Proposal 3551 - Sun 06 Sep 1998 10:53 EDT
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: rejected
I. In R411 "Senate" replace the text :
" The Senators are collectively a Unique Organization known as the
with the text:
"The Senators and the Churches are collectively a Unique Organization
known as the Senade. The Senade owns a More Than Human."
II. Replace all occurences of the string "Senate" in the rules with the string "Senade".
III. In R401 "Offices, Commonalities" replace the text "Offices are named,
unownable entities, except for Capital Offices, which are Tradeable
entities. "
with the text:
"Offices are named entities. Capital Offices are Tradeable entities.
Functional Offices are Tradeable Entities, however, they may only be owned
by Organizations, all other types of Offices are named, unownable
IV. amend R403 "Functional Offices" to read in full:
This rule takes precedence over rule 401.
If at any time a Functional Office becomes unowned, or owned by anything other than an Organization, then it immediately becomes owned by the Senade.
An Office is a Functional Office if and only if the Rules specify it as such.
The following applies to all Functional Offices:
(i) A functional Office has only one Seat unless the Rules specify otherwise.
(ii) As a Privilege of Office, each Player shall receive a monthly salary equal to the Standard Harfer Fee for every Functional Office held.
(iii) Each Functional Office has a unique Office License associated with
it. Office Licenses may only be manipulated as specified in the rules.
Office Licenses are Tradeable Entities.
If at any time an Office License becomes unowned, the it immediately
becomes Owned by the owner of the Office with which the License is
associated. The name of an Office License is identical to the name of the
Office with which it is associated, with the word 'License' appended to
The Owner of an Office may give the license to any player. The player who
owns an Office License fills the Office associated with that License.
A player may gift an Office License to the owner of the Office Associated
with that Office License at any time. A player can trade an Office License
only with the consent of the owner of the Office Associated with that
License. An Office owner may Recall an Office License for any Office it
owns at any time as an Organizational Action. When this happens, the
Recalled Office License is immediately transferred to the owner of the
associated Office.
When a player ceases being Active for any reason, all Office Licenses e
owns are autmoatically recalled.
(vi)An Office License may not be owned by any Organization other than the Organization which owns the Office Assocaited with that License. Whenever an Organization owns an Office License, and the duties of the Office go unperformed for a week or more, then all members of the Organization which owns that Office License are deemed to have violated the Speed Rules.
(v) A Vacationing Functional Officer is considered to have
vacated eir Seat for the duration of eir vacation, after which he shall
hold the Seat once again.
V. Append to R411 "Senade" the following text:
At any given time exactly one Church is known as the Divine Church of
Ackanomic. This designation has no effect on the name of the Church.
The Divine Church of Ackanomic may manipulate Office Licenses owned by the
Senade as if they were owned by the Divine Church of Ackanomic.
The Senade may manipulate an Office Licenses it owns, by taking
Organizational Actions.
Whenever a cycle is ended, the following things happen in the Senade:
1. The Dinivity of each Church which is also a member of the Senade is
determined by adding up the following quantities:
a. The sum of the scores of all Active players who are also members of
the Church.
b. 1/5 of the total wealth of all Active players who are also memebrs of
the Church and the Church itself
2. The Church that has the greatest Divinity becomes the Divine Church of Ackanomic. Any other Church which held this title, is stripped of that title.
The Senade may trade Offices to other Organizations, provided that at
least 2/3 of the members of the Senade agree to the trade. This sentence
takes precedence over R1005.
Proposal 3552 - Sun 06 Sep 1998 10:54 EDT
In Valen's Name
Wild Card (Jonathan David Amery)
Decision: rejected
Create a rule with the title "The works of Valen", a legal integer number which is the lowest that is not currently used in the rules and is larger than 900 and the following ONEWHOWAS delimited text.
There exists a book in the Library called The Book of Valen. It contains the entire works of Valen, however it is written in an obscure language no-one has yet been able to decipher fully. [English in fact!]
Any player who is in the Library may read the book at most once per fortnight. After reading the book thay should propose a proposal which creates a single rule in the "Book of Valen" rule suite. The title of the rule should include the text "Book of Valen".
If this proposal is accepted then they are given a number of ackadollars which is the largest integer strictly less than one standard harfer fee for services to translation.
All such proposals should touch upon the disaster that is to befall Ackanomic.
This rule is the head of the "Book of Valen" rule suite.
["Book of Valen" rule suite]
{{If there exists an entity named Phoebe that can own entities then transfer 1 point to Phoebe from Wild Card.}}
Proposal 3553 - Sun 06 Sep 1998 10:55 EDT
Cream of Sum Yung Gai
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
Create a new Rule, numbered 943, named "Hula!" with the following text (delimited by WAHINE):
Muumuus are Garments. Any player may create a Muumuu by going to the
Wilds of Ackanomic and eating an Amber Banana.
A player wearing a Muumuu and no other Garments(except, possibly, Hats)
may hula dance as a public action, even on the town hall steps; this
takes precedence over any Rule which would prohibit such dancing.
Proposal 3554 - Sun 06 Sep 1998 10:56 EDT
Nabla Cross Mu-Nought Times E
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
Amend Rule 340, "Conventions", as follows:
Replace the following text(delimited by CURL)
VI. Whenever division is performed in Ackanomic, and the denominator
of that division evaluates to 0, then the result of that entire
division shall be 0.
VII. Alphabetical ordering shall be determined by a word-by-word comparison, each word compared letter-by-letter. For these purposes: A word is considered to be delimited by whitespace; an initial word 'The' or 'the' is ignored; a single string of digits is considered equivalent to a letter; digital 'letters' precede alphabetical letters; and non-alphanumeric characters are ignored (excluding whitespace used for the purpose of delimiting words, which counts only for this purpose); and case is ignored. All else failing, two words that are otherwise equivalent shall be sorted in ASCII collation order.
VIII. When any Rule requires a public message contain a fixed piece of
text in order to satisfy some condition, then, that Rule
notwithstanding, any piece of text in a public message which is
unambiguously a close approximation to the text in question, such that
the intent of the text in the message is unambiguously to satisfy the
condition laid down in the Rule, shall be considered, for the purposes
of that Rule, to be equivalent to the fixed piece of text.
with the following text(delimited by DIV):
VI. Alphabetical ordering shall be determined by a word-by-word
comparison, each word compared letter-by-letter. For these purposes: A
word is considered to be delimited by whitespace; an initial word
'The' or 'the' is ignored; a single string of digits is considered
equivalent to a letter; digital 'letters' precede alphabetical
letters; and non-alphanumeric characters are ignored (excluding
whitespace used for the purpose of delimiting words, which counts only
for this purpose); and case is ignored. All else failing, two words
that are otherwise equivalent shall be sorted in ASCII collation
VII. When any Rule requires a public message contain a fixed piece of text in order to satisfy some condition, then, that Rule notwithstanding, any piece of text in a public message which is unambiguously a close approximation to the text in question, such that the intent of the text in the message is unambiguously to satisfy the condition laid down in the Rule, shall be considered, for the purposes of that Rule, to be equivalent to the fixed piece of text.
The following conventions apply to mathematical calculations in Ackanomic, unless otherwise specified:
I. Whenever division is performed in Ackanomic, and the denominator of that division evaluates to 0, then the result of that entire division shall be 0.
II. Whenever a trigonometric function is to be applied to a number, and
no unit of angle measurement is specified, then the unit shall be taken
to be grads. (100 grads = 90 degrees = pi/2 radians.)
Proposal 3555 - Sun 06 Sep 1998 10:57 EDT
Where'd the bries go
TJ (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal.
{{[In P3366 Slakko tried to replace the way bries are gained and typo'd in
the proposal causing them to not be able to be gotten. This fixes that.
After the following text as delimited by GOUDA
A player receives a gouda if e wins a game of grab a donkey, wins a game
of party chess or wins three games from the games and contest containing
five or more players (starting from the instant this rule is adopted or
the time a cheese of this type belonging to this player as destroyed;
whichever is more recent).
insert the following text as delimited by BRIE
A player receives a brie when they win a Duel. If a player owns a brie
when they lose a Duel, that brie is destroyed.
Proposal 3556 - Sun 06 Sep 1998 10:58 EDT
Or Put A Kiss But In The Cup
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
Append the following text(delimited by OCCUPANT)to Rule 1390.2, "Royal Frinks":
Any frink not otherwise defined as Royal shall become Knurd if frunk
from a hydria. Knurd is a Royal Frink.
Hydriae are tradeable entities, which may only be created as described
in the Rules.
Proposal 3557 - Sun 06 Sep 1998 10:59 EDT
All Our Dooms
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 1250.3, "General Equipment", by replacing the following text(delimited by MARL):
a) The Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary (OSPD), as defined by the
URL: telnet://
with the following(delimited by WAK):
a) The Enchanted North American Benchmark Lexicon(ENABLE), available
in compressed form at the URL:
(Note: the above Zip archive may contain files other than the wordlist,
but it should be clear what is the actual wordlist itself.)
{{[ While I'm at it...]
Add the following words to the Ackanomic Lexicon: "ack", "acked",
"acks", "acking".
Proposal 3558 - Tue 08 Sep 1998 05:50 EDT
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted
Repeal rule 1240.5 (Otzma Card of Type Rod & Staff)
Proposal 3559 - Tue 08 Sep 1998 05:52 EDT
Until The Handle Breaks Off
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[ Now it should perhaps be non-Null... ]}}
{{[ In my game of Bacon with K 2, it turned into a contest of trying to find the most obscure actron that the other player had never heard of. Just to provide a little bit of a guard against that... Unfortunately, it will slow the game down a bit, but hopefully not too badly. ]}}
Amend Rule 1250.22, "Bacon", as follows:
Replace the following text(delimited by FURRFU):
The game consists of a series of rounds. At the start of each round,
each player must name an actor or actress(hereafter referred to as an
actron), who has appeared in at least one movie as specified in the
Movie Database. This naming period is over when both players have
named an actron, or three days have passed since the referee announced
the start of the round, whichever comes first; in the latter case, if
one player named an actron and the other did not, then the first
player wins the round, and if neither named an actron then the round
is a draw.
with the following text(delimited by WAYNE):
The game consists of a series of rounds. At the start of each round, each
player must privately email the name of an actor or actress(hereafter
referred to as an actron), who has appeared in at least one movie
as specified in the Movie Database. This naming period is over when
both players have named an actron, or three days have passed since the
referee announced the start of the round, whichever comes first; in
the latter case, if one player named an actron and the other did not,
then the first player wins the round, and if neither named an actron
then the round is a draw.
The referee then posts the names of both actrons. The players have three
days to either object to each others' selection, or to state that they
are satisfied with it. If the three days pass with no objections, or
both players state that they are satisfied, then the actrons are deemed
to be accepted. If one or both players object, then the referee must
rule on each actron thus objected to. If the referee rules that the
actron is too obscure, then the player who selected that actron loses
one Gamepoint. If the referee rules that the actron is not too obscure,
then the player who objected loses one Gamepoint. If one or both actrons
is rules to be too obscure, then the naming period begins again(and both
players must email the name of another actron to the referee), otherwise
play proceeds.
{{[ A lot rests on the referee here, but e can certainly use the Movie Database to determine how many movies an actron has been in, if nothing else. Or ask for information privately from the player who suggested em. ]}}
Replace the text "After the actrons have been named for a round" with "After the actrons are accepted".
Replace the text "from the time the naming period ends" with "from the time the actrons are accepted".
Replace the text "The winner of a round receives a Gamepoint" with "The winner of a round receives 2 Gamepoints".
Replace the text "first player to obtain 5 Gamepoints" with "first player to obtain 10 Gamepoints".
Proposal 3560 - Tue 08 Sep 1998 05:53 EDT
Guerillas at the Ballot Box? Yeah Right.
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend Rule 320 by replacing the following CHE-delimited text:
All players have a rebeliousness characteristic which may either be "on"
or "off" (the default value is off). A player may freely change the value
of this characteristic by publicly stating that they are doing so, and
what they are changing it too.
with the following GUEVARA-delimited text:
All players have a rebeliousness characteristic which may either be "on"
or "off" (the default value is off). A player may freely change the value
of this characteristic by publicly stating that they are doing so, and
what they are changing it to.
Exactly those players whose rebeliousness characteristic are "on" are
Rebels. Rebels are ineligible to vote.
Proposal 3561 - Tue 08 Sep 1998 05:54 EDT
Labs need a bit more turnover
JT (JT Traub)
Status: retracted
In rule 1013, replace the following text as delimited by SLOW
Each Secret Laboratory may be used to build a Gadget at most once each
calendar month.
with the following SLIGHTLY_FASTER delimited text
Each Secret Laboratory may be used to build a Gadget at most once each
fortnight, but it cannot be the same type of gadget as either of the
previous two built by that lab.
Proposal 3562 - Tue 08 Sep 1998 06:02 EDT
Oh Lordy
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
{{[I'm not sure that this isn't already implied by the wording of Rule 250, but it can't hurt to make it explicit. By the way, this text is taken almost verbatim from the previous version of Rule 250.]}}
Amend Rule 250 by inserting the following as a new paragraph immediately after the text "Non-player persons are not entities.":
No natural person may be associated with more than one player concurrently. No matter how many times a person legally registers as a player in Ackanomic, that person is always considered the same player. [That is, if a player quits and later rejoins, e is considered the same player.] {{If any natural person has more than one player associated with em, then all of eir players except the oldest immediately become non-players. Furthermore, if any of the players so removed were active at the time, the surviving player is penalized 69 points [for trying to scam this stupid loophole].}}
Proposal 3563 - Wed 09 Sep 1998 13:38 EDT
Grey Unity
Wild Card (Jonathan David Amery)
Decision: rejected
Add to the end of rule 1031 (Grey Council) the following SUMMUTUSEFUL-delimited text.
If all the members of the Grey Council vote YES on the same proposal then
one "Grey Counil Unity Vote" shall be voted by the Council itself YES on
the proposal, in a similar manner to a Political Party. Only one such
vote is ever made regardless of the size of the Council.
Proposal 3564 - Wed 09 Sep 1998 13:39 EDT
Some Permanance around here please...
Wild Card (Jonathan David Amery)
Decision: rejected
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
Create a rule with the lowest integer number greater that all others within the Blueprints rule suite named "Shield of Permanence" with the following FUBAR-delimited text.
There exists a unique named tradeable entity that is a gadget named The Shield of Permanence.
If anything causes a gadget owned by the player who owns The Shield of Permanence to be destroyed then the following happens:
1) The gadget that was destroyed is recreated within their possession.
2) The Shield of Permanence shimmers briefly and is transfered to a randomly determined player.
{{If there doesn't exist an entity named The Shield of Permanence then create The Shield of Permanence in the possession of a randomly determined active, voting player.}}
Proposal 3565 - Wed 09 Sep 1998 13:40 EDT
Guerillas at the Ballot Box? No Way.
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend Rule 320 by replacing the following CHE-delimited text:
All players have a rebeliousness characteristic which may either be "on"
or "off" (the default value is off). A player may freely change the value
of this characteristic by publicly stating that they are doing so, and
what they are changing it too.
with the following GUEVARA-delimited text:
All players have a rebeliousness characteristic which may either be "on"
or "off" (the default value is off). A player may freely change the value
of this characteristic by publicly stating that they are doing so, and
what they are changing it to, provided that they have not changed the
value of the characteristic of their own accord during the current
calendar week.
Exactly those players whose rebeliousness characteristic are "on" are
Rebels. Rebels are ineligible to vote.
[The once per calendar week thing gives this some effect. If you were intent on overthrowing your lawfully elected government (or lawfully appointed, whatever) by revolution (not by the statute book - i.e. proposal) why should you be accorded the rights of other citizens? ]
Proposal 3566 - Wed 09 Sep 1998 13:41 EDT
Tabulation Disaggregation
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
This is a Modest Proposal.
[Aim of this proposal - to eliminate the main link between Count Tabula and the Tabulator - the appointment method, which is by now outdated.]
Rename Rule 408 to "Tabulator".
Amend Rule 408 to read as delimited by TABBY below:
The Office of the Tabulator is a Functional Office. The Duties of the
Tabulator are:
(a) to count votes on each proposal.
(b) to maintain the voting records of each player on each proposal.
(c) to report the acceptance or rejection of proposals, in the time order in which their voting periods ended.
(d) to be the Substitute for the Office of Count Tabula.
The Tabulator need not perform duties (a),(b), or (c) on any proposal
which has been retracted, nullified, or deemed invalid in accordance with
the Rules.
Create a new Rule, numbered 408.1, named "Count Tabula", with the following COUNTA-delimited text:
The Office of Count Tabula is a Functional Office.
The Duties of Count Tabula are:
(a) to ask for, tabulate and report votes on Ackanomic matters other than Proposals. This includes, but is not limited to, Hearings (unless otherwise specified) [see Rule 360], Impeachment Papers [Rule 404], and all Elections for Office [Rule 402]. In the case of Hearings, such tasks are only a Duty of Count Tabula when e is Hearing Harfer.
(b) to conduct any Nominations for Office that are not the responsibility of any other Officer.
Count Tabula is the Substitute for the Office of the Tabulator.
Proposal 3567 - Wed 09 Sep 1998 13:42 EDT
DoppelSlakko for real
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole) on Sat 12 Sep 1998 05:15 EDT
Create a new rule with the smallest integer greater than 1200 and less
than 1300 which is valid to be a rule titled "The Illustrious
DoppelSlakko" and the text as delimited by CONFUSION
There exists the office of DoppelSlakko with one seat.
The player who holds this seat is known as the DoppelSlakko.
The office of DoppelSlakko has no priveledges.
The office of DoppelSlakko has the following duties:
a) once per calendar month, the DoppelSlakko must submit a proposal which
attempts to break the game in some fashion. This proposal must
contain the furniture 'Warning: Attempting to break the game'.
When the proposal mentioned previously has it's voting period expire
all players will automatically vote NO on this proposal an infinitesimal
amount of time before its voting period ends. An infinitesimal amount
of time before that, Tammany will vote YES on it. This takes
precedence over any other rules regarding voting. If the DoppelSlakko
fails to submit such a proposal, they lose 25 points.
Any player may claim the office of DoppelSlakko by posting a proposal with the furniture 'Warning: Attempting to break the game'. If that proposal is rejected, the former DoppelSlakko immediately steps down and then the player who submitted the proposal fills the office. This is the only way this office may be filled, and this takes precedence over any rule other than this one regarding offices and who may fill them.
{{The office of DoppelSlakko is filled by K 2}}
Proposal 3568 - Wed 09 Sep 1998 13:43 EDT
Fighting over the slaves
Ethelred (David Kenning)
Decision: rejected
This is a modest proposal
[Currently it is possible to change a player's thrall attribute by the normal rule-defined methods regardless of whether or not their thrall attribute is already set to the name of another player, but I think a Player's current thrall value should influence your ability to change it]
1. Add the following THRALL-delimited text to the end of Rule 750/0:
If Player [S] has a Thrall attribute the value of which is the name of a Player
[T], then Player [S] may be said to be "in thrall to" Player [T].
[just to make "in thrall to" a rule-defined term (it isn't already is it?), which also makes the wording of the other parts of this proposal easier]
2. Replace the second paragraph of Rule 755/1 (currently: "When a Proposal which is part of a Potential Enthrallment is accepted, the Player mentioned in the Potential Enthrallment has their Thrall Attribute set to the name of the author of that Proposal.") with the following SLAVE-delimited text:
When a Proposal which is part of a Potential Enthrallment is accepted, the
Player mentioned in the Potential Enthrallment has their Thrall Attribute set
to the name of the author of that Proposal, provided at least one of the
following conditions is true:
i) the Player mentioned in the Potential Enthrallment is not already in Thrall to any other Active Player, unless condition ii is true.
ii) [Player X] is in thrall to [Player Y] and [Player Y] is in thrall to [Player Z] where [Player X] is the name of the Player indicated in the Potential Enthrallment, [Player Z] is the name of the author of the proposal indicated in the Potential Enthrallment, and [Player Y] is the name of another Active Player.
iii) the Player mentioned in the Potential Enthrallment is already in thrall to
another Player, but the author of the proposal indicated in the Potential
Enthrallment has won a duel against that player during the current cycle.
[other conditions can be added later, but these are just some suggestions to start with.]
3. Amend the third paragraph of Rule 755/1 (currently: "When a Proposal which is part of a Potential Enthrallment is rejected, the author of that Proposal has their Thrall Attribute set to the name of the Player mentioned in the Potential Enthrallment.") to the following SERVANT-delimited text:
When a Proposal which is part of a Potential Enthrallment is rejected, the
author of that Proposal has their Thrall Attribute set to the name of the
Player mentioned in the Potential Enthrallment, unless e is already in thrall
to another Player.
Proposal 3569 - Wed 09 Sep 1998 13:44 EDT
Government Type: Plutocracy
Ethelred (David Kenning)
Decision: rejected
This is a modest proposal.
Create a new rule in the Governments Rule Suite with the following MONEYMONEYMONEY-delimited text:
When the current Government type is Plutocracy, only the wealthiest active
player (i.e. the active player with the largest positive number of Ackadollars)
may vote on proposals.
Proposal 3570 - Wed 09 Sep 1998 13:45 EDT
Government Type: Insane Emperor
Ethelred (David Kenning)
Status: retracted
This is a modest proposal.
Create a new rule in the Governments Rule Suite with the following CALIGULA-delimited text:
When the current Government type is Insane Emperor, the OiCoRT shall select one
active voting player who shall be given the title Caligula. Only the player
with the title Caligula may vote on proposals, and e may vote as many times as
e wishes, in any way that e chooses (i.e. e may vote both yes and no, and do
either or both as many times as e wishes). Furthermore, that player may fire
any officer from eir position and appoint any Ackan entity to that office, even
if that entity would not normally be eligible for the office. While the
government type is Insane Emperor, this rule takes precedence over any rule
that would make the actions described in this rule illegal. When the government
type changes from Insane Emperor to another government type, the player who
held the title Caligula loses that title and is put in Gaol.
Proposal 3571 - Wed 09 Sep 1998 13:46 EDT
Creating Conflicts
Ethelred (David Kenning)
Status: retracted
This is a Modest Proposal.
[I can see no logical reason for the current system of deciding superiority in rule conflicts -- I mean, if a proposal has been accepted, it is because people agreed with the content of that proposal, and it's a bit tight if it then turns out that the effects of the proposal are not as intended because of some earlier proposal claiming superiority. Before anyone states the obvious objection, I realise that this *might* lead to players deliberately putting forward proposals containg elements contrary to existing rules, but (a) I don't see this as a necessarily bad thing, and (b) if people did start deliberately putting forward proposals with contrary statements, I would expect them not to be accepted anyway]
Amend Rule 102/8 to read as per the following CONFLICT delimited text:
If two or more rules other than this one conflict on a particular issue, and if
the rules other than this one (and not restricted to the conflicting rules)
specify a single, coherent, unambiguous method for resolving the conflict then
that method is applied to determine which rule or rules take precedence with
regard to that issue. Otherwise, wherever the rules conflict on a particular
issue, the rule which shall guide play with regard to that issue shall be
decided at random by the OiCoRT. Rule conflicts that are resolved in this way
shall not establish a basis for resolving future instances of conflict caused
by the same rules. In each case, the OiCoRT should resolve the conflict without
any weighting based on previous judgements.
If two statements within a single rule conflict with each other, and the rule
doesn't define a way to resolve the conflict, precedence shall be described by
the same means.
Proposal 3572 - Wed 09 Sep 1998 13:47 EDT
A change is as good as a rest
Ethelred (David Kenning)
Decision: accepted
Replace the first sentence of the third paragraph in Rule 320 (viz "Governmental Rules should specify who is eligible to vote on proposals (if it fails then all active voting players may vote), and may also specify any deviations from the normal rules.") with the following GOVT-delimited text:
Governmental Rules should specify who is eligible to vote on proposals (if it
fails then all active voting players may vote), and may also specify any
deviations from the normal rules and conditions under which that Government
Type may become active, other than those listed below. It may also specify
conditions other than those listed below under which a Revolution may start
while that Government type is Active.
[I'm thinking here about things like military coups, plus ways I have in mind to overthrow certain government types other than by revolution.]