Note: dates that early proposals passed may be inaccurate. In particular, in January and February 1996, sometimes proposals completed their voting periods early because everybody had voted.

Resolutions from the time when that was a separate type of proposal are also listed here.

Rule 17/8
Political Parties
Sean Crystal

The Organizations that were Political Parties just before the acceptance of the proposal that put this text in this rule are each awarded a Special Edition Grandfather Big Tent. Each of these is a Big Tent as described in Rule 724.

Rule 17/0 (Deleted)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Definitely Finno-Uralic

This rule has precedence over all rules.

First, take all Runestone of Jukkasjarvi Fragments that are not owned by currently active players or vacationing players, and disperse them randomly amongst the currently active non-vacationing players.

Then transfer the trinkets that were transferred by rule 2079 to Niccolo Flychuck, if there is such a player, and there are such trinkets.

[this seems to be what was intended by rule 2079]

Rule 105/3 (Repealed)
Proposals Must Be Written Down

Proposals must be e-mailed to the appropriate officer and distributed to the players before they can be voted on. Accepted proposals must guide play in the form in which they were distributed to the players.

Rule 106/4 (Repealed)
When Proposals Can Take Effect

An accepted rule change is applied, or accepted new rules take effect, at the time their tabulated voting results are officially reported. This is considered the "when a rule change is applied", or "time of application".

No rule may generate any effect that applies retroactively to a time before the generation of the effect. A rule change may not have any effects retroactive to before the time of its application.

A statement verified by judgement, however, applies retroactively to any past game situation it may concern.

Rule 108/1 (Repealed)
Mutable/Immutable Inconsistencies

Mutable rules that are inconsistent in some way with some immutable rule (except by proposing to transmute it) are wholly void and without effect. They do not implicitly transmute immutable rules into mutable rules and at the same time amend them. Rule changes that transmute immutable rules into mutable rules will be effective only if they explicitly state their transmuting effect.

Rule 110/6 (Repealed)
The Game and Winning

Ackanomic is a game without end. The Game shall consist of a sequence of "Cycles", played in sequence according to the Rules. Cycles end when specified by the Rules. At most one Cycle is in progress at any one time.

A player may only win a Cycle by procedures defined by the Rules, or by achieving a winning condition that is defined by the Rules. A player may not win the Game of Ackanomic.

Rule 111/2 (Repealed)
Leaving The Game

A player always has the option to leave the game.

Rule 112/4 (Repealed)
At Least One Mutable Rule

There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of rule changes must never become completely impermissible.

Rule 113/1 (Repealed)
Rule Changes That Affect Rule Changing Rules

Rule changes that affect rules needed to allow or apply rule changes are as permissible as other rule changes. Even rule changes that amend or repeal their own authority are permissible. No rule change is impermissible solely on account of the self-reference or self-application of a rule.

Rule 115/1 (Repealed)
Permissibility Of The Unprohibited

Whatever is not explicitly prohibited or regulated by a rule is permitted and unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the rules, which is permitted only when a rule or set of rules explicitly or implicitly permits it.

Rule 206/1 (Repealed)
When Proposals Take Effect

Rule 208/1 (Repealed)
Scoring When A Proposal Is Defeated

Rule 211.1/0 (Repealed)
Conditional Judicial Amendment
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

Upon creation of this rule, a hearing shall be called with valid responses of [with responses sent to]:

1) The Judicial system is fine the way it is
2) We should allow the Justices the option to decline to sit on certain CFJs
3) We should not permit the Justices to sit on their own CFJs

If the result of this hearing was the response denoted by 3), the amendment in the following section delimited by double dollar signs shall be applied:

Amend Rule 417, "Justices Rock" to append the following text to the end of the rule:

If a CFJ comes before the Supreme Court that was originally submitted by one of the Justices, then an acting Justice is selected to sit on the Court to adjudicate that CFJ only, in the original Justice's stead; the procedure used to select the Acting Justice in this case is the same as if the original Justice went on vacation.

If the result of this hearing was the response denoted by 2), the amendment in the following section delimited by double plus signs shall be applied:

Amend Rule 417, "Justices Rock" to append the following text to the end of the rule:

When a CFJ comes before the Supreme Court, a Justice, as a public action, may decline judgement on that CFJ. In this case, an Acting Justice is selected to sit on the Court to adjudicate that CFJ only, in the original Justice's stead; the procedure used to select the Acting Justice in this case is the same as if the original Justice went on vacation.

This rule repeals itself after the results of the hearing are released, and all rule changes, if any, as directed by this rule and the results of the hearing, are applied.

Rule 315/1 (Repealed)
Official Polls
Sean Crystal

Rule 323/1 (Repealed)
Congressional Voting Record
Mitchell Harding

Rule 355/4 (Repealed)
The Voting Gnome
Sean Crystal

I propose to create an nomic entity known as the Voting Gnome. The Voting Gnome will serve one function, and that is to cast one vote on any proposal. At any time, the Player with the lowest score will have control of the Voting Gnome. The Player that currently controls the Gnome will be known as The Gnome Buddy.

At the end of a proposal's voting period, the Gnome shall vote the same way as the player who is the Gnome Buddy at that time, if there is such a player, and that player voted on that proposal; otherwise the Gnome shall abstain.

If there is more than one person who is tied for the lowest score, then the next lowest score is used, and continues until the lowest single score is found. If all scores are tied, then no one will control the Voting Gnome until the scores change.

This rule takes precedence over Rule 204.

Rule 372/10 (repealed)
Customary Subject Line
Paul Swan

A message is a public message if and only if it is distributed to all non-vacationing Players or it is sent to any mailing list the postmaster declares to be a public forum, and the subject line contains either "Ackanomic:" or "Acka:". The postmaster may declare any mailing list open to subscription by anyone to be a public forum.

Rule 379/2 (Repealed)
Short is Good
Wayne Sheppard

When a proposal is accepted which contains less than five lines of text in the body of the proposal, the player who submitted it is awarded five points.

Rule 381/1 (Repealed)
Free Points! Revisited
Wayne Sheppard

Rule 400/1 (Repealed)
Overseers are Volunteers
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

The following applies to all Overseers:

(i) Only one player at a time may fill the position.

(ii) As a Privilege of the position, each Player shall receive a monthly salary of A$25 for every Overseer position held.

(iii) An Overseer going on vacation shall be judged to have resigned from his Seat.

(iv) Whenever an Overseer position is vacant, there will be no elections until someone volunteers to fill the position, and anyone may volunteer while the election has not ended. The election ends 3 days after the first person volunteered and the position will be granted to the volunteer with the most votes. All players can a vote in that election.

(v) Overseers may be impeached by the following process:

a) The Financier declares publicly his intention to impeach a stated Player from a given Overseer position.

b) The President concurs with the impeachment by so notifying the Financier within 3 days of the Financier's declaration.

c) At this time, the Overseer position is vacant.

(vi) An overseer may resign at any time, making the position vacant. A player needs to be reconfirmed every 2 months in the position by the Financier, otherwise, the position is now vacant.

Rule 403/1 (Repealed)
Impartialism, or the Special Case of Rule 212
Thierry Joffrain (aka Calvin N Hobbes)

Rule 415/2 (Repealed)
Making Proposals

Rule 416/2 (Repealed)
Reference to Proposals
Gumby (aka Neil Griffin)

Rule 421/0 (Repealed)
Proposal Revision
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

Rule 426/0 (Repealed)
Office of the Publicist
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

Rule 427/1 (Repealed)
Vice Versa
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

Rule 427.1/0 (Repealed)
Bond-Harfer Meta Rule
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

[I. Do we want bonds?]

Upon the creation of this rule, the following will occur, in the order specified:

1) A Hearing shall be called on the future of PFBonds, the valid responses being:

"Bonds are worth the work, and I'm willing to do that work." "Bonds are cool, but they just aren't worth the effort."

[II. No, we do not.]

Upon a result of the Hearing of "Bonds are cool, but they just aren't worth the effort.", being publically knowable, with the added stipulation that at least two thirds of the responses were this response, the stuff on the following lettered list (Bond Repeal List) will occur in the order specified:

a) All players are paid A$5 for every PFBond they possess.
b) All PBbonds, Bond Promissories, and Bond Options are destroyed.

c) Rule 252 is amended to delete the following 2 sections of text:
3) The New player is given 100 newly created PFBonds associated with himself. The Financier shall assign a label that may be used to refer to the PFBonds associated with the New player, although this procedure may continue without waiting for him to do so.
3) All Bond Promissories in that player's real life name are converted to PFBonds associated with that player. Their label is the same as the PFBonds whose conversion created the Bond Promissories.

[and then the Spelling Bee renumbers the sections]

d) Rule 256 is amended to remove ", every PFBond associated with him is destroyed", and
6) Every PFBond associated with him is converted into a Bond Promissory in his real life name. Bond Promissories are tradeable entities.

e) Rules 507 ("PF Bonds"), 508 ("Bond Yields"), and 512 ("Bond Options") are repealed.

f) Rule 666 is amended to remove
"g) Bond payments are held in suspension." and
"i) Bond payments are reinstituted, as if all players' scores were their Eggplant Weight at the end of the previous bond cycle."

[and then the Spelling Bee reletters the sections]

g) Rule 427.1, "Bond-Harfer Meta Rule", is then repealed.

[III. Sure, lets keep bonds around.]

Upon any other result of the Hearing being publically knowable, including a result of "Bonds are cool, but they just aren't worth the effort." such that that response received less than two thirds of the responses, the following will occur in the order specified:

1) A new rule entitled "Bond-Harfer", and numbered 427, shall be created with the text below, delimited by double dollar signs:

The Office of the Bond-Harfer is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Bond-Harfer are:

(a) to calculate and publically report the yields on PFBonds, per PFBond, when they occur.
(b) to calculate and report PFBond yields per player based on the PFBond yields per bond and players' PFBond portfolios.

2) [A nomination for the functional office of Bond-Harfer now occurs]

3) Upon the results of the Nomination for the office of Bond-Harfer being publically knowable, one of the following will occur:

A) If there was at least one volunteer for the office, this rule (Rule 427.1, "Bond-Harfer Meta Rule") is repealed upon a Bond-Harfer being appointed.

B) If there were no volunteers for the office, Rule 427, "Bond-Harfer", is repealed, the nomination for that office is terminated, then steps a) thru g) on the list entitled "Bond Repeal List" occur.

Rule 429/1 (Repealed)
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

The Entity-Harfer is an Overseer. The Duties are:

(i) To keep a record of what the treasury contains and the transactions that take things in or out of the treasury.

(ii) Verify that these events happen only in accordance with the Rules.

(iii) Make the last records and logs available to any Player upon request within 2 days.

(iv) Report to the OotF.

Rule 431/4 (Repealed)
Consecutive NO Votes
Mitchell Harding

No player may cast a vote of no more than 7 times consecutively. Absention from a vote or voting on a proposal which was retracted, deemed invalid, or otherwise removed from consideration does not count as making a series of votes nonconsecutive. In other words, no one can vote No for more than 7 proposals which were not retracted, deemed invalid, or otherwise removed from consideration before having to vote Yes for one. The "ordering" of the votes cast will be ordered based on the numbering of the proposals. Therefore you could not vote No for Proposals 401-408 and Yes for Proposal 409, no matter what order the votes were cast in. The chronological ordering of the votes is unimportant, only the numbering of the proposals that were voted on.

If it is discovered that the above has been violated, and that fact is pointed out by any player, then the 8th vote in the string of votes which caused the violation is made a YES vote. The voting results of the affected proposal are then recalculated, and it is redetermined whether or not the proposal was adopted.

Rule 443/2 (Repealed)
The Speaker and Voters

Rule 446/2 (Repealed)
Unanimity is a Great Thing
Mitchell Harding

Rule 447/1 (Repealed)
Definition of Unanimous
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

A vote is said to be unanimously voted for if all of the votes cast (ignoring abstentions) were Yes votes, and a quorum of players cast votes other than abstentions. A vote is said to be unanimously voted against if all of the votes cast (ignoring abstentions) were No votes, and a quorum of players cast votes other than abstentions.

Rule 463/6 (Repealed)
Voting Options

Players may vote YES, NO, or PRESENT on a proposal, or choose not to vote on a proposal, which is called abstaining. Players who do not vote within the prescribed period shall be deemed to have abstained. A vote of Present shall count neither for nor against the proposal, but it shall count as a vote cast for the purpose of determining Quorum.

Rule 480/6 (Repealed)
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

The AckaDollar (A$) will be the official currency of Ackanomia.

Each player who has not previously been granted A$ by application of this rule shall be granted the lesser of A$900, or the average A$ balance of all other existing players, from the Treasury. AckaDollars are gift entities.

Rule 485/2 (Repealed)
The Prescribed Voting Period

The prescribed voting period on a proposal is seven days, starting from the moment that the proposal is publicly distributed by the officer who is officially responsible for distributing new proposals.

Rule 490/3 (Mutable)
What A Thankless Job
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

If in any rule an action is required to be carried out, and the rule does not either specify who is to carry it out or define a mechanism for choosing someone to do so, the Speaker is required to carry out the task.

Rule 511/1 (Repealed)
Tools II
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

If a player is in debt, then he/she cannot buy assets nor anything else, neither exchange nor trade nor give anything. However, that player continues to earn currencies from jobs, yields, interests, donations, selling financial goods for currency.

If no currency or good exist, then this rule is dormant until there are.

Rule 511/2 (Repealed)
In Debt
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

If at any time a player has a negative balance of A$ in their account they shall be deemed to be "in debt".

The treasury will transfer A$x(where x is the sum of money required to raise a player's balance to A$0) into the account of a player who is in debt so that his account balance will be A$0. The player in debt will then be considered "enslaved".

An enslaved player is required to donate any and all currency he receives to the treasury, until such time as he has paid the treasury x+(x/20).

When a player has reimbursed the treasury x+(x/20) [the original sum of money, plus another 20 percent] he shall no longer be considered enslaved.

The financier shall maintain a "credit record" wherein each time a player is enslaved he receives one "divot". For every period of 30 days (not including the first 30 days of enslavement) that a player remains enslaved he shall receive an additional divot.

Rule 512/3 (Repealed)
Bond Options
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

1) A class of nameless, tradeable, mimsy entities known as Bond Options (Options) exist.

2) Any player may create an Option at any time by publically announcing they are doing so, and by providing the following information about the option:

a) Name of the PFBond the option is associated with
b) Quantity of that bond the option is associated with. This value must be positive and evenly divisible by 10.
c) Strike Price per associated bond. This value may be fractional, so long as this value times quantity in b) is a positive whole number.
d) Expiration Date, which must be a date at least 7 days after the date the option is created.
An option is said to be "written" by the player who created it. The writer of the option, and the 4 pieces of information above, may not be changed for a particular option so long as that option exists.

3) A player may destroy any Option that they own by publically announcing they are doing so.

4) An option is automatically destroyed upon the end of its Expiration Date.

5) A player may exercise any options that they own, so long as they were written by another player, by publically announcing they are doing so.

Upon an exercise:

a) The player who wrote the option has 3 days to give the quantity of bonds specified in the option to the exercising player. If they fail to do so, they are fined A$200 to the Treasury, and have broken the rules.

b) The player who exercised the option has 3 days from the time of receiving the bonds to give (Strike Price * Quantity) to the player who wrote the option. If they fail to do so, they are fined A$200 to the Treasury, and have broken the rules.

c) If either player is on vacation, or in Gaol, the times above are extended until 3 days past when they are not on vacation or in Gaol. These are the only two situations which will extend the times above.

d) Upon exercise, an Option is destroyed.

6) Specific Options are labelled as follows:
O<Name of Bond>-<Quantity>-A$<Strike Price>-<Exp. Date as yymmdd>-<Writer>

[For example, if I were to create an option to buy 10 PFMalenkai for A$20 apiece, by Dec 1, 1996, such an option would be named: OPFMalenkai-10-A$20-961201-Malenkai]

Rule 513/4 (Repealed)
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)

Any tradeable entity except A$ may be rented. The procedure for this is as follows:

A public message shall be posted naming the entity(ies) to be rented, a non-zero amount of A$, and a length of time (known as the rental period). Both Player A (representing the name of the player who currently owns the entity(ies) to be rented) and Player B (representing the name of the player who wishes to rent it/them) must agree to the terms of this message.

Upon the agreement of both Players A and B, the rental period shall begin, the named amount of A$ shall be transferred from Player B to Player A, and Player B shall be considered the owner of the named entity(ies) for all purposes except that the only action he may take that would cause him to no longer possess the rented entity(ies) is to trade them to Player A; if he trades them to Player A, or if they leave Player B's possession in any other way, the rental period ends when Player B no longer possesses them.

Player B, not Player A, shall receive all benefits or penalties (points, A$, etc.) for ownership of the rented entity(ies) during the rental period.

Upon expiration of the rental period, the rented entity(ies) shall return from wherever they are to Player A's possession.

This rule takes precedence over all rules concerning ownership of tradeable entities.

Rule 514/4 (Repealed)
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

(i) A Contract is formed when two or more Players each inform the appropriate Officer of their intent to form a Contract among themselves. The Contract is considered to exist at such time as the appropriate Officer has received identical copies of the proposed Contract from each Player involved along with each Player's consent to abide by the Contract.

(ii) A Contract is Enforceable iff the behaviours it regulates are among the following list:

a) The transfer of currency from Player to Player
b) A vote of YES or NO on one or more Proposals by Player
c) The transfer of an Ackanomic entity

(iii) A Contract is not Enforceable if any behaviour it regulates violates any of the rules.

(iv) A Contract ceases to exist immediately upon being non-Enforceable.

(v) A Player may call for the enforcement of a behaviour regulated by an Enforceable Contract. In such a case, it is the duty of the appropriate Officers to see to it that the Contract is enforced. The result of a vote may be altered by the enforcement of a Contract that was in existence before the announcement of the results of said vote.

(vi) At any such time as all involved Players inform the appropriate Officer of their unanimous intent to sever a Contract, it immediately becomes non-Enforceable.

Rule 516/1 (Repealed)
I'm Just a Bill
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

(i) A Proposal is any collection of text, designated as a Proposal, submitted in the proper manner. All Proposals are valid. The term "proposed rule change" is synonymous with the term "Proposal."

(ii) A Rule Change is a Proposal that has been adopted through the applicable process. An invalid Rule Change is eliminated instantly upon becoming a Rule Change, before it takes effect. The author of an invalid Rule Change is penalized 2 points.

Rule 521/1 (Repealed)
No Dead Observers Allowed
Robert Sevin(Mitchell Harding)

Rule 522/2 (Repealed)
Absolute Reference Number
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

Rule 551/2 (Repealed)
Contracts, Preventing Abuse
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

(i)  Fraud:
a) Whenever a Player is unable to satisfy the conditions of an Enforceable Contract(s) because of a logically contradictory obligation under an Enforceable Contract(s), that Player is said to be guilty of Fraud.
b) Any Player guilty of Fraud shall be penalized in the following manner:
1) A reduction in points of 10 from the Player's current total, or to 200 points, whichever is less.
2) The suspension of the Player's right to vote for a period of three days.
3) The suspension of the Player's right to agree to involvement in Contracts for a period of one week.
4) All Contracts that the Player is involved in are made public and then deemed non-Enforceable.
5) Automatic removal from the Office of File Clerk, should the offending Player hold such Office.
(ii) Noncompliance:
a) Whenever a Player is under obligation to vote a certain way by an Enforceable Contract(s), and fails to comply with this obligation, the Player is guilty of Noncompliance.
b) Any Player guilty of Noncompliance shall be penalized in the following manner:
1) A reduction in points of 10 from the Player's current total, or to 200 points, whichever is less.
2) The destruction of 2 units of currency from the Player's holdings.
c) If the result of a vote is to be altered as a consequence of the enforcement of an Enforceable Contract(s), action to affect this change must be initiated within 48 hours of the vote or else the ability to affect the change is void. This action must be accompanied by a valid request for the pertinent Contract(s) to be made public.

Rule 555/1 (Repealed)
Welcomer, Creation of
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

Rule 556/1 (Repealed)
So, you say you want a Revolution?
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

Rule 558/1 (Repealed)
Definition of Dormant
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

As a special power, entities can be granted the power to make proposals, rules and CFJs dormant. When dormant, these cannot be voted on, acted upon or passed judgement on. But rules and proposals can be revoked or amended as permitted by other rules. Dormant entities have no effect.

Any rule, proposal, CFJ that is not dormant is said to be awake.

It is possible for the players to vote to make a dormant entity awake again, requiring over 50% in favor. This is in addition to any other method another rule may specify under it's conditions, unless the voting itself is prohibited. Any entity that was dormant but made awake has the full legal time associated to it restored.

No rule, proposal or CFJ can be immune to being made dormant.

Rule 566/3 (Repealed)
Tools IV (b)
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

A player may pay A$100 to the Treasury to buy an extra vote on a proposal of his choice. When a player does this, the Treasury will cast a vote on the proposal in the same way that player voted on that proposal. This vote shall be marked with that player's name when the voting results are released, but it does not count as having been cast by that player. Each player may buy only one vote per proposal in this manner.

Rule 567/1 (Mutable)
Tools V
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

PF Bonds can be sold, bought or exchanged, so long as all parties to the transaction agree on the details of that transaction. PF bonds may be given only if the would-be-recipient agrees to take them.

Rule 571/4 (Mutable)
Changing Player Names
CarsesraC (Jeroen M.W. van Dijk)

Rule 576/1 (Repealed)
Political Offices, Starting List
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

(i) The following Offices are Political Offices: President, Senator, Justice.
(ii) No other Office is to be considered a Political Office unless explicitly specified as such by the Rules.

Rule 578/2 (Repealed)
Retracting CFJ's
jeff (Jeffrey Manson)

A player may retract their own Call For Judgement (CFJ) by making a request to the public forum. The proposal may be retracted only if the a the judge has not decided on the outcome or the judge chosen has not accepted judgement on the CFJ. The player retracting the CFJ shall suffer a 1 point penalty.

Rule 579/2 (Repealed)
There Can Be Only One
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

Rule 581/3 (Repealed)
Required Number Of Votes

The required number of YES votes for a proposal to be accepted is two-thirds of the total number of YES and NO votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period.

Rule 587/1 (Repealed)
Definition of Active Player
NumberSix (Ben Gold)

A player is defined as "active" only after said Player has voted.

Rule 592/7 (Mutable)
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

A Protected action may not be performed except as specified by the rules. An action's performance has no effect on the game other than those effects specified by the Rules. All actions in Ackanomic are Protected by default, unless the rule(s) which specify or define their behaviour explicitly state otherwise.

Rule 599/1 (Repealed)
Encouraging Voting
ThinMan (John Bollinger)

Rule 602/1 (Repealed)
Proposals, Dependant
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

Rule 603/1 (Repealed)
Names are Unique
fon (Adrian Smith)

Rule 604/1 (Mutable)
After a Name Change
fon (Adrian Smith)

When a player changes their Ackanomic name, all Ackanomic business (for example CFJ's and offices) will be changed to follow their new name.

Rule 607/3 (Repealed)
File Clerk, Creation of:
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

(i)   The Functional Office of File Clerk is hereby created.
(ii) There shall be one Seat for this Office.
(iii) The Duties are:
a) To serve as the Officer responsible for receiving copies of all Contracts.
b) To keep a private record of all Enforceable Contracts.
c) To make an Enforceable Contract public upon the request of one of the Players involved in that Contract.
d) To NOT disclose or make reference to any of the specifics of any Enforceable Contract unless required to by (iii)c of this Rule.
(iv) The Privileges are:
a) To receive the usual salary for a Functional Officer.
b) The right to demand receipt of a filing fee of 2 units from each Player involved in an Enforceable Contract when that Contract is submitted. This transaction shall be accomplished in the proper fashion. If one or more Players involved in the Contract cannot or will not pay the fee, the Contract is deemed to be non-Enforceable.
(v) An Acting File Clerk has the right to demand payment of the filing fee. This section takes precedence over all mutable rules.

Rule 608/3 (Repealed)
Offices, Starting List of
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

Rule 614/2 (Repealed)
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

(i)   The Office of Appointer is hereby created.
(ii)  There shall be one Seat for this Office.
(iii) This Office shall be filled by an Election for Office.      
      If this process is undefined, the Office shall not
      exist so long as this condition continues. 
(iv)  The Duties are:
      a) To publicly announce the occurrence of an open
         Seat for a Functional Office.
      b) To serve as a source for notices from volunteers for
         Functional Office.
      c) To publicly announce the occurrence of a Player
         being appointed to hold a Functional Office.
(v)   The Privileges are:
      a) To decide who among the volunteers shall be selected to
         hold an open Seat for Functional Office.
      b) A salary of 1 unit per week.
(vi)  Whenever this Office is vacant, the Speaker shall be
      the Acting Appointer unless the Rules otherwise state.
      In this one instance, the Speaker may exercise Privilege 
      "a" as listed in section (v) of this Rule.  This takes
      precedence over any Rule that would prevent this action.

Rule 636/3 (Repealed)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

Let the following definitions exist with the meanings given:

Standard Proposal Voting Period: 7 days
Standard Nomination Period: 3 days
Standard Impeachment Voting Period: 3 days
Standard CFJ Selection Period: 3 days
Standard CFJ Decision Period: 7 days

Standard Confirmation Period: 5 days

Rule 648/6 (Repealed)
Confirmation Procedure
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

Whenever a rule calls for the confirmation by the Senate of a particular candidate or action (e.g. R507), each Senator will have 3 days (hereafter called the Period) to post a "Yes" or "No" vote to the public forum.

Should a Senator quit the game, be Impeached, or otherwise leave office for any reason, the Senator will be deemed to have voted "No" for the confirmation.

Should a Senator fail to post a proper vote as defined above by the end of the Period, the Senator will be deemed to have voted "Yes" for the confirmation, and will also be held in Contempt, and suffer any penalties defined for being held in Contempt.

The candidate or action will be deemed to have been confirmed if 2/3 or more of the votes are "Yes". It will be deemed to not be confirmed otherwise.

The Period will end upon all Senators posting a proper vote in the proper way. Senators may publically retract and resubmit votes up to the end of the Period.

Voting on confirmations is a duty of the office of Senator.

Rule 660/3 (Repealed)
Protected Entities
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

Rules, the rule set, votes and the voting process, proposals, game custom, judgements, points, currency, Officers, Players, and PFbonds are protected entities. Rule changes may manipulate rules and the rule set.

Rule 663/3 (Repealed)
The Governor (Dan Marsh)

Rule 664/3 (Repealed)
Every other day, every other day, every other day of the week is fine, yeah
The Governor (Dan Marsh)

When any length of time is specified which is three days or shorter, no time on Sunday shall be counted. Sunday shall be defined as Sunday in the Eastern time zone of the United States.

The above parts of this rule do not apply to this rule.

Rule 678/2 (Repealed)
Quoting rules to Repeal
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

Rule 691/5 (Mutable)
No Deadbeat Judges
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

If a player is selected to judge a Call for Judgement by the officer responsible for making such selections (hereafter called the CotC), and the judge-designate does not respond within the required period [currently 3 days, qv Rule 588], the judge is deemed to be "a deadbeat judge", and the CotC must make this fact public.

A player on vacation may not be declared a deadbeat judge. This has precedence over the previous paragraph.

When the fact that a player is a deadbeat judge is made public,

The Speaker must send a message to the player who is a deadbeat judge. In this message the Speaker must ask the player if he or she wishes to continue playing the game, and points out why the message is being sent. If the player does not reply within four days, then e is placed on vacation with an expected duration of zero days.

Rule 692/2 (Repealed)
Hungry, silly, and poisonous
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

Rule 706/3 (Repealed)
Coke Is It
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)

Coca-Cola is hereby made the official soft drink of Ackanomic. The Financier must bill the Coca-Cola Company USD$16,209.62 as promotional consideration, taking any legal measures e deems appropriate to recover this sum. Any proceeds recovered from the Coca-Cola Company will be shared equally among all players who voted YES on the proposal that created this rule, after the Financier is first awarded an extra $200 for his/her efforts in claiming the money.

Rule 723/3 (Repealed)
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)

No Player may be forced, by any means, either legislation or game action to become a member of an Organization against eir will.

This rule takes precedence over any other rule that is concerned with membership in Organizations.

Rule 774/2 (Repealed)
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)

Rule 779/6 (Repealed)
Succession Proceedings
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

This rule has precedence over Rule 615.

1) Should the current Speaker perform no game actions for a week, players may invoke Succession Proceedings (SPS). If this is true, SPS are officially invoked upon 3 or more players posting to the public forum that they wish them to be invoked.

2) Should the current Speaker perform any game action, including, but not limited to, posting to the main forum, SPS are immediately terminated.

3) If no one sends a message to the current Speaker within a day of SPS being invoked, stating what is going on, with the subject line "Ackanomic: Official: SPS", SPS are immediately terminated. If the current Speaker responds to the message in the public forum within 3 days, SPS is immediately terminated.

4) If the current Speaker does not respond, an Acting Speaker is selected by the following procedure: (Note that the "work" required by this procedure (sorting the offices, offering the positions, etc), can be done by anyone in the game. If the procedure is stalled at a particular point because a piece of work is not done, and no one steps forward to do it for three days, the SPS is terminated)

4a) All office holders (functional, political, and otherwise) are candidates for succession, with the following exceptions: The current Speaker, regardless of any other offices he or she holds, is not a candidate. The holder of any office which explicitly cannot be held by the Speaker is ineligible. A player on vacation is ineligible.

4b) The occupied offices are listed, sorted by the rule number which created them (lowest rule number/office on "top" of the list, rule numbers increasing from there). Any offices excluded by 4a) are not listed.

4c) The player holding the office at the top of the list is offered the position of Acting Speaker. They have 2 days to accept or decline the position. No reply is taken as a decline. If the office has multiple seats (e.g. Senate), players within the office are sorted alphabetically by Ackanomic Name.

4d) If a player declines, they, and all offices they hold, are struck from the succession list.

4e) If all players decline, then the 3 players who first invoked SPS will become the Acting Speaker as a group.

5) Upon selection of a Acting Speaker, the following will occur:

5a) The Acting Speaker will, regrettably, invoke "No dead players allowed" or its equivalent, on the current Speaker. This clause takes precedence over all mutable rules which only give the Speaker this privilege. If the procedure to remove dead players from the game is undefined, then the Acting Speaker will use "Permissibility of the Unprohibited" to remove the dead Speaker. If this is illegal or impossible for any reason, the current Speaker is considered Impeached, and loses the title.

5b) The Acting Speaker will carry on all other duties and responsibilities of the Speaker. This clause takes precedence over all mutable rules which only give the Speaker certain duties and responsibilities.

5c) Upon the current Speaker responding to 5a, the SPS will be terminated, and there will be no Acting Speaker.

5d) Upon the current Speaker not responding to 5a, the Acting Speaker will hold an election for Speaker under the rules for doing so. If those rules are undefined, the following will happen:

5e) The Acting Speaker will become the Speaker if the Acting Speaker is an individual. If the Acting Speaker is a group, that group will decide among itself which of its members will become the Speaker, and that person will become the Speaker. If the group fails to decide within 3 days, the first person who called for the SPS will become the Speaker.

6) Upon the termination of SPS for any reason, clause 1) must again be satisfied for them to be initiated again.

Rule 792/2 (Repealed)
Head Start
Bascule (Matt Black)

Rule 794/2 (Repealed)
Renumbering Proposals
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)

Rule 797/8 (Repealed)
Festival of Torkola
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

1) This rule defines the Festival of Torkola, a period of much merriment and mirth in the land of Ackanomia, where players concentrate on enjoying the existing rules, and relatively inactive players may participate in ways other than just voting.

2) A Festival of Torkola (hereafter "Festival") has a duration of 1 to 10 days. Only one Festival may be going on at a time. Its length cannot be changed while it is going on.

3) There is no limit to the number of Festivals that can occur in a given time period, except as in 2) above.

4) During a Festival, it is illegal for the Promoter or anyone else to distribute a Proposal for voting. This applies to Proposals only.

5) A Festival is started in one of the following ways. Other rules may specify other ways by which a Festival may be started:

5a) Upon the acceptance of a Proposal that specifies that a Festival of a given length start on a given date, relative to when it is passed. E.g: "Upon passage of this, a Festival of Torkola will start on the day following, and last for 7 days". Note that clause 2) cannot be violated. Note that this is e.g., it doesn't happen when this rule is passed.

5b) Upon distribution of any proposal whose last 2 digits are "00", the Promoter may declare a Festival to start on the day following the distribution of the proposal. He or she shall also determine the length. The Promoter is strongly encouraged, but not required, to do this, taking into consideration the state of the game and popular opinion. [ie, a Festival can occur every 100 proposals.]

6) For the purposes of this rule, and any rule which specifies how a Festival may be started, "the day following" is defined to start at the beginning of the calendar day, in the time zone of the Promoter, following the day the event which started the Festival occurred.

Resolution 801
Joining Internomic
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

We the citizens of ackanomic have decided that it is in our best interest to join the game of internomic that is currently will begin shortly. We give our consent for the Ackanomic (a nomic game) to be registered a player in the the first game of internomic.

Resolution 810
Other Nomics
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

We, the citizens of Ackanomic, do acknowledge the existence of other nomic games. We recognize the games of Agora, Fascist, and Thring as valid nomic games, and accept them as competitors in any game of Internomic.

Rule 823/2 (Repealed)
The Brass Monkey
Techno (Jerome Herrman)

There shall be an entity called the Brass Monkey, that has no function unless specified by another rule.

Rule 829/1 (Repealed)
Handling Paradox Wins
ThinMan (John Bollinger)

In the event that a win by paradox is declared, the following procedure shall be followed before the procedure called for by rule 666:

All proposals whose voting period has not expired shall be removed from consideration without modification of the score of any player.

All Calls for Judgement for which a verdict has not been returned shall be removed from consideration without modification of the score of any player.

Distribution of new proposals and new calls for judgement shall be suspended.

If a Constitutional Convention is already underway, then the player who won by paradox shall be made a Delegate, unless he already is one. It is permissible for there to be four Delegates instead of three in this case.

If no Constitutional Convention is in progress, then one shall automatically be called without any proposal or vote, and the player who won by paradox shall automatically be a Delegate; the two other Delegates shall be elected according to the procedure established by rule 629. No proposal to hold a Constitutional Convention may be made for the remainder of the current cycle.

If the Report of the Convention is rejected, a new Convention shall automatically be called according to the procedure established by this rule. A new Convention shall be called each time the Report of the previous Convention is rejected.

Once a Report of the Convention has been adopted, distribution of new proposals and calls for judgement shall be reinstated, and the procedure of rule 666 shall be executed.

Resolution 850
Commending Robert Sevin
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)

This is a Resolution.

Ackanomia wishes to commend former Speaker Robert Sevin for his distinguished service to the land. The day after this Resolution passes, a ceremonial parade will be held in his honor.

Resolution 856
Nice one /dev/joe
Bascule (Matt Black)

This Proposal is a Resolution

The players of Ackanomic commend the web-harfer on an excellent job. They note that the ruleset is much easier to browse with the new web pages. Their only reservation is that the magic potato somewhat resembles a magic turd. However they are most pleased with what is a grand effort.

Rule 859/1 (Mutable)
Fixing Leaving the Game and Coming Back in a Different Cycle
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)

A player who leaves the game during one game cycle and re-enters in another shall not be entitled to claim the points e possessed during the first game cycle.

This rule takes precedence over Rules 362 and 691 and any other mutable rules which deals with players' entering and leaving the game.

Rule 866/1 (Mutable)
No Overshooting
ThinMan (John Bollinger)

If the score of any player becomes greater than the magic number, then the magic number shall be increased by 16, or to 11 points above the highest player score, whichever is greater.

Rule 892/2 (Repealed)
Journalistic Integrity
Bascule (Matt Black)

This rule defers to any other rule that defines a complaints procedure about news articles, especially if that rule refers to a Press Ombudsman.

It is a Crime for a Player to refuse to publish, in a newspaper he or she owns, a correction of an untrue statement that previously appeared in that newspaper, after a public request for such a correction has been made. Simply neglecting to publish such a correction for a period of three days or more after the request shall be taken as refusal to do so.

Rule 904/1 (Repealed)
Game vs Cycle
ThinMan (John Bollinger)

If a Player wins the Game according to the Rules, then the same procedure shall occur as if he had won a cycle [currently defined by Rule 666]. In particular, the game shall not end.

Rule 904/2 (Repealed)
The Anti-Gumball
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)

There exists a unique entity called the Anti-Gumball, which may be chewed only on days whose dates are prime numbers greater than seven. It tastes much like the Gumball in many ways, but has a distinctly opposite flavor.

If any player legally announces he is chewing both the Gumball and the Anti-Gumball in the same message, the Officer in Charge of Random Things shall determine which of the following equally probable events happen:

1) Quantum Inflation: The fabric of the Universe strectches, forming new mass-energy, and the chewing player is awarded a Boon of the Ancients.

2) Thermonuclear Annhilation: A (REALLY) big explosion occurs. All trinkets in the player's possession are obliterated (their monetary value goes to the Treasury), along with all eir non-indestructible Gadgets. In addition, e suffers a -10 point penalty for each player (emself included) in eir current location, and e, along with all other players in the same location, is sent to the Ackanomic Afterlife. It is a Crime to cause Thermonuclear Annhilation where other players are present. In addition, both the Gumball and the Anti-Gumball are blown into the Stratosphere and cannot be chewed for the remainder of the day.

Rule 906/2 (Repealed)
Restrictions on Points
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)

No one may have their point total or score changed for any reason, except by methods described in the Rules.

Rule 912/1 (Deleted)
Judicial Reform I
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

{{ All CFCJs whose number is less than 101 shall have 100 added to their number. This applies whether or not a verdict has been reached on the CFCJ.}}

Rule 924/4 (Repealed)
Required Reading
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

a) Upon the passage of this rule, the Web-Harfer shall have a fortnight to either provide a link to, or provide the text of, Godel's Theorem on the Ackanomic web page.

b) Additionally, the Web-Harfer shall have a fortnight to either provide a link to, or provide the text of, commentary from at least one figure in mathematics, logic, or law, as to the *gist* of Godel's Theorem.

c) If the Web-Harfer claims that a) or b) are impossible, due to copyright restrictions, or inability to find the required material, and such a claim is bona-fide, then the Web-Harfer shall not be liable for any game penalty arising from the non-performance of clause a) and b), including, but not limited to, CFCJ procedure. This clause supersedes any rule which would attempt to impose such a penalty, or which defines a procedure to initiate such a penalty.

Rule 927/7 (Repealed)
Silly Vacation Hat
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

There shall exist a type of nomic entity known as Silly Vacation Hats. Silly Vacation Hats cannot be owned or controlled except as allowed by this rule. A Silly Vacation Hat can do nothing but be worn, admired, removed, and disintegrate.

Whenever a player has remained on a voluntarily activated vacation for a period exceeding 14 days (and is not already wearing a Silly Vacation Hat), the Officer in charge of random things shall randomly select an active player (hereafter known as a Mad Hatter) to design a Silly Vacation Hat for the vacationing player. The Mad Hatter will then have three days to publically announce a design for the Silly Vacation Hat. If a player fails to submit a design for the Silly Vacation Hat within the designated period, that player shall have 3 points deducted from his score, and the Officer in charge of random things shall select a new Mad Hatter.

When a player who has been "on vacation" for more than fourteen days returns he is required to:

a) Post a message to the public forum admiring his silly vacation hat.
b) Thank his Mad Hatter for designing him a hat.
c) Wear the hat for a period of 14 days.
d) include in the closing of every message he posts to the public forum the text string "Wearing a Silly Vacation Hat."

After 14 days have elapsed since the vacationer's return, the vacationer shall remove his hat. Upon a hat's removal, it will immediately disintegrate and be removed from the game.

This rule shall not apply to vacationers who are wearing a Prosthetic Forehead, as it is well known that a Silly Vacation Hat will not fit over a Prosthetic Forehead.

Rule 941/1 (Repealed)
The Golden Knife
Narf (Joshua Nave)

There exists a unique, non-tradable entity known as The Golden Knife.

The Golden Knife has a hilt wrapped in leather, with ornate wrist guards. Its blade is gold plated, very sharp, and has a channel in the center to allow blood to run off.

The last player to win a game of Ackanomic Diplomacy shall possess The Golden Knife until another game of Ackanomic Diplomacy is finished. It is the responsibility of the player who currently possesses The Golden Knife to wipe all blood off of it, that may have resulted from stabbing eir allies.

Rule 962.1/2 (Repealed)
Twas Brillig
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

The following entities are mimsy:

Magic Potato
Phoebe's matchbox
Great Trombone
Brass Monkey
The Little Lamb
WOol Sweaters

No other entities are mimsy unless explicitly designated as such by the Rules.

Rule 966/0 (Deleted)
Malenkai's Blue Cross
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)

{{The Blue Cross formerly belonging to Malenkai is hereby given back to him.}}

Rule 971/1 (Repealed)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

If the time for an officer to perform a certain task is unspecified, or that specification indicates an unlimited amount of time, or the amount of time by which the task is to be done is unclear, then the amount of time shall be considered to be 3 days, not counting any time the officer is on vacation. This takes precedence over any other mutable rule which specifies times as above, or is unclear in its time specifications.

Officers, in good faith, shall do all tasks presented to them as quickly as possible to keep the game moving along.

Rule 989/2 (Repealed)
Definition of Judging Index
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)

1. Let each registered player have a Judgement Index, which may be reffered to as JI.
2. Let MaxJI equal the greatest JI. There may be more than one player whose JI equals MaxJI
3. When ever MaxJI is smaller than 4, the JI of all players are increased by (4-MaxJI)
4. Whenever a new player joins the game, eir JI will be set to 3
5 The officer in charge of selecting Judges will keep track of JIs.
6. The value of JIs is public information.

Rule 1026/1
New and Returning Players
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)

When a person registers as a player, he shall be considered a returning player if and only if there exists an Undead with a name which that person may choose as his Ackanomic name, in accordance with the rules. Otherwise he is considered a new player.

Rule 1042/4 (Repealed)
Party Hall party
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)

The 7th day of every month shall be known as the Day of the Party Hall party.

If Party Hall is in session:
Sometime during this day, each Swinger shall send one message each to the other Swingers. These messages shall be generally friendly, and must include at least one complimentary statement about the recipient, a member of eir Party, or eir Party as a whole. In the case of messages sent to the NAP Swinger, statements that praise the independence of non-party-affiliated Players also qualify.

If Party Hall is not in session, or at least 1 Swinger fails to comply with the above:
The Gaoler shall compose a depressing and awfully-written 8-line poem, and will post it publicly.

Rule 1044/1 (Deleted)
Honoring Wayne
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

{{Wayne is hereby awarded a Blue Cross as recognition for his outstanding work for Ackanomic. A parade shall be held in his honor. This rule has precedence over all other mutable rules.}}

Rule 1046/3 (Repealed)
Another Truly Deplorable Pun
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

When 2 or more Swingers are in the same location, they are specifically forbidden from discussing chess or bragging about their victories. This goes doubly so when said Swingers are in a hotel.

Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer is a crime.

Rule 1060/6 (Repealed)
Organized Crime
Narf (Joshua Nave)

1. There exists a type of organization known as Organized Crime, which is not nearly as organized as its organizers might wish. There also exists an organization known as The Narfalone family, which is the only legal Organized Crime organization.

2. Publicly admitting to belonging to the Narfalone Family is a crime, punishable by no more than 5 days in gaol.

3. There exists a Godfather, who shall be an active Ackanomic player. . Any player may join the Narfalone Family by privately mailing the Godfather and stating eir intention to join.

4. If the Godfather leaves the game, the first player to publicly state the e is the Godfather is deemed to have overthrown the previous Godfather and taken over the Narfalone Family.

5. Any member of the Narfalone Family can attempt to overthrow the Godfather by publicly stating eir intention to do so. If 2/3rds of the members of The Narfalone Family publicly acknowledge the challenger within one week, e shall become the new Godfather. It is the duty of the Godfather to publically report upon the success or failure of any such overthrow attempt. If the Godfather fails to do so then it can safely be assumed that e is on other business and is 'tied up' elsewhere. Under such circumstances the challenger's overthrow attempt succeeds. Upon a successful overthrow attempt, the membership of the Narfalone family shall be taken to consist of those players who publically acknowledged the challenger [this is so that the new Godfather knows who the members are]. This rule takes precedence over rule 408 [normally Count Tabula would count the votes].

6. Tammany is a member of the Narfalone Family. All bribes paid to Tammany, whether succesful or not, are turned over to the Narfalone Family.

7. The purpose of the Narfalone Family is to run a bookie ring. The Godfather may, from time to time, publish odds on various game activities. Any and all game events, to include sub games, may be wagered on. Any member of the Narfalone Family may bet by publicly stating which event they are wagering on and the $A they are wagering. The Godfather may set a maximum limit on bets. The Godfather must publicly ack the bet in order for it to be a legitimate bet. Players may not bet on eir own actions. [this will prevent the financier, who may not have a perfect knowledge of who is and who isn't a member--from inadvertently crediting or debiting someone's account]

8. The Narfalone Family will never take a bet that it can not cover. If at any time a bet is made that the Narfalone Family can not cover, the bet is deemed invalid, even if the Godfather publicly acknowledges acceptance of the bet.

9. When the Godfather acks a bet, the amount wagered by the player and the payoff should the player win the bet are deducted from the player's account and the Narfalone Family's account, respectively, and are held in reserve by the treasury. When the issue is resolved, the treasury shall transfer the money to the winner of the bet. Money in the account of the Narfalone Family belongs solely to the Narfalone Family and may not be transfered to any player by any means other than a wager. [combined with rule 8, this will prevent the Narfalone Family from ever having to renege on a bet and also prevents the Godfather from abusing the system]

10. The Godfather is the only player permitted to speak or act on behalf of the Narfalone Family. Players that object to his decisions are welcome to stop by the Narfalone Cement Factory and try on a pair of shoes. This rule takes precedence over any other rules determining how organizations take actions.

11. When a player joins the Narfalone Family(or if at any time a Family member does not have a Narfalone Family name)he must choose a Narfalone Family name. The Godfather must approve of any name before the player can use it. The name must be a legal Ackanomic name in all respects, and cannot conflict with any other entity name. (If, at a later time, the name is used for something else, it is the Godfather's responsibility to inform the new user of the name that it's already taken.)

From then on, any Narfalone Family business that requires a public message should be done using the player's Narfalone Family name. Otherwise, the public message is tantamount to an admission of membership, which is still a Crime. Use of the names in private Narfalone email is at the discretion of the individual players.

The title of The Godfather is considered a Narfalone Family name for the purposes of this clause.

[So if /dev/joe were to take the name Joey Narfalone for Family business, any public messages posted as Joey Narfalone would be safe from reprisal, but if /dev/joe were to acknowledge the Godfather under his own name, he'd get the law on his case.]

Rule 1088/0 (Deleted)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

{{All extant contracts are hereby destroyed. This has precedence over all other mutable rules.}}

Rule 1089.1/0 (Mutable)
I'd never be able to sort it out
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

No player shall receive any points based on the way they voted for the proposal which created this rule as specified by R 207. The author of the proposal that created this rule shall gain no points by the application of R 207.

If, however, any score changes happened as a result of the proposal which created this rule before the rule first takes effect, then equal but opposite score changes to all such score changes are applied to all players who received such changes.

This rule has precedence over all other mutable rules. This rule shall repeal itself 1 week after it is adopted.

Rule 1112.2/2 (Repealed)
And the Harf shall inherit the Earth!
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

If a proposal designated as Harfy is accepted, it's author receives a 5 point "Harfy Bonus". This is considered a score change based on the content of the proposal.

Rule 1112.3/4 (Repealed)
Let those who are without Harf cast the first stone.
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

If any voting player feels the Harfmeister is hogging the Harf [that is, sitting on the title of Harfmeister with no intent to designate any proposals as Harfy], they may start an Inquisition by publically calling for one.

An Inquisition is a Hearing. It is also Strange. The valid responses to an Inquisition are "No! He's going to share the Harf!", or "Yes! He is Hogging the Harf!" If the verdict is the latter, the Harfmeister is guilty of hogging the Harf and must immediately go to his or her home if he or she may legally do so. The person who called for the Inquisition then becomes the Harfmeister.

Rule 1115/7 (Repealed)
Fulfilling Campaign Promises
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

The Frobozz Magic Beverage Company, Ackanomic Division (an offshoot of the wildly successful medal company), shall provide Ackanomic Beverages at no charge to any player at a Public Gathering. The Beverage Menu shall include a selection of Fine Ales, Wines, Spirits and of course non-alcoholic beverages for those so inclined. Mixed drinks shall also be available, but will not be listed on the menu.

A player may order up to 3 drinks at any one public gathering. The drinks must be ordered within three days of the start of the public gathering. If another public gathering starts within three days of a previous one, drinks may no longer be ordered for the previous one.

Since the Frobozz Magic Beverage Company is a for profit operation, they shall bill the President for "services rendered" after the completion of a Public Gathering. The president shall be required to pay A$2 for every alcoholic beverage consumed, with the exception of mixed drinks, which shall be billed at the rate of A$3 apiece. Non Alcoholic beverages shall be billed at A$1 apiece. It is a duty of the President to track the bar tab and report it to the Financier.

The following events should be considered Public Gatherings:

1) Witch Burnings
2) Festivals
3) Parades
4) Ackanomic Holidays
5) The reading of a depressing and awfully-written 8-line poem written by the gaoler when directed by the rules
6) The appointment of a new Sage o' Doe Gas
7) The first hour of any legal singing of the Fat Lady
Other events may be considered public gatherings if the rules explicitly state that they are. This rule defers precedence to any rule which defines a public Gathering.

Rule 1116/2 (Mutable)
The Law of Party Gravity
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)


2. SwingVotes

a. When ever the Round Count is incremented to a number that, when divided by RoundFreq, results in an integer, SwingVotes are distributed according to the following scheme

The number of SwingVotes received by each Swinger= the largest integer smaller than [(the Swinger's SwingScore / (RoundFreq * number of Swingers)) +0.4]

b. After SwingVotes were given to Swingers, all SwingScores are reset to 0 (zero)

c. SwingVotes may only be created or destroyed as described in this rule.

d. SwingVotes are Tradeable. Parties may regulate the way in which the SwingVotes owned by their Swinger are traded.

e. The NAP Swinger may only trade SwingVotes to non-aligned players. The NAP Swinger may not initiatiate an auction of SwingVotes. This has precedence over R 1023.


3.RoundFreq can only be changed in one of the following ways:

a. When a proposal to change RoundFreq is accepted.

b. Exactly one week after at least a third of all Institutions currently in session agree on a change. If , during that week, at least 50% of the Institutions in session decide against the change, the change does not take place.

c. RoundFreq must be an integer equal to or greater than 3, and smaller than the number of Swingers multiplied by 2.5 . When ever FoundFreq does not meet either of these criteria it is set to the largest integer smaller than the number of Swingers multiplied by 2.5

4. Tie-Fighter
As long as a Tie-Fighter condition exists, the following things happen:

a. SwingVotes are not counted. However, any SwingVotes cast on proposals whose voting period during the Tie-Fighter are destroyed

b. Any player who receives points for eir proposal being accepted, or for voting against an accepted proposal, or for voting for a rejected proposal receives a bonus, which depends on the Swinger e is associated with

Players associated with the Swinger with the highest SwingScore receive a 5 point bonus.

Players associated with the Swinger with the second highest SwingScore receive a 3 point bonus.

Players associated with the Swinger with the third highest SwingScore receive a 2 point bonus.

c. Plaers who are party members are associated with the Swinger who of eir party. Non aligned players are associated with the NAP Swinger

5. a. It is the duty of the Chess-Umpire to keep track of all aspects of SwingVotes.

b. All transactions that involve SwingVotes must be reported to the Chess-Umpire.

Rule 1119/3 (Repealed)
Undead (aka I didn't come back as a bag of groceries)
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

Any player publicly that kisses an undead cannot cast votes for 3 days following the kiss. The kiss will cause a scandal and an article about it must be published in at least one newspaper within the next 10 days (i.e. the newspaper, with the article, must be sent out within 10 days of the kiss) or all players who own newspapers lose 3 points.

Rule 1121/2 (Repealed)
This Is Where The Party Ends
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

No player may shake hands with the Devil and then later claim to have been "only kidding" (or something substantially similar in meaning).

Rule 1125/2 (Repealed)
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)

The Title of Bartender is created. There will be at most one Bartender at any one time. Whenever a public gathering [rule 1115] which allows the frinking of alcoholic beverages is announced, the Officer in Charge of Random Things shall randomly select one Player to hold the Title of Bartender. That Player shall hold the Title for the duration of the festivity for which e was selected. Once selected, no other Player may be selected as Bartender for the duration of the festivity. If the Bartender should go on vacation, resign from the game, be placed in Gaol, or for any reason become ineligible to serve as Bartender, frinking of alcoholic beverages shall no longer be allowed for the duration of the festivity.

The Bartender is responsible for dispensing drinks and snacks to Players during the festivity for which e was selected to serve as Bartender. The Bartender shall collect all moneys for drinks and/or snacks due per applicable Rules and maintain an accurate account of all Tabs. At the end of the festivity, the Bartender shall remit one half of all moneys collected for drinks and/or snacks to the Treasury. The other half shall be retained by the Bartender as payment for services rendered.

If any Player frinks the maximum allowable of alcoholic beverages during a single festivity, the Bartender shall call a Taxi for that Player to transport em home. The charge for taking a Taxi shall be A$2, paid to the Bartender who may keep the entire sum. If the Player involved does not have A$2, or wishes to decline paying for the Taxi, e may instead entertain the other revellers with a Frinking Song of at least six (6) lines and not longer than twelve (12) lines in length.

During the period that a Player holds the Title of Bartender, e may not frink any alcoholic beverages nor give away any alcoholic beverages to other Players. E may, however, munch on as many snacks as e likes.

Rule 1130/1 (Repealed)
Senate Seat Names
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

1) The Senate seat names, "Seat A", "Seat B", "Seat C", and "Seat D" are uninteresting. Senate seat names which contain the underscore character ('_') are also uninteresting.

2) Upon passage of this proposal, each Senator will have 7 days to change the name of their seat to something that is not uninteresting, as defined by the rules.

3) The chosen name must conform to the rules defined for Player names, with the exception that it is explicitly noted that a Senate seat name is not the same thing as a Player name.

4) Once a name is chosen and announced publically, it is permanent and may not be changed, even upon a new Senator filling the seat. If the Senate should somehow be dissolved and reformed, the seat names will be reused. If the new Senate has less seats than the old Senate, the Speaker shall decide which names are reused. If the new Senate is larger, the excess seats shall be given uninteresting names by the Speaker.

5) Upon the filling of a vacant seat with an uninteresting name, or upon the re-election to a seat with an uninteresting name, the Senator will have 7 days to change the name something that is non uninteresting, as per the clauses in this rule and elsewhere.

6) Should an occupied seat ever have an uninteresting name as defined by the rules, and the occupying Senator is NOT within a 7 day period to change the name as defined by this rule, the term for that seat ends immediately and an election for that seat is held using the rules for doing so. This clause superceeds all mutable rules defining the term or termlessness of a Senate seat.

7) Should a Senator go on vacation during a 7 day period to change the name as defined by this rule, that 7 day period is automatically extended to 7 days past when the Senator returns from vacation.

Rule 1136/1 (Repealed)
Acka is not a Vacation Club
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)

At the end of a cycle that lasted longer that 30 days, all players who were on vacation the entire cycle shall be removed from the game. Any offices they held shall be vacated. The players shall be treated as if they quit the game. They may rejoin in good standing if they so desire.

Rule 1143/2 (Repealed)
Amung Gods
CV1701 (Chris Vogt)

Rule 1165/0 (Deleted)
Back Pay
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

{{/dev/joe, ThinMan, and Wayne each have A$24 transferred from the Treasury to their accounts. [this is to make up for the work that was done as Registrar, Financier, and Promoter, that wasn't paid (amount is a guess)]}}

Rule 1249/0 (Deleted)
Removing Red Barn from YORL
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

This rule has precedence over all rules.

Red Barn is removed from the game of Ye Olde Rusty Lantern that was in progress at the time the proposal that created this rule was distributed, if that same game is still in progress when this rule was created. His cards are transferred back into the deck. He does not win.

Rule 1275/0 (Deleted)
Unwrangling Grab-a-Donkey
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

{{Renumber this rule to 1275}}

{{This rule takes precedence over rule 1276.

Amend Rule 1276 to read:

Create a game known as Grab-a-Donkey. The game consists of a moderator, known as the Wrangler and players, who initially comprise all current active Players of Ackanomic, not including the Player designated as the Wrangler, those on Vacation, in Gaol, or otherwise prohibited from performing Ackanomic actions. Each player in Grab-a-Donkey starts off with one (1) donkey.

The following special equipment is required to play Grab-a-Donkey. The equipment will be issued from the Game Box at the start of play, and all equipment will automatically be returned to the Game Box at the end of the game.

One (1) donkey per player
One lariat per player (used to Grab other donkeys)
One (1) blanket (used to Cover the player's own donkey)
The Wrangler may call for a Grab-a-Donkey game at any time, as long as no Grab-a-Donkey game is currently being played. If no Wrangler exists, the first player to claim to be Wrangler may call for a game of Grab-a-Donkey in accordance with the previous sentence. A game of Grab-a-Donkey may only be called once per calendar month, however.

The rules of Grab-a-Donkey are as follows:

A. When a new game of Grab-a-Donkey starts, all Players of Ackanomic, excluding the Wrangler, those exempted as noted above, or those who publically decline participation, will be placed on the Grab-a-Donkey Active List ("GAL" hereafter).

B. Each Round, a player on the GAL will either
(a) Cover their donkey,
(b) Grab another player's donkey on the GAL,
(c) Stand Around Admiring their Donkey,
(d) Resign (this action is only permissible in the first round)

Unless a player specifies a different choice to the Wrangler in a private message by the end of the Round, the player will Stand Around Admiring their Donkey. Rounds will last no less than one full day and no more than 3 full days from the start of the round. Players may change their action at any time before the end of the Round.

Upon a player resigning, or leaving the game of Ackanomic, their stated actions that round are disregarded, and they are removed from the GAL at the start of the next round. They are considered to have Covered their Donkey for determining the outcome of the current round.

C. If exactly one player ("A") chose to Grab another player's donkey ("B"), and if B did not Cover their donkey, then B will lose their donkey and be removed from the GAL at the start of the following Round. "A" is said to have successfully grabbed "B"'s donkey. If more than one player attempted to grab "B"'s donkey, none of those attempts is successful.

D. If only one player on the GAL did not choose to Cover their donkey, then all other players will be removed from the GAL at the start of the following Round.

E. At the end of the Round, the Wrangler will publicly report what each player on the GAL did, and determine the results.

F. If and when there are exactly zero players left on the GAL, that game of Grab-a-Donkey shall end. The current Wrangler shall lose their title at that time.

G. If and when there is exactly one player left on the GAL, that game of Grab-a-Donkey shall end. That player shall be considered to be the Belt Holder of that game of Grab-a-Donkey (and shall also have the title of Wrangler). The Belt Holder shall be awarded 3 Points plus the number of donkeys he successfully grabbed that round.
He shall also have the right to Propose exactly one (1) amendment to this rule that changes the way the game of Grab-a-Donkey is played. No player other than the Belt Holder should submit such proposals, and other players are permitted to sneer at such attempts (and vote them down). An exception to this is maintainence proposals, or proposals whose rule changes would fix bugs or paradoxes, are permitted by anyone.

$$the clause enclosed in double-dollar signs shall be known as "This Clause". Immediately upon a game state in Acka occurring in which a game of Grab-a-Donkey is not being played, the player known as Malenkai when the proposal that created This Clause was distributed shall lose the title of Wrangler, if he has it. Then (whether or not Malenkai lost the title of Wrangler per above), This Clause shall be removed from this rule. [I don't need to be wrangler again if the current game ends in a draw.]$$


Rule 1305/5 (Repealed)
Taking the Altar by the Horns
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)

A player who is a member of a Church can't be burned as a witch, or as a heretic provided e follow the following procedure:

1. After a witch hunt has been declared e posts a public message saying: "I am running to the Church" followed by the name of the Church of which e is a member.

2. Afterwards e posts a second message saying :"I am holding the Altar by the Horns"

Both messages must be posted before the witch hunt is over. If, for whatever reason, the player is no longer a member of the Church e announced e was running to, e gets burned anyway.

If a player follows the procedure outlined above (and therefore would not normally get burned), a random integer between 42 and 57 (inclusive) is chosen. If the integer 50 is selected, then the player has committed some esoteric heresy against eir church, and e gets burned anyway. Within 5 days of this event some other member of the heretic's Church must publicly describe the heresy committed, or every member of eir Church will be burned as witches.

This rule takes precedence over Rule 1307 ("Ackanomic Middle Ages").

Rule 1306/1 (Repealed)
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

If the property of a player is damaged by tornado, flood, lightning or acts defined as acts of god, then that player may stir up public sentiment against the Heretics who have brought this terrible disaster on Acka.

A hearing will be made, valid responses being "Aye, of what used to be I blame you" or "Nay, we will kiss the girl from Venus for science".

If the verdict is "Aye, of what used to be I blame you", then the Heretics must each pay A$50 damages to the person who stirred up sentiment against them.

Rule 1315/1 (Repealed)
Easy Money
ThinMan (John Bollinger)

If a player posts a message to the public forum containing his intent to transfer A$ from his own account to another player or players, and if that message does not specify the transfer of any other entity, then the trade is accomplished immediately. This rule defers to any rule that limits the transfer of A$.

Rule 1315/5 (Repealed)
Church Sanctuary
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

If a player is alleged a Heretic or otherwise threatened to be burned, via the specific application of another rule pertaining to Heresy or burning, then any priest can grant the player a "Sanctuary Of Salvation" (SOS), even if the priest is the player herself, by making a public statement to that effect, and provided the player receiving the SOS consents to it.

That player is said to have taken refuge in solemn meditation and may not send any public messages for 27 hours. Any witchhunt against the player is canceled.

If the player breaks her vows of silence, then the SOS is annulled and all proceedings (as Heretic) against the player resume as if they had not been cancelled.

If the player is not a member of the church that gave her sanctuary, and did stay silent for 27 hours, then she must pay A$11 to the priest of that church.

If, at the end of the 27 hours, the player has remained silent, then a random integer between 1 and 17 is chosen. If the integer 5 is selected, then the player is burned as a witch, due to a mysterious quirk of fate. The priest that granted the SOS loses 3 points if this quirk of fate occurs.

Rule 1324/0 (Deleted)
No Cheesy Whamiol Points
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

Amend the Blueprint for the Whamiol (aka "Blueprint: Whamiol") to read:

Whenever a new Player enters the game and becomes an active player, the Whamiol will increase the score of it's owner by fifteen points (effective the time it is publically knowable the new player is an active player). If no new players become active for a period equal to or exceeding 30 days, the Whamiol will become anxious and subtract one point from it's owners score once every two days until such time as a new player joins the game and becomes active.

Rule 1331/0 (Deleted)

{{ [The Frobozz Magic Medal Company, Ackanomic Division, has been commissioned by the players of Ackanomic to create a special limited edition badge for service above and beyond the call of duty as a player, the Badge of Many Thanks.] All players who do not hold a functional office are billed A$10. All players who hold a functional office recieve a Badge of Many Thanks. Players who own a Badge of Many Thanks are encouraged to wear them at public ceremonies. }}

Rule 1347/1 (Repealed)
Adding Contests
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

This rule has precedence over all mutable rules.

Add the following contest, in quotes, to the Games and Contests page:
Limerick Contest

1) Equipment: None

2) Number of Players:

Exactly 2, with the GamesMaster as a referee. It is permissable for the GamesMaster to be both a player and the referee at the same time.

3) Starting an instance of the contest

The Limerick Contest is started as directed by the Ackanomic rules, in which case the GamesMaster is the referee, or when a sufficient number of players and referees agree to start and participate in it.

4) Rules of the contest:

Each of the players in the contest writes a limerick about the other player. The limerick may be silly, funny, and even ridicule the other participant in a good-humored manner, as long as it is not offensive. The limericks must be posted within 5 days of the start of the contest. If one of the participants fails to post a limerick, then the other wins by default. If neither post, the referee chooses a winner at random.

Once both limericks have been posted, there is a 3 day voting period. During the voting period all Ackanomic players may send their vote to the referee, indicating which limerick is the better one. The participant whose limerick got the most votes, wins the contest. In case of a tie, the participant whose limerick was posted first wins the contest. In the case that that does not determine a winner, the referee determines a winner at random.

Add the following game, in quotes, to the Games and Contests page:

Boolean tic-tac-toe (Bttt)

1) Equipment: None

2) Number of Players: Exactly 2.

3) Starting an instance of the game

Bttt is started as directed by the Ackanomic rules, or when a sufficient number of players agree to start and participate in it.

4) Rules of Bttt:

(i) The game of Bttt is played on a 3x3 grid labeled in the following manner:

      a  b  c
      d  e  f
      g  h  i
(ii) At the begining of the game one participant is randomly chosen by the GamesMaster to play the role of T, the other participant plays the role of F. The former is known as the T-players, the latter is known as the F-player.

(a) The symbol ! is the NOT symbol.
(b) The follwoing comma-delimited symbols are equivalent to T
(c) The following comma-delimited symbols are equivalent to F
(d) every symbol is equivalent to itself

(iv)Participants alternate turns. The T-player always goes first. The first turn must be played no more than three days after the game has started. Every subsequent play must take place within 3 days of the most recent play. A participant who misses this deadline loses by default.

(v) There are two possible plays Play and Anti-Play.

Play - Participant places their symbol, in an unoccupied square. A Particiapnt may not any of the equivalents of the symbol. The T-player may only play T, the F-Player may only play F

Anti-Play - An Anti-Play consists of adding the NOT symbol next to a symbol already on the grid. If there is already a NOT symbol next to that location, then the number next to the NOT symbol is incremented. If there is no number then a 2 is inserted between the NOT symbol and T or F symbol.

If the number next to a NOT symbol is 3 then it is illegal to Anti-Play in that square. It is illegal for a participant to Anti-Play on their own Symbol or any of its equivalents. Anti-Play is only permissible if the other Participant has a winning move in their next turn.

(vi) Winning - A player wins when three symbols in a single column, row or diagonal are all equivalent to their symbol. If there is no legal move and no winner can be determined according to the criteria described in the previous sentence, the winner is the participant who has more symbols equal to their own symbol in the grid. If this still produces no winner, a winner is chosen randomly by the GamesMaster. "

Rule 1399/2 (Repealed)
Thank You Yakko
fnord (Michael Thomas)

United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama Haiti, Jamaica, Peru Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribbean Greenland, El Salvador too. Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, the Honduras, Guyana and still Paraguay, Urugay Peru and Belize Ecuador, Chile, Brazil!

Rule 1410/0 (Deleted)
Bad Pointer Reference
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

This is a Modest proposal.

Create a new rule reading:

1) If proposal 1399 was accepted, amend R 1206 to remove all occurrances of the following sentence:

"This sub-section has precedence over R 906."

2) If proposal 1401 was accepted, amend the third paragraph of R 1243 as follows:

a) replace all occurrances of "4 A$" with "18 A$".
b) replace all occurrances of "2 point" with "9 point".

3) If proposal 1401 was accepted, amend the fourth paragraph of R 1243 as follows:

Replace all occurrances of:

"If he has paid for the Goose's food or been bitten since the last time he has treated the Goose to a luxury"


"Once per calendar week"

4) Amend R 1243 to replace all occurrances of "post that he is spending an additional" in the fourth paragraph with "spend".


Rule 1412/0 (Deleted)
I wish renumbering rules was a valid rule change
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

Renumber Rule 1365, "Crime" to 713.

[I was also going to consolidate R 1315 into the FM or A$ rule as part of this proposal, but it looks like Mohammed is going to do that. I know, this comment has nothing to do with renumbering crime, except that I want to renumber crime to be with the Gaol/CFCJ stuff]

Rule 1427/0 (Deleted)
Really Synchronizing Whamming
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)

{{ Change the second sentence of the Whamiol's Blueprint to read:
"Whenever the time since the last new player became active is an even integral number of days greater than or equal to 30, the Whamiol becomes anxious and subtracts one point from its owner's score." }}

Rule 1434/0 (Deleted)
I'm Going to amend R 491 to permit conditional rule changes
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

If Proposal 1412 was accepted, amend R 793 to replace all occurrances of "581" with "390".

[In a completely unrelated note, our new Promoter and Tabulator are doing an excellent job in picking up the duties.]

Rule 1438/0 (Repealed)
Vault Divination
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)

The CV is hidden within the Gumball. If a player eligible to find the CV legally chews the Gumball, he shall find it therein. Other players may still chew the Gumball, but they shall not find the CV by doing so. If Rule 1430 does not exist, or if after the passage of this rule, the CV is sent Somewhere Else by Rule 1430, this rule shall repeal itself.

Rule 1445/1 (Deleted)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)


[Ethics prevent checking the official dictionary, but it is probably rather difficult to win this variant of Ghost, if you go first.]

Amend Games and Contest Game 103, "Ghost" to replace all occurrances of

(1) has at any point in the last three days been a word in the official dictionary


(1) is in excess of 2 letters, and has at any point in the last three days been a word in the official dictionary
" }}

Rule 1450/0 (Deleted)
Here's hoping P 1435 passed so conditional rule changes are no longer a hassle
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

If Proposal 1436 [sic] was not accepted, remove all occurrances of the string "non-Null, " from R 1428.

Rule 1473/0 (Deleted)
Would two Pyraic Frobnotzers attached at the same place short out?
Malenkai (Randy Hall)


Amend the blueprint for the Pyraic Frobnotzer to replace the first occurrance of the word "amended" with "amended, repealed, or modified in any way".

[to me, "amended" in ackaspeak has a very specific meaning, and may not apply to all potential rule changes, such as Spelling Bees, Crisis Recovery, other Frobnotzers, etc.]

Rule 1519/2 (Repealed)
The Size of Things
Jammer (John Lotz)

I wish to make a modest proposal.

All Items in Acka have a size measured in thingees. Unless otherwise specified in the Rules, an item's size is 0 thingees.

Negligible 0 Thingees
Small 1 Thingees
Medium 2 Thingees
Large 4 Thingees
Huge 5 Thingees
Really Huge 6 Thingees

The significance of this is that all structures and land have a capacity measured in Thingees as well;
A Space in a structure holds 10 Thingees.
A Kaa of land holds 25 Thingees.
A Tower holds 6 Thingees.

Rule 1524/0 (Deleted)
Vending Machine Blues
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

{{ The Blueprint for the Vending Machine is amended to read, in full:
The Vending Machine is a mechanical Gadget. They can be quite lucrative.

All Vending Machines are equipped to vend Rocks To Wind A String Around. The price to buy a Rock To Wind A String Around from a new Vending Machine is A$6. A Player can equip eir Vending Machine to sell other items, if the technology exists.

The owner of a Vending Machine may change the price for which the Machine sells a certain item, by announcing which price e is changing and the new price (an even number of A$). However, no price can be changed in this way more than once in 30 days.

Any player may buy an item from any non-broken Vending Machine by announcing which item e wishes to buy and which Vending Machine e is buying it from. The Machine checks to make sure the buyer has enough currency to buy the item. If e has enough, the Vending Machine transfers half the price of that item from the buyer to the Machine's owner, and half of the price from the buyer to the Treasury. Finally, it creates a new item of the type requested, and gives it to the buyer.

Rule 1531/0 (Deleted)
Not a Game at All
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)

{{The entity Boolean Tic-Tac-Toe is hereby destroyed. [The second player can always force a win.]}}

Rule 1539/0 (Deleted)
Reorganization I
Malenkai (Randy Hall)


perform the following actions in the order specified:


I. [get rid of R 101's binding mutability on the low number rules, and
    make them all mutable.]

a) Transmute R 101 to mutable.
b) Amend R 101 to remove the sentence which reads:
"Until such time as they are legally transmuted, Rules 101-115 are
immutable, and Rules 201-219 are mutable."

c) Transmute every rule which is not mutable to mutable.


II. [fold R 101, 110, 111, 115, 592 into 101]

a) Amend R 101 so that its title is "The Game of Ackanomic", and so that
its text is:

      Ackanomic is a self-modifying game of ules.  All players must
always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they
are then in effect, and interpreted in accordance with current game

     The rules and the game state may only be changed as described in
the rules.  Actions described in the rules may only be performed, and
shall only have those effects, as specified by the rules.  Whatever is
not explicitly prohibited or regulated by the rules, however, is
permitted and unregulated.  Game custom, spirit of the game, and
lingusitic interpretation are external concepts and are not regulated
or part of the game state.

     The game consists of a sequence of "Cycles".  Cycles end when
specified by the Rules. At most one Cycle is in progress at any one time.
A player may only win a Cycle by achieving a winning condition that
is defined by the Rules.  A player may not win the Game of Ackanomic.
A player always has the option to leave the Game of Ackanomic.

     This rule has precedence over all other rules.

b) Repeal R 108, "Mutable/Immutable Inconsistencies" [nuke the axe]
c) Repeal R 110, "The Game and Winning" [folded into R 101]
d) Repeal R 111, "Leaving The Game" [folded into R 101]
e) Repeal R 115, "Permissibility Of The Unprohibited" [folded into R 101]
f) Repeal R 113, "Rule Changes That Affect Rule Changing Rules" [do we
need this?]
g) Repeal R 592, "Protection" [folded into R 101]


III.  [bring back Rule Changes to 103 where it belongs, merge in the
parts of R 106 that apply to rule changes, remove transmutation, and
remove R 106.  Point to R 104 explictly for clarity]

a) Amend R 491 so that its title is "Proposals and Rule Changes", and
so that its text is:

      A proposal is any collection of text designated as a proposal,
submitted and distributed as described in Rule 104. If a proposal is
accepted, any valid rule changes in the proposal are applied, one at a
time, in the order in which they appear, starting at the time its
tabulated voting results are officially reported.  This is considered
the "time of application", or "when the rule changes are applied".
      A rule change is a description of a game effect.  A rule change
is valid if it describes the creation of a new rule, the amendment of
an existing rule, the repeal of an existing rule, or the renumbering of
an existing rule. If an accepted proposal does not refer to amending,
repealing, renumbering, or creating rules, then it is treated as a valid
rule change to create a new rule with the entire body of the proposal
as its text; this implicit creation of a new rule is only applied in
the case defined in this sentence.

     If an amendment to a rule does not unambiguously describe
the amendment to take place, it is not a valid rule change. Rule changes
not defined as valid by the rules are invalid.

      When a valid rule change takes effect, at its time of application,
the effect described by the rule change happens. The adoption of an
invalid rule change has no effect.

      No rule may generate any effect that applies retroactively to a
time before the generation of the effect.  A rule change that would
have effects retroactive to before the time of its application is invalid.

b) Renumber R 491 to 103.
c) Repeal R 106, "When Proposals Can Take Effect" [sucked into 103 and 217]


IV.  [merge R 104 and R 105; make the language a little more concrete]

a) Repeal R 105, "Proposals Must Be Written Down"
b) Amend R 104, "Adopting Proposals" to read:

      Proposals are made by e-mailing them to the Promoter, who shall
distribute them to the players to be voted on. Accepted proposals must
guide play in the form in which they were distributed to the players.

      All such proposals shall be voted on, unless they are retracted,
nullified, or deemed invalid in accordance with the Rules. In these cases,
they are removed from consideration, and are considered to be neither
accepted or rejected.

      When a proposal's prescribed voting period ends, or all players have
cast a vote on a proposal, then that proposal is accepted if a quorum has
been achieved and the required number of YES votes were cast on the


V.  [bring the voting rule right up here next, between submitting proposals,
and quorum and acting players]

a) Amend R 390 so that its title is "Voting on Proposals".
b) Renumber R 390 to 106.
c) Amend R 201, "Quorum and Active Players", to replace all occurrances
of "390" with "106".
d) Amend R 793, "Proposal Bribery", to replace all occurrances of
"390" with "106".


VI.  [put when scoring changes take effect after the scoring rule,
207.  I see Mohammed is going to bring "Modesty and Pride" up to 209.
That should work well.]
a) Renumber R 1089.2 "When Score Changes Take Effect" to 208.


VII.  [the precedence rule]

a) Amend R 210 so that its title is "Resolving Precedence Conflicts", and
to replace

If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or
more immutable rules conflict with one another


If two or more rules conflict with one another


VIII.  [put the judgement rules back where they belong, with their brothers]

a) Renumber R 589, "Invoking Judgement" to 211.
b) Renumber R 588, "Selecting A Judge" to 212.
c) Renumber R 569, "Overturning Judgements" to 217.


IX.  [clarify temporal stuff about CFJs, fold the CFJ part of old R 106 into

a) Amend R 215, "Judgements Must Accord With The Rules", to read:

      All Judgements must be in accordance with all the rules in effect
at the time judgement was invoked, and with respect to the game state at
that time.  When the rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the
statement in question, however, then the Judge shall consider currently
existing game custom and the spirit of the game in reaching a decision.

      A statement verified (or nullified) by judgement applies
retroactively to any past game situation it may concern.


X.  [put all the winning conditions in one place]

a) Amend R 422 so that its title is "Winning by Points".
b) Amend R 422 to replace:
Making this determination is a duty of the Office of Scorekeeper, and
this clause supercedes any mutable rule which would deny the Scorekeeper
this duty.
Making this determination is a duty of the Scorekeeper.

c) Renumber R 422 to 220.

d) Amend R 798 so that its title is "Winning by Palindrome".
e) Renumber R 798 to 221.

f) Amend R 1430 so that its title is "Winning by Finding the Crystal Chalice"
g) Renumber R 1430 to 222.

h) If R 1501 exists, amend it so that its title is "Vault Divination", and
renumber it to 222.1

i) Renumber R 1243, "Chartreuse Goose" to 235.


XI.  [Consolidate Political Party Rules]

a) Renumber R 391, "Rewarding Party Unity" to 543.
b) Amend R 542 so that its title is "Political Parties".


XII.  [put all the office stuff in one place, pTangs general office
rules followed by the specific offices]

a) Amend R 609, "Offices, Commonalities" to replace

"Offices are named, unownable entities."


Offices are named, unownable entities, unless the rules specify otherwise
for a particular office.

and to replace

"A Seat of an Office is an unownable entity."


A Seat of an Office is an unownable entity, unless the rules specify
otherwise for a particular Office or Seat.
[the preceeding is needed to make Wizard and Capital Swinger work as
tradeable offices.  As it stands now, Wizard works because of its higher
precedence, but Capital Swinger does not.  Renumbering the rule will
give it higher precedence, though.]

b) Renumber R 609, "Offices, Commonalities", to 401.

c) Renumber R 611, "Offices, Related Definitions", to 402.

d) Amend R 612, "Functional Offices, Commonalities", to replace
all occurrances of "609" with "401".
e) Renumber R 612, "Functional Offices, Commonalities", to 403.

f) If Proposal 1503 was accepted, amend R 613 "Offices, Impeachment"
to place the following sentence at the beginning of the rule:
This rule defers precedece to rule 593 where there is a conflict.

otherwise, amend R 613 to replace
      This Rule takes precedence over all mutable rules.
      This Rule takes precedence over all rules, except that it defers
to rule 593.

g) Renumber R 613, "Offices, Impeachment", to 404.

h) Renumber R 615, "Speaker" to 405.

i) Renumber R 396 to 406, and change its title to "Promoter".
j) Renumber R 411 to 407, and change its title to "Web-Harfer".
k) Renumber R 414 to 408, and change its title to "Tabulator and Count 

l) Renumber R 424 to 409, and change its title to "Registrar".
m) Renumber R 425 to 410, and change its title to "Scorekeeper".
n) Renumber R 478 to 411, and change its title to "Senate".
o) Renumber R 482 to 412, and change its title to "Financier and the Free
p) Renumber R 489 to 413, and change its title to "Clerk of the Court".
q) Renumber R 504 to 414, and change its title to "President".
r) Renumber R 973, "Presidential Decisions", to 415.
s) Renumber R 507 to 416, and change its title to "Supreme Court".
t) Renumber R 508, "Justices Rock", to 417.
u) Renumber R 563, "Justices Are Keeper Of The Sacred Laws" to 418.
v) Renumber R 583 to 419, and change its title to "Ambassador".
w) Renumber R 621, "Historian", to 420.
x) Renumber R 695, "Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy" to 
y) Renumber R 832, "Postmaster", to 422.
z) Renumber R 895, "Map-Harfer", to 423.
aa) Renumber R 1271, "Poet Laureate" to 424.
bb) Renumber R 1374, "Praetor" to 425.


XIII.  [put all the financial stuff in one place, after the entity stuff.
Merge Treasury and A$s, bring Treasury up as the first financial rule,
then bring the other financial rules in behind it].

[heads up, Guy, this will clash with yours]

a) Change the title of R 665 to "Treasury and AckaDollars" and change its
text to:

I. AckaDollars

      The AckaDollar (A$) is the official currency of Ackanomia.

      Each player who has not previously been granted A$ by application
of this rule shall be granted the lesser of A$900, or the average A$
balance of all other existing players, from the Treasury.

      AckaDollars are gift entities.

II. Treasury:

      The Treasury is a named, unownable entity that serves as a
storing house for entities that belong to no Player. Items owned by
the Treasury are said to be "in the Treasury", and they may not be
manipulated in any way except as explicitly allowed by the Rules.

III. Hard Currency:
      AckaDollars may not be created nor destroyed. This Rule has
precedence over any Rule that would create or destroy A$. Whenever the
Rules specify that a Player should receive A$, and do not indicate
where those A$ should come from, they shall come from the Treasury.
Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose A$, and do not
indicate where those A$ should go to, or specify that they should be
destroyed, they shall go to the Treasury instead. The total number
of A$ shall always be 75,000.

IV. No Ackapennies:
      A$ may not be broken into fractional AckaDollars. If the Rules
specify a transfer should be made that includes a fractional reckoning
of A$, the transaction will instead be conducted in an integer number
of A$, and the rounding shall be in favor of the Player or entity
receiving A$.

V. Bankrupt Treasury:
      Whenever some number of Players are to receive A$ from the
Treasury, and there are insufficient available A$ to meet those
obligations, the following process is executed:

      a) If there are no A$ being haunted by Undead, skip to step (d) of this
      b) Each Undead stops haunting 10% (round up) of the A$ it is haunting.
      c) If there are still insufficient available A$ to meet the
obligations, the process returns to step (a).
      d) If there are sufficient available A$ to meet to the obligations, the
obligations are met, and the
      process ends.
      e) The remaining available A$ in the treasury shall be given to the
players in proportion to the
      number of A$ owed each player.

VI. Donation:
      A player may donate any non-mimsy Tradeable or gift entity they
own to the Treasury by publically announcing they are doing so. If the
item is a Trinket, it is converted into its value in A$ upon transferrence
to the Treasury.

b) Renumber R 665 to 505.
c) Repeal R 480, "AckaDollars".

d) Renumber R 1348.1, "Trinkets", to 506.

e) Renumber R 481, "PF Bonds", to 507.
f) Change the title of R 565 to "Bond Yields", then renumber the rule to

g) Change the title of R 510 to "Voluntary Debt Prohibited".

h) Renumber R 1098, "in Debt" to 511.
i) Renumber R 1318, "Bond Options", to 512.
j) Renumber R 1323, "Rental", to 513.

k) Renumber R 1416.5, "Trading and Gifts", to 515.

l) Renumber R 683, "ExtraNomic Entities" to 501. [put this with the entity
stuff while were here].


XIV.  [End Cycle consolidations.  Move some of the end of cycle stuff up
after R 666.]

a) Renumber R 790, "Fat Lady". to 667.
b) Renumber R 867, "Eggs and Fruit", to 668.
c) Renumber R 1314, "Marks of the Champion" to 669.
d) Renumber R 1268, "Commission d'Arts" to 670.


XV.  [Criminal Justice consolidations, early 700s]

a) Renumber R 1067, "Cow Town Hotel", to 714.
b) Renumber R 1298, "in Contempt", to 715.
c) Renumber R 1300, "Patent Infringement", to 716.


XVI. [Locations and Buildings, mid 800s]

a) Renumber R 1108, "Locations", to 835.
b) Renumber R 1018, "Hotels", to 836.
c) Renumber R 767, "Nothing Important", to 837.
d) Renumber R 1099, "Hall of Elders", to 843.
e) Renumber R 894, "Map" to 845.


XVII.  [Rule naming, numbering, etc, mid 400s]

a) Amend R 452, "Rule Titles", to change its title to "Proposal and Rule
Titles", and to replace the word "name" with "Title" in the last
sentence of the second paragraph.

b) Renumber R 642, "Proposal amd Rule Numbering" to 453.
c) Renumber R 682, "For Personal Glory..." to 454.
d) Renumber R 822, "Revision Numbers" to 455.


XVIII. [A couple of oddballs closer to what they are related to]

a) Renumber R 870, "Self Deleting Text", to 546.
b) Renumber R 939, "Party Hall Party", to 727.


XIX.  [If I had the time, move religious/church stuff to high 700s, subgame
stuff to 1200s, physics to 1300s.  Re org II reminder :)]


XX.  [Press Consolidation]

a) Amend R 891, "The Press", to append the following paragraph at the
end of the Rule:

It is a Crime for a Player to refuse to publish, in a newspaper he or
she owns, a correction of an untrue statement that previously appeared
in that newspaper, after a public request for such a correction has
been made. Simply neglecting to publish such a correction for a period
of three days or more after the request shall be taken as refusal to do

b) Repeal R 892, "Journalistic Integrity".

c) Repeal R 1130, "Senate Seat Names".  [Its only use is if the size of
the senate changes.  If this happens, which seems unlikely, worry about
it in that proposal.]


XXI.  [Bad Pointer Fixup]

a) Amend R 709, "Gaol", to delete section 7), and to renumber section 8)
to 7) in the allowable actions list.  Also replace all occurrances of
"115" with "101" in the rule.

b) Amend R 208, "When Score Changes Take Effect", to remove all occurrances
of "This clause defers to R 106 where there is a conflict.".

c) Amend R 208, "When Score Changes Take Effect", to remove all occurrances
of ", except as permitted by R 106".

d) Amend R 208, "When Score Changes Take Effect", to replace all occurrances
of "588" with "212", "569" with "217", and ", 798" with "".

e) Amend R 716, "Patent Infringement", to replace all occurrances of "665"
with "505".

f) Amend R 1348.2, "Buried Treasure!", to replace all occurrances of "665"
with "505".

g) Amend R 714, "Cow Town Hotel", to replace all occurrances of "1018"
with "836".

h) Amend R 1237, "Fulfilling Campaign Promises" to replace all occurrances
of "939" with "727".

i) Amend R 1313, "Purple Robe of Justice", to replace all occurrances of
"588" with "212".

j) Amend R 235, "Chartreuse Goose", to replace

"This clause takes precedence over R 219, R 422, and any other mutable
rule which establishes winning conditions."


This clause takes precedence over any other rule which establishes
winning conditions.

k) Replace all occurrances of "609" with "401" in rules 402 and 403, and
in R 457, if it exists.

l) Replace all occurrances of "611" with "402" in rule 401.
m) Replace all occurrances of "612" with "403" in rule 401.

n) In rules 208, 726, and 593, replace all occurrances of "613" with "404".


XXII.  [Contingincies for the proposals currently in the queue, through
P 1534]

a) If Proposal 1496 was accepted, renumber R 1496 to 847.
b) If Proposal 1497 was accepted, renumber R 1497 to 848.

c) If Proposal 1522 was accepted, amend R 408, "Tabulator and Count Tabula",
to replace all occurrances of "611" with "402", and "613" with "404".

d) If Proposal 1529 was accepted, replace all occurrances of "1243"
with "235" in the rule created by Proposal 1529.


XXIII.  [Removing "mutable"]

Remove every occurrance of the word "mutable" and the word "Mutable" 
from every rules.  [This looks like it will work, although it will be
time consuming for the Web-Harfer :( More on that later].


XXIV.  [Removing "immutable"]

a) Amend R 457 to remove ", or perform any action permitted by an Immutable

b) Amend R 714, "Cow Town Hotel", to remove "unless it is allowed by an
immutable rule".

c) Amend R 1330, "Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Side Effecs", to remove
 "(unless immutable)".

d) If Proposal 1491 was accepted, amend R 513, "Rental", to remove
", or any action permitted by an immutable rule".


XXV.  [Hard Work Deserves Good Pay]

a) A$57 is transferred from the Treasury to the Web-Harfer.

b) An Automatic Sculpture is created and transferred to the author of
the proposal who created this rule [which shall soon be buried.  Don't
worry, its nothing free for me].


XXVI.  [Everything should just be a rule, like other games]

Remove the attribute of "Mutable" from all rules which have that attribute.



Rule 1543/0 (Deleted)

If proposal 1535 was accepted, perform the actions on the following list in the order listed:

a) create a new rule, member of the Otzma Card Rule Suite, with text and title identical to the text and title, respectively, of R 1535. Change authorship credit of this new rule to "Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)"; this sentence takes precedence over the rule entitled "For Personal Glory...".

b) repeal R 1535, "Otzma Card Type Amazing Hoover Building Mover".


Rule 1564/1
Days of Meditation
Lestrade (John Duncan)

This rule defines the Days of Meditation , a period of reflection and resolve on the part of Ackanomians to craft better rules for the enjoyment of all.

1) Upon rejection of 3 consecutive proposals due to Quorum not being met, the Tabulator shall inform the President that a situation exists for calling Days of Meditation. The President will then declare that it is necessary for Days of Meditation. This will be a 5 day period beginning 24 hours after the President's posted declaration as determined by the President's time zone.

2) During Days of Meditation it is illegal for anyone to distribute a proposal for voting. This clause takes precedence over any mutable rule which would require anyone to do so. This specifically applies to proposals only.

3) If there are more than three consecutive proposals that fail due to lack of Quorum, only the first three will be used to invoke this rule. Any remainder, between the initial occurrence of the conditions and the end of the Days of Meditation, shall be ignored.

Rule 1574/0 (Deleted)
Pyraic Practically Paradox
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)

{{Add the words, "and the two noun phrases do not share the same occurrence of the same word," after the words, "both plural or both singular," in the last paragraph of the blueprint for the Pyraic Frobnotzer.}}

Rule 1577/0
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)

Perform the following actions, in the order they appear.


I. [Registered players]
Renumber Rule 218 "Registered Players" to 250.

II. [Player names]

Amend Rule 570's text to that delimited by the ~ symbols.

Every player has exactly one Ackanomic name. This name must be a string of name characters from three to twenty characters in length. Neither the first nor the last character in this string may be the space character. All official nomic business shall use this name to refer to that player.

A player may change his Ackanomic name, so long as the new name complies with all appliccable rules. This shall be accomplished when the player announces his old name, new name, real name, and short explanation of the change. The Registrar shall record the change. When a player changes their Ackanomic name, all Ackanomic business will be changed to follow their new name.

When choosing or changing their Ackanomic name, no player may take any name previously held by any past or present player, unless they are the person who was previously registered under that Ackanomic name [no one could take the name pTang1001001sos unless they really were the Mark Nau who held that name previously.] It is the Registrar's duty to make sure all names comply with this rule, and it is the Registrar's right to reject any name choosing or change which violates it.

Renumber Rule 570 to 251.


III. [Joining the Game]

Create a new rule, entitled "Joining the Game", with text as shown, delimited by ~ symbols.

For the purposes of this rule, a player whose most recent departure from Ackanomic prompted the creation of an Undead is considered a Returning player. All other players are considered New.

A person wishing to join the game, and who cannot do so as a Returning player, should notify the Registrar, providing a valid email adress, their real name, and the legal Ackanomic name they wish to play under. Upon them providing this information, should the requested name indeed be a legal Ackanomic name, the Registrar shall post a public message announcing the new player and providing their Ackanomic name, real name, and email adress, and if the prospective player provided it, how they discovered the game. Upon the posting of such an announcement, the person becomes registered as a player.

Upon the regisration of a New player, the following procedure takes place, in the order shown.
1) The New player is granted 1 kaa of urban land and a Small building thereupon as their legal residence. This building shall be known as their Home. This building shall also be known as "player name's House", where "player name" is replaced by their official Ackanomic name. A player may change the name of this building by publically announcing the new name and unambiguously identifying the building they wish to rename.
2) The New player is paid from the Treasury the lesser of A$900 or the average A$balance of all other extant players.
3) The New player is given 100 newly created PFBonds associated with himself. The Financier shall assign a label that may be used to refer to the PFBonds associated with the New player, although this procedure may continue without waiting for him to do so.
4) The Registrar shall select a Mentor for the new player. The Mentor receives A$25 from the Treasury.

A person able to join the game as a Returning player may do so by posting a public message to that effect. This message must include their Ackanomic and real life names, as well as a valid email address. The Registrar shall then record their return to the players list.

Upon the registration of a Returning player, the following procedure takes place:

1) The Undead created in response to their most recent departure from Acka, who bears the Ackanomic name that player had immediately prior to his most recent departure from Acka, transfers all entities it is haunting to the Returning player. These entities are now no longer haunted.
2) That Undead is destroyed.
3) All Bond Promissories in that player's real life name are converted to PFBonds associated with that player. Their label is the same as the PFBonds whose conversion created the Bond Promissories.
4) If the player left during the current cycle, his score is the minimum of 0 and the score he had upon last leaving the game. Otherwise, his score is -15N, where N is the number of cycles he has won. If this causes his score to be negative, he is given a Victory Eggplant, and his Eggplant Weight is set to -15N, where N is defined as above.

Renumber Rule 1577.1 to 252.

In Rule 362 "No Dead Players Allowed", delete all text between the string "and treated as if he never joined the game" and the end of the paragraph, inclusive. Add a period to the end of this paragraph.

Amend the first paragraph of Rule 1051 "Mentors" to read, "When the Registrar must select a Mentor for a new player, he shall follow these guidelines. No one may become a mentor except as specified in the rules." Delete the sentence containing the string "A$25" from Rule 1051. Renumber Rule 1051 to 253.

Repeal Rule 1026 "New and Returning players".

Delete the paragraph beginning, "Each player who has not previously..." from Rule 839 "Buildings".

[This next few bits attempts to account for either the passage of failure of reorg-1. Please scrutinize carefully.]

If Proposal 1539 passed, do the following: (1) Delete the second paragraph of Rule 665, section I. (2) Delete the third paragraph of rule 507. (3) Add "(vii) the name and email address of their Mentor" to the end of Rule 409, section (b).
[money, PF's, Registrar]

If Proposal 1539 did not pass, do the following: (1) Delete the second paragraph of Rule 480. (2) Delete the third paragraph of rule 481. (3) Add "(vii) the name and email address of their Mentor" to the end of Rule 424, section (b).
[same in current ruleset]


IV. [Player States]

Create a new rule, entitled, "Player States" with text as follows, delimited by ~ symbols.

At any given time, exactly one of these three states shall apply to a player.


Upon registration, a player is Pending. A Pending player becomes Active when it becomes publically knowable that he has voted or made a proposal.

Only Active players may be randomly selected for anything.

Renumber Rule 1577.2 to 254.

Renumber R457 "Vacation" to 255.

In Rule 306 "The Magic Potato", replace all occurrences of the string, "randomly chosen player" with "randomly chosen Active player".

Amend Rule 201, "Quorum and Active Players," to read, "In a vote on a proposal the quorum required is 50% of (the sum of the number of Vacationing players who voted on the proposal and the number of Active players, less the number of players in Gaol)."


V. [Leaving the Game]

Amend Rule 962.2's text to that delimited by the ~ symbols, and change its title to "Leaving the Game."

Upon a player leaving, the following procedure takes place, in the order shown.
1) All of his mimsy possessions are taken away and considered unowned.
2) The player is removed from all offices.
3) The rental period for any rented entities in his possession ends. [They return to their true owners.] If there exist any entities being rented from him, such entities are no longer considered rented; the rental period for such entities does not end, but simply cease to exist; their current possessors become their owners in fact.
4) If the player was never at any time Active, all of his A$ are transferred to the Treasury, every PFBond associated with him is destroyed, every rented entity in his possession reverts to its owner, every entity remaining in his possession is destroyed, and then the player is deregistered. In this case, the procedure ends here.
5) If the player was at any time Active, the procedure continues.
6) Every PFBond assiciated with him is converted into a Bond Promissory in his real life name. Bond Promissories are tradeable entities.
7) An Undead is created; its name is that of the player.
8) All entities in the player's possession are taken away, considered unowned, haunted by the just-created Undead, and in the Treasury.
9) The player is deregistered.

Renumber R 962.2 to 256

All Bond Promissories associated with currently registered players become PFBonds associated with that player.

Rule 1583/0
Loopholes for Sale
Malenkai (Randy Hall)


Amend the Blueprint for "Vending Machine" in the following ways:

1) remove all occurrances of the following text:

A Player can equip eir Vending Machine to sell other items, if the technology exists.

[let the technology, when it comes to exist as specified by the rules, define how it attaches itself to the vending machine.]

2) Add the following text before the period that terminates the first sentence of the final paragraph of the Blueprint.

, so long as the specified Vending Machine is equipped to vend the specified item.

Rule 1590/0
Internomic Entity Exchange of One Eggplant
breadbox (Brian Raiter)

{{The Victorious Eggplant Trinket no longer exists in Ackanomic. It shall be removed from Snowgod's list of possessions, without reimbursement.}}

Rule 1611/0
Cantrip 1
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

When this rule comes into effect, there shall be a Hearing on the matter of Proposal Bribery. The valid responses will be "Fix Bribes" and "Can Bribes".

If the verdict of the Hearing is "Fix Bribes", then Rule 793 ("Proposal Bribery") shall be amended by changing

B. Bribes may only cause the transfer of tradeable entities from the author of the proposal to players who voted YES on the proposal; a Bribe need not specify that the entities come from the author of the proposal, since it is assumed.


B. Bribes may only cause the transfer of tradeable or gift entities from the author of the proposal to players who voted YES on the proposal; a Bribe need not specify that the entities come from the author of the proposal, since it is assumed.

[This is a semi-necessary fix if we plan to keep Bribery around.]

If, on the other hand, the verdict is "Can Bribes", then Rule 793 ("Proposal Bribery") shall be amended by removing the header "IV. Bribes" and everything that follows it, and by removing the sentence "This section defers to section IV of this rule." from section I; and lastly, Rule 793's title shall be changed to "Fair Voting and Voting Actions".


Rule 1630/1
Happy Birthday Ackanomic!
snowgod (Phil Ackley)

January 22 of every year shall henceforth be known as "Happy Bee Day" in recognition of Ackanomic's Birthday. Happy Bee Day festivities start on January 22, and continue until 12 noon on the following day. It is considered good form for each player to publically wish happy birthday greeting to Ackanomic at some point during the festivities.

During Happy Bee Day festivities, the following things will happen and in this order:

1) A parade will be held with the player who has spent the most time in Ackanomic as the Guest of Honor (the oldest player)

2) The Brass Monkey will climb to the top of the tallest building in Ackanomic and boom out a heartfelt rendition of "Happy Birthday" to the motherland. The Fat Lady will not sing during the festivities, due to contracting difficulties.

3) The undeads of all dead players will gather at the house of one unlucky player and cheer as one of them kisses him. This player will be randomly selected from a list of players who have not publically wished happy birthday greetings to ackanomic.

4) Every Player who has publically wished happy birthday greetings to Ackanomic shall recieve a Boon of the Ancients.

5) The president shall make a speech commemorating the end of another Happy Bee Day and congratulating Ackanomic, and her players, for growing one year older.

6) Festivities will end.

Rule 1650/0
Sometimes we want to randomly choose non-active players
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)

Amend the Games & Contest game "Limerick Contest" by adding a new paragraph to the end with this text:
"If the winner is chosen at random, both players shall be eligible, even if one or both are non-active."

Amend the Games & Contest game "Ghost" by inserting after the first sentence of the first paragraph in section 4:
"All players shall be randomly assigned numbers in this way, including non-active ones."

Amend the Games & Contest game "Fictionary" by adding a period to the end of section III, followed by:
"All players shall be randomly assigned numbers in this way, including non-active ones."

Rule 1687/0
Giving Ghost a More Thorough Rewrite
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)

{{ The rules for Ghost, a Game on the Games and Contests Page, shall be replaced by the below text, delineated by the :) symbols

1. Equipment: none

2. Players: minimum -- 2; maximum -- the number of active players when an instance of Ghost is initiated; Referees -- one

When the rules specify that a player is removed from the game, it means that he is no longer a player it that instance of ghost. It is not necessarily a resignation, although a resignation does cause a player's removal from the game.

3. Beginning of game
An instance of ghost begins upon the referee sending the GamesMaster a message expressing the intent to start a game of Ghost and listing the players who will begin the game, and the GamesMaster publically announcing the start of the game or as directed by other rules.

4. Rules
The referee shall randomly assign each player a different integer ranging from 1 to N, where N is the number of players in the game. Player 1 shall play first, and after that, play shall proceed in order of increasing number. Player 1 plays again just after the turn of the player with the highest number. Each player's turn begins when the previous player's ends, unless that player's play was a protest, in which case it begins when the protest is resolved. Each player's turn shall last the lesser of three days or until that player plays.

At any time prior to the first turn of the player assigned the highest number, players may be added to the game. One wishing to be added to the game should inform the referee of their desire to do so; the referee shall then inform all current players of the addition. The new player will be assigned the number one greater than the highest number already assigned to a player in the game. Before the beginning of the new player's first turn, or three days after their addition, whichever comes first, the new player may be removed from the game if any player already in the game protests their addition. Players may not be added to instances of Ghost being played as a Duel.

Players in a game of Ghost are forbidden from using dictionaries or other reference books to aid their play. They may use these references for other purposes.

In his turn, each player shall do one of the following: (1) begin a new ghost word; (2) continue an existing ghost word; (3) protest the ghost word; (4) resign. Plays shall be made by sending a message describing the play to all players and the referee.

(1) A player may only begin a new ghost word when there is no existing ghost word. He shall do so by naming any letter of the alphabet.

(2) A player may continue an existing ghost word only when there is an existing ghost word. He shall do so by posting a string of letters identical to the existing ghost word except for the addition of one letter at either the beginning or the end of the ghost word. This string then becomes the new ghost word.

(3) A player who protests the ghost word shall do so by either by stating that the ghost word is a word of four or more letters in the official dictionary, or by stating that the ghost word cannot be found within any word in the official dictionary. ("uperso" can be found within "supersonic"; "spronc" cannot.) A protest is said to be made against the player whose turn caused the ghost word to be changed to its present form.

When a player protests the ghost word, play is suspended until the protest is resolved. If the protest was on the grounds that the ghost word is a word of four or more letters in the official dictionary, the referee shall attempt to locate it therein and report his findings. If the ghost word is a word of four or more letters in the official dictionary, the protest is valid; otherwise it is invalid. Either way, when the referee reports the validity or lack thereof of the protest, it is considered resolved; if the protest was valid, the ghost word is destroyed.

If the protest was on the grounds that the ghost word cannot be found within any word in the official dicitonary, the player against whom the protest was made has three days to post a word containing the ghost word. If he does not, the protest is resolved as valid. If he does, the referee shall attempt to locate that word in the official dictionary, and shall report his findings. If the named word is a word in the official dictionary, the protest is invalid; otherwise, it is valid. Upon the referee reporting on the validity or lack thereof of the protest, it is considered resolved; at the resolution of any protest of this sort, the ghost word is destroyed.

A player who makes an invalid protest is removed from the game; a player who has a valid protest made against him is removed from the game.

(4) A player who resigns is removed from the game. A player who does not make a move within his turn is assumed to have resigned. When a player resigns, the ghost word is destroyed.

A player may remove themselves from an instance of the game at any time by posting a message to that effect. If it was their turn, they are assumed to have resigned. If they leave Ackanomic, they are assumed to have posted such a message.

5. Winning
If exactly one player remains in the game, that player wins. There are no other winning conditions.

When a winner is found, the referee shall receive 8 A$. If this game took place as a Duel, the winner shall receive no additional compensation. If it was not a Duel and fewer than four players began the game, the winner receives four points. If from four to eight players began the game, the winner receives points equal to the number of players that began the game. If more than eight players began the game, the winner receives 8 points.

6. The Referee
Upon request, the referee must provide the following information: the players in the game and their order of play, whose turn it is, the current ghost word, and a history of the game in progress. He may, but is not required to, keep a web page with this information.

If the referee resigns his position, goes on vacation, or leaves the game of Ackanomic, he is no longer the referee. In this event, any player of Ackanomic who is not a player of that instance of Ghost may become referee by publically expressing his desire to do so. While there is no referee, the game is suspended.

Rule 1688/0
Runestone of Jukkasjarvi
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

{{[The fragments of the Runestone of Jukkasjarvi, in sum, contain all the clues necessary to find the Golden Frog. Although the technology doesn't quite exist in the rules to do what I want to do, it is fairly close, and I figured I'd give it a go with Trinkets as a prototype. Whenever you legally view a Runestone of Jukkasjarvi fragment, I will e-mail you the runes on that fragment.

The Golden Frog is quite a valuable treasure, and an ancient historical relic from the game. Worst case is you end up with a Trinket worth A$3 for voting yes, and it could be fun. Most importantly, this prototype could open up development of an interesting line of gameplay by someone wiser than myself, who knows.

I had planned to simply distribute the fragments as gifts, but the Bribe mechanism is perfect for this, for at least 2 reasons. As for pieces that do not get distributed as a result of the Bribe, they will all be distributed in some manner afterwords, to interested people. I realise some of the problems with Trinkets, but they offer other potentially interesting situations. I'd rather try something than not try something :)

And so that this is not a Null proposal, I might as well get another Automatic Sculpture for another Treasure Hunt someday. Remember, I don't profit from these things:]

An Automatic Sculpture is created and transferred to Malenkai.

Rule 1689/0
More Fun and Games
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)

The two collections of text herein, the first delimited by **** symbols, and the second by ^_^ symbols, shall become two separate Games on the Games and Contests Page. The name of the first game is Double Crash. The name of the second game is Single-Capture Go.


Double Crash

I. Equipment: none

II. Players
minimum: 2; maximum 2

III. Starting an instance of Double Crash
To start an instance of Double Crash, the two participants should notify the GamesMaster of their intent to play Double Crash. The game begins when the GamesMaster posts a public message stating that the game is beginning.

IV. Rules of the Games
Throughout these rules, an N-round Salvo is a public post taking the form of a numbered list of N five-letter words. The numbering convention and format should be:

        1) [five-letter word]
        2) [another one]
        ...  and so on, up to  ...  
        N) [the last one]
A Reply to a Salvo is a reposting of the Salvo being replied to, with the addition of a number from 1-5 to the right of each five-letter word. This number is the number of "crashes" as defined below, of that word with the Replying player's Target Word. The format should be
        1) [five-letter word]  2 [actual number will vary]
        2) [another one]       3
        ... and so on, up to ...
        N) [the last one]      1
Two words crash once for each letter that occupies the same position in each word. (ie, if they have the same first letter, they crash once; if they have the same third letter, they crash again. HEART crashes once with SPADE (for the A). STAFF crahses three times with CHAFF. SWORD does not crash with WORDY. A five-letter word crashes five times with itself.)

The game consists of several rounds, each of which lasts three days or until all actions required of players in that round, whichever comes first. If ever a player fails to complete all required actions before the end of a round, his opponent wins. If both players so fail, and the game is being held as a Duel, the challenged player wins. If both players so fail, and the game is not being played as a Duel, neither player wins, and the game is over. Each round begins immediately upon the end of the previous one.

Round 1) Each player selects a five-letter word from the Official Dictionary. This is his Target Word, and should be kept secret. Also, each player posts a 6-round Salvo.
Round 2) Each player Replies to the other's 6-round Salvo.
Round 3) Each player posts a 5-round Salvo.
Round 4) Each player Replies to the other's 5-round Salvo.
Round 5) Each player posts a 4-round Salvo.
Round 6) Each player Replies to the other's 4-round Salvo.
Round 7) Each player posts a 3-round Salvo.
Round 8) Each player Replies to the other's 3-round Salvo.

Hereafter, each odd-numbered round consists of each player posting a 3-round Salvo; each even-numbered round consists of each player Replying to the Salvo the other posted the previous round.

If a player improperly reports the number of crashes any word in any Salvo has with his Target Word, or if a player selects as his Target Word a word other than a five-letter word from the Official Dictionary, his opponent wins as soon as the error is discovered.

The rounds continue until upon the end of a round of Replies, one or both Replies indicates that some word in the previous Salvo crashed five times with the Replying players Target Word. If only one-player posted a Salvo which included a five-crash word, that player is the tentative winner. If both players posted such a Salvo, the player who posted a five-crash word higher in the Salvo's list is the tentative winner, if such a player can be uniquely defined. (ie, a five-crash word at the #1 slot in a Salvo beats one at #2.) If the two five-crash words occupy the same position in their respective Salvos, the player who posted their Salvo first is the tentative winner.

Once a tentative winner is found, the two players shall reveal their respective Target Words. The players may then examine each others' plays for errors. If no actual errors are found within three days, the tentative winner wins the game.

Upon a player winning the game, it ends. If the game was not being played as a Duel, the winner receives A$25 from the Treasury.



Single-Capture Go

I. Equipment: none

II. Participants:
minimum players: 2; maximum players: 12 one referee; any non-player who volunteers may be the referee

III. Starting an instance of the game:
Single-Capture Go begins when a sufficient number of players agree to start and participate in a game of it, and when they inform the GamesMaster of their intent. When the GamesMaster publically announces the beginning of the game, it begins.

At the beginning of the game, the referee assigns each player a different capital Letter of the alphabet.

IV. Rules of play
The game is played on an N by N grid, where N is the smallest integer such that N^2 is equal to or greater than 12*(the number of players who begin the game.

The grid is labeled according the following convention:

        a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 ...
        b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 ...
        c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 ...
        d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 ...
        e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 ...
Each square in the grid may be occupied by exactly one Letter or by the @ character.

A round begins when the referee announces the beginning of a round. For all rounds but the first, he should include in this announcement a depiction of the grid, showing all Letters upon it, as well as a summary of the any moves made or attempted in the last round and the players remaining in the game. A round lasts three days after this announcement.

During the course of a round, each player may privately mail the referee their play, which shall consist of naming exactly one square on the grid not occupied by a Letter at the beginning of the round. (ie, e7, assuming e7 was unoccupied at the beginning of the present round.) If a player sends the referee two valid moves, only the latter one shall count.

At the end of a round, the referee shall determine its results as follows.
1) If exactly one player legally played a given grid square that round, the referee shall place the Letter assigned to that player on that grid square.

2) If more than one player legally played a given grid square that round, the referee shall place a @ character on that grid square. The players who played that square are still counted as having moved that round.

3) A Group is a set of identical Letters occupying squares on the grid, such that each member of the Group occupies a square orthogonally adjacent to one occupied by at least one other member of the Group. The exception to this definition is that a single Letter, not so adjacent to any identical Letters, is considered a Group of one member.

A Group has Liberty as long as at least one of its members is orthogonally adjacent to an unoccupied grid square.

At this point, if any Group does not have Liberty, the player corresponding to that Group's Letter is doomed. Any player who did not play in the most recent round is also doomed.

4) Any Letters on the grid corresponding to a doomed player are transformed into @ characters.

5) If exactly one non-doomed player remains in the game, that player wins. If no non-doomed players remain, the player who had the most correpsonding Letters on the grid prior to the most recent transformation into @ characters wins. There are no other winning conditions.

6) All doomed players are removed from the game. If more than one player remains, the referee announces the start of a new round, as described above. Otherwise, the game ends.



Rule 1693/0
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

A. [executing the Eponimondas CFCJ, sort of]

If an Undead named Eponimondas exists [this will occur in the CFJ 340 FALSE thread], perform the following actions in the order listed:

a) A$20 is transferred from the treasury to /dev/joe.
b) The undead known as Eponimondas stops haunting all A$s it is haunting
c) The undead known as Eponimondas starts haunting A$500.


B. [common sense for the automatic sculpture]

a) Amend the Blueprint for "Automatic Sculpture" to replace:

When an Automatic Sculpture is buried as a Treasure


When an Automatic Sculpture is buried as, or as part of, a Treasure

Rule 1751/0 (Repealed)
Bringing Reality into accordance with Perception
Malenkai (Randy Hall)


This rule has precedence over all rules, including, but not limited to, any rule which would prevent retroactive effects.

1. All entities given the attribute of ZZimsy by rule 426 are destroyed.

2. Proposals 644, 645, and 646 are removed from voting consideration. All officers are absolved of any malpractice or wrongdoing associated with failure to report their voting results. [This has bothered me for a long time. Given that the legality of AOJ 101 was upheld by CFJ 153, these proposals were never retracted.]

3. CFJ 149 is judged Invalid. All officers are absolved of any malpractice or wrongdoing associated with failure to administer this CFJ.

4. The game state is adjusted as if the "revelation" referred to in CFJ 340 is not true. This fact is annotated in the record of that CFJ. [We've been playing that thread (CFJ 340 false thread). If we go with CFJ 340 as true, and that information as true, I believe we have some *big* problems. This allows the CFJ to remain judged true, but for that judgement not to have a devestating effect. This is another thing that has bothered me, and creation of this rule will validate this thread.]

5. All dangling buildings that have, as of the time of submission of the proposal which created this rule, been dangling but have not been reported as dangling, are reattached. All officers are absolved of any malpractice or wrongdoing associated with failure to report that these buildings were dangling. [This allows a judgement of true on CFJ 348 without retroactivly reporting which *other* buildings are dangling.]

6. Renumber R 1726, "The Widget of Yendor" to 942. [while were here]

[at some point, we need a general solution to the Platonic/perception of the game state issue.]


Rule 1843/0 (Repealed)
Calling an Ad Hoc Committee
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

An ad hoc committee is hereby called. It is called on the matter of Harf Names. In particular, it is called upon to determine whether Matthew Harding, biological brother of Mitchell Harding (Acka name: Robert Sevin), whose email address is, should be permitted to use the name (delimited by quotation marks) "Harf" as his Ackanomic name. This committee should deliver a report on this matter in accordance with the Sanctity of Harf rule.

Rule 1909/0 (Deleted)
Fiddling Sticks
fnord (Michael Thomas)

{{Amend the G&C entry "Dueling Limericks"
By replacing " one." with following text:
" one, with an extra caveat, quoth here.
The Poet Laureate (if there is one)
Shall, with his learned art gained quite so dear,
Attempt to share and increase the fun
When the Poet's vote is count'd at the end,
His one vote shall instead be counted twice.
The Poet may, if e does wish, then send
A public message, hopefully quite nice
To praise the Duelist which had won his vote
Explaining why the Poet liked what e wrote.}}

Rule 1926.1/0 (Deleted)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)


This rule has precedence over all other rules.

[The gist is that the actual text of the rule changes to add these things has been thrown into blueprints, to split them up]

[this creates game of pure skill, limericks, and ghost]

The text delimited by $$ in the Blueprint for the "Cap'n Crunch Whistle" is taken as a list of 3 rule changes (each one begins with the phrase 'Create a new rule entitled'), and each of these rule changes is applied once.

[this creates fictionary]

The text delimited by $$ in the Blueprint for the "Golden Frog's Tongue" is taken as a list of 1 rule change (which begins with the phrase 'Create a new rule entitled'), and this rule change is applied once.

[this creates the 2 go games and double crash]

The text delimited by $$ in the Blueprint for the "BWG Fluff Buster" is taken as a list of 3 rule changes (each one begins with the phrase 'Create a new rule entitled'), and each of these rule changes is applied once.

[this creates diplomacy and spades]

The text delimited by $$ in the Blueprint for the "Its late I'm tired" is taken as a list of 2 rule changes (each one begins with the phrase 'Create a new rule entitled'), and each of these rule changes is applied once.

[this brings viruses into standard]

I. Amend rule 1250.16 "Viruses" in the following ways:

A. Remove the following paragraph: "This Rule defines the Game "Viruses"."

B. Replace "Equipment: none" with "General Equipment: Gamepoints as needed".

C. After the section entitled "Referees:", add the following section:

Starting the game:

As described in rule 1250.1, section VI.

D. In section 8, replace

VirusPoints have no effect outside the instance of Viruses in which they are given out.


A standard Trophy is awarded to the winner.

E. Replace all occurrances of the string "VirusPoint" with "Gamepoint".

[This section does some cleanup.]

II. The game of Diplomacy which was started before the proposal that created this rule was submitted is terminated without a winner.

III. The Treasure Map for the treasure referred to as Treasure 101, if such a map exists, is amended to add the following at the end:

Games & Contest page also includes games of 3 or more players in the Games & Contest rule suite.


rule 1250.8 is recorded with authorship credit of "Niccolo Flychuck"
rule 1250.9 is recorded with authorship credit of "Guy Fawkes"
rule 1250.11 is recorded with authorship credit of "/dev/joe"
rule 1250.12 is recorded with authorship credit of "Guy Fawkes"
rule 1250.13 is recorded with authorship credit of "Guy Fawkes"
rule 1250.15 is recorded with authorship credit of "/dev/joe"

[7, 10 and 14 will already have 'Malenkai', 16 will have '/dev/joe']

For the purposes of the following, 'games and contests entries' shall be construed as those entities that were under the 'old' system of games and contests, and in no way shall be construed to be rule in this rule suite:

V. All games and contest entries from which an extant game is not being played are destroyed.

VI. All games and contest entries from which an extant game is being played has the following text added to its description, at the end:

This is a ZZimsy games and contest entry.

VII. Retroactive Trophies

Four Jade Grapefruit are created. One is given to Guy Fawkes [Ghost], one is given to Robert Sevin [Ghost], and 2 are given to /dev/joe [Ghost, Fictionary]


Rule 1926.2/0 (Repealed)
is More
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

This rule has precedence over all other rules.

The office of GamesMaster is created. . The duties are to manage any ZZimsy games in progress from the games and contest games page.

Upon there being no ZZimsy games and contest entries, the GamesMaster is impeached and the office of GamesMaster is destroyed; this rule then shall repeal itself.

Upon a ZZimsy games and contest entry having no extant games being played from it, that games and contest entry is destroyed

Rule 1928/0 (Deleted)
Rental: minimal fun... and a bother to track
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)

{{ Ownership of each entity currently being rented is transferred from the entity's current owner to the player or organization renting the entity. }}

Rule 1948/0 (Deleted)
Spring Cleaning III
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

{{all extant bond options are destroyed.}}

Rule 2064/1 (Repealed)
The Nameless Horror
Red Barn (Daniel Knapp)

If a nameable object at any time does not have a name, it shall immediatly take the name "Nameless Thing #X", where X is the lowest non-negative decimal integer creating a legal name for the object.

If this would result in multiple objects having the same name, one of them is randomly chosen and the rest remain nameless. [For an infintesimal amount of time.]

If this method does not produce a legal name, the object remains nameless. [Possible, you know!]

Rule 2094/1 (Repealed)
Destination Moon
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)

Acka will now have a space program. All scientist must work to find a moon and land a player on it. Moons are objects in the Universe but not on either side of Acka, and defined as such by the rules. Landing on a moon is a restricted activity which requires a spaceship. Spaceships can only be built as permitted by the rules.

A spaceship launch must be announced by a public messsage starting with "COMMENCE OFFICIAL INTERPLANETARY EXPLORATION".

Rule 2096/1 (Repealed)
Wibble Revisted (or viva McSpong)
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

All proposals which are made by the Harfmeister must include an approved silly word. The approved list of silly words is as follows: spong, wibble, ni!, pheeeeew, zopzop, boing, banana, squawk, thatcher, yeenewkleorrrrmeeesseilllllee.

[Original Author: Julian Richardson aka Dr McSpong, Proposal 357]

Rule 2099/1 (Repealed)
Return of Looky at the new tour hats
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

Each player is hereby required to choose what they want their ackanomic hat to look like. They must then write a 25 line description of their hat, telling what it looks like and why they chose that design for it. Messages describing the players hat must be sent to the Registrar, who will compile a huge list of everyone's hat descriptions, and then make that list available for any player to see, in conjunction with the Web-Harfer.

[Original Author: Paul Swan aka chess piece face, Proposal 598]

Rule 2101/1 (Repealed)
Robin Hood Strikes Again! (and Again!)
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

On Monday each week 2% of the richest (possessing the most Ackanomic currency) player's Ackanomic currency will be given to the player with the least Ackanomic currency (or the most in debt, if anyone is in debt).

[Original Author: Mitchell Harding aka Robert Sevin, Proposal 645]

Rule 2114/0 (Deleted)
Smooth Transition
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

This rule has precedence over all rules.

The last player to hold the title of Bond-Harfer is appointed to the functional office of Bond-Harfer, if said player is eligible for the office.

The last player to hold the title of Undead-Harfer is appointed to the functional office of Undead-Harfer, if said player is eligible for the office.

The player that held the name "Malenkai" when the proposal that created this rule was submitted is appointed to the functional office of Trinket-Harfer, if said player is eligible for the office.

Rule 2149/0 (Deleted)
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

{{All players with title of GOD lose that title}}

Rule 2216/0 (Repealed)
No More OMCLs/No Last-Minute Scams

All entities which have been transferred by zapping an Orbital Mind Control Laser since July 5, 1997, 00:00 EDT, are transferred to the entity which owned them immediately before the first time since July 5, 1997, 00:00 EDT that an Orbital Mind Control Laser was zapped to transfer that entity. Any undeads which own any entities which would have been transferred by the previous sentence, if the entities had been owned by players, transfer those entities to the players who would have received them if the first sentence had succeeded in transferring them. Then this rule repeals itself.