Proposal 801 - Sat May 25 01:27:49 EDT 1996
Joining Internomic
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted
This proposal will create a resolution that reads:

We the citizens of ackanomic have decided that it is in our best interest to join the game of internomic that is currently will begin shortly. We give our consent for the Ackanomic (a nomic game) to be registered a player in the the first game of internomic.

Proposal 802 - Sat May 25 01:28:39 EDT 1996
Lattitude for the Judges
SnafuMoose (Stephen Roberts)
Decision: Retracted by author

Preamble: To promote meaningfull CFJ's, judges must be given more lattitude in thier judgements, to that end, the following change is promoted.

The rule titled "Three Possible Judgements" shall be changed from:

There are only three possible Judgements: (1) True, (2) False, or (3) Undecided. A Judgement may be accompanied by reasons and arguments, but any such reasons and arguments form no part of the official Judgement itself.

to read:

1) There are only four possible Judgements: (1) True, (2) False, (3) Undecided or (4) Frivolous.
1a) The verdict of True shall mean that the statement in the CFJ is wholy true based on the current ruleset, taking into account the spirit of the game and the game custom.
1b) The verdict of False shall mean that the statement in the CFJ is wholy false based on the current ruleset, taking into account the spirit of the game and the game custom.
1c) The verdict of Undecided shall mean that the Judge can come to no conclusion on the truth or falsehood of the given statement based upon the current ruleset, taking into account the spirit of the game and the game custom.
1d) The verdict of Frivolous shall mean that while the CFJ statement may be true to a technical degree given the current ruleset, the spirit of the game and/or game custom would dictate otherwise.

2) A Judgement may be accompanied by reasons and arguments, but any such reasons and arguments form no part of the official Judgement itself.

Proposal 803 - Sat May 25 01:29:00 EDT 1996
Emptying the Trash
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

Rule 112 ("At Least One Mutable Rule") is hereby repealed.

Rule 112/0 (Mutable)
At Least One Mutable Rule

There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of rule changes must never become completely inpermissible.

Proposal 804 - Sat May 25 01:29:20 EDT 1996
Eliminating Waste
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 602 ("Proposals, Dependant") is hereby repealed.

Rule 602/0 (Mutable)
Proposals, Dependant (i) A Proposal is Dependant iff it contains text stating that it is Dependant and specifies which other Proposal(s) it is Dependant upon. The Rules may specify other means of making a Proposal Dependant upon another Proposal. (ii) Whenever there is a set of Proposals such that every member of the set is Dependant upon every other member of the set, each member of this set is said to be Bundled with each of the other members. (iii) Whenever a Proposal is resolved and fails to pass, all Proposals that are Dependant upon that Proposal are retracted without penalty to the author. (iv) A Proposal's voting period shall not expire before all Proposals that it is Dependant upon, but NOT Bundled with, have been resolved. (v) Whenever a Proposal creates a new Rule, any text stating the Proposal's Dependancies shall not appear in the new Rule. (vi) A Proposal X is Distantly Dependant upon another Proposal Y iff there exists a Proposal Z such that X is Dependant or Distantly Dependant upon Z and Z is Dependant upon Y. [So if P600 depends on P599 and P598 depends on P599, P598 is Distantly Dependant upon P600] (vii) A Proposal is held to be Dependant upon all Proposals that it is Distantly Dependant upon. ]]

Proposal 805 - Sat May 25 01:30:56 EDT 1996
Kindler, Gentler World
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Upon receipt of any post to the public forum, including, but not limited to, Proposals, CFJs, CFCJs, and AOJs, the reader, if a player, is required to think that was posted in good fun. In fact, they are required to imagine the author laughing hilariously while at the e-mail client; they must envision the author rollicking across the floor in eye-splitting laughter, especially if the action is in response to hilarious or dubious action.

This does not require that the author be doing any of those things when composing, but requires the public to give the author the benefit of the doubt in a medium as limited as the one we are using.

Proposal 806 - Sat May 25 01:31:13 EDT 1996
Rule Buddy
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

The office of the Rule Buddy is hereby created. There will be one seat for this office.

Upon vacancy of the office, it will be filled on a volunteer basis. Upon multiple volunteers, the Speaker will choose one. Should the Promoter volunteer the Speaker is required to consider him before considering other volunteers. In the event that no volunteers come forth, the office will remain vacant and its duties unfulfilled until such time as a player does volunteer.


The Rule Buddy will draw no salary. The Rule Buddy will have have the right to charge any sum up to but not exceeding A$50 from any player requesting his service. The Rule Buddy must publically announce his fee before any charges can be incurred. If the Rule Buddy wishes to change his fee, he he may do so by publically announcing it, so long as his fee remains below the A$50 limit.


The Rule Buddy will hold the office until he resigns or is impeached.


The Rule Buddy shall be required to maintain a copy of the current ruleset in the form of a plain text [ASCII] file. The Rule Buddy may maintain a copy of the ruleset in any other form he deems appropriate [database file, etc] as a seondary file so long as the plain text file is always updated first. The Rule Buddy must insure that the current ruleset contains all rules that are more than three days old.

The Rule Buddy is responsible for providing a copy of the current ruleset to any player who requests it, so long as they are willing and able to pay his fee. Should a player refuse, or be unable to, pay the Rule Buddy's fee the rule buddy has no obligation to provide that player with a copy of the ruleset.

The Rule Buddy shall post a weekly report containing an itemized list of the fees charged so that the apropriate officers may credit or debit accounts.


Should the Rule Buddy go on vacation there will be no acting Rule Buddy. The Rule Buddy shall be exempt from performing his duties while he is on vacation, but will be required to get everything updated with one week of returning from vacation.

Proposal 807 - Sat May 25 01:31:31 EDT 1996
Emptying the Trash, part 3
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

The rule titled "Official Polls" (Rule 315) is hereby repealed.

Rule 315/0 (Mutable)
Official Polls
This rule would firstly create an office known as the Pollster, who would be appointed by the current Speaker. The Pollster must be a Voter. No player may be both the Speaker and Pollster at the same time. The Pollster would be in charge of the duties surrounding the Poll, as described below.

This rule would secondly create an entity known as a Poll. Each week a poll would be taken by the Pollster. The topics for the poll are sent in by the players to the Pollster during the week. No player may submit more than one topic per week. At the end of the week, the Pollster would select from among the submitted topics one which is appropriate to the current state of the game. At the beginning of the next week, the Poll topic would be announced, and votes submitted by all Players during the week. The results would be posted publically at the end of the week. Since this two week process is started every week, the Pollster will be responsible for taking in topics for the next Poll and votes for the current Poll in the same week.

Proposal 808 - Sat May 25 09:50:32 EDT 1996
Repeal Rule 446, "Unanimity is a Great Thing"
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Repeal Rule 446, "Unanimity is a Great Thing"

[[ The text of the rule is:
This rule does not apply to proposals that amend, repeal, or transmute rules. It only applies to proposals that create new rules. When such a proposal passes unanimously, creating a mutable rule, that new rule automatically becomes an immutable rule, retaining the same rule number it had prior to this transmutation. Any proposal that is voted against unanimously creates a new rule as if it had been voted for unanimously. This rule then becomes an immutable rule, following the procedure described previously.

Proposal 809 - Sat May 25 09:51:28 EDT 1996
Amend the rule " "
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend the rule " " (originally called "Rob Ert Sevin") by replacing it
entirely with the following:

1. Nothing in Ackanomic shall have the name or title as any other thing
in Ackanomic.  Rules, Players, Offices, Organizations, Political Parties,
and Entities defined in the rules are specifically covered by this rule,
but other things may be covered as well.  Proposals are specifically not

2. For the purposes of part 1 of this rule, two names shall be considered
the same if any of the following are true:
 a. If all the letters in each of two names are converted to lower case, an
    all characters besides letters and numbers are removed, the two resulting
    strings are identical.
 b. If articles (such as the, a, or an) are removed from the beginning of
    one or both names, they become identical by part 2a of this rule.
 c. If two names are both converted to plural form, or are both converted
    to singular form, they become identical under part 2a or 2b of this rule.

3. If two names are discovered to be identical, the procedure below is
followed to resolve the problem:
 a. If a name chosen by a player (such as a player name, party name, church
    name, etc.) conflicts with a name previously in use, the player choosing
    the name may not use that name and must choose a new name.
 b. If a rule has the same name as something it defines or creates, then a
    comma and the phrase "Creation of" is appended to the name of the rule.
 c. If a rule has the same name as something it doesn't define or create,
    and that other thing is not another rule, then " Rule" is appended to
    the name of the rule.
 d. If a rule has the same name as another rule, then the rule whose name
    was most recently chosen or changed shall have " #2" appended if it
    doesn't already end with " #" and a number; otherwise the number at the
    end of the name of the rule shall be incremented.
 e. If parts 3a-3d do not resolve the problem, then the CSRR officer (if
    one exists) shall change a name in such a way to fix the problem.  This
    change is not a CSR.  If no CSRR officer exists, the Speaker shall make
    the change.

4. If any of parts 3a-3e cause the name of a rule to be changed, any text
of any rule which unambiguously referred to that rule by name shall be
changed to use the new name of the rule.

[[ Here is the original text, which brought up almost as many questions
   as the number of changes it seems to require:
Nothing in Ackanomic shall have a Name or Title that would be the same as
the Name or Title of anything else in Ackanomic if all alphabetic
characters in both Names or Titles were lower-case, and all space
characters were removed. If two or more things in Ackanomic are found to
be in violation of this Rule, the Player who selected the most recent Name
or Title shall change that Name or Title to bring it into compliance. If
the identity of that Player can not be determined, or if that Player has
left the game, that Name or Title shall be brought into compliance by the
Officer, should one exist, in charge of making minor changes to the Rules,
or by another Officer as directed by the Rules. 

Proposal 810 - Sat May 25 09:52:09 EDT 1996
Other Nomics
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

This proposal will create a resolution that reads:

We, the citizens of Ackanomic, do acknowledge the existence of other nomic games. We recognize the games of Agora, Fascist, and Thring as valid nomic games, and accept them as competitors in any game of Internomic.

Proposal 811 - Sun May 26 01:45:57 EDT 1996
Amend Judge selection methods
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

This proposal completely replaces the text of rule 588/2 Selecting a Judge with the following text:

Whenever there is a call for Judgement, a Judge is selected accord to the procedure described below:

1. Let each registered player have a Judgement Index, which may be reffered to as JI.
2. Let TJI be the sum total of JIs of all players who are eligible to be selected as Judges.
3. The probability that any single player will be selected a Judge for a given CFJ is calculated as JI divided by TJI, and may be denoted as JP. Hence for each player
JP=JI/TJI ; 0<=JP<=1 [[in probabilty, p=1 is certainty, p=0 is certainly not :)]]
4. The officer in charge in selecting Judges, will select the judges randomally according to the probabilities calculated for each player.
5. When a player is selected to be a judge for a specific CFJ, eir JI is decreased by 1, regardless of the verdict the Judge returns. [[this is intended so when a Judge returns undecided, their JI will be decreasd anyway, being selected is the important factor, IMO]]
6. a. The player selected has 3 days in which to accept or refuse the appointment by posting, either publically or privately, to the applicable officer. Any player who does not respond to selection in 3 days shall be penalized 10 points, and is deemed to have refused appointment.
b. If a selected player refuses appointment, then that player receives a temporary JI of 0 (zero), and a new player is selected according to the method described is section 1-5 of this rule.
c. Once a player has accepted the appointment, all temporary JIs are reset to the value they had at the begining of the selection process for that CFJ, and then decreased by one [[see note for section 5]]

7. Let MaxJI equal the greatest JI. There may be more than one player whose JI equals MaxJI
8. Whenever MaxJI is smaller than 4, the JI of all players are increased by (4-MaxJI)
8. Whenever a new player joins the game, eir JI will be set to 3
10 The officer in charge of selecting Judges will keep track of JIs.
11. The value of JIs is public information.
12. The moment this rule passes, all players' JIs are set equal to 4. Once this is done, section 12 of this rule will be stricken from this rule.


[[for your refference - the current text of 588/2 Selecting a Judge]]
[[When Judgement has been called for, a Judge is randomly selected from among the other active players that are eligible to judge CFJs, as defined by any other applicable rules. This selection is performed by the officer who is officially assigned this duty (the job will be performed by the Speaker in the absence of such an officer). The player selected has 3 days in which to accept or refuse the appointment by posting to the applicable officer. Any player who does not respond to selection in 3 days shall be penalized 10 points, and is deemed to have refused appointment. If a selected player refuses appointment, then a further random selection is made from the remaining pool.]]

Proposal 812 - Sun May 26 01:46:16 EDT 1996
Genderless pronouns
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

In this rule standard English usage shalll be reffered to as SEU, and Ackanomoic usage shall be reffered to as ACU. The comma character is a delimiter.

1. All pronouns used in ACU are genderless.
2. The following pronouns shall be considered acceptable in all Ackanomic communications

ACU - he, she, it, they, e
are all acceptable genderless substitutes for either of the following
SEU - he, she

ACU - him, her, it, them, em
are all aceptable genderless substitutes for either of the following
SEU - him, her

ACU - his, her, its, their, eir, e's
are all acceptable genderless substitutes for either of the following
SEU - his,her

ACU- his, hers, its, theirs, eirs
are all acceptable genderless substitutes for either of the following
SEU - his, hers

ACU - himself, herself, itself, themselves, emself
are all acceptable genderless substitutes either of the following
SEU - himself,herself

this rule does not restrict other forms of these to become acceptable substitutes, as long as the acceptable substitutes are clearly understood by the Ackanomic population

Proposal 813 - Sun May 26 01:46:32 EDT 1996
Recognizing the Simplified Speling Society and its efforts
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

1. This rule recognizes the efforts of the Simplified Spelling Society in constructing a simpler, more consistent spelling for the English language.
2. This rule declares that Cut Spelling, as described by the Simplified Spelling Society, is an acceptable alternative to standard English spelling.
3. This rule in no way restricts the usage of either spelling system
4. This rule does not prohibit players from mixing the two spelling systems mentioned in this rule in the same sentence. However this rule will not be happy without suggesting that such a practice may be confusing for some players.
5. The mood of this rule has no effect on the game of Ackanomic or on any Acknomic entity.

Proposal 814 - Sun May 26 01:47:01 EDT 1996
The Exception
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

This rule recognizes that there is an exception to every rule.

Proposal 815 - Sun May 26 01:47:27 EDT 1996
Breach of Contracts
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

1.  Rule 514 is hereby repealed.
2.  Rule 551 is hereby repealed.
3.  Rule 607 is hereby repealed.


This removes all mention of Contracts from the rule set.  The rules to be 
repealed read:

Rule 514/0 (Mutable)

(i) A Contract is formed when two or more Players each inform the
appropriate Officer of their intent to form a Contract among
themselves. The Contract is considered to exist at such time as the
appropriate Officer has recieved indentical copies of the proposed
Contract from each Player involved along with each Player's consent
to abide by the Contract.

(ii) A Contract is Enforcable iff the behaviours it regulates are
among the following list:

a) The transfer of currency from Player to Player
b) A vote of YES or NO on one or more Proposals by Player
c) The transfer of an Ackanomic entity

(iii) A Contract is not Enforcable if any behaviour it regulates
violates any of the rules.

(iv) A Contract ceases to exist immediately upon being

(v) A Player may call for the enforcement of a behaviour regulated
by an Enforcable Contract. In such a case, it is the duty of the
appropriate Officers to see to it that the Contract is enforced. The
result of a vote may be altered by the enforcement of a Contract
that was in existance before the announcement of the results of said

(vi) At any such time as all involved Players inform the appropriate
Officer of their unanimous intent to sever a Contract, it
immediately becomes non-Enforcable.

Created by Proposal 514, Mar 27 1996

Rule 551/0 (Mutable)
Contracts, Preventing Abuse

(i) Fraud:

a) Whenever a Player is unable to satisfy the conditions
of an Enforcable Contract(s) because of a logically
contradictory obligation under an Enforcable Contract(s),
that Player is said to be guilty of Fraud.

b) Any Player guilty of Fraud shall be penalized in the
following manner:

1) A reduction in points of 10 from the Player's current
total, or to 200 points, whichever is less.

2) The suspension of the Player's right to vote for a
period of three days.

3) The suspension of the Player's right to agree to
involvement in Contracts for a period of one week.

4) All Contracts that the Player is involved in are made
public and then deemed non-Enforcable.

5) Automatic removal from the Office of File Clerk,
should the offending Player hold such Office.

(ii) Noncompliance:

a) Whenever a Player is under obligation to vote a certain
way by an Enforcable Contract(s), and fails to comply with
this obligation, the Player is guilty of Noncompliance.

b) Any Player guilty of Noncompliance shall be penalized in
the following manner:

1) A reduction in points of 10 from the Player's current
total, or to 200 points, whichever is less.

2) The destruction of 2 units of currency from the
Player's holdings.

c) If the result of a vote is to be altered as a consequence
of the enforcement of an Enforcable Contract(s), action
to affect this change must be initiated within 48 hours
of the vote or else the ability to affect the change is
void. This action must be accompanied by a valid request
for the pertinent Contract(s) to be made public.

Created by Proposal 551, Apr 7 1996

Rule 607/0 (Mutable)
File Clerk, Creation of:

(i) The Functional Office of File Clerk is hereby created.

(ii) There shall be one Seat for this Office.

(iii) The Duties are:

a) To serve as the Officer responsible for recieving
copies of all Contracts.

b) To keep a private record of all Enforcable Contracts.

c) To make an Enforcable Contract public upon the request
of one of the Players involved in that Contract.

d) To NOT disclose or make reference to any of the
specifics of any Enforcable Contract unless required
to by (iii)c of this Rule.

(iv) The Privileges are:

a) To receive the usual salary for a Functional Officer.

b) The right to demand receipt of a filing fee of .30 units
from each Player involved in an Enforcable Contract when
that Contract is submitted. This transaction shall be
accomplished in the proper fashion. If one or more
Players involved in the Contract cannot or will not
pay the fee, the Contract is deemed to be non-Enforcable.

(v) An Acting File Clerk has the right to demand payment of the
filing fee. This section takes precendence over all mutable

Created by Proposal 607, Apr 16 1996


Proposal 816 - Mon May 27 10:43:56 EDT 1996
Don't leave new players so far behind in A$
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 480 "Creation of the Ackadollar" from:

"The AckaDollar (A$) will be the official currency of Ackanomia.

Current players will receive A$100 ackadollars. New players will receive A$100 upon entering the game. AckaDollars cannot be traded, exchanged, given, destroyed or in any way acted upon except as regulated by other rules dealing with them."


"The AckaDollar (A$) will be the official currency of Ackanomia.

New players will receive A$900 from the treasury upon entering the game. AckaDollars cannot be traded, exchanged, given, destroyed or in any way acted upon except as regulated by other rules dealing with them."

[[When the financial reforms were enacted, all the players were given an extra A$800, but this rule would still give new players only A$100.]]

Proposal 817 - Mon May 27 10:44:14 EDT 1996
No thanks.
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Repeal rule 556, "So, you say you want a Revolution?"

[[I never really liked this rule, newer rules have essentially replaced its function, and it has the problem with the Insurgency Party thing. Here is its text:
" (i) Any three Players may issue a Call for Revolution by so indicating in a public message, provided that a Call for Revolution is not already in effect.

(ii) At the instant of the issuance of a Call for Revolution, the following occurs:

a) The Revolutionary Furor rating is set to zero.

b) The Revolution Goal is set to the number of Players in the game.

c) Anyone who is currently a Player is an Involved Player. No-one who becomes a Player during a Call for Revolution is Involved.

(iii) A Call for Revolution lasts for 4 days. During this time:

a) For each Involved Player who sends a message to the Tabulator supporting the Call for Revolution, the Revolutionary Furor increases by one, unless the Player is a Political Officer, in which case it is increased by 3 instead.

b) For each Involved Player who sends a message to the Tabulator indicating a willingness to give 5 units of currency to the cause, the Revolutionary Furor is increased by one. The currency is then deducted from the Player's account in the proper manner. If the Player has insufficient currency, his message is to be entirely disregarded.

c) For each Political Officer who sends a message to the Tabulator indicating a willingness to be a scapegoat, the Revolutionary Furor is decreased by 5.

d) The Tabulator will periodically inform all Players of all actions that resulted in an adjustment to the Revolutionary Furor, as well as the current Revolutionary Furor.

e) If the Revolutionary Furor ever exceeds or equals the Revolution Goal, a Revolution is deemed to have occured, and the Call for Revolution ends.

(iv) If a Revolution occurs, all Players holding a Political Office are removed from such Offices, leaving all Seats for Political Office vacant.

(v) At the end of a Call for Revolution that does not end in a Revolution, the following occurs:

a) Any Political Officer who indicated a willingess to be a scapegoat is removed from all Political Offices, and is not an eligible to hold any Political Office for a period of one week.

b) A Call for Revolution may not be issued for a period of one week.

c) The three Players who issued the Call for Revolution become members of the Insurgency Party, and must remain in this Party for at least one week. These Players may not belong to any other Party during this period.

d) Any Political Officer who supported the Call for Revolution becomes a member of the Insurgency Party, and must remain in this Party for at least one week. He may not belong to any other Party during this period.

(vi) Insurgency Party:

a) If, on the vote for a given Proposal, the number of members of the Insurgency Party who vote for the Proposal is greater than the number of members who vote against the Proposal, there shall be an extra vote cast AGAINST the Proposal.

b) If, on the vote for a given Proposal, the number of members of the Insurgency Party who vote against the Proposal is greater than the number of members who vote for the Proposal, there shall be an extra vote cast FOR the Proposal.

c) The Insurgency Party accepts all Players, and shall have no Charter, and no internal rules nor guidelines.

d) This section (vi) takes precedence over all mutable Rules."]]

Proposal 818 - Mon May 27 10:44:32 EDT 1996
Prosthetic Foreheads
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This rule creates a type of entity known as a Prosthetic Forehead. There is an endless supply and an endless variety of Prosthetic Foreheads. Prosthetic Foreheads are Protected.

Any player may buy a Prosthetic Forehead at any time by paying A$7 to the Treasury, and posting publicly that they are doing so, and declaring the type of Prosthetic Forehead he is buying in this public message. A player may own any number of Prosthetic Foreheads at any time. If a player has a Rock To Wind A String Around (if such an entity exists), she may give it to the treasury instead of paying the A$7 in the above procedure.

A player may wear a Prosthetic Forehead that they own, but e may wear only one Prosthetic Forehead at a time. A player must announce publicly whenever it starts or stops wearing a Prosthetic Forehead, and must also announce what type of Prosthetic Forehead is involved. After a player removes a Prosthetic Forehead, his real head is sore for 48 hours and she may not wear a Prosthetic Forehead during this time.

Proposal 819 - Mon May 27 12:13:05 EDT 1996
More Housecleaning
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Retracted by author

As rule 603 (Names are Unique) is wholly superceded by rule 703 ( ), rule 603 is hereby repealed.

Proposal 820 - Mon May 27 12:13:45 EDT 1996
Amending Rule 629
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 629 shall be ammended by replacing section (h) with the following:

(h) If the Report of the Convention is Accepted, then the changes recommended in the report shall be applied to the rules, up to and including replacing the entire rule set. The mutability or immutability of any rule shall not prevent these changes from being applied.

Old section (h):
>    (h) (1) If the Report of the Convention is Accepted, then the game shall
>            end, following all subsections to section (h) of this rule.
>        (2) A game of AckaNomic shall be created with a rule set which shall
>            be the same as the rule set to the game which has ended, with the
>            recommendations of the Report of the Convention made to the
>            rule set of the game thus created.  If the Report recommended
>            replacing the entire rule set, then the rule set recommended
>            shall be the rule set created by this subsection.  The game
>            created by this subsection may be referred to by this section as
>            the "new game".
>        (3) All players of the game which has ended shall automatically be
>            players in the new game.
>        (4) All players shall begin the new game with all points, items,
>            properties, and titles which were held in the game which has
>            ended, at the time that it ended.
>        (5) If, in the new game, a "score" exists, then each Delegate to the
>            Constitutional Convention in the game which has ended shall
>            receive have his score in the new game increased by twenty.
>            This subsection shall not have effect if it violates the rules
>            of the new game.

[[ Other sections of R629 not quoted, so as to save an enormous amount of bandwidth. ]]

Proposal 821 - Mon May 27 15:19:26 EDT 1996
More Housecleaning
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

As rule 603 (Names are Unique) is wholly superceded by rule 703 ( ), rule 603 is hereby repealed.

Text of Rule 603:

>Rule 603/0 (Mutable)
>Names are Unique
>fon (Adrian Smith)
>     A player may not change their name to that of another player.
>* Created by Proposal 603, Apr 16 1996

Proposal 822 - Tue May 28 10:50:58 EDT 1996
Revision Numbers, Defined
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

In addition to its effective ordinal number, each rule has a revision number. The revision number is equal to the number of times a rule has been changed. Rule numbers may be written as X/R; in any such construction, X is the effective ordinal number and R is the revision number.

Proposal 823 - Tue May 28 10:51:00 EDT 1996
The Brass Monkey
Techno (Jerome Herrman)
Decision: Accepted

There shall be an entity called the Brass Monkey, that has no function unless specified by another rule.

Proposal 824 - Tue May 28 10:51:17 EDT 1996
Consecutive Passages
Techno (Jerome Herrman)
Decision: Accepted

If 10 consecutive proposals pass, the Brass Monkey shall climb the tallest building in Acka Land and proclaim --
"The authors of the 10 consecutive proposals that passed shall be awarded 5 bonus points."
After this proclamation, the score keeper shall increment the appropriate scores by 5 points.

Proposal 825 - Tue May 28 10:51:38 EDT 1996
The Bronze Umbrella
Techno (Jerome Herrman)
Decision: Rejected

The player with the lowest score at the time this proposal passes, shall possess the Bronze Umbrella. This player shall possess the Bronze Umbrella until which time said player leaves the game or it is purchased. If said player leaves the game, possession of the Bronze Umbrella passes to the player with the lowest score at that time, and possession shall continue as described above.
In case of Acid Rain, any player may purchase the Bronze Umbrella from the player currently possessing it for A$25. The Bronze Umbrella can then be used to protect the Amber Banana Tree from the harmful effects of the Acid Rain. The Bronze Umbrella is only capable of protecting the Amber Banana Tree once. The Bronze Umbrella shall be rendered useless by the Acid Rain and will be discarded after being used.
The Bronze Umbrella is protected, and can only be destroyed by Acid Rain while protecting the Amber Banana Tree.

Proposal 826 - Tue May 28 10:51:56 EDT 1996
Acid Rain Dance
Techno (Jerome Herrman)
Decision: Accepted

Any player whose proposal number, when having its digits added together, equals exactly 28, may perform the Acid Rain Dance. The player performing the Acid Rain Dance shall post a public decription of the dance. Immediatly after the public description of the Acid Rain Dance, the Acid Rain shall fall, destroying the Amber Banana Tree owned by Techno, unless the Amber Banana Tree is protected by the Bronze Umbrella. If unprotected by the Bronze Umbrella, the Amber Banana Tree shall wither and die, and no longer exist.
Only the Amber Banana Tree can be destroyed by Acid Rain unless permitted by other rules.

Proposal 827 - Tue May 28 10:52:17 EDT 1996
The Amber Banana
Techno (Jerome Herrman)
Decision: Accepted

Any player whose proposal number, when having its digits added together, equals exactly 21 [ex. prop 777], shall have the right to purchase one Amber Banana from Techno's Amber Banana Tree. The price for one Amber Banana shall be A$10., payable to Techno. Upon purchase of the Amber Banana, the player my publicly announce that he is eating the Amber Banana as "cows eat grass". Upon eating the Amber Banana, said player shall inform Techno how he should vote on the proposal that earned the player the right to the Amber Banana in the first place. [in effect, purchasing one vote from Techno]
The Amber Banana, and the tree it grows on, are protected, and can only be destroyed by Acid Rain.

Proposal 828 - Wed May 29 08:54:47 EDT 1996
What's Flat?
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

The Earth is round, not flat.

If any other rule or proposal contradicts this fact, then it is made dormant. If any player publicly contradicts this fact, then they are sent to the Great Observatory Tower (which exists by this rule) to learn their astronomy better. They may not return until they send a public message saying:

"B'gosh! The earth _is_ round!"

Proposal 829 - Wed May 29 10:01:07 EDT 1996
Handling Paradox Wins
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 20:40 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by /dev/joe at Wed, 5 Jun 1996 00:43 CDT
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176 Decision: Accepted; awaiting CFJ appeal to see what to do about it

A new rule shall be created with the following text:
In the event that a win by paradox is declared, the following procedure shall be followed before the procedure called for by rule 666:

All proposals whose voting period has not expired shall be removed from consideration without modification of the score of any player.

All Calls for Judgement for which a verdict has not been returned shall be removed from consideration without modification of the score of any player.

Distribution of new proposals and new calls for judgement shall be suspended.

If a Constitutional Convention is already underway, then the player who won by paradox shall be made a Delegate, unless he already is one. It is permissable for there to be four Delegates instead of three in this case.

If no Constitutional Convention is in progress, then one shall automatically be called without any proposal or vote, and the player who won by paradox shall automatically be a Delegate; the two other Delegates shall be elected according to the procedure established by rule 629. No proposal to hold a Constitutional Convention may be made for the remainder of the current cycle.

If the Report of the Convention is rejected, a new Convention shall automatically be called according to the procedure established by this rule. A new Convention shall be called each time the Report of the previous Convention is rejected.

Once a Report of the Convention has been adopted, distribution of new proposals and calls for judgement shall be reinstated, and the procedure of rule 666 shall be executed.

Proposal 830 - Wed May 29 13:35:36 EDT 1996
No anonymity
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Retracted by author

When distributing a proposal, the promoter should include the name of the proposer. Anonymous proposals are invalid and may not be voted upon.

Proposal 831 - Wed May 29 13:35:59 EDT 1996
No Dead Politicos
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Retracted by author

If at any time a political officer has been on vacation for the past 7 days, he is considered to have resigned from that office and it shall be filled as the rules specify for filling that office when it is vacant.

Proposal 832 - Thu May 30 11:29:29 EDT 1996
Postmaster, Creation of
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

There shall be a functional office called the Postmaster, with one seat. The office of Postmaster shall be filled by a volunteer. If there is no volunteer, and at any time in which the office of Postmaster is vacant, there shall be no Acting Postmaster. This rule takes precedence over the rules "Offices, Commonalities" and "Functional Offices, Commonalities" with respect to Acting Officers.

The duty of the Postmaster shall be to create and maintain an official mailing list for Ackanomic, so public messages can be sent to one address and forwarded from there to all players and observers automatically.

All players, except those who are vacationing, must be subscribed to the official mailing list at all times. The official list may have multiple forms, such as a regular list and a digest list; a player need only subscribe to one form of the list. The official mailing list is considered to be a public forum. There may be other public forums. Any person subscribed to the official list who is not a player is considered to be an observer.

If a digest version of the official list exists, the Postmaster shall have the privilege of moving any player or observer from the normal list to the digest list if that person's e-mail is bouncing. [[This is to reduce the number of bounce messages the Postmaster has to deal with; I was going to put something stronger here but it was getting too complicated.]]

The Postmaster shall receive the usual salary for a Functional Office.

This is the first sentence of this paragraph. At the time this rule is first enacted, /dev/joe shall become the Postmaster. This takes precedence over rule 612. After this action is taken, this paragraph shall be stricken from this rule. This is the last sentence of this paragraph.

Proposal 833 - Thu May 30 16:23:32 EDT 1996
No anonymity
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Retracted by author

When distributing a proposal, the promoter must include the name of the proposer. Anonymous proposals are invalid and may not be voted upon.

Proposal 834 - Thu May 30 22:43:26 EDT 1996
Ride of the Rule Ripper
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

[[Because of all the material quoted, this is a very long proposal. Its purpose is to straighten out the various parts of the rule set dealing with Officers. It will cut a lot of redundant text from the rules. It will also make matters more straightforward when we have to fill offices.]]

1. The rule titled "Office of the Web-Harfer" [411/0] is amended to read:

"The Office of the Web-Harfer is a Functional Office. It is the Duty of the Web-Harfer to keep the information on the Ackanomic WWW page up-to-date. It is the responsibility of other players to make public any information that should be reflected in the WWW page."


Rule 411/0 (Mutable)
Office of the Web-Harfer

The office of the Web-Harfer is hereby created. The Web-Harfer will be chosen by the Speaker on a volunteer basis. In the case of multiple volunteers, the officer will be chosen using random selection. In the event that no volunteers come forth, the Speaker will hold the office of the Web-Harfer.

The Web-Harfer is in charge of keeping the information on the Ackanomic WWW page up to date. It is the responsibility of the other officers to send the information the Web-Harfer requires in order to update the WWW page.


2. The rule titled "The Office of the Tabulator" is amended to read:

"The Office of the Tabulator is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Tabulator are:

"(a) to count votes on each proposal.
"(b) to maintain the voting records of each player on each proposal.
"(c) to report the acceptance or rejection of each proposal."
Rule 414/1 (Mutable)
The Office of the Tabulator

Let there be an officer called the Tabulator. If there is no Tabulator, a Tabulator will be selected on a volunteer basis. In the case of multiple volunteers, the Speaker will choose a Tabulator by random selection. In the event that there is no Tabulator, the duties of the Tabulator shall be carried out by the Speaker.

The Tabulator is responsible for counting votes on each proposal, and reporting the results to the players. The Tabulator shall be responsible for maintaining the voting records for each player on each proposal. When the conditions are met so that a proposal can be decided on, the Tabulator will report the outcome and how each player voted to all players.


3. The rule titled "Office of Registrar" is amended to read:

"The Office of the Registrar is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Registrar are:

"(a) maintaining a list of all registered players and their Ackanomic names.
"(b) furnishing new players with any game information they need (current rules, the player list, etc.)
"(c) keeping track of all of the titles and offices the players hold, and who holds the Magic Potato."
Rule 424/1 (Mutable)
Office of Registrar
David Chapman

Let there be an officer called the Registrar. The Registrar is selected on a volunteer basis. In the case of multiple volunteers, the Speaker will choose by random selection. In the event of there being no volunteers for the office of the Registrar, the duties of the Registrar are to be carried out by the Speaker.

The Registrar shall be responsible for the following:
1. Maintaining a list of all registered players.
2. Adding new players to the game if they wish to join.
3. Furnishing new players with any game information they need (current rules, player list, etc)
4. Removing players from the game if they wish to quit.
5. Keeping track of all of the titles and offices the players hold (this includes keeping track of who is the Gnome Buddy and who has the Magic Potato)
6. Keeping track of the Ackanomic Names of the players.

The Registrar may have other duties as assigned by other rules.

4. The rule titled "Office of Scorekeeper is amended to read:

"The Office of the Scorekeeper is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Scorekeeper are:

"(a) maintaining a record of the players' current scores
"(b) recording each score change
"(c) detecting and announcing as soon as possible the event of a player winning the game by points."
Rule 425/1 (Mutable)
Office of Scorekeeper

Let there be an officer called the Scorekeeper. The Scorekeeper will be selected on a volunteer basis. In the case of multiple volunteers, the Speaker will choose by random selection. In the event of there being no volunteers for the office of Scorekeeper, the duties of the Scorekeeper are to be carried out by the Speaker.

The Scorekeeper shall be responsible for the following things:
1. Detecting and announcing as soon as possible when a player has won the game by points.
2. Keeping track of each player's score and recording it.
3. Keeping track of all score changes and recording them.
4. Determining who is the Gnome Buddy and announcing this whenever the title is transferred.

The Scorekeeper may have additional duties assigned by other rules.

5. The rule titled "Office of the Publicist" [426/0] is repealed.

Rule 426/0 (Mutable)
Office of the Publicist

Let there be an officer called the Publicist. The Publicist is selected on a volunteer basis. In the case of multiple volunteers, the Speaker will choose by random selection. In the event of there being no volunteers for the office of the Publicist, the duties of the Publicist are to be carried out by the Speaker.

The Publicist shall be responsible for the following:
1. Advertising the game of Ackanomic.
2. Attempting to find new players for Ackanomic.
3. Directing new players to the Ackanomic web page, and to whoever is in charge of signing up new players.

The Publicist may have other duties as assigned by other rules.

6. The Rule entited "Creation of a Senate" [478/0] shall be amended to read:

"The Senate is an Office with four Seats, filled by Election for Office. The Speaker or Acting Speaker has the title of ProConsul and will be the head of the Senate. Only when a Senate vote is tied, the ProConsul will cast his vote to determine the outcome."

Rule 478/0 (Mutable)
Creation of a Senate

A new entity will be created called the Senate. Members of the Senate will be called Senators. Senators are still players. The Speaker (or acting) will also have the title of ProConsul and will be the head of the Senate. Only when a Senate vote is tied, the ProConsul will cast his vote to decide on the outcome.

There will be four Senators. The Senate will only be be in session (exist) when the number of players in Ackanomic is greater or equal to 10.

When there is an empty seat in the Senate, elections will be held for that position. All players can vote for anyone they so desire to fill the seat, except for someone that is already a Senator or Speaker. The votes are to be sent to the Tabulator, who will report the outcome. The player with the most votes will be elected Senator. In case of a tie, the ProConsul will randomly choose one of the tied candidates.

A Senator will keep his/her seat until voted out or he/she resigns. A Senator can be voted out of office by two thirds of the votes of the Players.

7. The rule titled "Office of Clerk of the Court" [489/0] shall be amended to read:

"The Office of the Clerk of the Court is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Clerk of the Court are:

"(a) receiving a request for judgement on a statement and making it an official Call for Judgement (hereafter referred to as CFJ), in accordance with the rules.
"(b) selecting judges for CFJs in accordance with the rules.
"(c) reporting the results of CFJs publicly, and making certain that the Web-Harfer has up-to-date information concerning CFJs.
"(d) any administration of CFJs as defined by the rules."
"(e) the Duties of the Speaker when there is no Speaker or the Speaker is on vacation."
Rule 489/0 (Mutable)
Office of Clerk of the Court

Let there be an officer called the Clerk of the Court (hereafter referred to as CotC). The CotC is selected according to any applicable rules for selecting an officer. In the absence of such rules, the CotC is selected in the following manner:

The Speaker will request volunteers for the position. In the case of multiple volunteers, the Speaker will choose by random selection. In the event of there being no volunteers for the office of the CotC, the duties of the CotC are to be carried out by the Speaker.

The CotC shall be responsible for the following:
1. Receiving any "question or complaint about any matter concerning the laws and their interpretation" and making it an official Call for Judgement (hereafter referred to as CFJ), in accordance with all applicable rules.
2. Selecting judges for CFJs according to the applicable rules.
3. Reporting the results of CFJs to all players, and making certain that the Web-Harfer has up-to-date information concerning CFJs.
4. Any administration of CFJs as defined by the rules.

The CotC may have other duties as assigned by other rules.

8. The rule titled "The President of Ackanomia" [504/0] shall be amended to read:

Rule 504/0 (Mutable)
The President of Ackanomia

A new position will be created called the President of Ackanomia.

The President will be elected by all players for a period of 8 weeks. A president may re-run for office as many times as desired. The winner is the person with the most votes after 3 days of voting. A quorum is not required. If there is a tie, the vote is to be retaken in the same manner until the deadlock is resolved. Other candidates may join in, current may drop out every time the election is restarted.

Candidates for the position must either be the official leader of their political party (if such things exist) by whatever method is used in that party, or a non-aligned candidate officially supported by at least two other non-aligned players. If a party has no official leader, they are considered to independent. If no party leader of a party, or more than one, is registered with the Speaker, then all members of that party will be considered non-aligned.

The President can resign from his/her position.

9. The rule titled "Offices, Starting List of" is transmuted to Mutable.

[[ After this proposal passes, we won't need it.

Rule 608/1 (Immutable)
Offices, Starting List of

(i) Offices:
Each of the following Ackanomic entities, if it exists, is considered to be an Office: President, Senator, Justice, Financier, Promoter, Clerk of the Court, Publicist, Tabulator, Web-Harfer, Registrar, Pollster, Scorekeeper. Other entities may be Offices if so specified by the Rules.

(ii) Functional Offices:
Each of the following Ackanomic entities, if it exists, is considered to be a Functional Office: Promoter, Clerk of the Court, Publicist, Tabulator, Web-Harfer, Registrar, Pollster, Scorekeeper. Other entities may be Functional Offices if so specified by the Rules.

10. The Rule titled "Functional Offices, Commonalities" will be amended by replacing section (vi) with the following:

"(vi) Whenever a Functional Office has a vacant Seat, the Appointer shall conduct a Nomination for that Seat. After the Nomination, the Appointer shall select an eligible Nominee and announce that Nominee's name publicly. That Nominee shall hold the Functional Office."

[[ This removes the silly Senate confirmation step.

Rule 612/0 (Mutable)
Functional Offices, Commonalities

(vi) Whenever a Functional Office has a vacant Seat, the Appointer shall conduct a Nomination for that Seat. After the Nomination, the following process is followed:
a) If at any time there is only one eligible Nominee, then that Player will hold the Functional Office.
b) The Appointer will select an eligible Nominee, now called the "Candidate", to fill the Office. The Appointer will notify each Senator of his selection for Candidate.
c) When at least 1/2 of Senators confirm the Candidate by so indicating to the Appointer, or whenever 48 hours have passed since the notification to the Senate, the Candidate shall hold the Office.
d) Whenever more than 1/2 of the Senators reject the Candidate by so indicating to the Appointer, the Candidate is no longer considered to be an eligible Nominee. The process returns to section(vi), clause "a" of this Rule.

Created by Proposal 612, Apr 16 1996

Proposal 835 - Sat Jun 01 10:57:53 EDT 1996
Land Ho!
SnafuMoose (Stephen Roberts)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Retracted by author

a: Let there be a miscellaneous entity known as Land. The basic unit of land is known as the Acre.

b: This rule creates 10000 Acres of Land on Ackanomia Prime.

c: Land can never be created or destroyed by any rule, section or rule, invention, judgement, or any other method or custom.

c.1: At no time can there ever be more or less than 10000 Acres of Land.

d: Land not controlled by anyone is considered part of the Common Land pool and is controlled by the Senate.

d.1: if there is no entity known as the Senate, then the Common Land pool shall be controlled by the Speaker.

d.2: Land must be controlled by someone or something. Land can never be uncontrolled or unowned.

e: Land can be traded, given away, sold or otherwise transferred between players and other Ackanomic entities. Its value is determined by the players/entities doing the trading. Land trading is regulated by other rules. All Land transactions must be carried out in accordance to those rules.

e.1: In the absence of other rules concerning the trading and acquisition of land, all such trades must be publically announced and take effect immediately upon announcement. [This section shall automatically be erased when there exists specific rules concerning trading and acquisition of land].

f: Until such a time as an entity is created specifically for the purpose, the scorekeeper shall keep track of all land transactions as well as the total amount of Land that each player controls. [This section shall automatically be erased when the above mentioned entity comes into existence] [[This is included merely as a starting point until we create the proposal for the Realtor]]

g: At the moment that this proposal is ratified, 70% of the land (rounded down) shall be divided up between all the active players such that all receive equal amounts of land in increments of one Acre.

g.1: Land not assigned to a player goes to the Common Land pool.

h: Players brought into the game after the passage of this proposal do not automatically receive land and instead must acquire it by transactions as governed elsewhere.

i: If a player leaves the game eir land automatically goes to the common land. If e later returns, e does not get eir previously held land back unless there are other rules that would grant em eir land back.

...Once Land gets established, its value should increase, since there is so little of it. A later proposal should create a Realtor to track land ownership.

...I also want to create some way of players generating some kind of income from land and correspondingly some way for the Senate to tax it... This also requires stability in A$, meaning that A$ shouldn't just be arbitrarily created/destroyed as they are now.

...I also purposefully left the limitation on creating new land in. If we want to expand and create more land later, we will have to change this rule, but that is a good thing in that it will force us to make sure we want to do it! (no land inflation allowed)

Proposal 836 - Sat Jun 01 10:58:16 EDT 1996
Preserve Delightful Idiosyncrasies
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Accepted

Repeal rule 692.


Rule 692/1 (Mutable)
Hungry, silly, and poisonous
Malenkai (Randy Hall)

Should the Gnome Buddy ever come to hold the Magic Potato, the Voting Gnome will immediately become uncontrollably hungry and eat the Magic Potato, thereby destroying it and removing it from the game.

[As Magic Potatoes are poisonous to Gnomes,] this action by the Voting Gnome will immediately kill it, thereby removing the Voting Gnome from the game as well.

If, however, the Voting Gnome had legally chewed a Gumball on the thursday before the day the Gnome Buddy received the Magic Potato, the hunger described above will not have occurred, its effects will not have occurred, and will not occur as long as the Gnome Buddy continiously holds the Magic Potato.

Created by Proposal 692, May 10 1996
Renumbered by Rule 794, May 26 1996


Proposal 837 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
Undefined Link Error
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Rejected

If any entity or artefact is used or mentioned in a rule without being defined in the rule set (including that rule) or as a blueprint, then that rule is made dormant.

Proposal 838 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
Where's the real wealth?
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Rejected

A land unit is a kaa (pl: kii). Kii are manipulated in whole numbers, without fractions.

Ackanomic shall consist of 1000 rural kii and 200 urban kii. Only urban lands may be built upon.
There will exist 1 extra urban kii per player in the game. This number will vary as player join or exit the game.

There is a central plaza or square in the center of Ackanomic which has size 16 kii on which nothing may be built. It is neither urban nor rural. This is where players meet to discuss and vote on proposals and such.

Land may not be sold or otherwise exchanged except as defined in the rules.

Proposal 839 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Accepted

A building is an entity in Ackanomic which can be of six sizes:
small (1 land unit)
cosy (2 land units)
classy (4 land units)
lavish (6 land units)
sumptuous (9 land units)
extravagant (12 land units)
All existing or new player shall be granted 1 kaa of urban land and a building of small size as legal residence (on the 1 urban kaa) when they join or this rule passes. All player should give a name to their residence. It is called "<player's name>'s house" until they do.

The Senate is sumptuous. Ackanomic Afterlife is classy. The FM is a lavish place. These building may never be smaller that as defined originally but can be greater. All other land, with or without buildings on them, that are not defined in the rules or owned by players will be called common lands and under the control of the Financier. All deals to sell or buy common land must be done with the approval of at least two senators.

The size of the buildings cannot be changed except as allowed by the rules.

Proposal 840 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
The Library
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Accepted

The Library is hereby defined as a classy building where a copy of all legal documents are kept. The historian (or by default the speaker) is in charge of the Library. It may not be destroyed or reduced in size to less than what it is originally (classy). It has the same status as that of the Senate.

Proposal 841 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
Political Parties RULE!
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Rejected

Each political party may have only one financial account in which currencies and all matters dealt by the FM are kept. The account will be treated as if it was a player's, under the control of the guardian, as defined below.

A political parties will gain A$20 for every proposal one of their member makes which passes. That money is put into the political party's account.

The party boss is the guardian of the account. If there is no party boss, then the party members must nominate one of their own as the guardian of the account. If the guardian of the account is no longer in the party, the money remains in the party, and a new guardian must be chosen by party members. If the party dissolves, then the money is not shared between all members, but claimed by the Legislature and returned to the treasury.

The guardian is the sole person responsible for the upkeep and official handling of the political party's account.

Proposal 842 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
The Kee
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Rejected

The Kee will be in charge of accounting for all kii, should such a thing exist. If not, no Kee position will exist.

The Kee must keep track of who owns what lands, what amount (in whole kii), what's built and what size, as well as anything else that is of interest according to the rules. The Kee has a work residence in the Senate building (1st floor, 2nd door on the right).

Proposal 843 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Rejected

Land may be sold or bought in FM. To buy land (common or private), both parties to the transaction must send a contract of that effect to the Financier for it to take place and in accord with all regulations for an FM transaction.

When selling common lands, the Financier will never sell it at a price greater than the highest one of the last three prices used (in cost per kaa) in its category (urban or rural), nor be lower than A$10 per kaa for rural, or A$20 per kaa for urban land.

If buildings are on the land, then the Financier should take that into account when buying and selling.

Proposal 844 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
Crashin' and Buildin'
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Rejected

The building on a land may be destroyed to make it empty by the owner sending a public warning to that effect in the public forum and it is acknowledged by the Kee. The fee for destruction will be A$5 per kaa of building destroyed, deducted from the owner's account.

A new building may be built by a player if she has enough urban lands for it. The building is created when she posts a message to the public forum to that effect, it is acknowledged by the Kee, and the construction fee of A$100 per kaa is deducted from her account.

Likewise, any current building can be "upgraded" by paying the cost of the bigger addition to the building without first destroying the smaller one. And "downgraded" by simply destroying as many squares as it takes to make it the size required.

Proposal 845 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
Official Buildings
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Rejected

When creating an organization, a building must be allocated to it for it to be an official organization. The official residence of an organization must be publicly declared by the member of that organization which is the owner of the building. If an organization is without official residence for more than 5 days, that organization will no longer exist.

The Senators, the Supreme Court and the President of Ackanomic have a legal residence in the Senate building. The members of the OotF have legal residence in the FM building. The Senate, Ackanomic Afterlife and FM are public buildings owned as part of the Treasury but can never be sold or destroyed.

A political party will be considered as an organization for the purposes of this rule.

Proposal 846 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
Lifestyle is expensive
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Rejected

Every first of the month, each player will earn A$1 for every kaa of rural land she owns. However, every player will also have to pay A$5 for every urban kaa she owns. This money will be paid to the Treasury through the Financier (to be deducted automatically).

Proposal 847 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
No Residence, No Public Life
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Rejected

In order to hold any kind of office (senator, president, justice, financier) the person must own a building as their residence. Any building a player owns may be declared their residence so long as they own it or another player takes them in officially.

Proposal 848 - Sat Jun 01 11:16:21 EDT 1996
State Growth
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Made into a resolution by The Great Old One at 18:42 EDT Sat Jun 01 1996
Made not a resolution by snowgod at 01:50 -0800 Sun Jun 02 1996
These actions made irrelevant by CFJ 176
Decision: Rejected

The Senate may ask the Financier to appropriate a specific amount of lands, either rural or urban. The Financier will then take the lowest public offer announced by a player, ignoring those that exceed A$200 per kaa. This will become common lands as per the normal rules of the FM which apply.

The Senate may build and destroy buildings on the urban common lands it has as it sees fit at no charge. This includes upgrades or downgrades. The Kee should be notified for the change to be effective.

Common lands, whether with buildings or not, can be sold at any time.

Proposal 849 - Sun Jun 02 02:12:35 EDT 1996
'Fixing a loophole the size of Montana'
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 663 'Resolutions' by changing the first sentence to
"A proposal may state that it is a resolution."

I'd heard someone mention that there was a loophole in this rule, but I didn't look at it before. Now The Great Old One has gone off and exploited it. The rule says:

"A player may declare that a proposal is a resolution. A resolution may not change, add, or delete any rules. If a resolution is adopted, the effect described in the resolution shall occur, and the resolution shall not be added to the rule set."

Proposal 850 - Sun Jun 02 02:13:09 EDT 1996
Commending Robert Sevin
this is not a name (Mike Epstein)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Resolution.

Ackanomia wishes to commend former Speaker Robert Sevin for his distinguished service to the land. The day after this Resolution passes, a ceremonial parade will be held in his honor.