Proposal Archive (3501-3550)

Proposal 3501 - Sat 29 Aug 1998 13:51 EDT
The World's A Twisted Place
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

{{[ In my game of Bacon with K 2, it turned into a contest of trying to find the most obscure actron that the other player had never heard of. Just to provide a little bit of a guard against that... Unfortunately, it will slow the game down a bit, but hopefully not too badly. ]}}

Amend Rule 1250.22, "Bacon", by replacing the following text(delimited by WAYNE):

The game consists of a series of rounds. At the start of each round, each player must privately email the name of an actor or actress(hereafter referred to as an actron), who has appeared in at least one movie as specified in the Movie Database. This naming period is over when both players have named an actron, or three days have passed since the referee announced the start of the round, whichever comes first; in the latter case, if one player named an actron and the other did not, then the first player wins the round, and if neither named an actron then the round is a draw.

The referee then posts the names of both actrons. The players have three days to either object to each others' selection, or to state that they are satisfied with it. If the three days pass with no objections, or both players state that they are satisfied, then the actrons are deemed to be accepted. If one or both players object, then the referee must rule on each actron thus objected to. If the referee rules that the actron is too obscure, then the player who selected that actron loses one Gamepoint. If the referee rules that the actron is not too obscure, then the player who objected loses one Gamepoint. If one or both actrons is rules to be too obscure, then the naming period begins again(and both players must email the name of another actron to the referee), otherwise play proceeds.

{{[ A lot rests on the referee here, but e can certainly use the Movie Database to determine how many movies an actron has been in, if nothing else. Or ask for information privately from the player who suggested em. ]}}

Replace the text "After the actrons have been named for a round" with "After the actrons are accepted".

Replace the text "from the time the naming period ends" with "from the time the actrons are accepted".

Replace the text "The winner of a round receives a Gamepoint" with "The winner of a round receives 2 Gamepoints".

Replace the text "first player to obtain 5 Gamepoints" with "first player to obtain 10 Gamepoints".

Proposal 3502 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:39 EDT
Nameless Thing #-1
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest proposal

Amend subsection IIe of rule 250 ("Players and Player States") to replace "the length of time since they first registered as a Player of Ackanomic (or when the game started, whichever is less)." with "the length of time since they first registered as a Player of Ackanomic (or since when the game started, whichever is less)."

{{[An age is not a date.]}}

Replace subsection VIb of rule 250 with "b) All of eir tradeable entities are transferred to the treasury; all remaining entites owned be em are destroyed."

{{[Why should the Treasury own pointy ears?]}}

Amend rule 251 ("Player Names") by replacing the SEMISCAMMY-delimited text below with the SOMEWHATSAFER text below

If the Registrar acknowledges a legal name change, or after three days have passed if the Registrar neither acknowledges the change nor objects to it(andthe new name complies with all applicable rules), then the name change is accepted and occurs, at which time the player in question shall pay the Standard Harfer Fee.

If the Registrar acknowledges a legal name change, or after three days have passed if the Registrar (or, in the case of an attempt by the Registrar to change eir name, neither the President nor any Senator) neither acknowledges the change nor objects to it (and the new name complies with all applicable rules), then the name change is accepted and occurs, at which time the player in question shall pay the Standard Harfer Fee.

Proposal 3503 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:40 EDT
Making postive trades explicit
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.
Regardless of the success of my recent gifts of negative A$, the rule should be explicit so that it is not attempted again.

Append the following text as delimited by NONEG to Rule 515, Trading and Gifts
A trade or gift must specify a positive, integral amount of entities to be traded.

Proposal 3504 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:41 EDT
Of course you know this means....
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

To the rule harfer, Please add the following text to the rules as rule number 1399:
Tammany may hold offices, own entities and have titles. The previous sentence has precedence over all rules concerning what non-players can and cannot hold or own.

{{All entities owned by the player legally able to take the name Slakko are transferred into the possession of Tammany.
All offices held by the player legally able to take the name Slakko are instead held by Tammany.
All titles held by the player legally able to take the name Slakko are given to Tammany.

The player legally able to take the name Slakko is converted into a discovery. Slakko is Debunked.}}
And if you would be so kind as to perform the following changes:

I. Insert the following between sections III and IV of Rule 594 (Blueprint Rule Suite) as a new section:
IV. A Blueprint may be Debunked. When a Blueprint is Debunked that rule is repealed.

II. Re-Numeral the Sections in Rule 594 (Blueprint Rule Suite) consecutively starting a I.

III. Amend Section I of Rule 595 (Gadgets) by inserting the text "or debunked" after "If a Gadget's Blueprint is repealed".
An active voting player with the name Slakko is created and associated with the natural person called Duncan Richer.
All entities owned by Tammany are transferred into the possession of Slakko.
All offices held by Tammany are instead held by Slakko.
All titles held by Tammany are given to Slakko.
Repeal Rule 1399.

{{[Okay, I relent]}}

Proposal 3505 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:42 EDT
Just my Finger
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
This is a Modest Proposal.
Debunk Rule 594.24 (Blueprint: Finger of Justice).

Proposal 3506 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:43 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
This is a modest proposal.
DEBUNK The blueprint for the Bonus Vote Add-On (Rule 594.11)

Proposal 3507 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:44 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
This is a modest proposal.
DEBUNK The blueprint for the Gimme Shelter (Rule 594.12)

Proposal 3508 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:45 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
This is a modest proposal.
DEBUNK The blueprint for the Cheez-Whiz (Rule 594.14)

Proposal 3509 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:46 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
This is a modest proposal.
DEBUNK The blueprint for the Pulse Laser (Rule 594.15)

Proposal 3510 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:47 EDT
Training Regime fix
JT (JT Traub)
Status: retracted

This is a modest proposal.
In rule 1390.6, replace 23 with 16. {{[this puts the value back in line]}}
Renumber rule 1390.6 so that it is a member of the Otzma Card Rule Suite.

Proposal 3511 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:48 EDT
My First Proposal - Start With A Bang
Studge (Tom Mueller)
Decision: rejected

This is a grandiose proposal.

This proposal gives purpose to the Grey Council, allows the game to enter a game state known as Jihad (which warriors and workers should like), and let's each caste gain thralls in a thematically acceptable way: warriors by duel (requiring modifications of the games suite), workers by purchase, religious by punishment (requiring the creation of a Cultural Conduct Rule Suite). And if you were wondering, the {{[ stuff ]}} format is unnecessary because the actual proposal isn’t becoming a rule and that format only applies to actual rule text.

***This is the Grey Council Stuff:***

Amend Rule 1031/0 (Grey Council) by adding to the beginning:

Section 1 Council Formation

and adding to the end:

Section 2 Council Duties

If nine seats of the Grey Council are full then a Grey Proposal may be put before the Grey Council by publicly posting it. This causes the Grey Council to consider the Grey Proposal unless it is already considering one, in which case the post is ignored. Grey Proposals are considered by holding a hearing on em that may only be voted on by members of the Grey Council (whether normal or temporary). The player who posted the Grey Proposal is the Hearing Harfer. Only Grey Proposals outlined in the rules may be validly posted and considered.

Valid Grey Proposals include and may be resolved in the following circumstances:

a) A member of the Grey Council can make a Grey Proposal that Ackanomic enter the state of Jihad. Valid responses are "Kill the heretics!" and “I have a headache!” If six responses or more are "Kill the heretics!" then Ackanomic enters or stays in the state of Jihad, otherwise the game enters or stays in its normal, non-Jihad state.

b) A member of the Religious Caste can make a valid Grey Proposal that a new rule be added to the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite if that proposal contains the text of the rule, and the text meets all requirements for addition to the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite. Valid responses are "Yes, traditional values of Harf must be preserved!" and “I’m getting sick of remembering all this silly protocol!” If three responses or more are "Yes, traditional values of Harf must be preserved!" then the proposal is added to the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite as proposed.

c) A member of the Grey Council can makes a Grey Proposal to strike a rule from the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite. Valid responses are vote "Those crazy Harf priests are at it again!" and “You would defile the sacred rituals of Harf!?” If seven responses or more are "Those crazy Harf priests are at it again!" then the noted rule is repealed from the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite.

Section 3 Council Tricks

a) Grey Bonus Votes

(i) If a player publicly destroys four of eir Bonus Votes and claims a Grey Bonus Vote for emself, then a tradable entity known as a Grey Bonus Vote shall be created in eir possession of which only one may be owned by any specific player. If more than one would be owned by a single player, all but one are destroyed.

(ii) Using a Grey Bonus Vote causes the destruction of the Grey Bonus Vote and causes a player to become a Temporary Grey Council Member for eir caste until such time as one Grey Proposal has been considered with this player as a Temporary Grey Council Member.

(iii) Only one Temporary Grey Council Member may exist at a time. Grey Bonus Votes used while a Temporary Grey Council Member exists, or used by a normal member of the Grey Council result only in the destruction of the Grey Bonus Vote.


***This is stuff which relates to the Worker Caste’s new thrall process. It lets them buy Thralls with permission out of Jihad and without permission during.***

Amend Rule 440/0 (Thrallmaster) by replacing:

(i) To maintain a list of player Thrall Attributes.

(ii) To publicly announce whenever a Thrall Attribute has changed.


(i) To maintain a list of player Thrall Attributes.

(ii) To maintain a count of how many times a player's Thrall Attribute has been changed due to Rule 1032 since all Thrall Attributes were changed to the null string (i.e."").

(iii) To maintain a record of the last time any player held a Caste Title for eir Caste. [These are based on Thralls so despite the name this is appropriate.]

(iv) To publicly announce whenever a Thrall Attribute has changed and how.


Create a rule numbered 1032 titled "Worker Caste" with the text:

On each Monday at 12:01 AM the member of the Worker Caste who is Overlord to more players than any other member of the Worker Caste is given the Caste Title "Merchant Prince". If there are ties, these are broken in favor of whichever player most recently held a Caste Title. Remaining ties are broken randomly.

When one Player (E) is another player's (F's) overlord, Player (E) may transfer this status to a member of the Worker Caste (G) with the attendant change of (F's) Thrall Attribute as if the thrall were a traded entity.

The Thrall Value associated with any player's Thrall Attribute is A$ (50*(The number of times a player's Thrall Attribute has been changed due to Rule 1032 since all Thrall Attributes were changed to the null string) + 100*(The number of Thralls held by the player changing the Thrall Attribute in question) + 100).

During Jihad, a member of the Worker Caste may change Thrall Attributes as public actions provided:
a)If the Thrall Attribute e is changing is "", then e gives the Thrall Value to the player whose attribute is being changed.
b)If the Thrall Attribute e is changing is other than "", then e gives the Thrall Value to the player indicated by the Thrall Attribute.
c)E changes the thrall attribute to eir own name if it is some other player's Thrall Attribute.
d)E changes the Thrall Attribute to "" if it is eir own Thrall Attribute.
e)E is more than two Thralls away from being Overlord of more than 60% of all Active Players.
f) E has not changed a Thrall Attribute in this way during this day or the previous two.
g)E includes a description of the greedy little jig e does if eir action is successful.

When the Ackanomic game state is changed to Jihad all Workers must begin overproducing the basic necessities of life to allow the Priests and Warriors to focus on preparation, then the next day at 12:02AM every member of the Worker Caste will receive an equal share of the Food Fund, If money remains in the Food Fund, A$1 from it will be given to each member of the caste with the smallest amount of money. On each third day that Jihad continues, the Food Fund will again be distributed in this way.


***This section of the proposal modifies Dueling to permit warriors to engage in Caste Duels with other players for Thrall by fiddling with the Dueling Rule, The Games and Contests Suite and creating a Warrior Rule. It is edited in sections so that if Proposal 3480 passes then the parts that it will change are left as changed.***

Amend Rule 1215/10 (Duels) by replacing the current text:

1. Any player who feels offended by another player, or is engaged in a heated discussion with another player, may challenge that player to a duel, subject to the limitations described below.

2. The procedure for challenging and conducting a duel is as follows:

The Challenging player finds another player who agrees to be their Second. The Challenger gives their Second the name of the player he wishes to Challenge, and the reason for the Challenge.

The Second posts a public message, which announces the name of the Challenging player, the name of the Challenged player, the reason for the Challenge, and the fact that a Challenge has been made.

The Challenged player has 3 days to find another player who agrees to be their Second and have the Second respond to the message publicly. The message must contain the following information: The Challenge it is a reply to, and a Game or Contest chosen by the Challenged player for the Duel, or an explicit waiver of the privilege of choosing the Game or Contest. If there is no response to the Challenge within the 3 days, or the Challenged player declines the Challenge, or the response does not conform to the rules preceding, then the Challenged player forfeits the Duel. The Game or Contest (hereafter called Contest) chosen for the Duel must be one in the Games and Contests Rule Suite. Moreover, it must be playable by exactly two players, or two teams of two players each and have definitive rules for determining a winner, or a winning team. If the chosen contest is for two teams, then each of the participants of the Duel teams up with eir respective Second. If the Challenging player, the Challenged player, and the two Seconds are not four different players, then the team option is not available and the contest chosen must be playable by exactly two players.

If the Challenged player waived the privilege of choosing a Contest, the Challenging player may choose a Contest.


1. Any player who feels offended by another player, or is engaged in a heated discussion with another player, may challenge that player to a duel, subject to the limitations described below.

2. The procedure for challenging and conducting a duel is as follows:

The Challenging player finds another player who agrees to be eir Second. The Challenger gives eir Second the name of the player e wishes to Challenge, the reason for the Challenge, and whether or not the Duel is to be a Caste Duel. A Caste Duel may not be chosen if there are not at least two Games or Contests in the Games and Contests Rule Suite which declare themselves to be Caste Compatible in their rule section and/or, either the Challenger or Challenged are members of the Warrior Caste and within two Thralls from being Overlord of more than 60% of all Active Players.

If the Duel will be a Caste Duel and the Challenger is a member of the Warrior Caste then the Challenger has their Dueling Advantage reduced by two (2) until the Duel has been resolved.

The Second posts a public message, which announces the name of the Challenging player, the name of the Challenged player, the reason for the Challenge, the fact that a Challenge has been made, and whether or not the Duel is to be a Caste Duel.

The Challenged player has 3 days to find another player who agrees to be eir Second and have the Second respond to the message publicly. The message must contain the following information: The Challenge it is a reply to, and a Game or Contest chosen by the Challenged player for the Duel, or an explicit waiver of the privilege of choosing the Game or Contest. If there is no response to the Challenge within the 3 days, or the Challenged player declines the Challenge, or the response does not conform to the rules preceding, then the Challenged player forfeits the Duel. The Game or Contest (hereafter called Contest) chosen for the Duel must be one in the Games and Contests Rule Suite. Moreover, it must be playable by exactly two players, or two teams of two players each and have definitive rules for determining a winner, or a winning team. If the chosen contest is for two teams, then each of the participants of the Duel teams up with eir respective Second. If the Challenging player, the Challenged player, and the two Seconds are not four different players, then the team option is not available and the contest chosen must be playable by exactly two players. If the Duel is to be a Caste Duel then the Game or Contest chosen must indicate in that it is Caste Compatible in the rule section.

If the Challenged player waived the privilege of choosing a Contest, the Challenging player may choose a Contest.

and replacing the current text:

When the Duel is over, the winner of the Duel receives 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties he may have received as part of the Contest itself. The loser of the Duel loses 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties he may have received as part of the Contest itself. The winner's Second receives 3 points, the loser's Second loses 3 points.

The results of the Duel have no other direct influence over Ackanomic. However if either the Challenger or the Challenged have committed themselves in a public message to a certain action depending on the results of the Duel, then they must perform that action if the rules permit performance of the action. Should they fail to perform that action, they are breaking the rules.

3. When a duel is forfeited, the player who forfeited loses 6 points, and his opponent in the duel gains 6 points. The seconds scores are not changed in this case.

4. Conditions under which a duel may not be called, or unusual forfeit and cancellation conditions:

a. It is impermissible to Challenge an Untouchable Player to a Duel.

b. A Player who Challenged another Player to a Duel or a Player who has been Challenged by another Player to a Duel is Untouchable until the Duel procedures are resolved.

c. A Player who was a Challengee in a Duel, that is, was Challenged to a Duel and accepted, continues to be Untouchable until the end of the Calendar month in which the duel ended.

d. Players unable to play subgames are Untouchable.


When the Duel is over, the winner of the Duel receives 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties e may have received as part of the Contest itself. The loser of the Duel loses 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties e may have received as part of the Contest itself. The winner's Second receives 3 points, the loser's Second loses 3 points. If the Duel was a Caste Duel and the winner is a member of the Warrior Caste then the loser's Thrall Attribute is changed to show that the winner is the Overlord of the loser. The seconds’ Thrall Attributes are not changed by winning or losing.

The results of the Duel have no other direct influence over Ackanomic. However if either the Challenger or the Challenged have committed themselves in a public message to a certain action depending on the results of the Duel, then they must perform that action if the rules permit performance of the action. Should they fail to perform that action, they are breaking the rules.

3. When a duel is forfeited, the player who forfeited loses 6 points, and eir opponent in the duel gains 6 points, and if the Duel was a Caste Duel and the winner was a member of the Warrior Caste, the winner becomes the loser's Overlord. The seconds’ scores and Thrall Attributes are not changed in any case of forfeit.

4. Conditions under which a duel may not be called, or unusual forfeit and cancellation conditions:

a. It is impermissible to Challenge an Untouchable Player to a Duel.

b. A Player who Challenged another Player to a Duel or a Player who has been Challenged by another Player to a Duel is Untouchable until the Duel procedures are resolved.

c. A Player who was a Challengee in a Duel, that is, was Challenged to a Duel and accepted, continues to be Untouchable until the end of the Calendar month in which the duel ended.

d. Players unable to play subgames are Untouchable.

and adding to the end the text:

5. During Jihad, sections 4.c. and 4.i. of this Rule are not considered to be in effect.

unless Proposal 3481 passed in which case add the text

5. During Jihad, sections 4.c. and 4.h. of this Rule are not considered to be in effect.


Amend Rule 1250.1/17 (Games & Contests) by

replacing the text in Section III. Game Descriptions which currently reads:

d. The Rules for the Game.


d. The Rules for the Game. If a game is Caste Compatible it must:
(i) Be indicated at the top of The Rules of the Game
(ii) Be playable as a normal Duel as outlined in Rule 1215/10 (Duels).
(iii) Also include a system for incorporating Duel Advantage.

and by replacing the text in Section VII. Exhibitions which currently reads

a. The Speaker, President, or Senate may declare an instance of a game an "exhibition" as a public action, even while it is in progress. In this case, no points or currency shall be awarded or transferred to, or among, the participants (but Trophies shall be, as appropriate). This declaration is discouraged, and should do so only under conditions of abuse or other problems.

b. A Referee of any game may declare the game to be an Internomic Exhibition, provided e makes the declaration prior to the first move in that game, and at a stage when players can still join the game. When a game has been declared as an Internomic Exhibition, any person who is a player of a nomic which a member of Internomic may join as a player, provided e abides by the rules of the specific game. When a game is declared to be an Internomic Exhibition, no point, currency or trophies are transferred to, from or between players.


a. The Speaker, President, or Senate may declare an instance of a game an "exhibition" as a public action, even while it is in progress. In this case, no points or currency shall be awarded or transferred to, or among, the participants (but Trophies shall be, as appropriate). If the game instance is also a Caste Duel, then no Thrall Attributes may be changed as a result of the game. This declaration is discouraged, and should do so only under conditions of abuse or other problems. This section

b. A Referee of any game may declare the game to be an Internomic Exhibition, provided e makes the declaration prior to the first move in that game, and at a stage when players can still join the game. When a game has been declared as an Internomic Exhibition, any person who is a player of a nomic which a member of Internomic may join as a player, provided e abides by the rules of the specific game. When a game is declared to be an Internomic Exhibition, no point, currency or trophies are transferred to, from or between players, and no Thrall Attributes may be changed as a result of the game.

and by adding to the end of the rule the following text:

XV. Dueling Advantage

a. All players have an attribute known as Dueling Advantage which is an integer. Unless specified in other rules, the Dueling Advantage of a player defaults to zero (0).

b. To incorporate Dueling Advantage into a game or contest, a process whereby any integer difference between one player's Dueling Advantage and another's can be worked into the game or contest so as to give one player a small but significant advantage which will not result in a guaranteed win by either party in any case where the difference in their Dueling Advantages is less than or equal to three.


Amend Rule 1250.8/0 (Limerick Contest) by replacing the portion of the current text which reads:
“ with an extra caveat, quoth here. The Poet Laureate (if there is one) Shall, with his learned art gained quite so dear, Attempt to share and increase the fun When the Poet's vote is count'd at the end, His one vote shall instead be counted twice. The Poet may, if e does wish, then send A public message, hopefully quite nice To praise the Duelist which had won his vote Explaining why the Poet liked what e wrote.

The participant whose limerick got the most votes wins the contest. In case of a tie, the participant whose limerick was posted first wins the contest. In the case that that does not determine a winner, the referee determines a winner at random, using the AMD. If the winner is chosen at random, both players shall be eligible, even if one or both are non-active.


with an extra caveat, quoth here. The Poet Laureate (if there is one) Shall, with his learned art gained quite so dear, Attempt to share and increase the fun When the Poet's vote is count'd at the end, His one vote shall instead be counted twice. The Poet may, if e does wish, then send A public message, hopefully quite nice To praise the Duelist which had won his vote Explaining why the Poet liked what e wrote.

Also, each participant's Dueling Advantage is added to eir limerick's vote total.

The participant whose limerick got the most votes wins the contest. In case of a tie, the participant whose limerick was posted first wins the contest. In the case that that does not determine a winner, the referee determines a winner at random, using the AMD. If the winner is chosen at random, both players shall be eligible, even if one or both are non-active.


Amend Rule 1250.9/1 (Ghost) by replacing the portion of the current text which reads:

4. Rules

The referee shall randomly assign each player a different integer ranging from 1 to N, where N is the number of players in the game. Player 1 shall play first, and after that, play shall proceed in order of increasing number. Player 1 plays again just after the turn of the player with the highest number. Each player's turn begins when the previous player's ends, unless that player's play was a protest, in which case it begins when the protest is resolved. Each player's turn shall last the lesser of three days or until that player plays.


4. Rules

This game is Caste Compatible.

If the game is not a Duel then the referee shall randomly assign each player a different integer ranging from 1 to N, where N is the number of players in the game. Player 1 shall play first, and after that, play shall proceed in order of increasing number. Player 1 plays again just after the turn of the player with the highest number. Each player's turn begins when the previous player's ends, unless that player's play was a protest, in which case it begins when the protest is resolved. Each player's turn shall last the lesser of three days or until that player plays.

If the game is a Duel then the referee shall determine the difference in the participants' Dueling Advantages. The game shall proceed as follows:
(i) If the difference is zero (0) then turn order shall operate as if the game was not a Caste Duel [see the second paragraph].
(ii) If the difference is one (1) then the player with the higher Dueling Advantage chooses who will go first and then the turns will alternate for the rest of the game.
(ii) If the difference is greater than one (1) then the player with the higher Dueling advantage will be the first to take a turn. This player will take as many turns as the difference between the players scores before passing the turn to eir opponent and continuing the game by alternating turns.


Create a rule numbered 1033 titled "Warrior Caste" with the text:

On each Monday at 12:01 AM the member of the Warrior Caste who is Overlord to more players than any other member of the Warrior Caste is given the Caste Title "Commander-in-Harf". If there are ties, these are broken in favor of whichever player most recently held a Caste Title. Remaining ties are broken randomly.

Members of the Warrior Caste have a Dueling Advantage of one (1) except during Jihad when it is two (2).

When the Ackanomic game state is changed to Jihad all Warriors must begin gearing up for glorious battle, then the next day at 12:01AM every member of the Warrior Caste will pay the standard harfer's fee to the Food Fund. On each third day that Jihad continues, this payment will again be made to the Food Fund.


***The rest of the proposal is stuff which allows the priests to regulate aspects of public messages in a non-discriminatory though slightly arbitrary way. Priests get thralls enforcing the Cultural Code***

Create a rule numbered 1034 titled "Religious Caste" with the text:

On each Monday at 12:01 AM the member of the Religious Caste who is Overlord to more players than any other member of the Religious Caste is given the Caste Title "Embodied Harf". If there are ties, these are broken in favor of whichever player most recently held a Caste Title. Remaining ties are broken randomly.

When the Ackanomic game state is changed to Jihad all members of the Religious Caste must begin meditating to "call Harf down" to aid the holy Warriors of Acka, then the next day at 12:01AM every member of the Religious Caste will pay the standard harfer's fee to the Food Fund. On each third day that Jihad continues, this payment will again be made to the Food Fund.

Create a Rule numbered 1035 titled "Cultural Conduct Rule Suite” with the text:

This is the head of the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite.

[Follow this Link for Specific Rules in the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite]

I. Adding Rules to the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite

Rules which are members of the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite may added by normal proposal, by methods described in Rule 1031/0 (Grey Council), or as noted in the member rules emselves. Rules which are entered into the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite may be repealed or amended by normal proposal, by the methods outlined in Rule 1031/0 (Grey Council), by violating a provision in Section III of this rule, or as noted in the member rules emselves. Rules in this Suite must contain the string “Cultural Conduct:” in eir name if they are to create valid effects as described in Section II of this Rule.

II. Function

All rules which are members of the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite defer to this rule. The Cultural Conduct Rule Suite defers to all Rules except members of itself. The Cultural Conduct Rule Suite exists to create standards which public communication must follow. The definition of Rule 370 of a public message does not apply to this Rules Suite’s term, “public communication”. This term shall be operationally defined in each member of this Rule Suite. If a piece of public communication seems to violate a standard created by a member of the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite then a Crime of Cultural Heresy may have been committed by the author of the communication. This is determined by a CFCJ which is submitted normally with the following exceptions:

1. It may only be submitted by a member of the Religious Caste.
2. Only a member of the Religious Caste may judge it.
3. No player who is within two Thralls from being Overlord of more than 60% of all Active Players may make a CFCJ for a Crime of Cultural Heresy.
4. No player may call a CFCJ for a Crime of Cultural Heresy on emself.
5. The penalty for committing a Crime of Cultural Heresy is always to have the guilty party’s Thrall Attribute changed to the name of the player who made the CFCJ.

III. Limits on Members of the Cultural Conduct Rule Suite

1) No Cultural Conduct Rule shall create a standard which applies to certain players, but not others. All standards must apply to everyone regardless of Caste, Score, Wealth, Entity Ownership, or other individuating criteria except that no standard will apply to a Newbie.
2) No Cultural Conduct Rule shall create a standard which is impossible to meet in the current state of the game.
3) No Cultural Conduct Rule shall effect private correspondence, even if this correspondence becomes publicly knowable.


Create a Rule numbered 1035.1 titled "Cultural Conduct: Respecting the Wise” with the text:

All public statements (those posted to which refer to any member of the Religious Caste by eir Player Name must do so following the format “NAME, respects,” where “NAME” is the Player Name of the member of the Religious Caste being referred to and “respects” is a string of not more than three words, not previously used to comply with this rule, which explain the greatness of the referred to Religious Caste member. No player or office must track this information. For the purposes of determining the truth or falseness of a CFCJ based off this rule, it is the job of the member of the Religious Caste who wants to get a Thrall out of the CFCJ to point out which posts used the same explanation of greatness if e wants to be taken seriously.


Create a Rule numbered 1035.2 titled "Cultural Conduct: Valuing Education” with the text:

Whenever a Player uses the name of a work or author currently on the Literature list in a public statement (posted to they must preface this name with either “that great text which all who aspire to learning have studied,” if the thing named is a work, or “e who clearly outstrips myself in knowledge,” if the thing named is an author.


***Proposal Compatibility: If Purchasing Thralls was passed, then it is repealed b/c that is now a prerogative of Workers, though the typo fix in that stays.***

If Proposal 3477 passed then repeal Rule 760, titled "Purchasing Thralls"

Proposal 3512 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:54 EDT
My points are coming
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend rule 207 ("Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported") by replacing the following HYDROGEN-delimited text

V. Newbie Author Bonus/Soft Penalty

Newbies shall receive a bonus equivalent to the points which would be gained by anti-voting[one point for Modest proposals, five points for Grandiose proposals, three points otherwise] whenever one of their non-Modest proposals is accepted or any one of their proposals is rejected.

with the following HELIUM-delimited text

V. Newbie Author Bonus/Soft Penalty

Newbies shall receive a bonus equivalent to one point for Modest proposals, five points for Grandiose proposals, three points otherwise whenever one of their proposals is accepted or rejected.

{{This effect applies retroactively to this proposal, taking precedence over rules 103 (retroactive effects),104, and 205. [I want points (or at least one) for this]}}

Proposal 3513 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:55 EDT
Flotsam and Jetsam
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 330 by replacing "unless the CFJ was a paradox win CFJ" with "unless the CFJ was a paradox win CFJ or a cycle win CFJ", and by replacing the following THREE-delimited text:

a) Impeachment Papers
b) Common Sense Reports
c) New Games and Contest submissions as described by Rule 1250.1

with the FOUR-delimited text below:

a) Impeachment Papers
b) Common Sense Reports
c) New Games and Contest submissions as described by Rule 1250.1
d) Discoveries (retracted Discoveries are Debunked).

[1. Why should Cycle Winners who have their plans go sour be allowed to get off scot free, while Paradox attempters don't?
2. There is currently no way to retract your own Gadget creation.]

Append to Rule 755, "Enthrallments", the following RET-delimited text:

When a Proposal which is part of a Potential Enthrallment is retracted, that Potential Enthrallment is destroyed.

Proposal 3514 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:56 EDT
A Necessary Construction
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted

Create a new Rule, numbered 752, and titled "Thrall-Related Etymology", with the following NAME-delimited text:

If a player (A) is to "gain a Random Thrall", then one player is chosen at random from those who do not have player (A) as their Overlord. The player chosen has their Thrall attribute set to the name of player (A).

If a player (B) is to "lose a Random Thrall", then one player is chosen at random from those who have player (B) as their Overlord. The player chosen has their Thrall attribute set to "". If such a choice is not possible, as player (B) is the overlord of no players, then player (B) is placed in Contempt.

Any random determinations required by this rule shall be performed by the Thrallmaster.

This rule takes precedence over any conflicting clauses of any other rule which specifies how random determinations take place.

[This construction will enable manipulation of Thralls in general to become much easier.]

Proposal 3515 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:57 EDT
Screwing Around With Caste Sizes
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: rejected

Amend Rule 1030 ("Castes") by appending to it the following BEANBAG-delimited text:

In addition, if a player who is not a member of the Gray Council becomes the Thrall of another player, and there are more than three members of eir Caste, that player changes eir Caste to that of eir Overlord.

Proposal 3516 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:58 EDT
It Makes Sense, Doesn't It?
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 1031 ("Grey Council") by replacing the following BALL-delimited text with the following CLUB-delimited text:

When a member of the Grey Council swaps Caste membership with one or two other players, this member's seat immediately becomes vacant.

When a member of the Grey Council changes Caste membership, eir seat immediately becomes vacant. When a player who has nominated emself for a seat in the Grey Council changes Caste membership, eir nomination is considered to be withdrawn.

Proposal 3517 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 08:59 EDT
Transcontinental Compatibility
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: accepted

Append the following RING-delimited text to the end of Rule 340 ("Conventions"):

IX. The following pairs of words are considered to be both semantically and lexically equivalent: "grey", "gray"; "honour", "honor"

Proposal 3518

Due to an error by the Promoter, there is no proposal 3518.

Proposal 3519 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 09:02 EDT
Fix this reference to antivoting!
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend rule 927 (Chocolate Frog) by replacing the following LITHIUM-delimited text

Any players who vote against a proposal made by the First Citizen will receive no points for anti-voting. Any player who publicly insults the First Citizen will be guilty of the Crime of Disrespect.

with the following BERYLLIUM-delimited text

Any players who vote against a proposal made by the First Citizen will lose 1 point if the First Citizen loses any points as a result of the proposal being rejected. Any player who publicly insults the First Citizen will be guilty of the Crime of Disrespect.

Proposal 3520 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 09:03 EDT
Scarlet A
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) on Wed 02 Sep 1998 19:53 EDT

This is a Modest Proposal.

{{[a point for people with a in their name]}}
Any player with an "a" (case insensitive) in their name who posts a public message saying that they are Wearing the Big Letter and describing the Big Letter thus worn in at least two complete sentences gains one point, if they have never Worn the Big Letter before.

"On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread, appeared the laetter 'A.'"[Nathaniel Hawthorne, end of The Scarlet Letter]

{{If Nathaniel Hawthorne is not on the Literature List, add him to it before evaluating whether this rule is literature}}

Proposal 3521 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 09:04 EDT
Free Scott
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: retracted

This is a Modest proposal.

Amend Rule 330, "Retractions", by replacing "a paradox win CFJ" with "a paradox win or cycle win CFJ".

{{[ These would be the only ones where there was a penalty for retraction... Currently retracting CWCFJ's is free. ]}}

Proposal 3522 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 09:05 EDT
Oh, What A Circus
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted

Amend Rule 1250.3, "General Equipment", as follows:

Insert after the text "VI. Ackanomic IRC servers:" the text "a), port 9942".

{{[ In this Proposal I will only include the slow games that prove to take far too long to play through email. Anyone else can add more with other Proposals. ]}}

Amend Rule 1250.15, "Spades", by appending "Optionally, an Ackanomic IRC Server" after "Gamepoints as needed".

Amend Rule 1250.23, "Eleusis", by appending "c) Optionally, an Ackanomic IRC Server" after "b) Gamepoints as needed."

{{[ The Rule-Harfer is encouraged to indent these additions appropriately...:-) ]}}

Proposal 3523 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 09:06 EDT
Backwards hour for 50 minutes each day...
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Status: retracted

@ 00:10 -- Names reverse, man!
Names reverse, man! (@ 01:00)

Proposal 3524 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 09:07 EDT
Cleaning up Frinks
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: rejected

Amend rule 1390.2 with the following text as delimited by CLEANUP
Royal Frinks are those defined as either Royal or Regal.

Lager, sir, is regal.
Whiskey is a Royal Frink.
Cider is a Royal Frink.
Vodka is a Royal Frink.

Repeal rule 1390.3

Proposal 3525 - Mon 31 Aug 1998 09:49 EDT
And While she Played a Xylophone
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.
{{[Incoporating MTM and rufus' suggestions.]}}

{{Mr. Tamborine Man gains one point. rufus gains one point. K 2 loses two points}}

Insert as a new Section after Section III of rule 1217 (Buried Treasure!) the following text (--- delimited):

If a player believes that a particular treasure map, for a treasure which was discovered within the previous three days, is not in keeping with the spirit of treasure hunting e may call for a Hostile Takeover.

A Hostile Takeover is a Hearing for which the valid responses are: "Right up there with the Jukkasjarvi Treasure" and "the accumulation of money is a great evil and a burden to the soul" [Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad]. The player who called it is the Hearing Harfer for it and is called the Gold Digger while it is in session. For the purposes of this section those entities which were buried in the treasure and any entities created from them since the discovery of the treasure are referred to as The Motherload.

In the event that the verdict of the Hostile Takeover is "Right up there with the Jukkasjarvi Treasure", the Gold Digger shall transfer The Standard Harfer Fee to the map writer.

In the event that the verdict is "the accumulation of money is a great evil and a burden to the soul" [Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad], then all entities in The Motherload, which the museum would accept if donated normally, are transferred to the North Wing of the Museum with the map writer as beneficiary. Any entities in the Motherload which were not transferred to the Museum's North wing by the previous sentence are transferred to the Treasury. Additionally the map writer shall pay The Standard Harfer Fee to the Gold Digger.

Proposal 3526 - Tue 01 Sep 1998 08:37 EDT
Training Regime fix
JT (JT Traub)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.
In rule 1390.6, replace 23 with 16. {{[this puts the value back in line]}}
Renumber rule 1390.6 so that it is a member of the Otzma Card Rule suite with the smallest positive subnumber not already a rule.

Proposal 3527 - Tue 01 Sep 1998 08:38 EDT
Nameless Thing #-2
Attila the Pun (Micah Smukler)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest proposal

Amend subsection IIe of rule 250 ("Players and Player States") to replace "the length of time since they first registered as a Player of Ackanomic (or when the game started, whichever is less)." with "the length of time since they first registered as a Player of Ackanomic (or since when the game started, whichever is less)."

{{[An age is not a date.]}}


Replace subsection VIb of rule 250 with "b) All of eir tradeable entities are transferred to the treasury. All of eir nontradeable, nonunique entities are destroyed. Of all eir remaining entities, if it would be possible by some means not defined in this rule for a given entity to go Somewhere Else, it does so; otherwise, it is transferred to a random active player.

{{[Why should the Treasury own pointy ears?]}}

{{[And a minor fix to make it work better...]}}

Amend rule 927 ("The Chocolate Frog") by inserting the text ", unique" immediately after the text "named".


Amend rule 251 ("Player Names") by replacing the SEMISCAMMY-delimited text below with the SOMEWHATSAFER text below

If the Registrar acknowledges a legal name change, or after three days have passed if the Registrar neither acknowledges the change nor objects to it(andthe new name complies with all applicable rules), then the name change is accepted and occurs, at which time the player in question shall pay the Standard Harfer Fee.

If the Registrar acknowledges a legal name change, or after three days have passed if the Registrar (or, in the case of an attempt by the Registrar to change eir name, neither the President nor any Senator) neither acknowledges the change nor objects to it (and the new name complies with all applicable rules), then the name change is accepted and occurs, at which time the player in question shall pay the Standard Harfer Fee.

Proposal 3528 - Tue 01 Sep 1998 08:39 EDT
I'm not going to retract my other proposal, but i'll make an equivalent one-time deal far in the future if you guys will freak less about it
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: rejected

9/9/99@ 00:10 -- Names reverse, man!
Names reverse, man! (@ 01:00, 9-9-99)

Proposal 3529 - Wed 02 Sep 1998 06:48 EDT
Fine, fine, i'll fix the freakin' hole
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: rejected

If any proposal, rule, gadget [such as the Big Blue Thing], or player action would change an entity's name to a name which has at any time been held by a different entity, or to any string containing "harf" in order in any capitalization structure, that action fails. If this is a mass action, it only fails in respect to this name change, and any others proceed accordingly.

"And there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men"[Acts 3:22]

Proposal 3530 - Wed 02 Sep 1998 06:49 EDT
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: rejected

{{[This proposal's purpose? Possibly but not definitely a clue from Malenkai from a date many months before now for a treasure]

This proposal's effect? Score of the player with the name Weishaupt now his current score and one more.}}

Proposal 3531 - Wed 02 Sep 1998 06:50 EDT
Silly Little Holiday
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) on Wed 02 Sep 1998 19:53 EDT

From day to day we contemplate the rules
Amend, Revise, Repeal, without delay
But who's to say that we are not just fools?
To strive for all such things... And so I say,

Let one day be removed from all such thought
One day be set aside, a day of rest
October second all of us shall not
Submit proposals, duel, or start a quest.

Upon this day, the players just debate
Each year this custom is, and so remains
Proposals, duels, and questing have to wait
October Second, "Day to Rest our Brains"

[You think my sonnet cheesy? Wait a while;
I've reason for this fourteen-verse-long style.]

Proposal 3532 - Wed 02 Sep 1998 06:51 EDT
Loose Ends and Big Boulders
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal

{{As soon as this proposal is passed, there will be one random matchup of two active players to see if the strengths of one surpass the strengths of the other. The result is determined randomly, with an equal chance that each player wins. The winner gains a point and the loser loses a point.

Players are encouraged, but not required, to congratulate the winner and ridicule the loser. This does not take precedence over Rule 374

"Sitha bared its fangs. 'My master would not be pleased, an I slew you. We will pit strength at the stones.'" [Robert Jordan, Conan the Invincible, Ch. 22]

[I have purchased a party chess piece other than a pawn.]}}

Proposal 3533 - Wed 02 Sep 1998 06:52 EDT
Number mess ignored
Studge (Tom Mueller)
Decision: rejected

This is a Modest Proposal.

Create Rule 115 (Primes Defined) with the following MOSTMIGHTY delimited text:

For the purposes of the rules, a prime X is any integer greater than one with the property that when factored into all possible combinations of two positive integers these combinations are composed of only the numbers one and X. Only the number 29 is exempted from this test as 29 is too slovenly to be considered prime.

[We recently had a discussion of what exactly constituted a prime number which, if memory serves, was never fully clarified.]

Proposal 3534 - Wed 02 Sep 1998 06:53 EDT
Correcting Quirky Coordinates Consummately
Studge (Tom Mueller)
Decision: accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend Rule 820/1 (Land) by replacing the ABCFHIJKLMNOPQRVWXYZ delimited text with the 0123456789 delimited text.

The exact number of Kaas in the City varies, as earthquakes and other developments can create and destroy them. There are never less than 169 Kaas, however. Kaas are never in the Treasury, even if unowned.

The exact number of Kaas in the City varies, as earthquakes and other developments can create and destroy them. The number of Kaas must always be the square of an odd integer greater than 12, however. Kaas are never in the Treasury, even if unowned.

[The coordinate system describing Kaas seems to require the Lonely Mountain to be in a distinct Kaa in the middle of the City. If the square root of the Kaas is even, a distinct Lonely Mountain Kaa does not exist.]

Proposal 3535 - Wed 02 Sep 1998 06:54 EDT
G&C spell of type Summon Malenkai
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted

{{[ This proposal is dedicated to Malenkai, who said he'd rejoin Acka if we do this. ]}}

Add a new rule to the Games & Contests Rule Suite entitled Acka Role Playing, with the following text:

[This defines a generic super-structure for running Fantasy (or other) Role-Playing games as Acka Sub-games. Most of the details are left to the GM, though certain systems may become standard, or at least standard for a specific GM.]

1) General Equipment
Optionally, an Ackanomic IRC server.
No standard equipment is required, but any other standard equipment appropriate for a specific game may be used. The Ackanomic Magic Dice may be used as a randomizing mechanism, but GMs may find it more convenient to roll their own dice.

2) Number of Players
At least 2 players are required. The maximum number of players is the number of players in Ackanomic.

3) Number of referees
At least one referee (also called the Game Master or GM) is required. Normally, there will be just the one referee, but additional players of Ackanomic may become referees with the GM's consent. If there are additional referees, at all times there shall be one head referee (who shall be referred to as the Game Master or GM); with mutual consent, this role may change during a game, but such change should be posted publicly. The maximum number of referees is the number of players in Ackanomic. Normally, referees should not also be players, but with the GM's consent, referees may play at any time they are not acting in the GM role.

4) Starting the game
The game begins when the GM posts publicly that it is beginning, and who the initial players are. No other public posts are typically necessary until a game ends, but see the 'Number of Referees' and 'Ending the Game' sections for exceptions.

5) Joining and Leaving a Game in Progress
Players may join games in progress at the GM's discretion. When a player leaves the game, the GM should make an effort to work his departure into the story line of the game (which may or may not involve killing the character). Players who have previously played and left may rejoin at the GM's discretion, and it is also at the GM's discretion whether the player returns in state he left the game, as a new character, or otherwise.

6) Rules
The rules of the game are left up to the discretion of the GM, and he is free to tell players as much or little of the rules as he wishes. The GM may draw from established gaming systems, combine systems, and/or make stuff up as he goes along, though having some reasonable amount of pre-established structure is recommended. The GM is encouraged to use a player's Ackan statistics at least in part in generating new characters, and to incorporate changes in a player's Ackan stats into his character's stats. The GM is, however, free to ignore the Ackan stats for any reason (including, but not limited to the Ackan stats not fitting the gaming system chosen). Any changes in a characters stats during a game do not cause changes in the player's Ackan stats. A GM may allow a player to begin with a character partially or completely in the state he concluded a previous game, but otherwise should attempt to give players a reasonably equal starting ground.

7) Other information needed to play
The GM is free to tell players as much or little about the particular game as he likes, but there is no hard-set framework the game must adhere to. The GM should, however, tell the players enough to make the game fun and interesting.

8) Conditions for winning the game
Normally, the game ends with no winner, but a player wins if and only if the GM posts that a player has won when he posts that the game has ended.

9) Trophies
If there is a winner, he receives a standard trophy.

10) Ending the game
It is recommended that the GM post a summary of extended FRP games periodically; after each gaming session if possible. The game ends when the GM posts that it has ended; he may name a winner at this time, but typically the game will end without a winner. If at any time the game has been in progress for 30 days or more, and the GM has not publicly posted an update on the status of the game in the last 30 days, the game is considered to have ended without a winner, and all the characters are assumed to have disappeared, never to be heard from again. Updates may simply consist of a URL of a game log from an IRC server, if this is available.

Proposal 3536 - Wed 02 Sep 1998 06:55 EDT
One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest
404 Not Found (Joel Ricker)
Decision: accepted

Replace the following "-delimited text in rule 910:

"Terrorizing pages (3 pages): These pages inspire indescribable terror in all who read them, causing a loss of 15 points."

with the following "-delimited text:

Terrorizing pages (3 pages): These pages inspire indescribable terror in all who read them, causing a loss of 15 points and 3 Sanity Points.

Proposal 3537 - Wed 02 Sep 1998 06:56 EDT
One Set Up Leads To Another
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected

Amend Rule 909, "Steel Flea", as follows:

Delete the text "Phoebe owns both herself and her matchbox". At the end of the next paragraph append the text "The player who has found Phoebe's matchbox temporarily owns Phoebe and her matchbox, but may not manipulate either except as described in this Rule. Whenever Phoebe's matchbox is missing, but not Somewhere Else, it is in a barrel of monkeys(a unique entity)."

Amend Rule 1209, "The Machine That Goes *ping*", as follows:

Insert as a third paragraph of Section I. the following text(delimited by MITE):

It is also well-known that Ursula the Steel Flea, Phoebe's twin sister and a unique entity, lives deep inside the Machine That Goes *ping*. Unless otherwise specified by later sections of this Rule, Ursula is in a barrel of monkeys.

Insert as a fourth paragraph of Section III. the following text (delimited by TICK):

Upon the posting of the Machine's Truth, Ursula shall be considered to be in the possession of the Scholar of *ping*, until such time as that player ceases to be Scholar.

Proposal 3538 - Fri 04 Sep 1998 12:16 EDT
Scared Brown Vole
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected

This is a modest proposal.

{{[Three bonus votes per entity. Swingpoints cannot be used to create Bonus Votes. A limit is placed on the number of Bonus Votes that may exist (2xVoting Players)]}}

Amend Rule 317 (Bonus Votes) by replacing the following text comprising section 2:
A player can own at most five Bonus Votes at an given time. If a Player who already owns five Bonus Votes receives an additional Bonus Vote, by any means, the additional Bonus Vote is destroyed.
An entity can own at most three Bonus Votes at any given time. If an entity who already owns three Bonus Votes receives an additional Bonus Vote, by any means, the additional Bonus Vote is destroyed.

Append the following as a new Section to the end of Rule 317 (Bonus Votes):
8. Any Bonus Votes created while there are more than twice as many Bonus

Votes in existence than voting players shall immediately transform into four swingpoints, unless the Bonus Vote would have been destroyed upon receipt.

Delete subsection b of Section 3 of Rule 1044 (Swingpoints) which reads:

b. A Player may, as a public action, convert four of his own Swingpoints

into one Bonus Vote.

Repeal Rule 594.11 (Blueprint: Bonus Vote Add-On) if it exists.

Proposal 3539 - Fri 04 Sep 1998 12:17 EDT
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: accepted

{{[Castes are tracked by the Dungeon Master. The DM gains some trivial privileges.]}}

Amend Rule 540.2 (Basic Player Characteristics) by deleting the following text:
The Office of Dungeonmaster is an optional office, whose duties are to generate Characteristic Values as specified in the previous paragraph when required to do so. (The Office has no Privileges

as yet.)

It is the responsibility of the DM to track any characteristics of players that are not explicitly tracked by any other officer.

Create a new rule numbered 441 (or the next largest integer which has not been assigned to a rule) titled "Dungeon Master" with the following text:
The Office of Dungeon Master is an optional office, whose duties are:
(i) to generate Basic Player Characteristics when required to do so.
(ii) to track any Characteristics of players that are not explicitly tracked by any other officer.
(iii) to track the membership of each of the Castes [See rule 1030].

and whose privileges are:
(i) to change eir Caste as a public action.
(ii) to add or subtract one point from any of the characteristics defined in Rule 540.2 (Basic Player Characteristics) of any player as a public action. This privilege may be used at most once per month.

Amend the second paragraph of Rule 541 (Characteristic Tests) to read: When a rule calls for a Characteristic Test, the following procedure is performed by the Dungeon Master.

Replace the following text of Rule 1031 (Grey Council):
When a member of the Grey Council swaps Caste membership with one or two

other players, this member's seat immeadiately becomes vacant.
When a member of the Grey Council changes Caste, this member's seat immeadiately becomes vacant.

{{[there may be other methods created to change caste than just swapping]}}

Proposal 3540 - Fri 04 Sep 1998 12:19 EDT
Landslide Victory
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

Modify rule 402 by replacing:

"During the Election Period, each voting player may cast one vote for any one of the Nominees by so notifying the appropriate Officer. A voting player may change eir vote at any time by so notifying the appropriate Officer. The appropriate Officer shall only consider the last vote e received from each voting player."


"During the Election Period, each voting player may cast a number of votes equally to the number of Nominees for any one of the Nominees by so notifying the appropriate Officer. No player may cast more than one vote for any one nominee. In such a case a player with an Evil Ballot Stuffer may make it cast one extra vote for any one of the nominees the owner voted for, but not all. A voting player may change eir vote(s) at any time by so notifying the appropriate Officer. The appropriate Officer shall only consider the last vote e received from each voting player."

Proposal 3541 - Fri 04 Sep 1998 12:20 EDT
Day of Anger!
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

Create a new rule as a member of the Ackanomic Sound System Rule Suite titled "ASS Song: Dies Irae" reading as follows (delimited by HAIR):

Title: Dies Irae from Verdi's Requiem

Artist: Verdi

Trigger: Whenever there is a really big earthquake or a tornado.


All Hell shall brake lose and Chaos shall reign. Any player who was at any time known as Chaos shall be able to change the rules as a public action. What is more there will be a large riot featuring all players of Ackanomic. Two of these shall be selected at random and placed in gaol for two days (this selection should be made once the song has finished playing).


1. If there is an active player who was once known as Chaos then it shall last for 0 seconds.

2. Otherwise it shall last two days.

Proposal 3542 - Fri 04 Sep 1998 12:21 EDT
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

Add: "Artist: Aqua; made famous by the song Barbie Girl" to the literature list.

Proposal 3543 - Fri 04 Sep 1998 12:22 EDT
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected

Add the following to the literature list:

"Artist: Kent Stadler; also known as Hoover 2300"

Proposal 3544 - Fri 04 Sep 1998 12:23 EDT
Why NAP when you could be wide awake?
Mr. Tambourine Man (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Append the following text to the end of rule 1040:

"X. Any player may change the name of a free swingership they own by announcing the name change and paying the standard harfer fee."

Proposal 3545 - Fri 04 Sep 1998 12:24 EDT
Piz (Michael Pizolato)
Decision: rejected

Create a new rule, appropriately numbered, with the following ?TAHW-delimited text:

.tceffe emag lauqe htiw sdrawrof ro sdrawkcab rehtie raeppa ot txet rof lagel si tI

Proposal 3546 - Fri 04 Sep 1998 12:25 EDT
I'll show you guys.
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: rejected

This is a grandiose proposal {{All rules are repealed. All players are removed from the game. Ackanomic is officially ended}}

Proposal 3547 - Fri 04 Sep 1998 12:26 EDT
Dig Dug
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: accepted

Create a rule numbered 920 titled Fur-lined Shovel with KENNEWICK delimited text
A named tradable entity called the the Fur-lined Shovel exists. The name of the Fur-lined Shovel is "The Fur-lined Shovel". A player who owns the Fur-lined Shovel may change the map to a single treasure that e buried by digging with it as a public action. When a player does this e must choose a trinket worth at least A$48 which e owns. This trinket is transfered into the treasure. It is considered good form to give a clue to the treasure when one does this.
When the Fur-lined Shovel is used in this manner, it is transfered to the treasury.
{{The Fur-Lined Shovel is transfered to two-star[Basically, the map to the soot covered tome is broken, and I saw this as an opportunity to add another shovel into the rules]}}

Proposal 3548 - Fri 04 Sep 1998 12:27 EDT
Ready, Aim...
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: accepted

Add the following BORON-delimited text to the rules [wherever it fits]

On Fire is a state that certain entities can be defined as being in. Only those entities which are specifically allowed to be on fire by the rules can be on fire
Players can be on fire
An Active, nonvacationing player who is on fire must post a public message within a week after the fire is lit with the text "I'm on fire" in it, or he is determined to have jumped into the frozen pond and is placed On Ice. In this case, the fire is extinguished

A player who is on fire may pay the standard harfer fee to extinguish the fire.
Fire may be put out as defined elsewhere in the rules
[Fire connotes no negative effects other than having to jump into the frozen pond if "I'm on fire" is not said.

{{Weishaupt catches fire}}

"And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire" [Revelation 20:15]

Proposal 3549 - Sun 06 Sep 1998 10:50 EDT
Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) on Sun 06 Sep 1998 13:40 EDT

Renumber the Government type Proportional Representation to 320.6 [There are currently two 320.5's]

Create a new rule called "Government Type: Secret Society" numbered 320.23 with wording as in the following CARBON-delimited text

When the Current Government of Ackanomia is Secret Society, the OiCoRT tells everyone that the government is democracy. But he secretly picks the tabulator, himself, count Tabula, and 1/3 of the other active players (if enough such exist) as the secret government. He privately informs each of these people that the real government type is secret society and that they are members. However, they are not told who else is in the secret government. Only the OiCoRT, the Tabulator, and Count Tabula know who the members are.

When votes are counted, the votes of secret government players are counted triple. When the tabulator/count tabula posts the results, e does so as if the government type was decmocracy, except that e posts the true, secret government, result in the "Proposal accepted"/"Proposal rejected" area. This can lead to what looks like incorrect results [Example: 17/23 YES votes: Proposal rejected] but the results are added to the results as dictated by the secret society rules as opposed to those of democracy.

"The history of the world is the history of the warfare between secret societies. --Ishmael Reed, Mumbo Jumbo" [Robert Anton Wilson, Opening quote, Book 1, Verwirrung, Part 1, The Eye in the Pyramid, the Illuminatus Trilogy]

Proposal 3550 - Sun 06 Sep 1998 10:52 EDT
I'm Speaking About Dorums and You Can't Stop Me
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Weishaupt (Gabriel Drummond-Cole) on Sat 12 Sep 1998 05:15 EDT

Create a new Rule, numbered 1177, titled "What Is a Dorum?", with the following DOR-delimited text:

A dorum is a small felt hat, which is of variegated colours, but always includes at least red, blue, gold and harf. Being a hat, it is a type of Garment, but it is a wierd hat in that it tries to come off whenever you put it on your head. The only way to wear a dorum is while standing on your head. Whenever a player who has not previously been Harfmeister becomes Harfmeister, they receive a dorum.

{{All players who have previously held the office of Harfmeister receive one dorum.}}

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