin N Hobbes, give 3 points to /dev/joe, give 1 point to Mohammed.

[thanks to /dev/joe for inspiring this proposal a few months back]}}

Proposal 2071 - Wed, 11 Jun 1997 22:49:09 -0500
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

{{This is a modest proposal. Renumber to 511.

[This allows us to have "immortal" or "indestructible" trinkets. That's a misnomer since there are still ways to destroy them. However, it does mean that special artifacts can be a lot more "weather proof" or "player proof", let's say. If nothing else it gives more tmbg references]}}

A trinket worth more than $99, whose description has "This trinket is Majik. It is sapphire bullet of pure love number <number>" as its first and second sentences becomes a Majik as soon as creation of the trinket is complete (where <number> is an integer greater than 199).

An trinket existing trinket can be made into a Majik by the Archaeologist. A player who owns a trinket worth more than A$99 can ask in a public message if that trinket is special (and providing an integer greater than 199). If the Archaeologist replies publicly "This trinket is Majik. It is sapphire bullet of pure love number <number>" (<number> being the number given by owner) then the two sentences above from the Archeologist get added to the start of the description and the trinket becomes a Majik.

Majiks are no longer trinkets but keep the value, name and description (or amended description) they had when trinkets.

If Aliens have failed to capture a rule for three weeks in a row, then the sapphire bullet numbers are looked at. The most recent, still existing Majik that has the same number as that of a rule which exists is considered. The rule with that number is abducted. The effects of the rule abduction will then follow from the rule called "The Sinister Alien Abduction Act".

A Majik becomes a simple trinket again (with the same value name and description as that of the Majik) if any of following three events take place:
1. The player who created (and still owns) a Majik publicly says "<Majik's name> looks like a snake to me."
2. The Aliens abduct a rule with number identical to that of a Majik's sapphire bullet number.
3. The player who created a Majik becomes an Undead.

Once a Majik becomes a trinket again, it is automatically destroyed, following the rules for trinkets.

Proposal 2072 - Wed, 11 Jun 1997 23:55:36 -0500
Rasputin the Mad Monk is my Cat!
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Made harfy by Vynd at Sat, 14 Jun 1997 01:23:53 -0400 (EDT)
Decision: Rejected

Amend Rule 1399 from (delimited by ~):

United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama Haiti, Jamaica, Peru Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribbean Greenland, El Salvador too. Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, the Honduras, Guyana and still Paraguay, Urugay Peru and Belize Ecuador, Chile, Brazil!

to read (delimited by ~):

United States: Canada, I don't know how to say this... We're out of trees. Get out.

{ I will pay you in cudgels. You shall be a woodmonger, and buy nothing of me but cudgels. [William Shakespeare, King Henry V, Act 5, Scene 1, Line 58] }

Proposal 2073 - Thu, 12 Jun 1997 00:01:42 -0500
The Crazy Doctor Frankenstein is also my Cat!
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Amend the following to the end of Rule 210 (delimited by BAZOOKA):

Artist: Kurt Vonnegut
Artist: Homer, author of the Iliad
Artist: Mark Twain
Artist: H.P. Lovecraft
Artist: Edgar Allen Poe

{ 'I am Sir Oracle, And when I ope my lips, let no dog bark!' [William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act 1, Scene 1, Lines 93-94] }

Proposal 2074 - Thu, 12 Jun 1997 00:37:48 -0500
Voting Laziness
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Append the following immediately after the first paragraph of Rule 106 (delimited by AVOCADO):


A Voting Player (hereafter referred to as Player A) may authorize another Voting Player (hereafter referred to as their Proxy) to vote in their stead, provided that Player A has no default vote specified. To do this, Player A must send a message to the Tabulator stating who will be their Proxy. A Voting Player may cease to authorize another Voting Player from voting in their stead. To do this, a Voting Player must send a message to the Tabulator stating that they no longer want a Proxy.

A Voting Player may specify a default vote, provided that they have no Proxy. To do this, a Voting Player must send a message to the Tabulator stating what their default vote will be. Their options are YES, NO, and PRESENT. A Voting Player may cease to have a default vote by sending a message to the Tabulator stating that they no longer want a default vote.

At the instant before the end of the voting period of a proposal (hereafter referred to as Proposal A), if any Voting Player has specified a default vote, or if any Voting Player has a Proxy, then the following sequence of events takes place in the instant prior to the end of the voting period of Proposal A(delimited by ~):

1. All Voting Players that have specified default votes, AND have not already cast a vote on Proposal A, will cast a vote on Proposal A corresponding to the default vote they have specified. (ie if a player's default vote is PRESENT, and they haven't already voted on the proposal, they will cast a present vote on it)
2. All Voting Players that have not cast a vote on Proposal A, and have a Proxy, will cast a vote identical to the vote cast by their Proxy (if their Proxy cast a vote) on Proposal A. If a player's Proxy has abstained, than that player will cast a PRESENT vote on Proposal A.

Proposal 2075 - Thu, 12 Jun 1997 10:33:11 -0500
The Crying Towel
Techno (Jerome Herrman)
Decision: Rejected

I was young and foolish then, I am old and foolish now...

Any player wasting bandwidth by posting public messages crying or complaining about the same thing for more than three(3) days can have the Crying Towel thrown at them. Any player, who feels that the Crying Towel is deserved by another player acting like a crybaby, may throw the Crying Towel. The player throwing the Crying Towel must include comments giving reason(s) for throwing the Crying Towel. The player having the Crying Towel thrown at them must make a public apology for wasting bandwidth, and for being a crybaby. If the crybaby makes this public apology within two(2) days of having the Crying Towel thrown at them, his/her score shall remain unchanged. If the crybaby fails to issue the public apology, his/her score shall be reduced by 10 points, pay a fine of A$10.00, and sit in the crybaby corner for a period of one day. While sitting in the corner, the crybaby shall not be allowed to vote for the day they are in the corner. The player throwing the Crying Towel shall recieve 10 points if, and only if, the crybaby fails to issue the public apology. If the public apology is issued, the thrower of the Crying Towel shall receive nothing. If the crybaby has more than one Crying Towel thrown at them on the same day, the penalties for failure to issue the public apology shall be multiplied by the number of Crying Towels thrown at him/her.

Proposal 2076 - Thu, 12 Jun 1997 10:33:12 -0500
Is the flea always right?
Techno (Jerome Herrman)
Decision: Rejected

I was young and foolish then, I am old and foolish now...

There shall be an entity known as The Titanium Tick. The Titanium Tick is very street wise, and the wisdom he imparts is not so profound or worldly as Phoebe's, and his wisdom often contradicts Phoebe's wisdom.

The tick shall be randomly found by a player of Ackanomic 3 days after the most recent finding of Phoebe. The player finding the tick must publish the ticks wisdom within 3 days of the posting of Phoebe's wisdom, but not before. If Phoebe's wisdom is not posted within the specified time that her wisdom should be posted, the finder of the tick shall recieve 5 points and not be required to post the ticks wisdom. If Phoebe's wisdom is not posted within the specified time, the tick takes this as a failure of Phoebe herself, and not the player she was supposed to impart her wisdom upon, and the tick may decide to taunt Phoebe. The player that found the tick, may post this taunting with no concern of retaliation, before the 3 days after Phoebe has been found again expire.

The tick sometimes gets hungry, and needs to eat. If at anytime the holder of the magic potato also finds the tick, the tick will eat the magic potato, thus destroying it, unless that player also holds an amber banana. If the player that has the magic potato when e finds the tick also has an amber banana, the tick will eat the amber banana instead, as he prefers them over the magic potato.

Proposal 2077 - Thu, 12 Jun 1997 16:01:54 -0500
The Other Extreme
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: Accepted

{{[ Just to do a complete turnabout from my previous stand, I've now come to feel that the people who've won cycles are actually less likely to want to win the Cycle by points, so why handicap them? ]}}

{{The scores of all players with Victory Eggplants are increased by the negative of their Eggplant Weight. Then all Victory Eggplants are destroyed.}}

Amend Rule 207.2, "Keep 'Em In The Game", by deleting the sentences "These score changes do not apply to the owner of a Victory Eggplant. A Victory Eggplant is destroyed if its owner has a non-negative score."

Amend Rule 252, "Joining the Game", by deleting the sentences "Otherwise, his score is -15N, where N is the number of cycles he has won. If this causes his score to be negative, he is given a Victory Eggplant, and his Eggplant Weight is set to -15N, where N is defined as above." from section V.3)

Amend Rule 620, "Chartreuse Goose", by deleting from clause 4) the sentence "For the purposes of this section, a player's adjusted score is their score minus their Eggplant Weight.", and, in that same clause, replacing the words "adjusted score" with the word "score".

Amend Rule 666, "End of Cycle", as follows:

Change clause b) to read "b) All Chartreuse Goose Eggs and Right-Handed Grapefruit are destroyed."

Change clause f) to read "f) Each Player is awarded A$ equal to his point total."

Change clause h) to read "h) Each player's score is set to zero."

Change clause i) to read "i) Bond payments are reinstituted, as if all players' scores were zero at the end of the previous bond cycle."

Amend Rule 904, "The Anti-Gumball", by replacing the sequence of words "In addition, e receives a Victory Eggplant and suffers a -10 point penalty" with "In addition, e suffers a -10 point penalty".

Proposal 2078 - Thu, 12 Jun 1997 16:29:13 -0500
Secret Masters of The Universe
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a new rule, numbered 430, with the title "The Librarian", and text as follows(delimited by SMOTU):


The optional functional Office of Librarian exists.

The purpose of the Librarian is to keep track of Literature. It is a Duty of the Librarian to verify that any quotation submitted as part of a proposal is accurate, as well as its citation, and, as a Privilege, e may retract some or all of the point bonus specified in Rule 210, "Literature", depending on how inaccurate the quotation or citation is.

Additional Duties and Privileges of the Librarian concern the Literature list itself. A Librarian may add or remove entries from the list by stating publicly that e is doing so. Other players may also request of the Librarian, publicly or privately, that an entry be added to or removed from the list, without having to submit a Proposal; such changes are only made at the discretion of the Librarian. If changes are made to the Literature list by means of a Proposal during a particular Librarian's term, that Librarian may not undo any of the effects of that proposal until at least two weeks have passed.

Other players may object to the addition or deletion of an entry, and if more than two players do so, then a Hearing is called, with the valid responses being "The Librarian knows what e is doing" and "No! Keep our Library the way it is!" If the response of the Hearing is "The Librarian knows what e is doing", then the changes to the Literature list stand; if the response is "No! Keep our Library the way it is!", then the Librarian is fined A$10. After the third such fine, the Librarian is automatically impeached.

It is also the Librarian's Duty to find copies of works on the Literature list to use as reference. If copies are found online, then the Librarian shall maintain a Web page with links to these online works. If there are no online copies of a work on the Literature list, or a work that e has been requested to add to the list, then this is a good basis for removing said entry or refusing to add it, unless an offline copy of the work can be easily obtained and consulted by the Librarian.

The Librarian receives, as a Privilege, a salary of A$25 per month.


Also, amend Rule 840, "Library", to read as follows(delimited by LIBRIS):


The Library is a classy building where copies of all legal documents and works of Literature are kept. It is a Common Location. The Librarian, if such a person exists(otherwise, the Historian, or failing that, the Speaker)is in charge of the Library. It may not be destroyed or reduced in size to less than what it is originally(classy).


Proposal 2079 - Thu, 12 Jun 1997 21:14:28 -0500
Hmmm, Sounds Finnish to Me
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: Accepted

{{ First, take all Runestone of Jukkasjarvi Fragments that are not owned by currently active players, and disperse them randomly amongst the currently active non-vacationing players.

Second, create a Jukkasjarvi Mind Control Laser, and assign that randomly to a currently active non-vacationing player who did not receive a Runestone of Jukkasjarvi according to the first part of this rule. }}

Proposal 2080 - Fri, 13 Jun 1997 13:15:32 -0500
Secret Masters of The Universe II
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule, numbered 430, with the title "The Librarian", and text as follows(delimited by SMOTU):


The optional political Office of Librarian exists.

The purpose of the Librarian is to keep track of Literature. It is a Duty of the Librarian to verify that any quotation submitted as part of a proposal is accurate, as well as its citation, and, as a Privilege, e may negate some or all of the point bonus specified in Rule 210, "Literature"(depending on how inaccurate the quotation or citation is), within seven days of the passage of any proposal that receives such a bonus.

Additional Duties and Privileges of the Librarian concern the Literature list itself. A Librarian may add or remove entries from the list by stating publicly that e is doing so. A total of five additions or removals can be made per week. Other players may also request of the Librarian, publicly or privately, that an entry be added to or removed from the list, without having to submit a Proposal; such changes are only made at the discretion of the Librarian. If changes are made to the Literature list by means of a Proposal during a particular Librarian's term, that Librarian may not undo any of the effects of that proposal until at least two weeks have passed.

If a player objects publicly to the addition or deletion of an entry within three days of its announcement, then a Hearing is called, with the valid responses being "The Librarian knows what e is doing" and "No! Keep our Library the way it is!" If the response of the Hearing is "The Librarian knows what e is doing", then the changes to the Literature list stand; if the response is "No! Keep our Library the way it is!", then the Librarian is fined A$10. After the third such fine, the Librarian is automatically impeached. The Speaker, President or Senate may also veto any changes in the Literature list within three days of its announcement. Such action should be accompanied by a brief explanation as to why.

It is also the Librarian's Duty to find copies of works on the Literature list to use as reference. If copies are found online, then the Librarian shall maintain a Web page with links to these online works. If there are no online copies of a work on the Literature list, or a work that e has been requested to add to the list, then this is a good basis for removing said entry or refusing to add it, unless an offline copy of the work can be easily obtained and consulted by the Librarian.

The Librarian receives, as a Privilege, a salary of A$25 per month.


Also, amend Rule 840, "Library", to read as follows(delimited by LIBRIS):


The Library is a classy building where copies of all legal documents and works of Literature are kept. It is a Common Location. The Librarian, if such a person exists(otherwise, the Historian, or failing that, the Speaker)is in charge of the Library. It may not be destroyed or reduced in size to less than what it is originally(classy).


Finally, make the following changes to Rule 210, "Literature":

Add to the end of section I.A) the sentence "The source of the quotation must be in the Literature list both when the Proposal was submitted and when its voting results are publicly posted."

Proposal 2081 - Fri, 13 Jun 1997 22:57:58 -0500
Probabilistic Justice
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

In Rule 710, replace the text (delimited by BISON):

7a) Upon a verdict of TRUE, the judge may retain or alter the recommended penalty. The result will become the actual penalty. This will be imposed following a 3 day "grace period".

with the following text (delimited by MONGOOSE):

7a) Upon a verdict of TRUE, the judge may retain or alter the recommended penalty. The result will become the actual penalty. A random integer between 1 and 196 (inclusive) will be chosen. If the integer 57 was selected, the actual penalty will be altered to a DEDUCTION of 0 points (which cannot be further altered by the judge). This will be imposed following a 3 day "grace period".

Proposal 2082 - Fri, 13 Jun 1997 23:10:04 -0500
Follow Vito's Lead
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

In Rule 1060, insert the following text (delimited by PERU):

12. It is considered good form for the Godfather to say "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse".


one line below the paragraph beginning with the text (delimited by ") "11. When".

Proposal 2083 - Fri, 13 Jun 1997 23:25:11 -0500
Burning Down the House
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

In Rule 1305, insert the following text (delimited by RICOTTA):

If a player follows the procedure outlined above (and therefore would not normally get burned), a random integer between 42 and 57 (inclusive) is chosen. If the integer 50 is selected, then the player has committed some esoteric heresy against eir church, and e gets burned anyway. Within 5 days of this event some other member of the heretic's Church must publicly describe the heresy committed, or every member of eir Church will be burned as witches.


one line below the paragraph ending with the text (delimited by ") "e gets burned anyway."

Proposal 2084 - Fri, 13 Jun 1997 23:31:20 -0500
Cruel Fate
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

In Rule 1315, append the following text (delimited by CASABLANCA) at the end of the rule:

If, at the end of the 27 hours, the player has remained silent, then a random integer between 1 and 17 is chosen. If the integer 5 is selected, then the player is burned as a witch, due to a mysterious quirk of fate. The priest that granted the SOS loses 3 points if this quirk of fate occurs.

Proposal 2085 - Fri, 13 Jun 1997 23:49:27 -0500
Modifying the Senate
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: retracted by author

In Rule 411, replace every occurrence of the string (delimited by quotation marks) "Speaker" with the string (delimited by quotation marks) "Praetor".

{{[ This makes the Praetor the head of the Senate, which only really matters when there is a tie vote in the Senate. I'd prefer not to have a Functional office as the head of a political group. ]}}

Append the following text (delimited by TARANTULA) to the end of Rule 411:

At all times there must be one member of the Senate in charge of publicly reporting decisions made by the Senate. This Senator holds the title of Senate PR Guy. If there comes a time when no Senator is the Senate PR Guy, the Senate must elect (by majority vote) someone to fill this position. If the position remains unfilled for 5 days, a Senator is randomly chosen to bear the title.

Proposal 2086 - Fri, 13 Jun 1997 23:58:33 -0500
We Shall Inherit The World!
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{renumber to 938 [so it's harder to find]}}

The Ambassador must seek all nomics that contain the letters 'h', 'a', 'r' and 'f' in their name. It will then be his job to organize an assault on those nomics until they are captured. The Ambassador will gain 40 points for every such nomic captured. Players assisting the Ambassador will gain 20 points for aiding in the successful capture of a nomic (as acknowledged by the ambassador).

A nomic is considered captured if it recognizes our president as their almighty Harf god, the supreme deity.

Proposal 2087 - Sat, 14 Jun 1997 00:13:42 -0500
I don't know art, but I know what I like
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Create a rule entitled (title delimited by ") "Ad Hoc Committee on the matter of Fine Art" with the following text (delimited by RODENT):

An Ad Hoc Committee on the matter of Fine Art is empowered to nominate 4 players for the Silver Moon Award, following the criteria outlined in Rule 670. An Ad Hoc Committee on the matter of Fine Art may only be called by a rule.

In Rule 670, replace the text delimited by HAT with the text delimited by CAR.

1) Upon the end of a cycle which exceeded 30 days in length, or as otherwise directed by the rules, The "Commission d'Arts" (Commission) shall begin session, which shall last for 7 days. The Senators shall be the Commissioners, thus composing this body. Exception: No Commission shall be started if it has been less than 60 days since any previous one has been started.

1) Upon the end of a cycle which exceeded 30 days in length, or as otherwise directed by the rules, an Ad Hoc Committee on the matter of Fine Art (also referred to as The "Commission d'Arts", or the Commission) shall be called. Exception: The Commission shall not be called if it has been less than 60 days since any previous one has been called.

In Rule 670, replace the text delimited by TRUCK with the text delimited by PORT.

At the end of the session, the Commission shall produce

The Commission shall produce

In Rule 670, replace the text delimited by HOCKEY with the text delimited by PUCK.

4) If the Commission fails to produce the report in within the constraints of this rule, each Senator is placed in Contempt.

4) If the Commission fails to produce the report within the constraints of this rule, or if the Commission has not produced the report within 4 days since it was called, then after a 4 day grace period (to allow the members of the Commission to dwell on what they have done) every member of the Commission will be burned as a witch and have their score reduced by 2 points.

Proposal 2088 - Sat, 14 Jun 1997 00:34:50 -0500
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

{{renumber to 1308}}

The Yor-Delegate in the Synod will, on his first day on the job, name the deity that will be prevalent during his time as Yor-Delegate. It should be a Deity that has rationale in Acka.

Every public message from the Senate or the Supreme Court must contain "<deity's name> bless Acka", where <deity's name> is the current Deity prevalent. Justices or Senators who make public message on behalf of the Supreme Court or the Senate without such a sentence will be considered Heretics and must pay A$10 to the Yor-Delegate's Church.

Proposal 2089 - Sat, 14 Jun 1997 00:34:50 -0500
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{renumber to 1306}}

If the property of a player is damaged by tornado, flood, lightning or acts defined as acts of god, then that player may stir up public sentiment against the Heretics who have brought this terrible disaster on Acka.

A hearing will be made, valid responses being "Aye, of what used to be I blame you" or "Nay, we will kiss the girl from Venus for science".

If the verdict is "Aye, of what used to be I blame you", then the Heretics must each pay A$50 damages to the person who stirred up sentiment against them.

Proposal 2090 - Sat, 14 Jun 1997 00:34:51 -0500
Probabilistic Justice
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

Add the text delimited by EGYPT to the end of Rule 207.2

If a player achieves a score of exactly 57, their score is changed to 42.
If a player achieves a score of exactly 5, their score is changed to 137.
If a player achieves a score of exactly 196, their score is changed to 257.

Proposal 2091 - Sat, 14 Jun 1997 00:43:58 -0500
Pardons Can Be Fickle
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

In Rule 711, replace the text delimited by EDGAR with the text delimited by ALLEN.

If there is no President, the President is on vacation, or the President does not act on the AFP within 3 days, the AFP is considered DENYed.

If there is no President, the President is on vacation, or the President does not act on the AFP within 3 days, the AFP is considered DENYed. Once the AFP has been GRANTed or DENYed, a random integer between 1 and 100 is chosen. If the integer 42 is chosen, and the AFP was GRANTed, then the AFP is changed to DENYed. If the integer 57 is chosen, and the AFP was DENYed, then the AFP is changed to GRANTed.

Proposal 2092 - Sat, 14 Jun 1997 00:53:04 -0500
They Might Be More Entities
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Change the title of Rule 917 from (titles delimited by ") "Rock" to "Rocks, Walls, and Facial Hair"

Change the text of Rule 917 from the text delimited by TREE to the text delimited by POPE.

There exists a type of entity called A Rock To Wind A String Around (henceforth known as rock). Rocks may be manipulated by vending machines, should such things exist. Rocks are Tradeable.

There exists a type of entity called A Rock To Wind A String Around.
There exists a type of entity called A Wall Of Trombones.
There exists a type of entity called Santa's Beard.
All of the above entities may be manipulated by vending machines, should such things exist. All of the above entities are Tradeable.

Proposal 2093 - Sat, 14 Jun 1997 00:56:11 -0500
A Train, You See, If Fun To See
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Acka will now have a train. The train guy will be youngest player in the game. Everytime the train guy sends a public message that contains "I've never seen a train like this before but then again there's never been a train like this before like Mrs. Train", then the first person to be the one to declare "I want to be next in line to see Mrs. Train" after the train guy's message will gain redemption and no lonfer be considered a Heretic.

Proposal 2094 - Sat, 14 Jun 1997 00:56:12 -0500
Destination Moon
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Acka will now have a space program. All scientist must work to find a moon and land a player on it. Moons are objects in the Universe but not on either side of Acka, and defined as such by the rules. Landing on a moon is a restricted activity which requires a spaceship. Spaceships can only be built as permitted by the rules.

A spaceship launch must be announced by a public messsage starting with "COMMENCE OFFICIAL INTERPLANETARY EXPLORATION".

Proposal 2095 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:08 -0500 Work (or reducing a little bit of it)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[Gist: this proposal replacess the existing Ad Hoc committee selection criteria with a simple random selection. I ask the voters, any of which may be in the position to do this work someday, to list all the valid players for each criteria. Sure, someone could sift through the ftp archives, and the rules to see which entities are unique, etc, but that just isn't fun. It is also not possible for someone who has e-mail only access to the 'net, and one of the 3 premises of Acka is that it is playable by such a person. As Mohammed has said, lets reduce the tedious bookkeeping in this game. Moreover, a simple random selection over our population size will adhere to the *intent* of the rule as written now, by providing players with diverse backgrounds, interests, and styles of play.

I realise it takes some of the color out of the rule, but we all have limited time, and these are the tradeoffs that have to be sought out sometimes. There is a limited capacity for work from the people in the game who are willing to do it, so this capacity has to be taken from this rule, and used on something more interesting than player selections. I'd much rather develop some fun stuff than do this sort of stuff, quite frankly.

People sometimes ask me why I vote NO so much. The first thing I look at in a proposal is 'how much more work does this create?', and has its author considered this, provided for it, and does the work pay off at least 1 to 1 in fun.

Sorry for the length of this, but it has been on my mind as people keep proposing stuff that creates more work, and at the same time proposes reductions in the privileges of the offices that are doing this work.

I'm happy that proposal 2008 ("Salary Cap") was rejected, and would appreciate it if Acka rejected proposal 2085 ("Modifying the Senate") for the same reasons, as discussed previously in public. It makes sense that the offices that do work are *desirable*. I hope people are lining up to do some harfer jobs when /dev/joe leaves. I cannot do any of them.]}}


This is a Modest proposal.

Amend rule 1080, "Ad Hoc Committees", to read:

1. An Ad Hoc Committee (Committee) can be called in any of the following ways:

a. By other rules.
b. By any player, as a public action, posting a call for one, provided at least 5 additional players publically endorse this call within 3 days.
c. This section defers to any rule which empower a Committee with regards to the procedures that are considered to valid calls only for the specific type of Committee which is empowered by that rule.
d. The decision of any Committee has no effect on the game state except where the rules say it does.

2. The call must specify the matter on which the Committee is to be called, and the specific case this matter pertains to. If a call to a Committee specifies a matter, and no rule empowers a Committee for such a matter, or another Committee has already been called on the same specific case in the same calendar month, then the call is void (except when this occurs as a result of section 5 of this rule).

3. When an Committee has been legally called it shall initially be composed of 7 different randomly selected, active, voting players. If that is not possible, the Committee call is voided.

4. Players may, as a public action, resign from a Committee within 3 days of being selected to one. If such resignation occurs within 3 days of the formation of the Committee, and the Committee is still in session, then another active, voting player who has not been on this particular Committee is randomly selected to take their place, if such a player exists.

5. Once a Committee has been formed it has 7 days to post its decision on the matter in question. It is a Crime for a player to falsely represent the decision of a Committee. If a Committee fails to reach a decision in 7 days, or reaches 0 members before it reaches a decision, all of its members are held in Contempt, it is dissolved, and another one is called on the specific matter in question. {{[the problem with the majority vote method of the old version is it severly limits what a Committee can do, ie choose amongst 2 a priori specified alternatives (well, its possible for one of a set of many to receive a majority, but not a good idea to force it to be that way). For example, proposal 2087 will break Commission d'Arts without this change, because the procedural guidelines layed out for Committes by the current rule 1080 do not give them the flexibility that proposal 2087 would demand]}}.

6. Once a Committee has posted its decision, it dissolves.

7. The decision of the Committee is binding to the specific case on which it has decided. A decision made by a Committee can be overturned as described in the rules.


{{[existing text:

1. An ad hoc committee can be called in one of the following ways:
a. By a rule
b. By any Institution which is session provided the President approves within three days of the Institution's anouncement that it is calling for an ad hoc committee.
c. By any player posting a public message to that effect, provided at least 5 additional players publically support this call within three days. d. This section defers to any rule which empower an Ad Hoc Comittee with regards to the procedures that are considered to valid calls only for the specific type of comittee which is empowered by that rule.

2. Regardless of who makes the original call, the call must specify the matter on which the committee is to be called, and the specific case this matter pertains to. If a call to an ad hoc calls specifies a matter, and there exists no rules that empowers an ad hoc committee for such a matter, then the call is void and is ignored. If a comittee is called on a specific case on which another comittee has already been called in the same calnder month, then the call is void and is ignored.

3. When an ad hoc committee has been legally called for it shall be constructed according to the following criteria:

a. One player shall be randomly selected from among active players who are or have been Presidents.
b. One player shall be selected randomly from among the Swingers, excluding Capital Swingers.
c. One player shall be selected randomly from among the active players who are Bronze Torch holders.
d. One player shall be selected randomly from among the players who won past cycles of Ackanomic.
e. One player shall be selected randomly from among the players who own or posses unique entities.
f. One player shall be selected randomly from the players who have less than A$100 or a non-positive number of points.
g. If the specified matter deals with extra nomic relations or entities, then one player shall be appointed by the Ambassador.
h. One player shall be selected randomly from among the active players, who fit none of the above criteria, if such players exist.
i. Up to two additional players may be selected according to criteria defined by the rule empowering the specific ad hoc committee.

Once a player has been selected for a given comitte according to two of the above criteria e is no longer eligible to be selected to the same committee by other criteria. Players may decline to be on an ad hoc committee. If at the end of this process there are fewer than five members in the committee, then additional players are appointed to replace the ones that have declined until the committee has been filled. If possible, they should be selected according to criteria that are not filled by the members of the ad hoc committee. If the committee still has fewer than five members, than Senators and President are added to the committee by alphabetical order of their Ackanomic names, until the committee has five members.

4. Once a committee has been appointed it has seven days in which to post its decision. In its consideration it must follow the rules which empower that specific committee. All ad hoc committee decision are voted on by all members of the committee the outcome is determined according to a simple majority rule. If any members go on Vacation before he committee posted its decisions, they are not replaced by other players. If they voted before they went on Vacation, then their votes are counted, otherwise, they are considered to have abstained. In case of a tie, the President breaks the tie.

5. Once a committee has posted its decision, it dissolves. Each member of the committee receives A$25 from the Treasury, as compensation for eir trouble, unless they indicate a favorite charity, in which case the money is transferred to that charity instead.

6. If a comittee has been called on a matter, and there already exists a comittee that has been called on the same matter, then the Speaker has the privilege to decide that the existing comittee will decide on the new case as well. In such a case the Comittee dissolves when it has posted its decisions on all cases assigned to it. Members of the Comittee have the option to decline the new case. If the number of members left on the Comittee from below five, then the Speaker shall appoint new members according to the procedure described in section 3 of this rule.

In any case the decision of the Comittee is binding to the specific case on which it has decided. A decision made by an Ad Hoc Comittee can be overturned according to the rule which empower the that Ad Hoc Comittee.

Proposal 2096 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:10 -0500
Wibble Revisited (or viva McSpong)
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

All proposals which are made by the Harfmeister must include an approved silly word. The approved list of silly words is as follows: spong, wibble, ni!, pheeeeew, zopzop, boing, banana, squawk, thatcher, yeenewkleorrrrmeeesseilllllee.

[Original Author: Julian Richardson aka Dr McSpong, Proposal 357]

Proposal 2097 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:11 -0500
Munchkin Haven all over again
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Upon the passing of this proposal, any party whose name (delimited by ") is "(None Yet)" will automatically have its party name changed to (delimited by ") "Munchkin Haven". This name may not be changed.

[Original Author: Julian Richardson aka Dr McSpong, Proposal 538]

Proposal 2098 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:11 -0500
Revenge of Life, the Universe, and Everything
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

If at any time this rule's number is not 42, this rule changes its number to 42. This rule takes precedence over any other rule which would try to set or change this rule's number.

[Original Author: Joseph DeVincentis aka devjoe, Proposal 582] {{Add 5 points to /dev/joe's score}}

Proposal 2099 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:12 -0500
Return of Looky at the new tour hats
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Each player is hereby required to choose what they want their ackanomic hat to look like. They must then write a 25 line description of their hat, telling what it looks like and why they chose that design for it. Messages describing the players hat must be sent to the Registrar, who will compile a huge list of everyone's hat descriptions, and then make that list available for any player to see, in conjunction with the Web-Harfer.

[Original Author: Paul Swan aka chess piece face, Proposal 598]

Proposal 2100 - Sun, 15 Jun 1997 03:00:12 -0500
Amend 306 (actually, we'll be amending Rule 901)
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

Amend Rule 901 by adding the following sentences (delimited by ") to the end of the first paragraph:

"In addition, the player holding the Magic Potato may change his score to any whole number that will factor into 106,842 by announcing publicly that he has done so. This score change shall only be valid during the week said player holds the Magic Potato. When a player releases the Magic Potato his score will revert to it's previous value."

[Original Author: Phil Ackley aka snowgod, Proposal 605] {{Add 5 points to Mr Lunatic Fringe's score}}