Proposal 1751 - Sun, 23 Feb 1997 15:13:57 -0600
Bringing Reality into accordance with Perception
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal. Create a new rule which reads:


This rule has precedence over all rules, including, but not limited to, any rule which would prevent retroactive effects.

1. All entities given the attribute of ZZimsy by rule 426 are destroyed.

2. Proposals 644, 645, and 646 are removed from voting consideration. All officers are absolved of any malpractice or wrongdoing associated with failure to report their voting results. [This has bothered me for a long time. Given that the legality of AOJ 101 was upheld by CFJ 153, these proposals were never retracted.]

3. CFJ 149 is judged Invalid. All officers are absolved of any malpractice or wrongdoing associated with failure to administer this CFJ.

4. The game state is adjusted as if the "revelation" referred to in CFJ 340 is not true. This fact is annotated in the record of that CFJ. [We've been playing that thread (CFJ 340 false thread). If we go with CFJ 340 as true, and that information as true, I believe we have some *big* problems. This allows the CFJ to remain judged true, but for that judgement not to have a devestating effect. This is another thing that has bothered me, and creation of this rule will validate this thread.]

5. All dangling buildings that have, as of the time of submission of the proposal which created this rule, been dangling but have not been reported as dangling, are reattached. All officers are absolved of any malpractice or wrongdoing associated with failure to report that these buildings were dangling. [This allows a judgement of true on CFJ 348 without retroactivly reporting which *other* buildings are dangling.]

6. Renumber R 1726, "The Widget of Yendor" to 942. [while were here]

[at some point, we need a general solution to the Platonic/perception of the game state issue.]


Proposal 1752 - Tue, 25 Feb 1997 23:54:44 -0600
Retrieving the Purple Key
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Rejected

A new rule shall be created with the title "Abracadabra." Its text shall be that delimted by the next two "**" symbols.

{{ [The sole purpose of this rule is to retrieve the Purple Key from the treasure it is currently buried in.] This rule is hereby renumbered to 199. This rule takes precedence over all rules dealing with treasure or the Purple Key. The Purple Key ceases to be any part of any treasure and is immediately transferred to ThinMan. Every treasure that contains exactly zero entities is destroyed. Any treasure map associated with a treasure that no longer exists is destroyed. }}

A new rule shall be created with the title "Obelisk of Kantara." Its text shall be that delimited by the next two "%%" symbols.

{{ [ This rule creates a method for uninterested players to bow out of the Chalice quest. It assumes that Narf is, in fact, uninterested, but it gives him an opportunity to express interest to prevent being locked out. Other players may conceivably find other uses for the Obelisk of Kantara as well.] }}
The Obelisk of Kantara is a named, unownable entity. It stands in the courtyard of the Senate building. The Obelisk of Kantara is an artifact of the ancients, a twenty-foot tall stone pillar carved with mysterious runes and inlaid with gold, silver, and uranium-235. Ackanomic archeologists have reported that they are unable to chip, mar or otherwise modify the obelisk in any way. Indeed, the Obelisk of Kantara is indestructible.

The Archeologists neglected to try the chant of Kantara, however. Any player who goes to the location of the Obelisk of Kantara and chants "Kantara, Kantara, Crystal Chalice, Goose; Kantara, <player's name> in chartreuse" (where <player's name> is replaced by the chanting player's name) will find that their name is inscribed in glowing chartreuse characters among the runes on the Obelisk. If a player whose name is so inscribed on the Obelisk changes his name, then the characters on the Obelisk change to match his new name. There is no other way in which any glowing chartreuse characters are or will be inscribed on the Obelisk. Once any glowing chartreuse characters are inscribed on the Obelisk, they only change as specified by the rules.

Any player whose name is inscribed on the Obelisk of Kantara in glowing chartreuse characters is ineligible to receive any of the Keys that Unlock the Vault Containing the Crystal Chalice. This rule takes precedence over rule 222.

{{ Notwitchstanding the above restrictions, the name of the player who registered as "Narf" will be inscribed in glowing chartreuse letters on the Obelisk of Kantara exactly one week after the adoption of this rule unless before the end of that week he states in a public message, "I want to play the Chalice game. Really. No, really!" This rule is renumbered to 223. }}


Proposal 1753 - Tue, 25 Feb 1997 23:54:49 -0600
Newspapers Must be Public to be Newspapers
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Make the following two changes to Rule 925 "The Press": 1) Delete the fourth and fifth paragraphs. 2) Replace the first paragraph with the following text:

Any player may start a newspaper, by publically declaring that they are doing so. Newspapers must be given names, which must be announced at the same time that the newspaper is created. A small fee of A$20 must be paid to the treasury to cover start-up costs.

A player who owns a newspaper is allowed to post messages to an official mailing list with an indication that the message is an article of that newspaper. Such an article is then said to have been published in that newspaper.

A posting that is not sent to one of the official mailing lists is never considered to be a newspaper publication. In addition, no player may publish an article in a newspaper she does not own without the express permission of the newspaper's owner.


(No tricks this time.) See Proposal 1727 for the rationale for this rule change.


Proposal 1754 - Tue, 25 Feb 1997 23:54:49 -0600
Find The Key
Strider (Jason McCulley)
Decision: Rejected

On the passage of this proposal, all players shall be permitted to sneer at narf for attempting to remove things {{like the crystal chalice and the chalice vault}} from Ackanomic

Proposal 1755 - Tue, 25 Feb 1997 23:54:51 -0600
fnord (Michael Thomas)
Decision: Rejected

eliminateAnyMentionOf(cup_type the_crystal_chalice,
vault_type the_chalice_vault)
return({{[The map merely asks for a proposal that passes and eliminates the crystal chalice and the chalice vault. This proposal certainly passes them into the function, then eliminates them, as any programmer could attest. I'm certainly willing to lose the points for this proposal merely to point out to Narf that just because you don't _like_ a game doesn't mean you have to make it difficult for others to play it.]}});

{{[Just to make sure this isn't a NULL proposal] fnord loses A$23.}}

Proposal 1756 - Wed, 26 Feb 1997 10:58:23 -0600
Monopoly money.
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: retracted by author

{{number this rule 847}}

1. There exists a type of entity known as streets.
2. Each street is unique and has a name. Streets divide the rows of houses and other buildings in Ackanomia, and extend off the edge of the map, linking Ackanomia to the rest of the world.
3. There are 22 unique streets. They are grouped together in sets of 2 or 3. If any player owns all of the streets in a group, e is said to have a monopoly. The 22 streets are named and grouped as follows: Group 1 (Baltic Ave, Mediterranean Ave), Group 2 ( Connecticut Ave, Vermont Ave, Oriental Ave ) Group 3 (Virginia Ave, St. Charles Place, States Ave), Group 4 (New York Ave, Tennessee Ave, St James Place), Group 5 (Kentucky Ave, Indiana Ave, Illinois Ave), Group 6 (Ventnor Ave, Atlantic Ave, Marvin Gardens), Group 7 (Pennsylvania Ave, North Carolina Ave, Pacific Ave) and Group 8 (Park Place, Boardwalk).
4. Beginning the first thursday following the acceptance of this rule, and every thursday thereafter, the officer in charge of random things will randomly choose one street and auction it off. The auction shall be a shubik auction. If no one buys a street, it is returned to the set of unowned streets. This will continue until such time as there are no unowned streets. If a street ever becomes unowned following this, the officer of random things will once again conduct an auction on thursday.
5. A player who owns a monopoly may build Mhouses and Mhotels on eir streets. These Mhouses and Mhotels are built in the wilds of Ackanomia, to encourage the growth of our city. A player must build an equal number of Mhouses or Mhotels on every street in the monopoly. MHouses for streets in groups 1 and 2 cost A$5 each. MHouses for streets in groups 3 and 4 cost A$10 each. MHouses for streets in groups 5 and 6 cost $15 each. MHouses for streets in groups 7 and 8 cost $20 each. A street may never have more than 4 Mhouses on it. If a street has 4 Mhouses on it, a player may purchas a Mhotel for that street, by paying what it would cost to build a 5th Mhouse. If a Mhotel is built, all Mhouses on that street are removed, and replaced by a Mhotel. No Mhouses may be built on a street that has a Mhotel, and no street may have more than one Mhotel. Mhouses and Mhotels may be demolished. If a player demolishes a Mhouse or Mhotel, e shall receive half of what he paid for it in compensation. These rules describe the only ways in which Mhouses and Mhotels may be built, purchased, obtained, destroyed or otherwise manipulated.
6. Earning money: [here we break from "traditional" Monopoly rules] As long as at least one street is owned, every friday the officer in charge of random things shall choose one street at random. This may be a street that is not yet owned. If the chosen street is owned, the owner of that street shall be compensated for eir hard work in expanding our town according to the follwing table.

[ on the left are group numbers. At the top is the number of Mhouses. ] If a street is chosen, and that street is part of an owned monopoly and there are no Mhouses or Mhotels on that street, the player shall receive twice the ammount of money printed here. All amounts shown are in A$

                   0      1       2       3        4      Mhotel
Group 1     $2    $5     $7     $12    $16    $20
Group 2     $4    $9     $13   $19    $23    $27   
Group 3     $6    $13   $18   $26    $30    $34
Group 4     $8    $17   $23   $33    $37    $41
Group 5     $10  $21   $28   $40    $50    $60    
Group 6     $12  $25   $33   $48    $58    $68         
Group 7     $14  $29   $39   $57    $70    $85    
Group 8     $16  $33   $45   $65    $80    $100  
{{7. Location: The streets are located in Ackanomia as follows, and should be indicated as such on the official map of Ackanomia. The location of the streets has no game effect and is for aesthetic purposes only. Players are encouraged to take civic pride in the streets that eir house lies upon.

The following 12 streets run East to West, and are located on the map in the following order, with the first street running across the top of the map, the second street running between rows A and B, etc...:Baltic Ave, Mediterranean Ave, Connecticut Ave, Oriental Ave, Vermont Ave, St Charles Place, States Ave, Virgina Ave, St James Place, New York Ave, Tennessee Ave and Kentucky Ave.

The following 10 streets run North to South, and are located on the map in the following order, with the first street running along the left side of the map, the second street running between columns 1 and 2, etc..:Indiana Ave, Iliinois Ave, Ventnor Ave, Marvin Gardens, Atlantic Ave, Pacific Ave, North Carolina Ave, Pennsylvania Ave, Park Place and Boardwalk. }}

8. Transfer of ownership: Streets themselves can not be moved, but ownership of them can be transfered. If ownership of a street is transfered, all Mhouses or Mhotels on that street are transfered with it.

[if this proposal passes, I have some fun ideas for ways to expand on it, and encourage other players to do the same. Railroads, the utilities, Community Chest and Chance cards (maybe working with the current Otzma cards?) can be worked in, as well as our existing gaol.]

Proposal 1757 - Wed, 26 Feb 1997 10:58:24 -0600
The Golden Knife
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Accepted

{{number this rule 941 This is a modest proposal}}

There exists a unique, none-tradable entity known as The Golden Knife.

The Golden Knife has a hilt wrapped in leather, with ornate wrist guards. Its blade is gold plated, very sharp, and has a channel in the center to allow blood to run off.

The last player to win a game of Ackanomic Diplomacy shall posses The Golden Knife until another game of Ackanomic Diplomacy is finished. It is the responsibility of the player who currently posseses The Golden Knife to wipe all blood off of it, that may have resulted from stabbing eir allies.

Proposal 1758 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 14:52:00 -0600
Public Actions
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 260, "Public Actions", is created, reading:
This rule defers to all other rules.

Each attempt to perform an action either succeeds or fails. To perform an action entails two things: first, to attempt the action; and second, for the attempt to succeed.

The rules may specify that certain possible courses of play are public actions. Any active player may attempt any public action available to him or her simply by sending a public message specifying the action to be taken. However, if any information that is necessary to specify the action fully and unambiguously is left out of that message, then the attempt fails. [An attempt may also fail for other reasons.]

If the rules specify that a certain course of play is available to a player or organization, but do not specify how that course of play is to be taken, then that course of play is a public action, and it is taken as described above.

Rule 594 ("Blueprints") is amended to read:
(i) Blueprints are unownable entities. A Scientist can create a new Blueprint by posting its text publicly. In this case, the Scientist is the creator of the Blueprint. A Rule can also create a new Blueprint by specifying that it is doing so, and specifying the text of the new Blueprint. In this case, the author of the Rule is considered the creator of the Blueprint.

An attempt to create a new Blueprint fails if its text does not (a) introduce exactly one new type of Gadget, (b) name the new Gadget type, and (c) unambiguously define the behavior of such a Gadget.

A Scientist may create no more than 4 Blueprints per calendar month.

(ii) When a Blueprint is judged to be in conflict with one or more Rules, the Blueprint is destroyed, as are any extant Gadgets made from that Blueprint.

(iii) A Blueprint is lonely if and only if there do not currently exist any Gadgets made from that Blueprint. The creator of a Blueprint that is lonely may destroy it. If a Scientist leaves or loses their office for any reason, all of his or her lonely Blueprints are destroyed. [This gives the Players a way to get rid of the Blueprint for some Doomsday device: impeach the Scientist. In other cases, the Blueprint is generally approved by vote.]

(iv) If the specification or behaviour, attributes, etc, specified by 2 Blueprints is in conflict, the Blueprint which was created first has precedence. If the Blueprints were created at the same time, the one which would appear first in an alphabetic list (using ASCII) of their titles would hold precedence. If this still does not resolve the conflict, or the precedence cannot be determined with finality for any reason, both Blueprints, and all gadgets made from each, are destroyed, in a large yellow, pungent, cloud of dust, which remains in the Archaeologist's home for 3 days.

{{ [
The text of section (v) is now covered by copyright infringement and the naming rule. So I think we can do without it.

(v) Entities with the same name as a Gadget proposed or introduced by a Blueprint may not exist or be created unless they are an instance of the Gadget described by said Blueprint.
] }}

(v) If a Blueprint specifies the effects of a certain kind of Gadget-related manipulation, and tells who can perform it, but does not specify how it is to be accomplished, then that type of manipulation can be performed as a public action. [See Rule 260 for more about public actions.]

[A Blueprint is not a legally binding document except where the Rules say that it is.]

Proposal 1759 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 14:52:00 -0600
Honor Must Be Satisfied!
Strider (Jason McCulley)
Decision: retracted by author

Amend R374 [Politeness Moon] by replacing "Any Player sending a public message should be as polite as possible. Any Player may call a Hearing on the matter of whether a certain public message from another Player was polite."


Any Player sending a public message should be as polite as possible. Any Player, if they believe a message to have been impolite, has three choices; 1) They may ignore it. 2) They may call a Politeness Moon Hearing on the matter of whether or not the message was polite. 3) They may challenge the author of the message to a duel. The loser of the duel must post a public apology within 12 hours of losing the duel.


Proposal 1760 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 14:52:02 -0600
Advance Token to Broadway
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a modest proposal

{{number this rule 847}}

1. There exists a type of entity known as streets.
2.Streets divide the rows of houses and other buildings in Ackanomia, and extend off the edge of the map, linking Ackanomia to the rest of the world.
3. There are 22 unique streets. They are grouped together in sets of 2 or 3. If any player owns all of the streets in a group, e is said to have a monopoly. The 22 streets are named and grouped as follows: Group 1 (Baltic Ave, Mediterranean Ave), Group 2 ( Connecticut Ave, Vermont Ave, Oriental Ave ) Group 3 (Virginia Ave, St. Charles Place, States Ave), Group 4 (New York Ave, Tennessee Ave, St James Place), Group 5 (Kentucky Ave, Indiana Ave, Illinois Ave), Group 6 (Ventnor Ave, Atlantic Ave, Marvin Gardens), Group 7 (Pennsylvania Ave, North Carolina Ave, Pacific Ave) and Group 8 (Park Place, Boardwalk). Other streets, unique or otherwise, may exist in Ackanomia as well. These streets may even overlap the streets named in this rule. This rule has no effect on currently existing streets within Ackanomia.
4. Once a week, on a day convenient for im, the officer in charge of random things will select one of the streets named in this rule at random. If the street is unowned, a public shubik auction will be held for the street. If nobody buys the street, it shall remain unowned. If the street is owned, then the player who owns it shall be paid by the treasury according to the chart in paragraph 6.
5. A player who owns a monopoly may build Mhouses and Mhotels on eir streets. These Mhouses and Mhotels are built in the wilds of Ackanomia, to encourage the growth of our city. A player must build an equal number of Mhouses or Mhotels on every street in the monopoly. MHouses for streets in groups 1 and 2 cost A$5 each. MHouses for streets in groups 3 and 4 cost A$10 each. MHouses for streets in groups 5 and 6 cost $15 each. MHouses for streets in groups 7 and 8 cost $20 each. A street may never have more than 4 Mhouses on it. If a street has 4 Mhouses on it, a player may purchas a Mhotel for that street, by paying what it would cost to build a 5th Mhouse. If a Mhotel is built, all Mhouses on that street are removed, and replaced by a Mhotel. No Mhouses may be built on a street that has a Mhotel, and no street may have more than one Mhotel. Mhouses and Mhotels may be demolished. If a player demolishes a Mhouse or Mhotel, e shall receive half of what he paid for it in compensation. These rules describe the only ways in which Mhouses and Mhotels may be built, purchased, obtained, destroyed or otherwise manipulated.
6. Earning money: [here we break from "traditional" Monopoly rules] When the officer in charge of random things chooses a street that is owned, the player who owns it shall be paid according to the chart below, as a reward for investing in the future and growth of Ackanomia.

[ on the left are group numbers. At the top is the number of Mhouses. ] If a street is chosen, and that street is part of an owned monopoly and there are no Mhouses or Mhotels on that street, the player shall receive twice the ammount of money printed here. All amounts shown are in A$

                        0      1       2       3        4      Mhotel
     Group 1     $2    $5     $7     $12    $16    $20
     Group 2     $4    $9     $13   $19    $23    $27   
     Group 3     $6    $13   $18   $26    $30    $34
     Group 4     $8    $17   $23   $33    $37    $41
     Group 5     $10  $21   $28   $40    $50    $60    
     Group 6     $12  $25   $33   $48    $58    $68         
     Group 7     $14  $29   $39   $57    $70    $85    
     Group 8     $16  $33   $45   $65    $80    $100  
{{7. Location: The streets are located in Ackanomia as follows, and should be indicated as such on the official map of Ackanomia. The location of the streets has no game effect and is for aesthetic purposes only. Players are encouraged to take civic pride in the streets that eir house lies upon.

The following 12 streets run East to West, and are located on the map in the following order, with the first street running across the top of the map, the second street running between rows A and B, etc...:Baltic Ave, Mediterranean Ave, Connecticut Ave, Oriental Ave, Vermont Ave, St Charles Place, States Ave, Virgina Ave, St James Place, New York Ave, Tennessee Ave and Kentucky Ave.

The following 10 streets run North to South, and are located on the map in the following order, with the first street running along the left side of the map, the second street running between columns 1 and 2, etc..:Indiana Ave, Iliinois Ave, Ventnor Ave, Marvin Gardens, Atlantic Ave, Pacific Ave, North Carolina Ave, Pennsylvania Ave, Park Place and Boardwalk. }}

8. Transfer of ownership: Streets themselves can not be moved, but ownership of them can be transfered. If ownership of a street is transfered, all Mhouses or Mhotels on that street are transfered with it. [I put this in the rule in order to be specific about what happens to Mhouses and Mhotels when the street is bought/sold/traded, etc...]

[if this proposal passes, I have some fun ideas for ways to expand on it, and encourage other players to do the same. Railroads, the utilities, Community Chest and Chance cards (maybe working with the current Otzma cards?) can be worked in, as well as our existing gaol.]

Proposal 1761 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 14:52:03 -0600
Controlling Interest
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: retracted by author


If a player (player A) owns more than 50% of the PFBonds associated with another player (player B), player A is said to have a "controlling interest" in player B.

Player A may direct player B, in whom he has to controlling interest, to vote in a certain way on a given proposal. This is known as "exercising one's controlling interest."

Exercising on'e controlling interest is accomplished by posting a public message which unambigously states the following:

a) Player A is exercising his controlling interest in Player B.

b) The proposal on which player A is exercising his interest. The deadline for voting on this proposal must be at least 2 days after the message is posted.

c) The vote which Player B is to cast on the proposal.

When player A exercises his controlling interest, A$30 is transferred from player A to player B, to cover player B's costs. Also A$20 is transferred from player A to the Clerk of the Courts, to file the appropriate documents.

If player B does not vote in the way specified, he is guilty of Stiffing His Shareholders.

A player who has Stiffed His Shareholders will:

a) Have A$50 transferred from his account to player A, to reimburse with damages.
b) Have A$30 transferred from his account to the Clerk of the Courts, to have the paperwork corrected.
c) Have A$1 transferred from himself to the owner of each PFbond in his name, including player A. [e.g., snowgod owns 60 PFIdiot, Malenkai owns 40 PFIdiot. If IdiotBoy Stiffs His Shareholders, IdiotBoy would pay A$60 to snowgod and A$40 to Malenkai.)

{{[This will have no immeadiate effect. We treat PFBonds kind of like stock now, anyway.. and this is a move in that direction. The most likely person to be quickly effected is myself, since all my PFs are public and snowgod already holds 50 of them.]}}

Proposal 1762 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 16:26:58 -0600
Cracking Down on Crime
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal

{{[well, it didn't take me too long to find the problems in my own proposal. Errors of an overly ambitious newbie. This proposal will attempt to fix a few of 'em] If this proposal is accepted, deduct a number of points from Narf's score such that he has the same number of points he would have had if this proposal had failed quorum}}

Ammend rule 724 as follows:
Add to the end of section 7 the following text, delineated by **

** The Godfather must publicly ack the bet in order for it to be a legitimate bet. Players may not bet on eir own actions. [this will prevent the financier, who may not have a perfect knowledge of who is and who isn't a member--from inadvertently crediting or debiting someone's account]**

Add section 9, with the following text delineated by &&

&&9. When the Godfather acks a bet, the amount wagered by the player and the payoff should the player win the bet are deducted from the player's account and Organized Crime's account, respectively, and are held in reserve by the treasury. When the issue is resolved, the treasury shall transfer the money to the winner of the bet. Money in the account of Organized Crime belongs solely to Organized Crime and may not be transfered to any player by any means other than a wager. [combined with rule 8, this will prevent Organized Crime from ever having to renig on a bet and also prevents the Godfather from abusing the system]

Proposal 1763 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 17:15:40 -0600
Organization Reorganization
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: retracted by author

[Note: The passage of this proposal is absolutely necessary in order for any of the next four proposals to work properly. Voting YES on those, and NO on this, is self-defeating, although it could create an interesting set of problems.]

1. Rule 721/10 ("Organizations") is amended to read:
Organizations are unownable, named entities.

1. Forming an Organization

Any Player may form a new Organization by announcing its name publicly. (Its name must be a legal name.) When this happens, that Player becomes the Founder of the new Organization and its only member. Organizations formed in this way are known as Player-sanctioned Organizations.

Alternatively, an Organization may be created and defined by other Rules. Such Organizations are called Rule-sanctioned Organizations. A Rule-sanctioned Organization does not necessarily have a Founder.

Proposal 1764 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 17:18:19 -0600
Organization Reorganization
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

[Note: The passage of this proposal is absolutely necessary in order for any of the next four proposals to work properly. Voting YES on those, and NO on this, is self-defeating, although it could create an interesting set of problems.]

1. Rule 721/10 ("Organizations") is amended to read:
Organizations are unownable, named entities.

1. Forming an Organization

Any Player may form a new Organization by announcing its name publicly. (Its name must be a legal name.) When this happens, that Player becomes the Founder of the new Organization and its only member. Organizations formed in this way are known as Player-sanctioned Organizations.

Alternatively, an Organization may be created and defined by other Rules. Such Organizations are called Rule-sanctioned Organizations. A Rule-sanctioned Organization does not necessarily have a Founder.

2. Organization Disbandment

The rules may call for the disbandment of an Organization. When an Organization is disbanded, everything owned by the Organization is transferred to the Treasury, and the Organization is then no more.

3. Organization Size

The Size of an Organization is the number of members it has. Terms such as 'larger' and 'smallest', when applied to Organizations, refer to the Sizes of the Organizations being compared. [For example, to say that one organization is larger than another is to say that it has more members.]

The Active Size of an Organization is the number of Players who are members of that Organization and are not on vacation.

4. Organization Similarity

For any two Organizations X and Y, orgsim(X, Y) is defined as the percentage of members of X who are also members of Y.

The H Similarity between two Organizations, A and B, is the greater of orgsim(A, B) and orgsim(B, A).

The L Similarity between two Organizations, A and B, is the lesser of orgsim(A, B) and orgsim(B, A).

The M Similarity between two Organizations, A and B, is the average of orgsim(A, B) and orgsim(B, A).

5. Player Liberty Clause

No player may become a member of an Organization without first expressing their consent to joining it. A player may leave an Organization of which he or she is a member at any time.

2. Rule 722 ("Political Parties") is hereby renumbered to 17.

3. A new Rule is created, numbered 722, titled "Organizational Action", and reading:
This Rule defers to all other rules. [Not all Organizations necessarily work this way. Churches in particular have their own unique internal structures. The Rules may also define other ways Organizations can act, and may define that certain Organizations are unable to use this process under certain circumstances.]

An Organization can attempt actions. However, the process for an Organization to attempt an action is somewhat more complex than the same process for players. First, some member of the Organization sends a public message suggesting an action for the Organization to take. The suggestion must include the name of the Organization for which it is being suggested. The other members of the Organization may then approve of the suggestion or denounce it. If any member denounces the suggestion, it is voided.

If, after a suggestion is made, all members of the Organization approve it within seven days, and no member denounces it, then the Organization attempts the action as suggested. The time of this attempt is the time of the last approval.

If seven days pass after a suggestion is made, then the Organization shall make the attempt, as suggested, if and only if no member of that Organization denounced the suggestion, and at least two thirds of the Organization's members approved it within the seven-day period.

4. Rule 723 ("Rewarding Party Unity") is renumbered to 724.

5. A new Rule is created, numbered 723, titled "Organizational Powers", and reading:
This rule defers to all other rules.

Organizational Powers ("Powers" for short) are tradeable entities. All Organizations can own Powers.

Where the rules say that an Organization may buy a Power of a certain type, what is meant is that the Organization may, as an action, contribute an amount of currency to the Treasury in exchange for a new Power of the type specified, which is then created in that Organization's possession.

6. Rule 724 ("Rewarding Party Unity") is amended to read:
{{ This Rule is renamed "Big Tents and Rewarding Party Unity". }}

A Big Tent is an Organizational Power. They are usually quite large, covering more than a kaa of land when fully erected, and are blazoned with broad, colorful stripes. An Organization may buy a Big Tent for A$300.

An Organization that has a Big Tent is called a Political Party. It is a Crime to be a member of more than one Political Party at once.

At the end of a proposal's voting period, but before votes on that proposal are counted, if every player member of a given Political Party voted YES on that proposal, and no member of the Party is also a member of some other Party, then the Political Party itself shall cast an additional YES vote on that proposal for every three player members it has.

Party membership and how players voted are determined based on the facts in force at the end of the voting period for each proposal.

7. Rule 17 ("Political Parties") is amended to read, in full:
The Organizations that were Political Parties just before the acceptance of the proposal that put this text in this rule are each awarded a Special Edition Grandfather Big Tent. Each of these is a Big Tent as described in Rule 724.

Proposal 1765 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 17:18:19 -0600
Trade Licenses
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 730, "Trade Licenses", is created, reading in full:
A Trade License is an Organizational Power. An Organization may buy a Trade License for A$50.

If an Organization has a Trade License, that Organization may offer, accept, and retract trades on the Free Market, and give gifts. The procedure for each of these actions is the same as for players [see Rule 515], except that where those procedures call for a public message, any member of the Organization may send that message on behalf of the Organization-- assuming the actions described therein have already been approved as specified by Rule 722 or some other Rule.

Proposal 1766 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 17:18:20 -0600
Heavy Cannon
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

Rule 731, "Heavy Cannon", is created, reading:
A Heavy Cannon is an Organizational Power. An Organization may buy a Heavy Cannon for A$500. An Organization that has a Heavy Cannon is known as an Army.

[An Army can use its cannon to blast other Organizations to smithereens. This is generally taken as an act of war and is insanely illegal. It should probably be reserved for times when one cares enough to send the very best.]

An Army may, as an action, fire their cannon, if the Army has at least A$500. In doing so the Army must specify at what other Organization the cannon is/are being fired; it may also name a specific Building owned by the targeted Organization or by one of its members, as long as it isn't someone's home.

When an Army fires its cannon, A$500 is transferred from that Army to the Treasury. Then, there is a loud noise, like a thunderclap, and a puff of smoke. If a Building was named, that Building is obliterated (unless it is defined by name in the rules, in which case it is only hideously damaged). The Organization at which the cannon fired is immediately disbanded! However: all trinkets and Gadgets owned by the Army that fired the cannon, or by any of that Army's members, are destroyed by the concussion. [If you see the members of an Army start to bury their most prized possessions, duck.] Being a member of an Army when it fires its cannon is a heinous Crime.

Proposal 1767 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 17:18:20 -0600
Printing Presses
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: retracted by author

Rule 732, "Printing Presses", is created, reading:
An Organization may buy a Printing Press for A$200.

An Organization that has a Printing Press may, as an action, submit a proposal. If that proposal is then accepted, each player member of the Organization gains 7 points. No Processing Chips or Blue Cross Rank are awarded on the acceptance of such a proposal. This takes precedence over Rule 935.

Any points normally awarded to the player who submits a proposal are not awarded in the case of a proposal submitted by an Organization. This Rule takes precedence over Rule 207.

Proposal 1768 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 17:18:21 -0600
Secret Laboratories
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 733, "Secret Laboratories", is created, reading:
A Secret Laboratory is an Organizational Power. An Organization may buy a Secret Laboratory for A$ 1000.

An Organization that has a Secret Laboratory may, as an action, build a Gadget from any existing non-lonely Blueprint once per calendar month. This new Gadget is created in the Organization's possession.

[Secret Laboratories are said to be buried deep underground.]

Proposal 1769 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 17:18:21 -0600
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

Rule 734, "Powerballs", is created, reading:
Powerballs are Organizational Powers. An Organization may buy 13 Powerballs for A$ 13. At the time of their creation, Powerballs are stamped with the name of the Organization that bought them. Should the Organization later change its name, all Powerballs with the old name stamped into them automatically change to show the new name.

A player or Organization who owns a Powerball may destroy it, as an action.

A player or Organization who owns seven or more Powerballs stamped with the name of an Organization may cause that Organization to attempt any action. It is a Crime to cause an Organization to commit a Crime in this way.

Proposal 1770 - Fri, 28 Feb 1997 23:31:13 -0600
Non-voting Swingers
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend Rule 726, "Party Hall", by adding this in section III, just before section A:

"Non-voting players are eligible for all types of Swinger offices."

{{[Whoops, I knew I forgot something. Niccolo Flychuck asked me about this, becuase he knows someone who'd like to play party chess without getting into the rest of Ackanomic. I intended to do this but it got left out somehow.]}}

Proposal 1771 - Sat, 1 Mar 1997 16:49:59 -0600
Controlling Interest
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Accepted

If a player (player A) owns more than 50% of the PFBonds associated with another player (player B), player A is said to have a "controlling interest" in player B.

Player A may direct player B, in whom he has to controlling interest, to vote in a certain way on a given proposal. This is known as "exercising one's controlling interest."

Exercising one's controlling interest is accomplished by posting a public message which unambigously states the following:

a) Player A is exercising his controlling interest in Player B.

b) The proposal on which player A is exercising his interest. The deadline for voting on this proposal must be at least 2 days after the message is posted.

c) The vote which Player B is to cast on the proposal.

When player A exercises his controlling interest, A$30 is transferred from player A to player B, to cover player B's costs. Also A$20 is transferred from player A to the Clerk of the Courts, to file the appropriate documents.

If player B does not vote in the way specified, he is guilty of Stiffing His Shareholders.

A player who has Stiffed His Shareholders will:

a) Have A$50 transferred from his account to player A, to reimburse with damages.
b) Have A$30 transferred from his account to the Clerk of the Courts, to have the paperwork corrected.
c) Have A$1 transferred from himself to the owner of each PFbond in his name, including player A. [e.g., snowgod owns 60 PFIdiot, Malenkai owns 40 PFIdiot. If IdiotBoy Stiffs His Shareholders, IdiotBoy would pay A$60 to snowgod and A$40 to Malenkai.]

A player may not exercise his controlling interest in any single other player more often than once a week.

{{[This will have no immediate effect. We treat PFBonds kind of like stock now, anyway.. and this is a move in that direction. The most likely person to be quickly effected is myself, since all my PFs are public and snowgod already holds 50 of them.]}}

Proposal 1772 - Sat, 1 Mar 1997 22:04:45 -0600
Accepting non-easily-retracted errors
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 713, "Crime", to add the following paragraph directly after the second paragraph:

If, however, the illegally or impossiblility of a publically knowable change to the game state goes unreported for at least 14 days, the action or inaction which caused that change is considered legal, but it is still a Crime. The change is deemed to have occurred retroactively to the time of the attempt. The preceeding does not apply to the case of events which occur automatically, but whose occurrance is not (or erroneously) reported [e.g., loss of the Great Trombone]. This paragraph has precedence over rule 103.

{{[see Steve's Essay off of the main page for a discussion of this sort of meta-rule]}}

Proposal 1773 - Sat, 1 Mar 1997 22:04:46 -0600
Honor Must Be Satisfied!
Strider (Jason McCulley)
Decision: Rejected

Any player sending a public message should be as polite as possible. If a player, in a public message, refers to another player in an impolite fashion, that player may challenge the author of the message to an Honor Duel. An Honor Duel is similiar to a Duel in all ways, except that it may not be refused. If the challenging player is the winner, the loser must post a public apology for the impolite remark. If the challenged player is the winner, the loser must post a public apology for misinterpreting the other players remark. E may also not challenge another player to an Honor Duel for a period of two weeks.

If a player believes that an Honor Duel has been unfairly called, e may call a hearing on the matter at any time before the duel begins. The valid responses to a honor Duel Hearing are "Yes, eir honor was besmirched!" and "No, e has an inflated opinion of es own honor!" If the verdict of the Hearing is that the players honor was besmirched, then the duel takes place as if the Hearing had not happened. If the verdict of the Hearing is that the player has an inflated opinion of eir own honor, then the duel is called off, and the Challenger must publicly apologize to the challenged player.

{{Renumber this rule to 375}}

{{Amend R1209 by adding the text "and Honor Duels" after the text "who shall be immune from the politeness moon" in the first sentence of the twelfth paragraph}}

Proposal 1774 - Mon, 3 Mar 1997 13:15:24 -0600
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


1. Amend R 211, "Invoking Judgement", to replace:

Any player who has a question or complaint about any matter concerning the laws and their interpretation


Any player who has a question or complaint about any matter concerning the rules, the facts, or their interpretation

{{[Its always bothered me that fact-based CFJs were impermissible]}}


2. Amend R 516, "Auction", to replace, in section 6a)

submit bids of an amount of A$


submit bids of a positive amount of A$

{{[this will save a little bandwidth on those A$0 bids.]}}


3. Amend R 1213, "Grab-a-Donkey", to add the following new paragraph directly after the one which begins with "The Wrangler may call for a"

If it has been at least 60 days since the most recent game of Grab-a-Donkey ended, and there is no game of Grab-a-Donkey in progress, any player may claim the title of Wrangler and Belt-Holder, by publically announcing they are doing so. The titles are then transferred to the claimant. It is considered good form for the claimant to start a game of Grab-a-Donkey shortly after doing this.

{{[this prevents possible hogging the harf in Grab-a-Donkey]}}


4. Renumber R 1743, "The Sinister Alien Abduction Act" to 1131.

{{[I had a clever self-deleting comment for this one too, but did not want to look like a copycat]}}

Proposal 1775 - Mon, 3 Mar 1997 18:01:27 -0600
Advance token to Brodaway, Part III
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Rejected

This is a modest proposal

{{number this rule 847 and rename this rule "Advance Token to Broadway"}}

1. There exists a type of entity known as streets.

2.Streets divide the rows of houses and other buildings in Ackanomia, and extend off the edge of the map, linking Ackanomia to the rest of the world.

3. There are 22 unique streets. They are grouped together in sets of 2 or 3. If any player owns all of the streets in a group, e is said to have a monopoly. The 22 streets are named and grouped as follows: Group 1 (Baltic Ave, Mediterranean Ave), Group 2 ( Connecticut Ave, Vermont Ave, Oriental Ave ) Group 3 (Virginia Ave, St. Charles Place, States Ave), Group 4 (New York Ave, Tennessee Ave, St James Place), Group 5 (Kentucky Ave, Indiana Ave, Illinois Ave), Group 6 (Ventnor Ave, Atlantic Ave, Marvin Gardens), Group 7 (Pennsylvania Ave, North Carolina Ave, Pacific Ave) and Group 8 (Park Place, Boardwalk). Other streets, unique or otherwise, may exist in Ackanomia as well. These streets may even overlap the streets named in this rule. This rule has no effect on streets not named in this rule.

4. Once a week, on a day convenient for im, the officer in charge of random things will select one of the streets named in this rule at random. If the street is unowned, a public shubik auction will be held for the street. If nobody buys the street, it shall remain unowned. If the street is owned, then the player who owns it shall be paid by the treasury according to the chart in paragraph 6.

5. A player who owns a monopoly may build Mhouses and Mhotels on eir streets. These Mhouses and Mhotels are built in the wilds of Ackanomia, to encourage the growth of our city. A player must build an equal number of Mhouses or Mhotels on every street in the monopoly. MHouses for streets in groups 1 and 2 cost A$5 each. MHouses for streets in groups 3 and 4 cost A$10 each. MHouses for streets in groups 5 and 6 cost $15 each. MHouses for streets in groups 7 and 8 cost $20 each. A street may never have more than 4 Mhouses on it. If a street has 4 Mhouses on it, a player may purchas a Mhotel for that street, by paying what it would cost to build a 5th Mhouse. If a Mhotel is built, all Mhouses on that street are removed, and replaced by a Mhotel. No Mhouses may be built on a street that has a Mhotel, and no street may have more than one Mhotel. Mhouses and Mhotels may be demolished. If a player demolishes a Mhouse or Mhotel, e shall receive half of what he paid for it in compensation. These rules describe the only ways in which Mhouses and Mhotels may be built, purchased, obtained, destroyed or otherwise manipulated.

6. Earning money: [here we break from "traditional" Monopoly rules] When the officer in charge of random things chooses a street that is owned, the player who owns it shall be paid according to the chart below, as a reward for investing in the future and growth of Ackanomia.

[ on the left are group numbers. At the top is the number of Mhouses. ] If a street is chosen, and that street is part of an owned monopoly and there are no Mhouses or Mhotels on that street, the player shall receive twice the ammount of money printed here. All amounts shown are in A$

                             0      1       2       3        4      Mhotel
          Group 1     $2    $5     $7     $12    $16    $20
          Group 2     $4    $9     $13   $19    $23    $27   
          Group 3     $6    $13   $18   $26    $30    $34
          Group 4     $8    $17   $23   $33    $37    $41
          Group 5     $10  $21   $28   $40    $50    $60    
          Group 6     $12  $25   $33   $48    $58    $68         
          Group 7     $14  $29   $39   $57    $70    $85    
          Group 8     $16  $33   $45   $65    $80    $100  
{{7. Location: The streets are located in Ackanomia as follows, and should be indicated as such on the official map of Ackanomia. The location of the streets has no game effect and is for aesthetic purposes only. Players are encouraged to take civic pride in the streets that eir house lies upon.

The following 12 streets run East to West, and are located on the map in the following order, with the first street running across the top of the map, the second street running between rows A and B, etc...:Baltic Ave, Mediterranean Ave, Connecticut Ave, Oriental Ave, Vermont Ave, St Charles Place, States Ave, Virgina Ave, St James Place, New York Ave, Tennessee Ave and Kentucky Ave.

The following 10 streets run North to South, and are located on the map in the following order, with the first street running along the left side of the map, the second street running between columns 1 and 2, etc..:Indiana Ave, Iliinois Ave, Ventnor Ave, Marvin Gardens, Atlantic Ave, Pacific Ave, North Carolina Ave, Pennsylvania Ave, Park Place and Boardwalk. }}

8. Transfer of ownership: Streets themselves can not be moved, but ownership of them can be transfered. If ownership of a street is transfered, all Mhouses or Mhotels on that street are transfered with it. [I put this in the rule in order to be specific about what happens to Mhouses and Mhotels when the street is bought/sold/traded, etc...]

{{The web harfer may add white space as needed to make the rule easier to read on the web page}}

{{ [if this proposal passes, I have some fun ideas for ways to expand on it, and encourage other players to do the same. Railroads, the utilities, Community Chest and Chance cards (maybe working with the current Otzma cards?) can be worked in, as well as our existing gaol.]}}

Proposal 1776 - Mon, 3 Mar 1997 19:11:34 -0600
More Minor NVP fixes
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ Fixes for the non-voting player rules. None of these are going to break the game if they aren't fixed, but some things might not work as intended. ]}}

In Rule 404, "Offices, Impeachment", in section (iv)a), change "active voting players" to "active players".

{{[This should never have been changed. An earlier version of the non-voting players proposal handled the player states differently, so there could be such a thing as active non-voting players; when I changed it, I deleted from the proposal changes of "active" to "active player", but missed one.]}}

In Rule 927, "Silly Vacation Hat", in the second paragraph change "voting player" to "player".

{{[ Part of the same change in the way player states were handled made it such that "voting player" = "pending or active player", and as a result, vacationing players are never voting or non-voting. As currently written, it would never activate. I would prefer not to clutter the rule by saying "vacationing player who was a voting player just before their current vacation began", so allowing non-voting players to get silly vacation hats is best. ]}}

Proposal 1777 - Tue, 4 Mar 1997 21:45:40 -0600
Lamb in Donkeys Clothing
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R1213 by changing section C in to read

C. If exactly one player ("A") chose to Grab another player's donkey ("B"), and if B did not Cover their donkey, then B will lose their donkey and be removed from the GAL at the start of the following Round, unless player B is in possesion of the Little Lamb, in which case A willbecome confused and grab the lamb by mistake and B will remain in possesion of his donkey. (In this situation, possesion of the Little Lamb will transfer to player A.) Otherwise, "A" is said to have successfully grabbed "B"'s donkey. If more than one player attempted to grab "B"'s donkey, none of those attempts is successful.

{{This amendment shall be enacted upon the current game of Grab-A-Donkey, if one is in affect}}

Proposal 1778 - Wed, 5 Mar 1997 01:07:46 -0600
Public Forum
Strider (Jason McCulley)
Decision: retracted by author

IRC is a public forum when at least 3 players are present.


Proposal 1779 - Thu, 6 Mar 1997 01:13:41 -0600
Pet Animals
Vynd (John McCoy)
Made harfy by snowgod at Wed, 5 Mar 1997 22:40:34 -0900
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule which reads:

Pets are friendly, animalian, entities. Owning a pet has been reliably demonstrated to increase one's lifespan and self-reports of well-being.

Pet Animals (or pets) can be purchased at the "Pet Shop." The Pet Shop is a small, common, building near the Courthouse. Any player may purchase a Pet by publicly announcing that they are going to The Pet Shop and paying A$75 to the Treasury.

When announcing that they are purchasing a Pet Animal, a player must include the following information in their public announcement:

A) The name of the pet, this must follow all rules governing the naming of entities.

B) The species of the pet. The pet must be an animal, and it must be no larger than a horse or cow in size.

C) A description of the pet's appearance.

Once this message has been sent, and the player has paid the Treasury, he is the proud owner of a Pet Animal. Each such pet, once purchased, is unique, there can be no other pet with the same name and species. It is important to note that Pet Animals as a whole are not unique, there can be more than one Pet Animal. It is the pet's name and species that constitutes it's unique type. Other pets with the same name, or other pets of the same species, are also permissible, as it is the combination of the two that yields the specific, unqiue, Pet Animal [Whew].

Players may not own more than two Pet Animals at the same time. If a player wishes to end his ownership of a pet, he must return it to the Pet Shop, after which it is considered destroyed. Any other attempt to transfer ownership [i.e. get rid of] a pet is doomed to failure, as the pet's unerring sense of direction and loyalty to it's owner will cause it to return to it's owner immediately, even if it was "Somewhere else." [Note that pets can still be destroyed through any of the normal means for destroying entities]. The one exception is in the case of a player who has left the game. Any pet in the possesion of a player who leaves the game is immediately destroyed.

Owners of pets are required to feed their pets at least once every 7 days, begining on the day that they purchase their pet. One feed's a pet by publicly announcing what kind of food one is giving to their pet. The cost of this food must be no less that A$5. Pet owners are encouraged to pamper their pets, however, and buy special foods, or other treats for their pets. The food should be appropriate for their pet, however. For example: "Cows eat grass," Pigs eat slops, Saber-Tooth Tigers eat cavemen, etc. Pet owners are also encouraged to take their pets for walks, attempt to teach them tricks, and perhaps to play frisbee with them.

If a pet owner does not feed his pet for two consequtive weeks, he has commited the crime of cruelty to animals. His penalty must include the loss of said pet, which has starved to death and been destroyed. Players on vacation are considered to have taken their pets with them.

This rule governs Pet Animals and Pet Animals only. No entity that is not created according to these rules is considered a pet, unless it is specificaly labeled as such, no matter how pet-like it may seem. [The Chartruse Goose, Brass Monkey, etc, are not pets].

Proposal 1780 - Thu, 6 Mar 1997 04:29:50 -0600
Chess Clock
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a Modest Proposal.

[This proposal does a lot of silly punctuation-harfing, but it also has a practical effect: it changes the time periods involved from four days to three or seven, depending on the circumstances. I believe the changes are all worth making.]

[I also believe there's a lot that could be done to make the Party Chess rules much more readable and understandable. But that's another day's work...]

1. Rule 1230.1 ("Swingers Play Around I - the board and the playing pieces") shall be amended as follows:

a. In section 1, replace "The Party Board is Protected." with "The Party Board is an unownable entity."

b. Place a period at the end of the first paragraph in section 1.

c. In section 2.B., replace "one of two ways" with "two ways".

d. In section 2.E., replace "When ever the word 'piece' or 'Piece' is used in this rule, it means Party Chess Piece." with "Whenever the word 'piece' or 'Piece' is used in this Rule Suite, it means Party Chess Piece."

e. In section 3.A.ii., replace:
ii. It includes in its title the words "Creation of a PartyChessPiece," followed by the name of the piece it creates.
ii. It is a Rule in the Party Chess Rule Suite. {{[We've had some icky problems with this in the past.]}}

f. In section 7, replace "All pieces are Protected." with "Party Chess Pieces are entities."

2. Rule 1230.2 ("Swingers Like to Play Around II - Let's play") is amended in the following ways:

a. In section 1.E.(ii), replace "When the turn is over. The top name" with "When the turn is over, the top name".

b. In section 1.E.(iii), replace "When a single is checked," with "When a single Swinger is checked,".

c. In section 1.H., replace this:
That Swinger has four days in which to make eir play, otherwise eir play defaults to a Pass with the following exceptions: (i) With the exception that if a Swinger goes on Vacation during eir turn, then eir turn is extended by two additional days. There may be no more than two such extensions per turn, and no more than 4 such extensions for any given six consecutive rounds.
with this:
That Swinger has three days in which to make eir play, with the following exceptions:

(i) If a Swinger asks for more time, either during eir turn or just before it, or if e goes on vacation during eir turn, then the ChessUmpire may grant the request, extending the Swinger's turn to seven days.

d. In section 1.H.(ii)(a), replace "If a a Swinger's Office" with "If a Swinger's Office".

e. In section 1.H.(ii)(a), replace "If no play is suggested within two days" with "If no play is suggested within three days".

f. In section 1.H.(ii)(a), replace "If a play has been suggested within two days of the beginning of the public NAP turn then the turn deadline is set to four days after the beginning of a public NAP turn." with "If a play is suggested within three days of the beginning of the public NAP turn, then the turn deadline is extended to seven days after the beginning of the public NAP turn."

g. In section 1.H.(ii)(a), replace "Nap turn" with "NAP turn". [might as well.]

h. In section 1.H.(ii)(b), replace "if four days after" with "if three days after". [This regulates the time allowed for a Party whose Swinger Seat is Warm to come up with a move when they're checked. The way I see it, if they can't get organized in three days, it's because they don't know how to play PartyChess, and the extra day isn't going to help.]

i. In section 1.H.(iii), remove this: [the text is moved down to a place where I believe it makes a bit more sense]
It is permissible for a Party or a Swinger with a Warm Office to notify the Chess-Umpire of a Surrender at any time by sending a public message to that effect. The Surrender becomes effectively immediately. This section of this rule takes precedence over all other sections of this rule."

j. In section 3.B.(v)., insert this:
A Party or a Swinger with a Warm Office may Surrender at any time by sending a public message to that effect. The Surrender takes effect immediately. This section of this rule takes precedence over all other sections of this rule.
at the end of the first paragraph (as part of that paragraph.)

k. In section 3.B.(iv)., replace this:
If a Swinger makes no play within four days of the the most recent play made then he is considered to have Passed. Such a play is called a Pass by Default, and is considered a play for all practical purposes, including the four day count.
with this:
If a Swinger makes no play in the allotted time, then e is considered to have Passed. Such a play is called a Pass by Default, and is considered a play for all practical purposes. [That is, play continues to the next Swinger, and so on.]

l. In section 3.C.(i), at the end of this:
The process of promotion is as follows: The original promotable piece is destroyed, and instantly, the piece to which it promotes is created, at no cost, and placed on the square that was occupied by the promotable piece when it was destroyed.
replace "destroyed." with:
destroyed, in the ownership of the Swinger who owned the promotable piece.

3. Rule 1230.6 ("Creation of a PartyChessPiece Camel") is amended by removing the stray quotation mark at the end of section 3 and adding periods at the end of sections 3 and 4.

Proposal 1781 - Thu, 6 Mar 1997 04:29:51 -0600
The Rectification of Names
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

1. Rule 257 ("No Dead Players Allowed") is amended by replacing "two days" and "2 days", wherever they appear, with "3 days".

[Change 2 actually halves the size of the rule in question, simplifies and de-anachronisms (can I verb that?) the language, and does almost nothing else. Is it worth it? You decide. In any case, I will not make a habit out of ripping rules for brevity-- this is an isolated occurrence. I promise.]

2. Rule 348 (" ") shall be amended to read, in full:
No two named entities may have names that match. The names of Rules and Proposals are exempted from this restriction.

An attempt to do anything that requires a name to be chosen [such as creating a Trinket or Organization] fails if the chosen name matches a name already in use.

Two names match if and only if their primitive forms are the same. The primitive form of a name is found by removing all articles ("a", "an", and "the") from the name, then removing all characters except letters and numbers, then converting all uppercase letters to lowercase. ["Bronze Torch" and "Bron, the Zet oRch" have the same primitive form: bronzetorch.]

If two names are found to match in conflict with the first paragraph of this rule, the CSRR Officer shall change one or both of the names in such a way as to fix the problem. Any game document or business that referred to such an entity by name shall be changed to indicate the new name.

This Rule defers to other Rules on the matter of whether it is permissible for a returning Player to choose, as eir Ackanomic name, the same name as an Undead.

[Allow apostrophes in player and trinket names. We have been allowing this, contrary to the rules, for some time now. Might as well formalize it.]

3. Rule 500.1 ("Entity Names") is amended in the following ways:

a. In the last line of the list of name characters, add an apostrophe after the comma.

b. In the note at the end, change "single quotes, double quotes," to just "double quotes,".

Proposal 1782 - Fri, 7 Mar 1997 21:19:19 -0600
Cantrip 2
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a Modest Proposal.

Rule 844 ("Land Baroncy") is amended by adding the following at the end:

There shall be a Scale Hearing, with valid responses of "Big Country" and "It's a Small World After All". If the verdict of the Hearing is "Big Country", the sentence "One kaa of land covers an area approximately the size of Africa on Old Earth." shall be inserted in this rule, between the first and second paragraphs. If the verdict is "It's a Small World After All", then the sentence "One kaa of land covers a square area eight feet on each side."

Proposal 1783 - Sat, 8 Mar 1997 00:47:29 -0600
Organization Reorganization Emergency Reaction
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Accepted


[Well... I was trying to fix my typo through a CSRR but given the provisions under the new Organization Reorganization, certain other changes became neccesary, so I might as well fix everything at once]

Ammend rule 724 as follows:

Replace "1. There exists a type of organization known as Organized Crime, which is not nearly as organized as its organizers might wish. There also exists an organization known as Organzied Crime, which is the only legal Organized Crime organization."

with "1. There exists a type of organization known as Organized Crime, which is not nearly as organized as its organizers might wish. There also exists an organization known as The Narfalone family, which is the only legal Organized Crime organization."

Replace ever additional instance of "organized crime" with "the Narfalone Family".

Add the following text, delineated by <>

10. The Godfather is the only player permitted to speak or act on behalf of the Narfalone Family. Players that object to his decisions are welcome to stop by the Narfalone Cement Factory and try on a pair of shoes. This rule takes precedent over any other rules determining how organizations take actions.

Proposal 1784 - Sat, 8 Mar 1997 00:55:32 -0600
Stock Options
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Rejected

{{name this rule Companies and number it 725}}

1. A type of organization known as a Company exist. Players may form new companies in accordance with this rule.

2. Players form companies by publicly posting a message containing the following information: The name of the Company, the initial Board of Directors (a minimum of three players). the name of the CEO (must be one of the players on the Board of Directors), the initial offering price for their stock, and the division of the stock. Stock can either be owned by a player or owned by a company. Stock can never be unowned except for as allowed by the rules [for example, stocks buried as part of a treasure].

3. The Board of Directors of a company consists of every player that owns stock in that company. The Board of Directors may convene once per month to choose a CEO. At anytime, a member of the Board of Directors can call a meeting by publicly announcing eir intent to do so providing no meeting has already been called in that calendar month. When a Board of Directors meeting is called, each member of the Board of Directors has 72 hours to publicly vote for one member of the Board of Directors to take over as CEO. Each member of the Board of Directors gets one vote per share of stock they own in the company. If the CEO should resign, quit Ackanomia or sell all of eir stock in the company, an emergency Board of Directors meeting is called. This emergency meeting does not count toward the limit of one meeting per month.

4. The CEO is the only player permitted to take actions on behalf of the company. These actions include, but are not limited to, submitting proposals, posting public messages, buying and selling stock of other companies and purchasing of Organizational Powers.

5. When a new company forms, 100 shares of stock bearing the company's name are created and distributed in accordance with the initial announcement. Each member of the Board of Directors must pay the company the amount specified per share of stock. Until such time as each player in the original Board of Directors posts an acceptance of such, the company has not been formed.

6. The 72 hours following the formation of a company is known as the Initial Public Offering (hereafter called the IPO) period. During the IPO period, the original members of the Board of Directors may not sell or purchase stock in the company, but all other players may purchase the remaining shares of stock from the company at the initial price. All purchases of stock from the company go into the company's account.

7. Once the IPO period has ended, any player may buy or sell stock from any other player at any agreed upon amount. Players may sell stock to the company or buy unowned stock from the company at the price specified by Wall Street. This is automatic, and does not require the CEO to ack it. If the company does not have enough money to purchase the stock, the company goes bankrupt. When a company goes bankrupt, its money is divided amongst the stockholders, each stock being worth 1% of the ammount in the company's account. The company then ceases to exist, and all stock in the company's name vanishes.

8. Companies may write proposals. Only the CEO of a company may submit company proposals to the promoter, and e may do so unilateraly [the moral of the story is -- if you don't trust the CEO, sell your stock]. If a Company proposal is approved, the Company receives A$200. The Company must divide A$100 among its share holders at A$1 per share of stock. It may either keep the other A$100 or pay it out as a dividend. If a Company proposal is rejected, the company must pay A$100 to the treasury. If the Company does not have A$100 in its account, then the stock holders must give the company A$1 per share of stock they own, and then the company must pay the treasury.

{{Create a rule called Wall Street and number it 730 with the following text}}

1. There exists a unique unownable entity known as Wall Street. Wall Street sets the price of stocks in the following manner. The initial price of stock is the price set by the company when it first forms. When a company proposal passes, the value of its stock increases by $A1. If the company pays additional dividends, its stock price increases by a further $A1. If a company proposal fails, the stock price decreases by $A1. If, on the first day of the month, every share of stock is owned by a player, the stock price increases by $A1. If 50% or more of the stock is owned by the company, then the stock price decreases by $A1. It is the job of the financier to monitor Wall Street and post new stock prices once every 2 weeks. An assistant may be appointed to help the financier.

ammend rule 104 as follows.


Voting players may make proposals by e-mailing them to the Promoter, who shall post them publically to be voted on. Accepted proposals must guide play in the form in which they were distributed to the players.


Voting players and CEO's of companies may make proposals by e-mailing them to the Promoter who shall post them publicly to be voted on. Accepted proposals must guide play in the form in which they were distributed to the players

Proposal 1785 - Sat, 8 Mar 1997 04:00:40 -0600
Cantrip 2
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Made harfy by snowgod at Sat, 8 Mar 1997 01:33:45 -0900
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

Rule 844 ("Land Baroncy") is amended by adding the following at the end:

There shall be a Scale Hearing, with valid responses of "Big Country" and "It's a Small World After All". If the verdict of the Hearing is "Big Country", the sentence "One kaa of land covers an area approximately the size of Africa on Old Earth." shall be inserted in this rule, between the first and second paragraphs. If the verdict is "It's a Small World After All", then the sentence "One kaa of land covers a square area eight feet on each side." shall be inserted in this rule, between the first and second paragraphs.

Proposal 1786 - Mon, 10 Mar 1997 15:45:40 -0600
Fixing a truly unforgiveable pawn
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[This proposal makes the pawn more powerful by shaking loose a few of the restrictions on its motion. It also allows the players the option of swapping away the pawn's promotability for paratroopability. I think the two powers are pretty well balanced. But in any case, the pawn needs a bit more strength in Niccolo's and my opinions.]

Rule 1230.8 (Creation of a PartyChessPiece Pawn) is amended to read:
{{ 2 points are transferred from Mohammed to Niccolo Flychuck. }}

1. A pawn is represented by the ASCII character p .

2. Any pawn can move exactly one square horizontally or vertically. A pawn that is currently protecting a friendly piece can, alternatively, move two squares horizontally or vertically.

3. A pawn can capture only by moving diagonally a distance of one square, into a square occupied by an opponent's piece.

4. A pawn is a promotable piece. When a pawn reaches one the following squares: j10,j11,k10,k11, it is immediately promoted. It can be promoted to any legal PartyChessPiece the chosen by the Swinger.

5. A Pawn can only be Placed on one of the columns a,b,s,t, or on one of the rows 1,2,19,20.

6. A pawn's material value is 1.

7. The ChessUmpire has the privelege of deleting section 7 of this rule at any time. The ChessUmpire has the privelege of calling a Chess Hearing. The Chess Hearing shall have valid responses of "Keep Promotion" and "Dump Promotion". If the verdict of the Hearing is "Dump Promotion", sections 4 and 5 of this rule are removed, and section 6 is renumbered to 4. After that is resolved, section 7 of this rule is removed.

[--current text:

1. A pawn is represented by the ASCII character p .

2. A pawn can move exactly one square either horizontally or vertically provided that the distance between the square the pawn occupied and the square j10 does not increase where distance is defined as the larger of dR, and dC

3. A pawn can capture only by moving diagonally a distance of one square, into a square occupied by an opponent's piece, provided that the distance between the square the pawn occupied and the square j10 does not increase, where distance is defined as the larger of dR and dC

4. A pawn is a promotable piece. When a pawn reaches one the following squares: j10,j11,k10,k11, it is immediately promoted. It can be promoted to any legal PartyChessPiece the chosen by the Swinger.

5. A Pawn can only be Placed on one of the columns a,b,s,t, or on one of the rows 1,2,19,20.

6. A pawn's material value is 1

Proposal 1787 - Mon, 10 Mar 1997 22:33:07 -0600
Relocating Decks
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

A proposal to cause the following effects:

I. Add a listing entitled "Decks of Playing Cards", to the General Equipment section of Games and Contests. The listing is marked as authored by /dev/joe, and it contains the following text:

A Deck of Playing Cards (or Deck) is an entity which consists of some number of elements called Playing Cards (or simply Cards). Cards are nontradeable entities. Cards may not be exchanged between Decks.

Unless the stated otherwise, each Card in a Deck has two attributes, which are normally called suit and rank, and a Deck consists of one card for each combination of suit and rank; these are called the Normal Cards.

The order that the ranks and suits are listed in the definition of a particular deck defines the order of those ranks and suits in any game that cares about the order, unless a different order is specified for that game.

Standard symbols or abbreviations for the suits and ranks can and should be defined in the definition of a deck, to make it easier to write the contents of a player's hand that might contain many cards.

The definition of a particular deck may specify none, some, but not all, of its cards as optional. Upon instantiation, the Games and Contest description which is creating the deck may specify the exclusion of any or all of the optional cards in a deck. If no such specification is made, the optional cards are said to be included in that instance of the deck.


II. Add a listing entitled "Legacy Deck", to the General Equipment section of Games and Contests. The listing is marked as authored by Niccolo Flychuck, and it contains the following text:
A Legacy Deck of Cards has four suits: Spades (S), Hearts (H), Diamonds (D), and Clubs (C), and 13 ranks: Ace (A), King (K), Queen (Q), Jack (J), 10, 9, 8,7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2. Spades and Clubs are black. Hearts and Diamonds are red.

There are also two Jokers in this Deck (?1, ?2). Jokers have no suit, rank or color. Jokers are optional.

III. Add a listing entitled "Eleusis Deck", to the General Equipment section of Games and Contests. The listing is marked as authored by /dev/joe, and it contains the following text:

An Eleusis Deck has 8 suits: Wands (!), Strudels (@), Pounds (#), Dollars ($), Maces (%), Spears (^), Daemons (&), and Stars (*), and 15 ranks: Suber (S), Nomic (N), Monarch (M), Knave (K), Page (P), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace (A). In addition to the Normal Cards, there are four indistinguishable Wild cards (W) in this Deck which have neither suit nor rank nor color. The Wild cards are optional. In this deck, Wands and Strudels are blue, Pounds and Dollars are green, Maces and Spears are black, and Daemons and Stars are red.

IV. Repeal Rule 1203. Repeal Rule 1205. Repeal Rule 1207.

{{ [ Originally the Deck of Cards rules were proposed to make it possible to later propose Eleusis as a subgame, something I eventually gave up on, it was proposed seperately to allow decks to be used in other sub games, which didn't exist yet. Since then, G&C came into being, and I doubt that many subgames will be proposed outside the context of G&C, which is why I feel that Decks, both the generic Deck and the specific ones belong in G&C. This will also not break the only sub game that uses currently Decks. ]}}

Proposal 1788 - Mon, 10 Mar 1997 22:33:13 -0600
Forfeiting Duels fix
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest Proposal

Ammend Rule 1215/4 Duels as follows:

Delete part 3. and replace it with the the following:

3. In a duel between two players, A and B, where one is the Challenging player and the other is the Challenged, if player A forfeits, then he looses 6 points, and player B gains 6 points. The scores of neither player A nor player B's Seconds are changed in the event of a forfeit.

{{[The rule as it stands always gives the Challenger 6 points and takes 6 points from the Challenged player in the event of a forfeit. It doesn't seem very fair to give the Challenger the points if he was the one forfeiting, which is quite possibly the case as described in 4f (and possibly elsewhere) of this rule. This admitedly awkward rephrasing should make such an event impossible.]}}

Proposal 1789 - Mon, 10 Mar 1997 22:33:13 -0600
Synod Extensions
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.
Ammend R1303 "Synod" In the following ways:

I. Section 2 is ammended to read in full:
Each Church may have at most 1 seat in the Synod. Each Organization with a Trade License may have at most 1 seat in the Synod. No other entity may have a Seat in the Synod. An Organization with a Trade License is reffered to in this rule as a TLO.
II. In section 3 replace the period at the end of the section with a coma and append the following text:
"At least one of which is occupied by a Church Delegate."

III. In section 4 replace all occurences of "Church" with "Church (or TLO)"

IV. In Section 5 the entire text of subsection a becomes subsection a (i). Append the following text to subsection a as section a (ii):
A TLO which has a Seat in the Synod may appoint a member of that TLO to occupy that Seat. The appointed member is known as the Trade Delegate, and the Seat is known by the name of the TLO, or an abbreviation approved by the TLO. A Delegate may resign at any time. If the Delegate goes on Vacation the TLO may appoint another member of that TLO as an acting-Delegate. If a Delegate resigns, the TLO may appoint another member as Delegate. A TLO may leave its Seat unoccupied.

V. In section 5 subsection b the word "Delegates" in the first sentence is replaced by the text "Church Delegates"

VI. In section 5 subsection c replace all occurences of "Founder of the Church" with the text " Church or TLO", then replace all occurences of "Church" with "Organization".

VII. In sections 6,8 replace "Church" with "Organization". Replace "Churches" with "Organizations".

VIII. Ammend section 10 to read in full:
a. A Church is not eligible for a Seat in the Synod if there is at least one Church which already owns a Seat in the Synod whose M Similarity with the former Church is equal to or greater than 30.
b. A Church is not eligible for a Seat in the Synod if the total M Similarities with all the Churches which are members of the Synod is equal to or greater than 80.
c. A TLO is not eligible for a Seat in the Synod if there is at least one Organization which owns a Seat in the Synod whose M Similarity with the former Organization is equal to or greater than 60. When ever a Church acquires a Seat in the Synod, any TLO which becomes ineligible for a Seat loses its Seat in the Synod and receives its full entry fee as a refund, regardless of the time that passed since it joined the Synod
d. For the purposes of this rule, and for the purposes of all Synod actions, TLO are considered to have an active size of 1, regardless of eir actual size.

IX. Append to section 4 the following text:
Entry fees are transferred from the Church or TLO) to the Synod. Refunds, when paid, are transferred from the Synod to the Organization receiving the refund.

Proposal 1790 - Mon, 10 Mar 1997 22:33:14 -0600
Less Volatile Swingpoints
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.
Ammend R728 "Swingpoints" in the following ways:
I. In section 2 delete the text " Every two weeks on Tuesday, the following things happen:"

II. Subsection a of section is ammended to read in full :
At the end of every calendar month all existing Swingpoints are converted to points and are added to the scores of the players who own them. According to the formula in section 4a of this rule.

III. At the begining of subsection b of section 2, before the words "The Chess-Umpire awards", insert the following text:
"Every two weeks on Tuesday"
and replace the first occurence of "The" with "the"

Proposal 1791 - Wed, 12 Mar 1997 09:33:01 -0600
Harf Everlasting
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule named "Harf Everlasting" which shall be numbered 1112.4 with the following text:

If a proposal designated as harfy leads to the creation of one or more new rules, all rules created by said proposal will be labeled in the official rules as harfy forever after. This should be noted just after the name of the originator of the rule.

{{[I realize this kind of slights all the rules that have already been enacted that were harfy. However, I am just plain not going to go through all the proposal for the last 7 months and figure out which were harfy and which of those made new rules. If it really bother you, then you go and do it, I rpomise to vote for your proposal to designate the appropriate rules as harfy if you can pull it off. =P ]}}

Proposal 1792 - Wed, 12 Mar 1997 09:33:02 -0600
Voting Magic
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[The unexpected consequences from P1758 have been a lot of fun for me, although I know they annoyed some other players. I'm sorry about that; it occurred to me that it would happen about halfway through the voting period and I couldn't resist letting it slide. Anyway, this should fix it...]

Rule 106 ("Voting on Proposals") is amended by changing:
Voting Players may vote either YES, NO, or PRESENT on each proposal, or choose not to vote on a proposal, which is called abstaining.
Voting Players may vote either YES, NO, or PRESENT on each proposal, by sending their vote to the Tabulator. Votes must be unambiguous and unconditional. A Voting Player may also choose not to vote on a proposal, which is called abstaining.

Proposal 1793 - Wed, 12 Mar 1997 15:53:09 -0600
More Controlling
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[Wow, I can't believe Controlling Interest passed. Now I need to make some adjustments to it.]}}

Amend rule 1771 by removing the following, delineated by $$:

A player may not exercise his controlling interest in any single other player more often than once a week.

{{[I added that in after the first (retracted) version. I've decided that i left it out for good reason to begin with. This next part is an effort towards standardization]}}

Amend rule 1771 by replacing "2 days", wherever it occurs with "3 days".

Proposal 1794 - Thu, 13 Mar 1997 15:41:18 -0600
Giving Harf Where Harf Is Due
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: retracted by author

Modify Rule 1127 (The Sanctity of Harf) by replacing the following text of the rule (delimited by ~)

~No player may have the character string (delimited by the quotation marks) "harf", nor any variation wherein the only difference is capitalization, contained within their Ackanomic name.~

by the following text (delimited by ~)

~Create the title of Harfer. At any given time only one player in Ackanomic may hold the title of Harfer. The title of Harfer may only be transferred between Ackanomic players as specified within this rule. Robert Sevin is the Harfer until he legally transfers the title to another player.

The title of Harfer may be transferred from the current Harfer to any other player of Ackanomic, provided the current Harfer and the other player both publicly Ack the transfer. If at any time the current Harfer leaves the game, the Speaker holds the title of Harfer.

No player may have the character string (delimited by the quotation marks) "harf", nor any variation wherein the only difference is capitalization, contained within their Ackanomic name, unless the player holding the title of Harfer approves of it. This approval must come in the form of a public message from the Harfer, stating which player (specified by their real name and email address) is approved to have which name (specifying which name the Harfer has approved them to have).~

[The discoverer of the term harf wishes to join the game, and wishes to use it in his Ackanomic name. I consider this to be appropriate, and not at all a violation of the sanctity of harf. Therefore I propose to take the title of Harfer, and when he joins the game, allow him to use it in his name and then pass the title of Harfer on to him. Since he discovered harf, I think we should allow him to decide who can have harf in their Ackanomic names]

Proposal 1795 - Thu, 13 Mar 1997 15:41:19 -0600
Tell Me Why!
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule entitled "It never made any sense to start with" with the following text:

Whereas underwear in almost every conceiveable form is always a one piece unit for a male wearer, and two for a female though the second part has a name of its own and should not fall under the broad umbrella of underwear, they shall no longer be referred to as "a pair". Doing so will be a crime.

In ackanomic, underwear shjall always be refered to as "a piece"

Proposal 1796 - Fri, 14 Mar 1997 11:01:51 -0600
The Cheese Shop
Ackers (Sean Crystal)
Decision: Rejected

There exists a unique, tradeable entity known as Some Cheese.

Some Cheese may only be traded as follows. Any player that does not possess Some Cheese may publically declare "I want to buy Some Cheese!" The player currently possessing Some Cheese must then trade Some Cheese to the player making the declaration for an amount of A$ equal to the score of the player that made the declaration or 1 A$, whichever is greater. If there are multiple declarations made, than the first declaration shall be the only valid one.

While in possession of Some Cheese, players are encouraged to publically describe what they are doing with Some Cheese.

{{ When this proposal passes, Some Cheese is created in the possession of the player with the lowest score. }}

Proposal 1797 - Fri, 14 Mar 1997 11:01:52 -0600
unorganizing the reorganized organizations
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a modest proposal.

{{Upon the acceptance of this proposal, restore the games state and the ruleset to the state they would currently be in had proposal 1764 not been accepted.}}

{{[ I expect this is not gonna be a popular one, but I have my reasons, which I'm about to explain...

'A Big Tent is an Organizational Power. They are usually quite large, covering more than a kaa of land when fully erected, and are blazoned with broad, colorful stripes. An Organization may buy a Big Tent for A$300.

An Organization that has a Big Tent is called a Political Party. It is a Crime to be a member of more than one Political Party at once. '

This little tidbit has bothered me ever since it passed. It sets up a situation where players can be made to commit a crime passively. By that I mean a player can belong to multiple organizations that decide to buy tents at the same time. Although most organizations will require unanimous consent before taking actions, the rules allow for organizations to specify other means of decision making.

At first, I thought about simply ammending this rule, but I couldn't figure any clean way to do it. I think the BEST way to do it is to repeal the whole proposal and resubmit it.]}}

Proposal 1798 - Fri, 14 Mar 1997 11:01:53 -0600
Giving Harf Where Harf Is Due (Take 2)
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

Modify Rule 1127 (The Sanctity of Harf) by replacing the following text of the rule (delimited by ~)

~No player may have the character string (delimited by the quotation marks) "harf", nor any variation wherein the only difference is capitalization, contained within their Ackanomic name.~

by the following text (delimited by ~)

~A name that contains the character string (delimited by the quotation marks) "harf", or any variation wherein the only difference is capitalization, is said to be a Harf Name.

No player may have a Harf Name as their Ackanomic name, unless an Ad Hoc Committee on the matter of Harf Names approves of it. This approval must come in the form of a public message from the Committee (or a valid representative of the Committee), stating which player (specified by their real name and email address) is approved to have which name (specifying which Harf Name the Committee has approved them to have).

Ad Hoc Committees are defined by other rules. An Ad Hoc Committee on the matter of Harf Names must obey the following rules when deciding whether or not to give their approval (as described above):

1. Only harfy players should have Harf Names as their Ackanomic Names. A player's harfiness will be objectively judged by the Committee, to the best of their knowledge and understanding of Harf.
2. The Harf Name consisting only of the string (delimited by quotation marks) "harf", or any variation wherein the only difference is capitalization, can only be granted to a person whose real name is Matthew Harding, and whose biological brother is Mitchell Harding.
3. A player should not choose a Harf Name that goes against the spirit of Harf. What constitutes the spirit of Harf shall be judged on a case by case basis, to the best of the Committee's knowledge and understanding of Harf.~

[The discoverer of the term harf wishes to join the game, and wishes to use it in his Ackanomic name. I consider this to be appropriate, and not at all a violation of the sanctity of harf. This will allow select players to have Harf Names.]

Proposal 1799 - Fri, 14 Mar 1997 11:01:53 -0600
bonds bonds bonds
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Rejected

ammend rule #427 by adding the following text delineated by * to the end of it.

(c) to maintain, with the help of the scorekeeper, an absolute score for each player, and
(d) to maintain and publish once every other week a list of absolute values for all pfBonds in existence

At the conclusion of the current cycle, set every player's absolute score to 0 and ammend rule #508 in its entirety such that the following text, delineated by @@ replaces the current rule #508

1. Each player has an absolute score (refered to hereafter as |score|). A players |score| increases or decreases at the same time and by the same amount as eir score does, with the exception that it does not reset to zero at the end of a cycle. If a player wins a cycle, e gets a 25 point bonus added to eir |score|.

2. Whenever a players |score| reaches or exceeds 300, eir |score| is imediately halved (rounding up) and the number of pfBond's in eir name doubles. In other words, if I hold 10 pfBonds in player x's name, and player x's score hits 300, my 10 pfBond x's become 20 pfBond x's.

3. Every 2 weeks the bond-harfer shall compute the absolute value of a players pfBonds (referred to hereafter as |$pf|) according to the following formula :

             |score| * % of pfBonds held by other players   
|$pf| =     ----------------------------------------------------
[Note, this gives players an incentive to sell or trade eir own pfBonds away. If they hold all of them themselves, they are worth 0. Combine this with the controlling interest rule, and we'll have to walk a delicate balancing act]

4. At the same time that the Bond-harfer computes |$pf|, e shall also compute the yield of the pfBond. The yield of a pfBond shall be computed according to the following formula:

Yield =      -----
each player shall receive from the treasury an amount of $A equal to the yield of the pfBond times the number of pfBonds held in that name. Fractions shall not be rounded off until the yield has been multiplied by the number of bonds held.

[note: The highest |$pf| possible would be $A30, 299 |score| x 100% of the bonds owned divided by 10. Thus the highest yield per bond would be A$3. The big money would come in owning several pfBonds in the name of an active player, since they would be splitting more often.]

5. Players may always sell pfBonds that they own to the treasury for |$pf|. Players may always buy pfBonds currently held by the treasury for |$pf|. Bonds held by the treasury do NOT count as bonds held by other players when calculating |$pf|

6. When a player leaves the game, all pfBond e holds are haunted, and do not count as bonds held by other players when calculating |$pf|

[note: this means that if a player leaves the game, you can sell their bonds to the treasury and get a return on you money. If you choose to hold on to them, however, their value will go down as other players sell eir bonds to the treasury]

Proposal 1800 - Sun, 16 Mar 1997 22:28:44 -0600
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal R1305
Repeal R1307
Repeal R1315

{{[These three rules are the Middle Ages rule and the two rules that allow players to avoid being burned. Ackanomic is into its second year now. It's time to come out of the Middle Ages and walk into the Age of Enlightment. A time to found ideologies. I am probably the only player who managed to post controversial views on the shape of the earth, and never even had a witch hunt called against me.]}}