Proposal 2301 - Thu 11 Sep 1997 07:05 EDT
And this?
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Ammed Rule 1001 Institutions by deleteing the paragraph beinging with 3., and replacing it with the following paragraph.
When an Institution is called on to vote, it has 7 days to conduct and publicly report the results of the vote, and how each member voted, unless the rules call for a different amount of time. If everyone who is elligible to cast a vote in a given instance has done so, the results may be announced before the voting period ends, thereby ending that voting period. Any member who did not vote, and was an active player at any time during the voting period, is placed in Contempt. If an Institution fails to report a vote (or, in the case of an unbroken tie, fails to report that it did not reach a decision) in accordance with the above, all its members who are players are placed in Contempt.
Proposal 2302 - Thu 11 Sep 1997 20:41 EDT
Ned Russell goes broke.
Rex Mundi (Gavin Doig)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal.
Amend the last paragraph of rule 1307, Ackanomic Middle Ages, to read in full:
After a Witchhunt has been called on a player, another player who is a member of a Church may save that player from being burned as a witch, or as a heretic, provided e posts a public message (before the Witchhunt is resolved) saying 'I am running to the Church', then the name of the Church of which e is a member, then 'and I hold the Altar by the Horns for' followed by the name of the player e is saving. This is called granting Sanctuary Of Salvation.
Proposal 2303 - Fri 12 Sep 1997 00:50 EDT
Bring out your Dead
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
[gist: allow non-voting players to be rule 257ed. This makes it easier on the harfers, and the way it works now, they just accumulate on the various harfer rosters. True, they don't vote, but if they are interested in the game, they should be able to at least respond to an r257 message, or post some sort of comment once in a while. Moreover, r257 is usually only invoked if it is obvious someone is AWOL anyway. Also cleans up some of the language (and prolly introduces new bugs :-))]
Amend rule 257, "No Dead Players Allowed", to read:
Any non-vacationing player who has failed to vote or post a public message
within the past week is considered AWOL. If a player is AWOL and this fact
is pointed out to the Speaker, and a query as described in this rule is not
already pending against that player, then the Speaker shall ask that player
if e wishes to continue playing. If the player does not reply to this query
within 3 days, e is placed on vacation with an expected duration of 3 days,
unless eir player state was pending, in which case e is removed from the
game as if e never joined. If e does respond to the query, e is no longer
AWOL upon the fact of this response being publically knowable.
If the Speaker is AWOL, however, and this fact is pointed out in a public
message by any player, the Speaker has 3 days to respond to this message
publically or e is placed on vacation with an expected duration of 3 days.
Proposal 2304 - Fri 12 Sep 1997 18:59 EDT
Balsamic Dragon (Vivian Norwood)
Decision: accepted
The number of the Rule titled (within the quotes) "The Evil Overlords of Ackanomic (retired) Vulcan" (currently numbered 1/0) is immediately changed to be number 555/0. Once this is accomplished, this rule self-deletes.
Proposal 2305 - Sat 13 Sep 1997 13:53 EDT
Three I Can Take, But I'm Drawing the Line at Four Right Now
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Status: retracted
This is a Modest Proposal. [Well, sort of.]
Append the following text to the first paragraph to Rule 340 ("Spelling Errors"):
If the misspelled word contains over three times the occurrences of a letter than appear in the correctly spelled word, however, then this rule shall not apply. [Thus, missssssspelled cannot be construed as a misspelling of misspelled, and is a nonsense word.]
{{[Ya gotta draw the line *somewhere*, dammit.]}}
Proposal 2306 - Mon 15 Sep 1997 16:15 EDT
This, Too, Shall Pass
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: rejected
In Rule 303, Section I, replace, "A valid rule number is one or two positive integers." with "A valid rule number is one or two integers."
Create a new Rule, numbered 0, entitled "The Scissors of Damocles" with text as follows, delimited by SNIP.
{{Repeal Rule 2304, if it exists.
If Rule 555 exists, renumber it to 1}}.
Should the Official Meaning of Garboodly ever be, "taking precedence over all other Rules," the following procedure shall take place, the steps occurring in the order in which they appear in this Rule.
1. The last paragraph of Rule 1 is amended to read in full,
"Should Rule 0 ever repeal itself, Rule 303, Section I, shall be
amended by changing "one or two integers" to "one or two positive
integers". This paragraph shall then be deleted."
2. Rule -1 is repealed.
3. This Rule repeals itself.
This rule is Garboodly. Until such time as a Nonsense Words Commission shall establish an Official Meaning for Garboodly, it shall mean, "taking precedence over all Rules except Rule 1."
Create a new Rule, numbered -1, entitled "Nonsense Words Commission" with text as follows, delimited by HOOPY.
A Nonsense Words Commission is a Type of Hearing. One occurs whenever a Rule calls for a Nonsense Words Commission, specifying the word that it is being called with respect to, and two or more potential Official Meanings for that word.
The valid responses to a Nonsense Words Commission are the potential Offical Meanings specified by the Rule calling for it. [For example, if a Rule called for a Nonsense Words Commission with respect to the word Jillynubly, giving "purple" and "a rare species of Australian hedgehog" as potential Official Meanings, the valid responses in the Hearing would be "purple" and "a rare species of Australain hedgehog"].
Due to the serious nature of Nonsense Words Commissions, no votes cast by entities other than playes shall count in determining the verdict of the Nonsense Words Commission.
If the verdict of a Nonsense Words Commission is anything other than "Never mind," the verdict shall become the Official Meaning of the word the Nonsense Words Commission was called with respect to, replacing whatever Official Meaning that word might already have, should it already have one.
An Official Meaning is not a Rule, nor part of any Rule. It is instead an explicit part of currently accepted game custom, determining how the word it is the Official Meaning of should be interpeted when it appears in the Rules.
Upon the addition of this Rule to the Ruleset, a Nonsense Words Commission shall be called with respect to the word "Garboodly." The potential Official Meanings, and hence the valid responses to this Nonsense Words Commission, are "taking precedence over all other Rules" and "immediately self-repealing."
This rule is Garboodly. Until such time as a Nonsense Words Commission shall establish an Official Meaning for Garboodly, it shall mean, "taking precedence over all Rules except Rule 1."
Proposal 2307 - Mon 15 Sep 1997 16:55 EDT
Buckin' for Promotion
Balsamic Dragon (Vivian Norwood)
Decision: rejected
Create Rule 555 entitled Buckin' for Promotion
delimited by HAHA
A valid Rule number is one or two positive integers. All rules which
have an invalid rule number are repealed.
Proposal 2308 - Tue 16 Sep 1997 22:02 EDT
Nuke the Mute Flea
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal. Repeal rule 909, "Steel Flea".
{{[this one seems like its getting stale; I mean, why should I roll for it if no one feels like doing it]}}
Proposal 2309 - Wed 17 Sep 1997 13:59 EDT
The White Paper
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted
Create a new Rule with the title The Orange Menace, numbered 390, with the following text:
The Orange Menace exists! Somewhere out there, deep in the Wilds of Ackanomic, it lurks, plotting against truth, justice, and the Ackan way. It is the responsibility of every Ackazen to root out the Orange Menace wherever they find it. It is the specific duty of the President to marshall the forces of Acka against the Orange Menace at home or abroad. It is a privilege of the Senators to attack the President for being too weak on the Orange Menace, regardless of how effective e actually is.
The Orange Menace has captured the nomic known as The Pumpkin Patch. This once noble nomic has become a haven for such degenerates as the flea-hater, the Goose-Cooker, and the loophole surfing expert. Furthermore, they are the direct sponsors of Orange activity in Acka, the very Agents of Orange in our land. Only by ending the Orange Menace's grip on The Pumpkin Patch can the fair land of Ackanomic ever hope to be free of the threat that the Orange Menace poses to all we hold dear.
Proposal 2310 - Wed 17 Sep 1997 14:07 EDT
Forgery Tweak
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal
{{[Gist: I voted against the initial forgery proposal as a freedom of
expression in trinket names issue, but also because most instances of
forgeries would be meant to honor the player named, not to deceive
anyone as to who its creator is. This will also make things more
interesting when somebody tries StEo Efind the curious clock . . .]}}
ammmend rule 506 "Trinkets" by replacing the sentence,
"Upon it being publically knowable that a Trinket is a forgery, it is
transferred to the Treasury."
"Upon it becoming publically knowable that a Trinket is a forgery, it is
transferred to the Treasury, unless the player name contained in its
name is that of a currently active player, in which case it is
transferred to that player."
Proposal 2311 - Fri 19 Sep 1997 08:52 EDT
Bad Medicine
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: rejected
Create a rule numbered 116, entitled "Bad Medicine", with the text:
{{Each person who has been a member of Pumpkin Patch Nomic some time between September 1, 1997 and the present time, and voted in favor of the proposal which enacted Uli 4.116 in Pumpkin Patch Nomic, and is not currently a player in Ackanomic, becomes a member of Vulcan for a period lasting one second. After that second expires, the membership of Vulcan is returned to what it was just before this rule came into effect. This rule takes precedence over any rule which would prevent non-players from belonging to, joining, or leaving organizations, or which would prevent players from belonging to, joining, or leaving an organization without their consent.}}
Proposal 2312 - Sun 21 Sep 1997 03:26 EDT
The Bite is Worse than the Bark
Vynd (John McCoy)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 909 Steel Flea by adding the following text to the end of the next to last paragraph:
If it is ever the case that there are three (or more) players who consecutively found Phoebe's matchbox, but failed to post her wisdom, then conditions are right for an outbreak of the Itch. When conditions are right, any player who was the third most recent person to find Phoebe's matchbox will develop a case of the Itch.
The Itch is a dangerous medical disorder. Player's with a case of the Itch are very uncomfortable. They have an overwhelming desire to scratch all over their bodies. While little is known about this disorder, it is considered extremely contagious. Accordingly, players suffering from the Itch are placed under quarantine in their homes. While under quarantine, they may not leave their homes, and other players may not enter them, unless required to by the Rules.
There are three known cures for the Itch. Any player who has been afflicted with the Itch for 3 consecutive weeks will then recover. Any player who posts a poem of 5 lines or more in praise of Phoebe, the Steel Flea, recovers immediately, unless they are the Poet Laureate, in which case the poem must be at least 15 lines. Finally, if any player, in accordance with this Rule, posts the wisdom of Phoebe, then all players afflicted with a case of the Itch immediately recover. It is customary for these players to be extremely grateful towards the person who cured them.
{{[This my favorite of a few ideas I've had for freshening Phoebe up and perhaps encouraging people to post SOME kind of wisdom from her. Even if you don't like this idea, I encourage you to keep her in the rules. I can't imagine she's really THAT much of a bother to track, and if people don't post wisdom very often these days, that just makes those few pearls we do recieve all the more precious. What can I say, I really like Phoebe, she once told me "There is no Dana, only Zuul." Oh, wait, that was someone else...]}}
Proposal 2313 - Mon 29 Sep 1997 19:16 EDT
Simplified Internomic Interface
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[Gist: does not change the current functionalty that any player is permitted to vote on an Internomic matter, and that the prez breaks ties, and that no quorum is required. Does remove the requirement to track membership of the PCI, does remove the annoying comtempt result and the requirememt for several harfers to track its effects, and does remove the annoying procedure that no one can seem to remember or get right. In short, same functionality, simpler implementation.
Also, makes the attitude change a simple proposal rather than a 60% vote of the PCI + senate. More simplification. ]}}
I. Amend rule 419.2, "Internomic Interface", as follows:
A. Change the body of section III to read:
Whenever Ackanomic is permitted to vote upon any matter in Internomic, the
Liaison shall initiate a binding Hearing to determine how e should cast
Ackanomic's vote in Internomic. The valid responses in this Hearing shall be
the valid votes the Liaison may cast on the matter in Internomic. This
Hearing shall have a voting period of 7 days, and in the case where the
results are inconclusive, the President shall, as a public action, decide how
the Liaison casts Ackanomic's vote.
B. Change the body of section V to read:
The Attitude of Ackanomic toward any other member nomic of InterNomic shall be
changed as directed by the Rules of Ackanomic, and in no other circumstances.
[in other words, it shall be changed when a proposal is accepted that contains
a rule change directing such a change of attitude].
C. Remove section VI [This is the PCI section].
II. Amend rule 360, "Hearings", to replace:
The Hearing shall end when it has been in session for three days. When it ends,
it ceases to be in session.
Once a Hearing has ended, it has a verdict. The verdict of the Hearing is
whichever valid response was given by the most Players, and other entities
capable of voting in hearings, in response to the Hearing, if exactly one
valid response holds this distinction. Otherwise, if there is a tie among
two or more responses, the verdict shall be whichever of the tied responses
appears first in the Rule defining them. If no responses were received while
theHearing was in session, the verdict shall be "Never mind." Count Tabula has
the Duty of announcing the verdicts of Hearings with all due haste.
The Hearing shall end when it has been in session for three days, unless
another rule defines a longer period of time for a particular Hearing.
When it ends, it ceases to be in session.
Once a Hearing has ended, it has a verdict. The verdict of the Hearing is whichever valid response was given by the most Players, and other entities capable of voting in hearings, in response to the Hearing, if exactly one valid response holds this distinction. Otherwise, if there is a tie among two or more responses, or there were no responses, the result of the Hearing is said to be inconclusive.
When the results of a Hearing are inconclusive, the verdict shall be whichever
of the tied responses appears first in the Rule defining them, unless the rule
for a particular Hearing defines an alternative way to resolve the inclusive
Proposal 2314 - Tue 30 Sep 1997 09:53 EDT
It Happened; Time to Move on (aka The New Age Heresy (aka First Strike))
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Status: retracted
I. Append the following paragraph of Rule 1319, "Round Earth Restoration Society":
The Round Earth Restoration Society hereby donates the money it has raised back to the Treasury. [Having spent it all on fabulously complex equipment, that's where the money ought to be by now.] Once this is done, this rule shall repeal itself.
II. Repeal Rule 2290, "Flat Earth Preservation Society".
III. In Rule 1307, "Ackanomic Middle Ages", replace all occurences of the word "flat" with "hemispherical".
IV. In Rule 1307, "Ackanomic Middle Ages", insert "or flat," after the one occurrence of the word "round".
Proposal 2315 - Tue 30 Sep 1997 09:59 EDT
Not on OUR planet, you don't!
Red Barn (Daniel Knapp)
Decision: rejected
Declared harfy by Balsamic Dragon (Vivian Norwood) on Tue 30 Sep 1997 10:35:05 EDT.
{{ Perform the following actions in the order this proposal lists them:
1. Rename rule 2290 to "Flat Earth Restoration Society".
2. Simultaneously, rename the Flat Earth Preservation Society to the Flat Earth Restoration Society, rename the term Chairman of the Flat Earth Preservation Society to Chairman of the Flat Earth Restoration Society [as opposed to the person], and replace all occurrences in Rule 2290 of the phrase "Flat Earth Preservation Society" with the phrase "Flat Earth Restoration Society".
2. Prepend an additional paragraph to the text of rule 2290, with the text
(delimited by 'SNARK'):
At some time in the recent past, the Earth was indeed flat, and through a
great cataclysm (Vulcan's Ascendancy), it became hemispherical when one
massive roughly hemispherical chunk was attatched to it, on the north. Like
all things done by evil dictators, this is a bad thing. Contradiction of this
fact is heresy.
3. Simultaneously, replace the last sentence of the first paragraph of the text of rule 1307 ("Contradiction of this fact is Heresy.") with "Contradiction of this fact, or publicly referring to the Earth being round, is Heresy." and replace the text "publicly refers to the Earth being round" in the first sentence of the second paragraph of rule 1307 with the text "commits Heresy". [I kept the bugs in R1307, such as permitting quoted text to count, because that's a task for a seperate proposal.]
4. Replace the second sentence of the second paragraph of Rule 2290 ("Its goal to prevent the Round Earth Restoration Society from restoring a round shape to the Earth by building enormous scissor-like machines to cut the tethers of the Earth's two dangling fragments.") with the text "Its goal is to undo the damage caused by the Round Earth Restoration Society, and restore a flat shape to the Earth, by building an enormous toothpick-like machine to pry loose the Earth's reattatched fragment."
5. Insert a paragraph break immediately before the first sentence in rule 2290 which begins with the text "Once the Flat Earth Restoration Society".
6. Replace the text of the first paragraph in rule 2290 which begins with the text "Once the Flat Earth Restoration Society" (original below, delimited by 'BOOJUM'), with the following text (delimited by 'BELLMAN').
Once the Flat Earth Restoration Society has raised 15,000 A$, a large
machine shall be built, and the southern fragment severed from the
earth, and causing the text in R1319 which reads "Once an additional
15,000 A$ has been raised, the southern fragment will be likewise
joined, restoring a spherical shape to the Earth" to be removed. Once
an additional 15,000 A$ has been raised, the southern fragment will be
likewise severed, maintaining a flat shape to the Earth. When that
happens, the text reading "Once the Round Earth Restoration Society
has raised 15,000 A$, a large machine shall be built, and the northern
fragment joined to the earth, giving it a roughly hemispherical
shape." shall be removed from R1319.
Once the Flat Earth Restoration Society has raised 15,000 A$, a large
machine shall be built, and the northern fragment loosed from the Earth,
giving it (the Earth) a perfectly flat shape.
When this happens, it will resume dangling on its tether. Also when this
happens, the text in Rule 1319 which below is delimited by 'BOWSPRIT' is
replaced with the text which below is delimited by 'RUDDER'.
{{[I note that the Round Earth Restoration Society has not been updated,
and with the passage of this proposal and the occurrence of these events,
its text will actually be CORRECT! But it's simpler to modify it as a
chunk than bit-by-bit.]}}
Once the Round Earth Restoration Society has raised 15,000 A$, a large
machine shall be built, and the northern fragment joined to the earth,
giving it a roughly hemispherical shape.
Once the Round Earth Restoration Society has raised 15,000 A$ and the
Flat Earth Restoration Society has pried the northern fragment loose from
the Earth, a large machine shall be built, and the northern fragment
joined to the Earth, giving it a roughly hemispherical shape.
7. After the sentence in Rule 1319 with the text "If the earth should become hemispherical, saying such is not Heresy, and this takes precedence over Rule 1307.", insert a sentence with the text "However, it is Very Bad Manners, and players who have donated to the Round Earth Restoration Society are permitted to sneer." }}
Proposal 2316 - Wed 01 Oct 1997 23:12 EDT
Remembering Beldin's Parka
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal
{{I am not submitting this because I have a vendetta against the Museum, but because the current interpretation of the rules is at variance with the intuitive interpretation.}}
Amend rule 850 (Museum) by replaceing the paragraph:
"Objects may not be removed or stolen from the Museum except as described by the rules. Any person caught stealing from the Museum, as described in the rules, shall go to Gaol with a sentence of 7 days per object pilfered, in addition to any other penalties described in the rules."
with the following paragraph:
"Entities may not be removed or stolen from the Museum except as described by the rules. Any person caught stealing from the Museum, as described in the rules, shall go to Gaol with a sentence of 7 days per object pilfered, in addition to any other penalties described in the rules. If the Museum loses an entity displayed there, and the rules do not describe how that entity is manipulated thereby, that entity is transfered to the Treasury, and it ceases to be on display in the museum."
Proposal 2317 - Wed 01 Oct 1997 23:13 EDT
Teeming Masses
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: rejected
This is a modest proposal.
Amend rule 1003 (organizations,) by replacing the text:
"The Size of an Organization is the number of members it has. Terms such as 'larger' and 'smallest', when applied to Organizations, refer to the Sizes of the Organizations being compared. [For example, to say that one organization is larger than another is to say that it has more members.]"
"The Size of an Organization is the number of members it has. Terms such as 'larger' and 'smallest', when applied to Organizations, refer to the Sizes of the Organizations being compared. [For example, to say that one organization is larger than another is to say that it has more members.] Joining an organization with a Size of over 249 members is a Crime."
Proposal 2318 - Wed 01 Oct 1997 23:13 EDT
Squidging the tax loophole, foolishly.
two-star (Alexandre Muniz)
Decision: rejected
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
{{[This doesn't fix the tax loophole, but it will require players to cooperate in order to best take advantage of it. Also note that "banks" can try to make up their costs by charging for banking services, (well, assuming any other loopholes are fixed, (working on it,)) and for organizational powers beyond the non-bank wealth cutoff.]}}
Create a rule numbered 1114, entitled Banking Licenses, with the following text:
A Banking License is an organizational power. An organization may buy a Banking License for 200 A$.
If any organization without a Banking License at any time owns more than 250 A$, the difference between the number of A$ owned by the organization, and 250 A$, divided by the number of members of the organization, then rounded up, is immediately transfered to each member of the organization.
The preceding paragraph shall have no effect until 7 days after this rule was created. At that time this paragraph shall delete itself. [This is to allow organizations time to buy Banking Licenses if they wish.]
Proposal 2319 - Thu 02 Oct 1997 16:58 EDT
Once I Had A Secret Love
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 1013, "Secret Laboratories", by replacing the text "This new Gadget is created in the Organization's possession" with "This new Gadget is created in the Organization's possession either three days after the action of building it is performed, or when the Blueprint for the Gadget has been in existence at least one week, whichever comes later."
{{[ I'm not sure about adding in PC cost as well, but maybe the once per calendar month thing will work okay. ]}}
Proposal 2320 - Thu 02 Oct 1997 16:58 EDT
Cage & Aquarium
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Repeal Rule 714, "Cow Town Hotel".
{{[ If anyone were using this...but I haven't seen it happen. ]}}
Proposal 2321 - Fri 03 Oct 1997 16:03 EDT
Moribund Games
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend rule 1250.1, "Games & Contests" to add the following text to the end of the rule:
XII. Moribund Games
a. A Referee may declare a game they are refereeing moribund,
as a public action. That game will be terminated without a winner
3 days following such a declaration unless at least 33% of its
players publically object before the 3 days elapse.
{{[this is to prevent the situation where the only action in a game is the harfing, which could go on for quite some time as required by the rules, if players are not participating in the game. Basically a way to eliminate non-productive work]}}
Proposal 2322 - Fri 03 Oct 1997 16:03 EDT
How are Things Out There?
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
Create a new rule entitled "How are Things Out There" which contains the
following text:
"Whenever it is necessary to know a fact about another nomic which is a
member of Internomic, the Ambassador will send an official query
requesting the necessary information to the Internomic Liasion of that
nomic, and forward the reply from that Liasion to Ackanomic. Whatever
reply is given by the Liasion will be accepted as the Official Reply of
that nomic."
{{[This should put to rest the point about needing to know the Game State and rules of other nomics (raised in relation to my recent ETP proposal). I maintain that we don't need to know, but we can ask.]}}
Proposal 2323 - Sat 04 Oct 1997 19:36 EDT
"The Year of the Monkey"
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend rule 1209, "The Machine That Goes *ping*"
to remove "in the Year of Our Lord YYYY,"
{{[I think we know what year it is, and the language seems a little more culturally neutral this way.]}}
Proposal 2324 - Mon 06 Oct 1997 03:48 EDT
The Witzard of Otz
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
Amend various rules in the Otzma Cards Rule Suite(1240.x)as follows:
{{[ Mostly stuff the Spelling Bee wouldn't be able to handle ]}}
In Rule 1240.1, "Definition of Otzma Cards":
In Section III.4., change "values" to "value".
In Section III.6.c., change "the RuneMaker the type" to "the RuneMaker
determines the type", and "Rarae" to "Rare".
In Section III.6.g., change "the the Otzma Cards" to "the Otzma Cards".
Renumber Section III.6. to III.5.
In Section V.4., change "All transaction" to "All transactions".
In Section V.6., change "published" to "announced".
In Section V.11., change "d.An" to "d. An".
{{[ Assign F-designations to existing types of cards ]}}
Append to section 1. of Rule 1240.2, "Otzma Card Type Go Fish", the sentence "'Go Fish' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Common." Also, rename the Rule to "Otzma Card of type Go Fish". {{[ Might as well try to standardize the names while I'm here ]}}
Append to the first paragraph of Rule 1240.3, "Otzma Card Type Map Shard", the sentence, "'Map Shard' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal." {{[ Despite the lack of an instance limit, I don't think these should necessarily be Common. ]}} Also, rename the Rule to "Otzma Card of type Map Shard".
Append to the last paragraph of Rule 1240.4, "Otzma Card of type Summon Tornado", the sentence "'Summon Tornado' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Rare."
Append to the last paragraph of Rule 1240.5, "Otzma Card of type Untouch Me", the sentence "'Untouch Me' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal."
Append to the last paragraph of Rule 1240.6, "Otzma Card of type Share my Expenses", the sentence "'Share My Expenses' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal."
Append to the last paragraph of Rule 1240.7, "Otzma Card of type Share your Income", the sentence "'Share Your Income' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal."
Append to the last paragraph of Rule 1240.8, "Otzma Card of type Swinging Sale", the sentence "'Swinging Sale' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Rare."
Append to the last paragraph of Rule 1240.9, "Otzma Card Type Tactical Retreat", the sentence "'Tactical Retreat' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal." Also, rename the Rule to "Otzma Card of type Tactical Retreat".
Append to the last paragraph of Rule 1240.10, "Otzma Card Type Paratroop", the sentence "'Paratroop' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal." Also, rename the Rule to "Otzma Card of type Paratroop".
Append to the last paragraph of Rule 1240.11, "Otzma Card Type Foul Fowl", the sentence "'Foul Fowl' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal." {{[ I'm not sure of this one; maybe Rare would be better, but I don't think it being Normal will be too unbalancing. ]}} Also, rename the Rule to "Otzma Card of type Foul Fowl".
Append to the first paragraph of Rule 1240.12, "Otzma Card of type Truthseeker", the sentence "'Truthseeker' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal." {{[ Same sort of thing as 'Map Shard', IMHO. ]}}
Append to the last paragraph of Rule 1240.13, "Otzma Card Type Fix My Gadget", the sentence "'Fix My Gadget' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal." Also, rename the Rule to "Otzma Card of type Fix My Gadget".
Append to the first paragraph of Rule 1240.14, "Otzma Card of type Scientist for a Day", the sentence "'Scientist For A Day' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal."
Append to the first paragraph of Rule 1240.15, "Otzma Card of type Art Thief", the sentence "'Art Thief' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal."
Append to the first paragraph of Rule 1240.16, "Otzma Card of type Skeleton Key", the sentence "'Skeleton Key' Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal."
Proposal 2325 - Mon 06 Oct 1997 15:33 EDT
Who out there didn't see this coming?
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal.
Create a new rule, entitled "Got milk?", and numbered 1379, with the text:
"Pumpkin Patch has a trout in her milk."
{{[ If bt says so... ]}}
Proposal 2326 - Tue 07 Oct 1997 17:02 EDT
What's My Line?
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal.
Amend Rule 1250.18 by changing phrase "The text of the message should be twelve to twenty-five lines" to "The text of the message should be 150 to 300 words" in the section entitled "Plays."
{{[ To get my mailer to work correctly with the outside world, I have to limit my lines to 72 characters or fewer. Some others use longer lines, and some (none currently in Ackanomic) seem never to use line breaks at all. This amendment sidesteps the problem of what, exactly, constitutes a line, and levels the playing field for everyone. It does require that the referee be able to count the words in a play, but word-counting programs are not exactly difficult to come by (or write). ]}}
Proposal 2327 - Thu 09 Oct 1997 19:40 EDT
This is the way we type along
Red Barn (Daniel Knapp)
Decision: rejected
Create a new rule, with the following text (delimited by 'THBBT').
The only text in this rule which specifies a game effect is this sentence;
this takes precedence over rule 101 and the comment rule.
harf floyd blooie ing thbbt tiothiotimuline myxlpk snark smurf
boojum grep yipe gry hunh argh arggh argggh arrgh arrrgh arrggh argyle
mumph snorkley blert onomotopoeiaism teensy leetle bwa mu bwaha muha
bwahaha muhaha bwahahaha muhahaha sqwzzzzzzzzzzt
Proposal 2328 - Mon 13 Oct 1997 09:24 EDT
Office of Wise Man
Darth Vader (Clair Anthony Viglione)
Decision: rejected
Create a political position entitled "Wise Man". This would be an elected
office - a full scale election must be held. The Wise Man's role is simple:
an ideal candidate for Wise Man is one who can foresee future problems with
The Wise Man has these powers: On a "nay" vote to a proposal, the
Wise Man's vote counts as two votes. He has no added power when voting
"yes", however. The Wise Man's powers are expressly limited to these.
Because of this power, I am introducing a "Wise Man @boot". A Wise
Man @boot may be called for anytime. A player who wishes a wise man @boot
will send this request to the list. The time that the wise man @boot
request was sent will be logged. All other players now have 48 hours to
vote on the wise man @boot, at which time the votes will be tallied. If the
wise man @boot succeeds, the wise man is booted out of office.
Only one wise man can be elected at a time, and there are no
secondary wise men (vice wise man, etc.). The only way a new wise man can
take office is if the current one is wiseman @booted.
The first (and only) election for wise man will start immediately
after this proposal's acceptance, and will end one week after the start.
In the vote for a Wise Man @boot, a Wise Man may not vote, much
less get his Wise Man voting powers.
Proposal 2329 - Mon 13 Oct 1997 09:29 EDT
One More Thing
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend rule 1209, "The Machine That Goes *ping*", to replace "Month, and YYYY" with "and Month".
Proposal 2330 - Mon 13 Oct 1997 12:12 EDT
Fixing this appeal bug
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 217, "Overturning Judgements", by deleting the sentence "A single CFJ may not be appealed more than three times." from the end of the first paragraph, and adding this new paragraph at the end of the rule:
"If a single judgement is appealed more than once, only the first one shall cause the process of determining a new judgement to begin, and the previous judge shall be penalized only once if the verdict is overturned, though all who appealed that judgement shall be penalized if the verdict is upheld, and all appealers' reasonings are added to the official record. After the fourth time a judgement has been returned on a single CFJ, it may not be appealed further. [The original judgement plus 3 appeals.] Only the most recent judgement on any CFJ may be appealed."
{{[ This maintains the appealability of a CFJ up to the time the last verdict comes back, which certain other rules depend on, while making the 3-appeal limit have the intended effect. It also closes several other potential loopholes in the rule, and answers a number of (mostly unasked) questions about the multiple-appeal-of-same-judgement procedure which we have previously depended on a shaky game custom to resolve. ]}}
Proposal 2331 - Tue 14 Oct 1997 18:11 EDT
Watch out for that Wormhole!
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[lets start removing gizz from the rules that has an unfavorable fun/hassle ratio. (And before anyone else points it out, I am aware that the hassle figure is low ... ;-)]}}
Repeal Rule 1131, "The Sinister Alien Abduction Act"
Repeal Rule 1132, "Alien Abductions of Players"
Amend Rule 511, "Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die" to remove the following string of text:
The Aliens abduct a rule with number identical to that of a Majik's
sapphire bullet number. 3.
Amend rule 910, "The Ackanomicon", to remove:
Visitation (1 page): This page summons Aliens down to Acka. The
Aliens will immediately conduct a raid on the ruleset as if the Magic
Potatoe had just been distributed, as described in Rule 1131. This
is considered a use of a Paranormal Power by the reading player.
Proposal 2332 - Tue 14 Oct 1997 18:13 EDT
T8V 2X9
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 422,"Postmaster", as follows:
Replace the following text(delimited by 4R8):
A message is a public message if and only if it is distributed to all non-vacationing Players or it is sent to any mailing list indicated as a public forum in the Postal Code, and any actions performed in the message obey all restrictions in the Postal Code for that list, and the subject line contains either "Ackanomic:" or "Acka:". For the purposes of this paragraph and the restrictions in the Postal Code, an action is a statement that the player is doing something regulated by the rules, or a public post required by the rules. [Only actions are regulated; discussion can take place anywhere, though players should try to post to appropriate lists.]
with the following text(delimited by T6K):
A message is a public message if and only if it is distributed to all non-vacationing Players or it is sent to any mailing list indicated as a public forum in the Postal Code, and any actions performed in the message obey all restrictions in the Postal Code for that list. For the purposes of this paragraph and the restrictions in the Postal Code, an action is a statement that the player is doing something regulated by the rules, or a public post required by the rules. [Only actions are regulated; discussion can take place anywhere, though players should try to post to appropriate lists.] It is highly encouraged that the subject line of public messages contain either "Ackanomic:" or "Acka:"; if a player posts a public message which does not, then the Postmaster may declare em to have Gone Postal. A player who has Gone Postal is treated as if e is Hosed(as by the BWG Laser)for one day; this period is extended by another day for each additional message lacking the abovementioned headers that is posted while e is Postal.
Proposal 2333 - Wed 15 Oct 1997 13:41 EDT
Fortunato (Aaron Keesler)
Decision: accepted
Create a rule numbered 855, titled "Monolith", and containing the following text:
1) Let the Monolith exist. It is a common location, and is a sumptuous building.
2) The Monolith is initially a three level structure. Any player may add levels to the Monolith by publicly declaring that they are doing so. No more than two levels may be added per player, per week. The price of adding a level to the Monolith is A$100 * N, where N is (current number of levels / 3), rounded down.
3) Each level of the Monolith must have a name. The names of the
first three levels of the Monolith are:
i) Level One: The Lobby
ii) Level Two: The Smoking Lounge
iii) Level Three: The Trophy Room
{{[The Smoking Lounge, in my opinion, would be a good place to meet and have pudding for everyone.]}}
The name must be designated by the creator of the level at the point at which it is created. It is a Duty of the Web-Harfer to keep a list of the name of each level of the Monolith.
4) When a player has completed 7 levels of the Monolith, e receives a Boon of the Ancients, and is granted the title of Assistant Monolith Meister. This title gives no additional benefits. When a player has completed 10 levels of the Monolith, e receives a Bonus Vote, and is granted the title of Monolith Meister. This title gives no additional benefits.
Proposal 2334 - Thu 16 Oct 1997 04:32 EDT
Blueprint Reform
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Grandiose proposal.
1) make blueprints rules in a rule suite with subordinated precedence; allow a completed frankenstein monster to actually live.
2) remove the processing chip requirement (this seems to be another poor fun to work ratio thing).
3) eliminate the electronic potato (poor fun/work ratio).
4) Recreate the Pyriac Frobnotzer, which was destroyed
upon the creation of rule 1 (although no one seemed to
harf it this way. I also point out that the Null Gadget
blueprint prolly does not exist either, as it does not
unambiguously describe the behaviour of any gadgets, but
that was not harfed that way either. IAC, this proposal
will work whether or not that one exists).
A. Create a new rule numbered 102.1 called "102.1" with text:
This rule has precedence over all rules.
I. [Guard against Malenkai's Loophole]
a) All Discoveries are destroyed.
b) All entities named "Pyriac Frobnotzer" are renamed "ZZimsy X" where
X is replaced by the lowest prime number such that the name is unique.
c) All ZZimsy-Gadgets are destroyed.
II. [Remove PCs from blueprints]
For each blueprint whose final sentence begins with "Raw materials of" and ends with "processing chips are required", amend that blueprint to remove its final sentence.
III. [Nuke the electronic potato]
a) Each player receives A$50 from the treasury for each Electronic Potato that they own.
b) All Electronic Potatoes are destroyed.
c) The Blueprint for the Electronic Potato is destroyed.
[is the trivial A$2/proposal really more fun than the financier's work for this?]
B. [Fancy Footwork]
{{[This is required because no gadgets and blueprints can exist at the time the gadget and blueprint rules are rewritten below, or complicated things may happen.]}}
Create a rule numbered 102.2 entitled "ZZimsy-Gadgets and Discoveries" with the following text:
This rule has precedence over all rules.
A type of entity known as ZZimsy-Gadgets exist. ZZimsy-Gadgets are not Gadgets, but they have an attribute. Upon an entity being transformed into a ZZimsy-Gadget, which may only occur as described in the rules, it is named "ZZimsy-Gadget X Y" where X is replaced by the name the entity had before the transformation, and Y is replaced by the lowest prime number such that the name is unique. Its attribute becomes the name of the type of gadget is was just before the transformation.
{{All extant gadgets are transformed into ZZimsy-Gadgets, in time order of oldest to youngest gadget first. [I wonder if this will have any weird unintended effects like in the Xanth series and the Time of no Magic, which had effects even the author didn't realize until a couple of books later :-)]}}.
A type of entity known as a Discovery exists. Discoveries may be defined and described in other rules as well, and such definitions describe the same sort of entity. This rule defers to all such rules.
{{All extant blueprints are transformed into Discoveries with names identical to the type of gadget they described before the transformation, and text identical to the text they had prior to the transformation, and authorship they had prior to the transformation; this transformation occurs with oldest blueprint first down to youngest, and with an infinitesimal amount of time between each one.
[Bring back the Pyriac Frobnotzer]
Create a new Discovery named "Pyriac Frobnotzer" with text identical to the text of the Blueprint for the Pyriac Frobnotzer which existed one second before the rule entitled "The Evil Overlords of Ackanomic (retired)" was created, and authorship credit of 'Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)".
[the old PF conflicted with rule 1 and thus was nuked when that rule was
This new scheme will prevent it from working on rule 1, but otherwise work as
intended. I think that could be a fun gadget.]
C. [Blueprints Rule Suite]
{{[gist: blueprints are created as Discoveries, and become blueprints as described in the rules. Upon doing so, they also become rules in this rule suite, with a more sensible precedence scheme, and they inherit all the other things about being rules, such as the spelling bee, etc.]}}
Amend rule 594 so that its title is "Blueprint Rule Suite" and its text is:
I. Discoveries are unownable entities. As a privilege, Scientists
make Discoveries by posting their name and text, and labeling them
as such. The text must describe the behaviour of exactly one
new type of Gadget, and the name must be legal and unique, or the
creation fails.
II. A Discovery is said to be made by the player who posted its text. If, however, a Discovery is created by a rule, then the player who authored the proposal that created the rule has made the Discovery unless the creating rule describes other authorship credit. If no such player or undead exists, or it is otherwise ambiguous who created the Discovery, then no one did.
III. A Scientist may make no more than 4 Discoveries per calendar month.
IV. Discoveries are accepted 7 days after their creation, unless the rules describe different acceptance circumstances or procedures for a particular Discovery or type of Discovery.
V. When a Discovery is accepted, a new rule is created as a member of this rule suite, with the title "Blueprint: <name>" where <name> is the name of the Discovery, with authorship credit as described in section II, and with text identical to the text of the Discovery. The Discovery is then destroyed. Creation of a Blueprint does not create any instances of the type of Gadget described by that Blueprint.
VI. The term "Blueprint", as used in the rules, means a member of this rule suite. The term "Useless Blueprint", as used in the rules, means a Blueprint for which there currently exist no Gadgets made from that Blueprint.
VII. When a Discovery is Debunked, it is destroyed, and thus is never accepted. When a Blueprint is Debunked, all extant Gadgets made from that Blueprint are destroyed, and it is repealed.
VIII. If a Scientist leaves or loses eir office for any reason, all of eir Discoveries and Useless Blueprints are Debunked. A Scientist may Debunk eir own Discoveries or Useless Blueprints as a public action.
IX. If a Blueprint specifies the effects of a certain kind of Gadget-related manipulation, and tells who can perform it, but does not specify how it is to be accomplished, then that type of manipulation can be performed as a public action. [See Rule 373 for more about public actions.]
X. A Blueprint is Qualified if and only if it has existed for at least a week, or if it is not Useless.
XI. All Blueprints defer precedence to rules which are not Blueprints.
[Follow this link for the Blueprints]
D. [Tweak the gadget rule]
Amend rule 595, "Gadgets" so that its text is:
I. A Gadget's Blueprint is the Blueprint that defines the class of Gadget to
which that Gadget belongs. If a Gadget's Blueprint exists, the Gadget behaves
in the manner defined by the Blueprint, and may be manipulated in accordance
with it.
II. Gadgets are entities. A Gadget is tradeable unless its Blueprint specifies otherwise.
III. The ability to create Gadgets is a Privilege of a Scientist. A Scientist may create a Gadget only by performing these tasks, in this order:
(a) Choosing a type from those defined by existing Blueprints. If the Gadget requires raw material, the Scientist must own the specified quanti(ies) and type(s); the raw materials used are then destroyed.
(b) Announcing publicly that a new Gadget of that type is being made. This cannot be done if the Scientist is already in the process of making a Gadget.
(c) Building the gadget. This task is completed when the Scientist has spent at least three days building, at which time it is created unowned.
(d) Announcing publicly that the new Gadget has been built, and initiating a public Auction of the Gadget, as defined by Rule 516. If this announcement is not made within 3 days of the completion of the Gadget, the Gadget is destroyed instead.
(e) If the Scientist loses eir privileges for any reason prior to the completion of step (d), the process is aborted and the Gadget, if it exists, is destroyed.
IV. Gadgets may also be created by rules, provided the rule specifies the quantity created, the Blueprint which defines its behaviour, and how ownership is to be determined. If ownership is to be determined by Auction, The Auction shall be conducted by the process described in Rule 516.
V. A Gadget's owner can destroy it as a public action, unless the Gadget's Blueprint specifies that it is indestructible.
VI. A Gadget is Qualified if its Blueprint is Qualified.
E. [Transform back]
Create a new rule numbered 102.3 entitled "Gizz" with the following text"
This rule has precedence over all rules.
a) All extant Discoveries are accepted, one after another, with an infinitesimal amount of time separating each acceptance; they are accepted in oldest to youngest order.
b) For each player who had a Pyriac Frobnotzer one second before the rule entitled "The Evil Overlords of Ackanomic (retired)" was created, a Pyriac Frobnotzer is created and transferred to that player. [no orgs had one, and I don't care about undead.]
c) Each extant ZZimsy-Gadget is transformed into a Gadget of type X, where X was the attribute of that ZZimsy-Gadget just prior to this transformation. If the resulting gadget is a Spell Book of Chorg, then the lowest-numbered page in that book is destroyed until the book has the same number of pages as it had before it was transformed into the ZZimsy- Gadget it was just prior to this transformation.
d) Rule 102.2, "ZZimsy-Gadgets and Discoveries", is repealed.
F. [Various related rule changes]
a) Amend rule 593, "Ackanomic Research Guild", to remove
The Duties of the Inventor are to keep a public record of all existing
Blueprints, to keep a public record of who owns each existing Gadget,
and to take care of all other bookkeeping required to ensure that all
Gadgets behave in accordance with their Blueprints.
{{[the financier keeps records of gadget ownership, and the speaker makes sure the rules are followed. As for the public record bit, it is the financier's job to track all entities (including rules). I guess game custom allows the web-harfer to track rules, which are in the treasury. IAC, the Inventor can volunteer to be an assistant web-harfer and track the new rule suite if e wants, so no real functionality is lost. This rule-harfer thing needs to be fleshed out anyway, that is for another time.]}}
b) Amend rule 597, "The Frankenstein Monster(s)" as follows, in the order specified:
(i) Replace
E shall then post the text of the Blueprint-under-construction. At this point
the Blueprint is constructed, (and is a Blueprint) and no more Parts may ever
be added to it. The Mad Scientist must immediately, after this announcement,
begin building the Frankenstein Monster subject to the general limitations
placed upon Scientists working from Blueprints except that e need not pay
Processing Chips, or any raw materials of any sort.
E shall then post the text of the Discovery. At this point, and only under
these circumstances, the Discovery is accepted [and thus becomes a
Blueprint; no more Parts are added to it as described in this rule]. The
Mad Scientist must immediately, after this announcement, begin building
the Frankenstein Monster subject to the general limitations placed upon
Scientists working from Blueprints. The Mad Scientist is considered the
author of this Discovery.
(ii) Replace "blueprint-under-construction" (ignoring case) with "Discovery", where it appears [second paragraph, section i), section iv) a few times, and possibly elsewhere].
(iii) Replace
Frankenstein Monsters behave in the manner described in their Blueprints,
unless they are in conflict with another blueprint, in which case the
Blueprint which was created earliest hs precedence. Blueprints for
Frankenstein Monsters alway defer to the rules.
Frankenstein Monsters behave in the manner described in their Blueprints.
{{The blueprint-under-construction, if it exists, that was started after Rex Mundi became mad scientist is transformed into a Discovery with name as the name of the Monster being created, and text identical to the text the blueprint-under-construction had before transformation, and authorship credited to the player Rex Mundi. All other blueprints-under-construction are destroyed.}}
c) Amend rule 1013 "Secret Laboratories", to replace:
An Organization that has a Secret Laboratory may, as an action, build
a Gadget from any existing non-lonely Blueprint once per calendar
month. This new Gadget is created in the Organization's possession
either three days after the action of building it is performed, or
when the Blueprint for the Gadget has been in existence at least one
week, whichever comes later.
An Organization that has a Secret Laboratory may, as an action, build a Gadget
from any existing Qualified Blueprint once per calendar month. This new Gadget
is created in the Organization's possession three days after this action
is announced.
{{[the blueprint, in essence, has to be around 14 days or be non-Useless. I'd
like to standardize on the Qualified terminology. As this is worded now, I'm
not sure its possible to build a gadget at all ... 'it is created 3 days after
it is created' is one way of reading the current language :-), perhaps a bit
nit-picky, but ... that is not why I wish to change it, just being weird]}}
d) Amend rule 1211, "Boons of the Ancients", to replace:
A Blueprint is created in the Blueprint Archive (not owned by the player, but
said to be created by the player), as described by the player
A Discovery is created (not owned by the player, but said to be created by
the player), as named and described by the player
e) Amend rule 1240.14, "Scientist for a Day", to read:
A Card of this type may be played only in the public forum. A player who does
so pays A$20.
In the message in which a player states he is playing a card of this type, e may also include exactly one collection of named text which e would like to see as a new Discovery. This text becomes a new Discovery as named; it is said to be made by the player who played the Scientist for a Day Otzma Card.
If at least 5 active players, or 20% of the active players, whichever is greater, publically object to this Discovery within 3 days of its creation, it is Debunked, and its creator loses 10 points.
Counter-Action: Any Discovery created by the use of the countered Scientist
for a Day Card is Debunked. 'Scientist For A Day' Otzma Cards have an
F-designation of Normal.
[end of proposal]
Proposal 2335 - Fri 17 Oct 1997 02:10 EDT
Fixing the IP Loophole
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[this makes sure IPs work as intended, meaning they are resolved exactly 3 days after they are called, meaning no officer can delay either the call or the tabulation, as both events are will now be publically knowable at the time.]}}
Amend rule 404, "Offices, Impeachment", to append the following to the end of section (ii):
"All votes on the IP shall be cast in the public forum."
Proposal 2336 - Fri 17 Oct 1997 17:02 EDT
Itch Mitchison's Shuttle Crash
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{All players with the Itch are cured of it.}}
Amend Rule 909, "Steel Flea", as follows:
Replace the text "If it is ever the case that there are three (or more) players who consecutively found Phoebe's matchbox, but failed to post her wisdom," with "If it is ever the case that the most recent three (or more) players who found Phoebe's matchbox have all failed to post her wisdom,"
Proposal 2337 - Sat 18 Oct 1997 20:11 EDT
It's Flat Like Your Head
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 854, "Ackanomic Institute of Genetic Replication", as follows:
Append to the description of "Pointy ears" the following sentence: "A player may never have more than two pointy ears per head; if at any time a player has more pointy ears than this, the extra ears are removed(at no cost to the player)."
Proposal 2338 - Mon 20 Oct 1997 18:43 EDT
Three Blind Mice
Karma (Jordan James)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal.
- -----------------------
To create an entity called the "Anti-Mouse Potatoe".
This Potatoe is very similar to the "Magic Potato" except this tuber has a long sinewy tail stapled to its larger end, and three clickable buttons taped on its narrower end.
The "Anti-mouse Potatoe" is distributed randomly to players exactly the way the "Magic Potato" is. The possesor of the "Anti-Mouse Potatoe" may, within the game of Ackanomic, be alotted an additional full day to reply to anything that has a limited time for response.
The "Anti-Mouse Potatoe" may be stolen before the end of a cycle and not before 4 days from the chosen holder of this entity by anyone who holds simultaniously in his possesion a
"Rank Piece of Cheese"
and a
"better Mouse trap".
These are created at the same time as the creation of the "AMP" (Anti-Mouse Potatoe).
These latter two non-tradable entities serve only the purpose of aquiring the "AMP" and will commence to be distibuted only after the first holder of the "AMP" has gone through a cycle and the second random player is chosen to hold the "AMP". When the second player holds the "AMP" the first will get the "Rank Piece of Cheese". When the third is chosen to have the "AMP" the second gets a "Better Mouse Trap". {{after that it will have a logical pattern.}}
Proposal 2339 - Tue 21 Oct 1997 16:12 EDT
Till Death we do Art
Karma (Jordan James)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal.
Make a "Van Gogh clause" for players leaving the game.
Whenever a player is no longer a player, by becoming undead or any other possible way now or later concieved to discontinue Ackanomic, their trinkets that they themselves have created throughout their time in Ackanomia increase in value from their original worth by increments of double their original value plus 10A$ for each subsequent one made after their fourth trinket. The reason being that any player of Acka is obviously eccentric genius art stock and art becomes valuable only after a player is either dead or a hollow eyed zombie.
If the player has not willed their belongings to a player (or their cat) the ack-monies go to the treasury.
Proposal 2340 - Fri 24 Oct 1997 06:20 EDT
Get Those Chess Pieces moving.
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
Ammend section 6 of R1230.2 "Swingers Like to Play Around II - Let's play" to read in full:
6. Playing the game
On eir turn a Swinger may make a play composed of one or more of the
Atomic Plays defined in this section. All Atomic Plays that make up the
same Play must be in the same message, in the order in which they are
made. The Play is made as a Public Action.
A Swinger whose Weight equals 0 and has five or fewer on-board pieces may make a Play composed of one Move followed by one Placement, or any other single Atomic Play.
A Swinger whose Weight equals 0 and more than five on-board pieces may a Play composed of any single Atomic Play
A Swinger whose Weight is non-zero and less than 50, and has five or fewer on-board pieces may make a Play composed of two Moves followed by one Placement, or any other single Atomic Play.
A Swinger whose Weight is greater than 100, or has more than 9 on-board pieces, may make any single Atomic Play.
Any other Swinger may make a Play composed of one Move, followed by one Placement, or any other single Atomic Play.
The following are the legal Atomic Plays:
A. Move - The Swinger moves an on-board piece e controls from the square
it is on to an unoccupied square according to the applicable rules.
B. Capture - The Swinger uses one of his pieces to perform a capture according to the applicable rules.
C. Placement - The Swinger places one of eir off-board pieces on an unoccupied square on the board. The Swinger may not place the piece in such a position that it attacks one or more opposing pieces.
D. Pass - The Swinger does nothing. [This is the default play in most cases; see above.]
E. Surrender - All of the Swinger's pieces are removed from the board, and
become off-board pieces.
Proposal 2341 - Fri 24 Oct 1997 06:20 EDT
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: rejected
{{[This proposal is my Organization reform proposal. It does the following
1. It changes Institutions into Unique Organizations, and and restricts
all Unique Organizations in use of Organizational Powers, and membership
2. It repeals Institutions, while retaining the default voting procedures
for Institutions by incorporating them into Organizations.
3. It disbands non-unique Organizations with fewer than three members,
after refunding them for purchase of any Organizational Powers they have,
and giving them to set their affairs in order.
4. Player-sanctioned Organizations with three or more members stay,
Parties remain as they are now. Although both these issues will be dealt
with in seperate proposals. Joint Assemblies are also not part of this
Proposals, as there are currently no rules that depend on, this will not
break anything, I'd like to add a more comprehensive version of Joint
Assemblies, this is also left to a seperate proposal, so as not to confuse
the issues.
5. It creates an additional Organizational Power which allows
player-sanctioned ORganization to have non-player entities as members,
an ability which this ammendment explicitly takes away from such
Organizations as a default.
6. It specifically does not attempt to plug the tax shelter loop-hole.
This is a Grandiose Proposal.
A proposal that has the following effect:
I. Ammed R1003 "Organizations" to read in full:
"1. Forming an Organization
Any player may form a new Organization by anouncing publically its name
and the names of its members. If other rules do not specify a higher
minimum membership for an Organization, then the minimum number of members
is three. The player who makes the anouncement becomes the Founder of the
new Organization. Organizations formed in this way are known as
Player-Sanctioned Organizations.
Alternatively, an Organization may be created and defined by other Rules. Such Organizations are called Rule-sanctioned Organizations. A Rule-sanctioned Organization does not necessarily have a Founder.
Any player may request membership in an Organization. The Organization may then grant the request as a public action. When a request for membership is granted, the player becomes a member of the Organization.
Unless specified otherwise by other rules, only players may become members of an Organization.
A player-sanctioned Organization may, as a public action, give a particular member the ability to grant any request for membership in that Organization, without waiting around for the consent of the rest of the members. A player-sanctioned Organization may also, as a public action, establish an open admissions policy, which means that anyone can join that Organization at any time.
2. Organization Disbandment
The rules may call for the disbandment of an Organization. When an Organization is disbanded, everything owned by the Organization is transferred to the Treasury, and the Organization is then no more. A Player-sanctioned Organization is disbanded if it's membership dropped below the minimum membership requirement for that Organization for a period of one week.
3. Organization Size
The Size of an Organization is the number of members it has. Terms such as 'larger' and 'smallest', when applied to Organizations, refer to the Sizes of the Organizations being compared. [For example, to say that one organization is larger than another is to say that it has more members.]
The Active Size of an Organization is the number of Players who are members of that Organization and are not on vacation.
4. Organization Similarity
For any two Organizations X and Y, orgsim(X, Y) is defined as the percentage of members of X who are also members of Y, except for the case where X and Y are the same, in which case it is defined to be 0.
The H Similarity between two Organizations, A and B, is the greater of orgsim(A, B) and orgsim(B, A).
The L Similarity between two Organizations, A and B, is the lesser of orgsim(A, B) and orgsim(B, A).
The M Similarity between two Organizations, A and B, is the average of orgsim(A, B) and orgsim(B, A).
5. Player Liberty Clause
No player may become a member of an Organization without first expressing their consent to joining it. A player may leave an Organization of which he or she is a member at any time.
6. Organizationl Voting
When an Organization is called on to vote, it has 7 days to conduct and publically report the results of the vote, and how each member voted, unless the rules call for a different amount of time. If everyone who is elligible to cast a vote in a given has done so, the restults may be anounced before the voting period ends. For the purposes of this rule, the composition of an Organization is taken to be its composition at the end of any voting or decision period. Acting members are consdered to be members in place of the members they are acting for.
7. Unique Organization
This section takes precedence over all rules concerning Unique
Organizations, and all rules concerning Organizational Powers. It is
impermissible for Unique Organizations to use Organizational Powers. If a
Uniquie Organization comes to own an Organizational Power, by any means,
then that Organizational Power has no effect on that Organization. Unique
Organization memberhsip is defined by the rules defining the Unique
Organizations in question. If membership is not defined for a specific
Unique Organization, then it has no members.
II.Ammend R411 "Senate" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
III. Ammend R1303 "Synod" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
IV. Ammend R1040 "Party Hall" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
V. Ammend R420.2 "Ackanomic History Guild" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
VI. Create a new rule entiteld :"Setting one's affairs in order" which
contains the following text:
"Exactly on week after this rule is enacted, for each non-Unique
Organization which has fewer than three members, the following things
1. Each Organization Power it owns is destroyed, and an amount of A$ equal
tot he cost of that Organization Power is transferred from the Treasury
to that Organization.
2. Each Trinket it owns is destroyed for A$.
3. Any other entity it owns is transferred to the Treasury
4. All the A$ are divided equally between the members of the Organization,
such that each members receives the integer part of s/n A$ where s is the
number of A$ owned by the Organization, and n is the number of members,
any remaining A$ are trasferred to the Treasury {{a quick figuring will
show you that this remainder will amount to 2A$ at the most]]}}
5. The Organization is then disbanded
After all this is done for each non-Unique Organizationwith less than
three members, this rule repeals itself.
Create a new rule entitled "More Than human" which contains the following
A More Than Human is an Organizational Power. An Organization may buy a
More Than Human for A$200.
An Organization that has a More Than Human is allowed to have non-player
Entities as members, provided that said Entities are capable of expressing
eir consent in the public forum, or that the rules allow for some
method by which said Entities can become members of Organizations.
VIII. Repeal R1001 "Institutions."
IX. In R1240.1 section III.2 delete the text "any Institution,"
Proposal 2342 - Fri 24 Oct 1997 06:21 EDT
Auction them Entities
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
Create a new rule entitled "Auction then Entities" which contains the
following text:
An Auction them Entities Hearing may be called by a player if that player
did not call an Auction them Entities Hearing in that calendar month, and
if no player called an Auction them Entities Hearing within the same week.
When a player calles an Auction them Entities hearing e must specify the
name of a Tradable Ownable Entity which is in the Treasury. The
Appropriate responses for such a Hearing are "Auction that Precious
Antique", and "Leave that junk in the Warehouse" If the verdict of the
Hearing is "Auction that Precious Antique" then the player who called for
the Hearing shall Auction the Entitity he named when calling the Hearing
in a public Auction. If the verdict is "Leave that junk in the Warehouse"
then no action is taken.
Proposal 2343 - Tue 28 Oct 1997 05:35 EST
That Was The Month That Was
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 255, "Vacationing", as follows:
After the sentence "If the duration is not specified when they go on vacation, it is assumed to be 14 days.", insert the following sentence(delimited by LEHRER):
If the duration is specified as a range of time, e.g. "next week"
or "October", the expected duration shall extend to the end of said
range[i.e., until the end of the specified calendar week, or October
31st, in the above cases].
{{[ The next sentences in the Rule will trim this to fit in the 2-60 day range, in case anyone was worried... ]}}
Proposal 2344 - Fri 31 Oct 1997 22:29 EST
Encouraging Players to Number Their Own Rules
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: accepted
* Amend Rule 303 "Proposal and Rule Numbering" in the following ways:
A. In Section II, change the paragraph numbered 3 to be numbered 4.
B. Then, also in Section II, insert the following text between
paragraphs 2 and 4:
3. Otherwise, if the Tabulator legally exercises eir privelege to give the rule a number, then the new rule uses that number.
* Amend Rule 408 "Tabulator and Count Tabula" in the following way:
Replace the paragraph which reads:
It is the Tabulator's Privilege to appoint a player to the Office of Count Tabula. This is the only way that Office can be filled.
with the following text:
The Tabulator has the following Privileges:
a) To appoint a player to the Office of Count Tabula. This is the only way that Office can be filled.
b) To assign rule numbers to rules created by proposals. The Tabulator is only permitted to do this when the new rule is not already assigned a number by the rules. To exercise this privilege, the Tabulator must announce the number in the same public message wherein e reports the voting results for that proposal. The assignment of rule number to new rule must be specified unambiguously, and e may not assign a rule number that the new rule would not be allowed to have normally. [In other words, the rule number must be one that the proposal would have been allowed to give the rule anyway.]
* Renumber Rule 2342 "Auction then Entities" to 520, and change its title to "Auction them Entities".
* Renumber Rule 2322 "How are Things Out There" to 419.3.
* Renumber Rule 2290 "The Flat Earth Preservation Society" to 1319.1.
* Repeal Rule 2283 "Vive la Revolution!". [It has served its purpose.]
Proposal 2345 - Sat 01 Nov 1997 14:33 EST
Let's Have Some Effects
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected
Append the following double double quote delimited text to Rule 903:
""If a player has already chewed the gumball on a particular day, and
submits a vote on any proposal, then a Bonus Vote will be created in the
possession of that player. This Vote will then immediately be used on the
proposal just voted on, with the same vote as the player originally used.
If the Bonus Vote cannot be used on the Proposal voted on, then it is
destroyed instead. For the purposes of Rule 317, the message of the
Gumball chewing player which indicates a vote shall also be a
message to the Tabulator, indicating the player's wish to cast a
Bonus Vote. ""
Proposal 2346 - Sat 01 Nov 1997 21:27 EST
Give Your Coat A Keener Sheen
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 1044, "Swingpoints", as follows:
Change the current text of section 4.c.
c. Any set of Swingpoints can be converted into an equal number of probability points which are added to the CrIndex of an Otzma Card type chosen by the player.
to the following(delineated by CHESTER):
c. Any set of Swingpoints may be used to offset the cost of purchasing a PartyChessPiece, by reducing the cost by A$5 for every Swingpoint used, up to a maximum of (cost-1)/5, rounded down. [So for an A$15 PartyChessPiece, only two Swingpoints may be used, to reduce the cost to A$5; for an A$36 PartyChessPiece, seven could be used to reduce it to A$1.] Any attempt to use more than the maximum number of Swingpoints for this purpose will result in the loss of the excess Swingpoints, to no added benefit.
Proposal 2347 - Mon 03 Nov 1997 15:17 EST
Doubles all Round!
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Status: retracted (see CFJ 470)
This is a Modest Proposal.
Append the following text to section 6 of R1230.2:
It is impersmissible for a Swinger to Move the same piece in the same turn
more than once. If a Swinger is permitted to make more than one Move per
turn, then each Move must be with a different piece."
{{[double moves for a single piece make things really complicated, including allowing Swingers to Capture Kings. Another possible ammendment would have been an ammendnment to handle King's Capture, but I prefer the I submitted]}}
Proposal 2348 - Mon 03 Nov 1997 15:19 EST
Just a coupla more moves.
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Ammend R1230.2 by replacing the text:
"A Swinger whose Weight is non-zero and less than 50, and has five or
fewer on-board pieces may make a Play composed of two Moves followed by
one Placement, or any other single Atomic Play"
With the text:
"A Swinger whose Weight is non-zero and less than 50, and has five or
fewer on-board pieces may make a Play composed of two Moves followed by
one Placement, or one Move followed by two Placements, or any other single
Atomic Play."
Proposal 2349 - Tue 04 Nov 1997 19:17 EST
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
Create a new rule entitled "More Than human" which contains the following
A More Than Human is an Organizational Power. An Organization may buy a
More Than Human for A$200.
An Organization that has a More Than Human is allowed to have non-player Entities as members, provided that said Entities are capable of expressing eir consent in the public forum, or that the rules allow for some method by which said Entities can become members of Organizations.
{{Renumber this rule to 1015}}
Proposal 2350 - Tue 04 Nov 1997 19:18 EST
To Restore s semblance of balance.
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Status: retracted
{{[this does not nuke Organization of fewer than three members, it just robs them of any ability to take action. A thousand mile walk begins with one step.]}}
This is a Modest Proposal.
Append the following text to R1003 Organizations: "An Organization may not take any action, and may not use Organizational Powers if the there are fewer than three players who are members of the Organization."