Proposal Archive (2501-2550)

Proposal 2501 - Sat 13 Dec 1997 16:57 EST
Tyrannical Ruling Elitists
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

Create a new Rule, numbered 750, entitled "Thought Police", with the following ORWELL-delimited text:

A Thought Police CFJ is a CFJ on a statement of the form "The statement 'X' cannot be legally stated by the player Y, even though the player is allowed to post at least one public message, and the statement is both true and publicly knowable", where X is replaced by a statement, and Y is replaced by the name of an active player.

Upon a verdict of TRUE being issued on a Thought Police CFJ, all players with the title of "Tyrannical Ruler" will lose that title, and the player who submitted the CFJ and the player listed as Y shall be given the title of "Tyrannical Ruler".

Upon a verdict of FALSE being issued on a Thought Police CFJ, the player who submitted the CFJ and the player whose name is the same as the name replacing Y in the statement judged shall receive a Gaol sentence of 2 days, as they are incarcerated by the Thought Police. This Gaol sentence will be carried out at the instant that the CFJ ceases to be appealable. If the players listed in this paragraph hold the title "Tyrannical Ruler" when they are put in Gaol, they lose that title.

The Thought Police are an unownable entity with the right to cast zero, one or two votes on each and every proposal.

An insant before proxy votes are determined on a proposal, or an instant before a proposal's voting period ends if no players have Proxies, the Thought Police will cast one vote of the same type as that cast by a player who holds the title of "Tyrannical Ruler". They shall do this for each player who holds the titled of "Tyrannical Ruler".

For example, suppose Timmy and Tommy are the only players who hold the title of "Tyrannical Ruler". If Timmy votes YES on a proposal, and Tommy votes PRESENT on that same proposal, and both do so at least two instants prior to the end of the voting period on that proposal, then The Thought Police will case one YES vote and one PRESENT vote on that proposal.

{{[I just like the idea that players who can't speak out suddenly get put in a position of slightly greater power. It sounds like a great evener.]}}

Proposal 2502 - Sat 13 Dec 1997 17:00 EST
This Ain't Backgammon
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.
Append to section 6 of R1230.2 "Swingers like to play around - let's play" the following text:

"It is impermissible for a Swinger to Move the same piece more than once during a single turn.

Proposal 2503 - Sat 13 Dec 1997 17:02 EST
Lest Royalty Abandon Us
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.
Amend section e of R1230.23 "Winning a Hand" by replacing the string
" pieces will be chosen at random"
"pieces, none of which is a King, will be chosen at random"

Proposal 2504 - Sat 13 Dec 1997 17:50 EST
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Status: retracted

Create a new rule numbered 310 entitled "Plagiarism sucks" containing the following text

If a player makes a request for comment (labeled as such or otherwise) no other player may take action to perform the material discussed therein within the next eight days, unless the first player either leaves the game or publicly posts that they don't mind this being done. If a player attempts to submit a proposal that does so then the proposal is invalid. Any other actions which are attempted that do so simply do not happen. [As well as the obvious, this also allows enough time for a loop-hole to be shut by making a request for comment on whether to exploit the loophole and then submitting a proposal to close the loophole.]

Proposal 2505 - Sat 13 Dec 1997 17:53 EST
Fixing Up Publicly Knowable Judges
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend Rule 212 by replacing all instances of the phrase "by posting to the applicable officer" with "as a public action".

Proposal 2506 - Sat 13 Dec 1997 18:03 EST
Fixing Labs
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted

Amend Rule 1013, "Secret Laboratories", to read in full:

A Secret Laboratory is an Organizational Power. An Organization may buy a Secret Laboratory for A$ 1000.

An Organization may, as an action, use any Secret Laboratory it owns to build a Gadget from any existing Qualified Blueprint. This new Gadget is created in the Organization's possession three days after this action is announced. Each Secret Laboratory may be used to build a gadget at most once each calendar month.

[Secret Laboratories are said to be buried deep underground.]

Proposal 2507 - Sat 13 Dec 1997 18:05 EST
New Ackan Logic
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: rejected

Amend Rule 340, "Conventions", by adding the following section to the end of the rule:

VIII. There are three truth values a statement can have: true, false, and mu. Any statement which, due to its self-referential nature or otherwise, cannot be either true or false, is mu, even if its being mu would make it appear otherwise. The terms "not true" and "untrue" are equivalent to "false or mu"; the terms "not false" and "unfalse" are equivalent to "true or mu".

Amend Rule 211, "Invoking Judgement", by inserting the following sentence immediately after the first sentence of the third paragraph:

"CFJ's with mu statements shall be judged Invalid."

Proposal 2508 - Sat 13 Dec 1997 18:08 EST
Should cut down on scams
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

Modify rule 101 such that the paragraph reading:

The rules and the game state may only be changed as described in the rules. Actions described in the rules may only be performed, and shall only have those effects, as specified by the rules. Whatever is not explicitly prohibited or regulated by the rules, however, is permitted and unregulated. Game custom, spirit of the game, and linguistic interpretation are external concepts and are not regulated or part of the game state.

is changed to

The rules and the game state may only be changed as described in the rules. Actions described in the rules may only be performed, and shall only have those effects, as specified by the rules. Whatever is not explicitly prohibited or regulated by the rules, however, is permitted and unregulated. If one or more methods of changing a specific element of the rules or game state is specified in the rules then all other methods of accomplishing the same change are forbidden. Game custom, spirit of the game, and linguistic interpretation are external concepts and are not regulated or part of the game state.

Proposal 2509 - Sat 13 Dec 1997 18:10 EST
Multicolour Cross
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

Create a new Rule, numbered 906, entitled "Double Cross", and with the following MORE-delimited text:

1. Each player has a Black Cross Rank and a Crystal Cross Rank. At all times, a player's Black Cross Rank is equal to the number of CFCJs they have submitted whose last verdict was TRUE.
At all times, a player's Crystal Cross Rank is equal to the number of CSRs they have issued which have been performed. CFCJs and CSRs made under a player's previous registrations count for the purposes of determine the above Ranks.
2. Black Crosses, Crystal Crosses, Onyx Stripes and Perspex Stripes are nameless, nontradeable, entities, and are also Medals.
3. A player with a Black Cross Rank of at least 20 qualifies for a Black Cross. A player with a Crystal Cross Rank of at least 20 qualifies for a Crystal Cross.
4. For each 10 points of Black Cross Rank above that required for a Black Cross, a player qualifies for an Onyx Stripe. For each 10 points of Crystal Cross Rank above that required for a Crystal Cross, a player qualifies for a Perspex Stripe.
5. Any time a player has too few of these medals, the President, Proconsul, or Senator may award medals of the appropriate types to that player until he has enough of each type. The Frobozz Magic Medal Company, Ackanomic Division, performs the creation of these medals as medals are to be awarded.
6. Any player who possesses a Black Cross or a Crystal Cross, but not both, shall have the title of "Order of the Lesser Crosses". Any player who possesses a Black Cross and a Crystal Cross shall have the title of "Knight Commander of the Order of the Lesser Crosses". The two titles in this paragraph may be abbreviated to OLC and KCLC respectively.

Insert the following ABBA-delimited text into Rule 906 immediately after the text "Commander of the Blue Cross".:
The two titles in this paragraph may be abbreviated to OBC and CBC respectively.

{{[Current tallies of players' Crystal Cross Rank:
mr cwm 7
Vynd 5
Mr Lunatic Fringe 2
Malenkai 2
All other players 0

{{[Current tallies for players' (past and present) Black Cross Rank:
Malenkai 4
Mr. Lunatic Fringe 3
/dev/joe 2
ThinMan 2
Mohammed 2
Strider 2
Alfvaen 2
The Governor 1
this is not a name 1
fnord 1
Red Barn 1
Attila the Pun 1
Robert Sevin 1
Guy Fawkes 1
Slakko 1
All other players 0

Proposal 2510 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 15:30 EST
Bananas Build Growing Bodies
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.
Replace all instances of the phrase "sum to 21" in Rule 923 with the phrase "sum to at least 21".

{{[Let's have people using some bananas.]}}

Proposal 2511 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 15:34 EST
Remove That Misleading Retroactivity Claim
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend rule 215, "Judgements Must Accord With The Rules", to remove:

A statement verified (or nullified) by judgement applies retroactively to any past game situation it may concern.

Proposal 2512 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 15:36 EST
Repeal Trivial Rules I
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.


Repeal rule 259, "Evil Twins"

Proposal 2513 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 15:38 EST
Repeal Trivial Rules II
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest proposal.


Repeal rule 1127, "Sanctity of Harf "

Proposal 2514 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 15:40 EST
Citizen Cane flies a Zepplin
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[it seems that it would be nice to spell check the literature list. I generalized spelling bee so that new things to spell check can be added, and added the literature list to that list.]}}


Amend rule 342, "Spelling Bee", as follows, in the order specified:

I. Append the following text to the end of the rule

{{All entities designated as Stingable Entities lose that designation}}

II. Replace "the Rules and CFJ Archive" in section 1) with "Stingable Entities".

III. Replace sections 2) and 3) with the following:

2) Its flight may be initiated by an officer privileged to do so, as a public action.

3) The Stingable Entities are:
a) The Rules and the Official Rules Document
b) The CFJ Archive
c) The Literature List

IV. In section 4), remove the first occurrence of the string "Rule and CFJ".

V. In section 4), replace "clearly labeled by rule or CFJ number" with "clearly identified by title, number, or document as appropriate".

VI. In section 7) replace "rules" with "appropriate entity".

VII. {{[someone will consider spell checking the literature list :-)]}}

Proposal 2515 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 16:21 EST
Follow the Founder.
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

amend section 2 of R1301 "Church" to read in full:
2. Any may Player may declare eir intent to found a Church. A Church officially exists once a public anouncement has been made which includes all of the following details:

a) the name of the Church
b) the name of the Founder (who must be a church member)
c) the names of all the members - there must be at least four members, including the Founder.
d) a document called Church Dogma. Church Dogma includes any information concerning the Church that the Church wishes to make public.

Any Church member who is not a Founder or a Priest is known as a Follower of that Church, or simply as a Follower.


Proposal 2516 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 16:23 EST
More Patches
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.
Amend R1301 "Church" in the following ways:

I.Amend section 7c to read in full
"A player may leave a Church at any time as a Public Action."

II. Amend section 9 to read in full:

Church, Church membership, Foundership, Priesthood, and Church Dogma may only be manipualted asspecified by the rules.

III. Amend section 10 by replacing all occurences of "assets" and all occurences of "Assets" with "Entities"

Proposal 2517 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 16:25 EST
The Synod is being Repealed, please leave in an orderly manner
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a new rule entitled:"The Synod is being Repealed, please leave in an orderly manner" which contains the following text:
All Trinkets owned by the Synod are destroyed for A$.
All Entities owned by the Synod, with the exception of A$, are Auctioned in a public Auction by the Yor-Delegate on behalf of the Synod. Any A$ paid for those entities is transferred to the Synod.
Once all this been done, all currency owned by the Synod is divided among all the Organization who had Delegates in the Synod on December 13 1997 in the following manner:
Let TM be the total number of members of all the above mentioned Organizations.
Let TA be the amount of A$ owned by the Synod.
Each Organization receives from the Synod an amount of A$ equal to TA*(M/TM) where M is the number of members of that Organization had on December 13 1997.
Any A$ left after this transaction are transferred to the Treasury.
After this is done R1303 'Synod' and this rule are both repealed.

Proposal 2518 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 16:27 EST
Yet Another Church Patch
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted

Thie is a Modest proposal.
Append the following text to section 2 of R1301 "Church" :

A player may found at most one Church per calendar month.

{{Deduct 5 points from Niccolo Flychuck's Score and add 5 points to else..if's score}}

Proposal 2519 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 16:30 EST
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[Gess is a variant of Chess developed by someone who was a member of the Archimedeans - the Cambridge University Mathematical Society - a while ago, and has been published in Scientific American. This piece is an adaption of the movement concept used in Gess]}}

Create a new Rule, in the Party Chess Rule Suite, called Party Chess Piece Gess, with the following SCIAM-delimited text:

A Gess is a piece with a material value of 8.
It is represented by the character G.
A Gess moves as follows:
If there is an unoccupied square on the board a distance of 1 away from the Gess, then the Gess may move to it.
If a square on the board at a distance of 1 from the Gess is occupied, then the Gess may move any number of squares between 2 and 10 in the direction needed to reach that occupied square from the Gess piece's current position, moving over pieces in its path.

For example, if a Gess is at i9, and there is another piece at j10, the Gess could move to k11, l12, m13, n14, o15, p16, q17, r18 or s19 as a result of the piece at j10.

Proposal 2520 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 16:32 EST
Living in the Shadow of 1x4x9
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.
Append the following double-quote-delimited text to Rule 855:
"5) All players who have added at least one level to the Monolith are Sheltered whenever they are at the Monolith."

Proposal 2521 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 16:35 EST
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend rule 406, "Promoter", to insert the following text after section d):

The Privileges of the Promoter are:

a) To Frob a Tweaked proposal queue and to Tweak a Frobbed proposal queue, as public actions. Whenever the proposal queue is Tweaked, any proposals submitted by a player who has 4 or more of eir proposals under voting consideration are deemed invalid and removed from consideration upon distribution.
{{The proposal queue is Frobbed.}}

Proposal 2522 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 17:34 EST
Hemispherical Earth Reverence Society
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: rejected

Create a new Rule, numbered 1319, with the title "Hemispherical Earth Reverence Society" and the following text:

The Hemispherical Earth Reverence Society exists. Its purpose is "to promote the enjoyment of and appreciation for our planet as it currently is." [Lisa Simpson, "The Simpsons"] Unfortunately, the current populace is filled with people who "are never satisfied with the status quo and must change it for the sake of controlling change." [Lisa Simpson, "The Simpsons"]

At any time, a player may make a contribution to the Hemispherical Earth Reverence Society as a public action, specifying a positive amount of A$ that they wish to transfer from their account to the Hemispherical Earth Reverence Society. It is a duty of the Financier to keep track of "how much money has been donated on behalf of the Society, and more importantly, who". [Marge Simpson, "The Simpsons"]

If at any time the rules specify that the shape of the Earth should change to being anything besides hemispherical, a player who is a member of the Hemispherical Earth Reverence Society may attempt to stop "that horrible action from becoming a horrible reality that threatens to bring horrible changes into our horrible lives" [Homer Simpson, "The Simpsons"] by posting a public message that states: "You won't get away with this! I'm going to stop you, and I have money!" [Homer Simpson, "The Simpsons"] This is a public action, and it causes A$100 to be deducted from the total amount contributed to the Hemispherical Earth Reverence Society. If the Society has less than A$100 at the time the message is posted, then the action fails.

If three different members of the Hemispherical Earth Reverence Society successfully take this public action within three days of the aforementioned shape change, the Earth shall revert to being hemispherical at the time of the third successful message. The Hemispherical Earth Reverence Society shall then celebrate for two days, during which "any member of the Society may insult any non-member in any public forum". [Marge Simpson, "The Simpsons"] "Furthermore, any such insults will be immune from the Politeness Moon." [Bart Simpson, "The Simpsons"]

Proposal 2523 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 19:34 EST
Proposal 2439 Fixup Revisited
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 506 ("Trinkets") by replacing the third paragraph with the following paragraph:

The owner of a Trinket may destroy it as a public action: this is equivalent to donating the Trinket to the Treasury. This action (however it is phrased) upsets the arts and antiquities communities.

Amend rule 594.2 (Blueprint: The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really) by deleting the words "by stating publically that he is doing so" from the first paragraph. [Proposal 2439 tried to do this as well, but it had two errors in the sentence (one not fixable by Rule 340).]

Proposal 2524 - Sun 14 Dec 1997 20:01 EST
Fixup Take Three
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 506 ("Trinkets") by replacing the third paragraph with the following paragraph:

The owner of a trinket may transform it into its value in A$ as a public action. This action destroys the Trinket, creating A$ in its stead, and it upsets the art and antiquities communities.

Amend rule 594.2 (Blueprint: The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really) by deleting the words "by stating publically that he is doing so" from the first paragraph. [Proposal 2439 tried to do this as well, but it had two errors in the sentence (one not fixable by Rule 340).]

Proposal 2525 - Mon 15 Dec 1997 10:16 EST
Rule 2000 Problem
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest proposal.

Repeal rule 2000, "Death to Immutability".

{{[this will remove one more page the rule-harfer has to deal with, and the rule doesn't do anything, as far as I can see, and continue the glacially slow effort to remove useless rules from the game.]}}

Proposal 2526 - Mon 15 Dec 1997 10:16 EST
Only The Good Die Young
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ If I had wanted to change something in the SoCRD, I wouldn't have been able to do so. I think that, in general, this could be a Bad Thing if the problem is just the result of a typo... ]}}

Amend Rule 362, "Crisis Resolution", as follows:

Append to Section 2)b) the following text "The President may retract a State of Crisis Resolution Document before it is applied, if there is no challenge hearing pending."

Proposal 2527 - Mon 15 Dec 1997 10:17 EST
Harf A Loaf
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected

Amend Rule 1112, "Let there be Harf!", as follows:

In the first paragraph, replace "the Speaker" with "another voting player, chosen at random".

Append a paragraph to the Rule, delimited by CLONEZONE:

Similarly, if it is publicly knowable that the Harfmeister has voted NO on a Harfy proposal during eir current term as Harfmeister, any voting player may point out this fact, at which point the title of Harfmeister shall be transferred to em.

Proposal 2528 - Mon 15 Dec 1997 10:17 EST
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Repeal Rule 349, "Aleph Beth Gimel".

Amend Rule 340, "Conventions", by creating a new section, numbered sequentially after all current sections of the Rule, with text as follows(delimited by MICHELOB):

Alphabetical ordering shall be determined by a word-by-word comparison, each word compared letter-by-letter. For these purposes: A word is considered to be delimited by whitespace; an initial 'The' or 'the' is ignored; a single string of digits is considered equivalent to a letter; digital 'letters' precede alphabetical letters; accented letters come immediately after the unaccented form of the letter; and non-alphanumeric characters are ignored; and case is ignored. All else failing, two words that are otherwise equivalent shall be sorted in ASCII collation order.

Proposal 2529 - Tue 16 Dec 1997 03:53 EST
I'm Batman!
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) on Wed 17 Dec 1997 21:12:34 EST.

Create a new Rule named The Caped Crusader, numbered 705, with the following text, delimited by CLARK.


There exists a shadowing figure known as the Caped Crusader. The bane of criminals everywhere, the Caped Crusader is a hard-hitting vigilante on a mission to eliminate Crime in Ackanomic.

The Office of the Caped Crusader has one seat. It is an Optional Political office. When a player is elected to this office, the Chartreuse Cape immediately comes into his possession. He must then don the cape and announce to the denizens of Acka his lofty goal of eliminating Crime, and also announce a nickname that he may be called by. This must be a legal name, and must not be the same nickname as any previous Caped Crusader, it must begin with the word The. Examples: The Faceless Watcher, The Scourge of the Dark Hours, The Guy with the Cape.

It is the sworn duty of the Caped Crusader to fight Crime. The Caped Crusader should make every effort to punish those who committed offenses against Acka, although minor offenders are generally beneath his notice. If a four week period passes in which the current Caped Crusader has not filed at least one CFCJ, then he is immediately removed from office. If 7 consecutive CFCJs are filed by players other than the Caped Crusader or the Boy Wonder, the Caped Crusader is immediately removed from office.

It is the privilege of the Caped Crusader to wear (or remove) the Chartreuse Cape, he is the only player that may do so. It is also a privilege of the Caped Crusader that he does not pay the normal fee for filing a CFCJ, so long as he is wearing the Chartreuse Cape.

The Caped Crusader also has the privilege of appointing another player to the position of Boy Wonder, so long as that player accepts the appointment. The Boy Wonder is required to fill the Office of the Caped Crusader in an Acting capacity if this is ever necessary, and when doing so he gains the privilege of not having to pay the filing fee for CFCJs. The Boy Wonder may not wear the Chartreuse Cape. Whenever the Caped Crusader who appointed a given Boy Wonder leaves office for any reason, that Boy Wonder loses his position. The Boy Wonder may step down from his position, losing his title and all obligations stemming from it, at any time.

If a CFCJ naming the Caped Crusader as having committed a Crime comes back with a TRUE verdict, and it is no longer possible to appeal that CFCJ, then the Caped Crusader is immediately removed from office. The Caped Crusader is penalized 10 points, in addition to any other penalties imposed by the CFCJ, and is given the title of Super Villain. A player with the title of Super Villain may never hold the position of Caped Crusader, or be appointed Boy Wonder.


Create a Rule named The Chartreuse Cape, numbered 947, with the following text (delimited by $$$).


The Chartreuse Cape is a unique, non-tradeable Garment. More specifically, it is a large, voluminous cape, hanging below the knees of its wearer, and it is chartreuse in color. The Chartreuse Cape is always owned by the current holder of the Office of the Caped Crusader. If there is no Caped Crusader, it is Somewhere Else. Whenever a new Caped Crusader is elected, it comes into his possession.

It is not possible to wear the Chartreuse Cape at the same time as the Purple Robe of Justice or a Champion's Cloak. A player wearing the Chartreuse Cape has the ability to fly as if he had a wings mutation. He also has the strength of ten men, and can see through walls. Other rules may describe other effects of wearing the Chartreuse Cape.


Proposal 2530 - Tue 16 Dec 1997 06:10 EST
CJ Dennis Was a Legend
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected

{{[CJ Dennis was a 19th century Australian poet who wrote a lot of nonsense poetry for children. One of his works is the "Triantiwontigongalope", with the main part of it being devoted to pronouncing it by syllables, e.g. Trianti, Triantiwonti, Triantiwontigongalope.]}}

Create a new rule, numbered 208, and titled "Triantivotigongalope", with the following NASTY delimited text:

If a player anti-votes on three consecutive proposals, then any other player may call a Triantivoti hearing on the first player mentioned in this rule, provided they do so within 3 days of the release of the voting results of the third proposal.

A Triantivoti Hearing is strange. The legitimate verdicts are "Trianti", "Triantivoti" and "Triantivotigongalope". A verdict of "Trianti" means that no penalty is assessed against the player who anti-voted. A verdict of "Triantivoti" means that the player who anti-voted becomes Mean and Vicious for a period of 7 days. A verdict of "Triantivotigongalope" means that the player who anti-voted loses as many points as e would gain from anti-voting on 3 Grandiose proposals, and becomes Mean and Vicious for a period of 7 days.

A player may only have one Triantivoti hearing out against them at any one time, and a Triantivoti hearing may not be called on a player who is Mean and Vicious.

Append the following NOLUCK delimited text to Rule 207:

IX. Mean and Vicious A player who is Mean and Vicious gains no points as a direct result of anti-voting on any proposals whose results are released while they are Mean and Vicious, notwithstanding any other provisions in this rule.

Proposal 2531 - Tue 16 Dec 1997 06:13 EST
Name Recovery
rufus (David Sheidt)
Decision: accepted

If, and only if, there is a rule number 705 with the title "The Caped Crusader", replace the fifth sentance of the second paragraph with the text delimited by LEMUR

This must a legal name, begining with the word The; it must not be a name used by any previous Caped Crusader. However, if a player returns to the office of Caped Crusader, they may use the nickname they had when they previously held the office.

Proposal 2532 - Tue 16 Dec 1997 19:42 EST
Clearing Up the Clutter
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted

{{[Some treasures will never be found in Acka given that players have left. While it is unreasonable to suddenly "find" a long-lost treasure without due cause, an archaeological expedition or excavation could well stumble across such long lost Treasure.]}}

Append the following DIG-delimited text to Rule 1217:

If there currently exist Treasures which have not yet been "found", which were buried more than 90 days ago, and for which no map custodian or map writer is a current player, then the Archaeologist has the prerogative of organizing an Expedition. They announce an Expedition as a public action. Any treasure which meets the three Treasure criteria defined in the first sentence is known as a Historical Artefact.

The Archaeologist is automatically a member of an expedition. Any active player or non-voting player may become a member of an expedition by stating so as a public action, and paying A$40 to the Treasury.

An Expedition happens 3 days after it is announced, with the proviso that if there are fewer than 3 players in the Expedition, it shall not happen and all monies paid to gain membership in the Expedition shall be refunded. At the time of the Expedition, if there are at least as many Historical Artefacts as members of the Expedition, then the Archaeologist will randomly determine one Treasure to be assigned to each member of the expedition, including emself. Each Treasure assigned in this way is "found" by the player it is assigned to.

If, on the other hand, at the time of the Expedition there are more Expedition members than Historical Artefacts, then the Archaeologist shall randomly determine one expedition member to be assigned to each Treasure. Each player assigned shall find the Treasure they are assigned to.

Only one Expedition may be announced in any calendar month.

Proposal 2533 - Tue 16 Dec 1997 20:19 EST
Most Illogical
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

Modify rule 340 such that at the end is added, preceded by the lowest integer Roman numeral not already in use:

For the purposes of rule numbering 2000 is less than 1.

Proposal 2534 - Wed 17 Dec 1997 17:04 EST
Accepting and Declining
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal

{{[this will make the sort of ambiguity that surrounds CFJ 484 go away, hopefully]}}


Amend rule 212, "Selecting a Judge", to replace:

accept or refuse the appointment by posting to the applicable officer.


accept or decline the appointment by posting to the applicable officer; once made, this decision may not be changed.


Amend rule 213, "Delivering Judgement", to replace

"post an official Judgment" with "post eir Judgment to the applicable officer"

Proposal 2535 - Wed 17 Dec 1997 17:33 EST
Clearing Up the Clutter Again
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

{{[Some treasures will never be found in Acka given that players have left. While it is unreasonable to suddenly "find" a long-lost treasure without due cause, an archaeological expedition or excavation could well stumble across such long lost Treasure.]}}

Append the following DIG-delimited text to Rule 1217:

If there currently exist Treasures which have not yet been "found", which were buried more than 90 days ago, and for which no map custodian or map writer is a current player, then the Archaeologist has the prerogative of organizing an Expedition. They announce an Expedition as a public action. Any treasure which meets the three Treasure criteria defined in the first sentence is known as a Historical Artefact.

The Archaeologist is automatically a member of an expedition. Any active player or non-voting player may become a member of an expedition by stating so as a public action, and paying A$40 to the Treasury.

An Expedition happens 3 days after it is announced, with the proviso that if there are fewer than 3 players in the Expedition, it shall not happen and all monies paid to gain membership in the Expedition shall be refunded. At the time of the Expedition, if there are at least as many Historical Artefacts as members of the Expedition, then the Archaeologist will randomly determine one Historical Artefact to be assigned to each member of the expedition, including emself. Each Treasure assigned in this way is "found" by the player it is assigned to.

If, on the other hand, at the time of the Expedition there are more Expedition members than Historical Artefacts, then the Archaeologist shall randomly determine one expedition member to be assigned to each Historical Artefact. Each player assigned shall find the Treasure they are assigned to.

Only one Expedition may be announced in any calendar month.

Proposal 2536 - Wed 17 Dec 1997 17:36 EST
No time travel
Vynd (John McCoy)
Status: retracted

Amend Rule 373 by adding the following text as a new paragraph between the existing first and second paragraphs:

One can only act in the present. Attempts to declare actions that occur in the future or past, while not illegal, automatically fail unless they are explicitly permited by the Rules. Note that it is permissible to attempt actions which effect the past and/or future [it is hard to think of any that don't], so long as the actions themselves take place in the present. If it is unclear whether or not an action was attempted in the present or if the attempt was to act in the past or future, the action will be treated as having been attempted in the present.

{{[I debated making this a seperate Rule, but decided to include it in Rule 373 Public Actions. Rule 373 cedes precedence to all other rules already, so if it is the case that there are rules which explicitly allow people to act in times other than the present, they will not be overriden. I can't think of any such Rules, mind you, but I don't want to accidentally make it illegal for us to vote or something.]}}

Proposal 2537 - Thu 18 Dec 1997 22:19 EST
Shouting Repeal in a Crowded Synod
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.
Repeal R1303 "Synod"

Proposal 2538 - Sun 21 Dec 1997 04:45 EST
I Want Some Accountability Here
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[It's not that Witchhunts aren't a harfy idea. The problem is that players can initiate one without any fear of negative consequences. That's not right. If you call a pious player a witch, there should be some accountability. A Witchhunt is supposed to be "a Very Grave Matter", so let's start treating it like one.]}}

Replace the fourth paragraph of Rule 1307 ("Ackanomic Middle Ages")

If the verdict is 'BURN THE WITCH!' the alleged witch shall be branded a witch and heretic. E shall then be incinerated atop a bonfire large enough that it not only reduces the witch to eir component atoms but also inspires righteous terror in all who see it. When a witch is burned, e shall enter the Ackanomic Afterlife, and shall lose 10 points. Any player who has ever been burned as a heretic is considered Enlightened. An Enlightened player may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a heretic.

with the following three paragraphs:

If the verdict is 'BURN THE WITCH!', the alleged witch shall be incinerated as a heretic, atop a huge bonfire that not only reduces em to eir component atoms, but also inspires righteous terror in all who see it. The witch shall then enter the Ackanomic Afterlife, and shall lose 10 points. That player is then said to be Enlightened.

If, on the other hand, the verdict is 'No! E said the earth is flat', then the player who started the Witchhunt loses 5 points. Furthermore, if that player is also Enlightened, said title is immediately stripped from them, and they will no longer be said to be Enlightened.

An player who is said to be Enlightened may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a heretic.

{{[5 points is only half of what the unjustly persecuted player would have otherwise lost: I think this is fair. As for the latter: well, obviously if you can't tell who's a witch you can't be too Enlightened. Besides, an Enlightened player's got a lot of nerve to be calling a Witchhunt down on others in the first place!]}}

Proposal 2539 - Mon 22 Dec 1997 06:14 EST
The Real Problem with Witchhunts (and Internomic Hearings)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[this should work whether or not we want proposal 2538.

The real problem here is this is another example of where a majority of the players can force a minority to do their work for them. If people still find witchhunts fascinating after a year and a half, then go ahead and harf them. :-) In general, the player calling the hearing should prolly harf it anyway, but that is for another time. Witchhunts are a special case, and deserve special treatment.

More importantly, this proposal actually allows the Ambassador to tabulate the internomic voting hearings. I do not believe the current implementation of that actually works as we play it. As usual, precedence should be deferred, not claimed, IMO.

As an aside, I do not believe the recent witchhunt retraction attempt was successful, based on my reading of rule 360, as the hearing did not exist when the retraction was made.


Amend rule 360, "Hearings", to replace all occurrances of the string "Count Tabula" with the string "Hearing Harfer", then add the following paragraph directly after the first one:

The Count Tabula shall be the Hearing Harfer unless the rules specify someone else for that duty for a particular Hearing. The Hearing Harfer is considered an officer with respect to clauses in the rules regulating officer effeciency.


Amend rule 408, "Tabulator and Count Tabula", to replace:

Hearings [see Rule 360]


Hearings (unless otherwise specified) [see Rule 360]


Create a rule numbered 407.99, entitled "I don't do Witchhunts", with the following text:

{{ This rule has precedence over all rules. Malenkai is appointed Count Tabula. [really, one of the more active players with no duties should volunteer, but that is another matter as well ... ]}}


Amend rule 419.2, "Internomic Interface", to replace:

In the event of a conflict between this section and any other rule concerning hearings, this rule shall take precedence.


The Liaison shall be the Hearing Harfer for this Hearing.

and to remove:

Responses to the proposal or question shall be send privately to the Liaison who will tabulate the votes and publically post the results.

{{[the above is extra baggage uner this scheme. (Note to Balsamic Dragon -- you sent me the results on INP 355 *privately*, which as moderator I have to accept, I do not know if they were delivered in accordance with the Acka rules)]}}


Amend rule 1307, "Ackanomic Middle Ages", to replace the third paragraph with:

A Witchhunt is a Hearing. It is also a Very Grave Matter. The valid responses to a Witchhunt are 'No! E said the Earth is flat' and 'BURN THE WITCH!'. The Player who called the Witchhunt shall be the Hearing Harfer for it, and shall be called Witchfinder General while it is in session.


Proposal 2540 - Mon 22 Dec 1997 06:18 EST
Another one of those never used Rules...
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{All existing Contracts are destroyed.}}

Repeal Rule 517 Contracts.

Proposal 2541 - Mon 22 Dec 1997 06:23 EST
A Fistful of Entities
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

Replace the current text of Rule 520, "Auction them Entities", with the following(delimited by GRACE):


Once per calendar week the Financier may, as a Privilege, call a public auction, called an "Auction Them Entities" auction, for a single tradeable entity which is in the Treasury by specifying the entity. If the Financier has not yet called such an auction in a given week, any player may publicly request that a particular entity be auctioned and pay A$10 into the Treasury, and the Financier must call such an Auction within three days. The Financier is only bound to honour the first such request each week, and is never otherwise required to call an Auction Them Entities auction.


Also, rename the rule to "Auction Them Entities".

Proposal 2542 - Mon 22 Dec 1997 06:25 EST
Tomorrow Never Dies
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

{{[ It's not that I'm against people getting bond dividends, but if nobody's going to trade PFbonds, it's easier to get rid of them. ]}}

{{ All PF bonds and Bonds Promissory are destroyed. }}

Repeal Rule 507, "PF Bonds".

Replace the current text of Rule 508, "Bond Yields", with the following (delimited by S7V7N):

Every other Monday at noon, Fortnightly Dividends are calculated. If a player's net score change over the last fortnight was positive, then e receives A$1 for every point eir score increased in that period. If eir score change was negative, e loses A$1 for every 2 points eir score decreased. This rule defers to rules which may specify other ways of calculating the score change for the fortnight. {{[ Specifically, Rule 666. I actually don't know if it ever had the precedence to suspend bond cycles before... ]}}

The first Fortnightly Dividend shall be calculated two weeks after the end of the last PF Bond cycle, at which point this sentence shall be removed from the rule.

Rename Rule 508 to "Fortnightly Dividends".

{{ Any holder of the office of Bond-Harfer or Acting Bond-Harfer loses that title and office. }}
Repeal Rule 427, "Bond-Harfer".

{{[ Cleaning up all the other references to it ]}}

In Rule 252, "Joining the Game", delete section III.3) and renumber section III.4) to III.3); delete section V.2) and renumber section V.3) to V.2).

In Rule 256, "Leaving the Game", delete ", every PFBond associated with him is destroyed", delete section 5), and renumber sections 6) and 7) to 5) and 6), respectively.

In Rule 666, "End of Cycle", replace "Bond payments" with "Fortnightly Dividends" wherever it occurs.

Proposal 2543 - Mon 22 Dec 1997 06:28 EST
Who'll stop the rain?
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: rejected

{{[Judging from the number of people crawling under rocks these last few days, most people want to avoid the Tornado. Its kind of harfy to have around though, so how about we just cut it back to twice a year?]}}

Amend Rule 1313 by deleting the following quoted text from the first sentence of the Rule: "Vernal Equinox, and Autumnal Equinox".

Proposal 2544 - Mon 22 Dec 1997 20:30 EST
two sylables are better than three
rufus (David Scheidt)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest proposal.

Replace every instance of the string "banana" with the string "banna".

Proposal 2545 - Wed 24 Dec 1997 06:13 EST
The Smaller Cells of The Gaol
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ To fix the implemention of the 'nomic' entities in Rule 419.2... ]}}

Replace Section I. of Rule 419.2, "Internomic Interface", with the following text(delimited by DELMAR):

I. Internomic Entityhood

Internomic is an entity. Member nomics of Internomic, excepting Ackanomic and Internomic, are named tradeable entities. Whenever a Nomic joins Internomic, it is owned by the Treasury. Whenever a member nomic(excepting Ackanomic and Internomic)leaves Internomic it is destroyed.

{{ The nomic Agora is transferred to Robert Sevin, and the nomic Pumpkin Patch Nomic is transferred to Red Barn. All other Internomic member nomics are initially owned by the Treasury. Any nomics which are not Internomic member nomics are destroyed. }}

Delete the first paragraph of of Rule 501, "ExtraNomic Entities". {{[ We now _know_ where the 'other nomics' exist. At least the member nomics of Internomic. ]}}

Proposal 2546 - Wed 24 Dec 1997 06:16 EST
The Grail War
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ I think the only reason that the RuneMaker has to track all the Otzma card transactions and usages has to do with the outdated tracking of OCID's. The Financier can certainly handle it, IMHO, and then we don't run into the same problems if the Office is empty. The RuneMaker can be limited to making the things. ]}}

Amend Rule 1240.1, "Definition of Otzma Cards", as follows:

In Section V., delete subsections 4. and 7., and renumber the following subsections starting with 4. In subsection 3., change "RuneMaker" in the last sentence to "Financier". {{[ Maybe that sentence is even entirely unnecessary, but I don't want to take any chances. ]}}

{{[ I also note that there are currently no Otzma Cards that can be played on Proposals except for Go Fish ones, and all they can do is counter other cards played on Proposals, so that's entirely useless. I imagine there were some such Cards that did not pass. If nobody plans to create any more, it might be an idea to get rid of those provisions entirely. All other Otzma cards defined are played in the public form, so why have elaborate rules for what happens if they aren't? ]}}

Proposal 2547 - Wed 24 Dec 1997 06:18 EST
The Real Problem with Witchhunts (and Internomic Hearings)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[this should work whether or not we want proposal 2538.

Hearing Harfer proposal again, but a couple people expressed interest in count tabula, so I took that part out. Also fixed the actual bug it was retracted for.


Amend rule 360, "Hearings", to replace all occurrances of the string "Count Tabula" with the string "the Hearing Harfer", then capitalize the word "the" where it is both uncapitalized and is the first word of a sentence, then add the following paragraph directly after the first one:

The Count Tabula shall be the Hearing Harfer unless the rules specify someone else for that duty for a particular Hearing. The Hearing Harfer is considered an officer with respect to clauses in the rules regulating officer effeciency.


Amend rule 408, "Tabulator and Count Tabula", to replace:

Hearings [see Rule 360]


Hearings (unless otherwise specified) [see Rule 360]


Amend rule 419.2, "Internomic Interface", to replace:

In the event of a conflict between this section and any other rule concerning hearings, this rule shall take precedence.


The Liaison shall be the Hearing Harfer for this Hearing.

and to remove:

Responses to the proposal or question shall be send privately to the Liaison who will tabulate the votes and publically post the results.

{{[the above is extra baggage uner this scheme. (Note to Balsamic Dragon -- you sent me the results on INP 355 *privately*, which as moderator I have to accept, I do not know if they were delivered in accordance with the Acka rules)]}}


Amend rule 1307, "Ackanomic Middle Ages", to replace the third paragraph with:

A Witchhunt is a Hearing. It is also a Very Grave Matter. The valid responses to a Witchhunt are 'No! E said the Earth is flat' and 'BURN THE WITCH!'. The Player who called the Witchhunt shall be the Hearing Harfer for it, and shall be called Witchfinder General while it is in session.


Proposal 2548 - Sat 27 Dec 1997 19:37 EST
else...if (Henry Towsner)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Vynd (John McCoy) on Fri 2 Jan 1998 02:12 EST.

Amend rule 1307 to read as delimited by FANATICISM
The President may name one church the State Religion of Ackanomic. When this happens, all other State Religions lose their status as State Religions, and any Enforced Beliefs created by a church (as opposed to those specified in this rule) cease to be Enforced Beliefs. The Founder of the State Religion may post a public message on behalf of the church stating a fact about the world and which specifies that fact to be a "Enforced Belief". The fact in that message shall become a Enforced Belief, replacing and Enforced Beliefs previously declared by that church.

Should any player post a public message contradicting an Enforced Belief then another player may start a Witchhunt by sending a public message that names the alleged witch, quotes his or her allegedly heretical message, and calls for a Witchhunt, provided a Witchhunt is not already in progress against that player, and provided there are less than 5 Witchhunts in progress.

A Witchhunt is a Hearing. It is also a Very Grave Matter. The valid responses to a Witchhunt are 'No! E's an upstanding member of the community' and 'BURN THE WITCH!'. The Player who tabulates the votes for the hearing shall be called Witchfinder General while it is in session.

If the verdict is 'BURN THE WITCH!' the alleged witch shall be branded a witch and heretic. E shall then be incinerated atop a bonfire large enough that it not only reduces the witch to eir component atoms but also inspires righteous terror in all who see it. When a witch is burned, e shall enter the Ackanomic Afterlife, and shall lose 10 points. Any player who has ever been burned as a heretic is considered Enlightened. An Enlightened player may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a heretic.

After a Witchhunt has been called on a player, another player who is a member of a Church may save that player from being burned as a witch, or as a heretic, provided e posts a public message (before the Witchhunt is resolved) saying 'I am running to the Church', then the name of the Church of which e is a member, then 'and I hold the Altar by the Horns for' followed by the name of the player e is saving. This is called granting Sanctuary Of Salvation.

That the Earth is flat is an Enforced Belief.

If proposal 2538 passed, replace the fourth paragraph of rule 1307 with the text delimited by HOOK
If the verdict is 'BURN THE WITCH!', the alleged witch shall be incinerated as a heretic, atop a huge bonfire that not only reduces em to eir component atoms, but also inspires righteous terror in all who see it. The witch shall then enter the Ackanomic Afterlife, and shall lose 10 points. That player is then said to be Enlightened.

If, on the other hand, the verdict is 'No! E said the earth is flat', then the player who started the Witchhunt loses 5 points. Furthermore, if that player is also Enlightened, said title is immediately stripped from them, and they will no longer be said to be Enlightened.

An player who is said to be Enlightened may never have a Witchhunt called against them, or be burned as a heretic.

If proposal 2547 passed, amend rule 1307 to replace the third paragraph with the text delimited by CROOK
A Witchhunt is a Hearing. It is also a Very Grave Matter. The valid responses to a Witchhunt are 'No! E said the Earth is flat' and 'BURN THE WITCH!'. The Player who called the Witchhunt shall be the Hearing Harfer for it, and shall be called Witchfinder General while it is in session.

Proposal 2549 - Sat 27 Dec 1997 19:43 EST
Why bother to be a first round Judge?
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: rejected

Bribe: A$20
This is a Modest proposal

{{[proposal 2229 was a bad idea, IMO, at least its made the game rather boring for me anyway. Let's compromise :)]}}


Amend rule 217, "Overturning Judgements", to replace

fined an amount from 1 to 25 points for frivolously bothering the judges.


fined an amount from 15 to 25 points for frivolously bothering the judges.

Proposal 2550 - Sun 28 Dec 1997 01:59 EST
The Petri Faction
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

{{[ The chaos of the first round of Viruses is really staggering. This might fix that a bit. ]}}

Amend Rule 1250.16, "Viruses", as follows:

In Section 1., "Getting Started", after "The randomly chosen squares are initially filled by clean cells (not infected by a virus), marked by '@'", insert "except that for each of the starting players, one such cell, selected at random, is infected with eir virus".

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