[This proposal has two effects. Effect the First:]
________Create Rule 428, titled "Spelling Exchequer", to read as follows:
The optional Office of Spelling Exchequer exists.
A Duty of the Office of Spelling Exchequer is to proofread submitted documents. The term "documents", for the purposes of this rule, refers to messages that effect Ackanomic business, but have not yet been sent. Such messages include submissions to other Offices [mainly proposals, but also CFJs and the like], and public messages that are required by the rules [Phoebe's wisdom, scholarly ridicule, et cetera]. Other texts may also be considered documents for the purposes of this rule.
At any time, players have the option of privately sending the Spelling Exchequer documents to be proofread for errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Unless the author has specifically requested otherwise, the Spelling Exchequer shall only make corrections or suggestions that are concerned with errors of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. [Comments regarding issues of style, for example, are inappropriate.] The Spelling Exchequer shall, in good faith, attempt to revise each document so that it is free of errors and has the intended meaning of the author. (It is recognized, however, that this is not always possible to achieve.)
The default time by which the Spelling Exchequer must reply to the author of a document is three days after the document is received. When submitting a document, the author is permitted to extend this time period, or to indicate that there is no requirement for the time of the reply. Any such indication shall apply only to the document it accompanies.
The Spelling Exchequer's reply should contain a corrected version of the original document, a list of errors with explanations, or some other indication of the changes deemed to be necesary. The actual form should be one that the Spelling Exchequer judges to be the most useful to the author.
If for some reason a document cannot be proofread within the required time, the Spelling Exchequer's reply should instead be an indication of this fact (preferably with an explanation of why).
While the Spelling Exchequer is free to proofread documents of any nature, it is understood that documents pertaining to Ackanomic business are the primary concern of this Office. In particular, documents containing potential proposals shall have the highest priority.
Players are in no way required to follow the suggestions of the Spelling Exchequer. As always, the author of a public message or other text retains full control over, and full responsibility for, its content. Similarly, the Spelling Exchequer is not responsible for errors that appear in the texts of other players.
A Privelege of the Office of Spelling Exchequer is to initiate flights of the Spelling Bee.
[Effect the Second:]
________Modify Rule 419.2 ("Ackanomic/Internomic Interface") by adding the following text immediately after the first sentence of the third paragraph:
Though not required, players are strongly recommended to have the Spelling Exchequer proofread such Proposals before they are submitted to the Liaison.
Proposal 1852 - Thu, 20 Mar 1997 11:40:01 -0600
Growing Organizations
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: retracted by author
This is a modest proposal.Rule 721 (Organizations) is amended by inserting the following text at the end of section 1, as a new paragraph:
Any player may request membership in an Organization. The Organization may then grant the request as an action. If the Organization's Founder is a member of it, he or she may grant the request without waiting for the approval of the rest of the Organization. When a request for membership is granted, the player becomes a member of the Organization.
Proposal 1853 - Fri, 21 Mar 1997 09:57:46 -0600
"This is the way the world ends"
Vynd (John McCoy)
Made Harfy by snowgod at Fri, 21 Mar 1997 10:22:27 -0900
Decision: Accepted
Create a new rule numbered 1320 named: "This is the way the world ends" with the following text:If the Earth is ever made to be round via the method described in Rule 1319, then the End of the World will have occured. The world ending has no effect on the game of Ackanomic, except as specified in the rules.
Players are encouraged to scream in terror when the world ends, and it is considered good form for the President to post a public message which he begins by calling for order but then ruins by panicing, repenting his sins, and crying like a baby. If any newspaper fails to publicly post an article notifying it's subscribers of the End of the World within 7 days of it's occurance, it's owner will be fined A$5 for poor coverage of the news.
The End of the World causes the cycle to immediately end. The winner of the cycle will be the active or vacationing player who had donated the most A$ to The Round Earth Restoration Society at the time that the Earth was made round. If this selection method results in a tie, or the player who would win is for some reason inneligible to win the cycle, then the player who most recently became Enlightened out of those players who are tied will be the winner of the cycle. If none of the players who are tied for most A$ donated to The Round Earth Society are Enlightened, then the Speaker will randomly select with equal probability one of the players who are tied to be the winner. In any of these cases, the winner will recieve the title of Prophet of Doom.
All players who became Enlightened at least 14 days before the End of the World will recieve a Boon of the Ancients for their incredible foresight and wisdom. The active player who has been Enlightened the longest should post a public message in which he castigates those who persecuted him. It should include the phrase "You have paid the price for your lack of vision."
When a player wins due to The End of the World, the Fat Lady will not sing as described in rule 667. Instead, she will sing the song "It's The End Of The World As We Know It" by R.E.M. for a full 24 hours, this singing cannot be stoped or accompanied by any means. Players are permited to whimper.
Proposal 1854 - Fri, 21 Mar 1997 16:46:52 -0600
Chess Hack
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted
[This includes: punctuation-harfing; changing pre-entity language to entity language; closing one miniscule loophole; moving one or two things around; getting rid of at least one precedence clause; standardizing time in a more playable way than I proposed before. Probably a few other things, but I have a short memory.] Rule 1230.1 ("Swingers Play Around I - the board and the playing pieces") is amended to read: ----- {{ [This isn't a modest proposal, but:] Transfer 3 points from Mohammed to Niccolo Flychuck for endless help, insights, and a few good puns. Transfer 1 point from Mohammed to the Web-Harfer, for getting rid of all these temporary notes. }} The game of Party Chess is an unownable entity. {{ [ This is an adaptation of a statement to the effect that "The game of Party Chess is protected." that was hanging around someplace else. I don't know if it's necessary, but we might as well leave it. ] }} 1. The Party Board There exists a checkered board, divided into 20 by 20 squares, which resides in Party Hall. It is called the Party Board. The Party Board is an unownable entity used for the sole purpose of playing a game called Party Chess. Each column has a letter assigned to it, from a-t beginning with the leftmost column. Each row has an integer assigned to it, from 1-20. When viewed on a screen, the lowest row is 1, the highest is 20, and consecutive rows are marked with consecutive integers. Each square on the Party Board has coordinates made up of a letter, which corresponds to the column the square is part of, and an integer, which corresponds to the row the square is part of. The letter precedes the integer. Food or drink may not be placed on the Party Board. 2. Party Chess Pieces A. Each Swinger controls a set of Party Chess Pieces. The pieces are owned by the Office of Swinger, and controlled by the Swinger who holds that office. Whenever the rules refer to pieces as being owned by, or property of, a Swinger, the implied meaning is that they are owned by or property of the corresponding Office of the Swinger. Playing PartyChess is part of a Swinger's duty. B. A Swinger may acquire a piece by capturing it from an opponent or creating a new piece, at a cost. Both these processes are described in greater detail below. C. "On-board" pieces are pieces which are currently on the Party Board. "Off-board" pieces are pieces which are currently off the Party Board. D. A player or Organization may create a new Party Chess Piece of any existing type for a Swinger. When this is done, the player or Organization pays the piece cost to the Treasury, and the new piece is created, off-board, in the possession of the specified Swinger. A new piece costs A$1, plus A$7 times the material value of the piece. E. In this Rule Suite, the word 'piece' means Party Chess Piece. 3. PartyChessPieceDef rules A. A rule is a PartyChessPieceDef rule if and only if it meets the following criteria: (i) It defines exactly one type of piece that can be created and used in the game of Party Chess. (ii) It is a member of the Party Chess Rule Suite. (iii) It unambiguously defines the legal moves that the piece may make. That is, it defines to which empty squares on the board the piece may move. (iv) It defines a material value for the piece. (v) It defines a non-space ASCII character to represent the piece, and this character is different from those that represent all the other types of pieces. For the purpose of this rule, a lower case Latin letter is considered identical to its corresponding upper case Latin letter. If two or more different rules, each of which meets the other four criteria, all claim the same ASCII character, only the rule among them with the lowest number is a PartyChessPieceDef rule. {{ [ That last part was changed a little at Niccolo's request. ] }} This rule takes precedence over all PartyChessPieceDef rules. B. Unless otherwise stipulated by the relevant PartyChessPieceDef rule, the legal moves for each piece are defined relative to that piece's current position on the board, and may depend on the positions of other pieces on the board. {{[ C. A PartyChessPieceDef rule may define means different from those defined in this rule by which the defined piece may capture or not capture opponent's pieces. This rule defers to PartyChessPieceDef rules with regard to capturing. --I moved this to live with the rest of the capturing stuff ]}} C. A PartyChessPieceDef rule may define conditions under which a piece is promoted. If no such conditions are defined for a given piece, that piece does not promote. When a piece is promoted, it changes itself into a piece of a different type. D. A PartyChessPieceDef rule may define conditions under which a piece may skip over other pieces during its movement. If it does not, the piece cannot move in ways that would require it to skip over other pieces. {{[ E. Section 3A of this rule defers to the rule entitled "Creation of a PartyChessPiece King." This rule takes precedence over all PartyChessPieceDef rules, except where it explicitly defers. --no longer necessary, imho; however, the blanket precedence clause, much as I hate it, has been carried over. I moved it up a few lines to avoid having to re-re-harf the letters on all these sections... ]}} E. Should it ever be found that an on-board piece exists that is not defined by any PartyChessPieceDef rule, that piece is immediately moved off-board. It does not change ownership. [This can happen when a rule is repealed or amended in such a way that it becomes ambiguous.] {{[ --current text E. When a PartyChessPieceDef rule is repealed, all PartyChessPieces defined by that rule are immediately destroyed. PartyChessPieces defined by rules which depend on the repealed rule, immediately become off-board pieces. [They do not change ownership, and they are not destroyed.) --main change here is they don't self-destruct... F. A PartyChessPieceDef rule can depend on other PartyChessPieceDef rule, by defining the moves in terms of a PartyChessPiece defined by another rule. A rule is not a PartyChessPieceDef rule if it defines the behavior of a PartyChessPiece in terms of a non-existent PartyChessPiece. --I like this change because it enables you to keep an obsolete piece lying around. Miscellaneous harf. :o) ]}} F. A PartyChessPieceDef rule may define conditions under which the position on the Party Board of a piece it defines enhances or restricts the moves or captures available to other pieces. PartyChessPieceDef rules defer to such enhancements or restrictions. G. A PartyChessPieceDef rule may define an instance limit for that type of piece. If it does not, there is no instance limit for that piece. Instance limits are always enforced on a per Swinger basis. If such a limit is defined, a Swinger may not control more pieces than the limit; if it is ever found that e possesses pieces in excess of the specified limit, all excess pieces are destroyed until this situation is corrected, starting with off-board pieces. If random determination is required to perform this destruction, the Chess-Umpire shall handle it. 4. Capturing This rule defers to PartyChessPieceDef rules on the matter of how pieces can capture opposing pieces. [Other rules may define other ways for pieces to capture, and may define that this variety of capture is not available to certain pieces.] Party Chess Piece (1) can capture an opposing piece (2) if (2) occupies a square on the board to which (1) could otherwise legally move. When the Swinger that owns (1) performs a capture in this way, (1) is moved to the square occupied by (2), and (2) is removed from the board. Whenever a Swinger uses one of his or her pieces to capture an opposing piece, the captured piece is added to the capturing Swinger's collection of off-board pieces. {{[ --replaced text The Swinger that owns (1) performs a capture on his turn by moving (1) to the square occupied by (2) and removing (2) from the board, adding (2) to his own collection of off-board pieces. --I broke this into two sentences: even if you use a Tornado to capture (that kind of capture doesn't look like the play described above) the piece should still be added to your collection. This is the miniscule loophole I was talking about in the intro. ]}} It is forbidden for a piece to capture a friendly piece. 5. Piece movement There are eight directions in which pieces may move. A. Horizontal: A movement from one square to another one in the same row. There are two horizontal directions. B. Vertical: A movement from one square to another in the same column. There are two vertical directions. C. Diagonal: A movement from one square to another such that the number of rows moved is the same as the number of columns moved. There are four diagonal directions. {{[ D. A primitive movement is a movement from one square to another in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction. E. Every legal move must be defined as a combination of one or more primitive movements. When a piece makes a move, it follows the path defined by the primitive movements that make up that move. --unnecessary restrictions ]}} 6. Definitions A. In the context of a Party Chess piece, the capital letters R and C represent the row and column, respectively, of the square that that piece occupies. B. The symbols DestR and DestC represent the the row and column of a destination square. C. The symbol SQn, where n is a positive integer, specifies the square n squares distant from a piece's current square in a given direction. Which such symbols are meaningful depends on the piece's current position on the board. D. The symbol dR represents the absolute value of DestR-R. E. The symbol dC represents the absolute value of DestC-C, where the difference is computed as the difference of the ASCII codes corresponding to DestC and C. F. The distance between two squares is defined as the distance between the two rows (abs(R2-R1)), or the distance between the two columns (abs(C2-C1)), whichever is greater. {{[This is the only subsection I added here (the definition of distance); I did it only because it was defined in several places before and this seems like a good final resting place for it.]}} G. The symbols /AND/, /OR/, /XOR/, and /NOT/, in this and all other rules governing Party Chess, represent the logical operators AND, OR, XOR, and NOT, respectively. 7. Party Chess Pieces are ownable entities. ----- Rule 1230.2 ("Swingers Like to Play Around II - Let's play") is amended to read: ----- 1. Office of the Chess-Umpire A. The optional functional office of Chess-Umpire exists. If, at any time, there is no player performing the duties of Chess-Umpire, the game of Party Chess is suspended (or not started), and all other players who would have duties with regard to Party Chess are absolved of those duties. This clause takes precedence over all rules dealing with Swingers and Party Chess. B. Any active player is eligible for the office of Chess-Umpire. {{[In the following section, I changed "move" to "play"; several instances. Niccolo and I discussed this before the original Party Chess proposal went out and decided to reserve the word "move" for plays that moved pieces from place to place, but didn't capture.]}} C. The Chess-Umpire has the following Duties: (i) Maintaining and updating the Party Board (ii) Checking for the legality of the plays (iii) To notify each Swinger by private e-mail whenever it becomes his turn to move. (iv) To alert a Swinger by public e-mail whenever he is placed in check. (v) Calculating and posting the Swingers' Weights after each play. (vi) Maintaining a list of game history - all the plays made, Pieces purchased and owned (vii) The Chess-Umpire will make this information publically available. If possible, the information will be maintained on a web-page as well. (viii) Maintaining the Swinger Play List. 2. Managing the Game A. At the beginning of the game of Party Chess there are no Party Chess Pieces on the Party Board. B. Each Office of Swinger receives one King, and five playing pieces. Each Swinger may choose any five pieces which are defined by a PartyChessPieceDef rule, as long as their total material value does not exceed 30. These pieces are created in the possession of the appropriate Swingers, free of charge. Initially all pieces are off-board. C. When a new Office of Swinger is created, it receives one King and five playing pieces, as described in 2.B. D. Whenever an Office of Swinger is destroyed, all Party Chess Pieces owned by that office are destroyed. No re-imbursement is made for the destroyed items. 3. Determining the Playing Order A. The Chess-Umpire maintains a list called the Swinger Play List. Initially the NAP Swinger is at the top of the list. The names of the other Swingers (including non-active players) follow in a random order determined at the begining of the PartyChess game by the Chess-Umpire. B. The Swinger whose name is at the top of the list is the Swinger whose turn it is to play. When the turn is over, the top name is moved to the bottom of the list. C. When a single Swinger is checked, eir name is immediately moved to the top of the list. D. When two or more Swingers are checked simultaneously, the names of all of the checked Swingers are moved to the top of the list, and a Special DD-Turn occurs. [This is detailed in section 7.B. of this rule.] When the Special DD-Turn is resolved, the Chess-Umpire places the names of those Swingers at the bottom of the Swinger Play List, in random order. E. When a Swinger's Office is destroyed, its name, and the name of the last Swinger to occupy it, are removed from the Swinger Play List. F. When an Office of Swinger is created, its name, and the name of the Swinger who holds that office, are placed at the bottom of the list. {{[ F. A Player or Observer becomes a Spectator when he informs the Chess-Umpire of his desire to do so. A Spectator ceases to be a Spectator when he informs the Chess-Umpire of his desire to do so. Whenever this rule calls for a public announcement or public e-mail, such announcement or e-mail is to be sent to all Swingers and Spectators, to the Chess-Umpire, and to no-one else. However, the person who sends a public e-mail or announcement may exclude himself from the recipients. --this is covered in Postal Code; we can drop it. H. Every play must be announced publically - except when this rule specifically states otherwise. --moved someplace more logical Once a play has been publicly announced, it becomes the turn of the next Swinger in the playing-order, unless there are no more Swingers in the playing-order, in which case it becomes the turn of the first Swinger in the playing-order. --this was already stated above ]}} 4. Turns A turn will last until a play is made, either by the Swinger announcing the play publicly, or by default when the time limit expires, or automatically. The time limit for a given turn expires three days after the Chess-Umpire announces the current state of the game, with the exceptions outlined below. When the time limit expires on a Swinger's turn, that Swinger makes a default play. If it would have been legal for the Swinger to Pass, e Passes. Otherwise, e Surrenders. A. The Chess-Umpire has the Privelege of being able to extend the time limit, up to a maximum of seven days after the announcement of the game state. {{[ --replaced text: That Swinger has four days in which to make eir play, otherwise eir play defaults to a Pass with the following exceptions: (i) With the exception that if a Swinger goes on Vacation during eir turn, then eir turn is extended by two additional days. There may be no more than two such extensions per turn, and no more than 4 such extensions for any given six consecutive rounds. ]}} B. Warmth (i) If a Swinger's Office is Warm, and the Swinger is not checked, then that Swinger automatically Passes when his or her turn begins. If a Swinger's Office is Warm for two whole Rounds, then he is considered to have Surrendered. (ii) If a Swinger is checked while that Swinger Seat is Warm, then that Swinger's turn is not played automatically. If that Swinger's Office corresponds to a Political Party, the Chess-Umpire has the Duty of notifying all player members of that Party of the check situation, including members who are on Vacation. {{[ In the case of a Special D-turn, if the time limit expires before a play is legally made, then that Swinger Surrenders by default. --special D-turns don't exist anymore ]}} In the case of a Special DD-Turn, if the checked Swinger's Office is still Warm the second time a conflict is declared, then he Surrenders. However, he is still counted for the purpose of determining the number of repetitions of the procedure described in section 7.B.(i)-(iii) of this Rule. (iii) When there are 7 or more Swingers with on-board pieces, the turn of any Swinger who has no on-board pieces is skipped entirely. (iv) It is permissible for a Party or a Swinger with a Warm Office to notify the Chess-Umpire of a Surrender at any time by sending a public message to that effect. The Surrender takes effect immediately. This section of this rule takes precedence over all other sections of this rule. C. A Round of play is defined as a time period in which each Swinger played at least once, and at least one Swinger played only once, where {{[a Default Pass also counts a play, and]}} a Special DD-Turn counts as a play for each Swinger taking part in that turn, in eir capacity as Swinger. Each time a Round of play is over, RoundCount is incremented by 1. When ever a new game of Party Chess is started, RoundCount is set to 0. 5. Definitions A piece (1) is an opposing piece or opponent's piece with respect to piece (2) if it is controlled by a different Swinger than (2) is, regardless of any agreements, contracts, or treaties made between the various Swingers. A piece (1) is friendly with respect to piece (2) if pieces (1) and (2) are controlled by the same Swinger. A piece (1) is attacking opposing piece (2) if and only if they are located on the board such that if it were (1)'s Swinger's turn to move, he could capture piece (2) with piece (1). A piece (1) is defending friendly piece (2) if and only if they are located on the board such that (1) would be attacking (2) if (2) were an opposing piece. 6. Playing the game On eir turn Swinger may make one of the following plays. The play is made as a public action, except in the case of a Special DD-Turn [described in section 7.B. of this Rule]. A. Move - The Swinger moves an on-board piece e controls from the square it is on to an unoccupied square according to the applicable rules. B. Capture - The Swinger uses one of his pieces to perform a capture according to the applicable rules. C. Placement - The Swinger places one of eir off-board pieces on an unoccupied square on the board. The Swinger may not place the piece in such a position that it attacks one or more opposing pieces. D. Pass - The Swinger does nothing. [This is the default play in most cases; see above.] E. Surrender - All of the Swinger's pieces are removed from the board, and become off-board pieces. {{[The bit about not being able to end your turn in check was moved to section 7., "Check".]}} {{[ A lot of text was clipped from the above section. The result is that Swingers no longer must use the play notation that is, in the current rule, described in some detail. I'm sure most Swingers will continue to use something very similar to that notation anyway; but it should not be legislated. ]}} {{[ C. (i) If a promotable piece is moved, whether through a Move or a Capture, into a position which allows it to be promoted, then it is immediately promoted. The process of promotion is as follows: The original promotable piece is destroyed, and instantly, the piece to which it promotes is created, at no cost, and placed on the square that was occupied by the promotable piece when it was destroyed. --this is redundant with the stuff in the other rule. ]}} 7. Check A. A Swinger is in Check when his King is attacked by one or more opposing pieces. No Swinger may make a play that would cause him or her to be in Check at the end of his or her turn. It is possible that the only move that will satisfy this condition is a Surrender. [It is the responsibility of the Chess-Umpire to identify states of Check and alert the Swingers that such a state exists, and let the Swingers know whose King is being attacked.] {{[That used to be binding; I made it a note. It's the Umpire's duty to do this anyway, as is noted above.]}} B. If two or more Swingers are checked simultaneously then the procedure described in subsection (i)-(vi) of this section is carried out. This procedure is called a Special DD-Turn. If the Chess-Umpire is one of the checked Swingers then e shall appoint an Assistant Chess-Umpire, who takes over the role of the Chess-Umpire for the duration of the Special DD-Turn. The Assistant Chess-Umpire may be any player, other than a checked Swinger, who is willing and able to fulfill the Chess-Umpire's Duties temporarily. If an Assistant Chess-Umpire is needed but there is no such person, all checked Swingers automatically Surrender and the Special DD-Turn ends. If the Special DD-Turn is followed by another Special DD-Turn, then the Assistant Chess-Umpire may continue to act in that capacity until that turn is resolved as well, unless he is a checked Swinger in that Special DD-Turn, in which case another Assistant Chess-Umpire is appointed in eir stead. Once an Assistant Chess-Umpire is no longer needed, that is, a Special DD-Turn has ended and the following turn is a normal turn, the Assistant Chess-Umpire resigns, and the position ceases to exist until it is needed again. When it is required that an Assistant Chess-Umpire be appointed, the turn begins as soon as the Assistant Chess-Umpire is appointed. (i) Each of the checked Swingers mails eir play by private e-mail to the Chess-Umpire. (ii) If there is no conflict between the plays, then the Chess-Umpire announces the plays publically and updates the Party Board accordingly. (iii) If there is a conflict between the plays, then the Chess-Umpire announces this fact publically, the plays are not played, and each of the checked Swingers must again mail eir plays privately to the Chess-Umpire. (iv) If the Chess-Umpire decides that there are no possible moves that would not result in conflict, then e must announce that fact, and all of the checked Swingers then Surrender. If any Swinger remains in a state of check for two consecutive iterations of a Special DD-Turn, then the Chess-Umpire declares that Swinger to have Surrendered, and all pieces of that Swinger immediately become off-board. This does not change the value of cp. (v) If after 4+cp repetitions of the procedure described in steps (i)-(iii), the Swingers' plays still result in conflict, where cp is the number of checked Swingers, then the Chess Umpire announces that fact, and all of the checked Swingers automatically Surrender. (vi) The Special DD-Turn plays conflict if any one or more of the following are true: (a) Two or more of the plays call for pieces to move to or capture pieces on the same square. (b) One or more of the plays calls for a movement of or capture using a piece that is the target of a capture in one of the other plays. (c) The result of the plays would be that at least one of the checked Swingers would still be in Check. ----- Rule 728 ("Swingpoints") is amended by replacing "Absolute Weight" with "Weight" wherever it occurs. [Several occurances, all in the first section.] Rule 1230.3 ("Swingers Like to Play Around III - mostly odds") is amended to read: ----- [After each play, the Chess-Umpire calculates the Swingers' Weights and posts that information.] Each Swinger's Weight is calculated in the following manner: For a Swinger whose King is on-board Weight= (Total material value of the on-board pieces) + for each piece (add the maximum distance the piece can move, without making a capture) for each piece (add 3 if the piece attacks at least one opponent piece) for each piece (add 2 if the piece defends at least one friendly piece) For a Swinger whose King is off-board Weight=0 {{[ 3. Relative Weight for each Swinger is calculated as follows - if the minimum Absolute Weight is non-zero, then Relative Weight = Absolute Weight / minimum Weight if the minimum Absolute Weight is equal to zero then Relative Weight = Absolute Weight --Niccolo pointed out this isn't used anymore 2. The game of Party Chess is Protected. --moved this to the top ]}} ----- Rule 1230.4 ("Creation of a PartyChessPiece King") is amended by changing section A to read, "There is an instance limit of one King per Swinger." and by removing sections G and H. Rule 1230.6 ("Creation of a PartyChessPiece Camel") is amended by replacing the stray quotation mark at the end of section 3 with a period. [Random punctuation-harfing.] Rule 1230.10 ("Creation of a PartyChessPiece Echo") is amended to read, in full: --- 1. An Echo is represented by ASCII character E. 2. The legal move for an Echo depends on the most recent play made by the Swinger controlling the Echo. a. If the Swinger's most recent play was either Pass or Placement, then there is no legal move for an Echo. b. If the Swinger's most recent play was either Move or Capture, then the legal move of an Echo is identical to the legal move of the friendly piece that either Moved or Captured on that play. 3. An Echo's material value is 7 --- [The rule previously said "the play made... in the previous round" rather than "the most recent play..." and so on. Since it is possible for a Swinger to play more than once in a given round, the existing language can be ambiguous in certain situations. --current text 1. An Echo is represented by ASCII character E. 2. The legal move for an Echo depends on the play made by the Swinger controlling the Echo in the previous round. a. If the play in the previous round was either Pass or Placement, then there is no legal move for an Echo. b. If the play in the previous round was either Move or Capture, then the legal move of an Echo is identical to the legal move of the friendly piece that either Moved or Captured in the previous round 3. If the Swinger controlling the Echo played in either a Special D-turn, or a Special DD-Turn after eir normal play in the previous round, then the legal move for an Echo is identical to the move of the friendly piece that either Moved or Captured, during the Special D-Turn, or Special DD-turn. This section takes precedence over section 2 of this rule. 4. An Echo's material value is 7 ] In Rule 1230.8 (Pawn), the word "protecting" in section 2 is changed to "defending".
Proposal 1855 - Sat, 22 Mar 1997 11:28:47 -0600
If the Justices Don't Remember to Penalize the Original Judge, Then They Didn't Want to Give a Stiff Penalty Anyway
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.Amend Rule 217, "Overturning Judgements", by adding to the end of the fifth paragraph the text: "If the Justices fail to specify the amount of this fine with their verdict, it shall be 1 point."
Proposal 1856 - Sat, 22 Mar 1997 11:28:48 -0600
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.{{[these rule changes do not eliminate gift entities, rather they make them a subclass of tradeable entities (in fact, many references to gift entities will remain in the rules). In addition to eliminating the construct "tradeable or gift" when referring to entities all the time in the rules, these rule changes have another non trivial effect. Unless you see a flaw in this proposal, I urge you to vote yes.]}}
I. Amend R 313, "Proposal Bribery", to replace
"tradeable or gift entities" with "tradeable entities" (section IV B).II. Amend R 500.2, "Entity Ownership", to replace:
Each entity is either unownable, nontradeable, tradeable, or gift. An entity is nontradeable unless the Rules specify otherwise.If an entity is nontradeable, tradeable, or gift, then it is ownable. At any given time, each ownable entity is either owned by one named entity or Somewhere Else (unowned).
Each entity is either unownable, nontradeable, tradeable, or gift, except that a gift entity is also tradeable. An entity is nontradeable unless the Rules specify otherwise.If an entity is nontradeable or tradeable, then it is ownable. At any given time, each ownable entity is either owned by one named entity or Somewhere Else (unowned).
"III. Amend R 505, "Treasury and AckaDollars", to replace "Tradeable or gift" with "tradeable" (section VI).
IV. Amend R 515, "Trading and Gifts", to replace "neither tradeable nor gift" with "not tradeable".
V. Amend R 516, "Auction", to remove "or gift ", in subsection a) under the section headed with "The call for Auction must include:"
Proposal 1857 - Sat, 22 Mar 1997 11:28:49 -0600
This title is a clue
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: invalid by rule 309 (substantially similar to P1855)
This is a Modest proposal. {{[this will save some of the gizz when the Supreme Court forgets to penalize the judge on appeals. I really don't think we've been doing this legally -- i.e., and appeal may not count if it is not accompanied with a penalty, but its the way we've been doing it.]}}=========================================================================
Amend R 217, "Overturning Judgements", to replace the final period of the fifth paragraph with:
. In the absence of an explicit decision, the default penalty is 1 point.
Proposal 1858 - Sat, 22 Mar 1997 11:28:50 -0600
Instance Limit
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal. {{[I meant to do this after the instance limit amendment passed awhile back.]}}Amend R 1230.19, "Creation of a PartyChessPiece Tornado", to renumber the current section 3. to 4., and then to add the following new section directly after section 2.:
3. There is an instance limit of one Tornado per Swinger.
Proposal 1859 - Mon, 24 Mar 1997 14:23:42 -0600
Trials By Jury
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.{{renumber this rule to 218}}
[This would allow for the trials by jury. The effects would be minimal, considering Acka is nicely defined. However, it would add another possibility to deal with strange occurences. The rule was kept as simple as possible]
Upon a verdict of "Undecided" being ruled by a judge, the following will take place. The "Undecided" verdict should be published by the CoC, but the CFJ will no be redistributed to another judge, rather, a Jury trial is formed, its ruling to be accepted as the ruling of the CFJ. This takes precedence over any rule that would redistribute a CFJ ruled "Undecided".
The initiator of the CFJ will act as Prosaecuter. The Judge who ruled undecided will nominate a player, excluding the Prosaecuter, to act as Consaecuter. That player should have an opinion different from the Proseacuter's, although this is left at the discretion of the Judge. The Prosaecuter and Consaecutor will each select 2 players that are neither one of themselves, nor Justice or Acting Justice, to act as Jury members for this CFJ.
Within seven days, they must each submit to the Judge a message that outlines their positions, why they believe their position is correct, and what the result of the jury verdict should be. A soon as the two messages are received by the Judge, he will distribute both of them to the Jury members selected. Should the dealine pass with one not submitting the message, then the result asked by the other takes effect. Should both miss the deadline, the CFJ is declared invalid and that ruling is passed on to the CoC for publication.
Upon receiving the two documents, the Jury then has seven days to discuss it among themselves and provide a ruling. They should choose one of themselves to act as spokesperson, who will give their ruling to the Judge. No reasoning should be given with the ruling.
The possible rulings are as follows. If all agree to support one of the two opinions presented to them, then they should present its result as verdict. The players may present their own verdict if all agree on it. If no consensus can be reached, the Consaecuter's opinion prevails and the result he outlined is implemented as verdict.
The Judge will then pass on the CFJ to the CoC for publication.
A jury verdict can be appealed to the Supreme Court. Justices, acting Justices, members of that Jury, the Judge, the Proseacuter and Consecuter may not appeal the verdict.
{{ [The following is to avoid people ruling on their own CFJs or appeals]
1. amend R211's first line to say:
"Any player (who is neither Praetor, Justice nor Acting-Justice) who has a question or complaint about any matter concerning the laws and their interpretation may email their statement to the Clerk of the Court, who will then distribute it publically."2. amend the last line of R217 to say:
"Supreme Court Justices or Acting Supreme Court Justices may not appeal Judgements or Supreme Court appellate decisions to the Supreme Court. Members of a Jury that ruled on a CFJ may not appeal that CFJ, neither can the Judge, Proseacuter and Consaecuter of that CFJ."[I expect a lot of discussion on this and welcome it. It will probably need to be reworked, but then at least it'll get the ball rolling... I guess this should be an RFC, but perhaps it's just perfect and everyone will love it right away. <g>]}}
Proposal 1860 - Mon, 24 Mar 1997 14:23:42 -0600
Restructuring the OotF
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted
{{This is a Modest proposal.[It refines the roles of players who are in charge of keeping track of entities and valuables, making them all come under the supervision of the Financier. This allows for a sharing of the jobs while making the Financier's job much lighter. In-built in the process are automatic shutdown and wake-up functions based on whether or not someone wants to do the work associated with the position. This should drastically reduce the workload associated with the work for any one person and allow people who would enjoy doing that work to do it]
1. Amend R412 to read:
"The Office of the Financier (OotF), or Financier, is a Functional Office.The Financier is there to make sure the Overseers who report to him do their jobs. The Financier has the authority to negotiate and resolve conflicts or disagreements between such overseers according to the rules, tradition, or to the best of his/her judgement, in that order. The Financier has no legal obligation to do work already asigned by a rule to another officer or overseer (whether or not there is someone in the position or office).
The Duties of the Financier are:
(i) To check that accurate records are maintained by all reporting to the OotF. Records need only be accurate to within the last 7 days. Should an overseer who is said to reprort to the OotF not do their job, it is the duty of the Financier to impeach them.
(ii) To keep track of anything involving entities worth more than zero ackadollars that other job descriptions do not cover, and only those.
(iii) To do the work that is directly assigned to him by other rules that do not fall under the scope of someone else's job description. If a rule says that the Financier must do something, but it does fall under the scope of another, the that person is reponsible for carrying it out.
(iv) To report to the President on any problems in the FM and Treasury and impeachements that result.If any overseer position is left unfilled, no action that would be overseen by that officer can take place until there is someone in that position."
2. Amend R426 to read:
"The Undead-Harfer is an Overseer. The Duties are:
(i) To maintain a list of all Undead, the entities they are haunting, and any other pertinent details of the Undead.
(ii) Verify any manipulation or change made on the above was made in accord with the rules.
(iii)To make this list available to any player upon request.
(iv) To report to the OofF."3. Amend R427 to read:
"The Bond-Harfer is an Overseer. The Duties are:
(i) Maintain a log of all bonds and stocks transaction, prices and onwnership on Free Market (FM).
(ii) Verify any transaction made there was made in accord with the rules.
(iii) Make the last records and logs available to any Player upon request within 2 days.
(iv) Report to the OotF."4. Create a new rule numbered 428 called "Trinket-Harfer" to read:
"The Trinket-Harfer is an Overseer. The Duties are:
(i) Log all transfers of trinkets ownership as well as their creation and destruction.
(ii) Verify that these events happen only in accordance with the Rules.
(iii) Make the last records and logs available to any Player upon request within 2 days.
(iv) Report to the OotF."5. Create a new rule numbered 429 called "Entity-Harfer" to read:
"The Entity-Harfer is an Overseer. The Duties are:
(i) To keep a record of what the treasury contains and the transactions that take things in or out of the treasury.
(ii) Verify that these events happen only in accordance with the Rules.
(iii) Make the last records and logs available to any Player upon request within 2 days.
(iv) Report to the OotF."6. Create a new rule numbered 400 called "Overseers Are Volunteers"
"The following applies to all Overseers:
(i) Only one player at a time may fill the position.
(ii) As a Privilege of the position, each Player shall receive a monthly salary of A$25 for every Overseer position held.
(iii) An Overseer going on vacation shall be judged to have resigned from his Seat.
(iv) Whenever an Overseer position is vacant, there will be no elections until someone volunteers to fill the position, and anyone may volunteer while the election has not ended. The election ends 3 days after the first person volunteered and the position will be granted to the volunteer with the most votes. All players can a vote in that election.
(v) Overseers may be impeached by the following process:
a) The Financier declares publicly his intention to impeach a stated Player from a given Overseer position.
b) The President concurs with the impeachment by so notifying the Financier within 3 days of the Financier's declaration.
c) At this time, the Overseer position is vacant.
(vi) An overseer may resign at any time, making the position vacant. A player needs to be reconfirmed every 2 months in the position by the Financier, otherwise, the position is now vacant."}}
Proposal 1861 - Mon, 24 Mar 1997 14:23:43 -0600
Trinket Destruction Amnesty Period
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted
Insert after the second paragraph of rule 506, "Trinkets", the following paragraph (including the ** lines delimiting it):**
To reduce the length of the Player/Entity web page, a two-week amnesty period is hereby called. The art and antiquities communities will not be upset at the conversion of any trinket to A$, and will cheer the conversion of trinkets worth A$5 or less. Two weeks after this section of this rule takes effect, this entire paragraph (including the lines containing just two asterisks delimiting it) is deleted from this rule.
Proposal 1862 - Mon, 24 Mar 1997 14:55:12 -0600
Four Three Strange Days
You can call me Al (Wally Holland)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.Alter Rule 1119, so that the words "4 days" in the first sentence are replaced with "3 days".
Proposal 1863 - Mon, 24 Mar 1997 14:55:13 -0600
While I'm at it...
You can call me Al (Wally Holland)
Decision: Rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.Amend Rule 1121, adding the following after the existing text:
Should a player commit the foible of doing so, e must publicly announce that e apologizes, and that e can see it "your way" ("your" referring to the denizens of Ackanomia).
Proposal 1864 - Mon, 24 Mar 1997 20:33:54 -0600
Tammany "reform"
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.Ammend Rule 315/11 Tammany in the following manner.
Alter part b) to read:
b) an amount of currency in the range of A$ 5 to A$ 100 (inclusive).
{{[Now that Tammany bribes are going to Organized Crime, instead of just back to the faceless treasury, I think lowering the minimum would be a good idea. It should stimulate more activity, as players chuck a few bucks Tammany's way on the off chance they'll get the high bid, rather than using Tammany only when they are deeply concerned with a proposal's status. Thus, it should generate some cash for everyone's favorite family to back some bets with.]}}
Alter the third to last paragraph to read:
Each Player who submitted a Tammany Bribe for a Proposal that is about to be resolved shall have the designated amount of currency deducted from his account and added to the account of the Narfalone Family. In the case that this would result in a negative currency balance for a player, his entire Bribe is disregarded.
{{[This bit isn't strictly necessary, I don't think, but hey, as long as I'm here... ]}}
Proposal 1865 - Tue, 25 Mar 1997 11:30:55 -0600
The moment we've all been waiting for!
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: retracted by author
Create a new Rule entitled "Entity Transfer Protocol, Part 2: Properties" with the following text:{{[The following two rules create a system wherin objects can be traded between nomics. The third provides a means of removing this rule from our ruleset in case something goes wrong]}}
1) There exists the functional office of Customs Officer. The duties and privlidges of the Customs officer are set forth by this rule and by the rule entitled "Entity Transfer Protocol, Part 2".
2) a) Nomics who have assigned to one of their players the duties and responsibilities similar to those assigned in Ackanomic to the Customs Officer and whose rulesets include a rule or rules substantially similar to Ackanomic's Entity Transfer Protocol will be designated Trade Partners of Ackanomic. The Customs Officer of Ackanomic shall have final authority to designate Trade Partners of Ackanomic. Hereafter the unmodified term "Customs Officer" shall be assumed to include both the Customs Officer of Ackanomic and any player in a Trade Partner nomic having duties similar to those of the Customs Officer of Ackanomic.
b) In order to be considered substantially similar to Ackanomic's Entity Transfer Protocol, a rule or rules must specify definitions for all of the properties listed in section 5 below, must specify these definitions in such a way that they will not conflict with the definitions specified by the rules of Ackanomic, and must institute the inspection procedure describe in section 4 below.
3) Only game entities assigned values for the properties listed in section 5 below by the rulesets of their Nomics of Origin may be transferred into Ackanomic or into Trade Partner nomics. Game entities may not be transferred into nomics not recognized as Trade Partners of Ackanomic, and entities originating from nomics not recognized as Trade Partners to Ackanomic may not be transferred into Ackanomic.
4) a) Whenever an entity is transferred into or out of a nomic, an Entity Profile must be communicated to the Customs Officer of both any nomic out of which the entity is being transferred and any nomic into which the entity is being transferred.
b)The transfer shall not take place until all Customs Officers who received the Entity Profile have approved the transfer and have notified their nomics of the transfer by communicating to their nomics the Entity Profiles of the transferred entities, and until 72 hours have passed from the time of such notification without players objecting to the transfer.
c) The Customs Officer must inspect all transfers into and out of his or her nomic and prevent any transfer that will result in an ambiguity in the rules of any nomic.
5) An entity's Entity Profile must specify its values for the following properties:
Entity Behavior Rule
Nomic of Origin***
Create a new rule entitled "Entity Transfer Protocol, Part 2: Properties" with the following text:
In order to be transferred between nomics, an entity must have rule-defined values for the following properties in accordance with the specifications and restrictions set out in the following definitions:
Entity Behavior Rule, or EBR - An entity's EBR becomes a temporary part of a nomic's ruleset when that nomic contains the entity, and is removed from a nomic's ruleset as soon as the entity is no longer present within the nomic. When an EBR becomes part of a nomic's ruleset, it is added as a temporary subsection of a rule specified in that nomic's ruleset as the EBR Host Rule. If a nomic's ruleset does not specify an EBR Host Rule, then that nomic's definition of the EBR property (if there is such a definition) shall be considered to be in conflict with Ackanomic's definition of the EBR property. An entity's EBR may specify properties and states for that entity not defined in this or other rules. The EBR Host Rule for Ackanomic shall be this rule.
Nomic of Origin - The nomic whose rules created the entity and define its properties.
Create a new rule entitled "Entity Transfer Protocol, Part 3: Just in Case" with the following text:
One month after the acceptance of this rule as hearing shall be called to determine if ETP should remain in Ackanomic's ruleset, or if the project was a dismal failure. Valid responses to the hearing are "Yes! We want our ETP" and "No! ETP is bad for me!"
If the results of the hearing is "Yes! We want our ETP" than this rule shall repeal itself. If the result of the hearing is "No! ETP is bad for me!" than this rule, and all other rules created by the proposal which created this rule will be repealed.
{{[This is a test of an Cross-Nomic trading system that Ackanomic has worked on in conjunction with Dr. West of the Pumpkin Patch. PP has recently passed a version of this rule into their ruleset, and it is my sincerest hope that we may soon do the same. Remember: This is only an experiment. If this doens't work out we can always repeal it! ]}}
Proposal 1866 - Tue, 25 Mar 1997 17:03:24 -0600
Striking a Blow for Democracy
IdiotBoy (Matt Miller)
Decision: Accepted
Amend Rule 106 by replacing the following text (delimitted by %%):%%
The required number of YES votes for a proposal to be accepted is two-thirds of the total number of YES and NO votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period. If that value is 0, however, the required number of YES votes for acceptance is 1.
%%with the following text (delimited by //):
The required number of YES votes for a proposal to be accepted is three-fifths of the total number of YES and NO votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period. If that value is 0, however, the required number of YES votes for acceptance is 1.
//{{[Finally got around to making this change I've wanted for a long time.]}}
Proposal 1867 - Wed, 26 Mar 1997 09:47:08 -0600
Cleaning up the P1801/1846 debacle
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted
This is a modest proposal.{{[This proposal only attempts to clean up the mess created by P1801/1846 such that the intended effects occur. It does not attempt to clean up any of the other assorted problems with the idea, which is a big enough job to deserve its own proposal.]}}
1. Insert the paragraph:
"When a player uses telepathy she is permitted to send one public or private message that other rules prohibit her from sending. This does not constrain the recipient's interpretation of the message (i.e. Telepathy does not permit a player to vote when they are otherwise not permitted to do so, although it does permit them to send a message labelled as a vote). One use of telekinesis permits the telekinetic player to cast one vote even when prohibited to do so by other rules -- she is said to be able to manipulate her (and only her) vote counter. A player may vote telekinetically even if otherwise prohibited from sending messages, whether or not she has the ability to use telepathy."
before the last paragraph of R1117, and then delete all but the first occurrence of that paragraph from R1117.
{{[ If Part 1 of P1801 actually operated on R1117, then P1846 deleted this paragraph instead of what it was trying to delete. ]}}
2. Repeal all rules created by proposal 1801 or rule 1801 which still exist.
{{[ This cleans up Part 2. I note that the entire P1801 was enclosed in double curly brackets, but since it does not say to create a rule with that text, and the enclosed text talks about amending rules, Rule 103 nsures that the rule changes contained in the proposal are the numbered sections, and not the whole proposal as a new rule. Just in case, though, I have written "or rule 1801" above; in this case, it is not possible that rule 1801 created a proposal in Part 2, because Rule 103 ensures that proposals must be created by the procedure in Rule 104. ]}}
3. Remove all occurrences of the text below (delimited by :-\) from rule 1131, 'The Sinister Alien Abduction Act.'
[The following ensures that special powers granted to organizations can also be paranormal. Perhaps time for the Alchemist/Illuminati/Cuthulu Organizations to start collecting them]4. Amend R1764 to read, at the end:
Any Powers that contain the word 'alien', 'ufo', 'gray', 'green', 'occult', 'subterfuge', 'abduction', 'unnatural' or plural thereof, shall also be considered Paranormal Powers. Use by an organization of such a power counts as a non-player entity use of such.
:-\{{[ This part was created due to CnH's mismatched quote marks. ]}}
4. Remove the second occurrence of "The selection of an existing Rule to be abducted by Sinister Aliens is considered a Paranormal Power use by a non player entity." from rule 1131, 'The Sinister Alien Abduction Act.'
5. Remove the second occurrence of:
"Any Powers that contain the word 'alien', 'ufo', 'gray', 'green', 'occult', 'subterfuge', 'abduction', 'unnatural' or plural thereof, shall also be considered Paranormal Powers. Use by an organization of such a power counts as a non-player entity use of such."
from rule 723, 'Organizational Powers'.
{{[ These two sections were added to those rules by both P1801 and P1846. The last section does no damage, because P1846 replaces the text P1801 put there with a new version (actually the same thing.) ]}}
Proposal 1868 - Wed, 26 Mar 1997 09:47:10 -0600
Letting Organizations Accept Gifts
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.{{[ As it stands now, I think it's impossible for new parties to start, unless they were initially churches, because the party doesn't have the ability to accept donations of the money the party needs to buy powers.
There's a really simple fix to this - players can donate gift entities to orgs the same way they can donate to other players. Also let orgs give away gift entities they own (but see R722). If an org wants to deal with tradeable, non-gift entities, they need to buy a trade license. ]}}
{{[ So yes, BAKER is still a generic organization; I assume Mohammed will produce a new version of his Growing Organizations proposal (1852) to fix the other problem with starting a party now. Note, they will still not be able to accept bond promissories without a trade license. ]}}
In Rule 515, "Trading and Gifts", change:
"A Player who owns a gift entity may transfer that entity to another Player by sending a public message announcing the action."
"A Player or organization who owns a gift entity may transfer that entity to another Player or organization as a public action."
Proposal 1869 - Wed, 26 Mar 1997 09:47:12 -0600
repeal rule 1843
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal. Repeal rule 1843.{{[whether or not the ad hoc committee was successfully called, rule 1843 is no longer needed.]}}
Proposal 1870 - Thu, 27 Mar 1997 12:04:40 -0600
Greasing the Wheels of Justice
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
{{[these rule changes have 2 effects. 1 - to have a mechanism where a player can announce their intent to continuously decline CFJ assignemnt, thus saving time when they are selected, and 2 - to put players who deadbeat on CFJs in that mode as well. In either case, a player can easily remove themselves from this mode.]}}======================================================================
I. Amend R 212, "Selecting A Judge", as follows:
a) replace "any other applicable rules" with "any applicable rules" where it appears in the first sentence.
b) add the following text at the end of the rule:
A player whose name appears on the CFJ Ineligibility List (List) is ineligible to be selected as a Judge. As a public action, a player may remove their name from the List if it is on the List, or add their name to the List if it is not there already.Whenever a player is considered a deadbeat as per this rule or rule 213, their name is added to the CFJ Ineligibility List if it is not already there.
{{The CFJ Ineligibility List is destroyed, if it exists, then the CFJ Ineligibility List is created containing no names. This section has precedence over every rule except rule 1121, "This Is Where The Party Ends", to which it defers :) }}
II. Amend R 413, "Clerk of the Court", to add the following section to the end of the rule:
(f) maintaining and making public upon request the CFJ Ineligibility List.
Proposal 1871 - Thu, 27 Mar 1997 12:04:41 -0600
The moment most of us have been waiting for.
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted
Create a new Rule entitled "Entity Transfer Protocol, Part 1" with the following text:{{[The following two rules create a system wherin objects can be traded between nomics. The third provides a means of removing this rule from our ruleset in case something goes wrong]}}
1) There exists the functional office of Customs Officer. The duties and privlidges of the Customs officer are set forth by this rule and by the rule entitled "Entity Transfer Protocol, Part 2: Properties".
2) a) Nomics who have assigned to one of their players the duties and responsibilities similar to those assigned in Ackanomic to the Customs Officer and whose rulesets include a rule or rules substantially similar to Ackanomic's Entity Transfer Protocol will be designated Trade Partners of Ackanomic (in the opinion of the Customs Officers involved). The Customs Officer of Ackanomic shall have final authority to designate Trade Partners of Ackanomic, though it is considered bad form for the Customs Officer to use this power to attempt a scam. Hereafter the unmodified term "Customs Officer" shall be assumed to include both the Customs Officer of Ackanomic and any player in a Trade Partner nomic having duties similar to those of the Customs Officer of Ackanomic.
b) In order to be considered substantially similar to Ackanomic's Entity Transfer Protocol, a rule or rules must specify definitions for all of the properties listed in section 5 below, must specify these definitions in such a way that they will not conflict with the definitions specified by the rules of Ackanomic, and must institute the inspection procedure describe in section 4 below.
3) Only game entities assigned values for the properties listed in section 5 below by the rulesets of their Nomics of Origin may be transferred into Ackanomic or into Trade Partner nomics. Game entities may not be transferred into nomics not recognized as Trade Partners of Ackanomic, and entities originating from nomics not recognized as Trade Partners to Ackanomic may not be transferred into Ackanomic.
4) a) Whenever an entity is transferred into or out of a nomic, an Entity Profile must be communicated to the Customs Officer of both any nomic out of which the entity is being transferred and any nomic into which the entity is being transferred.
b)The transfer shall not take place until all Customs Officers who received the Entity Profile have approved the transfer and have notified their nomics of the transfer by communicating to their nomics the Entity Profiles of the transferred entities, and until 72 hours have passed from the time of such notification without players objecting to the transfer.
c) The Customs Officer must inspect all transfers into and out of his or her nomic and prevent any transfer that will result in an ambiguity in the rules of any nomic.
5) An entity's Entity Profile must specify its values for the following properties:
Entity Behavior Rule
Nomic of Origin***
Create a new rule entitled "Entity Transfer Protocol, Part 2: Properties" with the following text:
In order to be transferred between nomics, an entity must have rule-defined values for the following properties in accordance with the specifications and restrictions set out in the following definitions:
Entity Behavior Rule, or EBR - An entity's EBR becomes a temporary part of a nomic's ruleset when that nomic contains the entity, and is removed from a nomic's ruleset as soon as the entity is no longer present within the nomic. When an EBR becomes part of a nomic's ruleset, it is added as a temporary subsection of a rule specified in that nomic's ruleset as the EBR Host Rule. If a nomic's ruleset does not specify an EBR Host Rule, then that nomic's definition of the EBR property (if there is such a definition) shall be considered to be in conflict with Ackanomic's definition of the EBR property. An entity's EBR may specify properties and states for that entity not defined in this or other rules. The EBR Host Rule for Ackanomic shall be this rule.
Nomic of Origin - The nomic whose rules created the entity and define its properties.
Create a new rule entitled "Entity Transfer Protocol, Part 3: Just in Case" with the following text:
One month after the acceptance of this rule as hearing shall be called to determine if ETP should remain in Ackanomic's ruleset, or if the project was a dismal failure. Valid responses to the hearing are "Yes! We want our ETP" and "No! ETP is bad for me!"
If the results of the hearing is "Yes! We want our ETP" than this rule shall repeal itself. If the result of the hearing is "No! ETP is bad for me!" than this rule, and all other rules created by the proposal which created this rule will be repealed.
{{[This is a test of an Cross-Nomic trading system that Ackanomic has worked on in conjunction with Dr. West of the Pumpkin Patch. PP has recently passed a version of this rule into their ruleset, and it is my sincerest hope that we may soon do the same. Remember: This is only an experiment. If this doens't work out we can always repeal it! ]}}
Proposal 1872 - Thu, 27 Mar 1997 12:04:42 -0600
This Proposal Is Not the Least Bit Self-Referential
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Made Harfy by Vynd on Tue, 1 Apr 1997 13:10:04 -0500 (EST)
Decision: Rejected
Create a new rule entitled "This Rule Is Not the Least Bit Self-Referential" with thte following text:Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
Each Monday at 23:42 if this rule has an even number, or each monday at 11:42 if it has an odd number, Ackanomic Time this rule will ammend itself by attaching the complete text of the last message posted to acka-voting@wilma.che.utexas.edu to itself.
Each Friday, the thirteenth of any month, this rule will create two new rule numbers wx00 and yz00 where w,x,y, and z are the digits contained in this rules number. with the following text:
to infinity and beyond
Proposal 1873 - Thu, 27 Mar 1997 19:59:31 -0600
Another amendment
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposalAmend R1117 by replacing the first paragraph with:
"A player's stars are aligned when, and only when, her score, her number of A$, and the number of accepted proposals she has authored are all prime. A player experiences a minor epiphany as she leaves the Ackanomic Afterlife if and only if her stars were aligned at some point while she was in the Ackanomic Afterlife. A player endures a jolt of personal empowerment only by correctly reporting to a public forum that within the past 24 hours she has had a minor epiphany."
{{[ I'm not sure what the rule means right now because of the last sentence of that paragraph, and because it seemed that there could be some endless chronological problems with the "as she is placed". This amendment would make it all rather clear ]}}
Proposal 1874 - Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:52:18 -0600
More Lands! More Stuff!
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected
This is a Modest proposal.{{ Renumber this rule to 847 }}
There are exactly 879'651kaa of land in the game. However, the nice lands of Acka proper that are in use at any given point in time are surrounded by dense jungles, rocky hills and swamps. To expand the amount of land available in Acka, players must finance the cleaning up. To add one kaa to Acka's lands costs A$1000 to be paid to the Treasury.
If space is required for a new player's home, then it is free. If a player finances the clearing up, then that player owns the land.
If a kaa of land has no house on it, but at least one house built next to it vertically or horizontally, then that land is said to be a Plastik Plantation. If a kaa of land has no house on it, or next to it vertically or horizontally, then that land is said to be a Zlogerium Mine. The Map-Harfer need not label the lands owned by players, the status of the land can be checked when a claim of their use is made.
On the first day of each month, a player may claim to be working their lands, naming one particular land location from the map. If they own that location and it is a Mine or Plantation, then they own an extra 1 kilo of Zlogerium in the case of the former or an extra 1 kilo of Plastik in the latter.
The treasury may claim half of what was produced on the first day of the month from each player. Both plastik and zlogerium are raw materials and tradeable entities.
Proposal 1875 - Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:52:18 -0600
How To Make Gadgets
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.1. Amend R595 part (vi) to read:
" (iv) The ability to create Gadgets is a Privilege of a Scientist. A Scientist may create a Gadget only by performing these tasks, in this order:
(a) choosing a type from those defined by existing Blueprints. If the gadget requires raw material, the Scientist may use that provided by a player or from the Treasury. The raw materials used are destroyed.(b) announcing publicly that a new Gadget of that type is being made. This cannot be done if the Scientist is already in the process of making a Gadget.
(c) building the gadget. This task is completed when the Scientist has spent at least three days building, and the Blueprint defining the type of Gadget to be made has existed for at least one week. The Gadget is created at the end of this time. If it required no raw materials, then it has no owner. If the Treasury provided the raw materials, then the Treasury owns it. If a player provided the raw materials, then the player owns it.
(d) if a gadget has no owner, then announcing publicly that the new Gadget has been built and initiating a public Auction of the Gadget, as defined by Rule 516. Otherwise, announcing the gadget is completed and who its owner is."
2. Amend R594's second paragraph to read:
"An attempt to create a new Blueprint fails if its text does not (a) introduce exactly one new type of Gadget, (b) name the new Gadget type, and (c) unambiguously define the behavior of such a Gadget. A blueprint may state a requirement of various raw materials. If no raw material are mentioned then none are required."3. Amend R935's first line to read:
"The Tradeable Entities known as Processing Chips exist and are considered raw material."
Proposal 1876 - Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:52:20 -0600
Ad Hoc Gaming Fixin
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author
{{[Puts Decks of Cards into G&C. Fixes the proposal procedure clause to rule, fixes the similarly worded clause in Ad Hoc Comittees]}}A proposal that has the following effects
I. Create a new rule entitled "Moving Generic Decks" which contains the following text:
Add a listing to the General Equipment section of Games & Contests. The title of the listing is "Decks of Playing Cards". The description is as follows:
A Deck of Playing Cards (or Deck) consists of some number of elements called Playing Cards (or simply Cards). Cards may not be exchanged between Decks.Unless the description of a specific Deck states otherwise, each Card in a Deck has two attributes, which are normally called suit and rank, and a Deck consists of one card for each combination of suit and rank; these are called the Normal Cards.
The order that the ranks and suits are listed in the definition of a particular deck defines the order of those ranks and suits in any game that cares about the order, unless a different order is specified for that game.
Standard symbols or abbreviations for the suits and ranks can and should be defined in the definition of a deck, to make it easier to write the contents of a player's hand that might contain many cards.
The definition of a particular deck may specify none, some, but not all, of its cards as optional. Upon instantiation, the Acka Rule or Games and Contest rule which is creating the deck may specify the exclusion of any or all of the optional cards in a deck. If no such specification is made, the optional cards are said to be included in that instance of the deck.
II. Create a new rule entitled "Relocating Legacy Decks of Cards" which contains the following text:
Add a listing to the General Equipment section of Games and Contestss. The name of the listing is "Legacy Deck of Cards". The description of the listing is as follows:"
A Legacy Deck of Cards is a Deck of Card. It has four suits: Spades (S), Hearts (H), Diamonds (D), and Clubs (C), and 13 ranks: Ace (A), King (K), Queen (Q), Jack (J), 10, 9, 8,7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2. Spades and Clubs are black. Hearts and Diamonds are red.
There are also two Jokers in this Deck (?1, ?2). Jokers have no suit, rank or color. Jokers are optional.
III. Create a new rule entitled "Relocating Eleusis Decks" which contains the following text:
Add a listing to the General Equipment section of Games & Contests. The title of the listing is "Eleusis Deck". the description of the the listing is as follows:"
An Eleusis Deck is a Deck of Playing Cards.
It has 8 suits: Wands (!), Strudels (@), Pounds (#), Dollars ($), Maces (%), Spears (^), Daemons (&), and Stars (*), and 15 ranks: Suber (S), Nomic (N), Monarch (M), Knave (K), Page (P), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace (A). In addition to the Normal Cards, there are four indistinguishable Wild cards (W) in this Deck which have neither suit nor rank nor color. The Wild cards are optional. In this deck, Wands and Strudels are blue, Pounds and Dollars are green, Maces and Spears are black, and Daemons and Stars are red."
}}IV. In R1201 "Games & Contests" section 9 replace the text :
"Procedure 2:A Game or a an entity from the General Equipment section can be added by a Proposal which has been submitted and accepted according to the Ackanomic Rules. "
With the text
"Procedure 2:
A Game or an entity in the General Equipment section can be added by a rule."V. In R1803 "Ad Hoc Comittees section 1 a is ammended to read in its entirety:
"By a rule which explicitly states that it makes such a call."
Proposal 1877 - Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:52:21 -0600
When Modesty Runs Wild
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author
A proposal to Ammend R207 by appending to section III the following text:
If a Modest proposal ammends a rule that was accepted less than 21 before the proposal was accepted, and the author of that rule is also the author of the proposal, or a Modest proposal ammends a rule that was ammended by a Modest proposal less than 21 days before and the author of the former proposal is also the author of the latter proposal, then the author of the proposal does not receive any points.
Proposal 1878 - Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:52:22 -0600
Ammending Internomic Inerface
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected
Ammend R419 "Ackanomic/Internomic Interface" by inserting the following text after paragraph 4:
If three or more Institutions are in session then the Liasion shall initiate a vote in each of those Institutions to determine how he should cast his vote in Internomic."Replace the text :"In the event that the Senate does no reach a decision" with :"In the even that the majority of Institutions in session do not reach a decision"
Proposal 1879 - Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:52:23 -0600
modest sessions
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author
This is a Modest proposal.Append to R720 "Institutionss" the following text:
6. If no rules define when a given Institution is in session, then it is in session when it has more than 1 member.
"# end
Proposal 1880 - Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:52:23 -0600
Exorcising Demons
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected
This is a Modest proposal.Repeal 1230.18 "Creation of a PartyChessPiece Demon"
Proposal 1881 - Fri, 28 Mar 1997 12:21:07 -0600 (CST)
Ackanomic Bureau of Investigation
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made Harfy by Vynd on Tue, 1 Apr 1997 13:10:04 -0500 (EST)
Decision: Rejected
This is a Modest proposal.{{ Renumber this rule to 262 }}
ABI (also affectionately nicknamed Abby) is an Organization. Any Players may be an ABI Special Agents (SA or agent for short) provided they meet the requirements. The President must appoint a Director from any of the Special Agents if there are any, to be Director for a term of 2 months. No SA may be Director for more than one consecutive term.
ABI has 3 areas of jurisdiction.
1. Violent Crimes (VC)
This deals with events that are considered Crimes under the rules, finding the culprits and building a case.
2. Profiteering (PF)
This deals with financial fraud and wrong doings.
3. Counter Espionage (CE)
This is to investigate possible outside influences from other Nomics in Acka, as well as coordinating with other Nomics to help investigate InterNomic Crimes.Agents are not assigned to specific areas of jurisdiction, but should always be on the look out for any cases that would fall into these categories. Once a problem is identified by a SA, then they should begin to build a case, with evidence, witnesses, for the Director. Once a SA feels he has a strong case he should give it to the Director. If the Director does not approve it, the SA should either leave the case open and move to another, or continue the investigation until the Director is satisfied. Once the Director accepts a case report, then he should pass it on to the proper authority. VC cases should go to the Supreme Court. PF cases to the OotF. CE cases to the Senate. Once the proper authority has accepted a case, then that case is closed. Closed cases may be reopened only with approval of the authority concerned. Open cases may be reopened by any SA. To be a SA, a player must have been a Player in Acka for at least 4 months, have committed no crimes in the last 4 months and be holding no office. A qualifying player becomes a SA by making a public request to become a SA. An agent cannot run or be nominated for office. An agent convicted of a crime must resign from ABI. It is always possible to resign from ABI.
Proposal 1882 - Sat, 29 Mar 1997 00:34:09 -0600
Growing Organizations
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted
This is a modest proposal.Rule 721 (Organizations) is amended by inserting the following text at the end of section 1, as 2 new paragraphs:
Any player may request membership in an Organization. The Organization may then grant the request as a public action. When a request for membership is granted, the player becomes a member of the Organization.
A player-sanctioned Organization may, as a public action, give a particular member the ability to grant any request for membership in that Organization, without waiting around for the consent of the rest of the members. A player-sanctioned Organization may also, as a public action, establish an open admissions policy, which means that anyone can join that Organization at any time.
Proposal 1883 - Sat, 29 Mar 1997 14:49:37 -0600
G&C into Rule Suite - phase I
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted
A proposal that has the following effects:I. Create a rule entitled Games & Contests Rule Suite which contains the following text:
[This is the head of the Games & Contests Rule Suite. Games & Contests include sub games and gaming equipmentthat can be used in subgames. Some of them are maintaiined on a seperate web page, others are in the rule suite][Rules for sub games and gaming equipment]
{{Renumber this rule to 1250 }}
II. Renumber R1201 to 1250.1
Renumber R1203 to 1250.10
Renumber R1205 to 1250.12
Renumber R1207 to 1250.14III. In R1250.1 section 9 delete Procedure 2
{{[This can be done by self deleting rules anyway]}}IV. In R1250.1 ammend section 5d to read in full:
The General Equipment section includes any entity defined in the Games & Contest Rule Suite.
{{[This will not break "spades" since one of the effect of this proposal is to put Decks into the Rule Suites. This also means that all the rulse that apply to GE entities, apply to entities defined within this Rules Suite this proposal does not change functionality, it just relocates stuff]}}V. In R1250.1 ammend section 2 to read in full:
" Games are either listed on the Games & Contests web page which is maintained by the GamesMaster, or as rules which are members of the Games & Contests Rule Suite."Append to section 4 the following text:
" Unless the Game is described in a rule."
Proposal 1884 - Sat, 29 Mar 1997 14:49:37 -0600
Ad Hoc Enhancement
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author
This is a Modest proposal.
Ammed R1803 "Ad Hoc Comittees" in the following ways:I. Delete the text 'Create a new rule entitled "ad hoc comittes" which conatins the following text:'
and the double quote sign that follows it.{{[I don't think that text really made it into that rule, but for some reason it's on the web page]}}
II. Ammend section 1 a to read in full:
"By a rule"III. Append the followign text to section 1 as subsection d:
"This section defers to any rule which empower an Ad Hoc Comittee with regards to the procedures that are considered to valid calls only for the specific type of comittee which is empowered by that rule."{{[We may want to have some Comittees that only the Senate can call, or that can be called only under certain circumstances, or perhap we might to be able to call specific comittees under different situations. The exisitng calls should provide for most cases, though]}}
IV. Append to section the following text:
If a comittee is called on a specific case on which another comittee has already called in the same calnder month, then the call is void and is ignored. " V. Append the following text as section 6: " If a comittee has been called on a matter, and there already exists a comittee that has been called on the same matter, then the Speaker has the privilege to decide that the existing comittee will decide on the new case as well. In such a case the Comittee dissolves when it has posted its decisions on all cases assigned to it. Members of the Comittee have the option to decline the new case. If the number of members left on the Comittee from below five, then the Speaker shall appoint new members according to the procedure described in section 3 of this rule. In any case the decision of the Comittee is binding to the specific case on which it has decided. A decision made by an Ad Hoc Comittee can be overturned according to the rule which empower the that Ad Hoc Comittee. "
Proposal 1885 -
Sat, 29 Mar 1997 23:40:18 -0600
Veto Votes
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected
{{[this creates a type of vote called a Veto Vote that is similar in restrictions on its usage and acquisition to the Bonus Vote. Currently there are no ways described in the rules to acquire a Veto Vote, but that was also the case when Bonus Votes were created, as I recall]}}===================================================================
I. Amend rule 313, "Proposal Bribery", to replace "Bonus" with "Special" in section II. D.
II. Amend rule 317, "Bonus Votes", so that its title is "Special Votes", and so that its text is:
{{0. All extant Bonus Votes are converted to Special Votes of Type Bonus Vote.}}1. Special Votes are tradeable entities. There are two types of Special Votes: Bonus Votes and Veto Votes. Use of a Special Vote by a player constitutes the use of a Paranormal Power by a player entity.
2. A player can own at most five Special Votes at an given time. If a Player who already owns five Special Votes receives an additional Special Vote, by any means, the additional Special Vote is destroyed.
3. Special Votes are used in the following manner - The owning player sends a message to the Tabulator that e is casting eir Special Vote of a specific type e owns on a specific proposal, and (in the case of Bonus Votes), the legal type of Vote that Bonus Vote represents. When the results of that proposal are distributed by the Tabulator, the Special Vote is destroyed.
4. If the Special Vote was a Bonus Vote, the specified type of vote shall then be counted as a vote on that proposal. If the Special Vote was a Veto Vote, then the required number of YES votes for the proposal to be accepted is one more than the total number of YES and NO votes legally cast on the proposal within the prescribed voting period. This paragraph takes precedence over rule 106.
5. A Player can only cast a Special Vote e owns. A particular Special Vote can only be cast once. Any attempt to cast a Special Vote fails if it does not meet the restrictions in the rules.
6. A voting player can use at most one Special Vote per proposal. A voting Player can use at most one Special Vote on any string of three consecutive proposals. On any single proposal, at most four Bonus Votes are counted. If more than four Bonus Votes were sent to the Tabulator on a single proposal, only the last four valid Bonus Votes to have arrived before the end of the voting are counted, the rest are destroyed. Non-voting players may not use Special Votes.
7. Other rules may specify means by which Special Votes are acquired or destroyed, subject to the restrictions in this rule.
8. A voting player may pay $A150 to the Treasury to declare any one proposal in the voting queue to be a Guarded Proposal. Special Votes may not used on a Guarded Proposal. Special Votes already cast on that proposal have mo effect, and any player who cast a Special Vote that was nullified in this manner is given one Special Vote of the same type as compensation.
9. A proposal is invalid if is submitted within 30 days of a proposal on which a Veto Vote was cast, and the proposal would have a game effect, if adopted, that is substantially similar to the game effect that the proposal on which the Veto Vote was cast would have had if it would have been adopted.
Proposal 1886 - Sun, 30 Mar 1997 01:49:42 -0600
Saving Bandwidth
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected
This is a Modest proposal.{{[at least 2 newspapers this month have wasted bandwidth with filler for the sole purpose of complying with this rule. I'm not terribly opposed to that, (just somewhat), but I want to make sure that there is a clear mandate from Acka to fill players' mailboxes with filler :)]}}
Amend rule 925, "The Press", to remove:
A newspaper must publish at least one article during each calendar month, or it will cease to exist. When this happens, the newspaper is said to have gone belly-up.
Proposal 1887 - Sun, 30 Mar 1997 10:19:01 -0600
Ackanomic Extermination Company
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Rejected
There exists an unownable entity known as the Ackanomic Extermination Company. All employees of the Ackanomic Extermination Company are Sharp Dressed Men. Every woman's crazy about a sharp dressed man.The fact that every woman's crazy about a sharp dressed man does not prevent TMBG from being the official band of Ackanomic.
The Ackanomic Extermination Company can collect fees for services rendered.
The Ackanomic Extermination Company is, in reality, a cleverly disguised subsidiary of the Narfalone family. All fees paid to the Ackanomic Extermination Company are turned over to the Narfalone family.
Proposal 1888 - Sun, 30 Mar 1997 11:34:30 -0600
Reorganization IV
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.{{[
Hopefully the last re-org ;). This has 2 main parts and some miscellany.
The first moves the winning conditions into the end of cycle section (600s). Makes sense to me, and unclutters the 200s.
The second moves all the organizational stuff into the empty block of the 1000 series wich can be called "Organizations, Institutions, and Committees". Even though they are, for the most part, together now, they are butted up against the crime.
This also internally organizes them better. Since some of the rules are new, I'm not sure there is an accociation of them with the mid 700s anyway; I still associate the 700s with the crime stuff.
I. [Move winning conditions to end of cycle area - 600s]
Renumber R 219, "Winning by Paradox", to 601.
Renumber R 220, "Winning by POints", to 603.
Renumber R 221, "Winning is Inherently Amusing (or Winning by Palindrome), to 605.
Renumber R 222, "Winning by Finding the Crystal Chalice", to 607.
Renumber R 222.1, "Vault Divination", to 607.1.
Renumber R 235, "Chartreuse Goose", to 620.II. [Move org, etc stuff to their own block in the empty 1000s]
Renumber R 720, "Institutions", to 1001.
Renumber R 721, "Organizations", to 1003.
Renumber R 722, "Organizational Action", to 1005.
Renumber R 723, "Organizational Powers", to 1007.
Renumber R 725, "Big Tents and Rewarding Party Unity", to 1009.
Renumber R 730, "Trade Licenses", to 1011.
Renumber R 733, "Secret Laboratories", to 1013.
Renumber R 726, "Party Hall", to 1040.
Renumber R 727, "Party Hall Party", to 1042.
Renumber R 728, "Swingpoints", to 1044.
Renumber R 729, "Another Truly Deplorable Pun", to 1046.
Renumber R 724, "Organized Crime", to 1060.
Renumber R 1803, "ad hoc committees" to 1080, and change its title to "Ad Hoc Committees".III. [misc stuff]
Renumber R 261, "Dealing with the Paranormal", to 1118.
[the following may be invalid rule changes. Internomic entity trading, regardless of how we do it, should be with entities and trading.]
Renumber R 1871.1, "Entity Transfer Protocol, Part 1" to 530, and amend it to remove the first occurrance of the word "functional". {{[making the CO a functional officer does not fit the taxonimy of the offices.]}}
Renumber R 1871.2, "Entity Transfer Protocol, Part 2: Properties" to 531.
Renumber R 1871.3, "Entity Transfer Protocol, Part 3: Just in Case" to 532.Renumber R 1872, "This Rule Is Not the Least Bit Self-Referential" to 1133.
IV. [Bad pointer fixup]
Amend Rule 1011, "Trade Licenses", to replace "722" with "1005".
Amend Rule 1115, "Fulfilling Campaign Promises", to replace "in accordance with R727" with "when directed by the rules".
Proposal 1889 - Sun, 30 Mar 1997 11:34:31 -0600
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted
A rule is created in the Party Chess Rule Suite, titled "Party Chess Piece Cantor", and reading:---
A Cantor is a piece with a material worth of 5, represented by the character % .A Cantor may move one or two squares in any diagonal direction. It may move over pieces in its path. A piece that has a distance of 1 from a Cantor may move or capture by moving up to 4 squares in any diagonal direction, moving over pieces in its path.
Proposal 1890 - Mon, 31 Mar 1997 09:34:20 -0600
Giving the Praetor some Slack
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.{{[there was a situation where the Praetor was an interested party, and would have had to go on vacation to avoid CoI. Lets try to fix that; vacations are for vacationing.]}}
Amend rule 425, "Praetor", as follows:
I. [using the standard office rules]
Replace, section I, which reads:
I. The Office of the Praetor is a Political Office. It has one seat. If the seat is vacant, it shall be filled by Nomination and Election for Office. Should either of these terms be nonexistent, the Clerk of the Court may appoint any eligible player to the seat. To be eligible for Nomination and Election or appointment by the Clerk of the Court, a player must be active and one or more of the followinga) a Bronze Torch holderRegardless of any other eligibility, a current Justice or Acting Justice is never eligible.
b) eligible to receive a Bronze Torch
c) the owner of a Gold Stripe or Ruby Slipper
d) a former Supreme Court Justice
e) enshrined in the Hall of EldersIf the seat is vacant and there are no eligible players, the seat remains vacant.
If appointed (not elected) to the Office of Praetor, a player has three days to accept the Office. If he does not do so within that time, the appointment is declared void.
I. The Office of the Praetor is a Political Office. To be eligible for the office, a player must be active and one or more of the following:a) a Bronze Torch holderRegardless of any other eligibility, a current Justice or Acting Justice is never eligible.
b) the owner of a Gold Stripe or Ruby Slipper
c) a former Supreme Court Justice
d) enshrined in the Hall of Elders
"II. [allowed abdication]
Replace section II, which reads:
II. If an Acting Justice needs to be selected because of a Justice's Vacation, the Praetor shall be selected before other eligible players, if not already an Acting Justice; if the Praetor cannot be selected, players eligible to be Praetor shall be selected before other players.
II. If an Acting Justice needs to be selected because of a Justice's Vacation, the Praetor shall be selected before other eligible players, if not already an Acting Justice; if the Praetor cannot be selected, or the Praetor abdicates the appoinment, players eligible to be Praetor shall be selected before other players.
"III. [one less thing to track, and another out in a CoI situation]
replace section IV, which reads:
IV. The Praetor may not decline Judgment. When a CFJ is submitted to him, he is assumed to have immediately accepted it. He may send a CFJ to the Supreme Court, though he may do this only if he has not submitted a CFJ to the Supreme Court within the last 14 days. If e does this, he is not required to deliver a verdict.
IV. The Praetor may not decline Judgment. When a CFJ is submitted to him, he is assumed to have immediately accepted it. He may send a CFJ to the Supreme Court, and if e does this, he is not required to deliver a verdict.
Proposal 1891 - Mon, 31 Mar 1997 09:34:22 -0600
Banana Business
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.----------------------------------------------------------------------
Amend R 923, "The Amber Banana", to replace:
The Amber Banana, and the tree it grows on, are entities, and can only be destroyed by Acid Rain.
Amber Bananas are Tradeable entities. The tree they grow on is an entity that can only be destroyed by Acid Rain.
Proposal 1892 - Mon, 31 Mar 1997 09:34:23 -0600
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Rejected
This is a modest proposalThere exists a unique entity known as the Shotgun. The Shotgun is a normal looking shotgun.
The owner of the Shotgun may purchase shotgun shells, if such things exist. For every shotgun shell e buys, e may shoot 1 (one) time at the Chartreuse Goose.
When a player fires the Shotgun at the Chartreuse Goose, one of the following things, randomly determined, will happen.
Random event A: The loud noise will frighten the Chartreuse Goose and it shall fly away to somewhere else.
Random event B: The shell hits the Chartreuse Goose, injuring it grievously, causing the following to occur: The Chartreuse Goose may never fly again, and permanently remains with the player that currently has it. In addition, rule 235 is ammended to read in total "Let a unique, nontradeable, non-mimsy entity exist named the Chartreuse Goose. "
Random event C: The Shotgun misses, destroying a random trinket owned by the player who has the Chartreuse Goose. If 'e has no trinkets, the Shotgun damages his house and e must pay A$25 to have it repaired.
Random event D: The Shotgun explodes, scarring the face of the player who fired it for life. The Shotgun is destroyed, and another one is instantly created in accordance with this rule.
When a Shotgun is first created, it is owned by the player to most recently become a scientist, unless that player owns more than $A300 in which case it is auctioned off in a shubik auction.
Proposal 1893 - Mon, 31 Mar 1997 09:34:24 -0600
Narf (Joshua Nave)
Decision: Rejected
Create a new rule with the following text:When a rule number is changed, all rules that refer to that rule are ammended by changing the rule number pointers to reflect the new number.
Proposal 1894 - Mon, 31 Mar 1997 22:38:19 -0600
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: retracted by author
{[The current rules on the W-File Pair don't mesh very well with the rules on telepathy and telekinesis right now. Their alien sedative probably wouldn't remove telepathic or telekinetic powers since neither is actualy defined as a Paranormal Power in and of itself. Hence this tinkering. I know it reads kind of awkwardly, but I had to work it so the bit about the weather ballons still fit :)]Ammend Rule 1117 by deleting the last paragraph and replacing it with the following:
So long as a player has the ability to use telepathy and/or telekinesis, she may make as many uses of it as she likes. However, telepathy and telekinesis are Paranormal Powers. However, if a player uses either telepathy or telekinesis it is not treated as a use of a Paranormal Power unless she has already used that same power within the last 17 days (408 hours). It's just considered to be another wind sheared weather balloon and it is good form for senators to publicly deny everything about the incident. If, however, the player uses telepathy or telekinesis twice in a 17 day (408) hour period, then the player will be treated as having used that Paranormal Power. This paragraph takes precedence over Rule 261 Dealing with the Paranormal.}
Proposal 1895 - Tue, 1 Apr 1997 00:06:31 -0600
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal[The current rules on the W-File Pair don't mesh very well with the rules on telepathy and telekinesis right now. Their alien sedative probably wouldn't remove telepathic or telekinetic powers since neither is actualy defined as a Paranormal Power in and of itself. Hence this tinkering. I know it reads kind of awkwardly, but I had to work it so the bit about the weather ballons still fit :)]
Ammend Rule 1117 by deleting the last paragraph and replacing it with the following:
So long as a player has the ability to use telepathy and/or telekinesis, she may make as many uses of it as she likes. However, telepathy and telekinesis are Paranormal Powers. However, if a player uses either telepathy or telekinesis it is not treated as a use of a Paranormal Power unless she has already used that same power within the last 17 days (408 hours). It's just considered to be another wind sheared weather balloon and it is good form for senators to publicly deny everything about the incident. If, however, the player uses telepathy or telekinesis twice in a 17 day (408) hour period, then the player will be treated as having used that Paranormal Power. This paragraph takes precedence over Rule 261 Dealing with the Paranormal.
Proposal 1896 - Tue, 1 Apr 1997 00:19:34 -0600
No Sanctuary
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected
This is a Modest Proposal.Repeal Rule 1315 (Church Sanctuary).
[Now that you can take the altar by the horns, Sanctuary is no fun.]
Proposal 1897 - Tue, 1 Apr 1997 12:02:47 -0600
Honoring All Fool's Day
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.Replace the text of Rule 207.2 ["That's just silly"] with the following:
If an accepted proposal contains the phrase "cows eat grass", then the player who submitted the proposal is said to be silly, and shall score 5 points. However, if the proposal was also distributed by the Promoter on April First (All Fool's Day), the player is instead said to be foolish, and shall score 10 points.
{{[Remember that even if Mohammed distributes this today and it is accepted, it will not apply to itself (though it might apply to other proposals distributed after me).]}}
Proposal 1898 - Tue, 1 Apr 1997 17:39:51 -0600
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted
A new Rule is created in the Party Chess Rule Suite, titled "Party Chess Piece Zombie", and reading:---
A Zombie is a piece with a material value of 4, represented by the character Z.A Zombie can move up to three spaces horizontally or vertically. At the end of a turn in which a Zombie Captures, it promotes to the type of the piece it captured, if the Swinger specifies this when announcing the Capture.
Proposal 1899 - Wed, 2 Apr 1997 17:32:35 -0600
Ad Hoc Enhancement
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest proposal.Ammend R1803 "Ad Hoc Comittees" in the following ways:
I. Delete the text 'Create a new rule entitled "ad hoc comittes" which conatins the following text:'
and the double quote sign that follows it.
{{[I don't think that text really made it into that rule, but for some reason it's on the web page]}}
II. Ammend section 1 a to read in full:
"By a rule"
III. Append the following text to section 1 as subsection d: "This section defers to any rule which empower an Ad Hoc Comittee with regards to the procedures that are considered to valid calls only for the specific type of comittee which is empowered by that rule."
{{[We may want to have some Comittees that only the Senate can call, or that can be called only under certain circumstances, or perhap we might to be able to call specific comittees under different situations. The exisitng calls should provide for most cases, though]}}
IV. Append to section 2 the following text:
If a comittee is called on a specific case on which another comittee has already been called in the same calnder month, then the call is void and is ignored.
V. Append the following text as section 6:
If a comittee has been called on a matter, and there already exists a comittee that has been called on the same matter, then the Speaker has the privilege to decide that the existing comittee will decide on the new case as well. In such a case the Comittee dissolves when it has posted its decisions on all cases assigned to it. Members of the Comittee have the option to decline the new case. If the number of members left on the Comittee from below five, then the Speaker shall appoint new members according to the procedure described in section 3 of this rule.
In any case the decision of the Comittee is binding to the specific case on which it has decided. A decision made by an Ad Hoc Comittee can be overturned according to the rule which empower the that Ad Hoc Comittee. "
Proposal 1900 - Wed, 2 Apr 1997 18:48:59 -0600
Repeal Special DD-Turns
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.[This changes Party Chess's method for resolving multiple check; i.e. the case in which no one is in check, and then a Swinger makes a play that puts two or more Swingers in check. Why not let the checked Swingers play sequentially? I've discussed this with Niccolo Flychuck, and he objects, but I think his objections are very abstract so I'll just throw this out and see what people think.
IMHO, the DD-turn rules give undue attention to a *very* rare corner case at best, and can result in un-fun play and a stalled game at worst.]
In this proposal, text to be deleted from a rule is quoted line-by-line using < marks, and text to be added to a rule is quoted using >s. These symbols are not part of the actual text to be added or removed.
Rule 1230.2 (Swingers Like to Play Around II - Let's Play) is amended in the following ways:
by replacing this:
< D. When two or more Swingers are checked simultaneously, the names of < all of the checked Swingers are moved to the top of the list, and a < Special DD-Turn occurs. [This is detailed in section 7.B. of this < rule.] When the Special DD-Turn is resolved, the Chess-Umpire places < the names of those Swingers at the bottom of the Swinger Play List, in < random order.with this:> D. When two or more Swingers are checked simultaneously, their > names are moved up in the list in such a way that each checked > Swinger's name appears above all the non-checked Swingers' names, > but the order of the checked Swingers's names relative to one > another is unchanged. (That is, if Swinger A appears above Swinger > B in the list, and then A and B are checked, then Swinger A and > Swinger B will both move up toward the top of the list, but Swinger > A will still appear above Swinger B.)and by deleting this:< In the case of a Special DD-Turn, if the checked Swinger's Office is < still Warm the second time a conflict is declared, then he Surrenders. < However, he is still counted for the purpose of determining the number < of repetitions of the procedure described in section 7.B.(i)-(iii) of < this Rule.and by replacing this:< played at least once, and at least one Swinger played only once, where < a Special DD-Turn counts as a play for each Swinger taking part in < that turn, in eir capacity as Swinger.with this:> played at least once, and at least one Swinger played only once.and by replacing this:< made as a public action, except in the case of a Special DD-Turn < [described in section 7.B. of this Rule].with this:> made as a public action.and by deleting the little subsection-marker "A." at the beginning of the first paragraph in section 7 ("Chess"), because it doesn't need to be sub-sectioned anymore;and by deleting subsection 7.B.
[ --to wit:
< B. If two or more Swingers are checked simultaneously then the < procedure described in subsection (i)-(vi) of this section is carried < out. This procedure is called a Special DD-Turn. If the Chess-Umpire < is one of the checked Swingers then e shall appoint an Assistant < Chess-Umpire, who takes over the role of the Chess-Umpire for the < duration of the Special DD-Turn. < < The Assistant Chess-Umpire may be any player, other than a checked < Swinger, who is willing and able to fulfill the Chess-Umpire's Duties < temporarily. If an Assistant Chess-Umpire is needed but there is no < such person, all checked Swingers automatically Surrender and the < Special DD-Turn ends. < < If the Special DD-Turn is followed by another Special DD-Turn, then < the Assistant Chess-Umpire may continue to act in that capacity until < that turn is resolved as well, unless he is a checked Swinger in that < Special DD-Turn, in which case another Assistant Chess-Umpire is < appointed in eir stead. < < Once an Assistant Chess-Umpire is no longer needed, that is, a Special < DD-Turn has ended and the following turn is a normal turn, the < Assistant Chess-Umpire resigns, and the position ceases to exist until < it is needed again. When it is required that an Assistant < Chess-Umpire be appointed, the turn begins as soon as the Assistant < Chess-Umpire is appointed. < < (i) Each of the checked Swingers mails eir play by private e-mail < to the Chess-Umpire. < < (ii) If there is no conflict between the plays, then the Chess-Umpire < announces the plays publically and updates the Party Board < accordingly. < < (iii) If there is a conflict between the plays, then the Chess-Umpire < announces this fact publically, the plays are not played, and each of < the checked Swingers must again mail eir plays privately to the < Chess-Umpire. < < (iv) If the Chess-Umpire decides that there are no possible moves that < would not result in conflict, then e must announce that fact, and all < of the checked Swingers then Surrender. If any Swinger remains in a < state of check for two consecutive iterations of a Special DD-Turn, < then the Chess-Umpire declares that Swinger to have Surrendered, and < all pieces of that Swinger immediately become off-board. This does < not change the value of cp. < < (v) If after 4+cp repetitions of the procedure described in steps < (i)-(iii), the Swingers' plays still result in conflict, where cp is < the number of checked Swingers, then the Chess Umpire announces that < fact, and all of the checked Swingers automatically Surrender. < < (vi) The Special DD-Turn plays conflict if any one or more of the < following are true: < < (a) Two or more of the plays call for pieces to move to or capture < pieces on the same square. < < (b) One or more of the plays calls for a movement of or capture using < a piece that is the target of a capture in one of the other plays. < < (c) The result of the plays would be that at least one of the checked < Swingers would still be in Check. ]