Proposal 2401 - Tue 25 Nov 1997 21:59 EST
And Justice for All
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: accepted
Gist: Permit Justices and Acting Justices to appeal CFJs as long as
they decline to judge them. Permit Acting Justices to decline
judgement just as regular Justices are permitted to do so.
I was tempted to just nuke rule 218, but I will make that a
seperate proposal.
Amend rule 417 (Justices Rock) in the following ways:
(1) Insert the text "or an Acting Justice" in the last paragraph
immediately after the text "a Justice".
(2) Insert the text "or Acting Justice's" in the last paragraph
immediately after the text "Justice's".
(3) Insert the text "or Acting Justice" in the last paragraph
immediately after the text "original Justice".
Amend rule 217 (Overturning Judgements) by appending the text "unless they also exercise their option under rule 417 (Justices Rock) to decline judgement on that CFJ" to the end of the first sentence of the second-to-last paragraph.
Amend rule 218 (Trials By Jury) by replacing the last paragraph with
the following double-percent-symbol-delimited text:
A jury verdict may be appealed to the Supreme Court according to the
procedure described for normal CFJs. Members of the Jury, the
Prosaecutor, the Consaecutor, and the Judge of that CFJ are ineligible
to appeal the verdict, however. Justices and Acting Justices may only
appeal a Jury Trial verdict if they also exercise their option under
rule 417 (Justices Rock) to decline judgement on that CFJ.
Proposal 2402 - Tue 25 Nov 1997 21:59 EST
Dump Juries
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: accepted
Gist: Get rid of complicated, rarely used, and difficult to manage
Jury trials. Handle Undecided verdicts instead by passing them on
to the Supreme Court.
Repeal rule 218 (Trial By Jury).
Amend Rule 214 by appending the following double-ampersand-delimited
text as a seperate paragraph:
If the Judgement is Undecided then the CFJ shall be decided by the
Supreme Court as if it had been appealed, except that the original
Judge shall not be penalized for an overturned verdict on that CFJ.
Proposal 2403 - Tue 25 Nov 1997 21:59 EST
Tammany Moves to Bel Aire
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal.
Amend rule 315 (Tammany), section (b), by changing "A$ 5" to "A$ 25".
Proposal 2404 - Tue 25 Nov 1997 21:59 EST
Give Tammany Some Teeth
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[this is independent of proposal 2399, although I believe it is a better solution, as p2399 will create more work for the scorekeeper, while this will reduce work for both the tabulator and financier, and leave the scorekeeper's work unchanged. Moreover, 2399 will not solve the problem against players like me, who care about changing the rules, but do not care about points. This also puts more of a gamelike feel to tammany again]}}
Amend rule 315, "Tammany", to replace:
b) an amount of currency in the range of A$ 5 to A$ 100 (inclusive)
b) an amount of currency of at least A$ 75
Proposal 2405 - Wed 26 Nov 1997 05:16 EST
Grand Dramatic Win Condition Rejig
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
This is a Grandiose Proposal.
[You'd better believe it, buster!]
[The aim of this proposal - to unify all the different winning methods
without completely going round the twist, and thereby to make changes to
the methods of achieving a win much simpler - just come up with different
ways to get Subers, and make existing ways worth less Subers or none
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 50, entitled "Win Condition", with text as delimited by WOOHOO below:
The only cycle winning conditions are those described in this Rule. This
rule has precedence over all other rules which claim to describe cycle
winning conditions. A cycle winning condition is achieved when a single
player has 20 or more Subers in eir possession, and no other player has 20
or more Subers, and the single player possessing 20 or more Subers does
not possess the Chartreuse Goose.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 51, entitled "Subers", with text as delimited by PETER below:
Subers are non-tradable entities. Any references elsewhere in the Rules
to players receiving or losing Subers are to be interpreted as the
creation or destruction of Subers in that player's possession. No
non-player entity may possess Subers (the singular of Subers is Suber).
This rule takes precedence over all rules which affect non-tradable
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 51.1, entitled "Gaining Subers", with text as delimited by FREAKAZOID below:
Players may only receive Subers as described in this Rule, but when they
do receive them according to this rule, "received" is to be interpreted as
in Rule 51. The following are the only ways to receive Subers:
a) Whenever there is a unique player who has more than the Magic Number of
points in eir possession, e shall receive 20 Subers.
b) A player whose score divides (MN-1) without remainder, where MN is the
Magic Number, may Take The Box. When a player Takes The Box, e receives
30/N^2 Subers, rounded down, where N = (MN-1)/P, MN is the Magic Number,
and P is the player's score when e Took The Box.
[e.g. Magic Number 257. A player on 128 may Take the Box, as 256/128 = 2.
Doing so would earn em 7 subers (= 30/2^2 rounded down)]
c) Whenever a verdict of TRUE is reached on a Paradox Win CFJ, the player
who submitted it shall receive 18 Subers, provided e is a voting player at
the time the verdict ceases to be appealable.
d) The instant after a player receives the title of "Sage o' Doe Gas", e
shall receive 15 Subers.
e) When the End of the World occurs as specified in Rule 1320, the active
non-vacationing player who has donated most A$ to the Round Earth
Restoration Society when the Earth was made Round shall receive 20 Subers,
if a unique qualifying person exists. If no unique qualifying person
exists, then the same amount of Subers will be received by each player
who, if the other players did not exist, would qualify as a unique
qualifying person. This number will be the minimum number required for at
least one player to reach exactly 20 Subers. If no players qualify, then
all players in the game, voting, non-voting or vacationing, but not On
Ice, shall receive 10 Subers for witnessing the End of the World.
f) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$1000,
and has never exceeded A$1000 before, then e shall receive 4 Subers.
g) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$5000,
and has never exceeded A$5000 before, then e shall receive 15 Subers.
h) When a player is declared the winner of a game described in the Games
and Contests Rule Suite, and the game was not a Duel, and involved 6 or
more players, then e shall receive 1 Suber.
i) When a player is declared the winner of a game of Grab-a-Donkey, e
shall receive 2 Subers.
j) When a player receives a Chess-Champ's Cardigan, e shall also receive 3
This rule takes precedence over all rules which claim to describe methods
by which players may receive Subers.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 52, entitled "Excessive Subers", with text as delimited by REMOVE below:
If at any time 2 or more players each possess 20 or more Subers each, then
every player in the game will have eir number of Subers possessed reduced
to (19/m) of their Suber total immediately prior to the application of
this rule, rounded down, where m is the largest number of Subers held by
any player prior to the application of this rule.
If at any time only 1 player possesses 20 or more Subers, but e also
possesses the Chartreuse Goose, then the player will lose 25 Subers or all
eir Subers, whichever is less, and the Chartreuse Goose shall then go
Somehwere Else.
Amend Rule 666 by replacing section k with the following FIX delimited text:
k) The winner of the cycle loses all eir, or 25 Subers, whichever is less.
All other players lose half eir Subers, rounded down.
Renumber Rule 666 to Rule 53.
[From here on the changes are deletions due to the consolidation of winning conditions into the Suber acquisition rule.]
Delete the last sentence of Rule 601.
Renumber Rule 601 to Rule 54.
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 starting with "If exactly one voting
player" and finishing with "Winning Condition". Change all instances of
the number "666" in Rule 603 to "53".
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 which reads "None of the players shall win
the cycle at this time."
Renumber Rule 603 to Rule 55.
Delete from Rule 605 the following <>-delimited text:
(1) win the current Cycle of the Game, if the Proposal which created the
rule was non-Modest. This win, if it occurs, shall occur immediately after
the score changes as a result of the Proposal being accepted are applied.
Renumber Rule 605 to Rule 56.
Delete the second and third sentences of Rule 620.
[The Chartreuse Goose condition by now has been subsumed into the rest of
the Winning Condition set.]
Delete the sentence of rule 620 which reads:
"If this judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for
judgement is declared the winner of the cycle; the win occurring at the
time it becomes illegal to appeal the CFJ under the current rules. "
[Again, already covered by the acquisition of Suber rules.]
Renumber Rule 620 to Rule 57.
Renumber all rules numbered N, where 667 <= N <= 670, TO N-600.
[How to win the game is an important part of the rules, so all such rules
should receive lower numbers.]
Delete the last two sentences of Section VII of Rule 850.
[The Museum winning condition has been converted into Subers.]
Replace the following ARMAGEDDON-delimited text from Rule 1320 with the
SIMPLE-delimited text following:
The End of the World causes the cycle to immediately end. The winner of
the cycle will be the active or vacationing player who had donated the
most A$ to The Round Earth Restoration Society at the time that the Earth
was made round. If this selection method results in a tie, or the player
who would win is for some reason ineligible to win the cycle, then the
player who most recently became Enlightened out of those players who are
tied will be the winner of the cycle. If none of the players who are tied
for most A$ donated to The Round Earth Society are Enlightened, then the
Speaker will randomly select with equal probability one of the players who
are tied to be the winner. In any of these cases, the winner will receive
the title of Prophet of Doom.
If the End of the World causes the cycle to end, then the winner will
receive the title of Prophet of Doom.
Proposal 2406 - Wed 26 Nov 1997 09:57 EST
Grand Dramatic Win Condition Rejig Rejigged
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
This is a Grandiose Proposal.
[You'd better believe it, buster!]
[The aim of this proposal - to unify all the different winning methods
without completely going round the twist, and thereby to make changes to
the methods of achieving a win much simpler - just come up with different
ways to get Subers, and make existing ways worth less Subers or none
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 50, entitled "Win Condition", with text as delimited by WOOHOO below:
The only cycle winning conditions are those described in this Rule. This
rule has precedence over all other rules which claim to describe cycle
winning conditions. A cycle winning condition is achieved when a single
player has 20 or more Subers in eir possession, and no other player has 20
or more Subers, and the single player possessing 20 or more Subers does
not possess the Chartreuse Goose.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 51, entitled "Subers", with text as delimited by PETER below:
Subers are non-tradable entities. Any references elsewhere in the Rules
to players receiving or losing Subers are to be interpreted as the
creation or destruction of Subers in that player's possession. No
non-player entity may possess Subers (the singular of Subers is Suber).
This rule takes precedence over all rules which affect non-tradable
entities. All Suber creation or destruction which results from a single
event shall occur simultaneously.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 51.1, entitled "Gaining Subers", with text as delimited by FREAKAZOID below:
Players may only receive Subers as described in this Rule, but when they
do receive them according to this rule, "received" is to be interpreted as
in Rule 51. The following are the only ways to receive Subers:
a) Whenever there is a unique player who has more than the Magic Number of
points in eir possession, e shall receive 20 Subers.
b) A player whose score divides (MN-1) without remainder, where MN is the
Magic Number, may Take The Box. When a player Takes The Box, e receives
30/N^2 Subers, rounded down, where N = (MN-1)/P, MN is the Magic Number,
and P is the player's score when e Took The Box. The player's score is
set to 0 simultaneously with the creation of the Subers.
[e.g. Magic Number 257. A player on 128 may Take the Box, as 256/128 = 2.
Doing so would earn em 7 subers (= 30/2^2 rounded down)]
c) Whenever a verdict of TRUE is reached on a Paradox Win CFJ, the player
who submitted it shall receive 18 Subers, provided e is a voting player at
the time the verdict ceases to be appealable.
d) The instant after a player receives the title of "Sage o' Doe Gas", e
shall receive 15 Subers.
e) When the End of the World occurs as specified in Rule 1320, the active
non-vacationing player who has donated most A$ to the Round Earth
Restoration Society when the Earth was made Round shall receive 20 Subers,
if a unique qualifying person exists. If no unique qualifying person
exists, then the same amount of Subers will be received by each player
who, if the other players did not exist, would qualify as a unique
qualifying person. This number will be the minimum number required for at
least one player to reach exactly 20 Subers. If no players qualify, then
all players in the game, voting, non-voting or vacationing, but not On
Ice, shall receive 10 Subers for witnessing the End of the World.
f) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$1000,
and has never exceeded A$1000 before, then e shall receive 4 Subers.
g) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$5000,
and has never exceeded A$5000 before, then e shall receive 15 Subers.
h) When a player is declared the winner of a game described in the Games
and Contests Rule Suite, and the game was not a Duel, and involved 6 or
more players, then e shall receive 1 Suber.
i) When a player is declared the winner of a game of Grab-a-Donkey, e
shall receive 2 Subers.
j) When a player receives a Chess-Champ's Cardigan, e shall also receive 3
This rule takes precedence over all rules which claim to describe methods
by which players may receive Subers.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 52, entitled "Excessive Subers", with text as delimited by REMOVE below:
If at any time 2 or more players each possess 20 or more Subers each, then
every player in the game will have eir number of Subers possessed reduced
to (19/m) of their Suber total immediately prior to the application of
this rule, rounded down, where m is the largest number of Subers held by
any player prior to the application of this rule.
If at any time only 1 player possesses 20 or more Subers, but e also
possesses the Chartreuse Goose, then the player will lose 25 Subers or all
eir Subers, whichever is less, and the Chartreuse Goose shall then go
Somewhere Else.
Amend Rule 666 by replacing section k with the following FIX delimited text:
k) The winner of the cycle loses all eir Subers, or 25 Subers, whichever
is less. All other players lose half eir Subers, rounded down. The Magic
Number of points is reset to the base Magic Number.
Renumber Rule 666 to Rule 53.
[From here on the changes are deletions due to the consolidation of winning conditions into the Suber acquisition rule.]
Delete the last sentence of Rule 601.
Renumber Rule 601 to Rule 54.
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 starting with "If exactly one voting
player" and finishing with "Winning Condition". Change all instances of
the number "666" in Rule 603 to "53".
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 which reads "None of the players shall win
the cycle at this time."
Renumber Rule 603 to Rule 55.
Delete from Rule 605 the following <>-delimited text:
(1) win the current Cycle of the Game, if the Proposal which created the
rule was non-Modest. This win, if it occurs, shall occur immediately after
the score changes as a result of the Proposal being accepted are applied.
Renumber Rule 605 to Rule 56.
Delete the second and third sentences of Rule 620.
[The Chartreuse Goose condition by now has been subsumed into the rest of
the Winning Condition set.]
Delete the sentence of rule 620 which reads:
"If this judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for
judgement is declared the winner of the cycle; the win occurring at the
time it becomes illegal to appeal the CFJ under the current rules. "
[Again, already covered by the acquisition of Suber rules.]
Renumber Rule 620 to Rule 57.
Renumber all rules numbered N, where 667 <= N <= 670, TO N-600.
[How to win the game is an important part of the rules, so all such rules
should receive lower numbers.]
Delete the last two sentences of Section VII of Rule 850.
[The Museum winning condition has been converted into Subers.]
Replace the following ARMAGEDDON-delimited text from Rule 1320 with the
SIMPLE-delimited text following:
The End of the World causes the cycle to immediately end. The winner of
the cycle will be the active or vacationing player who had donated the
most A$ to The Round Earth Restoration Society at the time that the Earth
was made round. If this selection method results in a tie, or the player
who would win is for some reason ineligible to win the cycle, then the
player who most recently became Enlightened out of those players who are
tied will be the winner of the cycle. If none of the players who are tied
for most A$ donated to The Round Earth Society are Enlightened, then the
Speaker will randomly select with equal probability one of the players who
are tied to be the winner. In any of these cases, the winner will receive
the title of Prophet of Doom.
If the End of the World causes the cycle to end, then the winner will
receive the title of Prophet of Doom.
Proposal 2407 - Wed 26 Nov 1997 10:13 EST
Rustproof +6 Proposal
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Repeal Rule 942, "The Widget of Yendor". {{[ I've never seen this thing used in the time I've been here... Also, it reminds me of how I've never managed to win a game of nethack. ]}}
Amend Rule 594.16, "Blueprint: Pulse Laser", by changing "Widget of Yendor" to "Pyraic Frobnotzer". {{[ Best replacement I could think of off the top of my head... ]}}
Proposal 2408 - Thu 27 Nov 1997 03:06 EST
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[While drinking booze, I quickly wrote this clever proposal to expunge junk from the rules.
gist: give acka a rule keeper, and clear out
some of the clutter in the 300s. Although a new
rule is created, two are deleted, and they become
simpler, IMO.
Create a new rule numbered 407.1, entitled "Rule-Harfer", with the following text:
The Office of the Rule-Harfer is a Functional Office. The Duties are:
a) To keep an accurate copy of the Rules of Ackanomic (known as the Official Rules Document), and to make the text of the Official Rules Document available to any player upon request.
b) To annotate each rule in the Official Rules Document with customary ancillary information, such as the Rule's author, revision number, and revision history, when known.
The Privileges are:
a) To add section headers and other furniture to the Official Rules Document. This furniture does not become part of the Rules.
b) To add whitespace and line breaks to the Rules. The Rule-Harfer should consider all player requests to do so.
c) To maintain the Official Rules Document as seperate physical documents, provided there is at least one physical document from which all the rules can be located.
The Official Rules Document is not the Rules. Modification of the Official Rules Document does not affect the rules.
{{If there is a active player named breadbox, he is appointed to the office of Rule-Harfer}}
Amend rule 311, "Rule Suites", to replace:
4) It is a privilege of the Web-Harfer to move rules which are members
of Rule Suites out of the main rules document into a separate document,
and to establish and maintain a link from the link phrase (section 1 d))
to this document. If any such member rules are moved to a separate
document, then all such member rules of that Rule Suite must be moved
to that document, and the link must be established and maintained.
4) [It is a privilege of the Rule-Harfer to move rules which are members
of Rule Suites out of the main rules document into separate
physical documents, and to establish and maintain a link from the link
phrase (section 1 d)) to these documents.]
{{[it is a suggestion that they be placed at the end of the main
physical html document with the links changed to internal anchors,
to ease in global searching and for simplifying downloads]}}
Amend rule 407, "Web-Harfer", to remove the following text:
b) To add whitespace and line breaks to the rules. The Web-Harfer should
consider all player requests to do so.
c) To seek and appoint Assistant Web-Harfers as needed to keep the Ackanomic
WWW page up-to-date. [This is a duty
because the Web-Harfer is obligated to get help when it is needed, rather than
let the Ackanomic WWW page become
Repeal rule 305, "For Personal Glory..."
Repeal rule 307, "Revision Numbers"
{{[end of proposal]}}
Proposal 2409 - Thu 27 Nov 1997 03:15 EST
Wearing a Silly Agenda Hat
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Malenkai (Randy Hall) on Sat 29 Nov 00:29:44 EST.
This is a grandiose proposal
{{[Gist: This creates a new cycle win around player submitted agendas, using a sort of point based handicapping to compensate for discrepancies in the difficulties of submitted conditions. More importantly, it reintroduces hats and eggplants to Acka, the lack of which has been causing this place to go to hell in a handbasket. (More importantly still, it contributes to the baroque complexity of the ruleset, which was the main reason I joined this game.)]}}
Amend rule 931 "Garments" as follows.
Replace the sentence, "The owner, and only the owner, of a particular
garment may don that garment if he is currently wearing no garment, or
remove it if he is currently wearing it."
with, "The owner, and only the owner, of a particular garment may don
that garment if he is currently not wearing that garment, or remove it
if he is currently wearing it. The location of a garment that is being
worn is the same as that of its wearer" {{[because it really ought to be
possible to wear pants and a sweater at the same time, and it would also
be nice to be able to take your pants with you when you leave home.]}}
Append the following paragraph:
"Hats, which may also be refered to as headware, are a class of garments. A player may wear at most one hat. This rule defers to any rule describing the the number and type of hats a player may wear."
Rename rule 931 "Garments" to "Garments, Especially Hats"
Amend rule 854 "Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication: by replacing
"Extra head: Cost -- 50 A$. Each extra head possessed by a player allows him to wear one more piece of headwear than he would otherwise be allowed. This takes precedence over other rules dealing with any form of headwear inasmuch as their restrictions on the number of pieces of headwear a player may wear are relaxed for those with extra heads. Players with extra heads are encouraged to occasionally get into public arguments amongst their heads."
"Extra head: Cost -- 50 A$. Due to limitations in extra head technology, every extra head after the first that a player has is shriveled and misshapen. Therefore, a player with an extra head may wear one more piece of headwear than would otherwise be allowed, but additional extra heads do not allow a player to wear more headwear Players with extra heads are encouraged to occasionally get into public arguments amongst their heads. [See also rule 931]"
Create a rule numbered 607, entitled "Winning by Agenda" with text delemited by THIMBLEBERRY
If a player owns at least three Agenda Hats, and it is publicly knowable
that the condition for each Agenda Hat e owns is true, and that player's
score is greater than or equal to the sum of the weights of all of the
agenda hats e owns, then the following will occur:
a) E will receive the title of Agent of KAOS. Any other player with this
title loses it.
a) The owner of any Nemesis Eggplant with a condition that is the same
as the condition of an agenda hat owned by the Agent of KAOS must pay 40
A$ to the Agent of KAOS.
b) All Agenda hats owned by the Agent of KAOS and all Nemesis eggplants
with corresponding conditions are destroyed
c) The Agent of KAOS achieves a Winning Condition.
Additionally, any player who had owned a Nemesis Eggplant that was
destroyed as above has eir score reset to -40 rather than 0 when scores
are reset at the start of the next cycle. [See Rule 666]
Amend Rule 666 "End of Cycle" by replacing the text,
"b) All Chartreuse Goose Eggs and Right-Handed Grapefruit are
"b) All Chartreuse Goose Eggs, Right-Handed Grapefruit and Agenda Hats that are not being worn are destroyed. All Nemesis Eggplants with the same condition as an Agenda Hat that was destroyed in this manner are destroyed."
Create a rule numbered 431 entitled "Office of the Illuminatus." with text delimited by SALAL
The Office of the Illuminatus is an optional office.
The duties of the Illuminatus are to collect Agenda Conditions, conduct bidding on Nemesis Eggplants, and distrubute and track Agenda Hats, as described in this rule.
The Illuminatus shall publicly announce a call for Agenda Condition
submissions, if, for any reason, no such call has occured during the
current cycle. The Agenda Condition submission period will last for
seven days after this.
During this time, any player may submit a number of Agenda Conditions
equal to three minus the number of Agenda Hats e owns by sending them to
the Illuminatus. If a player sends more than this number of Agenda
Conditions, only the first Agenda Conditions sent will be counted.
Agenda Conditions should be statements that may be true or false depending on the game state. If the words "this hat," or "this eggplant" are used in an Agenda Condition, they shall be equivalent to, "the Agenda Hat associated with this Agenda Condition," and "the Nemesis Eggplant associated with this Agenda Condition," respectively.
At the end of the 3 days, the Illuminatus must release a list of all
submitted Agenda Conditions, along with the names of the players who
submitted each.
If at least 4 players have submitted Agenda Conditions, the Illuminatus
must initiate a seven day Nemesis Eggplant bidding period.
During the Nemesis eggplant bidding period, each player who submitted
Agenda conditions may send a Weight bid corresponding to each submitted
Agenda Condition to the Illuminatus. Weight bids must be integers
between (-2 Magic Number / 3) and (Magic Number / 3). If a player does
not send a weight bid for a particular Agenda Condition, that player
will be considered to have bid (Magic Number / 3), rounded down, on that
At the conclusion of the bidding period, the following occurs:
z) Initially, all conditions are under consideration.
a) The Illuminatus will determine the condition under consideration which has the lowest bid. Ties should be broken randomly.
b) A Nemesis Eggplant with that condition is awarded to the lowest bidder on that condition who has less than 3 Nemesis Eggplants. Ties among lowest bidders should be broken randomly.
c) That condition is removed from consideration. If any conditions are still under consideration, this process repeats, starting with a)
d) The Illuminatus may change the condition associated with any Nemesis Eggplant if e believes that it is impossible for a player to achieve that condition in normal play or the condition is otherwise unharfy [For example, a condition that would be satisfied by spamming the mailing list with 1000's of messages would be technically easy to achieve, but a bad idea all around.] The condition that the Illuminatus chooses should be easily attainable. It should also be silly.
e) For each newly created Nemesis Eggplant, an agenda Hat with the same condition and a weight equal to the second lowest bid on its condition is created in the hidden state. Any Agenda Hats with a condition that was chosen by the Illuminatus according to d) are Silly Agenda Hats, and instead are created with a weight of (Magic Number / 4) rounded up.
f) Each player who submitted Agenda Conditions receives a number of agenda hats equal to the number of conditions e submitted. The Agenda Hats must be distruted randomly among these players, except that no player shall receive an Agenda Hat with a condition that e authored or that is the same as that of a Nemesis Eggplant e owns.
g) The Illuminatus must publicly announce the owners and conditions for each Nemesis Eggplant created, and the weights and conditions for each Agenda Hat created. The Illuminatus must privately notify each player who received Agenda Hats as to the conditions of each Agenda Hat that player received.
It is also a duty of the Illuminatus to check that the correct condition is being revealed when a player makes an Agenda Hat visible.
It is a priviledge of the Illuminatus that e acheives a Winning
Condition if it is publicly knowable that e has a score that is greater
than 5/6 times the Magic Number.
Create a rule numbered 671 entitled Nemesis Eggplants and Agenda Hats, with text delimited by RED-FLOWERING CURRANT
Nemesis Eggplants are ownable Entities. Each Nemesis Eggplant has a
condition associated with it.
Agenda Hats are ownable Headwear. Each Agenda Hat has a condition and a weight (which must be an integer,) associated with it. No player may own an agenda hat with a condition e authored. Agenda hats may be Silly as described by the rules. They may be either visible or hidden, (but not both.) The owner of a hidden Agenda Hat may make it visible by publicly posting the condition associated with it. Visible Agenda Hats are tradable. Only visible Agenda Hats may be worn. The author of an Agenda Hat's condition may publicly post a description of that Agenda Hat.
If player who is wearing a Silly Agenda Hat posts a public message that does not contain the words, "wearing a Silly Agenda Hat," that Silly Agenda Hat falls off and is no longer being worn.
{{two-star becomes the Illuminatus. [I am willing to resign if anyone else wants it.]}}
Proposal 2410 - Thu 27 Nov 1997 03:19 EST
Wearing a Silly Green Trinket
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal.
In rule 709 Gaol, replace the word "Hatters" with "Sculptors"
Proposal 2411 - Thu 27 Nov 1997 03:22 EST
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[gist: consolidate some of our conventions into one rule, with a convienent rule to add new ones to. I'd like to place that alphabetic rule in here too with simple ascii sorting -- perhaps later. Slowly trimming the size of the ruleset, in any case...]}}
Renumber rule 340, "Spelling Errors" to 339.
Repeal rule 346, "Self Deleting Text" [prevent a pretty nasty side effect of this ;-)]
Create a new rule called "Conventions", numbered 340, with the following text:
The following conventions apply to all Ackanomic text, except
where a specific type of text (e.g. rules), is specified.
I. Unambiguous spelling errors shall be treated as if the mispelled word were spelled correctly.
II. Numbers shall be considered misspelled words for the purposes of the rules when it can be determined beyond reasonable doubt that a particular number is in error, and what the intended number is. The intended number is considered the correct spelling in this case.
III. When text is specified as delimited, the end of the document in question serves as an ending delimiter if an ending delimiter is otherwise missing. Delimiters do not nest, except when the double quote character is used as a delimiter.
IV. Text delimited by square brackets [e.g. this] is a note. Notes have no semantic meaning.
V. Text in rules other than this one, delimited by double
curly braces {{e.g. this}}, is self-deleting text. Self-deleting text
is applied once, in the order it appears in the document, then it is
deleted. Rules whose text section consist of nothing but self-deleting
text, whitespace, and furniture are called "Self-Deleting Rules", and
such rules are repealed after their self-deleting text is applied.
Repeal rule 339, "Spelling Errors".
Repeal rule 344, "Notes and Comments".
{{[end of proposal]}}
Proposal 2412 - Thu 27 Nov 1997 03:28 EST
Testing the Waters
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: rejected
This is a modest proposal.
Repeal rule 206, "Keep 'Em In The Game". [never used, boring]
Repeal rule 259, "Evil Twins". [can be done without rule, doesn't affect game
Repeal rule 319, "Unanimity Is Lovely [...]" [plenty of other must describe
Repeal rule 1127, "Sanctity of Harf"
Proposal 2413 - Thu 27 Nov 1997 03:31 EST
The Circular Files
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Repeal rule 1118, "Dealing with the Paranormal"
{{[more must describe harf that is never used. The last two Krykec's have failed to post, and I'm not sure this is being enforced w.r.t Rex Mundi, if appropriate. Isn't Phoebe enough? Its time to follow and harf these rules, or to dump them.]}}
Amend rule 261, "Zombie Master" to remove:
Bidding an Undead to do one of the above counts as a Paranormal Power
use by a player entity (the controlling player).
Amend rule 910, "The Ackanomicon", to remove:
Reading this page is considered a use of a Paranormal Power by the
reading player.
and to remove:
Reading this page is considered a use of a Paranormal Power by The Ackanomicon,
but the reader must volunteer to be the Krykec for this occurance.
Amend rule 1007, "Organizational Powers", to remove:
Any Powers that contain the word 'alien', 'ufo', 'gray', 'green', 'occult',
'subterfuge', 'abduction', 'unnatural' or plural thereof, shall also be
considered Paranormal Powers. Use by an organization of such a power
counts as a non-player entity use of such.
Proposal 2414 - Thu 27 Nov 1997 10:49 EST
Two letter names
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
This is a Grandiose proposal.
{{ Anyone who doesnt thinks so should be tarred and feathered. }}
Amend the 2nd sentence in the 1st paragraph of Rule 251.
In that paragraph, replace 'three' with 'two'.
Proposal 2415 - Thu 27 Nov 1997 10:52 EST
I wana hovel
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
This is a Grandiose proposal.
{{ and anyone who doesn't thinks so should be tarred and feathered }}
Amend Rule 839 as follows:
Replace the word 'six' with 'seven'.
Insert 'hovel (cramped, puny and rundown) (1 land unit)' as the second line.
Proposal 2416 - Thu 27 Nov 1997 10:58 EST
Fables of the Reconstruction of the Fables
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal.
Repeal Rule 1307, "Ackanomic Middle Ages".
Proposal 2417 - Thu 27 Nov 1997 11:00 EST
The Pick, The Sickle And The Shovel
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
Declared harfy by Malenkai (Randy Hall) on Sat 29 Nov 1997 00:29:44 EST.
Create a new rule, numbered 1240.17, and named "Otzma Card of type Grave Robber", with text as follows(delimited by MERCUTIO):
This card may be played only in the public forum.
If the owner of this card, when it is played, does not possess a Shovel of some description[that is, an entity with the word "Shovel" in its name], then the card has no effect.
Otherwise, if e names any Undead in the same message, who is not controlled as a Zombie, then the following will occur: If the Undead owns any entites besides A$ and Bonds Promissory, then one of those entities, selected at random, is transferred to the player of the card. Otherwise, 10 A$, or all the Undead's A$ plus enough BPs to total 10 if the Undead does not have enough A$, shall be transferred to the player of the card.
Counter-Action: The card-player's Shovel, any entities taken from the Undead by playing the Card, and one other entity chosen at random(or 10 A$ or PFs, as in the last sentence of the previous paragraph, if no other entities are owned by the card-player), are transferred to the possession of the Undead.
At any given time there may be at most 5 Cards of this type. 'Grave
Robber' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal.
Proposal 2418 - Fri 28 Nov 1997 23:02 EST
Grand Dramatic Win Condition Rejig Re-Rejigged
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
This is a Grandiose Proposal.
[You'd better believe it, buster!]
[The aim of this proposal - to unify all the different winning methods
without completely going round the twist, and thereby to make changes to
the methods of achieving a win much simpler - just come up with different
ways to get Subers, and make existing ways worth less Subers or none
altogether! I've left the current wins as full wins, but if people want
to fiddle with that later, this rule makes it easy.]
[Note - this rule ignores the possibility of secret agendas, but we can bring them back into Subers if they both succeed, e.g. 7 Subers each time you get one of your condition hats set to true.]
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 650, entitled "Win Condition", with text as delimited by WOOHOO below:
A cycle winning condition is achieved when a single player has 20 or more
Subers in eir possession, and no other player has 20 or more Subers, and
the single player possessing 20 or more Subers does not possess the
Chartreuse Goose.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 651, entitled "Subers", with text as delimited by PETER below:
Subers are non-tradable entities. Any references elsewhere in the Rules
to players receiving or losing Subers are to be interpreted as the
creation or destruction of Subers in that player's possession. No
non-player entity may possess Subers (the singular of Subers is Suber).
All Suber creation or destruction which results from a single
event shall occur simultaneously.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 51.1, entitled "Gaining Subers", with text as delimited by FREAKAZOID below:
Players may only receive Subers as described in this Rule, but when they
do receive them according to this rule, "received" is to be interpreted as
in Rule 651. The following are the only ways to receive Subers:
a) Whenever there is a unique player who has more than the Magic Number of points in eir possession, e shall receive 20 Subers.
b) A player whose score divides (MN-1) without remainder, where MN is the
Magic Number, may Take The Box. When a player Takes The Box, e receives
30/N^2 Subers, rounded down, where N = (MN-1)/P, MN is the Magic Number,
and P is the player's score when e Took The Box. The player's score is
set to 0 simultaneously with the creation of the Subers.
[e.g. Magic Number 257. A player on 128 may Take the Box, as 256/128 = 2.
Doing so would earn em 7 subers (= 30/2^2 rounded down)]
c) Whenever a verdict of TRUE is reached on a Paradox Win CFJ, the player who submitted it shall receive 20 Subers, provided e is a voting player at the time the verdict ceases to be appealable.
d) The instant after a player receives the title of "Sage o' Doe Gas", e shall receive 20 Subers, provided e did not receive the title as a result of a non-Modest Proposal being accepted.
e) When the End of the World occurs as specified in Rule 1320, the active non-vacationing player who has donated most A$ to the Round Earth Restoration Society when the Earth was made Round shall receive 20 Subers, if a unique qualifying person exists. If no unique qualifying person exists, then the same amount of Subers will be received by each player who, if the other players did not exist, would qualify as a unique qualifying person. This number will be the minimum number required for at least one player to reach exactly 20 Subers. If no players qualify, then all players in the game who are not On Ice shall receive 10 Subers for witnessing the End of the World.
f) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$1000, and has never exceeded A$1000 before, then e shall receive 4 Subers.
g) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$5000, and has never exceeded A$5000 before, then e shall receive 16 Subers.
h) When a player is declared the winner of a game described in the Games and Contests Rule Suite, and the game was not a Duel, and involved 6 or more players, then e shall receive 1 Suber. However, no player may earn more than 3 Subers in any one calendar month by this method.
i) When a player is declared the winner of a game of Grab-a-Donkey, e shall receive 1 Suber.
j) When a player acquires the title of Winner of a Game of PartyChess, e shall also receive 2 Subers. If e is a Party Swinger, then all other members of that Political Party shall receive 1 Suber. If e is an NAP Swinger, all other players who are not members of any Political Party shall receive 1 Suber. However, in the event that any player acquired that title earlier in the same calendar month, no Subers shall be received.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 52, entitled "Excessive Subers", with text as delimited by REMOVE below:
If at any time 2 or more players each possess 20 or more Subers each, then
every player in the game will have eir number of Subers possessed reduced
to (19/m) of their Suber total immediately prior to the application of
this rule, rounded up, where m is the largest number of Subers held by
any player prior to the application of this rule.
[For example: There are three players, A, B, and C. A and B have 19
Subers each, C has 5. An event happens which gives A 6 Subers and B 2
Subers. This sets the scores to 25, 21 and 5. Each player's score is
then multiplied by 19/25, 25 being the highest score. This results in
the scores being A: 19, B: 16 and C: 4.
This method enables 20 to be a constant limit on Subers, while not
creating insuperable problems should two players reach 20 simultaneously.]
If at any time only 1 player possesses 20 or more Subers, but e also
possesses the Chartreuse Goose, then the player will lose 25 Subers or all
eir Subers, whichever is less, and the Chartreuse Goose shall then go
Somewhere Else.
Amend Rule 666 by replacing section k with the following FIX delimited text:
k) The winner of the cycle loses all eir Subers, or 25 Subers, whichever
is less. All other players lose half eir Subers, rounded down. The Magic
Number of points is reset to the base Magic Number.
[From here on the changes are deletions due to the consolidation of winning conditions into the Suber acquisition rule.]
Delete the last sentence of Rule 601.
Renumber Rule 601 to Rule 654.
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 starting with "If exactly one voting
player" and finishing with "Winning Condition".
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 which reads "None of the players shall win
the cycle at this time."
Renumber Rule 603 to Rule 655.
Delete from Rule 605 the following <>-delimited text:
(1) win the current Cycle of the Game, if the Proposal which created the
rule was non-Modest. This win, if it occurs, shall occur immediately after
the score changes as a result of the Proposal being accepted are applied.
Renumber Rule 605 to Rule 656.
Delete the second and third sentences of Rule 620.
[The Chartreuse Goose condition by now has been subsumed into the rest of
the Winning Condition set.]
Delete the sentence of rule 620 which reads:
"If this judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for
judgement is declared the winner of the cycle; the win occurring at the
time it becomes illegal to appeal the CFJ under the current rules. "
[Again, already covered by the acquisition of Suber rules.]
Renumber Rule 620 to Rule 657.
Delete the last two sentences of Section VII of Rule 850.
[The Museum winning condition has been converted into Subers.]
Replace the following ARMAGEDDON-delimited text from Rule 1320 with the
SIMPLE-delimited text following:
The End of the World causes the cycle to immediately end. The winner of
the cycle will be the active or vacationing player who had donated the
most A$ to The Round Earth Restoration Society at the time that the Earth
was made round. If this selection method results in a tie, or the player
who would win is for some reason ineligible to win the cycle, then the
player who most recently became Enlightened out of those players who are
tied will be the winner of the cycle. If none of the players who are tied
for most A$ donated to The Round Earth Society are Enlightened, then the
Speaker will randomly select with equal probability one of the players who
are tied to be the winner. In any of these cases, the winner will receive
the title of Prophet of Doom.
If the End of the World causes the cycle to end, then the winner will
receive the title of Prophet of Doom.
Proposal 2419 - Fri 28 Nov 1997 23:08 EST
Quincy, Medical Examiner
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal.
Repeal Rule 1123, "snowgod's Disease."
{{ Red Barn may, as a public action, declare emself cured of snowgod's Disease. If he does not do so within one week of this Proposal's passage, this rule repeals itself. }}
Proposal 2420 - Fri 28 Nov 1997 23:10 EST
Traditional American Method
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 414.5, and titled "Quayle", with the following GORE delimited text:
The Vice Presidency of Ackanomia is an Office with One Seat. The player
who holds that seat is called the Vice President, and may also be
referred to as either "Quayle" or "Al Bore" while e holds the office. The
Vice President's Term of Office is the same as that of the President.
The Office of Vice President shall be held as follows:
(a) If there has been no election for President since this rule was
enacted, the Office shall remain vacant.
(b) If there is an Election for the Office of President, involving two or more candidates, then, when the Presidential election results become publically knowable, the Vice Presidency will be held by the player who is not President, but would have been elected to a seat in the Presidency if the Presidency had two Seats.
(c) If there is an Election for President, involving only one candidate,
then (i) if they are not the incumbent President, the incumbent President
shall become Vice President at the end of the election period,
(ii) if they are the incumbent President, and the Vice Presidency is not
vacant, then the Vice President shall remain in office, i.e. they will
gain another term,
(iii), if neither of the above holds, then the Vice Presidency will remain
vacant until the end of the next election for President.
[Note: This is the same as the old American Presidental system, where the person who got the second-largest number of colleges became VP.]
The Duties of the Vice President are:
a) To perform all the Duties of the President whenever the President is
unable to.
b) Other rules may specify other duties.
The Privileges of the Vice President are:
a) The privileges of the President whenever the President is unable to
perform eir duties.
b) Other rules may specify other privileges.
Amend Rule 414 by inserting the following BUSH-delimited text immediately after the text "(iii)"
This office may not be filled in an Acting capacity unless both the
President and the Vice President are unable to perform the duties of
the President.
Proposal 2421 - Fri 28 Nov 1997 23:13 EST
What Kind of a Catchphrase is That?
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
Repeal Rule 1140, "Unofficial Catchphrases".
[This rule doesn't add that much to the game, it has yet to be used despite being introduced almost three months ago, and therefore appears to be excess baggage.]
Proposal 2422 - Fri 28 Nov 1997 23:14 EST
Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe?
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Status: retracted
Create a new rule called "Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe?", which contains the following text, deimited by PPPP:
1.A Pipe is an Organizational Power. An Organization may buy a Pipe for
A$400. An Organization which owns a Pipe is reffered to in this rule
as a Piper.
2. A Piper may do the following:
a. Import entities from other nomics.
b. Export entities to other nomics
c. Add Entity Behavior Rules to the Entity Behavior Rule Suite
3. Importing Entities from other nomics.
a. A Piper may only import an entity if it meets the following
i. The nomic it is being imported from is a member of Internomic
ii. The entity has a valid Entity behavior profile.
b. Import procedure:
i. The Piper is notified by an entity of another nomic which is
responsible for exporting entities from that nomic.
ii. If the entity does not meet the import criteria the Pipper must
reject the transfer by notifying the exporting entity of that nomic
iii. The Piper may ammend a short prefix to the name of an imported
entity to avoid breaking the rules of Ackanomic.
iv. The Piper always has the option of rejecting an entity, even
if it appears to meet the Import criteria.
v. If the Piper decides to accept the imported the entity it publically
anounces this fact, and publishes the Entity Behavior Rule. If within
three days no Rejection Hearing
is called, then the entity is transffered to its intended recipient.
If a Rejection Hearing is called, then the acceptance is delayed
pending the results of the Hearing. When an entity is imported and it
either has no intended recipient, or it cannot be transferred
legally to its intended recipient. It becomes unowned.
vi. Once an Import is accpted. The Piper adds its Entity Behavior Rule to the Entity Behavior Rule Suite. All imported Entities are Tradable and Ownable.
4. Exporting Entities to other nomics
a. A Piper may only Export entities if the following criteria are met:
i. The nomic the entity is being to is a member of Internomic.
ii. The entity is tradeable.
iii. The entity is either owned by the Organization, or the owner
of the entity has made a public anouncement asking the Piper
to Export the entity.
iv. The Entity has a valid Entity Behavior Profile.
v. The entity is tradeable.
b.Export Procedures.
i.Export procedures are initiated when an entity posts a message
to the public forum which that it wishes to Export an entity.
The message should specify the entity to be exported, the nomic
it is to be exported to, and if the poster is not a Piper itself,
it must specify also the name of the Piper e requesting to perform
the Export. The must also include n Entity Behavior Profile.
The message may also include the name of a recipient.
ii.If a Piper has been named, and the Piper agrees to attempt the Export, ( a Piper may set a price for such a service), then the Piper notifies the receiving nomic, via the entity responsible for Imports in that nomic of the intent to transfer. If the receiving nomic accepts the transfer, then the Piper makes a public anouncement to that effect and the entity is transferred to that nomic. IF the receiving nomic either rejects the transfer, or fails to reply within 7 days. Then the Piper makes a Public anouncement to that effect, and no action is taken.
c. When an entity is transferred out of Ackanomic, then it is no longer tracked by any Ackanomic officer. If the Entity is a unique entity, then the following sentence is appended to the rule governing that Entity:"There are currently 0 instances of this Entity in Ackanomic." if that entity has a corrsponding rule in the Enitity Behavior Rule Suite, then that rule is repealed.
5. Rejection Hearing
Whenever a Piper anounces that it has decided to accept a transfer, any
player who feels that the transfer may be rejcted may call for Rejection
Hearing, provided that such a Hearing has not already been called on that
same transfer. The valid responses in a Rejection Hearing are "Can we keep
it, PLEASE? We'll walk it every day." and "Eject that Reject." If the
decision is "Can we keep it, PLEASE? We'll walk it every day." then the
entity transfer is accepted. Otherwise, the entity transfer is rejected.
6. Whenever an Entity has been imported, and its nomic of origin is Ackanomic, and it is a previously exported unique entity, and there exists a rule in the ackanomic ruleset that governs the behavior of this entity, and that rule contains the sentence : "There are currently 0 instances of this Entity in Ackanomic." that sentence is stricken from the rule.
7. Whenever any entity has been imported, and its nomic of origin is Ackanomic, and there exists a rule which governs its behavior in the ackanomci ruleset, then its entity behavior rule is not added to the Entity Behavior Rule Suite.
8. Whenever a Piper Imports an entity, and the imported is accepted, it may require the recipient, (in case there is no recipient, the it may require the Treasury instead), to pay a Customs Fee. If any player feels the Customs Fee is too high, e may call for a Customs Fee Hearing. When such a hearing is called, payment of the Customs Fee is delayed until the results of the Hreading are made publically knowable. The appropriate responses for this Hearing are "This is Highway Robbery", "The Piper deserve this for their hard work". If most of the responses are "This is highway Robbery", then the Customs Fee is set to 0. If most of the responses "The Piper deserve this for their hard work" then the Customs Fee is transfferd from the recipient, (or the Treasury, if there is no recipient) to the Piper.
9. Whenever a transfer of more than entity is requested
{{Renumber this rule to 1017}}
Create a new rule entitle "Entity Behavior Rule Suite" which contains the text delimited by EBRS:
This rule is the Head of the Entity Behavior Rule Suite.
An Entity Profile must specify for each entity the following properties in
order to be valid:
1. An Entity Behvior Rule
2. A nomic of origin
The rules which are members of this rule suite are entity behavior rules
of entities which have been imported into Ackanomic. This rule takes
precedence over all other members of this Rule Suite.
The rules in this Rule Suite defer to all other rules.
[Entity Behavior Rules]
Proposal 2423 - Fri 28 Nov 1997 23:17 EST
Old Frinking Buddies
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected
[The greatest contributors to Ackanomic are often those still playing. Let's recognise them, too.]
Create a new Rule, numbered 843.0, and entitled "Legends in eir Own Lunchtime", with text delimited by GREATS below:
If a player has played Acka continuously for a period of not less than 18
months, and has won at least two cycles of Ackanomic, then e is eligible
to be enshrined in the Hall of Elders. A current player who satisfies the
conditions of the previous sentence can only be enshrined in the Hall of
Elders as the result of a Living Legend Hearing. The legitimate responses
to a Living Legend Hearing are "More Famous than Babe Ruth" and "Who the
Hell is e?" If the result of the Hearing is "More Famous than Babe Ruth",
then e shall be enshrined in the Hall of Elders according to provisions 6
and 7 of Rule 843, "Hall of Elders". A Living Legend Hearing must state
which player is to be enshrined, and may only be called once in any
calendar month about a particular player. A player may not call a Living
Legend Hearing about emself.
A player who has been enshrined in this way is automatically entitled to use the title Elder, and shall have the powers and benefits explicitly specified by other rules for Elders.
Proposal 2424 - Fri 28 Nov 1997 23:56 EST
Boring Proposals
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend rule 207, "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported", to append the following text at the end of the rule:
VIII. Boring Proposals
A proposal is Boring if and only if at least half of the votes cast
on the proposal were Present votes. The above provisions notwithstanding,
no points are scored by any player as a result of a Boring proposal being
Proposal 2425 - Sat 29 Nov 1997 03:23 EST
Grand Dramatic Win Condition Rejig Re-Rejigged
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
This is a Grandiose Proposal.
[You'd better believe it, buster!]
[The aim of this proposal - to unify all the different winning methods
without completely going round the twist, and thereby to make changes to
the methods of achieving a win much simpler - just come up with different
ways to get Subers, and make existing ways worth less Subers or none
altogether! I've left the current wins as full wins, but if people want
to fiddle with that later, this rule makes it easy.]
[Note - this rule ignores the possibility of secret agendas, but we can bring them back into Subers if they both succeed, e.g. 7 Subers each time you get one of your condition hats set to true.]
{{All entities containing the word "Suber" or "Subers" in their name are destroyed.}}
[The above is necessary to eliminate Malenkai's loophole.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 650, entitled "Win Condition", with text as delimited by WOOHOO below:
A cycle winning condition is achieved when a single player has 20 or more
Subers in eir possession, and no other player has 20 or more Subers, and
the single player possessing 20 or more Subers does not possess the
Chartreuse Goose.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 651, entitled "Subers", with text as delimited by PETER below:
Subers are non-tradable entities. Any references elsewhere in the Rules
to players receiving or losing Subers are to be interpreted as the
creation or destruction of Subers in that player's possession. No
non-player entity may possess Subers (the singular of Subers is Suber).
All Suber creation or destruction which results from a single
event shall occur simultaneously.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 51.1, entitled "Gaining Subers", with text as delimited by FREAKAZOID below:
Players may only receive Subers as described in this Rule, but when they
do receive them according to this rule, "received" is to be interpreted as
in Rule 651. The following are the only ways to receive Subers:
a) Whenever there is a unique player who has more than the Magic Number of points in eir possession, e shall receive 20 Subers.
b) A player whose score divides (MN-1) without remainder, where MN is the
Magic Number, may Take The Box. When a player Takes The Box, e receives
30/N^2 Subers, rounded down, where N = (MN-1)/P, MN is the Magic Number,
and P is the player's score when e Took The Box. The player's score is
set to 0 simultaneously with the creation of the Subers.
[e.g. Magic Number 257. A player on 128 may Take the Box, as 256/128 = 2.
Doing so would earn em 7 subers (= 30/2^2 rounded down)]
c) Whenever a verdict of TRUE is reached on a Paradox Win CFJ, the player who submitted it shall receive 20 Subers, provided e is a voting player at the time the verdict ceases to be appealable.
d) The instant after a player receives the title of "Sage o' Doe Gas", e shall receive 20 Subers, provided e did not receive the title as a result of a non-Modest Proposal being accepted.
e) When the End of the World occurs as specified in Rule 1320, the active non-vacationing player who has donated most A$ to the Round Earth Restoration Society when the Earth was made Round shall receive 20 Subers, if a unique qualifying person exists. If no unique qualifying person exists, then the same amount of Subers will be received by each player who, if the other players did not exist, would qualify as a unique qualifying person. This number will be the minimum number required for at least one player to reach exactly 20 Subers. If no players qualify, then all players in the game who are not On Ice shall receive 10 Subers for witnessing the End of the World.
f) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$1000, and has never exceeded A$1000 before, then e shall receive 4 Subers.
g) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$5000, and has never exceeded A$5000 before, then e shall receive 16 Subers.
h) When a player is declared the winner of a game described in the Games and Contests Rule Suite, and the game was not a Duel, and involved 6 or more players, then e shall receive 1 Suber. However, no player may earn more than 3 Subers in any one calendar month by this method.
i) When a player is declared the winner of a game of Grab-a-Donkey, e shall receive 1 Suber.
j) When a player acquires the title of Winner of a Game of PartyChess, e shall also receive 2 Subers. If e is a Party Swinger, then all other members of that Political Party shall receive 1 Suber. If e is an NAP Swinger, all other players who are not members of any Political Party shall receive 1 Suber. However, in the event that any player acquired that title earlier in the same calendar month, no Subers shall be received.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 52, entitled "Excessive Subers", with text as delimited by REMOVE below:
If at any time 2 or more players each possess 20 or more Subers each, then
every player in the game will have eir number of Subers possessed reduced
to (19/m) of their Suber total immediately prior to the application of
this rule, rounded up, where m is the largest number of Subers held by
any player prior to the application of this rule.
[For example: There are three players, A, B, and C. A and B have 19
Subers each, C has 5. An event happens which gives A 6 Subers and B 2
Subers. This sets the scores to 25, 21 and 5. Each player's score is
then multiplied by 19/25, 25 being the highest score. This results in
the scores being A: 19, B: 16 and C: 4.
This method enables 20 to be a constant limit on Subers, while not
creating insuperable problems should two players reach 20 simultaneously.]
If at any time only 1 player possesses 20 or more Subers, but e also
possesses the Chartreuse Goose, then the player will lose 25 Subers or all
eir Subers, whichever is less, and the Chartreuse Goose shall then go
Somewhere Else.
Amend Rule 666 by replacing section k with the following FIX delimited text:
k) The winner of the cycle loses all eir Subers, or 25 Subers, whichever
is less. All other players lose half eir Subers, rounded down. The Magic
Number of points is reset to the base Magic Number.
[From here on the changes are deletions due to the consolidation of winning conditions into the Suber acquisition rule.]
Delete the last sentence of Rule 601.
Renumber Rule 601 to Rule 654.
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 starting with "If exactly one voting
player" and finishing with "Winning Condition".
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 which reads "None of the players shall win
the cycle at this time."
Renumber Rule 603 to Rule 655.
Delete from Rule 605 the following <>-delimited text:
(1) win the current Cycle of the Game, if the Proposal which created the
rule was non-Modest. This win, if it occurs, shall occur immediately after
the score changes as a result of the Proposal being accepted are applied.
Renumber Rule 605 to Rule 656.
Delete the second and third sentences of Rule 620.
[The Chartreuse Goose condition by now has been subsumed into the rest of
the Winning Condition set.]
Delete the sentence of rule 620 which reads:
"If this judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for
judgement is declared the winner of the cycle; the win occurring at the
time it becomes illegal to appeal the CFJ under the current rules. "
[Again, already covered by the acquisition of Suber rules.]
Renumber Rule 620 to Rule 657.
Delete the last two sentences of Section VII of Rule 850.
[The Museum winning condition has been converted into Subers.]
Replace the following ARMAGEDDON-delimited text from Rule 1320 with the
SIMPLE-delimited text following:
The End of the World causes the cycle to immediately end. The winner of
the cycle will be the active or vacationing player who had donated the
most A$ to The Round Earth Restoration Society at the time that the Earth
was made round. If this selection method results in a tie, or the player
who would win is for some reason ineligible to win the cycle, then the
player who most recently became Enlightened out of those players who are
tied will be the winner of the cycle. If none of the players who are tied
for most A$ donated to The Round Earth Society are Enlightened, then the
Speaker will randomly select with equal probability one of the players who
are tied to be the winner. In any of these cases, the winner will receive
the title of Prophet of Doom.
If the End of the World causes the cycle to end, then the winner will
receive the title of Prophet of Doom.
Proposal 2426 - Sat 29 Nov 1997 03:44 EST
Grand Dramatic Win Condition Rejig Re-Rejigged
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
This is a Grandiose Proposal.
[You'd better believe it, buster!]
[The aim of this proposal - to unify all the different winning methods
without completely going round the twist, and thereby to make changes to
the methods of achieving a win much simpler - just come up with different
ways to get Subers, and make existing ways worth less Subers or none
altogether! I've left the current wins as full wins, but if people want
to fiddle with that later, this rule makes it easy.]
[Note - this rule ignores the possibility of secret agendas, but we can bring them back into Subers if they both succeed, e.g. 7 Subers each time you get one of your condition hats set to true.]
{{All entities containing the word "Suber" or "Subers" in their name are destroyed.}}
[The above is necessary to eliminate Malenkai's loophole.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 650, entitled "Win Condition", with text as delimited by WOOHOO below:
A cycle winning condition is achieved when a single player has 20 or more
Subers in eir possession, and no other player has 20 or more Subers, and
the single player possessing 20 or more Subers does not possess the
Chartreuse Goose.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 651, entitled "Subers", with text as delimited by PETER below:
Subers are non-tradable entities. Any references elsewhere in the Rules
to players receiving or losing Subers are to be interpreted as the
creation or destruction of Subers in that player's possession. No
non-player entity may possess Subers (the singular of Subers is Suber).
All Suber creation or destruction which results from a single
event shall occur simultaneously.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 51.1, entitled "Gaining Subers", with text as delimited by FREAKAZOID below:
Players may only receive Subers as described in this Rule, but when they
do receive them according to this rule, "received" is to be interpreted as
in Rule 651. The following are the only ways to receive Subers:
a) Whenever there is a unique player who has more than the Magic Number of points in eir possession, e shall receive 20 Subers.
b) A player whose score divides (MN-1) without remainder, where MN is the
Magic Number, may Take The Box. When a player Takes The Box, e receives
30/N^2 Subers, rounded down, where N = (MN-1)/P, MN is the Magic Number,
and P is the player's score when e Took The Box. The player's score is
set to 0 simultaneously with the creation of the Subers.
[e.g. Magic Number 257. A player on 128 may Take the Box, as 256/128 = 2.
Doing so would earn em 7 subers (= 30/2^2 rounded down)]
c) Whenever a verdict of TRUE is reached on a Paradox Win CFJ, the player who submitted it shall receive 20 Subers, provided e is a voting player at the time the verdict ceases to be appealable.
d) The instant after a player receives the title of "Sage o' Doe Gas", e shall receive 20 Subers, provided e did not receive the title as a result of a non-Modest Proposal being accepted.
e) When the End of the World occurs as specified in Rule 1320, the active non-vacationing player who has donated most A$ to the Round Earth Restoration Society when the Earth was made Round shall receive 20 Subers, if a unique qualifying person exists. If no unique qualifying person exists, then the same amount of Subers will be received by each player who, if the other players did not exist, would qualify as a unique qualifying person. This number will be the minimum number required for at least one player to reach exactly 20 Subers. If no players qualify, then all players in the game who are not On Ice shall receive 10 Subers for witnessing the End of the World.
f) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$1000, and has never exceeded A$1000 before, then e shall receive 4 Subers.
g) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$5000, and has never exceeded A$5000 before, then e shall receive 16 Subers.
h) When a player is declared the winner of a game described in the Games and Contests Rule Suite, and the game was not a Duel, and involved 6 or more players, then e shall receive 1 Suber. However, no player may earn more than 3 Subers in any one calendar month by this method.
i) When a player is declared the winner of a game of Grab-a-Donkey, e shall receive 1 Suber.
j) When a player acquires the title of Winner of a Game of PartyChess, e shall also receive 2 Subers. If e is a Party Swinger, then all other members of that Political Party shall receive 1 Suber. If e is an NAP Swinger, all other players who are not members of any Political Party shall receive 1 Suber. However, in the event that any player acquired that title earlier in the same calendar month, no Subers shall be received.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 52, entitled "Excessive Subers", with text as delimited by REMOVE below:
If at any time 2 or more players each possess 20 or more Subers each, then
every player in the game will have eir number of Subers possessed reduced
to (19/m) of their Suber total immediately prior to the application of
this rule, rounded up, where m is the largest number of Subers held by
any player prior to the application of this rule.
[For example: There are three players, A, B, and C. A and B have 19
Subers each, C has 5. An event happens which gives A 6 Subers and B 2
Subers. This sets the scores to 25, 21 and 5. Each player's score is
then multiplied by 19/25, 25 being the highest score. This results in
the scores being A: 19, B: 16 and C: 4.
This method enables 20 to be a constant limit on Subers, while not
creating insuperable problems should two players reach 20 simultaneously.]
If at any time only 1 player possesses 20 or more Subers, but e also
possesses the Chartreuse Goose, then the player will lose 25 Subers or all
eir Subers, whichever is less, and the Chartreuse Goose shall then go
Somewhere Else.
Amend Rule 666 by replacing section k with the following FIX delimited text:
k) The winner of the cycle loses all eir Subers, or 25 Subers, whichever
is less. All other players lose half eir Subers, rounded down. The Magic
Number of points is reset to the base Magic Number.
[From here on the changes are deletions due to the consolidation of winning conditions into the Suber acquisition rule.]
Delete the last sentence of Rule 601.
Renumber Rule 601 to Rule 654.
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 starting with "If exactly one voting
player" and finishing with "Winning Condition".
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 which reads "None of the players shall win
the cycle at this time."
Renumber Rule 603 to Rule 655.
Delete from Rule 605 the following <>-delimited text:
(1) win the current Cycle of the Game, if the Proposal which created the
rule was non-Modest. This win, if it occurs, shall occur immediately after
the score changes as a result of the Proposal being accepted are applied.
Renumber Rule 605 to Rule 656.
Delete the second and third sentences of Rule 620.
[The Chartreuse Goose condition by now has been subsumed into the rest of
the Winning Condition set.]
Delete the sentence of rule 620 which reads:
"If this judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for
judgement is declared the winner of the cycle; the win occurring at the
time it becomes illegal to appeal the CFJ under the current rules. "
[Again, already covered by the acquisition of Suber rules.]
Renumber Rule 620 to Rule 657.
Delete the last two sentences of Section VII of Rule 850.
[The Museum winning condition has been converted into Subers.]
Replace the following ARMAGEDDON-delimited text from Rule 1320 with the
SIMPLE-delimited text following:
The End of the World causes the cycle to immediately end. The winner of
the cycle will be the active or vacationing player who had donated the
most A$ to The Round Earth Restoration Society at the time that the Earth
was made round. If this selection method results in a tie, or the player
who would win is for some reason ineligible to win the cycle, then the
player who most recently became Enlightened out of those players who are
tied will be the winner of the cycle. If none of the players who are tied
for most A$ donated to The Round Earth Society are Enlightened, then the
Speaker will randomly select with equal probability one of the players who
are tied to be the winner. In any of these cases, the winner will receive
the title of Prophet of Doom.
If the End of the World causes the cycle to end, then the winner will
receive the title of Prophet of Doom.
Proposal 2427 - Sat 29 Nov 1997 03:46 EST
Don't Let Slakko Make a Fool of Himself Again
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend Rule 344 by replacing "rule or body of text, whichever comes first"
with "paragraph".
Proposal 2428 - Sat 29 Nov 1997 05:13 EST
Stick the Vulcans Where They Belong
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
Delete the last paragraph of Rule 1.
Renumber Rule 1 to Rule 1401.
Repeal Rule 0.
[This creates a new section, to do with the History of the Game, in the 1400s.]
Proposal 2429 - Sat 29 Nov 1997 20:26 EST
Elimination of Round Ambiguity
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Replace section 4C of Rule 1230.2 with the following CLEARUP delimited text:
C. A Round of play is defined as a time period in which each Swinger
played at least once, at least one Swinger played only once, and no
Swinger who played more than once played after all Swingers who played
exactly once.
Each time a Round of play is over, RoundCount is incremented by 1.
Whenever a new game of Party Chess is started, and no other rule
specifies what the RoundCount shall be, it shall be set to 0.
[Reasoning: 1. Currently the definition of Round is ambiguous, as the
following are both rounds if A through F are the only Swingers:
A,B,C,D,E,F and A,B,C,D,E,F,A,B,C,D. This changes ensures that
A,B,C,D,E,F is a round, but A,B,C,D,E,F,A is not.]
[2. The new rules on Winning a Hand could be interpreted as winning a
game. In such a case, the RoundCount will be set as described in that
rule, not simply reset to 0.]
Proposal 2430
Due to an Promoter error, there is no proposal 2430.
Proposal 2431 - Sat 29 Nov 1997 20:37 EST
Simplification of Winning Conditions into Subers
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
This is a Grandiose Proposal.
[The aim of this proposal - to unify all the different winning methods without completely going round the twist, and thereby to make changes to the methods of achieving a win much simpler - just come up with different ways to get Subers, and make existing ways worth less Subers or none altogether! I've left the current wins as full wins, but if people want to fiddle with that later, this rule makes it easy.]
[Note - this rule ignores the possibility of secret agendas, but we can bring them back into Subers if they both succeed, e.g. 7 Subers each time you get one of your condition hats set to true.]
[Thanks to lots and lots of suggestions, this tries hard to have no immediate effect on winning conditions.]
{{All entities, which are not players, containing the word "Suber" or "Subers" in their name are destroyed.}}
[The above is necessary to eliminate Malenkai's loophole.]
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 650, entitled "Win Condition", with text as delimited by WOOHOO below:
A cycle winning condition is achieved when a single player has 20 or more
Subers in eir possession, and no other player has more Subers, and
the single player possessing the most Subers does not possess the
Chartreuse Goose.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 651, entitled "Subers", with text as delimited by PETER below:
Subers are non-tradable entities. Any references elsewhere in the Rules
to players receiving or losing Subers are to be interpreted as the
creation or destruction of Subers in that player's possession. No
non-player entity may possess Subers (the singular of Subers is Suber).
All Suber creation or destruction which results from a single
event shall occur simultaneously.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 651.1, entitled "Gaining Subers", with text as delimited by FREAKAZOID below:
Players may only receive Subers as described in this Rule, but when they
do receive them according to this rule, "received" is to be interpreted as
in Rule 651. The following are the only ways to receive Subers:
a) Whenever there is a unique player who has more than the Magic Number of points in eir possession, e shall receive 20 Subers.
b) A player whose score divides (MN-1) without remainder, where MN is the
Magic Number, may Take The Box. When a player Takes The Box, e receives
30/N^2 Subers, rounded down, where N = (MN-1)/P, MN is the Magic Number,
and P is the player's score when e Took The Box. The player's score is
set to 0 simultaneously with the creation of the Subers.
[e.g. Magic Number 257. A player on 128 may Take the Box, as 256/128 = 2.
Doing so would earn em 7 subers (= 30/2^2 rounded down)]
c) Whenever a verdict of TRUE is reached on a Paradox Win CFJ, the player who submitted it shall receive 20 Subers, provided e is a voting player at the time the verdict ceases to be appealable.
d) The instant after a player receives the title of "Sage o' Doe Gas", e shall receive 20 Subers, provided e received the title as a result of a non-Modest Proposal being accepted.
e) When the End of the World occurs as specified in Rule 1320, the active non-vacationing player who has donated most A$ to the Round Earth Restoration Society when the Earth was made Round shall receive 20 Subers, if a unique qualifying person exists. If no unique qualifying person exists, then the same amount of Subers will be received by each player who, if the other players did not exist, would qualify as a unique qualifying person. This number will be the minimum number required for at least one player to reach exactly 20 Subers. If no players qualify, then all players in the game who are not On Ice shall receive 10 Subers for witnessing the End of the World.
f) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$5000, and has never exceeded A$1000 before, then e shall receive 20 Subers.
Amend Rule 666 by replacing section k with the following FIX delimited text:
k) All players lose all eir Subers. A cycle is won by points if the
winner achieved the winning condition by receiving 20 Subers as described
in Rule 651.1 part (a). If the cycle was won by points, then amend Rule
655 to change the base value of the Magic Number to the smallest prime
number greater than (the current Magic Number*1.2). If the last two cycles
were not won by points, then amend Rule 655 to change the base value of
the Magic Number to the smallest prime number greater than (the current
Magic Number*0.9). Reset the Magic Number to the base Magic Number.
[From here on the changes are deletions due to the consolidation of winning conditions into the Suber acquisition rule.]
Delete the last sentence of Rule 601.
Renumber Rule 601 to Rule 654.
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 starting with "If exactly one voting
player" and finishing with "Winning Condition".
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 which reads "None of the players shall win
the cycle at this time."
Renumber Rule 603 to Rule 655.
Delete from Rule 605 the following <>-delimited text:
(1) win the current Cycle of the Game, if the Proposal which created the
rule was non-Modest. This win, if it occurs, shall occur immediately after
the score changes as a result of the Proposal being accepted are applied.
Renumber Rule 605 to Rule 656.
Delete the second and third sentences of Rule 620.
[The Chartreuse Goose condition by now has been subsumed into the rest of
the Winning Condition set.]
Delete the sentence of rule 620 which reads:
"If this judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for
judgement is declared the winner of the cycle; the win occurring at the
time it becomes illegal to appeal the CFJ under the current rules. "
[Again, already covered by the acquisition of Suber rules.]
Renumber Rule 620 to Rule 657.
Delete the last two sentences of Section VII of Rule 850.
[The Museum winning condition has been converted into Subers.]
Replace the following ARMAGEDDON-delimited text from Rule 1320 with the
SIMPLE-delimited text following:
The End of the World causes the cycle to immediately end. The winner of
the cycle will be the active or vacationing player who had donated the
most A$ to The Round Earth Restoration Society at the time that the Earth
was made round. If this selection method results in a tie, or the player
who would win is for some reason ineligible to win the cycle, then the
player who most recently became Enlightened out of those players who are
tied will be the winner of the cycle. If none of the players who are tied
for most A$ donated to The Round Earth Society are Enlightened, then the
Speaker will randomly select with equal probability one of the players who
are tied to be the winner. In any of these cases, the winner will receive
the title of Prophet of Doom.
If the End of the World causes the cycle to end, then the winner will
receive the title of Prophet of Doom.
Proposal 2432 - Sat 29 Nov 1997 20:43 EST
Changes to Subers
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
Append the following LOBE delimited text to Rule 651.1:
g) When a player is declared the winner of a game described in the Games
and Contests Rule Suite, and the game was not a Duel, and involved 6 or
more players, then e shall receive 1 Suber. However, no player may earn
more than 3 Subers in any one calendar month by this method.
h) When a player is declared the winner of a game of Grab-a-Donkey, e shall receive 1 Suber.
i) When a player acquires the title of Winner of a Game of PartyChess, e
shall also receive 2 Subers. If e is a Party Swinger, then all other
members of that Political Party shall receive 1 Suber. If e is an NAP
Swinger, all other players who are not members of any Political Party
shall receive 1 Suber. However, in the event that any player acquired that
title earlier in the same calendar month, no Subers shall be received.
Proposal 2433 - Sun 30 Nov 1997 06:02 EST
I just don't have the heart
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal
{{[this conditional proposal will only have effect if proposal 2411, which creates a list of conventions, is accepted]}}
Amend rule 340, if and only if its title is "Conventions", to append the following text to the end of the rule:
VI. Whenever division is performed in Ackanomic, and the
denomonator of that division evaluates to 0, then the result of
that entire division shall be 0. {{[this takes precedence over reality :)]}}
Proposal 2434 - Sun 30 Nov 1997 18:37 EST
Practice Voodoo Economics
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 505, "Treasury and AckaDollars", to replace the text "75,000" with "100,000".
Proposal 2435 - Sun 30 Nov 1997 18:40 EST
Sisters Fall Out
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
{{[This is designed to create a sort of prisoner's dilemma kind of situation. Each player will have the opportunity to shut down the bonus point scoring, but will have to take a cut in their bonus score to do so. At what point does someone organize the reconciliation to prevent other people getting points in future?]}}
Amend rule 909 by appending the following FRIENDS-delimited text:
Phoebe is still suffering from a falling out with her twin sister Ursula,
who lives inside the Machine that Goes *ping*. If Phoebe's wisdom, as
posted by a player, includes an attempt to vilify Ursula, then that player
will be awarded 2 points in addition to those earned for posting the
wisdom. If, on the other hand, a player posts Phoebe's wisdom which
includes the details of a reconciliation with Ursula, then that player
will not be eligible for the 2 point bonus for vilification, and will only
gain 4 points rather than 6 for posting Phoebe's wisdom. However, a
Trinket will be created in eir possession, titled "Fleas Shaking Hands
#n", where n is the smallest cardinal number necessary to avoid a naming
conflict, valued at A$2, and with the description "Phoebe and Ursula
reconciling, cast in pewter".
If someone ever receives "Fleas Shaking Hands #n", for any cardinal
number n, as a result of the application of the preceding paragraph, then
that paragraph will be repealed, and this paragraph will then repeal
Proposal 2436 - Mon 01 Dec 1997 06:16 EST
Rest in Peace
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
{{[gist: clean out the undead crypt by purging any undead (for a non-elder) after a crypt-life of 90 days]}}
Amend rule 258, "Undead", to append the following to the end of the rule:
Undead who exist for 90 {{(or more)}} days decompose. Upon
decomposition, the Undead destroys all the Bond Promissories
associated with them, then it transfers all other entites it
ows to the Treasury. Then the Undead is destroyed.
Undead whose associated likeness is enshrined in the Hall of
Elders never decompose, however.
Amend rule 843, "Hall of Elders", to remove the string "(or game)" from section 3, and to remove the last sentence of section 5. [an unneeded precedence clause]
Proposal 2437 - Mon 01 Dec 1997 20:08 EST
Stock(ing) Filler
The Gingham Wearer (Tom Walmsley)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) on Fri 5 Dec 1997 01:07:45 EST.
Create a new rule numbered 714, titled "To the stocks" containing the following FLIBBLE delimited text:
The Location known as the stocks is hereby created. It is a cramped building. A player may not leave the stocks except by the application of a Rule which explicitly defines a procedure or condition for the player to be released or removed from the stocks (including latter parts of this rule).
If a player is in the stocks, they shall not count for the purposes of determining Quorum.
Players in the stocks may not be selected to judge CFJ's, to be mentors, or to be Mad Hatters. If a player has been selected to judge a CFJ and has not yet accepted or declined the appointment when e enters the stocks, e is considered to have declined the appointment as judge.
If a player is in the stocks, they may perform no game actions except those on the following numbered list and those allowed by Rule 101. If a particular action on this list is not defined elsewhere in the rules, however, it is considered to be "prohibited". This clause defers to any other rule which regulates any action on the following list:
1) A voting player in the stocks may make a Call for Judgement (CFJ)
2) A voting player in the stocks may make a Call for Criminal Judgement (CFCJ)
3) A player in the stocks may bribe any other player who is not either in gaol or in the stocks to release him. Any voting player may do so and he can demand any amount of payment to do so. It is however considered a crime to release someone from the stocks although it is often ignored. If a player is released in this manner then he is considered to be no longer in the stocks.
4) A player in the stocks may go on Vacation
5) A player in the stocks may return from Vacation
6) A player in the stocks may make a Public Apology.
7) A player in the stocks may post any number of public messages a day.
8) ) A player in the stocks may make an Appeal for Pardon (AFP), as long as that player is not the President.
Note that "game action" means anything where the player must act. Examples include voting, submitting proposals, AOJs, chewing the Gumball, etc. Examples of what this does NOT include are things like gaining points, passively receiving currency or the Magic Potato, or winning.
Whenever a player (A) is in the stocks any other player (B) may throw a tomato at (A) providing they are not in gaol or the stocks by paying A$2 to the treasury to purchase the tomato and publicly announce that e is "throwing the tomato" and also who e is throwing it at if there is more than one player in the stocks. It is considered good form to describe the tomato and the manner in which it is thrown. A player in the stocks may not make a public apology or AFP if they have had a tomato thrown at them during the last three hours [because they are much too angry]. Also for each tomato thrown at a player in the stocks there is a risk of one in twenty of that player having an allergic reaction to a particular brand of tomato. If they have an allergic reaction then on being released from the stocks they may not post any public messages for 24 hours since they re recovering from illness.
A player is released from the stocks if and when their sentence expires. Other rules may specify other conditions under which a player is released.
Also modify section 5)c) of rule 710/11 Criminal Justice so that after the word Gaol are inserted the words or the stocks.
Proposal 2438 - Tue 02 Dec 1997 18:10 EST
Lights, Camera, ...
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal.
This, I hope, will settle the problem with R373 that CFJ 471
highlights. The appeal decision on that CFJ has not yet been
reached, but this amendment will either codify that decision
into the rules or correct the situation. I think that this
is what was intended all along, for what that's worth.
Amend rule 373 (Public Actions) by appending the following double-asterisk-delimited text to the second paragraph:
Referring to information contained in other documents or data sources
does not constitute including that information in the message.
Proposal 2439 - Tue 02 Dec 1997 19:13 EST
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: accepted
In considering the appeal of CFJ 471, I found that there were at
least a few actions in the game that were not "public actions,"
even though there was no apparent reason for them not to be. I
decided to bring those things into the fold, the advantage of that
being that we could then control how actions are to be performed by
modifying just one rule instead of several. I decided to be as
exhaustive as possible, so I searched the rules for the word
"publically." I also paid special attention to the Blueprints.
It'll be quick and easy, I thought. Ha. I found more than 30
seperate actions in more than 25 different rules.
In some cases all that was required was to remove "by publically announcing that they are doing so," or other text to that effect. The ruleset will not be appreciably shortened by this proposal, however. There are still a few things actions that will not be "public actions" -- it is possible that some or all of these could be made into public actions, but I am not doing so with this. I have endeavored to change only those parts of the rules that describe how the actions are to be performed; in some cases that means that where the original rules might have been a little lacking this proposal does not attempt to fix them up.
I cannot guarantee that this proposal is bug-free, but I do
promise that there is no scam intentionally hidden in it.
Amend rule 252 (Joining the Game), part III, section (1) by deleting the last sentence. {{[ This one specifies an ought-to-be-public possible action, but it is also redundant with the Buildings rule. ]}}
Amend rule 330 (Retractions) in the following ways:
(1) By replacing the first sentence with "A player may retract his own proposal as a public action. This action will fail if the results of that proposal have already been announced at the time that the action is attempted."
(2) By replacing the first sentence of the second paragraph with "A player may retract his own CFJ as a public action. This action will fail if a verdict on the CFJ has already been delivered."
(3) By replacing the first sentence of the third paragraph with "A player may retract his own Miscellaneous Submission as a public action. This action will fail if a decision on the acceptance or rejection of the submission is already publically knowable."
Amend rule 505 (Treasury and Ackadollars) by deleting the text "by publically announcing they are doing so".
Amend rule 506 (Trinkets) in the following ways:
(1) By replacing the third sentence with "The owner of a trinket may
transform it into its value in A$ as a public action."
(2) By replacing the second paragraph with the following double-
asterisk-delimited text:
A player may tranform some or all of his A$ into a Trinket as a public
action. In order to fully specify this action, the player must state
the name, description, and value of the Trinket to be created. The
creation fails if the player does not have at least as many A$ as the
stated value of the Trinket. If the Trinket creation succeeds then
the player who created the Trinket is its intial owner.
Amend rule 594.1 (Blueprint: Scroll of Crumble) by replacing its first three sentences with: "The owner of a Scroll of Crumble may read it as a public action. In order to fully specify this action, the player attempting it must include the text of the Scroll (which he may make up) and specify an existing gadget. If this action is successful then the specified gadget is destroyed."
Amend rule 594.2 (Blueprint: The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do
Too Much, Really) by the words "by publically stating that he is doing
so" from the first paragraph and by replacing the third paragraph with
the following double-percent-sign-delimited text:
The owner of The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really
may use it to change the player name of any Ackanomic player to another
name which is an anagram of the original. This is a public action. In
order to fully specify this action, the owner must state that he has
pointed The Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Too Much, Really at x
(where x is the name of the player being renamed) and pressed the
ENERGIZE button, and he must give an anagram of the original name. If
this action is successful then x's name is changed to the specified
Amend rule 594.4 (Blueprint: Vending Machine) in the following ways:
(1) By changing the third paragraph to: "The owner of a Vending Machine may change the price for which the Machine sells any item. This fails if the price for that item was changed at any time within the preceeding thirty days or if the new price is not an even integer."
(2) By replacing the last paragraph with: "Any player may attempt to buy any item from any Vending Machine. This fails if the Vending Machine is broken or unowned; if the Vending Machine is not equipped to vend the specified item; or if the player attempting to buy the item does not have the current price for which the specified Machine sells the specified item. If the action succeeds then the Machine transfers half of the current price of that item to its owner and the other half to the Treasury, and then it creates a new item of the type requested and gives it to the buyer."
Amend rule 594.7 (Blueprint: Evil Ballot Stuffer) by deleting the words "by publically announcing they are doing so".
Amend rule 594.9 (Blueprint: Spell Book of Chorg) be changing the third paragraph to: "A player who owns a Book may read the spell on its lowest-numbered page as a public action. In order to fully specify this action, the player must describe a pyrotechnic display by which the page is destroyed. This action fails if any other page has been read from the same book within the last calendar week. If this action is successful then the page read is removed from the book and destroyed as described by the reader in his reading attempt, and one of the following effects shall occur, depending on the number of the page read: "
Amend rule 594.12 (Blueprint: Gimme Shelter) by replacing the second paragraph with: "The owner of an In the Box Gimme Shelter may pitch it as a public action. This action fails if there is any other player in the same Location as the owner. If it succeeds, then the Gimme Shelter is then considered Pitched in the Location where the player was when he pitched it."
Amend rule 594.13 (Blueprint: Oscar) by removing the text ", and announcing this publically".
Amend rule 594.16 (Blueprint: Silver Spaceship) by replacing the second paragraph with: "The possessor of a Silver Spaceship may launch it as a public action. In order to fully specify this action the launcher must specify a Location that is defined by the rules to be a Moon or Planet, and he must include an original piece of poetry or lyrical composition of at least 5 lines that contains the words 'They', 'Might', 'Be', and 'Giants' anywhere in its text. The launch fails if the launcher is not in the Wilds of Ackanomia (local authorities object to the noise). If the launch succeeds then the the launcher is transported to the Location named. The Silver Spaceship becomes broken after being successfully launched unless the poetry used in the launch was a sonnet. The Poet Laureate shall be the final authority as to whether the poetry used qualifies per above, or was in fact a sonnet, if the question is raised. "
Amend rule 594.19 (Blueprint: Pyraic Frobnotzer) by replacing the third
and fourth paragraphs with the following double-dollar-sign-delimited
The owner of a Pyraic Frobnotzer may attach either of its nodes to a
noun phrase in a Rule as a public action. This fails if the Frobnotzer
is gyrating. If the node was already attached to a noun phrase then
it ceases to be attached to the old phrase. If a node of the
Frobnotzer is attached to a noun phrase in a rule when that rule is
amended, repealed, or modified in any way then that node becomes
The owner of a Pyraic Frobnotzer may set it off as a public action.
This fails if the Frobnotzer is broken or if either node is unattached.
If it succeeds then the Pyraic Frobnotzer starts to gyrate. It foams.
It steams. It continues to gyrate, with increasing angular momentum and
wobble, until it is broken or destroyed.
Amend rule 620 (Chartreuse Goose) by replacing the following
double-hyphen-delimited paragraph:
All of the following actions must be announced publically if they are
performed, and the time of such post establishes the time when these
actions occur. These transfers are impermissible between the time a
Paradox Win CFJ submitted by the Goose owner is publically knowable to
have been judged TRUE, and the last instant that CFJ may legally be
with the following double-plus-sign-delimited paragraph:
Each of the following may be performed as a public action. Each of
these actions will fail if it is attempted between the time a Paradox
Win CFJ submitted by the Goose owner is publically knowable to have been
judged TRUE, and the last instant that CFJ may legally be appealed.
Amend rule 712 (Gaoler), part (iv), by deleting the text ", by publically announcing that they are doing so" each place it occurs.
Amend rule 837 (Nothing Important) by deleting the text ", by publically announcing that they are doing so" from the last sentence.
Amend rule 841 by replacing sections (4) and (5) with the following
double-semicolon-delimited text:
4) Constructing a tower is a public action. In order to fully
specify this action, a player must announce to which building he is
adding a tower (or on which kaa of land he is building it), a
description of the tower, and the height of the tower (a positive,
integral number). This action fails if the specified height is less
than 35 meters or if the player is not permitted to build such a tower.
The cost of constructing a tower as A$ 3 per meter; the construction
action also fails if the player attempting it has fewer A$ than the
construction cost. If the construction succeeds then the construction
cost is transferred from the player constructing the tower to the
5) Extending the height of a tower is a public action. In order to
fully specify this action, a player must announce which tower he is
extending, a description of the extension, and the amount he is
extending the tower (a positiver, integral number). This action fails
if the player attempting it is not permitted to extend the specified
tower. The cost of extending a tower is A$ 5 per meter; the extension
also fails if the player attempting it has fewer A$ than the extension
cost. If the extension succeeds then the extension cost is transferred
from the player extending the tower to the Treasury.
Amend rule 850 (Museum) by replacing the first sentence of section III with: "A player may donate any Gadget, Trinket, or Prosthetic Forehead he owns to the Museum. This will fail if the player attempting it is not at the Museum."
Amend rule 850 (Museum) by inserting the text: "(i.e. the donation fails)" at the end of the sentence currently ending with "15 such pieces on display."
Amend rule 909 (Steel Flea) by deleting the words: "by posting to that effect publicly".
Amend rule 925 (The Press) by replacing the first paragraph with: "Starting a Newspaper is a public action. In order to fully specify this action, the player attempting it must state the name of the new Newspaper. This action will fail if the player does not own at least A$ 20. If the action succeeds then A$ 20 is transferred from the player to the Treasury to cover start-up costs."
Amend rule 925 (The Press) by replacing the last two sentences of the fifth paragraph with: "The owner of a newspaper may close it down. If he does so then the Newspaper is said to have 'gone bust' and ceases to exist."
Amend rule 929 (Baaa) by replacing the second paragraph with "Taking possession of the Little Lamb is a public action. This action will fail if the Lamb is currently owned by a player who has owned it for less than one week."
Amend rule 939 (Beldin's Tailor) by replacing the second paragraph with
the following double-caret-delimited text:
Beldin's Tailor may amend the rule entitled "Beldin's Pants" in any one
of the following ways, as a public action:
Amend rule 1044 (Swingpoints) by replacing sections 4 and 5 with the
following double-exclamation-point-delimited text:
4. Swingpoint Conversions
a. A Player may, as a public action, convert any positive number of his own Swingpoints into twice as many points (which are added to his score).
b. A Player may, as a public action, convert four of his own Swingpoints into one Bonus Vote.
c. A Player may use any set of his own Swingpoints to offset the cost of a PartyChessPiece purchase. In order to fully specify this action, the Player must state the piece he is purchasing and the number of Swingpoints he is using to offset the cost. This action fails if five times the number of Swingpoints he attempts to use is greater than the cost of the piece. If the action succeeds then the player purchases the piece as if he had exercised rule 1230.1, part D, except that the cost of the piece is reduced by five A$ for each Swingpoint used. This action constitutes a type of Swingpoint conversion for the purposes of this rule
d. Actions (a) through (c) fail if the Player owns fewer Swingpoints
than he is attempting to convert. Actions (b) and (c) fail if the
player has performed any Swingpoint conversion within the past seven
days, or if the Player has performed the same type of Swingpoint
conversion within the past fourteen days.
Amend rule 1044 (Swingpoints) by renumbering section 6 as section 5.
Amend rule 1112 (Let there be Harf!) by replacing the second paragraph with: "The Harfmeister may designate a proposal currently under voting consideration as Harfy. This action fails if there are already three proposals designated Harfy or if the proposal specified is attributed to the Harfmeister. A proposal designated Harfy remains so designated as long as it is under voting consideration; it ceases to be designated Harfy as soon as it ceases to be under voting consideration."
Amend rule 1112 (Let there be Harf!) by deleting the text "by publically calling for one".
Amend rule 1213 (Grab-a-Donkey) by replacing the paragraph beginning with "If it has been at least 60 days" with: "Any player may claim the title of Wrangler and Belt-Holder as a public action. This fails if there is currently a game of Grab-a-Donkey in progress or if the most recent game of Grab-a-Donkey ended fewer than 60 days ago. The titles are immediately transferred to any successful claimant. It is considered good form for a successful claimant to start a game of Grab-a-Donkey within a short time."
Amend rule 1217 (Buried Treasure!) by replacing the first two sentences with the following double-ampersand-delimited text:
Burying Treasure is a public action. In order to fully specify this
action, the player attempting it must state which one or more of his
tradeable entities collectively constitute the Treasure.
Proposal 2440 - Wed 03 Dec 1997 05:12 EST
Let All of Nomic Culture view our Exhibitions
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
Append the followng text to section VII of R1250 "Games & Contests as
subsection b of that section:
"A Referee of any game may declare the game to be an Internomic
Exhibition, provided e makes the declaration prior to the first move
in that game, and at a stage when players can still join the game. When a
game has been declared as an Internomic Exhibition, any person
who is a player of a nomic which a member of Internomic may join as a
player, provided e abides by the rules of the specific game.
When a game is declared to be an Internomic Exhibition, no point,currency
or trophies are transferred to, from or between players.
Proposal 2441 - Wed 03 Dec 1997 05:41 EST
You Must Play to Stay
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
{{[If you want to play Party Chess, then you will submit turns from time to time. If you don't want to play, then what point is there being Swinger? It also means that everyone else has to wait 3 days for you to not play each round - which slows down the game unnecessarily. Note that this rule has no effect on people on vacation, who do not make moves, and it only renders the office vacant, so we have to wait 7 days for it to become warn.]}}
Append the following RIP-VAN-WINKLE to section 4 of Rule 1230.2:
If a Swinger is forced to make a default play as described in this rule,
and eir previous two moves while holding that Office of Swinger were also
default plays as described in this rule, then the Office of Swinger they
possess becomes vacant.
Proposal 2442 - Wed 03 Dec 1997 18:19 EST
Prolix Propositions
K 2 (Kelly Kelly)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey) on Fri 5 Dec 1997 01:07:45 EST.
If a player tenders a proposal which fulfils the following requirements, then the proposal is a Prolix Proposition:
a) The proposal contains the furniture: "Warning Contains:
<word>", were <word> is a word, contained in the official
dictionary, which is not in the current rule set.
b) <word> is used in the body of the proposal such that it is not
contained in quotation marks, square brackets or double curly
brackets and will become part of an existing or new rule. [ In other
words it must be/become part of a functional sentence within a rule ]
Whenever a Prolix Proposition is accepted, the player who submitted it shall be endowed with a liberality of one point for enriching Acka, and is permitted to expound : "There's no word in English for my style" [They Might Be Giants, Extra Savoir Faire]
{{ [For example the following could be used as <word> ( as the rule set stands currently )] :
expound }}
Proposal 2443 - Wed 03 Dec 1997 18:25 EST
Who Watches the Watchers (I Never Studied Latin)
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
This is a Modest Proposal.
{{[Agora keeps track of the Observers of the game, and this is one of their traditions that I think Acka would do well to follow. Of course I don't agree with everything Agora seems to stand for - otherwise I'd play Agora instead!]}}
Amend Rule 409, "Registrar", by replacing section (a) with the following CUSTODIAN-delimited text:
(a) maintaining a list of all
(i) registered players and their Ackanomic names;
(ii) observers.
(i) and (ii) may be combined into one list, provided that the two
categories are distinguished within the list.
Proposal 2444
Due to a Promoter error, there is no proposal 2444.
Proposal 2445 - Wed 03 Dec 1997 18:58 EST
Simplification of Winning Conditions into Subers Again
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected
This is a Grandiose Proposal.
{{[The aim of this proposal - to unify all the different winning methods without completely going round the twist, and thereby to make changes to the methods of achieving a win much simpler - just come up with different ways to get Subers, and make existing ways worth less Subers or none altogether! I've left the current wins as full wins, but if people want to fiddle with that later, this rule makes it easy.]}}
{{[Note - this rule ignores the possibility of secret agendas, but we can bring them back into Subers if they both succeed, e.g. 7 Subers each time you get one of your condition hats set to true.]}}
{{[Thanks to lots and lots of suggestions, this tries hard to have no immediate effect on winning conditions.]}}
{{All ownable entities containing the word "Suber" or "Subers" in their name are destroyed.}}
{{[The above is necessary to eliminate Malenkai's loophole.]}}
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 650, entitled "Win Condition", with text as delimited by WOOHOO below:
A cycle winning condition is achieved when a single player has 20 or more
Subers in eir possession, and no other player has more Subers, and
the single player possessing the most Subers does not possess the
Chartreuse Goose.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 651, entitled "Subers", with text as delimited by PETER below:
Subers are non-tradable entities. Any references elsewhere in the Rules
to players receiving or losing Subers are to be interpreted as the
creation or destruction of Subers in that player's possession. No
non-player entity may possess Subers (the singular of Subers is Suber).
All Suber creation or destruction which results from a single
event shall occur simultaneously.
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 651.1, entitled "Gaining Subers", with text as delimited by FREAKAZOID below:
Players may only receive Subers as described in this Rule, but when they
do receive them according to this rule, "received" is to be interpreted as
in Rule 651. The following are the only ways to receive Subers:
a) Whenever there is a unique player who has more than the Magic Number of points in eir possession, e shall receive 20 Subers.
b) A player whose score divides (MN-1) without remainder, where MN is the
Magic Number, may Take The Box. When a player Takes The Box, e receives
30/N^2 Subers, rounded down, where N = (MN-1)/P, MN is the Magic Number,
and P is the player's score when e Took The Box. The player's score is
set to 0 simultaneously with the creation of the Subers.
[e.g. Magic Number 257. A player on 128 may Take the Box, as 256/128 = 2.
Doing so would earn em 7 subers (= 30/2^2 rounded down)]
c) Whenever a verdict of TRUE is reached on a Paradox Win CFJ, the player who submitted it shall receive 20 Subers, provided e is a voting player at the time the verdict ceases to be appealable.
d) The instant after a player receives the title of "Sage o' Doe Gas", e shall receive 20 Subers, provided e received the title as a result of a non-Modest Proposal being accepted.
e) When the End of the World occurs as specified in Rule 1320, the active non-vacationing player who has donated most A$ to the Round Earth Restoration Society when the Earth was made Round shall receive 20 Subers, if a unique qualifying person exists. If no unique qualifying person exists, then the same amount of Subers will be received by each player who, if the other players did not exist, would qualify as a unique qualifying person. This number will be the minimum number required for at least one player to reach exactly 20 Subers. If no players qualify, then all players in the game who are not On Ice shall receive 10 Subers for witnessing the End of the World.
f) If a player's BV as described in Rule 850, "Museum", exceeds A$5000, and has never exceeded A$5000 before, then e shall receive 20 Subers.
Amend Rule 666 by replacing section h with the following FIXONE delimited text:
h) Each player's score is set to zero. All players lose all eir Subers.
Amend Rule 666 by replacing section k with the following FIX delimited text:
k) A cycle is won by points if the change to the Suber total of the
winner which created the winning condition was as described
in Rule 651.1 part (a). If the cycle was won by points, then amend Rule
655 to change the base value of the Magic Number to the smallest prime
number greater than (the current Magic Number*1.2). If the last two cycles
were not won by points, then amend Rule 655 to change the base value of
the Magic Number to the smallest prime number greater than (the current
Magic Number*0.9). Reset the Magic Number to the base Magic Number.
[From here on the changes are deletions due to the consolidation of winning conditions into the Suber acquisition rule.]
Delete the last sentence of Rule 601.
Renumber Rule 601 to Rule 654.
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 starting with "If exactly one voting
player" and finishing with "Winning Condition".
Delete the sentence of Rule 603 which reads "None of the players shall win
the cycle at this time."
Renumber Rule 603 to Rule 655.
Delete from Rule 605 the following <>-delimited text:
(1) win the current Cycle of the Game, if the Proposal which created the
rule was non-Modest. This win, if it occurs, shall occur immediately after
the score changes as a result of the Proposal being accepted are applied.
Renumber Rule 605 to Rule 656.
Delete the second and third sentences of Rule 620.
[The Chartreuse Goose condition by now has been subsumed into the rest of
the Winning Condition set.]
Delete the sentence of rule 620 which reads:
"If this judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for
judgement is declared the winner of the cycle; the win occurring at the
time it becomes illegal to appeal the CFJ under the current rules. "
[Again, already covered by the acquisition of Suber rules.]
Renumber Rule 620 to Rule 657.
Delete the last two sentences of Section VII of Rule 850.
[The Museum winning condition has been converted into Subers.]
Replace the following ARMAGEDDON-delimited text from Rule 1320 with the
SIMPLE-delimited text following:
The End of the World causes the cycle to immediately end. The winner of
the cycle will be the active or vacationing player who had donated the
most A$ to The Round Earth Restoration Society at the time that the Earth
was made round. If this selection method results in a tie, or the player
who would win is for some reason ineligible to win the cycle, then the
player who most recently became Enlightened out of those players who are
tied will be the winner of the cycle. If none of the players who are tied
for most A$ donated to The Round Earth Society are Enlightened, then the
Speaker will randomly select with equal probability one of the players who
are tied to be the winner. In any of these cases, the winner will receive
the title of Prophet of Doom.
If the End of the World causes the cycle to end, then the winner will
receive the title of Prophet of Doom.
Proposal 2446 - Wed 03 Dec 1997 19:06 EST
Changes to Subers
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected
Append the following LOBE delimited text to Rule 651.1:
g) When a player is declared the winner of a game described in the Games
and Contests Rule Suite, and the game was not a Duel, and involved 6 or
more players, then e shall receive 1 Suber. However, no player may earn
more than 3 Subers in any one calendar month by this method.
h) When a player is declared the winner of a game of Grab-a-Donkey, e shall receive 1 Suber.
i) When a player acquires the title of Winner of a Game of PartyChess, e
shall also receive 2 Subers. If e is a Party Swinger, then all other
members of that Political Party shall receive 1 Suber. If e is an NAP
Swinger, all other players who are not members of any Political Party
shall receive 1 Suber. However, in the event that any player acquired that
title earlier in the same calendar month, no Subers shall be received.
Proposal 2447 - Wed 03 Dec 1997 19:10 EST
Mediocrity Correction
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Replace the text "A round must last at least three days" in Rule 1250.17 with the following OPTION delimited text:
A round must last at least three days, or at least until all players other
than the Moderator have submitted a legitimate number to the Moderator,
whichever comes first.
Proposal 2448 - Sat 06 Dec 1997 02:40 EST
Repealing the Paranormal
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal
{{[even in the unlikely event that your stars are aligned, *and* you notice that fact, the likehood of being able to use these things is nil anyway. Have they ever been used in the over a year that they have existed?]}}
Repeal Rule 1117 "Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Side Effects"
Amend rule 854, "Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication", to remove:
Telepathy: Cost -- 350 A$. No player may purchase telepathy unless he already
owns an Extra head mutation, and at least one Pointy ear mutation. A player
who has (owns) the telepathy mutation gains the ability to use the power
described as telepathy in Rule 1117, but must follow all restrictions
on and is subject to any side effects of it's use as described in that Rule.
The Telepathy mutation cannot be removed or destroyed by the W-File pair or
their alien sedative, however, this takes precedence over Rule 261.
Telekinesis -- 500 A$. No player may purchase the Telekinesis mutation unless he already owns an Extra head mutation, at least one Pointy ear mutation, and the Telepathy mutation. A player who has (owns) the Telekinesis mutation has the ability to use the power described as telekinesis in Rule 1117, but must follow all restrictions on and is subject to any side effects of it's use as described in that Rule. The Telekinesis mutation cannot be removed or destroyed by the W-File pair or their alien sedative, however, this takes precedence over Rule 261. "
Proposal 2449 - Sat 06 Dec 1997 02:44 EST
Frob me will ya?
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 594.19 by adding the following, as a sperate paragraph, to the end of the Rule.
The nodes of a Pyraic Frobnotzer may never me attached to any part of this Rule. {{Any Pyraic Frobnotzer nodes which are attached to this rule become unattached.}}
Proposal 2450 - Sat 06 Dec 1997 02:47 EST
Nothing In Moderation
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 1250.17, "Mediocrity", as follows:
Replace the text "maximum: the number of players in the game of Ackanomic at the inception of a game of Mediocrity" with "maximum: the number of players in the game of Ackanomic at the inception of a game of Mediocrity, less one".
Replace the text "Referees: none" with "Referees: one".
Remove the text "Also, the player announcing the beginning of an insance of Medicrity shall randomly assign each player a different integer in the range of 1 to n, where n is the number of players in the game (of Mediocrity)." {{[ If there are no Moderators, then there is no need to determine the sequence in which players become Moderators ]}}
Replace the text "Play: play consists of rounds -- each round, one of the players shall be be Moderator." with "Play: Play consists of rounds.".
Delete the paragraph beginning "Player 1 is the Moderator at the beginning of the game". {{[ All describing how Moderatorship is passed from player to player ]}}
In the paragraph beginning "If a round ends because of the expiration of the six-day time limit", delete all but the last sentence. {{[ The rest is about the Moderator getting tossed if e doesn't post the results in six days. ]}}
Replace all remaining instances of "Moderator" with "Referee".