Proposal Archive (3301-3350)

Proposal 3301 - Sun 12 Jul 1998 06:46 EDT
The Franklin Expedition
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 1240.17 as follows: Rename the Rule to "Otzma Card of type Arctic Explorer", and replace "Grave Robber" with "Arctic Explorer" everywhere is appears in the Rule.

Replace the word "Shovel" with "Ice Pick" wherever it appears in the Rule.
{{[ Since in most cases, except for the Pulse Shovel, recreating an Ice Pick is trivial, and I don't want to change the Silver Shovel or anything, I won't transform all Shovels into Ice Picks, as I was half-tempted to. ]}}

Proposal 3302 - Sun 12 Jul 1998 06:47 EDT
Towers Crumble
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 411, "Senate", by appending to the Rule the following paragraph(delimited by TONIGHT):

A Senator may, if e has not already done so in eir current Term of Office, rename eir Seat. E does so by announcing the new name(which must satisfy all the Rules for entity names), and paying the Standard Harfer Fee.

Proposal 3303 - Thu 16 Jul 1998 16:45 EDT
Vynd (John McCoy)
Status: retracted

{{[Here it is for real.]}}

Amend Rule 1217 Buried treasure! by adding the following sentence as a seperate paragraph at the end of the rule: The word "map" as used in this rule, refers only to Treasure Maps.

Amend Rule 835 Locations in the following QUADRANGLE delimited manner.


Renumber the Rule to 810.

Delete section 6), 6a) and 6b), replace them with the following: 6) If a player leaves a Location without specifying a destination, or their location is otherwise undefined, and they cannot go to their Home, then they go to The Wilds of Ackanomic.

In section 7a), replace "deep in the wilds" with deep in The Wilds of Ackanomic.

In section 7b), replace 836 with 812.


Renumber Rule 836 Down the River to 812.

Create a new Rule 801, entitled Geography, with the following MCNALLY delimited text.


The geography of Ackanomic is, for the most part, a mystery to its inhabitants. Few maps have survived from the time of the Ancients. Frequent earthquakes and the treacherous Wilds of Ackanomic make exploration and cartography difficult. What little is known is described in this and other Rules.

Ackanomic consists of many regions. A region is a collection of locations which are close to each other in Ackanomic. No single location can be found in more than one region. Locations are all assumed to be in the City, unless specified otherwise. If it is clear from context that a location is not in the City, but its exact region is unclear, then it is in The Outer Territories. Regions are not themselves locations, no region can be inside, or part of, another region.

The center of Ackanomic is The Lonely Mountain, which is a location that owns itself. The Lonely Mountain can be found on a Kaa of land in the City, which it also owns. No player may visit, own, or otherwise alter The Lonely Mountain and its Kaa unless explicitly permited to by the Rules.

If a player or other entity enters, voluntarily or otherwise, a region, without having a location specified as their destination, then they go to the default location for that region, or one of them, chosen at random, if there is more than one. If the region has no default location, then that attempt to enter it fails.

The City is a region of Ackanomic located the area surrounding The Lonely Mountain. It is where all Kaas of Land and all Buildings are located, unless otherwise specified by the Rules. The default location for the City is the Library.

The Wilds of Ackanomic are a region which surrounds the City. Full of strange plants and animals, they can be quite dangerous to visit. The default location for The Wilds of Ackanomic is the wilds, which is a very large common location that consists of all the land in The Wilds of Ackanomic that is not specified to be a location of its own.

Beyond the Wilds of Ackanomic is the region known only as the Outer Territories.

{{[The basic purpose of this rule would be to establish the locations of Locations. I think the three regions I've introduced cover everything we know about Acka thus far, except perhaps Moons and space, which I'd rather leave alone simply because this is probably too big of a proposal already. For similiar reasons, I've left the definitions of the regions vague and thus avoided having to rewrite another half dozen rules.]}}


Create a new Rule 820, entitled Land, with the following BLAH delimited text.

Kaas of Land are tradeable entities. A Kaa of Land is one Kaa in size. Kaas of Land are all seperate Locations, located in the City. Kaas of Land are Common Locations unless specified otherwise. Unowned Kaas of Land are also known as common land. The exact number of Kaas in the City varies, as earthquakes and other developments can create and destroy them. There are never less than 144 Kaas, however. Kaas are never in the Treasury, even if unowned.

Kaas of Land have positions relative to each other. They are square in shape, and arranged in a grid pattern, which is itself square. Thus every Kaa is bordered on all 4 sides by another Kaa of land, or by another Location specified by the Rules.

Since ancient times, the peoples of Acka have used The Lonely Mountain, at the center of Ackanomic, as their reference for describing the positions of Kaas. Each Kaa can be refered to through the use of a coordinate system with The Lonely Mountain at the center. The coordinates of a Kaa of land are how many kaas to the North, or South, the Kaa is from The Lonely Mountain, prefaced by an N if it is North or an S if it is South. This is followed by a second number, the number of kaas to the East or West the Kaa is from The Lonely Mountain, prefaced by an E for East or W for West. Thus a Kaa which is 4 kaas North and 3 kaas West of The Lonely Mountain has the coordinates of (N4 W3). If a kaa is directly East or West of The Lonely Mountain, then the first number of its coordinates is a zero, prefaced by an N. If a Kaa of Land is directly North or South of The Lonely Mountain, then the second number of its coordiantes is zero, prefaced by a W. The Lonely Mountain's coordinates are always (N0 W0).


Create a new Rule numbered 821, with the title Real Estate, with the following $$$ delimited text.

A player may purchase an empty, unowned Kaa of Land for A$50. He must specify the position of this Kaa, in terms of its coordinates.

A player may purchase an unowned Kaa of land with a building on it only if that building is not mentioned in the Rules. The cost of this land is A$50 plus half the cost of the building (including the cost of any towers) on that land. If purchasing a Kaa of land would cause the building on it to be destroyed, then the player must instead pay A$50 plus the cost of the destruction of the building to purchase the Kaa.

Players may sell Kaas that they own to the Treasury for A$25 each. They cannot sell a Kaa in this manner that has a building on it, unless they are selling all of the Kaas on which that building is located.

{{[This essentially replaces the Land Baroncy rule. It eliminates Senate approval of purchases, something I never saw any reason for. It does include a number of restrictions, most importantly one preventing people from buying things like the Senate or the Hall of Elders. I've included the ability to sell back unwanted Kaas.]}}

Amend Rule 839 Buildings by applying the following ARGH delimited changes.

Renumber the Rule to 825.

Replace "A building is a class of entity in Ackanomic which can be of six sizes:" with "Buildings are a class of entities, they are also locations. When created, each building requires a number of Kaas which are not occupied by another building (empty), and are contiguous, on which the building is placed. The number of Kaas depends on the size of the building. There are 6 possible sizes for buildings, listed below along with the number of Kaas of space they take up:"

Insert a new paragraph between the paragraph ending with "extravagant (12 land units)" and the one begining with "A player may own" that reads: Buildings are attached to the Kaas on which they have been built. They cannot be removed from them or otherwise altered except as specified in the rules.

Delete the last sentence from the paragraph begining with: The Senate

{{[now part of a new rule]}}

Add the following text to the end of paragraph begining with "A player may change the name": A player may post a description of a building he owns at any time. This then becomes the description of that building, provided that the description is in accordance with the Rules. Giving a description of a building which is not in accordance with the Rules is the Crime of Acting Like a Realtor.

{{[This doesn't really change anything significant, but it does consolidate to some extent the Rules on buildings. The next set of changes sets up a Rule dealing with building purchases. I think the prices should probably be changed, but I'll leave that for another time.]}}


Renumber Rule 846 Constructions and Architectual Aesthetic to 826, and make the following GRANDE delimited changes to its text.

Delete the last three paragraphs and replace them with the following text:

When purchasing a new building, a player must unambiguously specify a Kaa or Kaas of land on which the building will be placed. He must also specify the size of the building and pay the construction cost for a building of said size. Construction of a building is only successful if the player purchasing the building specifies sufficient contiguous, empty land, owned by himself, for the new building to fit. If he does not, construction fails, and his A$ is returned. If it succeeds, the building is created in the specified location, owned by the purchasing player.

If a building is destroyed, it and any towers attached to it no longer exist. If a building is damaged, it can be repaired by paying the rebuilding cost. For the cost of an upgrade, a player may increase the size of a building he owns to the next largest size, provided that he specifies a sufficient number of empty Kaas which he owns that are contiguous to the current location of the building for the larger building, vynd wins the current cycle. Extravagant buildings cannot be upgraded. No player may destroy, rebuild, or upgrade a building he does not own, except as described in the rules.


Amend Rule 841 Towers by replacing the string "An Ostentatious Tower is a tower that a player adds to a building they own" in section 1) with: An Ostentatious Tower is a tower that a player adds to a building they own, or builds as a stand-alone tower not attached to any building

Amend Rule 841 Towers by deleting the last sentence of section 3) and replacing it with the following REALTALL delimited text:

Towers that are added to buildings are considered to be attached to those buildings. A tower may only be attached to one building. Towers are always owned by the owner of the land on which they are built, or the owner of the building to which they are attached. Towers cannot be removed from buildings to which they are attached, or be attached to a building after they have been built as a stand-alone. Towers cannot be attached to other towers.

Amend Rule 841 by adding the following PARROT delimited text to the end of section 6):

A stand-alone tower's size is small if it is less than 70 meters in height, cosy if it is 140 to 559 meters in height, classy if it is 560 or more meters in height. Regardless of their size, stand-alone towers require only 1 Kaa of land. Towers attached to buildings do not effect the size of the building in any way.

{{[these two changes give towers a little more connectedness with buildings, and better defines free-standing towers.]}}

Repeal Rule 844 Land Baroncy {{[My original goal.]}}

Create a new Rule, numbered 843, with the title Maps, and the following YIPPE delimted text:


Maps are a class of unownable named entities. Maps are depictions of the physical layout of places in the Game of Ackanomic. The rules may call for certain maps to be publicly displayed. If this is the case, then the officer responsible for that map must maintain a WWW page with an copy of said map. The recommended medium is HTML with clickable images/cgi, but any clear representation, including a text description, is acceptable so long as it is accurate. If applicable, the map should include links to other relevant material, such as its contents or other maps.


Create a new Rule 844 Here There Be Dragons, with the following XERXES delimited text:


The Map of Ackanomic is a map of the earth as it is known [described in the rules]. It is maintained by the Map-Harfer, who is permitted to change it as necessary to reflect new discoveries. The Map of Ackanomic is not overly detailed, but at a minimum it must depict any regions found on the surface of the earth. The Map-Harfer is permitted to fill any blank areas of the Map of Ackanomic with wild speculations about the nature of said areas, but these speculations are almost certainly wrong.


Rename Rule 845 Map to Map of the City. Then amend this rule to read in the following CROUTON delimited manner:


{{The Map of Ackanomia is renamed to The Map of the City.}}

The Map of the City is a map which represents the region of Ackanomic known as the City. It should display all locations found within the City (that are not themselves within another location). This includes, but is not limited to, Kaas of land, Buildings, and Towers. The Map of the City should also represent in some way whatever lies immediately outside the bounds of the City, if anything. The City itself is always square, and the Lonely Mountain is always as close to the center of the City as possible, given other limitations.

The Map-harfer is the officer in charge of the Map of the City, and is responsible for maintaining its accuracy. If a location is known to be in the City, but exactly where it is in the city is unknown, then it is the duty of the Map-harfer to specify a place on the map for that location.


Create a new Rule 847, entitled Earthquakes, with the following RICHTER delimited text:


Ackanomic, especially in the region of the City, is distressingly prone to earthquakes. These earthquakes are constantly reshaping the land, requiring constant updating of maps. Whenever an earthquake occurs, all hell will break loose, fire shall rain from the sky, and the earth will be rent with gigantic chasms. All players shall scream in terror and run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Earthquakes can be triggered by any number of events. When an earthquake is triggered, it will occur when it is publicly announced that an earthquake has hit Ackanomic. Such announcements may only be made in accordance with the Rules. After an earthquake, it is the duty of the Map-harfer to formulate a new map of the City and place it on display as described in this rule. The new map must contain all the locations present on the old map, but their positions may be changed in any way the Map-harfer sees fit, so long as he obeys the following guidelines:

1) Buildings remain on the same Kaas on which they were built (although the position of the Kaas may be changed).
2) A set of Kaas with a Building on them must remain contiguous.
3) Locations whose positions are specified in the Rules must remain in those positions.

The Map-harfer has 7 days to prepare and publically display this new map. It is permissible for the new map to be identical with the old map. Once the map is on public display, the Map-harfer must announce that Business as Usual has resumed. Until he does so, no player may purchase or sell land or buildings.

There is a special type of earthquake which is called a Really Bad Earthquake. They are identical to regular earthquakes in most respects, but they are triggered by slightly different circumstances, and do have slightly different effects. Really Bad Earthquakes differ from regular earthquakes in the following ways: After Really Bad Earthquakes the Map-harfer has 10 days to prepare the new map rather than 7, but the new map must not be the same as the old map. Nor may the new map be such that another Really Bad Earthquake would immediately be triggered by this Rule. The Map-Harfer may author a CSR within three days of announcing that a Really Bad Earthquake has occured, he should restrict this CSR to altering the Rules in regards to Locations. Really Bad Earthquakes have the ability to add or remove new unowned Kaas to the outside edge of the City, so long as the City remains square.

A Really Bad Earthquake is triggered by any of the following events, this list is not exclusive:

There are fewer then 10 unowned Kaas of land in the City.

There are fewer then 4 contiguous unowned Kaas of land in the City.

Less than half of the Kaas of land in the City are owned.

The Rules call for Kaas to be given to a player or other entity, but there are insufficient Kaas available on the Map [Such as a new player joining but there being no empty Kaas available]. If this triggers a Really Bad Earthquake, then the player or entity will not be given his Kaas until after Business as Usual has resumed.

The above provisions notwithstanding, a Really Bad Earthquake cannot remove Kaas of land which have owned buildings on them, or buildings mentioned in the Rules, or Kaas mentioned in the Rules. Nor may they remove so many Kaas of land that the City has fewer less than 144 Kaas of land within it. Really Bad Earthquakes cannot alter locations in the City other than Kaas (and the buildings found therein), except by changing their position on the Map of the City (in the same manner as a normal earthquake).

This Rule has precedence in matters concerning earthquakes, maps, and land, over all other rules.


Amend Rule 423 Map-Harfer to have the following MOXIE delimited text:


The Office of Map-Harfer is a Functional Office.

The duties of the Map-Harfer include:

a) To maintain and make publically available a list of the locations of all entities, including players, for which locations are known or specified.

b) To maintain the Map of Ackanomic, and the Map of the City, as specified in the Rules.

c) To maintain any other maps which do not have another Officer assigned to maintain them.

d) To announce when an earthquake or Really Bad Earthquake has been triggered, in accordance with the Rules, at which point that Earthquake occurs, unless the Rules specify another Officer to announce the ocurance of a particular earthquake [In other words, the Map-harfer announces earthquakes that no one else announces].

The priviliges of the Map-harfer include the following, they may also be exercised by Acting Map-Harfers:

1) To appoint Assistant Map-Harfers to assist his in the execution of duties b) and c) above.

2) The Map-Harfer may, by public announcement, cause an earthquake to occur, provided he has not exercised this ability within the last 7 days. This is in addition to announcing the ocurance of earthquakes as per duty d) above.

A Really Bad Earthquake is triggered when this sentence is added to a Rule, this sentence then deletes itself.


Amend Rule 975 Yes Virginia by replacing the second paragraph with the following:

The Voting Gnome has a home. It is located on a plot of land at the extreme northern end of Ackanomic called the North Stick. The home itself is a cozy building, with a 40 meter tower that looks suspiciously like a chimney. It is named The Voting Gnome's Workshop. The North Stick and The Voting Gnome's Workshop are both Locations, but they are not common locations. They are both owned by the Voting Gnome. Whenever the Voting Gnome's location is not otherwise specified, he is in his home.

Proposal 3304 - Thu 16 Jul 1998 16:49 EDT
Good... Bad... I'm the Guy With the Gun.
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Repeal Rules:

777 The Seven Deadly Sins Rule Suite

777.1 The Sin of abusing One's Privilege

777.2 The Deadly Sin of Annoying the Harfers

If any Rule(s) numbered 777.X, where X is a positive integer, exists, repeal those Rules. {{[You never know whats in the queue]}}

Proposal 3305 - Thu 16 Jul 1998 16:50 EDT
A true measure of activity
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by /dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis) on Sat 18 Jul 1998 14:20 EDT

Add the following line to Rule 530 The Stock Market, following the string "The winning of a game of GAD or party chess":

A public message by a player who is, or at one point was, named Techno.

Proposal 3306 - Thu 16 Jul 1998 16:51 EDT
Justice for Some?
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 709 Gaol by adding the following text, as a seperate paragraph, after the paragraph that begins with 9).

10) A Player in Gaol may appeal a CFJ or CFCJ, provided it is otherwise legal for him to do so.

Proposal 3307 - Thu 16 Jul 1998 16:52 EDT
The Great Depression
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted

All stocks are destroyed, players are awarded an amount of A$ equal to the prices they paid for any stocks destroyed in this manner.

All A$ in the Ackan Reserve is transfered to the Treasury.

Repeal Rules 530 (The Stock Market) 532 (Stocks) and 534 (The Ackan Reserve).

Proposal 3308 - Thu 16 Jul 1998 16:53 EDT
Reflections Upon the Actions of the Church
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted

Append the following section to R1301 "Church"

If Church Policy is silent about methods for suggesting and approving Organizational Actions, then the Founder has the authority to suggest and approve Organizational Actions of behalf of the Church. An anouncement by the Founder that the Church takes a certain Organizational Action, that anouncement is taken to implicity include both the suggestion and the approval.
If a given Church has no Founder, and Church Policy is silent about method for suggesting and approving Organizatioanl Actions, then the following procedure is followed:
a. Any memebr of the Church may publically suggest that the Church take a certain Organizational Action.
b. If within three days at least 2/3 of the memebrs of the Church who are also Active players publically approve, and not a single Priest debunks it, the Organizational Action is attempted. If all the Priests who are also Active players publically approve before three days have elapsed, then Organizational Action is attempted when the public message of the last Priest to approve is posted.

If Church Policy defines another method for suggestion and approval of Organizational Actions, then that method must be made known to the org-Harfer.

Proposal 3309 - Wed 22 Jul 1998 13:20 EDT
The Bifurcation of the Goose
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by /dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis) on Wed 22 Jul 1998 14:41 EDT

{{[Idea: stop people from winning infinitely if more than one person can do so. Semi-strange format is because I don't know quite what the text of R620 is right now.]}}

Amend Rule 620 ("Chartreuse Goose") in the following ways:

I. Append to the end of the rule the text "This rule has no effect on the Game of Ackanomic, other than that caused by this sentence."

II. Replace the texts "the Chartreuse Goose" and "the Goose" with "a Goose" wherever they occur in the rule.

III. Replace the texts "The Chartreuse Goose" and "The Goose" with "a Goose" wherever they occur in the rule.

IV. Replace the first sentence of the rule with the following THING-delimited text.

Let a unique, nontradeable, non-mimsy entity exist named the Chartreuse Goose. Let a class of nontradeable, unnamed entities known as Chartreuse Goslings exist. Let a unique entity known as the Chartreuse Beacon exist. There are at all times a number of Chartreuse Goslings equal to one less than the number of players of Ackanomic. {{Initially all Chartreuse Goslings are Somewhere Else, as is the Chartreuse Beacon.}}

The Chartreuse Goose and the Chartreuse Goslings are collectively known as Geese; for the remainder of this rule, any reference to a Goose means "either the Chartreuse Goose or a Chartreuse Gosling."

If at any time any Goose goes Somewhere Else, all other Geese go Somewhere Else as well.

If at any time a player legally transfers a Chartreuse Gosling to another player, the following events occur, in the given order:

1) The Chartreuse Beacon is transferred to the player to whom a Chartreuse Gosling was most recently transferred.
2) All Chartreuse Goslings go Somewhere Else.
3) The Chartreuse Goose is transferred to the player who owns the Chartreuse Beacon.
4) The Chartreuse Beacon goes Somewhere Else.

V. Remove the sentence "This rule has no effect on the Game of Ackanomic, other than that caused by this sentence." from the rule.

Amend Rule 666 ("End of Cycle") by inserting the following OTHERTHING-delimited text immediately after the sentence "If the game state is such that the single winner of the last cycle would immediately win again upon the resumption of Ackanomic play, the Chartreuse Goose is transferred to that player.":

If the game state is such that, upon the resumption of Ackanomic play, any player with a pending Cycle Win CFJ would achieve a Winning Condition, all such players gain Chartreuse Goslings.

Proposal 3310 - Wed 22 Jul 1998 13:21 EDT
It Takes Two To Tango
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected

Create a new Rule, numbered 775, named "Vagueness", with text as follows(delimited by SEQ):

It is a crime to talk in a public dorum about publicly unknowable things.

Proposal 3311 - Wed 22 Jul 1998 13:22 EDT
I'll Try A Cooler Scam Next Time
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted

{{[This time it really is for real.]}}

Amend Rule 1217 Buried treasure! by adding the following sentence as a seperate paragraph at the end of the rule: The word "map" as used in this rule, refers only to Treasure Maps.

Amend Rule 835 Locations in the following QUADRANGLE delimited manner.


Renumber the Rule to 810.

Delete section 6), 6a) and 6b), replace them with the following: 6) If a player leaves a Location without specifying a destination, or their location is otherwise undefined, and they cannot go to their Home, then they go to The Wilds of Ackanomic.

In section 7a), replace "deep in the wilds" with deep in The Wilds of Ackanomic.

In section 7b), replace 836 with 812.


Renumber Rule 836 Down the River to 812.

Create a new Rule 801, entitled Geography, with the following MCNALLY delimited text.


The geography of Ackanomic is, for the most part, a mystery to its inhabitants. Few maps have survived from the time of the Ancients. Frequent earthquakes and the treacherous Wilds of Ackanomic make exploration and cartography difficult. What little is known is described in this and other Rules.

Ackanomic consists of many regions. A region is a collection of locations which are close to each other in Ackanomic. No single location can be found in more than one region. Locations are all assumed to be in the City, unless specified otherwise. If it is clear from context that a location is not in the City, but its exact region is unclear, then it is in The Outer Territories. Regions are not themselves locations, no region can be inside, or part of, another region.

The center of Ackanomic is The Lonely Mountain, which is a location that owns itself. The Lonely Mountain can be found on a Kaa of land in the City, which it also owns. No player may visit, own, or otherwise alter The Lonely Mountain and its Kaa unless explicitly permited to by the Rules.

If a player or other entity enters, voluntarily or otherwise, a region, without having a location specified as their destination, then they go to the default location for that region, or one of them, chosen at random, if there is more than one. If the region has no default location, then that attempt to enter it fails.

The City is a region of Ackanomic located the area surrounding The Lonely Mountain. It is where all Kaas of Land and all Buildings are located, unless otherwise specified by the Rules. The default location for the City is the Library.

The Wilds of Ackanomic are a region which surrounds the City. Full of strange plants and animals, they can be quite dangerous to visit. The default location for The Wilds of Ackanomic is the wilds, which is a very large common location that consists of all the land in The Wilds of Ackanomic that is not specified to be a location of its own.

Beyond the Wilds of Ackanomic is the region known only as the Outer Territories.

{{[The basic purpose of this rule would be to establish the locations of Locations. I think the three regions I've introduced cover everything we know about Acka thus far, except perhaps Moons and space, which I'd rather leave alone simply because this is probably too big of a proposal already. For similiar reasons, I've left the definitions of the regions vague and thus avoided having to rewrite another half dozen rules.]}}


Create a new Rule 820, entitled Land, with the following BLAH delimited text.

Kaas of Land are tradeable entities. A Kaa of Land is one Kaa in size. Kaas of Land are all seperate Locations, located in the City. Kaas of Land are Common Locations unless specified otherwise. Unowned Kaas of Land are also known as common land. The exact number of Kaas in the City varies, as earthquakes and other developments can create and destroy them. There are never less than 144 Kaas, however. Kaas are never in the Treasury, even if unowned.

Kaas of Land have positions relative to each other. They are square in shape, and arranged in a grid pattern, which is itself square. Thus every Kaa is bordered on all 4 sides by another Kaa of land, or by another Location specified by the Rules.

Since ancient times, the peoples of Acka have used The Lonely Mountain, at the center of Ackanomic, as their reference for describing the positions of Kaas. Each Kaa can be refered to through the use of a coordinate system with The Lonely Mountain at the center. The coordinates of a Kaa of land are how many kaas to the North, or South, the Kaa is from The Lonely Mountain, prefaced by an N if it is North or an S if it is South. This is followed by a second number, the number of kaas to the East or West the Kaa is from The Lonely Mountain, prefaced by an E for East or W for West. Thus a Kaa which is 4 kaas North and 3 kaas West of The Lonely Mountain has the coordinates of (N4 W3). If a kaa is directly East or West of The Lonely Mountain, then the first number of its coordinates is a zero, prefaced by an N. If a Kaa of Land is directly North or South of The Lonely Mountain, then the second number of its coordiantes is zero, prefaced by a W. The Lonely Mountain's coordinates are always (N0 W0).


Create a new Rule numbered 821, with the title Real Estate, with the following $$$ delimited text.

A player may purchase an empty, unowned Kaa of Land for A$50. He must specify the position of this Kaa, in terms of its coordinates.

A player may purchase an unowned Kaa of land with a building on it only if that building is not mentioned in the Rules. The cost of this land is A$50 plus half the cost of the building (including the cost of any towers) on that land. If purchasing a Kaa of land would cause the building on it to be destroyed, then the player must instead pay A$50 plus the cost of the destruction of the building to purchase the Kaa.

Players may sell Kaas that they own to the Treasury for A$25 each. They cannot sell a Kaa in this manner that has a building on it, unless they are selling all of the Kaas on which that building is located.

{{[This essentially replaces the Land Baroncy rule. It eliminates Senate approval of purchases, something I never saw any reason for. It does include a number of restrictions, most importantly one preventing people from buying things like the Senate or the Hall of Elders. I've included the ability to sell back unwanted Kaas.]}}

Amend Rule 839 Buildings by applying the following ARGH delimited changes.

Renumber the Rule to 825.

Replace "A building is a class of entity in Ackanomic which can be of six sizes:" with "Buildings are a class of entities, they are also locations. When created, each building requires a number of Kaas which are not occupied by another building (empty), and are contiguous, on which the building is placed. The number of Kaas depends on the size of the building. There are 6 possible sizes for buildings, listed below along with the number of Kaas of space they take up:"

Insert a new paragraph between the paragraph ending with "extravagant (12 land units)" and the one begining with "A player may own" that reads: Buildings are attached to the Kaas on which they have been built. They cannot be removed from them or otherwise altered except as specified in the rules.

Delete the last sentence from the paragraph begining with: The Senate

{{[now part of a new rule]}}

Add the following text to the end of paragraph begining with "A player may change the name": A player may post a description of a building he owns at any time. This then becomes the description of that building, provided that the description is in accordance with the Rules. Giving a description of a building which is not in accordance with the Rules is the Crime of Acting Like a Realtor.

{{[This doesn't really change anything significant, but it does consolidate to some extent the Rules on buildings. The next set of changes sets up a Rule dealing with building purchases. I think the prices should probably be changed, but I'll leave that for another time.]}}


Renumber Rule 846 Constructions and Architectual Aesthetic to 826, and make the following GRANDE delimited changes to its text.

Delete the last three paragraphs and replace them with the following text:

When purchasing a new building, a player must unambiguously specify a Kaa or Kaas of land on which the building will be placed. He must also specify the size of the building and pay the construction cost for a building of said size. Construction of a building is only successful if the player purchasing the building specifies sufficient contiguous, empty land, owned by himself, for the new building to fit. If he does not, construction fails, and his A$ is returned. If it succeeds, the building is created in the specified location, owned by the purchasing player.

If a building is destroyed, it and any towers attached to it no longer exist. If a building is damaged, it can be repaired by paying the rebuilding cost. For the cost of an upgrade, a player may increase the size of a building he owns to the next largest size, provided that he specifies a sufficient number of empty Kaas which he owns that are contiguous to the current location of the building for the larger building. {{[Damn you K 2]}} Extravagant buildings cannot be upgraded. No player may destroy, rebuild, or upgrade a building he does not own, except as described in the rules.


Amend Rule 841 Towers by replacing the string "An Ostentatious Tower is a tower that a player adds to a building they own" in section 1) with: An Ostentatious Tower is a tower that a player adds to a building they own, or builds as a stand-alone tower not attached to any building

Amend Rule 841 Towers by deleting the last sentence of section 3) and replacing it with the following REALTALL delimited text:

Towers that are added to buildings are considered to be attached to those buildings. A tower may only be attached to one building. Towers are always owned by the owner of the land on which they are built, or the owner of the building to which they are attached. Towers cannot be removed from buildings to which they are attached, or be attached to a building after they have been built as a stand-alone. Towers cannot be attached to other towers.

Amend Rule 841 by adding the following PARROT delimited text to the end of section 6):

A stand-alone tower's size is small if it is less than 70 meters in height, cosy if it is 140 to 559 meters in height, classy if it is 560 or more meters in height. Regardless of their size, stand-alone towers require only 1 Kaa of land. Towers attached to buildings do not effect the size of the building in any way.

{{[these two changes give towers a little more connectedness with buildings, and better defines free-standing towers.]}}

Repeal Rule 844 Land Baroncy {{[My original goal.]}}

Create a new Rule, numbered 843, with the title Maps, and the following YIPPE delimted text:


Maps are a class of unownable named entities. Maps are depictions of the physical layout of places in the Game of Ackanomic. The rules may call for certain maps to be publicly displayed. If this is the case, then the officer responsible for that map must maintain a WWW page with an copy of said map. The recommended medium is HTML with clickable images/cgi, but any clear representation, including a text description, is acceptable so long as it is accurate. If applicable, the map should include links to other relevant material, such as its contents or other maps.


Create a new Rule 844 Here There Be Dragons, with the following XERXES delimited text:


The Map of Ackanomic is a map of the earth as it is known [described in the rules]. It is maintained by the Map-Harfer, who is permitted to change it as necessary to reflect new discoveries. The Map of Ackanomic is not overly detailed, but at a minimum it must depict any regions found on the surface of the earth. The Map-Harfer is permitted to fill any blank areas of the Map of Ackanomic with wild speculations about the nature of said areas, but these speculations are almost certainly wrong.


Rename Rule 845 Map to Map of the City. Then amend this rule to read in the following CROUTON delimited manner:


{{The Map of Ackanomia is renamed to The Map of the City.}}

The Map of the City is a map which represents the region of Ackanomic known as the City. It should display all locations found within the City (that are not themselves within another location). This includes, but is not limited to, Kaas of land, Buildings, and Towers. The Map of the City should also represent in some way whatever lies immediately outside the bounds of the City, if anything. The City itself is always square, and the Lonely Mountain is always as close to the center of the City as possible, given other limitations.

The Map-harfer is the officer in charge of the Map of the City, and is responsible for maintaining its accuracy. If a location is known to be in the City, but exactly where it is in the city is unknown, then it is the duty of the Map-harfer to specify a place on the map for that location.


Create a new Rule 847, entitled Earthquakes, with the following RICHTER delimited text:


Ackanomic, especially in the region of the City, is distressingly prone to earthquakes. These earthquakes are constantly reshaping the land, requiring constant updating of maps. Whenever an earthquake occurs, all hell will break loose, fire shall rain from the sky, and the earth will be rent with gigantic chasms. All players shall scream in terror and run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Earthquakes can be triggered by any number of events. When an earthquake is triggered, it will occur when it is publicly announced that an earthquake has hit Ackanomic. Such announcements may only be made in accordance with the Rules. After an earthquake, it is the duty of the Map-harfer to formulate a new map of the City and place it on display as described in this rule. The new map must contain all the locations present on the old map, but their positions may be changed in any way the Map-harfer sees fit, so long as he obeys the following guidelines:

1) Buildings remain on the same Kaas on which they were built (although the position of the Kaas may be changed).
2) A set of Kaas with a Building on them must remain contiguous.
3) Locations whose positions are specified in the Rules must remain in those positions.

The Map-harfer has 7 days to prepare and publically display this new map. It is permissible for the new map to be identical with the old map. Once the map is on public display, the Map-harfer must announce that Business as Usual has resumed. Until he does so, no player may purchase or sell land or buildings.

There is a special type of earthquake which is called a Really Bad Earthquake. They are identical to regular earthquakes in most respects, but they are triggered by slightly different circumstances, and do have slightly different effects. Really Bad Earthquakes differ from regular earthquakes in the following ways: After Really Bad Earthquakes the Map-harfer has 10 days to prepare the new map rather than 7, but the new map must not be the same as the old map. Nor may the new map be such that another Really Bad Earthquake would immediately be triggered by this Rule. The Map-Harfer may author a CSR within three days of announcing that a Really Bad Earthquake has occured, he should restrict this CSR to altering the Rules in regards to Locations. Really Bad Earthquakes have the ability to add or remove new unowned Kaas to the outside edge of the City, so long as the City remains square.

A Really Bad Earthquake is triggered by any of the following events, this list is not exclusive:

There are fewer then 10 unowned Kaas of land in the City.

There are fewer then 4 contiguous unowned Kaas of land in the City.

Less than half of the Kaas of land in the City are owned.

The Rules call for Kaas to be given to a player or other entity, but there are insufficient Kaas available on the Map [Such as a new player joining but there being no empty Kaas available]. If this triggers a Really Bad Earthquake, then the player or entity will not be given his Kaas until after Business as Usual has resumed.

The above provisions notwithstanding, a Really Bad Earthquake cannot remove Kaas of land which have owned buildings on them, or buildings mentioned in the Rules, or Kaas mentioned in the Rules. Nor may they remove so many Kaas of land that the City has fewer less than 144 Kaas of land within it. Really Bad Earthquakes cannot alter locations in the City other than Kaas (and the buildings found therein), except by changing their position on the Map of the City (in the same manner as a normal earthquake).

This Rule has precedence in matters concerning earthquakes, maps, and land, over all other rules.


Amend Rule 423 Map-Harfer to have the following MOXIE delimited text:


The Office of Map-Harfer is a Functional Office.

The duties of the Map-Harfer include:

a) To maintain and make publically available a list of the locations of all entities, including players, for which locations are known or specified.

b) To maintain the Map of Ackanomic, and the Map of the City, as specified in the Rules.

c) To maintain any other maps which do not have another Officer assigned to maintain them.

d) To announce when an earthquake or Really Bad Earthquake has been triggered, in accordance with the Rules, at which point that Earthquake occurs, unless the Rules specify another Officer to announce the ocurance of a particular earthquake [In other words, the Map-harfer announces earthquakes that no one else announces].

The priviliges of the Map-harfer include the following, they may also be exercised by Acting Map-Harfers:

1) To appoint Assistant Map-Harfers to assist his in the execution of duties b) and c) above.

2) The Map-Harfer may, by public announcement, cause an earthquake to occur, provided he has not exercised this ability within the last 7 days. This is in addition to announcing the ocurance of earthquakes as per duty d) above.

A Really Bad Earthquake is triggered when this sentence is added to a Rule, this sentence then deletes itself.


Amend Rule 975 Yes Virginia by replacing the second paragraph with the following:

The Voting Gnome has a home. It is located on a plot of land at the extreme northern end of Ackanomic called the North Stick. The home itself is a cozy building, with a 40 meter tower that looks suspiciously like a chimney. It is named The Voting Gnome's Workshop. The North Stick and The Voting Gnome's Workshop are both Locations, but they are not common locations. They are both owned by the Voting Gnome. Whenever the Voting Gnome's location is not otherwise specified, he is in his home.

Proposal 3312 - Wed 22 Jul 1998 13:27 EDT
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by /dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis) on Wed 22 Jul 1998 14:41 EDT

Create a new Rule, numbered 199, entitled Numbers

{{Replace all numbers in all official Ackanomic documents with their representation in Roman numerals.}}

The official numerical system of Ackanomic is that of the Romans. All numbers in all Ackanomic documents are to be presented in Roman numerals, if numbers from another numerical system are present in Ackanomic, they are without meaning.

All official Ackanomic business, including but not limited to trading and public actions, are to be conducted with the use of Roman numerals, as opposed to any other type of numerals.

Proposal 3313 - Wed 22 Jul 1998 13:47 EDT
Mainly just tidying up
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

Modify rule 550.1 by deleting the text "1 honour : Becoming the caped crusader. "

Modify rule 550.2 by deleting the text "1 Honour: Losing the office of Caped Crusader "

In rule 1040 replace "1. The NAP Swinger's Office is filled by general election as described in the rules with the following exceptions: " with "1. The NAP Swinger's Office is an optional political office and is filled by general election as described in the rules with the following exceptions:"

Proposal 3314 - Wed 22 Jul 1998 13:48 EDT
Eleusis fixings
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

{{[After watching the first couple of games of Eleusis, I want to fix the problems that I've seen. Namely that the game halts when a player goes inactive.]}}

Amend rule 1250.23 (Eleusis) as follows.

In part 5, section f, replace the following text (delimited by OLD)
If the player doesn't publicly submit a play within 3 days of it becoming their turn, they will be deemed to have played 'No Play' and Deus (or the Referee) will reveal their cards.
with the following text (delimited by NEW)
If a player doesn't publically submit a play within 3 days of it becoming their turn, the Deus (or Referee) will choose a card from their hand at random and play it for the delinquent player.
{{[This lowers the penalties for being slightly late in play]}}

Amend part 5, section i, subsection 1 by appending the following FIXUP delimited text to the end.
If the prophet fails to make a call within 3 days, the prophet shall be deemed to have judged the play as correct.

Replace part 8 of the rule which currently reads as delimited by OLD
Any player who becomes absent without appointing a substitute causes the game to pause. When the game is paused, any other player of Ackanomic who is not already a player in that game of Eleusis may volunteer to fill in, assuming the missing players Gamepoints and game position. If the Deus becomes absent without appointing a substitute and there is a Referee, Deus must pass the private rule on to the Referee and the round continues without pausing the game. If there is no Referee, then the round will end and players will be scored as if the round had ended normally (except no one gets the bonus for 0 cards). If the Deus appoints a substitute, then he passes the private rule on to that substitute and play proceeds normally. If no substitute for the Deus was named, the game is paused after the current round is scored until a new player joins.
with the following NEW delimited text
When a player goes inactive, they may appoint another player as their substitute in the game with the substitute's consent. If a player goes inactive without appointing a substitute and they are not the Deus, then they will make the default moves as defined above (playing a random card or calling a play correct in the case of the prophet). If the player is the Deus and they didn't appoint a substitue and there is a referree then the Referree shall be the substitute for the Deus. If the player going inactive is the Deus, they must notify their substitute of the secret rule before they go inactive. If the Deus fails to notify their substitute of the rule or if there is no substitute then the round ends and players will be scored as if the round had ended by normal means.
When a player is inactive, any other active player of Ackanomic may take their place within the Eleusis game provided that the new player is not already a player in that Eleusis game.
{{Both game 1 and game 2 of Eleusis continue play using the new rules}}

Proposal 3315 - Wed 22 Jul 1998 13:50 EDT
Minor Fictionary Changes
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Modify rule 1250.10 by replacing:

"Players on vacation are replaced by bots who perform the default actions in their stead (but the players receive all scoring as a result of the bot's play). A player going on vacation may have a volunteer play in their place if they can find such a person, however."


"Players on vacation are replaced by bots who perform the default actions in their stead (but the players receive all scoring as a result of the bot's play except that the vacationing player loses no points for default actions). A player going on vacation may have a volunteer play in their place if they can find such a person, however. If a player is on vacation, and has a bot playing for them, when it is eir turn to become brainiac then they do not fill this position which instead skips to the next player."

In addition replace:

"3) Players may not look up the Ing Word (or any of the definitions), in any dictionary until its definition is disclosed, or until adjudication of step 5 is required. "


"3) Players may not look up the Ing Word (or any of the definitions) in any dictionary, nor by any other means, except gameplay, attempt to find such a thing [e.g. by asking other people], until its definition is disclosed, or until adjudication of step 5 is required.

{{The author of the proposal that appended this text to the rules loses one point [I may have changed my name back to TGW by that point]. Slakko gains one point. [way back in the mists of time Slakko attempted to do the latter bit of what I am attempting with this proposal]}}

Proposal 3316 - Wed 22 Jul 1998 13:51 EDT
Sometimes Penalties don't Seem Fair
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 217 by replacing the following HJKL delimited text with the following QWERTY delimited text:

If the court agrees with the previous verdict, the player who lodged the appeal shall be fined between 1 and 25 points for a frivolous appeal, with the penalty to be 25 points unless the Justices specify otherwise.

If the court disagrees with the previous verdict, then the verdict shall be overturned to the new verdict, and all players who decided the previous verdict [i.e. judge, or justice on a Cortex] shall be fined between 1 and 10 points, the penalty to be 1 unless the Justices specify otherwise.

If the court agrees with the previous verdict, the player who lodged the appeal shall be fined between 0 and 25 points for a frivolous appeal, with the penalty to be 25 points unless the Justices specify otherwise.

If the court disagrees with the previous verdict, then the verdict shall be overturned to the new verdict, and all players who decided the previous verdict [i.e. judge, or justice on a Cortex] shall be fined between 0 and 10 points, the penalty to be 1 unless the Justices specify otherwise.

[Sometimes I feel that players don't deserve a penalty in this sort of situation so I am giving the option for there not to be any penalty. Note that the default penalties stay the same.]

Proposal 3317 - Wed 22 Jul 1998 13:56 EDT
Son I am able though you scare me / Watch beloved / Watch me scare you though / Able am I son
rufus (David Scheidt)
Decision: accepted

create a rule numbered 432, with following CHICKEN_LITTLE-delimited text.

The Office of Scaremonger is an optional, functional office. The duties of Scaremonger are to promote panic and forment fear. They should take every opportunity to point out the crashing of the game, officers failing to perform their duties, and the End of the World. If the Scaremonger fails to do this, another player may call a Test of the Emergency Broadcast System.

A test of the Emergency Broadcast System is a loud tone. It is also a hearing, and player who called the Test of The Emergency Broadcast System is the Hearing Harfer. The possible votes in this hearing are "The sky is falling!" and "It is only a little hailstorm." If the verdict is "The sky is falling!", the Scaremonger is removed from office, and the Hearing Harfer is installed as Scaremonger.

{{ MTM is appointed Scaremonger }}

Proposal 3318 - Fri 24 Jul 1998 12:45 EDT
Silly Me, I Should Have Thought Of This
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal

Append to the end of the rule "Happiness" the following text, as delimited by SIGH:


If at any time the Happy Number is greater than the Magic Number, the Happy Number becomes 42.


Proposal 3319 - Fri 24 Jul 1998 12:46 EDT
Minor Judging Things
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: accepted

Amend Rule 212 ("Selecting a Judge") by replacing the following NOW-delimited text with the following ANDTHEN-delimited text:

i) All Active Players are eligible.

ii) All Players on the CFJ Ineligibility List are excluded.

ii) The author of the CFJ is excluded.

iii) If the CFJ is also a CFCJ the Player or Players named in its statement are excluded.

iv) All Justices are excluded.

v) All Players who have declined to judge the CFJ are excluded, unless this would reduce the number of eligible Players to 0.

vi) All Players who have already been assigned a CFJ and are yet decline or return a verdict on it are excluded, unless this would reduce the number of eligible Players to less than half the number of Active Players.

i) All Active Players are eligible.

ii) All Players on the CFJ Ineligibility List are excluded.

iii) The author of the CFJ is excluded.

iv) If the CFJ is also a CFCJ the Player or Players named in its statement are excluded.

v) All Justices are excluded.

vi) All Players who have declined to judge the CFJ are excluded.

vii) All Players who have already been assigned a CFJ and are yet decline or return a verdict on it are excluded, unless this would reduce the number of eligible Players to less than half the number of Active Players.

If any of the above steps would cause the number of eligible players to be reduced to zero or fewer, that step is not performed.

Rename Rule 215 ("Judgements Must Accord With The Rules") to "Judgement-Rule Interaction".

Repeal Rule 216 ("Judgements Are Not Rules").

Insert the following SUBER-delimited text at the end of rule 215:

If a statement on which Judgement has been called is Judged to be true, and that Judgement is not overruled, it does not thereby become a rule, or any part of a rule. It merely becomes an explicit part of currently accepted game custom.

Amend Rule 416 ("Supreme Court") by replacing "a randomly selected Justice (not including any inactive Justices or owners of the same Supreme Cortex as the one becoming inactive)" with "a randomly selected Justice (not including any inactive Justices, owners of the same Supreme Cortex as the one becoming inactive, or Justices substituting for owners of the same Supreme Cortex as the one becoming inactive; the final two provisions shall be ignored if their application results in zero or fewer justices eliglible to be selected.)"

Proposal 3320 - Fri 24 Jul 1998 12:47 EDT
Empty mailbox = bored people = boring proposals
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

I was young and foolish then I feel old and foolish now.

This is a modest proposal.

Repeal rule 1060. [This one looks as if no-one's going to be using it.]

Proposal 3321 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:24 EDT
If we're going to keep it then why not make it a bit more
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected


This is a modest proposal.

Modify rule 340 by replacing:

"VI. Whenever division is performed in Ackanomic, and the denominator of that division evaluates to 0, then the result of that entire division shall be 0.


"VI. Whenever division is performed in Ackanomic, and the denominator of that division evaluates to 0, then the result of that entire division shall be 326.47."

Proposal 3322 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:26 EDT
Lager, sir...
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 1390.2 by appending the following text immediately following the first sentence:

"Any frink defined as regal is also Royal."

Proposal 3323 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:27 EDT
Another of these boring minor fixes
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal.

In rule 594 replace the text:

"XI. All Blueprints defer precedence to rules which are not Blueprints. "

with the text:

"XI. All Blueprints defer precedence to rules which are not Blueprints unless they explicitly claim precedence over a given rule or rules in which case they take precedence over that/those rule(s) only."

Proposal 3324 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:29 EDT
The Great Debunk
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

{{[Initially I thought I'd write six separate proposals debunking those gadgets I thought had outlived eir usefulness, but since such minimalist proposals are frowned upon I thought I'd try a slightly different approach.]}}

Create a rule numbered 592 Titled "The Great Debunk" with the following HERRING delimited text:

[During The Great Debunk, specifying a gadget is effectively a Yes vote for its repeal. Not specifying a gadget is a No vote and not voting in the hearing is an abstention.]

This rule takes precedence over Rule 360 (Hearings).

The Great Debunk is a hearing in which:

i) only active voting players may vote.
ii) a valid response consists of a list of gadgets refereed to by name or by the rule number that defines them, or any combination of the two.
iii) in addition to those responses deemed valid by section ii, a blank list, or one which states that no gadgets should be debunked, is also a valid response.
iv) the verdict is a list of gadgets for which the number of valid responses to the hearing that included that gadget was equal to or greater than three fifths the total number of valid responses.

At the conclusion of The Great Debunk if at least half of all active voting players submitted a valid response, all gadgets listed in the verdict are debunked.

One week after this rule is created it is repealed.

{{The Great Debunk hearing is called}}

{{[The six gadgets I had in mind...
Gravitational Monopole (Rule 594.6)
Jukkasjarvi Mind Control Laser (Rule 594.8)
Bonus Vote Add-On (Rule 594.11)
Gimme Shelter (Rule 594.12)
Cheez-Whiz (Rule 594.14)
Pulse Laser (Rule 594.15)]}}

Proposal 3325 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:30 EDT
The Senate
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

{{[before it gets repealed ;) it should prolly be made less of a Hubert situation]}}

Rule 437 (Providing Meaning Where We Can) to replace the following sentence:
All Calls last until the end of the next day after they were issued, unless canceled by the President.
All Calls last for three days after they were issued, unless canceled by the President.

Proposal 3326 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:32 EDT
There's a place for those who love their poetry
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

Repeal Rule 424 (Poet Laureate)

Proposal 3327 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:33 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[Writing it the way its played.]}}

Amend Section c of Rule 207.3 (Foolishness) that currently reads:
c) Either the player submitting the proposal was the author of the previous proposal, or the player submitting the proposal gives proper credit to the original author. If the original author is still a player of Ackanomic, it is considered good form to transfer some of the points gained through the resubmitted proposal's Foolishness to em.
to read:
c) The player submitting the proposal was the author of the previous proposal.

Proposal 3328 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:34 EDT
Treasured Treasure
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[Its been used once and we weren't exactly buried ;) in undiscovered treasure then. If it proves necessary in the future (IMVUHO) a better implementation (ie more in the spirit of Treasure hunting) would be to allow the treasure harfer to create a new, publically knowable map for which all players would be eligible and to which any two players could object...]}}

Amend Rule 1217 (Buried Treasure!) by delting the following "----" delimited text:

If there currently exist Treasures which have not yet been found, for which no map custodian or map writer is a current player, and for which both of the previous states have been true for more than 90 days, then the Archaeologist has the prerogative of organizing an Expedition. They announce an Expedition as a public action. Any treasure which meets the three Treasure criteria defined in the first sentence is known as a Historical Artefact.

The Archaeologist is automatically a member of an expedition. Any active player may become a member of an expedition by stating so as a public action, and paying A$40 to the Treasury. When the Archaeologist announces an Expedition, e may also specify a certain set of Treasures which are not to be considered Historical Artefacts for the purposes of this Expedition.

An Expedition happens 3 days after it is announced, with the proviso that if there are fewer than 3 players in the Expedition, it shall not happen and all monies paid to gain membership in the Expedition shall be refunded. At the time of the Expedition, if there are at least as many Historical Artefacts as members of the Expedition, then the Archaeologist will randomly determine one Historical Artefact to be assigned to each member of the expedition, including emself. Each Treasure assigned in this way is "found" by the player it is assigned to.

If, on the other hand, at the time of the Expedition there are more Expedition members than Historical Artefacts, then the Archaeologist shall randomly determine one expedition member to be assigned to each Historical Artefact. Each player assigned shall find the Treasure they are assigned to.

Only one Expedition may be announced in any calendar month.

Proposal 3329 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:35 EDT
Putting the "K 2 wins the /
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

current cycle" back into mimsy.
This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 250 (Players and Player States) to insert between items f and g of section VI "Upon Becoming (and while) On Ice" the following item:
g) All of their mimsy entities are transferred to the treasury.
and reletter the list appropriately.

Proposal 3330 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:38 EDT
Prop Dream
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This IS a modest proposal.

{{[Fiddling with the proposal scores

      Modest Non modest Grandiose
Author|  5        10        16
Anti  |  1        3         5
Author| -4(-3)    -7(-4)   -12(-7)
Anti  |  1         3         5

Amend Section III (Scoring on Proposals) of Rule 207 (Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported) to read:
III. Scoring on Proposals

If a Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 5 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 1 point. If a Grandiose proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 3 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 7 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 2 points.

If a Modest proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 4 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 1 point. If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 8 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 3 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 6 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 2 points.


       Modest Non modest Grandiose
Author|  5        7         10
Anti  |  1        2         3
Author| -4(-3)   -6(-4)    -8(-5)
Anti  |  1        2         3

{{ K 2 loses 6 points. Vynd gains 6 points. }}

Proposal 3331 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:41 EDT
O Freunde, nicht diese Tone!
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

Create a new rule titled "ASS song: Ode to Joy" as a member of the "Ackanomic Sound System Rule Suite" (Rule 950) with the text:
Title: Ode to Joy; Allegro assai, fr Symphony No. 9 in d, Op. 125, Choral
Artist: Music by Beethoven
Trigger: Whenever a proposal has been accepted which was authored by a player who had never had a proposal accepted before.
i) Every player that voted yes on the proposal that triggered the song gains one point.
ii) Any player who's score is within 5% of the happy number may change eir score to the happy number as a public action.
iii) Whenever a player has a score which is exactly equal to the sad number e gains one point.
Duration: Three Acka days.
Explanation: "That way, everyone's happy." [Terry Pratchett, Small Gods]

Proposal 3332 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:43 EDT
Guess where mum's gone
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Status: retracted

Modify rule 500.1 by replacing the following GHJ delimited text with the following TREW delimited text:



Proposal 3333 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:44 EDT
If at first you don't succeed...
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

{{[Warning: Repeals antivoting]}}

Modify rule 207 by replacing the following ZXCVBNM delimited text:

III. Scoring on Proposals

If a Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 5 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 1 point. If a Grandiose proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 16 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 3 points.

If a Modest proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 4 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 1 point. If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 12 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 5 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 7 points, and every player who voted YES on it receives 3 points.

Voting NO on a proposal which is accepted, or voting YES on a proposal which is rejected, is called "anti-voting".

A proposal can only be declared to be Modest or Grandiose as defined by the Rules.

with the following ASDFGHJKL delimited text:

III. Scoring on Proposals

If a Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 5 points. If a Grandiose proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 16 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points.

If a Modest proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 4 points. If a Grandiose proposal is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 12 points. If a proposal which is neither Modest nor Grandiose is rejected, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 7 points.

A proposal can only be declared to be Modest or Grandiose as defined by the Rules.

All players who voted on any proposal receive one point.

{{[I know that I'm not going to be able to convince many of you that antivoting is a bad thing so I won't even try, but this at least solves two of the problems people have pointed out. It keeps the incentive for voting, and it doesn't risk ruining the "economy".]}}

Proposal 3334 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:45 EDT
proposal submit
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

Remove the following text from Rule 950.3 (ASS Song: Werewolves of London)
b) it is determined that a player is being followed by the B-Ack,
and reletter the list from which it was removed.

Repeal Rule 961 (Curse of the B-Ack).

Proposal 3335 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:47 EDT
Punish The Unworthy
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.
{{[It will prolly be a Boring Proposal as well ;)]}}

Amend the paragraph of Rule 1250.22 (Bacon) wich currently reads:
If one player thinks that the other player's chain is invalid, then e may challenge it up to three days after the chains are posted. The referee will check each link in the Movie Database, and determine whether the chain is valid. Otherwise, a chain will be assumed to valid if it goes unchallenged for the three days. (If a player did not submit a Bacon chain for that round, then eir chain is considered invalid.)
to read:
If one player thinks that the other player's chain is invalid, then e may challenge it up to three days after the chains are posted. The referee will check each link in the Movie Database, and determine whether the chain is valid. If the chain is shown to be invalid, the player who challenged it gains one gamepoint, however, if the chain is shown to be valid its author shall gain one gamepoint. A chain will be assumed to valid if it goes unchallenged for the three days. (If a player did not submit a Bacon chain for that round, then eir chain is considered invalid.)

Proposal 3336 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:54 EDT
She Set Your Goldfish Free
Publius (Brandon Ray)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Rule 211 is amended as follows:

After the phrase: “Any CFJ whose statement is substantially similar, or whose negative is substantially similar, to the statement of another CFJ submitted by the same player within the past week, in the judgement of the judge, shall be judged Invalid. This applies even in the case that the previously submitted CFJ was retracted by the player in question.”

Add the following JUSTICE delimited text:

However, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply if the prior CFJ was declared Invalid by the Clerk of Court due to a lack of eligible judges, as provided in Rule 212.

Proposal 3337 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:55 EDT
To define Name Gaming as Annoying
Publius (Brandon Ray)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal.

Add the following to the end of Rule 721:

VI. Name Gaming

Attempting to adopt an Ackanomic name which is substantially similar, in the opinion of the Registrar, to the real name of any current or former player of Ackanomic, regardless of the status of that current or former player, is Annoying. It is also Confusing.

{{Within seven days of this Rule taking effect, the Registrar shall make Public Notice as to which Ackanomic names currently in use e deems to be substantially similar to the real name of any current or former player of Ackanomic. Within seven days of that Public Notice, the player(s) using the Ackanomic names listed in the Public Notice must change those Ackanomic names to legal names. Failure to do so is Annoying, as well as Stubborn.}}

In addition to or in place of other penalties which may be prescribed in the Rules, the Registrar may penalize those e finds in violation of Rule 721, Section VI, by changing eir Ackanomic names to a random word chosen from an unabridged dictionary, and posting this change as a Public Notice. An Ackanomic name changed in this manner may not be changed again for such period as the Registrar may prescribe (but such period shall not be greater than 30 days). The Registrar may take the actions described in this paragraph regardless of whether there has been a CFJ or CFCJ, and regardless of the status or verdict of any CFJ or CFCJ, unless the verdict specifically orders im not to do so, or specifically orders that the disputed Ackanomic name be restored.

Proposal 3338 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:56 EDT
A name is a name
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend rule 251 (Player Names) as follows
Insert the following NAMES delimited text
No player may choose as their Ackanomic name the Real Life name of any current or former player at the time they make this choice.

If the player with the Real Life Name of Tom Walmsley has the Ackanomic Name of 'Eric Plumb' or any anagram thereof, that player is renamed to Mr. Tambourine Man.
If the player with the Real Life Name of Eric Plumb has the Ackanomic Name of 'Tom Walmsley' or any anagram thereof, that player is renamed to 867-5309.

I believe this allows any existing player who has their own RL name or the RL name of some unknown future player to keep that name, as well as preventing new players or existing players from taking on the RL name of other players, which I consider to be a bad idea. The final two one-time actions are done merely to reset the two names which prompted this proposal to the names prior to their most recent change, including negating any use of Blue Things to circumvent this.

Proposal 3339 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:57 EDT
Tweak the CFJ Procedure
Publius (Brandon Ray)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)

This is a modest proposal.

Rule 211 is amended as follows:

After the phrase: “Any CFJ whose statement is substantially similar, or whose negative is substantially similar, to the statement of another CFJ submitted by the same player within the past week, in the judgement of the judge, shall be judged Invalid. This applies even in the case that the previously submitted CFJ was retracted by the player in question.”

Add the following JUSTICE delimited text:

However, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply if the prior CFJ was declared Invalid by the Clerk of Court due to a lack of eligible judges, as provided in Rule 212.

Proposal 3340 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:58 EDT
To define and prohibit Name Gaming
Publius (Brandon Ray)
Status: removed (invalid by Rule 309)

This is a modest proposal.

Add the following to the end of Rule 721:

VI. Name Gaming

Attempting to adopt an Ackanomic name which is substantially similar, in the opinion of the Registrar, to the real name of any current or former player of Ackanomic, regardless of the status of that current or former player, is Annoying. It is also Confusing.

{{Within seven days of this Rule taking effect, the Registrar shall make Public Notice as to which Ackanomic names currently in use e deems to be substantially similar to the real name of any current or former player of Ackanomic. Within seven days of that Public Notice, the player(s) using the Ackanomic names listed in the Public Notice must change those Ackanomic names to legal names. Failure to do so is Annoying, as well as Stubborn.}}

In addition to or in place of other penalties which may be prescribed in the Rules, the Registrar may penalize those e finds in violation of Rule 721, Section VI, by changing eir Ackanomic names to a random word chosen from an unabridged dictionary, and posting this change as a Public Notice. An Ackanomic name changed in this manner may not be changed again for such period as the Registrar may prescribe (but such period shall not be greater than 30 days). The Registrar may take the actions described in this paragraph regardless of whether there has been a CFJ or CFCJ, and regardless of the status or verdict of any CFJ or CFCJ, unless the verdict specifically orders im not to do so, or specifically orders that the disputed Ackanomic name be restored.

Proposal 3341 - Tue 28 Jul 1998 10:59 EDT
A Million Household Uses
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected

Amend Rule 1155, "Colours", by replacing "grey; indigo" with
"grey; harf; indigo".

Proposal 3342 - Wed 29 Jul 1998 07:37 EDT
True Names
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

{{[This is an attempt at a better solution than the one I submitted earlier, and I think more poetic. However, I want to undo those changes if they passed.]}}

Remove section VI. titled Name Gaming from rule 721 if such a section exists. {{[This undoes the annoying crime since if this passes, it won't be possible to do.]}}

Remove the following sentance, delimited by HACK from rule 251 (Player Names) if it exists in that rule
No player may choose as their Ackanomic name the Real Life name of any current or former player at the time they make this choice.
{{[I'd prefer to see the solution proposed here take effect, but if this fails and P3338 passes, I'm willing to live with that fix in place which is why I'm not retracting that proposal]}}

Create a new rule 251.1 titled True Names with the following VINGE delimited text
Every Ackanomic player possesses, in addition to eir Ackanomic Name, something known as eir True Name.

When a player first joins Ackanomic, the Registrar will choose the new players True Name as follows.
a) The True Name for the new player is initially set to that players Real Life name.
b) If the form of this player's True Name is equivalent to the primitive form of the True Name of any current or former player, the True Name of the new player shall be suffixed by the '/' (slash) character followed by the smallest possible positive integer that creates a unique name. [IE if two players with the RL name of JT Traub joined the game, their True Names would be 'JT Traub' and 'JT Traub/1' respectively]

No player may (through any means) aquire an Ackanomic Name whose primitive form is identical to the primitive form of the True Name of any current or former player. This paragraph takes precedence over all other rules regarding player names and their modification.

No player may change their True Name, and the True Name of a player may always be used as a valid and unambiguous reference for that player.

All current and former players are assigned True Names as if they had just joined the game. [I don't think there are any current conflicts]

Any player who has an Ackanomic Name which is currently in violation of this rule has 7 days to choose a new valid Ackanomic Name. If they have not chosen an Ackanomic name within that time, the Registrar will choose an Ackanomic Name for them. At the end of 7 days, this paragraph repeals itself from the rules.

"the prudent sorceror regarded his own true name as his most valued possession but also the greatest threat to his continued good health" [Vernor Vinge, True Names]

Modify rule 409 (Registrar) by inserting the word 'player' between the words 'their' and 'states' and by inserting the word 'current' between the words 'their' and 'Ackanomic names' in section (a). {{[This just cleans up some language.]}}

Modify rule 409 (Registrar) by inserting the following ARCHIVE delimited text as item (b) and then relettering the list as appropriate
(b) maintaining a list of all current and previous players, all Ackanomic names held by them at any point, and their True Names.
{{[This last bit just makes formal the duties of the Registrar to maintain a document which helps satisfy rule 348.]}}

Proposal 3343 - Thu 30 Jul 1998 10:34 EDT
No Organizational Teleports
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

The previous version of the rule La Luna allowed a player on the moon to give something to an org which could then give it to a player not on the moon. This fixes that loophole.

Amend rule 1350 (La Luna) by replacing the sentance labeled as (1) with the following NO_TELEPORTING_ITEMS delimited text
(1) e may neither give items to nor recieve items from any entity which is not in the same location.

Remove the following sentance as delimited by TRADE from wherever it occurse in rule 1350 (La Luna)
No entity may give any gift entity to a player who is currently at a Moon of Acka, unless that entity is also at the same Moon of Acka.
{{[This is now covered under the revised section (1)]}}

Proposal 3344 - Sat 01 Aug 1998 19:52 EDT
Dr. Dr.
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

Create a new rule numbered 22 with the title "Dr. & Dr." with the following text:
This rule takes precedence over all rules.
The action of running around in circles is a player action which affects the game state and is equally legal and illegal.

Create a new rule numbered 23, titled "Hmmm" with the text:
This rule takes precedence over all rules.
The officer in charge of random things shall select a player at random. All Paradox Win CFJs submitted by any player other than the one selected according to the previous sentence shall be destroyed just prior to distribution.
Three days after this rule is created, rule 22 and 23 shall be repealed.


Proposal 3345 - Sat 01 Aug 1998 19:53 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal
[This is a non-Modest Proposal]
[This is a Grandiose Proposal]

Amend Rule 910 (The Ackanomicon) to remove the following text:
Stock Market Crash (1 Page): Reading this page causes the Orange Menace to temporarily manifest itself. Wide spread panic ensues, causing the stock market's positivity index to fall by 10%.

Proposal 3346 - Sat 01 Aug 1998 19:54 EDT
Three's A Crowd
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected

This is a Grandiose proposal.

Create a new Rule, numbered 775, named "Vagueness", with text as follows(delimited by SEQ):

It is a crime to talk in a public dorum about publicly unknowable things.

Proposal 3347 - Sat 01 Aug 1998 19:56 EDT
Xagyg The Mad God Is An Avatar of Azpiazu
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Vynd (John McCoy) on Wed 05 Aug 1998 23:51 EDT

{{ If any entity is named Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution or Charisma, rename it by prepending the string "No ", and if necessary appending the lowest positive integer required to generate a unique name. }}

Create a new Rule, numbered 540.2, named "Basic Player Characteristics", with text as follows(delimited by GREYHAWK):

Each Player has the following six Characteristics(as well as others that may be defined by other Rules): Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. The range of these Characteristics is between 3 and 25, and their Default Value is 10.

Initially, all players have the Default Values for each of these Characteristics; if a player has not done so, then at any time e may ask the Dungeonmaster [see below] to generate eir scores, which the Dungeonmaster may do by generating six values from 3 to 18 using three six-sided dice(preferably using the Dice Server)for each value. (That is, each Characteristic's value shall be the sum of three randomly generated numbers from 1 to 6.)

The Office of Dungeonmaster is an optional office, whose duties are to generate Characteristic Values as specified in the previous paragraph when required to do so. (The Office has no Privileges as yet.)

{{[ Where is this going? I don't know. But this is something I've wanted to try since I joined... ]}}

Proposal 3348 - Sat 01 Aug 1998 19:57 EDT
Two small naming fixes
JT (JT Traub)
Status: retracted

Append the following TIMEOUT delimited text to the end of rule 251 (Player Names)
If a player changes eir Ackanomic and the second change is acked by the registrar while the first one has not been, then the first change will not occur.
This fixes the problem where as possibly recently happened, the first name change was possibly objected to, (but possibly not), a second one occured and now it is unclear what the current Ackanomic name of the two players really is.

Replace the paragraph of rule 251 (Player Names) currently existing as delimited by SIMPLE
A player may change eir Ackanomic name, so long as the new name complies with all applicable rules. If a player attempts to change eir name to something not in compliance with the Rules, that attempt fails. In addition, if the name change has not yet been accepted as described in the following paragraph, the Registrar may object to the name change if e feels that the new name is either a) too close to an existing player name(i.e. differs by only one or two characters), or b) is intended only to exploit Malenkai's Loophole(see Rule 721).
with the following paragraph as delimited by BETTER
A player may change eir Ackanomic name, so long as the new name complies with all applicable rules. If a player attempts to change eir name to something not in compliance with the Rules, that attempt fails. In addition, if the name change has not yet been accepted as described in the following paragraph, the Registrar may object to the name change if e feels that the new name is not within the spirit of the game. When the player changing eir name is the Registrar, the President or any Senator can object to or ack the name change as if e were the Registrar. The Registar may not ack eir own name change.
This change gives the registrar slightly broader authority to object to the name change. It also gives someone to check the registrars ability to change eir own name.

Proposal 3349 - Sat 01 Aug 1998 19:58 EDT
: Greater Poobah and Lesser Poobah
Publius (Brandon Ray)
Status: retracted

{{After the following DISTRIBUTE-delimited text in Rule 406:

(e) to promptly distribute each proposal for voting.

Add the following NEWDUTY-delimited text:

(f) Proclaim the identities of the Greater Poobah and the Lesser Poobah.

{{Create a new rule with the number being the lowest integer greater than 400 which is not already in use, to read as follows:}}

A. There shall be two new Functional optional offices, the Greater Poobah and the Lesser Poobah.

B. The Greater Poobah shall be that player who had the greatest number of proposals accepted during the most recent calendar week, as determined by the Promoter. The Lesser Poobah shall be that player who had the fewest number of proposals rejected during the most recent calendar week, as determined by the Promoter. For purposes of this rule only, the Promoter shall count only those proposals for which voting expired during the most recent calendar week.

C. The identity of the Greater Poobah and the Lesser Poobah shall be proclaimed by the Promoter no more than 24 hours after the end of each calendar week. Each Poobah shall take office immediately, and shall hold office for exactly seven days from the moment e is proclaimed by the Promoter, or until a new Poobah is proclaimed, whichever happens sooner. The Promoter may proclaim only one Greater Poobah and one Lesser Poobah during each calendar week.

D. A player may not be proclaimed to be either the Greater Poobah or the Lesser Poobah if any of the following are true:

1. The player was Inactive at 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the most recent calendar week.

2. The player was in Gaol at 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the most recent calendar week.

3. The player had no proposals acted upon during the most recent calendar week.

E. In the event that two or more players shall be equally qualified to be proclaimed Greater or Lesser Poobah, the Promoter shall resolve the tie using the Ackanomic dice, with each player’s chance of selection (among those qualified) being equally weighted.

F. In the event that no player shall be qualified to be proclaimed Greater or Lesser Poobah, the Promoter shall proclaim that the office for which no player qualified will remain vacant for that calendar week. The other office, however, shall be filled in the normal manner.

G. In the event that one player qualifies for both offices, the player shall be proclaimed to be the Greater Poobah, and the office of Lesser Poobah shall be proclaimed to be vacant for that calendar week.

H. The Greater Poobah shall have the following duties:

1. Sign all is posts with the phrase: “So spake the Greater Poobah, may his name be revered!”

2. To proclaim imself to be co-sponsor of at least one but not more than three proposals written by other players, and for which voting expires during the seven days following the moment e was proclaimed to be Greater Poobah.

a. If any proposal for which the Greater Poobah is co-sponsor shall be accepted, e shall receive two points fewer than the number of points received by the proposer (but not less than zero points).

b. If any proposal for which the Greater Poobah is co-sponsor shall be rejected, e shall lose a number of points equal to the number lost by the proposer.

I. The Lesser Poobah shall have the following duties:

1. To sign all posts with the phrase, “So spake the Lesser Poobah, legend in song and story!”

2. To proclaim imself to be in Opposition to at least one but not more than three proposals written by other players, and for which voting expires during the seven days following the moment e was proclaimed to be Greater Poobah.

a. If any proposal to which the Greater Poobah is in Opposition shall be rejected, e shall receive two points fewer than the number of points the proposer would have received if it had been accepted (but not less than zero points).

b. If any proposal to which the Greater Poobah is in Opposition shall be accepted, e shall lose a number of points equal to the number the proposer would have lost if it had been rejected.

J. Neither the Greater Poobah nor the Lesser Poobah shall receive any salary.

H. Where conflicts occur, this rule takes precedence over all other rules pertaining to Offices.

Proposal 3350 - Sat 01 Aug 1998 19:59 EDT
Slay that weasel!
Publius (Brandon Ray)
Decision: rejected

In Rule 309, strike the phrase “substantially similar” and replace it with the phrase “identical”, wherever it occurs.

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