Proposal 1251 - Wed Sep 18 10:52:01 EDT 1996
Creative Cranium Copyright
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected
Amend R818 to include the following text between the existing first and second paragraphs:

Prosthetic Foreheads are unique. No two Prosthetic Foreheads are identical, nor for that matter are any two Prosthetic Foreheads substantially similar. Whenever a player describes a Prosthetic Forehead as a condition of buying it from the Treasury, any player who feels the recently purchased Prosthetic Forehead bears too great a resemblance to a previously existing Prosthetic Forehead may summon a Forehead Tribunal within three days of the offending Prosthetic Forehead's purchase. A single Prosthetic Forehead may be subjected to only one Forehead Tribunal; only the first call for a Forehead Tribunal on any given Prosthetic Forehead shall be considered valid.

Once a Forehead Tribunal has been summoned, each player may send exactly one vote to the Assistant Tabulator during the next three days. Votes may take the form of, "Yes, 'is toppy's a copy," or "No, 'is peak's unique." If more than half of the votes cast are "Yes, 'is toppy's a copy," the offending Prosthetic Forehead is destroyed and the player who described it loses two points. Otherwise, the player who called the Forehead Tribunal forfeits 5 A$ to the Treasury.

Proposal 1252 - Wed Sep 18 11:20:59 EDT 1996
Bomb Shelter
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R 973 to add the following at the end of the rule:

III. Bomb Shelter

The President may build a Bomb Shelter for the community. In addition to any other requirements of this rule to do so, however, the President must also pay A$500 in construction costs, or it will not be built. Any Bomb Shelter is destroyed 7 days after it is built by a rare species of acidic mold.

Proposal 1253 - Wed Sep 18 11:21:13 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule which reads:

"A Tornado shall sweep though Acka at the time of the Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice, Vernal Equinox, and Autumnal Equinox. All Tornadoes are Protected.

Whenever a Tornado sweeps through Acka, the scores of all non-Sheltered players shall be randomly reassigned among the non-Sheltered players. In other words, the score of each non-Sheltered player is placed in a pool, all non-Sheltered player's scores are set to 0, a random score is chosen from the above pool, without replacement, and added to the score of a randomly chosen (without replacement) non-Sheltered player, until the pool is exausted. ("without replacement" means the randomly chosen entity may not be re-chosen for the duration of a single instance of this process, once it has been randomly chosen). If there are no non-Sheltered players, the Tornado has no effect. Sheltered players are unaffected, in any case.

The Officer in charge of random things is responsible for carrying out this procedure, when the Rules call for it to occur.

Players in the Ackanomic Afterlife and Gaol are Sheltered. If a Bomb Shelter exists, all players are Sheltered, regardless of their Location.

A Bomb Shelter may only be created by methods specified in the Rules. Players may only become Sheltered by methods specified in the Rules.

The Rules may specify other ways or times that a Tornado sweeps through Acka.

{{all players become non-Sheltered. All Bomb Shelters are destroyed.}}"

Proposal 1254 - Wed Sep 18 23:37:28 EDT 1996
Sanity in triggered scoring
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 1089.2 by adding the following sentence to the end of section 3a:

All score changes due to a single event occur simultaneously.

Proposal 1255 - Wed Sep 18 23:37:41 EDT 1996
No Double Jepoardy
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Add the following to the end of Rule 710:

9) No more than one CFCJ may be brought against a single player for a single instance of allegedly breaking the Rules. No one may be tried more than once for the same alleged instance of violating the Rules (an appeal is considered a continuation of the original trial).

Proposal 1256 - Thu Sep 19 12:04:22 EDT 1996
Possessions of the Parties
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Rejected

Amend Rule 542 to include the following as its third paragraph:

Political Parties are permitted to possess Entities and manipulate them as defined in the Rules. This Rule takes precendance over all rules which would prohibit Political Parties from possessing Entities.

Proposal 1257 - Thu Sep 19 12:05:09 EDT 1996
Refund I
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Rejected

If a Political Party attains a Unity vote on a proposal and aforementioned Proposal fails, A$100 shall be transferred from the Treasury to the Political Party.

Proposal 1258 - Thu Sep 19 12:05:28 EDT 1996
Refund II
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Rejected

If a Political Party attains a Unity vote on a Proposal and aforementioned Proposal passes, A$50 shall be transferred from the Treasury to the Political Party.

Proposal 1259 - Thu Sep 19 12:06:18 EDT 1996
No Monopoly
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Rejected

{{If a player possesses more than 80 of eir own PFBonds, that player will transfer 20 of eir own PFBonds to the Underworld Party}}

Proposal 1260 - Thu Sep 19 12:06:47 EDT 1996
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Made harfy by Guy Fawkes at Sun, 22 Sep 1996 21:43:21 -0500 (CDT)
Decision: Rejected

There exists a type of ackanomic entities known as trains, which cannot be owned or controlled except as described in the rules. A train allows players to travel from one location to another when tsaid locations are not connected by roads.

Trains will not serve buildings which are located on roads. Until such time as this rule is ammended to state otherwise, there are two train lines serving Ackanomic (The Great Northern and the Little Engine That Could). The Great Northern serves all areas to the north of Yellow Roosevelt Avenue. The Little Engine That Could serves all areas to the south of Yellow Roosevelt Avenue. Neither line serves any building that resides on Yellow Rooosevelt avenue.

If a player wishes to switch from one train line to another, or to take a train from north of Yellow Roosevelt Avenue to a location south of Yellow Roosevelt Avenue they must cross Yellow Roosevelt Avenue on foot and board another train on the opposite side.

Whenever two trains approach each other from opposite directions, each must stop and neither may resume travel until the other has fully passed.

Proposal 1261 - Thu Sep 19 18:05:06 EDT 1996
Patent Infringement
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Rejected

The following actions shall be taken:


A new Rule shall be created with the title "Patent Infringement" and the following text:

If there is a type of Ackanomic Entity whose creation or existance is specified by a Rule or Rules, and yet a Player possesses an Entity of that type whose creation or existance was made possible solely by the Rule "Permissibility of the Unprohibited," that Player shall be Guilty of Patent Infringement, unless that Entity is any type of Frog.

When a Player becomes Guilty of Patent Infringement they shall:

1) deliver the item described in the preceeding paragraph to the Gaoloer, to be placed in the Gaol's Evidence Room.
2) obtain a Prosthetic Forehead in accordance with the Rules, and present it to the Inventor, as a symbolic apology to the intellectual community.
3) be said to be Guilty of Patent Infringement until an Appeal For Pardon is GRANTed them by the President.


R711 (Appeal for Pardon) shall be amended in the following ways:

Clause 2 shall read: The player has had a verdict of TRUE reached against them within the past 3 days on a CFCJ, OR the player is in the Gaol, OR the player is Guilty of Patent Infringement.

The final paragraph shall read: If the AFP is GRANTed, the penalty from the most recent CFCJ against the player is waived, and/or the player is immediately released from the Gaol, if they are in the Gaol, or the player will no longer be said to be Guilty of Patent Infringement.


R709 (Gaol) shall be amended by inserting the following paragraph between the the current first and second paragraphs:

The Gaol has an Evidence Room that is a Location unlimited in capacity. The Gaoler shall place items in the Evidence Room as directed by the Rules. Items in the Evidence Room belong to no Player. Items in the Evidence Room may not be manipulated in any way except as explicitly permitted by the Rules. This paragraph takes precedence over R665 (Treasury and Hard Money) insofar as it is necessary to prevent the unowned items from being placed in the Treasury.

Proposal 1262 - Thu Sep 19 18:05:33 EDT 1996
Free Forehead Money
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Rejected

{{Any player who is wearing a Prosthetic Forehead which e did not create shall recieve A$100 from the Treasury. [We need to free up some of that money rotting in the Treasury.]}}

Proposal 1263 - Fri Sep 20 11:15:06 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

1. Any player who feels offended by another player, or is engaged in a heated discussion with another player, may challenge that player to a duel, subject to the limitations described below.

2. The procedure for challenging is as follows:
The Challenging player finds another players who agrees to be eir Second. The Challenger gives eir Second the name of the player e wishes to Challenge, and the reason for the Challenge. The Second posts a public message, which anounces the name of the Challenging player, the name of the Challenged player, the reason for the Challenge, and the fact that a Challenge has been made.
The Chalenged player has four days to find a player who agrees to be eir Second and have the Second respond to the message publically. The message should contain the following information: The fact that that the post is a reply to a Challenge, the Challenge it is a reply to, and a Contest chosen by the Challenged player for the Duel, or an explicit waiver of the privilege of choosing the contest. If there is no response to the Challenge within the four days, or the Challenged player declines the Challenge, then he is considered to have forefeit the Duel. In this case, the Challenged player loses 6 points, and the Challenging player gains 6 points.

The Game or Contest chosen fot the Duel must be one listed on the Games & Contests web page, or must be described in this rule; moreover, it must be playable by two players and have definitive rules for determining a winner.
The Challenged player may explicitly waive the privilege of choosing a Contest, in which case the Challenging player may choose a Contest. However, if the response to the Challenge message includes neither a choice of Contest, nor an explicit message to the effect that the Challenged player has waived the privilege of first choice, then the Challenged player is considered to have forfeit the Duel. In this case e loses 6 points and the Challenging players gains 6 points.

If the Challenged's Player has accepted the Duel, then the President has the duty to anounce that a Duel will be taking place between the Challenged player and the Challenging player who will be competing against each other in the specified Game or Contest, and that the the winner of the Game or Contest will be the winner of the Duel. If the Presidents is invloved in the Duel, then this duty becomes the duty of a Senator whose name comes first in alphaebetical order from among the Senators who are not involved in the Duel.

When the Duel is over, the winner of the Duel receives 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties he may have received as part of the Contest itself. The loser of the Duel loses 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties he may have received as part of the Contest itself. The winner's Second receives 3 points, the loser's Second loses 3 points.

The results of the Duel have no other direct influence over Ackanomic. However if either the Challenger or the Challenged have committed themselves in a public message to a certain action depending on the results of the Duel, then they must perform that action. Should they fail to perform that action, it is the duty of the Second of the other player taking part in the Duel to call CFCJ against that player. Any other player may do so as well.

3. Contests:
A. Limerick Contest:
Each of the participants in the duel writes a limerick about the other participant. The limerick may be silly, funny, and even ridicule the other participant in a good-humored manner, as long as it is not offensive. The limericks no more than five days after the Challenge has been publically anounced. If one of the participants fails to post a limerick, then the other wins by default. Once both limericks have been posted, there is a four-day voting period. During the voting period all Players may send their votes to their tabulator, indicating which limerick is the better one. The participant whose limerick got the most votes, wins the duel. In case of a tie, the participant whose limerick was posted first wins the duel.

B. Boolean tic-tac-toe: {{[I did not invent this one, so save your praises]}}
(i) The game of Boolean tic-tac-toe, heretofore known as Bttt is played on a 3x3 grid labeled in the following manner

a  b  c
d  e  f
g  h  i
(ii) At the begining of the game on participant is randomly chosen to play the role of T, the other participant plays the role of F. The former is known as the T-players, the latter is known as the F-player.
(a) The symbol ! is the NOT symbol.
(b) The follwoing comma-delimited symbols are equivalent to T
(c) The following comma-delimited symbols are equivalent to F
(d) every symbol is equivalent to itself
(iv)Participants alternate turns. The T-player always goes first. The first turn must be played no more than three days after the game has been anounced. Every subsequent play must take place within 3 days of the most recent play. A participant who misses this deadline loses by default.
(v) There are two possible plays Play and Anti-Play.
Play - Participant places eir symbol, in an unoccupied square. A Particiapnt may not any of the equivalents of the symbol. The T-player may only play T, the F-Player may only play F

Anti-Play - An Anti-Play consists of adding the NOT symbol next to a symbol already on the grid. If there is already a NOT symbol next to that location, then the number next to the NOT symbol is incremented. If there is no number then a 2 is inserted between the NOT symbol and T or F symbol If the number next to a NOT symbol is 3 then it is illegal to Anti-Play in that square.
It is illegal for a participant to Anti-Play on eir own Symbol or any of its equivalents. Anti-Play is only permissible if the other Participant has a winning move in eir next turn.

(vi) Winning - A player wins when three symbols in a single column,row or diagonal are all equivalent to eir symbol. If no there is no legal move and no winner can be determined according to the criteria described in the previous sentence, the winner is the participant who has more symbols equal to eir own symbol in the grid.

a. It is impermissible to Challenge an Untouchable Player to a Duel.

b. A Player who Challenged another Player to a Duel or a Player who has been Challenged by another Player to a Duel is Untouchable until the Duel procedures are over, for whatever reason.

c. A Player who was a Chalengee in a Duel, that is, was Challenged to a Duel and accepted, continues to be Untouchable until 20 days after the end of the Duel procedures.

d. Players on Vacation are Untouchable {{[Is this necessary?]}}

e. Players in Gaol are Untouchable.

f. A Player who anounces that e will be going on Vacation on a specific future date is Untouchable starting on the date of the anouncement or four days before the anounced date of the Vacation, whichever is later, until the date he actually goes on Vacation or four days after the anounced date of the Vacation, whichever is earlier. If by that latter date the Player still has not gone on Vacation, then he cannot be Untouchable for a period of 14 days, this sentence has no effect on the other subsections of this rule.

g. If a player who is currently engaged in Duel procedures goes on Vacation that lasts more than 7 days e foreits the Duel.

h. If a Player who is currently engaged in Duel procedures goes on Vacation that lasts 7 days or less, all Duel procedures are delayed by a number of days equal to the number of days e was on Vacation. If a player goes on a second Vacation during the same Duel he forfeits the Duel.

i. It is impermissible for a Player running for Office to Challenge another Player running for the same Office.

j. A player who has declined a Duel, or failed to respond to a Challenge, is Untouchable until 3 days after the date e has declined, or until 3 days after e is considered to have forfeit the duel.

Proposal 1264 - Fri Sep 20 11:15:36 EDT 1996
ammend 970
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R970 to read in whole:

The Ambassador (or, in the absence of an Ambassador, the Speaker) shall be Ackanomic's Liaison to InterNomic.

Ackanomic's Liaison shall keep the Players of Ackanomic apprised in a timely fashion of events in InterNomic of interest to Ackanomic.

Any Ackanomic Player may request the Liaison to make an InterNomic Proposal by sending the Proposal to the Liaison.

Whenever Ackanomic is permitted to vote upon any matter in Internomic, the Liaison shall initiate a vote in the senate to determine how he should cast Ackanomic's vote in Internomic.

Each senator shall, within one week, cast his vote (in the event of a tie, the proconsul may cast his vote), and the Ambassador shall cast his vote in internomic in accordance with the decision of the senate. Any senator who does not cast a vote shall be placed In Contempt.

In the event that the senate does not reach a decision [for whatever reason], the ambassador shall cast his vote in Internomic in accordance with the decision of the President.

Whenever Ackanomic is required to serve as a judge in Internomic, the Liaison shall render that judgement, and shall do so in the best interests of Ackanomic.


Create a new rule entitled "in Contempt" with the following text:

{{any senator who is has been held in Contempt shall no longer be held so}}

A senator who is held in Contempt shall be required to either pay a fine of A$100 to the treasury, or be placed in the Gaol for three days. The senator who is in Contempt is allowed to choose which of the two options he would like to commit to. If a senator does not make a choice within three days of being held in Contempt it will be assumed that he has chosen the Gaol sentence.

A player shall cease to be held in Contempt once their fine has been paid, or sentence completed, as the case may be.

Proposal 1265 - Fri Sep 20 11:15:55 EDT 1996
Reducing the Scorekeeper's Workload
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Repeal R 339

Proposal 1266 - Fri Sep 20 14:05:25 EDT 1996
The Office of the Official Moron
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

The Office of the Official Moron of Ackanomic exists. It has one seat, to be filled by Nomination and Election for Office if by any process at all. The office need not be filled. The term of office is four weeks.

The Duties of the Official Moron:
To post moronic comments in the public forum and promote harfiness thoroughout Acka. Neglect of this duty is grounds for impeachment.

The Priveleges of the Official Moron:
A Politeness Moon may not be called against the Official Moron.

Proposal 1267 - Sun Sep 22 20:31:40 EDT 1996
Freedom of Religion
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend R 775 to remove all occurrances of the word "not" from section 6 of the rule.

Proposal 1268 - Sun Sep 22 20:31:59 EDT 1996
Commission d'Arts
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule reading:

1) Upon the end of a cycle which exceeded 30 days in length, or as otherwise directed by the rules, The "Comission d'Arts" (Commission) shall begin session, which shall last for 7 days. The Senators shall be the Comissioners, thus composing this body. Exception: No Commission shall be started if it has been less than 60 days since any previous one has been started. This clause takes precedence over any other in any Mutable rule dealing with the starting of a Commission d'Arts session.

2) At the end of the session, the Comission shall produce, and publically post, a report listing 4 Nominees for the Silver Moon award. A Nominee must be a work of art from Acka's past, such as a Silly Vacation Hat description, Phoebe post, Gaoler poem, Prosthetic Forehead, etc. Rules, Proposals, and other written works are also permissable, but are discouraged as Nominees, unless they are truly meritorious. One constraint is that the Nominee must be publically accessable from a web page maintained by the Web-Harfer. Material created by non-active players is discouraged as a Nominee.

3) Each Nominee in a given report must be unique, but Nominees from a previous report may appear on the current one, except that no Nominee which previously won a vote under this rule may be a Nominee again.

4) If the Comission fails to produce the report in within the constraints of this rule, each Senator is placed in Contempt.

5) Upon the issuance of the report, the Assistant Tabulator will take votes for 3 days, during which each player may vote once on which Nominee they prefer, after which the voting results and winning Nominee are released. If the voting is tied at the end of the 3 day voting period, the Assistant Tabulator shall break the tie by random determination.

6) Upon a winning Nominee being announced, the author (or player who originally posted the material, in the case of something like Phoebe's wisdom) of the material is awarded the Silver Moon, and a cash prize of A$75, if they are a registered player. If they are not a registered player, their Undead begin haunting said entities, unless there is no Undead associated with the author, in which case no awards are created or bestowed.

7) The Silver Moon recipient, if a registereed player, is required to make an acceptance speech, not to exceed 10,000 words, unless they are in Gaol, in which case they will be represented by a cardboard cutout on wheels, which will lower the whole tone of the occasion, and they will lose 5 points for detracting from the festivities (although they stil receive the above awards, of course).

8) It is a duty of the Web-Harfer to so note on the web pages which material has won a Silver Moon for its recipient.

9) A Silver Moon may only be created in accordance with the rules, and awarded in accordance with the rules. When one is required for this occasion, it is made by that Frobozz Magic Medal Company, Ackanomic Division.

{{10) all extant Silver Moons are destroyed. A Comission d'Arts session shall now begin.}}

Proposal 1269 - Sun Sep 22 20:32:15 EDT 1996
Newton, Apples, and Parties
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

A proposal to create a rule entitled "Newton, Apples, and Parties" which contains the following text:

1. Let NoS be the the number of Swingers, excluding Swinger on Vacation, including Acting Swingers.
2. Every two weeks, on Tuesday, Swingers, whose Weights are greater than zero, are awarded points according to the following scheme:
a. The Swinger or Swinger with the highest Absolute Weight receives 3 points.
b. The Swinger or Swingers with the second highest Absolute Weight receives 2 points
c. The Swinger or Swingers with the third highest Absolute Weight receives 1 point.

A Swinger who received points accroding to one of those sections, is not eligible to receive points by subsequent sections.

{{The first Tuesday after this proposal has been accepted, will be the first Tuesday on which Swingers receive points according to this rule.}}

{{[At first I thought of includign provisions for higher scores when there are more Swingers, but for the time being, I'd prefer to start with something simpler.]}}

Proposal 1270 - Sun Sep 22 20:51:45 EDT 1996
Handicapping and Glory
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R666, section b) to read:

b) All Undead stop hauting all Chartreuse Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruit, and Victory Eggplants. Then, all Chartreuse Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruit, and Victory Eggplants are destroyed.

Amend R666, section c) to read:

c) The winner is declared winner of the cycle, and a Right-Handed Grapefruit and a Champion's Cloak, should such entities be defined by the rules, are created in that player's possession. If this results in his having two Champion's Cloaks, one of them is instantly transformed into a Badge of Glory, should such an entity be defined by the rules.

Amend R666, section i) to read:

i) All players' points are reset to -15 N, where N is the number of cycles that player has won. If this causes a player's score to be negative, that player is a Victory Eggplant is created in that player's possession. Victory Eggplants are Protected, and once created, may not be transferred.

Add the following text to the the end of R339:

These score changes do not apply to the owner of a Victory Eggplant. A Victory Eggplant is destroyed if its owner has a non-negative score.


Create a new rule, entitled "Marks of the Champion," with the following as its text:

The types of entities called Champion's Cloaks and Badges of Glory are defined by the rules. Both are Protected, and may not be created except as defined in the rules; once created, they cannot be transferred or destroyed. A Champion's Cloak is a regal garment of the color(s) and design of its owner's choice, while Badges of Glory are elaborate medals of various designs. (It is customary, though not required, for the owner of either of these entities to describe it within 3 days of earning it.) A player may wear a Champion's Cloak and/or Badge of Glory that he owns, and he may request to be called, "Exalted One," or the honorific of his choice while he wears it/them. It is not necessary to honor such requests.

When a player leaves the game, his Undead, should such a thing exist, shall haunt any Champion's Cloak or Badge of Glory that he owned.

{{All extant Champion's Cloaks and Badges of Glory are destroyed. Then, all players who have previously won a cycle are awarded a Champion's Cloak. Then, all players who have previously won multiple cycles are awarded N-1 Badges of Glory, where N is the number of cycles that he has won. If a player would have just received one or more of the items described above had they not left the game, their Undead, if they have one, is given the appropriate items to haunt.}}

Proposal 1271 - Sun Sep 22 22:05:48 EDT 1996
Poet Laureate
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

The Office of Poet Laureate exists. It is not necessary that this office be filled -- if there are no volunteers to fill it, no measures need be taken to fill it. The Duties are:

1) To compose poetry as described below.
2) To maintain a web page preserving the literary heritage of Acka.

Once a month, the President may require the Poet Laureate to compose a poem to commemorate an important milestone in Ackan history (winning a cycle of internomic, a great e-mail blizzard, the resolution of a major crisis, the enshrinement of an Elder, etc.) or to liven a festive occasion (any of the Public Gatherings listed in Rule 1237 are appropriate). These lists are by no means all-conclusive, and the President may require the Poet Laureate to compose for just about any event, although if players feel he is using this power frivolously, they are permitted to sneer. The Poet Laureate has seven days from the date of the President's request to publically post such a poem, unless the President's original public request allows him a longer period of time. The Poet Laureate receives no special compensation for such compositions.

Other players may commission the Poet Laureate to write poems on their behalf (to commemorate great accomplishments of theirs, to mock their adversaries, or just to make sure their otherwise imminently forgettable career will be recorded somewhere). It is solely the privelege of the Poet Laureate to earn fees for such works, though he may refuse to accept a commission entirely. The amount of the commission fee can be anything agreed on by both the commissioning player and the Poet Laureate, so long as this does not conflict with rules regarding transfers of currency or entities. For such a commission to have effect, a public post must be made giving the commissioning player, the fee (if any), and the date by which the work must be completed.

The Poet Laureate must also maintain a web page recording the literary treasures of Acka. Such items include poems of the Poet Laureate, Party Hall Party poems, sad little Gaol songs and Dueling Limericks (should such styles exist), and any other works of verse or song described in the rules.

Proposal 1272 - Sun Sep 22 22:05:50 EDT 1996
Acka Day
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

{{[so far two time zone proposals have failed. Unfortunately, lack of some sort of acka day or time zone as cluttered the language of a few proposals and RFCs I've seen lately, and make things like the magic potato ambigious, etc. So I figured I'd give it a try.

I'm interested in knowing if there are objections to the concept, as opposed to the implementation, of any time zone proposal. Also, since this would affect everyone, it went to the main forum]}}

Create a new rule which reads:

A day in Acka starts when the day starts in New York City, USA, and ends when the day ends there. This is called the Acka Day. [That is to say, the official time zone is EDT(-0400)/EST(-0500)].

Whenever a day of the week, day of the month, or time of day is specified, in the rules or other official document, and it is not qualified with a time zone, it shall be said to occur, if it is a time of day, when that time of day occurs in the Acka Day, and if a day or date, it shall begin and end when the corresponding Acka Day begins and ends.


Amend R 565 to remove all occurrances of the string "EDT"


Amend R 609 to remove all occurrances of the string " Eastern time"


Amend R 1023 to remove all occurrances of the string "(based on New York Time)".


Amend R 1240 to replace the following:

"The time zone used for the purposes of this rule is that from which the announcement was sent, unless Acka should ever have an official time zone, in which case this rule defers to that of the official time zone."


""Days" and "dates" as used in this rule are said to begin and end when the Acka Day begins and ends"

Proposal 1273 - Mon Sep 23 14:41:54 EDT 1996
Gumball Precedence
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Made Harfy by Guy Fawkes at Thu, 26 Sep 1996 19:50:13 -0500
Decision: Rejected

This rule defers precedence to R210 and any other rules that deal with resolving conflicts, except for during the twelve hours immediatly following the legal chewing of the ackanomic gumball [12 hours from the time of the announced chewing in the time zone in which the gumball was chewed], at which time it takes precedence over R210 and any other applicable rules.

If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the highest effective ordinal number takes precedence. If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall be reversed and the rule that claims precedence shall defer precedence. If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another, or to defer to one another, then the numerical method must again govern except in cases where one of the rules containes the word silly, than it shall have precedence.

Hereafter, 'number' refers to a rule's effective ordinal number. Lowest number is defined as follows:

1. Each rule has a number of the form 'X' or 'X.Y' where X and Y may be any positive integers.

2. Among a set of rules, the rule(s) with the lowest value of X are considered to have the lowest number(s).

3. If a rule has the number X and one or more other rules have number(s) of the form 'X.Y', for the same X and any Y, then the rule with the number 'X' has the lowest number among these rules.

4. Among a set of rules with the same X, all of which have numbers of the form 'X.Y', the rule with the lowest value of Y is considered to have the lowest number.

Proposal 1274 - Mon Sep 23 14:42:26 EDT 1996
Jail House Rock
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Made Harfy by Guy Fawkes at Thu, 26 Sep 1996 19:50:13 -0500
Decision: Rejected

A player who has been sentenced to the Gaol shall sing at least three stanzas of a sad little Gaol Song before going to Gaol. The lyrics to this song must be posted to the public forum, so that all players can feel the pain of the convicted criminal.

This song may be sung at any time during the grace period of the convicted criminal, but doing so during the hour imediatly before the player is to be placed in the Gaol is prefered.

A player may, if it is allowed by the gaoler, sing additional stanzas to a sad little Gaol Song while in Gaol, but is not required to. This section takes precedence over any rule which would deny a player in the Gaol the right to sing.

If a player does not sing (and post lyrics) to at least three stanzas of a sad little Gaol Song before entering the Gaol his sentence shall be increased by two days. This clause takes precedence over other applicable rules, in as much as it allows a sentence to be extended beyond what it given by the judge.

No player may sing a sad little Gaol Song which is substantially similar to one which has already been sung by another player.

Proposal 1275 - Mon Sep 23 14:42:53 EDT 1996
Senator Removing
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Rejected

{{The Party Boss of the Underworld Party may replace any, or all, of the current Senators with players of his choosing. This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules.}}

Proposal 1276 - Mon Sep 23 14:43:55 EDT 1996
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Made Harfy by Guy Fawkes at Thu, 26 Sep 1996 19:50:13 -0500
Decision: Accepted

Create a game known as Grab-a-Donkey. The game consists of a moderator, known as the Wrangler and players, who initially comprise all current active Players of Ackanomic, not including the Player designated as the Wrangler, those on Vacation, in Gaol, or otherwise prohibited from performing official Ackanomic actions. Each player in Grab-a-Donkey starts off with one (1) donkey.

The following special equipment is required to play Grab-a-Donkey. The equipment will be issued from the Game Box at the start of play, and all equipment will automatically be returned to the Game Box at the end of the game.
One (1) donkey per player
One lariat per player (used to Grab other donkeyes)
One (1) blanket (used to Cover the players own donkey

The Wrangler may call for a Grab-a-Donkey game at any time, as long as no Grab-a-Donkey game is currently being played, nor has been played in the last thirty (30) days.

{{Initially, there is no Player with the title Wrangler. Any Player may claim the title Wrangler by declaring the start of the first game of Grab-a-Donkey in a public message. After the first occurance of Grab-a-Donkey, the title of Wrangler will be determined by the outcome of the game as described in this Rule.}}

The rules of Grab-a-Donkey are as follows:

A. When a new game of Grab-a-Donkey starts, all Players of Ackanomic, excluding the Wrangler and those exempted as noted above will be placed on the Grab-a-Donkey Active List ("GAL" hereafter).

B. Each Round, a player on the GAL will either (a) Cover eir donkey, (b) Grab a specific players donkey on the GAL, or (c) Stand Around Admiring Eir Donkey. Unless a player specifies a different choice to the Wrangler in a private message by the end of the Round, the player will Stand Around Admiring Eir Donkey. Rounds will last no less than one full day (24 hours) and no more than 3 full days (72 hours) from the start of the game. Players may change eir action at any time before the end of the Round

C. If one player ("A") chose to Grab another players donkey ("B"), and if B did not Cover eir donkey, then B will lose eir donkey and be removed from the GAL at the start of the following Round.

D. If only one player on the GAL did not choose to Cover eir donkey, then all other players will be removed from the GAL at the start of the following Round.

E. At the end of the Round, the Wrangler will publicly report what each player on the GAL did, and determine the results.

F. If and when there are exactly zero players left on the GAL, that game of Grab-a-Donkey shall end. The current Wrangler shall retain eir title until after the next occurance of Grab-a-Donkey.

G. If and when there is exactly one player left on the GAL, that game of Grab-a-Donkey shall end. That player shall be considered to be the Belt Holder of that game of Grab-a-Donkey. The Belt Holder shall become the next Wrangler and be awarded a sum of Points equal to the number of donkeyes e has Grabbed. E shall also have the right to Propose exactly one (1) ammending Rule change to the game of Grab-a-Donkey. Ammending Proposals shall be handled as any other Rule change Proposal. This is the only way Grab-a-Donkey may be ammended. This takes Precedence over any Rule that would allow other Players to Propose ammenments.

{{Im submitting this as a normal Proposal, rather than through the Games and Contests for two reasons. First, it initially affects all Players, rather than a few volunteers. Secondly, due to the relatively large number of players required to start the game, I did not want it subject to be used in Duels.}}

{{Respectfully submitted, Habeous Corpus}}

Proposal 1277 - Thu Sep 26 13:47:30 EDT 1996
Guy Fawkes' Day
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule with the following text:

This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules which would conflict with its game effect in whole or in part.

November 5 of each year shall be designated an Ackanomic holiday called Guy Fawkes' Day. On this day, the citizenry of Acka shall seize the player Guy Fawkes, should such an active player exist, carry him up and down the length of Yellow Roosevelt Avenue, and then burn him on the steps of the Senate (explicitly not as a witch). Shortly after the burning (before the end of the Holiday), his ashes shall be taken to the Ackanomic Afterlife.

If the active player Guy Fawkes does not exist, the Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication, if such exists, will provide a clone for the occasion. The clone's ashes shall not be carried to the Ackanomic Afterlife.

If neither the active player Guy Fawkes nor the Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication does not exist, any player who wishes to may create a cardboard cutout or other effigy by publically describing it. More than one player may create such an effigy -- and all shall be burned.

Any active player may participate in the festivities by publically posting a description of the holiday or a poem specially written for the occasion. At any rate, such a description or poem must be at least 8 lines in length, excluding blank lines. All players so participating the festivities will receive two points for so doing. Guy Fawkes, if such an active player exists, must take part in the festivities, and considering the special pains he goes to for entertaining acka, receives not two but four points.

Proposal 1278 -
Flight of the Goose
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 1067 to replace all occurrances of:

"No player may enter Cow Town except as specified in this rule."


"No player may enter Cow Town except as specified in this rule. Upon entering Cow Town, the guest shall have the Chartreuse Goose transferred to him or her from wherever it is."

Proposal 1279 - Thu Sep 26 13:49:04 EDT 1996
Amend 682
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

Amend 682 to the following:

{{Note: this just changes (c) to read " (a) and (b) do.." instead of " (a) and (c) do..." so as to stop (c) from making itself optional. I've also made the format clearer by adding i and ii to each (a) and (b)}}

Rule 682/2 (Mutable)
For Personal Glory...
SnafuMoose (Stephen F Roberts)

Preamble: Such that each player should be able to strike his own mark upon AckaNomic; And that all future AckaCitizens should remember the exploits of those that went before them; Let this rule be enacted.

(a) i. The official copy of the official rules should include with the text of each rule the name of the originator of the rule and the date the rule was enacted.

ii. The originator's name should appear just below the title of the proposal and before the text of the proposal.

(b) i. Likewise, any changes to the rules should be noted with the name of the changer and the date the changes were enacted.

ii. The names of any changers should appear at the end of the rule, after the body text of the rule, and before the beginning of the next rule.

(c) The requirements in (a) and (b) do not have to apply to rules created before the enactment of this rule if such data is not known.

Proposal 1280 - Thu Sep 26 13:49:33 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 1206 so that its title is "Games & Contests", and so that its text reads:

{{[I like the concept, but opposed the rule for various significant technical reasons the first time. Unfortunately, ex-nomic activity has prevented me from dedicating much time to the game lately, so I could not express my concerns in the RFC or voting stages. In any case, I propose to fix some potential problems with R 1206.]}}

{{0. All extant Games and Contests are destroyed. All extant General Equipment, and the General Equipment Section created under the auspices of previous versions of this rule is also destroyed.}}

1. There exists a class of entities known as Games & Contests, hereafter, for the purposes of this Rule, known as "Games" (Game).

2. Games are listed on the Games & Contest web page which is maintained by the GamesMaster.

3. The GamesMaster is a Functional Officer. If the office of GamesMaster is vacant, or the officer is on Vacation, it need not be filled in an acting capacity, unless there is someone willing to do so. This is considered an alternate method for filling the office in an acting capacity for the purposes of R 457. This clause takes precedence over any mutable rule concerning acting officers.

4. A listing for a Game consists of its name, the name of its author(s), and a link to a full description which may, but need not be, maintained on a seperate web page.

5 a. The Games & Contest web-page has a General Equipment Section, which specifies entities that may be used with any of the Games & Contests on the list.

b. Entities from the General Equipment section have no influence on any Ackanomic entities other than what is specified by this rule.

c. Equipment for a Game or Contest is implicitly created when the Game starts, and destroyed when the Game is over.

d. It is permissible for a Game to create legal Decks, as long as the Deck is defined by a "Description of a <name> Deck" rule. The created Deck is said to have no owner, unless the Game's description specifies otherwise.

6. Each Game or Contest must have a legal ackanomic name.

7. The description for each Game must specify the following things, even if that specification is the word "none":

a. Entities from the General Equipment section which are used in the specific Game or Contest.

b. A list of entities specific to the Game, that can be used as part of the Game or Contest. Section 5, subsections b-d are applicable to the Game specific entities described in this section.

c. Upper and lower limits on the number of participants in the specific Game. The minimum for the lower limit is 2. The lower limit may not be specified to exceed the upper limit. Either limit may be specified as an integer or or an expression such as "the number of active players when an instance of the game is instantiated", so long as the previous conditions of this sub-section are not violated. If a limit is specified as a non-integer, it shall be evaluated when the Game is instantiated, and shall not "float" while the Game is in progress, unless the Game's rules specify otherwise.

d. The Rules for the Game.

e. The number of referees, and how those referees are to be chosen. This must be a non-negative integer. Referees may not win the game, nor may they be penalized as a result of participation in an instance of the Game. They may receive no rewards other than A$, and such rewards may not exceed A$10 per Game instance. It is permissable to specify, or conditionally specify, the GamesMaster as a referee, but referees other than the GamesMaster are permissible.

f. Conditions for winning the Game.

g. Any additional information necessary to play that specific Game.

8. Games may not manipulate any Ackanomic entity, except as defined in this Rule, and with the following specific exceptions:

a. Games may specify transfer of currency between participants in the specific Game, as entry fees, rewards or penalties, subject to restrictions elsewhere in this rule.

b. Games may specify a transfer of currency from the Treasury to the Game (or a participant or referee therein), with an upper of limit of A$50 per instance of a Game or a Contest. A player may receive no more than A$100 from the Treasury per 30 day period as a result of participation in the same class of Game ("class" being defined as the definition of a particular Game). Any excess that would have been received is disregarded. It is a duty of the GamesMaster to track this.

c. Games may add or subtract points from the score of a participating player. The maximum number of points added or subtracted in any specific instance of a Game is 8. A player may receive no more than 20 points per 30 day period as a result of participation in the same class of game. Any excess that would have been received is disregarded. This sub-section has precedence over R 906. It is a duty of the GamesMaster to track this.

9. Games, or entities in the General Equipment Section, are added to the Games & Contests web-page via either of the following procedures. It is possible that application of these procedures will result in the item being rejected, in which case its definition will have no legal authority to manipulate Protected entities whatsoever. The preceeding clause has precedence over all others in this rule. Rejected items may be added or not added to the Games and Contests web-page at the discretion of the GamesMaster, but all such must be clearly labelled as rejected.

Procedure 1:

a. By first sending a description of Game, or Entities for the General Equipment section to the GamesMaster.

b. The GamesMaster may reject the submission, by publically stating he or she is doing so, with a brief explanation as to why. This act ends the procedure in this case.

c. The GamesMaster distributes the description publically.

d. The President, or the Senate, may reject a description within 7 days by publically announcing it is doing so. In the case of the Senate, it may only do so if it has voted to do so on the particular game Game description in question. These are considered Presidential and Senatorial decisions, respectively.

e. If at least 5 Active Players, or 10% of the Active Players, whichever is greater, endorse the description within 7 days, it is approved, otherwise it is rejected. This sub-section defers precedence to sub-sections b and d.

Procedure 2:

A Game or a an entity from the General Equipment section can be added by a Proposal which has been submitted and accepted according to the Ackanomic Rules.

10. A Game or an entity from the General Equipment section may only be removed by a proposal which has been submitted and accepted according to the rules.

11. An instance of a Game may only be started in accordance with its rules for doing so. A player may not join an instance of a Game in progress, except as specified in its rules. Any Game should be designed in such a way as to handle the contingency of any of its players or referees quitting it at any time. An instance of a Game may not be started if there is no GamesMaster or acting GamesMaster, or the GamesMaster is not an active player.

12. The GamesMaster may at any time declare an instance of a game an "exibition" by publically announcing they are doing so, even while it is in progress. In this case, no points or currency shall be awarded or transferred to, or among, the participants. The GamesMaster is discouraged from doing this, and should do so only under conditions of abuse or other problems.

13. Participation in Games and Contests is voluntary. No player may be forced to take part in a Game or a Contest, or be forced to be a referee in one. A player may leave a Game they are participating in at any time.

14. Games and Contests are meant to be fun and to enhance Acka. Using Games and Contests to loophole surf, scam, or otherwise abuse the spirit and intent of this structure is in bad taste, and players are permitted to sneer at this behaviour.


Amend R 1155 as follows:

1) delete all occurrances of the following text:

An Eleusis Deck has 8 suits: Wands (!), Strudels (@), Pounds (#), Dollars ($), Maces (%), Spears (^), Daemons (&), and Stars (*), and 15 ranks: Suber (S), Nomic (N), Monarch (M), Knave (K), Page (P), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace (A). In addition to the Normal Cards, there are four indistinguishable Wild cards (W) in this Deck which have neither suit nor rank nor color. In this deck, Wands and Strudels are blue, Pounds and Dollars are green, Maces and Spears are black, and Daemons and Stars are red.

2) Replace the fifth paragraph with the following text:

The definition of a particular deck may specify none, some, but not all, of its cards as optional. Upon instantiation, the Acka Rule or Games and Contest rule which is creating the deck may specify the exclusion of any or all of the optional cards in a deck. If no such specification is made, the optional cards are said to be included in that instance of the deck.

Decks may be used to play card games defined in the Acka Rules, or rules for a Game or Contest, or other Ackanomic document which has the legal authority to instantiate a deck, as the relavent rules specify. Decks may not be instantiated by any document which has not been given explicit authority from the Rules to do so.

Players may hold individual Cards while playing a card game but they do not own those cards while doing so. While a Deck is being used to play a card game, that deck may not be used in another card game.

A deck does not have an owner, unless the instantiating document says it does. Decks may be used without being owned. An unowned deck is not tradable.

Any rule which defines a Deck of Playing Cards must have a title of the form: "Description of a <name> Deck", where name is replaced by a legal Ackanonic name.


Create a new rule with title "Description of a Eleusis Deck" which reads:

An Eleusis Deck has 8 suits: Wands (!), Strudels (@), Pounds (#), Dollars ($), Maces (%), Spears (^), Daemons (&), and Stars (*), and 15 ranks: Suber (S), Nomic (N), Monarch (M), Knave (K), Page (P), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace (A). In addition to the Normal Cards, there are four indistinguishable Wild cards (W) in this Deck which have neither suit nor rank nor color. The Wild cards are optional. In this deck, Wands and Strudels are blue, Pounds and Dollars are green, Maces and Spears are black, and Daemons and Stars are red.

{{Renumber this rule to 1156.}}


Amend R 1185 so that its title is "Description of a Legacy Deck", and so that its text is:

A Legacy Deck of Cards has four suits: Spades (S), Hearts (H), Diamonds (D), and Clubs (C), and 13 ranks: Ace (A), King (K), Queen (Q), Jack (J), 10, 9, 8,7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2. Spades and Clubs are black. Hearts and Diamonds are red.

There are also two Jokers in this Deck (?1, ?2). Jokers have no suit, rank or color. Jokers are optional.

Proposal 1281 - Thu Sep 26 23:22:11 EDT 1996
Section 6 Voting Restrictions
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Retracted by author

{{All Section 6 Voting Restrictions (S6VRs) are removed from all players, except for those Section 6 Voting Restrictions explicitly bestowed upon players as specified in the rules.}}

Any player who was a member of the Underworld Party on September 25, 1996, 11:02 EDT shall have "Section 6 Voting Restrictions" placed on them (hereafter known as S6VRs). S6VRs may only be bestowed and removed as specified in the rules.

All players with S6VRs must vote Present on all proposals. If a player with S6VRs fails to vote Present on a proposal, their vote is immediately changed to Present (or recorded as such in the case of an abstention), and the vote is retabulated to determine the results of the proposal where the voting error occurred. Furthermore, the player with S6VRs who failed to vote Present is placed on vacation with an expected duration of 2 days.

This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules.

Proposal 1282 - Fri Sep 27 23:16:43 EDT 1996
Stock Split
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Rejected

{{Each PFIdiotBoy shall be split into 2 PFIdiotBoy, until there exist 200 PFIdiotBoy. This rule takes precendence over all mutable rules.}}

Proposal 1283 - Fri Sep 27 23:38:07 EDT 1996
Surfing with Pseudo-Rules
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 594 to append the following as a new section, after section (iii):

(iv) If the specificaion or behaviour, attributes, etc, specified by 2 Blueprints is in conflict, the Blueprint which was created first has precedence. If the Blueprints were created at the same time, the one which would appear first in an alphabetic list (using ASCII) of their titles would hold precedence. If this still does not resolve the conflict, or the precedence cannot be determined with finality for any reason, both Blueprints, and all gadgets made from each, are destroyed, in a large yellow, pungent, cloud of dust, which remains in the Inventor's home for 3 days.

Proposal 1284 - Fri Sep 27 23:38:27 EDT 1996
Modesty and Pride
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 207 to add the following quoted text at the end of the 3rd paragraph:

"Exception: No points are awarded for voting NO on a proposal considered to be Modest."


Amend R 1109 as follows:

1) Change its title to "Modesty and Pride"

2) Add the following paragraphs after the second paragraph:

{{All extant Grandiose Proposals, or those considered to be Grandiose, are hereby stripped of their Grandiose designation.}}

A proposal is considered to be Grandiose if and only if the author of the proposal prefaces the proposal with the words "This is a Grandiose proposal".

Whenever a Grandiose Proposal is adopted, the author shall receive an additional 6 point bonus above and beyond any other points received for that proposal. This is considered a scoring change based on the content of the proposal.

If a proposal appears to be designated as both Modest and Grandiose, or it cannot be determined which designation should hold sway, the proposal is declared invalid, and removed from voting consideration.

Proposal 1285 - Fri Sep 27 23:38:51 EDT 1996
Bomb Shelter
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 973 to add the following at the end of the rule:

III. Bomb Shelter

The President may build a Bomb Shelter for the community. In addition to any other requirements of this rule to do so, however, the President must also pay A$500 in construction costs, or it will not be built. Any Bomb Shelter is destroyed 7 days after it is built by a rare species of acidic mold.

Proposal 1286 - Sat Sep 28 13:18:43 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a new rule which reads:

They Might Be Giants is the official band of Ackanomic. It is a duty of the Web-Harfer to make this fact known on the main Ackanomic web page, and to provide a link to a TMBG site elsewhere on the 'Net.

The Web-Harfer, should, but is not required to, investigate getting a TMBG site to a provide a link to the Ackanomic page.

Proposal 1287 - Sat Sep 28 13:19:06 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal. Ammend R721 "Organizations" in the following ways:
I. The entire text of R721 becomes section 1 of R721
II. Append the following text as section 2 of R721:
For any two given Organizations A and B the following quantities can be deteremined:
a) S(A->B) is defined as the percentage of the members of Organization A who are also members of Organization B

b) S(B->A) is defined as the percentage of the members of Organization B who are also members of Organization A

c) Organization H Similarity is defined as the greater of S(A->B), S(B->A)

d) Orgnization L Similarity is defined as the smaller of S(A->B), S(B->A)

e) Orgnaization M Similarity is defined as the average between S(A->B), S(B->A).

{{[The three different kinds of Similarity definitions may be useful for different kinds of restrictions. Note that there is no requirement to keep records of those numbers, it is only necessary to calculate them on a need to know basis. ]}}

Proposal 1288 - Sat Sep 28 13:19:31 EDT 1996
Making Parties a Part of it all
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Ammend the first sentence of R542 to read in full:
"There exists a type of Organization known as a Political Party."

{{[the current text still refers to itself as a proposal, and should have been fixed anyway. In many respects we have been treating Parties as Organizations, we might as well define them as Organizations. This definition does change anything about Parties, but would be very useful, and simplify other rules]}}

Proposal 1289 - Sat Sep 28 14:17:38 EDT 1996
Strike Concessions
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: retracted by author

{{ Each member of Underworld shall be paid A$300 from the Treasury. }}

Proposal 1290 - Sat Sep 28 14:56:08 EDT 1996
Even Less Double Jeopardy
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 710 in the manner described by Proposal 1255.

Proposal 1291 - Sat Sep 28 14:56:19 EDT 1996
Creative Cranium Copyright Renewal
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 818 in the manner described by Proposal 1251.

Proposal 1292 - Sun Sep 29 01:44:46 EDT 1996
Proposal Bribing
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

{{ Each Player who paid the Treasury A$100 to buy an extra vote on this proposal shall have A$300 paid to them from the Treasury. }}

{{[ Note this doesn't discriminate based on the way players vote, so it is no in violation on 793. So spend A$100 and make A$300! ]}}

Proposal 1293 - Mon Sep 30 11:44:19 EDT 1996
Easy Money
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: retracted by author

A new rule shall be created entitled "Easy Money" with the following text:

If a player posts a message to the public forum containing his intent to transfer A$ to another player or players, and if that message does not specify the transfer of any other entity, then the trade is accomplished immediately. This rule defers to any rule that limits the transfer of A$.

{{[ This will make things easier for most everyone, especially me, and reduce bandwidth usage. There are no precedence problems, for R482 leaves open the possibility that other means for trading tradeable entities will be established. ]}}

Proposal 1294 - Mon Sep 30 11:45:06 EDT 1996
Democracy Yes, Republic Yes, Plutocracy No
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Repeal Rule 566 [aka "Tools IV (b)"].

Proposal 1295 - Mon Sep 30 14:40:09 EDT 1996
Simplifying the scorekeeper's job somewhat
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 1089.2 by adding the following sentence to the end of section 3a:

All score changes due to a single event occur simultaneously.

Proposal 1296 - Mon Sep 30 14:53:51 EDT 1996
Changing voting requirements from 2/3 to 60%
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal.

Amend Rule 581 by changing "two-thirds" to "three-fifths".

{{[ Is this what Underworld wanted? ]}}

Proposal 1297 - Tue Oct 01 22:55:51 EDT 1996
No Name, No Game
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.
Amend R 362 to replace all occurrances of:

"then e is placed on vacation with an expected duration of zero days."


"then e is placed on vacation with an expected duration of two days, unless e never was an active player, in which case e is removed from the game, and treated as if e never joined the game [and thus no Undead is created, etc].

{{The player known as "Tim" is removed from the game if he is a player but not an active player, and he is treated as if he never joined the game, in terms of Undead and rules with the phrase "previously granted" and other appropriate rules. This paragraph takes precedence over all mutable rules, and applies to players on vacation.}}"


Amend R 570 to add the following text at the end of the second paragraph:

"A new registree is not considered to be a player until they have informed the Registrar of their Ackanomic name, and may not participate in the game in any way until they have done so (excluding things required by the registration process, including choosing a name)."

Proposal 1298 - Tue Oct 01 22:56:25 EDT 1996
Amending 970
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

{{[resubmitted due to strike]}}

Amend R970 to read in whole:

The Ambassador (or, in the absence of an Ambassador, the Speaker) shall be Ackanomic's Liaison to InterNomic.

Ackanomic's Liaison shall keep the Players of Ackanomic apprised in a timely fashion of events in InterNomic of interest to Ackanomic.

Any Ackanomic Player may request the Liaison to make an InterNomic Proposal by sending the Proposal to the Liaison.

Whenever Ackanomic is permitted to vote upon any matter in Internomic, the Liaison shall initiate a vote in the senate to determine how he should cast Ackanomic's vote in Internomic.

Each senator shall, within one week, cast his vote (in the event of a tie, the proconsul may cast his vote), and the Ambassador shall cast his vote in internomic in accordance with the decision of the senate. Any senator who does not cast a vote shall be placed In Contempt.

In the event that the senate does not reach a decision [for whatever reason], the ambassador shall cast his vote in Internomic in accordance with the decision of the President.

Whenever Ackanomic is required to serve as a judge in Internomic, the Liaison shall render that judgement, and shall do so in the best interests of Ackanomic.


Create a new rule entitled "in Contempt" with the following text:

{{any senator who is has been held in Contempt shall no longer be held so}}

A senator who is held in Contempt shall be required to either pay a fine of A$100 to the treasury, or be placed in the Gaol for three days. The senator who is in Contempt is allowed to choose which of the two options he would like to commit to. If a senator does not make a choice within three days of being held in Contempt it will be assumed that he has chosen the Gaol sentence.

A player shall cease to be held in Contempt once their fine has been paid, or sentence completed, as the case may be.

Proposal 1299 - Tue Oct 01 22:57:23 EDT 1996
I'm too lazy to keep tracking this
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Repeal Rule 431.

{{[I'm not sure, P 1154 failed, but IdiotBoy's passed. I think we think its a bad rule, in any case, its a hassle to track.]}}

Proposal 1300 - Tue Oct 01 22:58:06 EDT 1996
Petent Infringement III
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Accepted

The following actions shall be taken:


A new Rule shall be created with the title "Patent Infringement" and the following text:

If there is a type of Ackanomic Entity whose creation or existance is specified by a Rule or Rules, and yet a Player possesses an Entity of that type whose creation or existance was made possible solely by the Rule "Permissibility of the Unprohibited," that Player shall be Guilty of Patent Infringement, unless that Entity is any type of Frog.

When a Player becomes Guilty of Patent Infringement they shall:

1) deliver the item described in the preceeding paragraph to the Gaoloer, to be placed in the Gaol's Evidence Room.
2) obtain a Prosthetic Forehead in accordance with the Rules, and present it to the Inventor, as a symbolic apology to the intellectual community.
3) be said to be Guilty of Patent Infringement until an Appeal For Pardon is GRANTed them by the President.


R711 (Appeal for Pardon) shall be amended in the following ways:

Clause 2 shall read: The player has had a verdict of TRUE reached against them within the past 3 days on a CFCJ, OR the player is in the Gaol, OR the player is Guilty of Patent Infringement.

The final paragraph shall read: If the AFP is GRANTed, the penalty from the most recent CFCJ against the player is waived, and/or the player is immediately released from the Gaol, if they are in the Gaol, or the player will no longer be said to be Guilty of Patent Infringement.


R709 (Gaol) shall be amended by inserting the following paragraph between the the current first and second paragraphs:

The Gaol has an Evidence Room that is a Location unlimited in capacity. The Gaoler shall place items in the Evidence Room as directed by the Rules. Items in the Evidence Room belong to no Player. Items in the Evidence Room may not be manipulated in any way except as explicitly permitted by the Rules. This paragraph takes precedence over R665 (Treasury and Hard Money) insofar as it is necessary to prevent the unowned items from being placed in the Treasury.