Proposal 2351 - Tue 04 Nov 1997 19:18 EST
Institution Decomposition
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Status: retracted
{{[ Amilder version of Antidisestablishmentarianism. This is only the portion that brings Institutions into the Organizationl framework as Unique Organizations, and specifies the restrictions for Unique Organizations
A proposal to do the following:
Append a new section to R1003 "Organization" which contains the following
"When an Organization is called on to vote, it has 7 days to conduct and
publically report the results of the vote, and how each member voted,
unless the rules call for a different amount of time. If everyone who is
elligible to cast a vote in a given has done so, the restults may be
anounced before the voting period ends. For the purposes of this rule, the
composition of an Organization is taken to be its composition at the end
of any voting or decision period. Acting members are consdered to be
members in place of the members they are acting for.
Append a new section to R1003 "Organization" which contains the following
"This section takes precedence over all rules concerning Unique
Organizations, and all rules concerning Organizational Powers. It is
impermissible for Unique Organizations to use Organizational Powers. If a
Uniquie Organization comes to own an Organizational Power, by any means,
then that Organizational Power has no effect on that Organization. Unique
Organization memberhsip is defined by the rules defining the Unique
Organizations in question. If membership is not defined for a specific
Unique Organization, then it has no members.
III.Ammend R411 "Senate" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
IV. Ammend R1303 "Synod" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
V. Ammend R1040 "Party Hall" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
VI. Ammend R420.2 "Ackanomic History Guild" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
Proposal 2352 - Tue 04 Nov 1997 19:18 EST
A King's Ransom
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Append the following text to section 6 of R1230.2,:
"When a Swinger's turn consists of multiple Atomic Plays, and one of the
Atomic plays places another Swinger in a state of check, then the turn
ends immediately, and the Atomic plays that follow that Atomic Plays are
not executed.
When more there is more than one Swinger in a state of check, then
Swingers are allowed to make only Atomic Plays, regardless of the
criteria specified above, for as long as the state of multiple check
{{[thanks to /dev/joe for pointing these things out. His other comment, about requiring the first move,I don't consider necessary right now, we'll just have to see how it goes. Some of you may recall that several months ago I discussed here adopting some of Durosettes's Siege chess concepts to Party Chess. I posted an RFC at the time, but never got around to proposing it. I like the idea of Siege chess. However, for PartyChess, in the form it held for most of the past year, it might have been a bit too much of a shock. These movement rules were suggested some time ago, independently of Siege Chess by Ben Good, who since then left Acka and founded Fourplay Chess nomic, which can be seen as a sibling game to Party Chess. I perceive some relation between the two. It balances off some of the disadvantages of starting off later, makes for a more dynamic game. If it works, I'd like to go on and introduce Siege Chess, which I view as a more extreme form of these rules.]}}
Proposal 2353 - Wed 05 Nov 1997 12:23 EST
To Restore s semblance of balance.
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: rejected
{{[this does not nuke Organization of fewer than three members, it just robs them of any ability to take action. A thousand mile walk begins with one step.]}}
This is a Modest Proposal.
Append the following text to R1003 Organizations:
"An Organization may not take any action, except for accepting new
members, and may not use Organizational Powers if the there are fewer than
three players who are members of the Organization."
Proposal 2354 - Wed 05 Nov 1997 12:24 EST
Specific Party Gravity Specifics
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
Amend Rule 1230.2 Clause 6C to read as delinated by double quote marks:
"Placement - The Swinger places one of eir off-board pieces on an unoccupied square on the board. The Swinger may not place the piece in such a position that it attacks one or more opposing pieces, unless it is impossible to place the piece without it attacking at least one other piece".
Note - this is designed to ensure that a clogged board never stops a New Swinger from getting going.
Proposal 2355 - Wed 05 Nov 1997 13:30 EST
Institution Decomposition
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: rejected
{{[ Amilder version of Antidisestablishmentarianism. This is only the portion that brings Institutions into the Organizationl framework as Unique Organizations, and specifies the restrictions for Unique Organizations]}}
A proposal to do the following:
Append a new section to R1003 "Organization" which contains the following
"When an Organization is called on to vote, it has 7 days to conduct and
publically report the results of the vote, and how each member voted,
unless the rules call for a different amount of time. If everyone who is
elligible to cast a vote in a given has done so, the restults may be
anounced before the voting period ends. For the purposes of this rule, the
composition of an Organization is taken to be its composition at the end
of any voting or decision period. Acting members are consdered to be
members in place of the members they are acting for.
Append a new section to R1003 "Organization" which contains the following
"This section takes precedence over all rules concerning Unique
Organizations, and all rules concerning Organizational Powers. It is
impermissible for Unique Organizations to use Organizational Powers. If a
Uniquie Organization comes to own an Organizational Power, by any means,
then that Organizational Power has no effect on that Organization. Unique
Organization memberhsip is defined by the rules defining the Unique
Organizations in question. If membership is not defined for a specific
Unique Organization, then it has no members.
III.Ammend R411 "Senate" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
IV. Ammend R1303 "Synod" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
V. Ammend R1040 "Party Hall" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
VI. Ammend R420.2 "Ackanomic History Guild" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
Proposal 2356 - Wed 05 Nov 1997 18:28 EST
Second Swing Suite Shot
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 1230.2 Clause 6C to read as delinated by double quote marks:
"Placement - The Swinger places one of eir off-board pieces on an unoccupied square on the board. The Swinger may not place the piece in such a position that it attacks one or more opposing pieces, unless it is impossible to place the piece without it attacking at least one other piece, and the Swinger involved has fewer than five on-board pieces and a weight of 0".
Note - this is designed to ensure that a clogged board never stops a New Swinger from getting going.
Proposal 2357 - Sat 08 Nov 1997 22:39 EST
Nuke the Mute Flea (again)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: rejected
I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.
This is a Modest proposal. Repeal rule 909, "Steel Flea".
{{[this one seems like its getting stale; I mean, why should I roll for it if no one feels like doing it]}}
Proposal 2358 - Mon 10 Nov 1997 05:01 EST
No Nukes! No Nukes!
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
{{[This is also a Compromise Proposal. I sympathize with Malenkai, but I simply can't bear to just eradicate Phoebe from the rules entirely. Thus this proposal. It will have essentially the desired effect of Malenkai's proposal, but leaves Phoebe in the Rules ... just in case. (It also avoids the required extra bookkeeping of the "Itch" solution.)]}}
IF AND ONLY IF Rule 909, titled "Steel Flea", exists, THEN amend said Rule by replacing the three paragraphs quoted here:
" If a message was not posted within a week of the player finding Phoebe, e is deemed to have lost the matchbox and is fined 3 points for being so careless. If this happens, the matchbox is deemed to be missing. If it is ever the case that the most recent three (or more) players who found Phoebe's matchbox have all failed to post her wisdom, then conditions are right for an outbreak of the Itch. When conditions are right, any player who was the third most recent person to find Phoebe's matchbox will develop a case of the Itch.
The Itch is a dangerous medical disorder. Player's with a case of the Itch are very uncomfortable. They have an overwhelming desire to scratch all over their bodies. While little is known about this disorder, it is considered extremely contagious. Accordingly, players suffering from the Itch are placed under quarantine in their homes. While under quarantine, they may not leave their homes, and other players may not enter them, unless required to by the Rules.
There are three known cures for the Itch. Any player who has been
afflicted with the Itch for 3 consecutive weeks will then recover.
Any player who posts a poem of 5 lines or more in praise of Phoebe,
the Steel Flea, recovers immediately, unless they are the Poet
Laureate, in which case the poem must be at least 15 lines. Finally,
if any player, in accordance with this Rule, posts the wisdom of
Phoebe, then all players afflicted with a case of the Itch
immediately recover. It is customary for these players to be
extremely grateful towards the person who cured them.
with the following three paragraphs:
If a message was not posted within a week of the player finding Phoebe, e is deemed to have lost the matchbox and is fined 3 points for being so careless. If this happens, the matchbox is deemed to be missing.
If Phoebe's matchbox is currently missing, and it is also the case that the most recent three (or more) players who found Phoebe's matchbox have all failed to post her wisdom, then Phoebe may decide not to be found by another player, and instead take a Leave Of Absence from the wisdom-dispensing business. The Officer in Charge of Random Things shall determine whether or not this happens, using whatever method e chooses. If e determines that Phoebe has decided to take a Leave Of Absence, then e must announce this fact publicly. (E is also encouraged, but not required, to post Phoebe's goodbye message at this time.) Upon doing so, Phoebe and Phoebe's matchbox shall immediately go Somewhere Else, and Phoebe's matchbox shall no longer be missing. Phoebe and her matchbox will remain Somewhere Else for a minimum of 30 days (and quite possibly much longer, perhaps even forever).
If it is ever the case that Phoebe has been on a Leave Of Absence for 30 days or more, then Phoebe may choose at any time to end her Leave of Absence. The Officer in Charge of Random Things shall determine whether or not this happens, again using whatever method e chooses. If e determines that Phoebe has chosen to end her Leave of Absence, then e must announce this fact publicly. Upon doing so, Phoebe and Phoebe's matchbox will no longer be Somewhere Else, and Phoebe's matchbox shall immediately be missing. [And thus the Officer in Charge of Random Things should then determine which player finds Phoebe next....]
Proposal 2359 - Tue 11 Nov 1997 20:40 EST
Okay, That's Long Enough
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
Create a new rule, numbered 607, numbered "Winning By Cycle Expiration Vote", with text as follows(delimited by DEAD):
When a Cycle has lasted an integral number of calendar months greater than four[i.e. if it started on January 15th, it is the 15th of May or a later month], a Cycle Expiration Vote shall be called.
A Cycle Expiration Vote is a Hearing. The valid responses are the names of the active players when the vote is called. No votes by non-player entities are counted.
If there is a player whose name garners the most votes[i.e. there are no ties for first place], the number of votes cast for that player's name is more than one-third the total votes cast, and the total votes cast is more than half the number of voting players, then that player shall win the Cycle. In addition to other awards for winning the Cycle, that player shall receive a 'Most Popular' Ribbon.
The player may not win if there are other circumstances which would forbid it[i.e. e has the Chartreuse Goose, e leaves the game in the middle of the voting period, etc.].
Proposal 2360 - Tue 11 Nov 1997 20:43 EST
As The Intestinal Surgeon Said
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 500.1, "Entity Names", as follows:
Replace the following text(delimited by LEVER):
A name is a sequence of name characters. The name characters are:
! # $ % & * + - / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : = ? @ \ ^ _ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z | ~ . , '
and the space character.
[Parentheses, double quotes, back quotes, square brackets, angle
brackets, braces, and non-ASCII characters are not name characters.]
with the following text(delimited by TOP):
A name is a sequence of name characters. The name characters are:
! # $ % & * + - / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = ? @ \ ^ _ | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ~ . , '
and the space character.
[Parentheses, double quotes, back quotes, square brackets, angle
brackets, braces, colons, and non-ASCII characters are not name
Proposal 2361 - Tue 11 Nov 1997 21:01 EST
Chartreuse Clashes
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
Replace the current text of Rule 390, "The Orange Menace" with the following text(delimited by TEAL):
The Orange Menace was once thought to exist deep in the Wilds of
Ackanomic. However, it was recently discovered that this so-called
Menace was simply a rumour started by the Evil Overlords of Ackanomic
(retired), who, quite justly, had aroused the ire of the Pumpkin Patch
Nomic on the behalf of the oppressed citizens of Ackanomic during the
reign of the Evil Overlords.
Each member of the Rebellion(Rebel) may exercise one of the following privileges, once, with reference to an Evil Overlord of Ackanomic (retired) (henceforth called a Retired Overlord); that is, each Rebel may choose one Retired Overlord and exercise the privilege once.
1) A Rebel may scold a Retired Overlord with immunity to the Politeness Moon[within reason].
2) A Rebel may challenge a Retired Overlord to a Duel with double point scores to winners and losers.
3) If a Swinger who is a Rebel captures a Retired Overlord Swinger's piece in Party Chess, e is allowed to laugh maniacally and will gain an extra Swingpoint at the end of the round.
If it should be the case that every member of the Rebellion has exercised
eir privilege once, this Rule shall repeal itself.
Proposal 2362 - Tue 11 Nov 1997 21:02 EST
Let's Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
Fortunato (Aaron Keesler)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 1250.17, "Mediocrity", in the following manner.
Change the following text, marked by BLAH:
[Gist: Mediocrity is a psychological game won by guessing the "middle"
number -- but not too often! I've seen variations of it in several
places, none of which give any indication of who to credit for it.]
To the following, marked by BLAH BLAH
[Gist: Mediocrity is a psychological game won by guessing the "middle"
number -- but not too often! This game was created by Douglas
Hofsteader, and first published in his column "Metamagical Themas", in
Scientific American]
Proposal 2363 - Wed 12 Nov 1997 14:44 EST
Rule Number Status
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected
Append to Rule 303 Clause I the following sentence (delineated by PINKY):
The valid rule number is associated with the rule, but is not considered
part of the text of the rule itself.
Replace the phrase "any changes to the rules" in Rule 305 part (b) part i
with the following phrase delineated by BRAIN:
any changes to the text of a rule or rules, or to the rule number or
rule numbers associated with a rule or rules (but not part of the rules
Proposal 2364 - Wed 12 Nov 1997 14:45 EST
Weighty Matters to Discuss
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
Append the following text, delinated by FREUNLEVEN, to Rule 1230.3:
The preceding sections of this rule may be amended as follows:
The Chess-Umpire may mail to the acka-chess mailing list a Suggested
Reweighting Scheme. If no Swinger objects to this Suggested Reweighting
Scheme within 7 Days of its submission to the list, then this rule will be
amended accordingly to accomodate the Suggested Reweighting Scheme.
However, the change to the rules will not occur until a Swinger other than
the Chess-Umpire posts a general public message saying that the scheme has
not been objected to. This message must be posted after the 7 day limit
has passed.
Proposal 2365 - Thu 13 Nov 1997 18:18 EST
Immortal Art
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal.
{{[gist: simplifies the majik stuff and removes the forced change of description and makes them permanent and slowly works on the much needed process of shortening the rules]}}
Amend rule 511 so that its number is 506.1, and so that its title is "Majik", and so that its text is:
An existing Trinket can be made into a Majik by the Archaeologist. A player
who owns a Trinket worth more than A$99 can ask in a public message if that
Trinket is special. If the Archaeologist replies publicly within 3 days
"This Trinket is Majik", then the Trinket becomes a Majik. [It is considered
good form to give the Archaeologist a 10% fee for this service.]
Majiks are no longer Trinkets but keep the value, name and description
they had when Trinkets. Majiks are tradeable entities.
Amend rule 850, "Museum" as follows:
A. In section III, replace "Trinket" with "Trinket, Majik".
B. In section 4c, replace "Trinkets" with "Trinkets and Majiks", and
replace "Trinket" with "Trinket or Majik".
Proposal 2366 - Thu 13 Nov 1997 18:18 EST
Remove an unused abstract base class
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
{{[can we get the ruleset under 200K :)]}}
This is a modest proposal.
Repeal rule 836, "Hotels".
Proposal 2367 - Thu 13 Nov 1997 18:19 EST
Less work for Alfvaen
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal
{{All processing chips are destroyed}}
Repeal rule 935, "Processing Chips".
{{Amend the Map for the Treasure that contains the Golden Frog [commonly referred to the Jukkasjarvi treasure hunt] to replace the string "processing chips" with the string "trinkets" where it appears.}}
Proposal 2368 - Thu 13 Nov 1997 18:34 EST
Just Words
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Status: retracted
red yellow chartreuse green blue violet.
lemon lime grapefruit tangerine.
confusion speculation distraction intention diffusion collusion.
electricity magnetism gravitation strong weak nuclear.
decoder marauder discoverer recoverer uncoverer.
Proposal 2369 - Thu 13 Nov 1997 18:34 EST
Elimination of Nullophobia
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 303 by replacing the phrase "positive integers" with "non-negative integers".
Proposal 2370 - Thu 13 Nov 1997 18:36 EST
Conflicting but not Overriding (Yet)
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
Create a new Rule, numbered Rule 2000, and titled "Anti-Immutability", with the following text, delimited by STING:
The final paragraph of Rule 1 has no effect.
Proposal 2371 - Thu 13 Nov 1997 18:36 EST
Immutable, My Curvy Butt
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
Renumber Rule 2000 to Rule 0.
Proposal 2372 - Fri 14 Nov 1997 02:25 EST
Against Permanent Immutability
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
Create a new Rule, numbered 2000, and titled "Death to Immutability", with the following text as delimited by REBELLION:
The last paragraph of Rule 1 has no effect. If this rule ever has a
number less than 1, then it takes precedence over all other rules,
including rule 1.
Proposal 2373 - Fri 14 Nov 1997 02:26 EST
Immutable My Curvy Butt Version II
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
Renumber Rule 2000 to Rule 0.
Proposal 2374 - Fri 14 Nov 1997 18:24 EST
Campaign Fund Allegations
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 945 by replacing the sentence
"The President is strongly discouraged from pocketing trinkets given to him for such a purpose, he should return them if he does not wish to place them in The Cabinet."
with the sentence
"If a trinket given to the President for such a purpose is not put into The Cabinet, or returned to the player who originally gave it to the President, within 7 days, then the President shall be guilty of the Crime of Misappropriation of Campaign Funds."
[I thought this might be topical.]
Proposal 2375 - Fri 14 Nov 1997 18:25 EST
Bad Night To Sleep In A Eucalyptus Tree
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
{{[ Trying to get rid of the trinket tax loophole _one_ more time... ]}}
Amend Rule 505, "Treasury And Ackadollars" by appending the following clause(delimited by ELBERETH):
VI. Total Wealth:
The Total Wealth of a Player, Undead, or Organization is defined as the sum of the total number of A it possesses plus the combined values of all trinkets and Majiks in its possession.
Amend Rule 510, "Voluntary Debt Prohibited", as follows:
Replace "No player" with "No Player, Undead, or Organization"
Amend Rule 666, "End of Cycle" as follows:
Replace the existing text of section e)
* e) If the amount of A$s in circulation plus the value of all extant Trinkets and Majiks exceeded the amount in the Treasury at the time this winner was declared, the following shall occur: 20% (round down) of each Player's A$ balance is transferred to the Treasury. The winner shall pay only 10% (round down), however. 20% (round down) of each Undead's A$ balance is transferred to the Treasury.
with the following(delimited by ZAZPI):
* e) If the amount of A$s in circulation plus the value of all extant Trinkets and Majiks exceeded the amount in the Treasury at the time this winner was declared, the following shall occur: 20% (round down) of each Player's Total Wealth is owed to the Treasury. The winner shall owe only 10% (round down), however. 20% (round down) of each Undead and Organization's Total Wealth is owed to the Treasury.
Amend Rule 261, "Zombie Master", by replacing "10% of their Ackadollars" with "10% of their Total Wealth", and "the poorest player" with "the player with the least Total Wealth".
Proposal 2376 - Sat 15 Nov 1997 03:11 EST
Prompt Chess Moves Pay
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
Amend Rule 1230.3 by replacing
"For a Swinger whose King is on-board
Weight =
(Total material value of the on-board pieces) +
for each piece (Mobility of that piece)
for each piece (add 5 if the piece attacks at least one opponent piece)
for each piece (add 4 if the piece defends at least one friendly piece) "
with the following text delimited by SPEED:
For a Swinger whose King is on-board
Weight =
(Total material value of the on-board pieces) +
Velocity Variable +
for each piece (Mobility of that piece)
for each piece (add 5 if the piece attacks at least one opponent piece)
for each piece (add 4 if the piece defends at least one friendly piece)
In Rule 1230.3, after the phrase "without making a Capture." insert the following text, delimited by BULLOCK:
Each Office of Swinger has an integer associated with it called its
Velocity Variable.
{{Each Swinger's Velocity Variable is set to 0.}}
Whenever a new Swinger Office is created, its Velocity Variable is set to
0. Whenever a Swinger submits eir turn within 24 hours of the last
turn being made public, eir Velocity Variable is increased by 5
immediately after eir turn becomes publically knowable, provided they are
not the Chess-Umpire. If the Chess-Umpire is a Swinger, and submits eir
move within 2 hours of the last turn's results being made public, eir
Velocity Variable is increased by 2 immediately after eir move is first
publically knowable. If any player submits an illegal turn or does not
submit a turn within the deadline, then their Velocity Variable is
decreased by 7, unless they are the Chess-Umpire, in which case it is
decreased by 17.
{{[This Velocity Variable is designed to encourage quicker play of Party
Chess, and hopefully therefore a more interesting game.]}}
Proposal 2377 - Sun 16 Nov 1997 20:05 EST
Institution Decomposition
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
{{[ As last time it seemed my vote was missing to pass this, I'm resubmitting this. It is, as a mentioned before ,a milder version of Antidisestablishmentarianism. This is only the portion that brings Institutions into the Organizationl framework as Unique Organizations, and specifies the restrictions for Unique Organizations]}}
A proposal to do the following:
Append a new section to R1003 "Organization" which contains the
following text:
"When an Organization is called on to vote, it has 7 days to conduct
and publically report the results of the vote, and how each member
voted, unless the rules call for a different amount of time. If
everyone who is elligible to cast a vote in a given has done so, the
restults may be anounced before the voting period ends. For the
purposes of this rule, the composition of an Organization is taken to
be its composition at the end of any voting or decision period. Acting
members are consdered to be members in place of the members they are
acting for.
Append a new section to R1003 "Organization" which contains the
following text:
"This section takes precedence over all rules concerning Unique
Organizations, and all rules concerning Organizational Powers. It is
impermissible for Unique Organizations to use Organizational Powers.
If a Uniquie Organization comes to own an Organizational Power, by any
means, then that Organizational Power has no effect on that
Organization. Unique Organization memberhsip is defined by the rules
defining the Unique Organizations in question. If membership is not
defined for a specific Unique Organization, then it has no members.
III.Ammend R411 "Senate" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
IV. Ammend R1303 "Synod" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
V. Ammend R1040 "Party Hall" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
VI. Ammend R420.2 "Ackanomic History Guild" by replacing the string "an Institution" with the string "a Unique Organization"
Proposal 2378 - Sun 16 Nov 1997 20:06 EST
Otzma Card of type Painless Repeals
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: rejected
Create a new rule as amember of the Otzma Card Rule Suite which contains
the following text:
An Otzma Card of this type can only be played in the public forum.
Whenever there is a proposal whose Voting Period did not end yet, and
it's only proposed effect is to repeal a rule, a player
may play a Card of this type by making a public message to that effect and
specifying the number of that proposal.
The specified proposal then becomes a Painless proposal.
A Painless proposal is accepted if the number of Yes votes on that
proposal is greater than the number of No votes cast on that proposal.
This rule takes precedence over R106.
Counter Action:
The Counter Action for this Otzma Card is as follows:
a. The proposal that has been specified ceases to be Painless.
b. A Bonus Vote is created in the posession of the player who played the
At any given time there may be at most 8 Cards of this type in existence. Painless Repeal Otzma Cards have an F-designation of Normal
Proposal 2379 - Mon 17 Nov 1997 14:20 EST
Clearing away the Dross
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Create a New Rule, with the following text delimited by BLINK:
{{The Capital Swinger Office known as the Office of Ben will be returned
to the Treasury, stripped of its name, and all pieces held by that Office
will be destroyed.
[This is designed to get the current Party Chess state to conform more to
the rules as they stand, where a Capital Swinger's office effectively
disappears if they resign from Acka. Ben left before this came into force
AFAIK, and hence his office needs to be eliminated manually.] }}
Proposal 2380 - Tue 18 Nov 1997 02:23 EST
No more word counting
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[I understand the last amendment to go from lines to words, but to count words makes the game more work than I think it needs to be, and while I could right a program to count words, so would each player and each future barkeep need to too, and one shouldn't have to in order to play *this* game.]}}
Amend rule 1258.18, ""Ye Olde Rusty Lantern" (a storytelling game)", so that its title is "Ye Olde Rusty Lantern", and so that this text:
The text of the message should be 150 to 300 words of suitable prose
to add to (or start) the tale.
is replaced with this:
The text of the message should be a reasonable amount of suitable prose
to add to (or start) the tale (150 to 300 words, or the length of
previous segments, are good guidelines).
Proposal 2381 - Tue 18 Nov 1997 02:24 EST
Fixing the Double Crash Loophole
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
{{[it always seemed dishonorable to exploit this ... :-)]}}
Amend rule 1250.12, "Double Crash", to replace:
Throughout these rules, an N-round Salvo is a public post taking the
form of a numbered list of N five-letter words. The numbering
convention and format should be:
Throughout these rules, an N-round Salvo is a public post taking the
form of a numbered list of N five-letter words from the Official
Dictionary. The numbering convention and format should be:
Proposal 2382 - Wed 19 Nov 1997 03:07 EST
Indiana Jones and the Haunts of the Undead
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: accepted
Create a new rule, numbered 240, with the following double-asterisk-delimited text:
{{[ Gist: get those elements of the Jukkasjarvi treasure hunt which are
owned by Undead back into general play. ]}}
This rule takes precedence over rule 258.
The trinkets 'Runestone of Jukkasjarvi Fragment 22' (currently owned by
the Undead Chaos) and 'Runestone of Jukkasjarvi Fragment 23' (currently
owned by the Undead Mr. Lunatic Fringe) and the Jukkasjarvi Mind
Control Laser currently owned by the Undead Narf are hereby transferred
to Malenkai.
Malenkai shall auction the entities transferred to him by this rule in seperate auctions, each auction commencing within seven days of the creation of this rule. Malenkai shall select the auction types and other auction parameters for these three auctions as he likes from among the otherwise legal types and parameters.
This rule repeals itself after Malenkai no longer owns any of the
entities transferred to him by this rule.
Proposal 2383 - Wed 19 Nov 1997 03:10 EST
Covering for King Capture
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 1230.1 Section 2 Subsection D by appending the
sentence delimited by MONARCH:
A King may not be purchased in this way.
Append the following PENALTY-delimited text to Rule 1230.2:
8. King Capture
If a legitimate play by one Swinger (hereafter referred to as the
"SneakThief" results in the capture of a King owned
by another Swinger (referred to as the "Sucker"), then the following
events shall happen at the end of the play.
(i) If the Sucker owns at least 20 of eir own PFBonds, then e shall
transfer 20 such PFBonds to the SneakThief.
(ii) If the Sucker owns less than 20 of eir own PFBonds, but more than 20
PFBonds of all players in total, then e must choose 20 PFBonds (including
all of eir self-PFBonds) to transfer to the SneakThief. The transfer must
be made within 7 days, or the Chess-Umpire will organise the transfer of
the PFBonds, with choices between PFBonds of other players owned by the
Sucker decided randomly.
(iii) If the Sucker owns fewer than 20 PFBonds in total, then e must
transfer all the PFBonds e owns to the SneakThief, and additionally pay
the SneakThief A$5*n, where 20-n PFBonds were transferred. If the Sucker
has insufficient cash to perform this transaction, then all eir $A will be
transferred to the SneakThief and the Sucker is said to have Lost Eir
(iv) A new King is created in the possession of the Sucker, and held
If more than one King is captured during a single play, then each Swinger
in the role of Sucker is dealt with separately. Delays in the performance
of parts (i)-(iv) of the above list of events shall not prevent the
continuation of the game of Party Chess.
Proposal 2384 - Wed 19 Nov 1997 13:24 EST
Cheer on Your Swinger
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
Amend Rule 1044 by creating section 2.c as follows, delimited by SUPPORT:
If the application of Section 2a results in Swingpoints being awarded to
at least one Party Swinger on a particular Monday, then all other members
of the Party of the Party Swinger who received more Swingpoints than any
other Party Swinger (or the only Party Swinger who received Swingpoints,
if only one received any) each receive one Swingpoint for eir support
immediately after Swinger Swingpoints are awarded.
Proposal 2385 - Thu 20 Nov 1997 17:16 EST
Not Necessarily All or Nothing
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
[Swingers of non-zero but less than 50 weight currently have to make one
Atomic Play or three, there is no way for them to make two. This
Amendment will fix that problem.]
Amend Rule 1230.2 Part 6 by replacing the text delinated by ODD below:
A Swinger whose Weight is non-zero and less than 50, and has five or fewer
on-board pieces may make a Play composed of two Moves followed by one
Placement, or one Move followed by two Placements, or any other single
Atomic Play.
with the following text delinated by PARITY-INDEPENDENT:
A Swinger whose Weight is non-zero and less than 50, and has five or fewer
on-board pieces may make a Play composed of k Moves followed
by a single Placement, or one Move followed by k Placements, or any
other single Atomic Play, where k is equal to one or two.
Proposal 2386 - Thu 20 Nov 1997 17:49 EST
Maybe a Win would be an idea
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
[This proposal aims to actually make it possible to win a game of Party Chess, without killing off the game.]
Create a New Rule, numbered 1230.30, in the Party Chess Rule Suite, titled "Stabitooum", with DIP delimited text below:
There exists a class of entites known as Stabber's Knives. Stabber's
Knives are ownable and non-tradeable. They are created and destroyed by
the Frobozz Games Company, Diplomacy/PartyChess Division as necessary.
The singular of Stabber's Knives is Stabber's Knife. It is a duty of the
Chess-Umpire to keep track of the number of Stabber's Knives owned by each
Create a New Rule, numbered 1230.40, in the Party Chess Rule Suite, titled "Winning a Hand", with PLUGH delimited text below:
If one Swinger (called the Capturer) captures another Swinger's King, then
the Capturer shall receive one newly created Stabber's Knife. If one
Swinger surrenders as a Play, then all Swingers who, prior to the
Surrender move were checking the King of the Swinger who surrendered each
receive one newly created Stabber's Knife immediately after the surrender
(all creations of a Stabber's Knife after a specified move occur
If, at any stage, the number of Stabber's Knives held by all current
Swingers (excluding Swingers on Vacation) exceeds the number of Swingers
(including Swingers on vacation), and there is a single Swinger
(to be called the ChessChamp) with more Stabber's Knives than any other
single Swinger, then the ChessChamp will be declared the Winner of this
Game of Party Chess. The ChessChamp will receive the title "Winner of a
game of Party Chess", a title of which multiple copies may be held
When a winner of a game of Party Chess is declared as in the above
paragraph, the following events happen in the order specified:
a) The ChessChamp receives a ChessChamp's Cardigan, which may be worn, and
which may be worn underneath a Champion's Cloak. If e already has a
ChessChamp's Cardigan, then it instead instantly transforms into a
Tarnished Badge of Gluery. The ChessChamp additionally receives 10
b) All Stabber's Knives held by all Players are destroyed.
c) All on-board pieces are placed off-board.
d) The RoundCount is set to the smallest integer multiple of 50 that
increases the RoundCount.
e) If a Swinger has N off board pieces, N > 15, then N-15 pieces
will be chosen at random by the Chess-Umpire (using the Dice Server if
possible) to be destroyed. Compensation of A$3*M will be paid for
each piece so destroyed, where M is the material value of that piece.
f) If a Swinger's Office has N off board pieces, N < 6, then the
Swinger holding that Office may choose, prior to the first non-Pass
move that e makes, 6-N pieces, subject to instance constraints, with a
total material value no more than 30-(5*N) which will be created for
free in the possession of that Swinger's Office. If the office
changes hands before a non-Pass move is made, the new Swinger inherits
the right to the free 6-N pieces.
Proposal 2387 - Thu 20 Nov 1997 17:54 EST
Free Chess for All
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
Append the following text to R1230.2 "Swinger Want to Play Around II - Let's Play" as a new section, its number being one more than the number of the section that immediately preceds it :
Free For All
A. The Chess Umpire has the Privilege of anouncing a Free For All
provided that:
(i) There has not a Free For All for at least one Round
(ii) There has not a Free For All for at least 4 weeks
(iii) No Swinger is currently checked.
B. A Free For All starts exactly three days after the Chess-Umpire
publically anounces it. The anouncement must include the duration of the
Free For All. The minimum duration if three days, the maximum is two
C. During a Free For All the following things happen:
(i) The Swinger Play List is ignored.
(ii) Swingers may post plays at any time during a Free For All,
provided that any given Swinger at least three days must pass
between between plays, except for Swingers whose Weight is
non-zero and have less than 5
on-board pieces, who need wait only two days between plays.
(iv) A play during a Free For All consists of a Single Atomic Play
(v) Plays are processed in chrnological order.
(vi) Illegal plays are ignored.
D.When A Free For All is over the following things happen:
(i) The Chess Umpire makes a public anouncement to that effect.
(ii) The Chess Umpire rearranges the Swinger Play List randomly.
Proposal 2388 - Fri 21 Nov 1997 18:55 EST
Rule Number Status Again
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal
Append to Rule 303 Clause I the following sentence (delineated by PINKY):
The valid rule number is associated with the rule, but is not considered
part of the text of the rule itself.
Replace the phrase "any changes to the rules" in Rule 305 part (b) part i
with the following phrase delineated by BRAIN:
any changes to the text of a rule or rules, or to the rule number or
rule numbers associated with a rule or rules (but not part of the rules
Proposal 2389 - Fri 21 Nov 1997 18:56 EST
Immutable My Curvy Butt III
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Renumber Rule 2000 to Rule 0.
Proposal 2390 - Sat 22 Nov 1997 18:27 EST
Too Much
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: accepted
This is a modest proposal
Amend rule 594.5, "Automatic Sculpture", to replace:
Should the Mad Sculptor not publicly post such a description within three
days of being selected, e shall lose one point and the Officer in Charge
of Random Things shall select a new Mad Sculptor.
Should the Mad Sculptor not publicly post such a description within three
days of being selected, e shall lose one point and the description shall
become "it is green".
Proposal 2391 - Sun 23 Nov 1997 22:08 EST
Study Leave
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Status: retracted
[[Just because the Scholar is on vacation is no reason for the Machine that goes *ping* to disappear off to someone else's place, provided the Scholar has made adequate precautions.]]
Amend Section IX of Rule 1209 by removing all instances of the phrase "or goes on vacation".
Append the following RESEARCH-delimited text to Rule 1209:
X. If the Scholar is going on vacaction, then e may keep the title of
Scholar provided the following protocol is followed:
1. E must specify the date e will return from vacation.
2. In the message that e indicates that e is going on vacation, e must
also include the following quote-delimited text:
"Ursula, I did not mean to leave thee behind, but I must. Wilt thou
remain in this place and *ping* regardless of my absence?"
3. Immediately following the above-mentioned quote-delimited text, e must
list the days during the stated vacation period during which the Machine
that goes *ping* will go *ping*. This subsection overrules section V. of
this rule (the above information is deemed to be publically available in
the Scholar's Notes in their Home).
4. Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Rule, a Scholar is only
required to respond to Magic Letter requests while e is not on vacation.
Failure to keep the above protocol will result in the Scholar losing eir
title of Scholar.
Proposal 2392 - Sun 23 Nov 1997 22:09 EST
Drips Under Pressure
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
This is a Modest proposal.
Amend Rule 418, "Justices Are Keepers Of The Sacred Laws", as follows:
Replace the text "a Justice or Bronze Torch owner" with "a Justice, Bronze Torch owner, or an Expert in a field relevant to the CFJ".
Proposal 2393 - Sun 23 Nov 1997 22:09 EST
California Suite
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Status: retracted
Renumber Rule 415, "Presidential Decisions", to 414.1. In the bracketed note at the end of Rule 406, "Promoter", change "415" to "414.1".
Renumber Rule 417, "Justices Rock", to 416.1, and delete from it the paragraph whose full text is "Justices Rock"{{[which needlessly duplicates the title, and since the sentence "Justices Rock" has no other game effect...]}}.
Renumber Rule 418, "Justices Are Keeper of the Sacred Laws", to 416.2, and replace the word "Keeper" in the title with "Keepers".
{{[ And, while I'm at it, maybe some of the CFJ rules could use this treatment as well... ]}}
Renumber Rule 212, "Selecting A Judge", to 211.1. In Rule 933, "Purple Robe of Justice", replace the text "R 212" with "Rule 211.1".
Renumber Rule 213, "Delivering Judgement", to 211.2. In Rule 211.1, replace the text "rule 213" with "Rule 211.2".
Renumber Rule 214, "Possible Judgements", to 211.3.
Renumber Rule 215, "Judgements Must Accord With The Rules", to 211.4.
Renumber Rule 216, "Judgements Are Not Rules", to 211.5.
Renumber Rule 217, "Overturning Judgements", to 211.6.
Proposal 2394 - Sun 23 Nov 1997 22:09 EST
When The Chips are Down
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: rejected
{{ Each player who possessed a Processing Chip one second before the passage of Proposal 2367 are awarded 1 A$ for every such Chip e owned at that point. }}
Amend Rule 594.13, "Blueprint: Oscar", Rule 594.15, "Blueprint: Cheez-Whiz", Rule 594.17, "Blueprint: Silver Spaceship", and Rule 594.18, "Blueprint: BWG Laser", to remove the sentence "Raw materials of 1 processing chips are required." from each.
Amend Rule 594.16, "Blueprint: Pulse Laser", to remove the sentence "Raw materials of 2 processing chips are required."
Amend Rule 594.19, "Blueprint: Butler", to remove the sentence, "Raw materials of 0 processing chips are required." Additionally, replace the last sentence of the third paragraph
This duty is even more taxing to the Butler, however, and
after it has finished performing it one Processing Chip must be given
to it for every ten entities in the list (including any additions made
after the initial list), or the Butler will become Broken.
with the following(delimited by SAUDADE):
This duty is even more taxing to the Butler, however, and after it has
finished performing it one of the following entities must be given to it
for every ten entities in the list (including any additions made after
the initial list), or the Butler will become Broken: a Pulse Shovel,
a Rock To Wind A String Around, an Otzma Card of any type, a Trinket
worth at least A$50, a Cheez-Whiz, or a Key To The Vault. The entity
is destroyed by the usage.
Amend Rule 594.20, "Blueprint: Null Gadget", to remove the sentence, "Raw materials of 0 processing chips are required."
Proposal 2395 - Mon 24 Nov 1997 03:58 EST
Nuke Institutions
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Repeal R1001 "Institutions"
Proposal 2396 - Mon 24 Nov 1997 03:58 EST
Harfy Chess
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected
Insert the following MOREHARF-delimited text immediately before Section 3 of Rule 1044, preceded by the earliest letter in the alphabet which results in this subsection being given a unique subsection number in Section 2 of Rule 1044:
Every Monday the Chess-Umpire shall indicate the Harfiest Play of the
Week, being the move which, in eir opinion, was the harfiest. If all
plays during the week were Pass or Surrender, then e may indicate that no
play was the Harfiest. E may not designate eir own plays as Harfy unless
either (a) no other play during the week was non-Pass non-Surrender, but
eir move was, or (b) the Harfmeister (if e is not the Chess-Umpire)
agrees in a public message that it was a Harfy play.
The Swinger who made the Harfiest Play of the Week shall receive 2
Proposal 2397 - Mon 24 Nov 1997 05:19 EST
The Spelling Exchequer
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: accepted
{{[The idea of this office is to create an official proofreader that will be available to all players who wish to make use of it. The ideal situation is to have the Spelling Exchequer and the Promoter be one and the same person, which is why I'm placing myself into this office directly. (That, and also to save Malenkai the trouble of running an election.)]}}
[This proposal has four effects. Effect the First:]
Create Rule 430, titled "Spelling Exchequer", and to read as follows:
The optional Office of Spelling Exchequer exists.
A Duty of the Office of Spelling Exchequer is to proofread Miscellaneous Submissions. The term "Miscellanous Submissions", for the purposes of this rule, refers to texts that effect Ackanomic business, but have not yet been submitted. Such texts include submissions to other Offices [such as proposals and CFJs], and public messages that are required by the rules. Other texts may also be considered Miscellaneous Submissions for the purposes of this rule, and the Spelling Exchequer is not required to refuse any text submitted to em.
Another Duty of the Office of Spelling Exchequer is to select one or more links to on-line Dictionaries of the English language. The term "Official Dictionary", as used elsewhere in the rules, shall be construed to mean the union of these Dictionaries.
At any time, players have the option of privately sending the Spelling Exchequer Miscellanous Submissions to be proofread for errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Unless the author has specifically requested otherwise, the Spelling Exchequer shall only make corrections or suggestions that are concerned with errors of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. [Comments regarding issues of style, for example, are normally considered inappropriate.] The Spelling Exchequer shall, in good faith, attempt to revise each document so that it is free of errors and has the intended meaning of the author. (It is recognized, however, that this is not always possible to achieve.)
Barring the exceptions listed below, the Spelling Exchequer must reply to the author within three days after receiving a text. The Spelling Exchequer's reply shall contain a corrected version of the original document, a list of errors with explanations, or some other indication of the changes deemed to be necesary. (The actual form should be one that the Spelling Exchequer judges to be the most useful to the author.)
The author of a Miscellanous Submission may permit a longer time period for the Spelling Exchequer to compose a reply. The author should do this by specifying a different required time when sending the Miscellaneous Submission to the Spelling Exchequer, or alternately specifying that there is no required time. Any such indication shall apply only to the text it accompanies.
When the Miscellaneous Submission is a text that is to be privately sent to another Office, the player submitting the text may choose to allow it to be Directly Forwarded. A player doing so must indicate this wish, and specify the intended final recipient unambiguously. In this case, if the Spelling Exchequer finds no errors, or finds only errors that the Spelling Bee would be permitted to fix, then the Spelling Exchequer may send the text directly to the intended recipient, instead of replying to the original author. (If the Spelling Exchequer finds any errors of a more serious nature, e must still reply to the author as above, and must not forward it to anyone else.) The Officer who receives the proofread text shall then treat it as if it had been submitted by the original author. {{[This part is the main advantage of having this be in the rules: players will have the option of having me, the Spelling Exchequer, quickly proofread a proposal just before I, the Promoter, distribute it, presuming that there are no errors more serious than typos.)]}}
If, for some reason, a document cannot be proofread within the required time, the Spelling Exchequer's reply to the author should instead be an indication of this fact (preferably with an explanation of why). {{[This is here mainly to give the Spelling Exchequer an out in case someone decides to submit a 100-page document, or a document written in Basque, or some other evil act.]}}
While the Spelling Exchequer is free to proofread Miscellaneous Submissions of any nature, it is understood that documents pertaining to Ackanomic business are the primary concern of this Office. In particular, texts containing potential proposals shall have the highest priority.
A Privilege of the Office of Spelling Exchequer is to initiate flights of the Spelling Bee.
Players are in no way required to follow the suggestions of the Spelling Exchequer. As always, the author of a public message or other text retains full control over, and full responsibility for, its content. Similarly, the Spelling Exchequer is not responsible for errors that appear in the texts of other players.
As always, the Spelling Exchequer is required, as a matter of ethics, to not allow eir actions as a player to be influenced by what e reads in the course of fulfilling eir duties as an Officer.
[Effect the Second:]
Modify Rule 407 ("Web-Harfer") by altering the third paragraph to read:
b) To select and maintain one or more links to on-line Dictionaries of the English language when the Office of Spelling Exchequer is not filled.
[Effect the Third:]
Modify Rule 419.2 ("Internomic Interface") by adding the following text to the end of section II:
Though not required, players are strongly encouraged to have the Spelling Exchequer proofread such Proposals before submitting them to the Liaison.
[Effect the Fourth:]
{{breadbox is appointed to the Office of Spelling Exchequer.}}
Proposal 2398 - Tue 25 Nov 1997 04:27 EST
I Hate Bugs
Alfvaen (Aaron Humphrey)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest proposal.
Repeal Rule 1323, "Repent And Mend Thy Ways". {{[ Since there are no longer any floods, locusts are an inevitability otherwise. ]}}
{{ All dangling buildings are reattached to Ackanomic. }}
Create a new rule, numbered 949, named "Nothing Sux Like An Electrolux", with text as follows(delimited by RULZ):
An Electrolux is a nameless, tradeable, mimsy entity. The owner of an
Electrolux may, as a public action, specify a building which is floating
below the surface of Ackanomic[i.e. one whose tether was snapped by a
Tornado], and say "Hey, you, get off of my cloud" [The Rolling Stones,
"Get Off of My Cloud"].
If the owner of the building owns sufficient vacant kaas of land for the building to fit there, then the building is reattached to the surface of Ackanomic in that kaa. If the owner of the building(hereafter, "Mick") is not the same player as the owner of the Electrolux(hereafter, "Keith"), then "Keith" may reattach "Mick"'s building as above, provided that a)"Mick" gives "Keith" permission to do so, b)"Keith" has enough vacant kaas of land for the building to fit, and c)"Keith" gives "Mick" an amount of A$ equal to that specified for rebuilding a building of that size in Rule 846, "Constructions And Architectural Aesthetic", then "Keith" may, by following the above procedure, reattach the building on eir own land. "Keith" is then the owner of the building that has been attached.
After successfully reattaching a building, the Electrolux is destroyed.
In addition, if a Tornado should occur, all Electroluxes shall be
destroyed and this rule shall repeal itself. {{[ This last sentence sets
an upper time limit on this rule's effects, since we don't want it hanging
around till forever... ]}}
The following players[the owners of dangling buildings, excluding those
who are gone or probably will be soon], should they be in the game when
this Proposal passes, shall receive Electroluxes:
Malenkai, norpan, /dev/joe, Calvin N Hobbes, Robert Sevin, Crackfoo
Proposal 2399 - Tue 25 Nov 1997 04:27 EST
Tammany Trouble
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: rejected
Amend the Rule "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported" [at the time of writing, Rule 207] by renumbering subsection VII to VIII, and inserting the following AUTOBRIBE-delimited text immediately before the new subsection VIII:
VII. Tammany Effects
If the author of a proposal bribed Tammany to vote on that proposal, then
when the results are reported e shall score two fewer points than e would
otherwise would.
Proposal 2400 - Tue 25 Nov 1997 21:58 EST
For Someone's Sake, Let Them In
Slakko (Duncan Richer)
Decision: accepted
This is a Modest Proposal.
Amend Rule 1015, "More Than human", by appending the following ELMER-SEASON delimited text:
An Organization with a More Than Human is allowed to enable non-player
Entities to become members, by expressing its consent to the joining of
the non-player Entity (or by having an open admissions policy), and by the
non-player Entity expressing eir consent to join the Organization in the
public forum.