Proposal 1101 - Fri Aug 09 14:50:04 EDT 1996
I Returned a Bag of Groceries Accidentally Taken Off the Shelf Before the Expiration Date
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted
Amend Rule 570 by changing "new player" to "new or returning player" each time it appears in the paragraph which begins with "A new player".

Proposal 1102 - Fri Aug 09 17:42:21 EDT 1996
fixing 1014
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

If R729 exists then append the following text to the end of R1014
"This rule takes precedence over any rule which contains either of the words 'witch', 'round', or 'flat'. "

If R729 does not exist then repeal R1014

Proposal 1103 - Fri Aug 09 17:42:35 EDT 1996
Amend R720
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

A proposal to ammend R720
The following text shall replace R720 Institutions in its entirety:
" 1.There exists a class of entities called Institutions. Singular- Institution.
Institutions may only be established according to the rules.
Institutions may be abolished according to the rules.
The rights, privileges, duties and roles of Institutions will be defined by the rules.
If there is no rule that defines the authority, rights, privileges, duties, or roles, for a given Institution, then that institution has no authority, rights, privileges, duties, or roles, respectively.

An Institution is defined as a Political Office with more than one seat.

2. This section defers to rules governing decision making in Institutions. An Institution supports an action when a simple majority of its members support the action. An Institution opposes an action when a simple majority of its members opposes an action. If the members of an Institution are tied in respect to a specific action, and there is no provision for breaking ties in that Institution, then that instiution neither supports, nor opposes that action."

Proposal 1104 - Fri Aug 09 17:48:37 EDT 1996
Repeal the Gnome
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected?

Rule 355 shall be repealed.

Proposal 1105 - Sat Aug 10 01:43:36 EDT 1996
Song of the Jailbird
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: retracted by author

A player who has been sentenced to the Gaol must sing at least three stanzas of a sad little Gaol Song before going to Gaol. The lyrics to this song must be posted to the public forum, so that all players can feel the pain of the convicted criminal.

This song may be sung at any time during the grace period of the convicted criminal, but doing so during the hour imediatly before the player is to be placed in the Gaol is prefered.

A player may, if it is allowed by the gaoler, sing additional stanzas to a sad little Gaol Song while in Gaol, but is not required to.

If a player does not sing (and post lyrics) to at least three stanzas of a sad little Gaol Song before entering the Gaol his sentence shall be increased by two days.

No player may sing a song which has been previously sung by another player.

Proposal 1106 - Sat Aug 10 01:46:16 EDT 1996
The Law of Party Gravity
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

a proposal to create a rule entitled "The Law of Party Gravity" which contains the following text:
a.There are four levels of Swingers, named Primo, Secondo, Tertio, and Populi.
b. Primo is the highest, Secondo is one level below Primo, Tertio is two levels below Primo and Populi is three levels below Primo.
c. The levels Primo, Secondo and Tertio can be occupied by no more than one Swinger. The Populi level can be occupied by any number of Swingers.

2. a. Whenever Weight is recalculated, and there are no ties, Swingers are reassigned to levels. The Swinger with the highest Weight is assigned to Primo, the Swinger with the second highest weight is assigned to Secondo, the Swinger with the third highest weight is assigned to Tertio, the rest of the Swingers are assigned to Populi
b. If there is a tie between two or more Swingers, neither one of the Swingers involved in the tie is reassigned, and the Tie-Fighter section of this rule is invoked.
c. Whenever a Swinger is reassigned to a higher level than the level e currently occupies, e is said to have moved up, by 1,2, or 3 levels, depending upon the difference between eir source and destination levels. Similarly, whenever a Swinger is reassigned to a lower level, e is said to move down 1,2 or 3 levels,

3. SwingVotes
a. When ever the Round Count is incremented to a number that, when divided by RoundFreq, results in an integer, SwingVotes are distributed according to the following scheme
(i) Primo receives 3 SwingVotes
(ii) Secondo receives 2 SwingVotes
(iii) Tertio receives 1 SwingVotes
b. SwingVotes may only be created of destroyed as described in this rule.

c. Whenever a Swinger moves up one or more levels, e recieves one SwingVote for every level e moves. Whenever a Swinger moves down one or more levels, e loses one SwingVotes for every level e moves down, or if e does not have this many SwingVotes, e loses all SwingVotes e owns

d. SwingVotes may be sold, traded, or given away. Parties may regulate the way in which the SwingVotes owned by their Swinger are sold, traded or given away.
e. The NAP Swinger may only sell, trade, or give away SwingVotes to non-aligned players.
f.(i) A player who owns a SwingVote may cast it for or against a proposal, in addition to any other vote they may cast according to other rules. a SwingVote can only be used once. After a SwingVote has been counted it is destroyed
(ii). For any single proposal, a given player may cast at most one SwingVote
(iii). For any single proposal, a given party may cast at most two SwingVotes.
(iv). The total number of SwingVotes used by non-aligned players is limited only by section 3.f.(ii) of this rule, and is not limited by section 3.f(iii) of this rule
(v) This rule takes precedence over R390
(vi) If more than two SwingVotes are cast by a single party on a given proposal, then only the first two are counted. The SwingVotes which have been cast but not counted, are destroyed, as if they have been used.

4.RoundFreq can only be changed in one of the following ways:
a. When a proposal to change RoundFreq is accepted.
b. Exactly one week after at least a third of all Institutions currently in session agree
on a change. If , during that week, at least 50% of the Institutions in session decide against the change, the change does not take place.
5. Tie-Fighter
As long as a Tie-Fighter condition exists, the following things happen:
a. SwingVotes are not counted. However, any SwingVotes cast on proposals whose voting period during the Tie-Fighter are destroyed
b. Any player who receives points for eir proposal being accepted, or for voting against an accepted proposal, or for voting for a rejected proposal receives a bonus, which depends on the Swinger e is associated with
Players associated with Primo receive a 5 point bonus.
Players associated with Secondo receive a 3 point bonus.
Players associated with Tertio receive a 2 point bonus.
c. Plaers who are party members are associated with the Swinger who of eir party. Non aligned players are associated with the NAP Swinger

6. It is the duty of the Tabulator to keep track of all aspects of SwingVotes.

Proposal 1107 - Sat Aug 10 01:46:32 EDT 1996
ammend R990
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

Add to section 3, the following text, right after subsection F:
" G.When a PartyChessPieceDef rule is repealed, all PartyChessPieces defined by that rule are immediately destroyed. PartyChessPieces defined by rules which depend on the repealed rule, immediately become off-board pieces. They do not change ownership. and they are not destroyed.
H.A PartyChessPieceDef rule can depend on other PartyChessPieceDef rule, by defining the moves in terms of a PartyChessPiece defined by another rule. A rule is not a PartyChessPieceDef rule if it defines the behavior of a PartyChessPiece in terms of a non-existent PartyChessPiece.

[[As the rule stands now, with Thinman's ammendments, if a PCPD is repealed, we suddenly get all those pieces on the board with undefined behavior. At best, nothing at all can be done with them, and they just sit there, until the Swinger surrenders, or someone captures them. At worst, they screw up the game completely.
Repealing such a rule a game tactic, is not very likely to succeed, becaue the Party, or Parties who will be most affected by this will vote against it. It will probably take at least two Parties to affect something like this. Subsection H is also necessary - read the proposal to define the Queen. It would a legitimate rule, as long as both Bishop and Rook are defined. Some would argue :" better rewrite Queen then", but the purpose of subsection H, is to provide for similarly written rules in the future, and not just for this isolated case.

Proposal 1108 - Sat Aug 10 01:46:59 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule entitled "Locations", reading:,

{{[Final final version of Locations. This version intergrates buildings and makes the Gaol and Hotels buildings as well as locations. I also tweaked some of the criminal justice stuff while I was there, and added /dev/joe's suggestion of closing the appeal CFCJ loophole. I actually liked that loophole, it seemed a little warped, but I made up my mind that if anyone pointed it out to me, I would fix it]}}

{{0) All instances of the Wilds of Ackanomia are hereby destroyed, except the one created and defined by this rule.}}

1) A Rule that defines an entity or class of entity may specify that the entity is a Location. Unless otherwise specified, a Location may contain any number of players. Instances of Locations are entities, and are unique, unless otherwise specified. A Location may only have properties, or be given properties, as specified by the Rules.

2) A player must be in exactly one Location at any one time. A player may only leave, or be removed from, a Location as specified by the Rules. A player may only enter, or be placed in, a Location as specified by the Rules. Locations are unowned unless conditions for ownership, as specified by the Rules, have been met and are maintained.

3) If a Rule specifies that a player enters a Location, they leave their current Location, unless there is some other restriction which would prevent them from leaving the current Location [e.g. Gaol]. In this case they actually do not enter the destination Location; they remain where they are. This section has precedence over any mutable rule which specifies that a player be moved to another location.

4) A Location may be specified as a Common Location. Players may leave and enter such Locations freely, provided they meet any specific conditions that may be defined for the Common Location.

5) If a player leaves or is removed from, any Location, and it is unspecified to which Location that they go, they go to their Home, if it exists.

6) Wilds of Ackanomia

6a) Let the Common Location known as the Wilds of Ackanomia exist. If a player leaves any Location, and it is otherwise unclear or undefined which Location they go to, or the specified destination does not exist, or they cannot go to their Home, they go to the Wilds of Ackanomia.

6b) If it is ever otherwise unclear for any reason what Location a player should go to [e.g., an old player rejoining the game], they go to the Wilds of Ackanomia.

7) Any player rejoining the game goes to the Location they were in when they left the game. Any player joining the game for the first time goes to their Home.

{{8) All players who are not currently in the Gaol or a Hotel are moved to their Home. This clause takes precedence over all other mutable rules.}}


Amend R 709, "Gaol", to make the following changes:

1) replace the first paragraph, which currently reads:

"This rule shall create an Ackanomic entity known as the Gaol. The Gaol is unlimited in capacity; it may hold 0 or more players simultaneously."


"The Location known as the Gaol is hereby created. It is a cramped building. A player may not leave the Gaol except by the application of a Rule which explicitly defines a procedure or condition for the player to be released or removed from the Gaol."

2) Replace section 6, to replace the sentence which reads:

"A player in the Gaol may return from Vacation, or alter their "vacation period""

with: "A player in the Gaol may return from Vacation"

3) Add the following text at the end of the rule:

"A player is released from the Gaol if and when their sentence expires. Other rules may specify other conditions under which a player is released.

This rule has precedence over any other mutable rule which conflicts in whole or in part, with any of its provisions."


Amend R 710, "Criminal Justice", to read in full:

This rule defines the Call for Criminal Judgement (CFCJ) procedure. Except as detailed in this rule, it shall be like the Call for Judgement in all ways, including how it is submitted, how judges are selected, how it is appealed, etc. Any changes to the CFJ procedure will automatically be "inherited" by the CFCJ procedure when they do not contradict the exceptions detailed in this rule.

1) A "court fee" of 20 units of currency will be paid by the player making the CFCJ, to the Treasury.

2) A CFCJ will be clearly labelled as such, to distinguish it from an ordinary CFJ.

3) Its "statement" shall be "X has broken the Rules", where X is replaced with the name of a registered player.

4) Its "reasoning" section shall show how Player X broke the Rules.

5) It shall include a "suggested penalty" section, which is a recommended penalty to be imposed on Player X, should a verdict of TRUE be reached. More than one class of penalty may be recommended. The valid classes of penalties are:
a) a DEDUCTION of 0 or more points from Player X's score.
b) a FINE of 1 or more units of currency payable by Player X to the Treasury.
c) a SENTENCE in the Gaol of 1 or more days for Player X.
d) the TRANSFERENCE of one or more artifacts, gadgets, or units of currency in the possession of Player X to the initiator of the CFCJ.
e) the EXPULSION of Player X from the game.

6) Upon a verdict of FALSE on the CFCJ, no penalty shall be imposed upon Player X.

7a) Upon a verdict of TRUE, the judge may retain or alter the recommended penalty. The result will become the actual penalty. This will be imposed following a 3 day "grace period". This takes precedence over all other mutable rules which establish or dis-establish a grace period.

7b) If the penalty was a SENTENCE in the Gaol, player X shall be moved from their current Location to the Gaol at the end of the grace period, at which time their sentence will start. If, however, player X was already in the Gaol at the end of the grace period, the sentence they are currently serving shall be increased by the length of the new sentence.

7c) If the penalty specifies a TRANSFERENCE of any entity which it is not permissable to transfer, that part of the penalty shall be void, but such shall not necessarily void other parts of the penalty.

8a) All other verdicts shall work as they would for a CFJ. Any verdict may be appealed as with a CFJ.

8b) If a TRUE verdict is not upheld on an appeal, any penalties, except SENTENCE, are reversed, effective the time of the appeal verdict. The amount of any penalty of SENTENCE is subtracted from player X's current sentence (if any, assume 0 if none), and the player is released from Gaol if their resultant sentence is non-positive.


Amend R 712, "Gaoler", to read in full:

(i) The Office of Gaoler is hereby created.

(ii) There shall be one seat for this office. This seat is filled by election.

(iii) The duties are
a) To maintain a list of all players currently in the Gaol, and their remaining sentence.
b) To publically post a description of the cell of any player in the Gaol.

(iv) The Privileges are:
a) To be able to accept bribes of currency from a player in the Gaol, by publically announcing that they are doing so, providing said player has agreed to the bribe.
b) To release a player from the Gaol before their sentence is up, by publically announcing that they are doing so.

Upon announcing a bribe, the currency is transferred from the player making the bribe to the Gaoler, if and only if the player has sufficient currency. This clause takes precedence over any other mutable rule regulating currency transfers.

The Gaoler is not obligated to release a player from which they have received a bribe.


Amend R 729, "Ackanomic Middle Ages", to replace the paragraph which currently reads:

"If the witch has been burned, e shall enter the Ackanomic afterlife, should such a place exist. E shall be excommunicated from the Ackanomic Catholic Church, should such an organisation exist. And e shall lose 10 points."


"If the witch has been burned, e shall enter the Ackanomic Afterlife, and shall lose 10 points."


Amend R 767, "Nothing Important", to read in full:

The Location known as the Ackanomic Afterlife hereby exists.

It is a luxurious palace near the Senate building. The palace is a classy building. This palace magically heals all burns of players here, and the ashes of players have been known to spontaneously "decombust" back into the player when put there.

A player may leave this palace whenever he or she wants, by publically announcing that they are doing so.


Amend Rule 839, "Buildings", to read in full:

{{[I've shrunk the size of a couple of these buildings to make it easier on the Map-Harfer, because I've added a couple, the Gaol (in R 709 rewrite) and Courthouse. I've also moved the afterlife to Nothing Important."]}}

{{All instances of the Courthouse are hereby destroyed, except the one created and defined by this rule.}}

A building is a class of entity in Ackanomic which can be of six sizes:

small (aka cramped or puny) (1 land unit)
cosy (2 land units)
classy (4 land units)
lavish (6 land units)
sumptuous (9 land units)
extravagant (12 land units)
Each player who has not previously been granted land by application of this rule shall be granted 1 kaa of urban land and a building of small size as their legal residence. All players should give a name to their residence. It is called "<player's name>'s house" until they do, and is also known as their "Home".

Each instance of a player Home is a Common Location, with the restriction that no player may enter a Home they don't own without permission of the owner.

The Senate Building is lavish. The FM building is a classy place. The Courthouse is a cosy building. These buildings may never be smaller that as defined originally but can be greater. All of these buildings are Common Locations.

All other land, with or without buildings on them, that are not defined in the rules or owned by players will be called common lands and under the control of the Financier. All deals to sell or buy common land must be done with the approval of at least two senators.

The size of the buildings cannot be changed except as allowed by the rules.


Amend Rule 840, "The Library" to read in full:

The Library is a classy building where a copy of all legal documents are kept. It is a Common Location. The Historian (or by default the Speaker) is in charge of the Library. It may not be destroyed or reduced in size to less than what it is originally (classy).


Amend Rule 894, "Map" to insert the following paragraph before the paragraph which is currently the last one in the rule:

"The officer in charge of the Map should add, change, or remove buildings and other Locations as the Rules specifying these are enacted, amended, or repealed."


Amend Rule 1018, "Hotels", to read in full:

A class of Locations called the Hotel (plural Hotels) is hereby created. Each particular Hotel may only be created by the passage of a Rule. If the Rule that creates a particular Hotel ceases to exist, that Hotel vanishes in a cloud of dust. The Rule that creates a Hotel should specify the size building it is. If it does not, it is puny by default.

Any Player may stay in a Hotel upon announcing it to the public forum and paying the hotel's fee. If the fee for a particular Hotel is not defined elsewhere in the rules, it is 10 units of the official currency per 24-hour period or fraction thereof. The fee for staying in a Hotel is paid to the owner of the Hotel, unless otherwise specified. If a Hotel has no other owner, its owner is considered to be the Treasury. If the owner of a Hotel is a Player, that Player may set the fee for that Hotel, but any increase in a Hotel's fee will not apply to any Player staying in that Hotel at the time of the fee increase. If the owner of a Hotel ceases to be a Player, ownership of that Hotel reverts to the Treasury. A Hotel is considered to be an asset [and therefore can be bought and sold on the Free Market].

A Player staying in a Hotel is considered a Guest of that Hotel. A Player may stay in a Hotel for any length of time as long as e has enough currency to pay for the privilege.

If a Guest goes on Vacation, e will remain in the Hotel as long as e has enough currency to pay for the privilege, provided that no other rule requires the Player to leave the Hotel.

A Guest will not leave the Hotel until either e posts to the public forum that e is leaving, e runs out of money to pay for the stay, the Hotel ceases to exist, or e is required to leave the Hotel by any applicable Rule. The owner of a Hotel does not have the ability to make a Guest leave that Hotel unless otherwise specified by another applicable Rule.

Players who are staying in Hotels and owners of Hotels may have other privileges, duties or special characteristics as specified by another applicable Rule.

This rule defers to any rule requiring that a player enter a Location other than a Hotel. A Player staying in a Hotel who is required by any rule to enter another Location automatically leaves the Hotel.

{{[this last sentence is redundant with Locations, but I left it for clarity]}}

Proposal 1109 - Sat Aug 10 01:49:54 EDT 1996
Brinjal (Simon Clarke)
Decision: Accepted

[Some proposals merely tidy existing rules, or perform some mundane purpose for which other players might be reluctant to award 9 points. To assuage such scruples of the voters, I therefore propose the following new rule, which would allow players to acknowledge the modest aims of such proposals, and claim less points than would otherwise be awarded.]

Create a new rule as follows:


A proposal is considered to be Modest if and only if the author of the proposal prefaces the proposal with the words "This is a Modest proposal".
Whenever a Modest Proposal is adopted, the number of points scored by its author as a direct result of authoring an adopted proposal shall be half the number of points they would otherwise have scored (rounded down).
This rule take precedence over whatever other rule or rules specify the points to be scored upon the adoption of a proposal.

Proposal 1110 - Sat Aug 10 01:50:18 EDT 1996
fixing 1014
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

Append the following text to the end of R1014
"This rule takes precedence over any rule which contains either of the words 'witch', 'round', or 'flat'. "

Proposal 1111 - Sun Aug 11 23:41:57 EDT 1996
Song of the JailBird
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

A player who has been sentenced to the Gaol must sing at least three stanzas of a sad little Gaol Song before going to Gaol. The lyrics to this song must be posted to the public forum, so that all players can feel the pain of the convicted criminal.

This song may be sung at any time during the grace period of the convicted criminal, but doing so during the hour imediatly before the player is to be placed in the Gaol is prefered.

A player may, if it is allowed by the gaoler, sing additional stanzas to a sad little Gaol Song while in Gaol, but is not required to. This section takes precedence over any rule which would deny a player in the Gaol the right to sing.

If a player does not sing (and post lyrics) to at least three stanzas of a sad little Gaol Song before entering the Gaol his sentence shall be increased by two days.

No player may sing a sad little Gaol Song which is substantially similar to one which has already been sung by another player.

Proposal 1112 - Sun Aug 11 23:42:48 EDT 1996
The Harfy Stuff
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

1) Create a new rule entitled "Let there be Harf!" with the following text:

{{[joint authorship points:] snowgod loses 3 points, Malenkai gains 3 points.}}

{{The title of Harfmeister is stripped from all players who currently have it. All proposals currently designated as Harfy shall no longer be so designated. [we've got to fix Malenkai's loophole]}}

At any given time, there will be, at most, a single player with the title of Harfmeister. The title of Harfmeister cannot be transferred or awarded except as described in the rules. If, at any time, no one has the title of Harfmeister, or the player with the title is "on ice", the title is given (or transferred) to the Speaker.

The Harfmeister may designate proposals currently under consideration (in the voting queue) as Harfy, by publically announcing that he or she is doing so. No more than three proposals may be designated as Harfy at the same time. Once so designated, a proposal may never lose its Harfy status, until it is accepted or rejected, at which time it does. The Harfmeister may not designate his or her own proposals as Harfy, however. Proposals may only be designated as Harfy by methods explicitly defined in the rules.

Upon the acceptance of a Harfy proposal, the title of Harfmeister passes from the current Harfmeister to the author of the Harfy proposal. If two or more Harfy proposals are accepted simultaneously, the title of Harfmeister shall go to the author of the highest numbered one.

The Harfmeister may use his or her discretion in determining what is to be considered Harfy for the purposes of this rule, but it is considered bad form to designate a proposal as Harfy that is not really "Harfy", and other players are permitted to sneer.


2) Create a new rule entitled "And the Harf shall inherit the Earth!" with the following text:

If a proposal designated as Harfy is accepted, it's author receives a 5 point "Harfy Bonus". This is considered a score change based on the content of the proposal.

This rule takes precedence over any other mutable rule which would deny such a bonus.


3) Create a new rule entitled "Let those who are without Harf cast the first stone." with the following text:

If any player feels the Harfmeister is hogging the Harf [that is, sitting on the title of Harfmeister with no intent to designate any proposals as Harfy], they may call for a Inquistition by publically announcing they are doing so.

During the Inquisition, which lasts 3 days, players send their votes to the Assistant Tabulator (hereafter referred to as the Assistant Tabulator) containing the name of the alleged Harf Hogger. Players can vote either "No! He's going to share the Harf!", or "Yes! He is Hogging the Harf!"

After the Inquisition is over, a simple majority will determine whether or not the alleged Harf Hogger has been hogging the Harf. The Assistant Tabulator will publicly announce the outcome.

If a majority agree that the Harfmeister is hogging the Harf, the person who called for the Inquisition becomes the Harfmeister.

Proposal 1113 -

Due to an error by the promoter, there is no proposal 1113.

Proposal 1114 - Tue Aug 13 14:37:02 EDT 1996
Keeping the Peace (and Quiet)
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Retracted by author

Amend Rule 712 by adding the subparagraph (iii) b):

To determine if any Player currently in Gaol is disturbing the peace and tranquility of the Gaol by singing too loudly. E may either let em continue singing, or stop the singing by telling em in a public message: "Shut up! We're trying to sleep here!"

[Proposer's note: This is to head off any _potential_ conflict with Rule 1105. I put it into the Duties paragraph to allow the Acting Gaoler to quiet unruly Gaolbirds {as well as those who can't sing}]

Proposal 1115 - Tue Aug 13 14:37:54 EDT 1996
Phoebe for President!
Bascule (Matt Black)
Made Harfy by Malenkai at Mon, 19 Aug 1996 02:11:21 EDT
Decision: Rejected

Create a rule called Phoebe for President! with the following text, delimited by the first two instances of the string "----------------------------------":


Phoebe, everyone's favourite nanotech, may be persuaded to stand for election to the post of President. If, during the nomination period of a Presidential election, at least three players send a message to the Appointer containing the phrase "I nominate Phoebe for President", the Appointer will consider Phoebe have volunteered for the office of President, unless she has decided not to stand in that election.

If Phoebe should win the election, then the office of Secretary to the President is created. Because Phoebe spends most of her time improving Ackanomia in unusual and mysterious ways, she is unable to devote all her time to the office of President, and to do the job properly she requires a secretary. It is an office with one seat.

It is the duty of the Secretary to the President (when the office exists) to maintain a web page with a list of outstanding Presidential duties. The list must include:

1. Any vacant Justice positions for which a candidate must be selected (rule 507)

2. Any Blue Crosses, Silver Stripes and/or Bronze Torches that are yet to be awarded (rule 549)

3. Any appeals for pardon that have yet to be heard.

4. Any other outstanding Presidential duties not mentioned above.

If there are any outstanding Presidential duties listed by the Secretary to the President when a player finds Phoebe's matchbox, that player will lose the matchbox after 3 days of finding it, if they do not open it in the meantime [1].

While Phoebe is President, the Secretary to the President has responsibility for determining which player finds Phoebe's matchbox, whenever it is missing [2]. The Secretary to the President should take this duty very seriously, since the President will find it hard to perform her duties if she has an inefficient secretary. The Secretary to the President is responsible for collating votes regarding the validity of messages posted by players purporting to quote Phoebe [3], and is required to announce when such votes are being taken.

If no nominees are found during a nomination period for the office of Secretary to the President, then Phoebe resigns as President, and decides not to stand in the subsequent election.

When Phoebe ceases to be President, the office of Secretary to the President ceases to exist.

This rule claims precedence over rule 730.

1. The period is usually a week
2. Usually the duty of the Registrar
3. Usually the duty of the Tabulator

Phoebe's Manifesto

Phoebe believes strongly in democracy.

Phoebe wants all players to be able to enjoy the great game of Ackanomic.


Amend rule 504 by replacing it's text entirely with the following text:

"The Presidency of Ackanomia is an Office with one Seat. The player or Steel Flea defined by the rules who holds that seat is called the President. The President's Term of Office is 8 weeks. The Presidency is filled by an Election for Office."

[ Rule 504 currently reads: "The Presidency of Ackanomia is an Office with one Seat. The player who holds that seat is called the President. The President's Term of Office is 8 weeks. The Presidency is filled by an Election for Office." ]


Amend rule 609 by replacing the sentence

"The Rule that creates an Office should specify how many players can hold that Office at any one time."


"The Rule that creates an Office should specify how many players or Steel Fleas that are defined by the rules can hold that Office at any one time."

and replace the sentence

"A Seat is either held by one Player or it is vacant."


"A Seat is either held by one Player or one Steel Flea that is defined by the rules or it is vacant."


Amend rule 611 by replacing part (i) f) with

"If the rules fail to state who is eligible to volunteer, then all Steel Fleas defined by the rules and all Players are eligible."

[Rule 611 (i) f) currently reads:
"If the rules fail to state who is eligible to volunteer, then all Players are eligible."]


Amend rule 611 by replacing part (ii) a) with

"A Nomination is conducted. Any Player or Steel Flea defined by the rules who is eligible to hold the Office is eligible to volunteer."
[Rule 611 part (ii) a) currently reads: "A Nomination is conducted. Any Player who is eligible to hold the Office is eligible to volunteer."]


Proposal 1116 - Tue Aug 13 14:39:25 EDT 1996
The Law of Party Gravity
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

a proposal to create a rule entitled "The Law of Party Gravity" which contains the following text:
a. Each Swinger has a SwingScore.
b. When ever Swingers' Weights are recalculated, their scores are incremented in the following manner:
(i) The SwingScore of the Swinger with the highest Absolute Weight is incremented by 3
(ii) The SwingScore of the Swinger with the second highest Absolute Weight is incremented by 2
(iii) The SwingScore of the Swinger with the third highest Absolute Weight is incremented by 1

2. SwingVotes
a. When ever the Round Count is incremented to a number that, when divided by RoundFreq, results in an integer, SwingVotes are distributed according to the following scheme
The number of SwingVotes received by each Swinger= the largest integer smaller than [(the Swinger's SwingScore / (RoundFreq * number of Swingers)) +0.4]

b. After SwingVotes were given to Swingers, all SwingScores are reset to 0 (zero)
c. SwingVotes may only be created or destroyed as described in this rule.

d. SwingVotes may be sold, traded, or given away. Parties may regulate the way in which the SwingVotes owned by their Swinger are sold, traded or given away.

e. The NAP Swinger may only sell, trade, or give away SwingVotes to non-aligned players.

f.(i) A player who owns a SwingVote may cast it for or against a proposal, in addition to any other vote they may cast according to other rules. a SwingVote can only be used once. After a SwingVote has been counted it is destroyed
(ii). For any single proposal, a given player may cast at most one SwingVote
(iii). For any single proposal, a given party may cast at most two SwingVotes.
(iv). The total number of SwingVotes used by non-aligned players is limited only by section 3.f.(ii) of this rule, and is not limited by section 3.f(iii) of this rule
(v) If more than two SwingVotes are cast by a single party on a given proposal, then only the first two are counted. The SwingVotes which have been cast but not counted, are destroyed, as if they have been used.
(vi) This rule takes precedence over R390

3.RoundFreq can only be changed in one of the following ways:
a. When a proposal to change RoundFreq is accepted.

b. Exactly one week after at least a third of all Institutions currently in session agree on a change. If , during that week, at least 50% of the Institutions in session decide against the change, the change does not take place.

c. RoundFreq must be an integer equal to or greater than 3, and smaller than the number of Swingers multiplied by 2.5 . When ever FoundFreq does not meet either of these criteria it is set to the largest integer smaller than the number of Swingers multiplied by 2.5

4. Tie-Fighter
As long as a Tie-Fighter condition exists, the following things happen:
a. SwingVotes are not counted. However, any SwingVotes cast on proposals whose voting period during the Tie-Fighter are destroyed
b. Any player who receives points for eir proposal being accepted, or for voting against an accepted proposal, or for voting for a rejected proposal receives a bonus, which depends on the Swinger e is associated with
Players associated with the Swinger with the highest SwingScore receive a 5 point bonus.
Players associated with the Swinger with the second highest SwingScore receive a 3 point bonus.
Players associated with the Swinger with the third highest SwingScore receive a 2 point bonus.
c. Plaers who are party members are associated with the Swinger who of eir party. Non aligned players are associated with the NAP Swinger

5. a. It is the duty of the Chess-Umpire to keep track of all aspects of SwingVotes.
b. All transactions that involve SwingVotes must be reported to the Chess-Umpire.

RoundFreq is set to 3
All SwingScores are set to zero


Proposal 1117 - Tue Aug 13 14:42:14 EDT 1996
Blue Cross Automation Again
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 549, The Blue Cross, to read, in full:
0. The following steps are executed, in order:

i. All Undead stop haunting all Blue Crosses, Silver Stripes, Gold Stripes, and Blue Cross Bonuses. All Blue Crosses, Silver Stripes, Gold Stripes, and Blue Cross Bonuses are destroyed.

ii. A Blue Cross Bonus is given to Robert Sevin.

iii. A Blue Cross Bonus is given to Wayne.

iv. An unowned Blue Cross Bonus with Mohammed's name on it is created and stored in the Treasury, and the Undead named Mohammed begins haunting it.

v. A Blue Cross Bonus is given to /dev/joe.
[Note that I no longer fall into the category in section vi below.]

vi. A Blue Cross Bonus is given to each player who would have been given a Blue Cross Bonus between the time the proposal which created this rule was distributed and the time it was accepted, had section 3 of this rule been in effect since the proposal was distributed.

1. Each player has a Blue Cross Rank; it is a non-negative integer. At all times, a player's Blue Cross Rank is equal to the number of proposals he submitted which have been accepted, plus an additional 10 if he has a Blue Cross Bonus. If a player has registered for the game and quit one or more times previous to his most recent registration, proposals he made under his previous registration(s) shall count towards his Blue Cross Rank if they were accepted, even if he wasn't a player when they were accepted.

2. No player may ever have more than one Blue Cross Bonus; this takes precedence over any other mutable rule which would give a player more than one Blue Cross Bonus. Any time a player has more than one Blue Cross Bonus, all but one of his Blue Cross Bonuses are destroyed. Any time a rule requires that a player be given a Blue Cross Bonus, one is created with his name stamped in gold upon it, and it is given to that player.

3. When a President or Senator has ended a term in office by resigning, or due to his term of office expiring, and he has served at least 6 weeks in that office, then he is given a Blue Cross Bonus if he does not already have one, except in the case that the player resigned from the office of President or Senator while an Impeachment Paper was pending to remove him from that office.

4. A player with a Blue Cross Rank of 20 or more qualifies for a Blue Cross.

a. For each 40 points of Blue Cross Rank above 20 that a player has, he qualifies for a Gold Stripe. For each 10 points of Blue Cross Rank a player with a Blue Cross has beyond that required for his Blue Cross and all his Gold Stripes, he qualifies for a Silver Stripe.

b. No player ever qualifies for more than 3 Silver Stripes or 4 Gold Stripes, and a player who qualifies for 4 Gold Stripes does not qualify for any Silver Stripes. This section takes precedence over section a.

5. Any time a player has too many Blue Crosses, Silver Stripes, and/or Gold Stripes for his Blue Cross Rank, as defined by the previous section, then medals are taken from him and destroyed such that he no longer has too many. Any time a player has too few of any of these medals, the President, Proconsul, or Senator may award medals of the appropriate types to that player until he has enough of each type. The Frobozz Magic Medal Company, Ackanomic Division, performs the creation and destruction of these medals as medals are to be awarded or destroyed.

6. A player with at least one Gold Stripe shall have the title "Officer of the Blue Cross." A player with four Gold Stripes shall have the title "Commander of the Blue Cross".

Proposal 1118 - Thu Aug 15 00:40:18 EDT 1996
Memoirs of an Acting Financier
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

{{[so I have another long Proposal.

I have made snowgod's RFC changes in making the lamb and wool sweater mimsy.

This came about for several reasons:

I never knew if an entity was tradeable or saleable (because of protection, things that common sense indicated were, weren't), and I just wanted to say so in a rule, and inherit stuff. I saw some problems (a couple of them serious) when I became acting Financier, and I wanted to fix them. And, I never seemed to know my account balance.

The following amendments attempt to fix the following problems:

1) Unambigiously define what Tradeable means, so a rule can specify that an entity is tradeable, and inherit that structure.

2) Define the Financier's duties, and fix some problems with the FM.

3) Synchronize bond cycles to salaries (Monday 12N Eastern time). End of cycle does not kilter bond cycles.

4) Clean up some office/salary stuff.

5) Make cosmetic changes by explicitly using the term A$. I have a comment about that later.]}}


Amend R 482 as follows:

1) Change it title to "Office of the Financier and Free Market".

2) Amend it to read, in full:

I. Financier

The Office of the Financier (OotF), or Financier, is a Functional Office.

The duties of the Financier are:

a) To maintain accurate records of all players' account balances, and a log of all debits and credits to those balances.

b) To maintain a list of balances and assets of all non-player entities, such as the Treasury.

c) To publish all account balances on at least a bi-weekly basis, and to make the logs or balances available to any player upon request.

d) To maintain the Free Market (FM), and to verify any transaction made there was made in accordance with the rules. The Financier is responsible for overseeing the lawful functioning of any entity that deals on, is related to, uses the FM, when using the FM. This includes the authority to negotiate and resolve conflicts or disagreements between such entities according to the rules, tradition, or to the best of his/her judgement, in that order.

The priviledges of the Financier are:

a) To appoint up to 2 assistants, to help in gathering, maintaining, and publishing information pertaining to the above. These assistants may resign. These assistants are not "officiers", as the term is generally used elsewhere in the rules.

b) To receive the usual salary for a functional officer.

II. Trading and the Free Market (FM)

1) All entities are either Tradeable or non-Tradeable.

2) An entity is Tradeable if and only if the rules specify that it is, otherwise it is non-Tradeable. The rules may specify specific conditions or mechanisms for non-Tradeable entities to be traded or transferred; this rule defers to any such rules where there is a conflict. Tradeable entities may only be transferred by methods described in the rules.

3) The FM is a bulletin board where players may post a desire to make a trade, and is where a record of all trades are kept.

4) Two players may trade a non-negative quantity of a Tradeable entity for another non-negative quantity of another (or the same) Tradeable entity on the FM, as described following. (If one of the quantities is 0, the trade may be specified as a "gift" or "donation" for convienence).

5) Both players must consent to the trade, and must own sufficient quanitity of the entity to fulfill their half of the trade.

6) The trade is completed (unless it is deemed unlawful) by both players posting their consent to the public forum, along with a description of the trade.

7) A record of the trade is recorded on the FM by the Financier. If the Financier determines that the trade is not in accordance with the rules, it is deemed never to have happened.

8) Other rules may specify other methods in which Tradeable entities may be transferred, independent of the FM.


Amend R 480, "Creation of the AckaDollar" to replace the last sentence of the rule with: "AckaDollars are tradeable".


Amend R 481, "Creation of PF Bonds", to replace the last sentence of the rule with: "PF Bonds are tradeable. They may not be broken into fractional PF bonds."


Repeal R 567, "Tools V"


Amend R 786, "Gadgets", so that section (iii) reads:

"(iii) A Gadget has at most one owner. Gadgets are tradeable."


Amend R 818, "Prosthetic Foreheads", to replace the first paragraph with:

"This rule creates a type of entity known as a Prosthetic Forehead. There is an endless supply and an endless variety of Prosthetic Foreheads. Prosthetic Foreheads are protected and tradeable."


Amend Rule 891, "The Press", to replace all occurrances of "Newspapers may be traded among players", with "Newspapers are tradeable".


Amend Rule 1018 "Hotels" to replace all occurrance of

"A Hotel is considered to be an asset [and therefore can be bought and sold on the Free Market]."


"Hotels are tradeable."


Amend R 1023 "Auction" to make the following changes:

1) Replace section 1) a), which currently reads:

"a) the item to be Auctioned, which must be unowned if the Rules are calling for the Auction, and must be owned by the Player calling the Auction if it is being called by a Player."


"a) the item to be Auctioned, which must be unowned if the Rules are calling for the Auction, and must be a tradeable entity owned by the Player calling the Auction if it is being called by a Player."

2) replace all occurrances of the term "currency" with the string "A$s".

3) replace all occurrances of the phrase "day of the week" with "day of the month".


Amend R 1036, "Rock, Creation of", to make the following changes:

1) Change the title of the rule to "Rock".

2) Add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph: "The rock is tradeable".


Amend Rule 962.1 "Twas Brillig", to add the following text after the phrase "Brass Monkey":

The Little Lamb
Wool Sweaters


{{[what follows are alot of cosmetic changes to the office, salary, and money stuff. I also replaced things like "official currency" "currency", and "units of currency" with references to the A$ explicity. In some cases this fixes a loophole. As for the argument that some could raise about this explicitness, I have the counter argument, but not the bandwidth now.]}}

Amend R 510 in the following ways:

1) Change its title to "Tools I and II"

2) Amend it to read:

No player may use more A$'s to buy, trade, give or in any way move out of his account, than there are in his/her account at that moment in time. In other words, a player may never voluntarily go into debt, but it is possible that a player may go into debt involuntarily.

If a player is in debt, that player continues to earn A$s from jobs, yields, interests, donations, and selling or auctioning assets for currency.


Repeal R 511, "Tools II"


Amend Rule 554, "Tammany", to replace the word "units" with the word "A$s" in section (iv) c.


Amend Rule 565 "Tools III (b)" to read:

"At the end of every two weeks, the PFs will yield a dividend to the player owning them at that instant in time. The dividend of a single PF will be calculated from the change in the score of the player the bond was initially issued to. The dividend will be 1% of the change in the issued player's score over that two weeks if his/her score went up. Otherwise, it will yield an effective debt of -0.5% of the change in score per PF. This yield will be credited or deducted from the PF owner's account.

The end of a two week cycle shall be Monday 12:00 EDT of the appropriate week."


Amend R 569, "Overturning Judgements", to replace all occurrances of the string "2 Ackadollars" with "A$2".


Amend R 612, "Functional Offices, Commonalities" to replace section (ii) a) to read as follows:

"a) A$3 plus A$1 for every Funcitonal Office held."

{{[this fixes a nasty loophole where having one functional office gives you salary for all non-functional offices you have.]}}


Amend R 615, "Speaker", to replace all occurrances of the string "10 units" with "A$10".


Amend Rule 609, "Offices, Commonalities", to replace section (v) with the following:

(v) Salaries:

If the Rules specify that a particular Officer is to be paid a salary in A$s periodically as one of the Privileges of Office, the payment happens every Monday at noon Eastern time, if the salary is weekly.

{{[this synchronizes bonds and salaries, to make it easier on the financier.]}}


Amend R 665, "Treasury and Hard Money", as follows:

1) In the section labelled "Hard Currency:", replace the string "AckaDollars" with "A$" every time it appears in the last sentence of the section.

2) In the section labelled "No Ackapennies:", replace the string "AckaDollars" with "A$" every time it appears in the section.


Amend R 666, "End of Cycle", to replace item j) with the following:

"j) Bond payments are reinstituted, as if all players' scores were 0 at the end of the previous bond cycle."

{{[this keeps bond yields synchronized]}}

Amend R 710, "Criminal Justice", to make the following changes, in the order listed:

1) replace all occurrances of the string "20 units of currency" with "A$20".

2) replace all occurrances of the string "units of currency" with "A$".


Amend R 712, "Gaoler", to replace all occurrances of the string "currency" with "A$s".


Amend R 1018, "Hotels", to replace all occurrances of the string "10 units of the official currency" with "A$10".


Amend R 1046, "Baaa", to replace all occurrances of the string "10 units of the official currency" with "A$10".


Proposal 1119 - Thu Aug 15 17:30:59 EDT 1996
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Made Harfy by Malenkai at Mon, 19 Aug 1996 02:11:21 EDT
Decision: Rejected

{{The name of the game we are playing, which is currently Ackanomic, shall be changed to Bob.}}

{{[In so much as there may exist confusion as to the proper pronounciation of Ackanomic (is it A as in apple or A as in eh?) and where ackanomic may be pronounced differently depending on geographical location and cultural differences (such as accents or native languages) it has been determined that Bob is a much simpler name. The pronounciation of Bob is the same in any language, with only small differences being made do to varying accents. It follows the most basic rules of the english language, and requires no special skill to translate. And it is fun. Imagine, in internomic for example the ambassador being known as the "liason for Bob.]}}


Amend R362 "No Dead Players Allowed" by replacing the term "Ackanomic Players" with "Players of Bob".


Amend R411 "Office of the Web-Harfer" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob".


Amend R414 "The Office of the Tabulator" by replacing the term "all Ackanomic matters" with "all matters relating to Bob"


Amend R424 "Office of Registrar" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R451 "Spelling Errors" by replacing the word "Ackanomic" with the words "Bob related"


{{R480 is renamed "Creation of the AmazingBobDollar"}}

Amend R480 by replacing all instances of the word "AckaDollar" with the word "AmazingBobDollar", all instances of the word "AckaDollars" with the word "AmazingBobDollars", and all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R481 "Creation of PF Bonds" by replacing all instances of the phrase " acka-entity" with the phrase "a Bob-entity"


Amend R495 "Gumball" by replacing a replacing all instances of the phrase " acka-entity" with the phrase "a Bob-entity"


{{R504 is renamed "The President of Bob"}}

Amend R504 by replacing all instances of the words "Ackanomia" or "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


{{R570 is renamed "The Supreme Court of Bob"}}


Amend R545 "Notes and Comments" by replacing the phrase "Ackanomic language" with the phrase "language of Bob"


{{[R549 is not ammended pending Blue Cross Automation Results. The CSRR is encouraged to make any nescessary changes one the result of the proposal are known]}}


Amend R554 "Tammany" by replacing replacing all instances of the phrase "Ackanomic entity" with the phrase "Bob-entity" and the phrase "Ackanomic: Bribe" in section iv with the phrase "Bob: Bribe"


Amend R569 "Overturning Judgements" by replacing all instances of the term "Ackadollar" with the term "AmazingBobDollar"


Amend R570 "Player Names" by replacing all instances of the phrase "Ackanomic Name" with the phrase "Bob-Approved Name", and all otherwise unchanged instances of the word "Ackanomic" to the word "Bob"; and changing the second paragraph to read in whole:

Players must choose a Name when they register. No player may choose a Name that is already in use (or otherwise would be in violation of R703), nor may a player choose the name Bob or bob. Players without a Name must choose a Name within one week.


Amend R583 "The Ambassador" by replacing all instances of the words "Ackanomic" and "AckaNomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R592 "Protection" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R609 "Offices, Commonalities" by replacing the all the instances of the phrase "Ackanomic curency" with the phrase "the AmazingBobDollar" and all other instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R621 "Historian" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R622 "Customary Subject Line" to read in whole:

A message is public if, and only if, it is distributed to all the registered Players and the subject line contains "Bob:".


Amend R665 "Treasury and Hard Money by replacing all instances of the phrase "acka-enity" with the phrase "Bob-entity", all instances of the phrase "acka-entities" with the phrase "Bob-entities", and all instances of the word "AckaDollars" with the word "AmazingBobDollars".

All instances of the word "Ackapennies" shall be replaced with the phrase "AmazingBobPennies"


Amend R666 "End of Cycle" by deleting the word "Acknomic" from section a and section m, and capitalizing any instances of the word "play" is said sections.


Amend R682 "For Personal Glory" by relacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob", all instances of the word "AckaCitizens" with the phrase "Members of Bob"


Amend R683 "ExtraNomic Entities" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R703 " " by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob", with the exception of the instance of the word "Ackanomic" in section 5, which shall be replaced with "Bob-Approved"


Amend R709 "Gaol" by replacing the phrase "Ackanomic entity" with "Bob-enitity"


Amend R712 "Gaoler" by replacing the phrase "Ackanomic entity" with "Bob-enitity"


Amend R721 "Organizations" by replacing the the phrase "legal Ackanomic name" with the phrase "Bob-Approved Name"


{{The title of R729 is changed to "Middle Ages in Bob"}}

Amend R729 by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R730 "Steel Flea" by adding the words "(before there was Bob)" immediatly after the word "Acka-scientists" and replacing all other instances of the words "Acka" or "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R761 "Parades" by replacing all instances of the wordby replacing the phrase "an Ackanomic Parade" with the phrase "a Bob Parade", and all instances of the words "Ackanomic" or "Ackanomia" sahll be replaced with the word "Bob"


{{R762 is renamed "The Greate Trombone of Bob"}}

Amend R762 by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomia" with the word "Bob"


Amend R767 "Nothing Important" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R775 "Church" by replacing the phrase "Ackanomic entity" with the word "Bob-enitity"


Amend R779 "Succession Proceedings" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob", with the exception of the instance of "Ackanomic" in section 4c which shall be replaced with "Bob-Approved"


Amend R790 "Fat Lady" by replacing the phrase "Ackanomic Entity" with the phrase "Bob-entity"


Amend R797 "Festival of Torkola" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R798 "Palindromes are Inherently Amusing" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R824 "Consecutive Passages" by replacing all instances of the word "Acka" with the word "Bob"


Amend R832 "Postmaster" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R839 "Building" By replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" With the word "Bob"


Amend R867 "Eggs and Fruit" by replacing all instances of the phrase "Ackanomic Entity" with the phrase "Bob-enitity"


Amend R894 "Map" by replacing all instances of the words "Ackanomic" or "Ackanomia" with the word "Bob"


Amend R895 "Map-Harfer" by replacing all instances of the words "Ackanomic" or "Ackanomia" with the word "Bob"


Amend R901 by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R924 by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R962.2 by replacing all instances of the word "acka-entities" with the word "Bob-entities", and all instances of the phrase "Ackanomic name" wiht the phrase "Bob-Approved name"


Amend R964 by replacing all instances of the word "acka-entities" with the word "Bob-entities"


{{R907 is renamed "Bob/Internomic Interface"}}

Amend R970 by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob" including possesive forms of said words where appropriate.


Amend R1018 "Hotels" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R1026 by replacing all instances of the phrase "Ackanomic name" with the phrase "Bob-Approved name"


Amend R1033 "Bronze Torch" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Amend R1046 "Baaa" by replacing all instances of the word "acka-enitity" with the word "Bob-entity" and the word "Ackanomia" with the word "Bob"


Amend R1051 "Mentors (Take II)" by replacing all instances of the word "Ackanomic" with the word "Bob"


Create a new rule entitled "Bob Harfer" with the following text:

{{[It is recognized that some omisions or mistakes may have been made during the process of transforming Ackanomia to Bobdom, therefore]}}

The CSRR is given the tile of Bob Harfer. It shall be considered good form for the Bob Harfer to make any changes to the ruleset that he deems apropriate to eas the transition from Ackanomic to Bob.

When the Bob Harfer is finished making nescessary changes, players are allowed to cheer and congratulate the Bob harfer on a job well done.


Create of a new rule entitles "bonus" with the following text:

{{Upon the passage of this proposal a parade will be held to celebrate the coming of Bob. The guest of honor shall be the Bob Harfer. Any fees of costs associated with the Parade shall be paid by the President}}

Proposal 1120 - Thu Aug 15 20:45:06 EDT 1996
Portrait Sanity
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 1096 by replacing the 1st sentence of the second paragraph with:
"This gallery shall be linked to the Official Ackanomic Web Page and must contain a portrait of every player who has submitted one. The Web-Harfer may resize potraits in order to keep them uniform."

Proposal 1121 - Sat Aug 17 15:13:11 EDT 1996
Sponging cheap points before Modesty passes
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 396, "Office of Promoter", to read in full:

The Office of the Promoter is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Promoter are:

(a) to accept proposal submissions from players, and to,
(b) assign the proposal a number and distribute it for voting.

A proposal by a Player shall be made by submitting it to the Promoter.


Amend Rule 612, "Functional Offices, Commonalities", to add the following paragraph after the first sentence:

An Office is a Functional Office if and only if the Rules specify it as such.

Proposal 1122 - Sat Aug 17 15:13:27 EDT 1996
Election Year Tax Cut
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 666, "End of Cycle", so that section e) reads in full:

e) If the amount of A$s in circulation exceeded the amount in the Treasury at the time this winner was declared, the following shall occur: 20% (round down) of each Player's A$ balance is transferred to the Treasury. The winner shall pay only 10% (round down), however. Each Undead stops haunting 20% (rounded down) of the A$ it is haunting.

{{[I noticed that when I was acting Financier, we are still in an artificial deflationary senario. This will fix it, at least for now. I purposely decoupled this from the "Memoirs" fix, however.]}}

Proposal 1123 - Sat Aug 17 15:13:52 EDT 1996
Whitespace Harfer
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 411, "Office of the Web-Harfer", to add the following text after sub-section a) of the Priviledges section:

b) To add whitespace and line breaks to the rules. The Web-Harfer should consider all player requests to do so.

{{[for people like me who cannot read some of the more densely written rules.]}}

Proposal 1124 - Sat Aug 17 15:14:01 EDT 1996
Party Chess is Delayed Another Week
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rules 1079, 1080, 1082, 1083, 1085, 1086, 1087, and 1094. In each of the above rules' titles, change "Creation of PartyChessPiece" to "Creation of a PartyChessPiece"
{{[ Read Rule 990 section 3.A.ii. ]}}

Proposal 1125 - Sun Aug 18 23:28:43 EDT 1996
Death to Dormancy
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

1. Amend rule 507, "The Supreme Court of Ackanomia" by deleting these two paragraphs:
"Once a justice, a player can never be voted out or kicked of office by any other entity, except by a petition of at least two thirds the number of players. A justice can resign."

"Should there not exist either/all of the above mentioned position (president, speaker, senator) then this rule becomes dormant until there are."

{{[ The normal impeachment process can replace the first paragraph. The second is one of those dormancy statements which probably never worked anyway. ]}}

2. Amend rule 508, "Justices Rock", by deleting the sentence: "This rule stays dormant if Justices do not exists, until they do."

3. Amend rule 895, "Map-Harfer, Creation of" by deleting the sentence: "If there are no such rules, this rule shall lie dormant until there are."

{{[ There were some other dormancy clauses, but all have either been removed already or some other proposal currently up for vote will remove them.]}}

Proposal 1126 - Sun Aug 18 23:28:45 EDT 1996
Freedom of Speech
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 592 by adding a period to the end of its last paragraph, and then adding the following to that paragraph:
"Words and the use of words in public messages are not Protected, except where specified by other rules."

Proposal 1127 - Sun Aug 18 23:28:47 EDT 1996
Things the Bee Can't Do
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

1. Amend Rule 457: change "not not" to "not".

2. Amend Rule 721: insert "be" after "The Organization type must".

3. Amend Rule 798: change "player that" to "player who".

4. Amend Rule 990, section 5.E.: delete "it a legal move,"

5. Amend Rule 991, section 3.D.(iv)(c): change "the the" to "the" and change ".." to "."

6. Amend Rule 1079: delete the last comma in section 2.

7. Amend Rule 1082, section 2: change "A Bishop can in" to "A Bishop can move in"

8. Amend Rule 1083:
In section 2: delete all the commas except the last one.
In section 3: delete the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 8th commas.
In section 5: delete the semicolon.

9. Amend Rule 1085:
In section 2: delete the last comma.
In section 3, in the example: delete the first comma.

10. Amend Rule 1086, section 2.b.: delete the last comma.

11. Amend Rule 1094, section 2:
In the part before the lettered subsections, change "il-Nabi has one of the following moves" to "il-Nabi may move in any of the following ways"
In subsection (a), delete the first two commas.
In subsection (b), change "at" to "in".
In subsection 8 (c), delete the 8 before the "(c)" in the subsection number, and change "at" to "in", and delete the comma after "SQ2".

Proposal 1128 - Sun Aug 18 23:28:50 EDT 1996
Periodic Bee
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 1022, by adding the following line to the end of the list of Permissible Stingings in section 5a):

"e) Adding a period at the end of a sentence when it is missing."

and in section 5b) item g), change "5a) section c)" to "5a)".

Proposal 1129 - Sun Aug 18 23:29:19 EDT 1996
Sensible Party Chess Economics
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 990, to replace all occurrances of the string "M*5+10 A$" with the string "M*7 + 1 A$"

Proposal 1130 - Sun Aug 18 23:29:51 EDT 1996
Senate Seat Names
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

1) The Senate seat names, "Seat A", "Seat B", "Seat C", and "Seat D" are uninteresting. Senate seat names which contain the underscore character ('_') are also uninteresting.

2) Upon passage of this proposal, each Senator will have 7 days to change the name of their seat to something that is not uninteresting, as defined by the rules.

3) The chosen name must conform to the rules defined for Player names, with the exception that it is explicitly noted that a Senate seat name is not the same thing as a Player name.

4) Once a name is chosen and announced publically, it is permanent and may not be changed, even upon a new Senator filling the seat. If the Senate should somehow be dissolved and reformed, the seat names will be reused. If the new Senate has less seats than the old Senate, the Speaker shall decide which names are reused. If the new Senate is larger, the excess seats shall be given uninteresting names by the Speaker.

5) Upon the filling of a vacant seat with an uninteresting name, or upon the re-election to a seat with an uninteresting name, the Senator will have 7 days to change the name something that is non uninteresting, as per the clauses in this rule and elsewhere.

6) Should an occupied seat ever have an uninteresting name as defined by the rules, and the occupying Senator is NOT within a 7 day period to change the name as defined by this rule, the term for that seat ends immediately and an election for that seat is held using the rules for doing so. This clause superceeds all mutable rules defining the term or termlessness of a Senate seat.

7) Should a Senator go on vacation during a 7 day period to change the name as defined by this rule, that 7 day period is automatically extended to 7 days past when the Senator returns from vacation.

{{[bringing back the oldies adjustment:] snowgod loses 8 points, Malenkai gains 8 points}}

Proposal 1131 - Mon Aug 19 15:50:42 EDT 1996
Silence is Golden
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

{{ The fat lady shall stop singing immediatly}}

Proposal 1132 - Tue Aug 20 00:16:21 EDT 1996
Fixing a Loophole I almost Surfed but thought better of
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author

Amend R 824, "Consecutive Passages", to read in full:

If 10 or more consecutive proposals are accepted, the Brass Monkey shall climb the tallest building in Acka Land and proclaim --

"The authors of the consecutive proposals that were accepted shall be awarded 5 bonus points."

After this proclamation, the Scorekeeper shall increment the scores of each author of a proposal in the consecutive streak by 5 points for each proposal accepted in that streak, with a maximum of 15 points per distinct author.

Proposal 1133 - Tue Aug 20 00:16:35 EDT 1996
Burn 'em All
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected

Amend Rule 729 by deleting the fifth (5th) paragraph.

{{[proposer's note: It's time that another of Malenkai's Loopholes was closed. All this paragraph does is allow Malenkai and eir heretical cronies to get away with saying anything ey wish without fear of the consequences. Let's put an end to legalised Heresy!]}}

Proposal 1134 - Tue Aug 20 13:27:15 EDT 1996
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected

Transmute Rule 108 to mutable.

{{This proposal is specifically exempt from the following conditions:}}

Ammend Rule 108 by adding the following paragraph:

Proposal containing changes to the mutability of Rules may not have any other changes, conditions, effects, or reference to any other Rule except as noted in this Section. If changing the mutability of a Rule will result in a conflict of precedence, the Proposal changing the mutability may direct the precedence and/or deference of the changed Rule to reflect the previous condition.

Transmute Rule 108 to Immutable.

{{[Author's note: This is intended to strengthen Immutability. Currently, as this Proposal demonstrates, the only effect classifying a Rule as Immutable has is to resolve Precedence problems. With this ammendment, if a Player wishes to change an Immutable Rule's wording or intent, e must take the time required to vote on seperaste Proposals, two to change the mutability, and one for the change itself. A sure as cows eat grass, e must also be prepared to vote on competing Proposals once the mutability is changed.]}}

Proposal 1135 - Tue Aug 20 13:28:15 EDT 1996
Harfish Linguistics
Pascal (Jason Reed)
Made Harfy by Malenkai at Aug 20, 18:36 EDT Decision: Rejected

Create a rule, entitled 'Harfish Linguistics', with text:

There exists a language known as Harfish, spoken as a native language by the nomads that wander the Wilds of Ackanomia. The portions of this rule following the headings 'The Grammar of Harfish:' and 'The Vocabulary of Harfish:', respectively, describe its syntax and words.

If a proposal passes which amends either or both of such sections, and does not only remove text, its proposer shall receive a 5 point bonus in addition to any other penalties or rewards for the passage of that reward.

{{[I'm not sure what to put here for the initial grammar and vocab, if anything... what's there is just tossing out of ideas.]}}

The Grammar of Harfish:

Harfish is both a written and spoken language, although its written form is not used very often in comparison. Modern Harfish uses a portion of the roman alphabet, and in most cases, each letter corresponds to a single sound and vice-versa.

The consonants h, d, g, t, k, l, r, m, n, s, z are pronounced as in english (although the g is always hard)
b is a bilabial voiced fricative, a sound roughly between the english b and v.
p, similarly, is a bilabial unvoiced fricative, similar to english p and f.
c is the 'ts' in 'tsunami' [I think there is a similar phoneme in italian, but I'm not sure what it is...]
x is a guttural fricative, similar to the 'ch' in 'loch'.

the vowels of Harfish are:

a: the 'o' in english 'hot'
e: the 'e' in english 'left
i: the 'ea' in english 'mean'
j: semivowel, english 'y' in 'yes'
o: the 'o' in english 'don't'
u: the 'oo' in english 'boot'
'a' with a single dot above it, represented in ASCII by '@': the 'a' in 'at', and perhaps, the first 'a' in 'ackanomic'.
'e' with a single dot above it, represented in ASCII by a single quote: the unstressed 'o' in 'lemon'.
'u' with a single dot above it, represented in ASCII by 'w': the first 'w' in 'wow'.


aw: 'ow' in 'how'
ew: Somewhat like harfish 'eu', only faster and monosyllabic
aj: the 'ie' in english 'lie'
ej: the 'ay' in english 'lay'
oj: the 'oy' in english 'toy'
uj: the 'ui' in latin 'huic', similar to the sound in english 'gooey', only faster and monosyllabic

Stress falls always on the penultimate syllable of a word.

The Vocabulary of Harfish:

M'-: prefix, Forms the opposite of the word it is attatched to. E.g. M'harpi: Stupid, inelegant, dry, boring, not merely unharfy but antiharfy.

Mu-: prefix, Not, in some cases equivalent to english un- or in-. Indicates lack of a quality, but not necessarily its opposite. E.g. Muharpi: uninteresting, marginally adequate, mediocre, obvious.

Mu: adv., No, not.

Harpi: adj., Good, interesting, clever, harfy.

Hje: adv., yes.

[Changed some stuff with alphabet and vocab]

Proposal 1136 - Tue Aug 20 13:50:53 EDT 1996
Acka is not a Vacation Club
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Accepted

At the end of a cycle that lasted longer that 30 days, all players who were on vacation the entire cycle shall be removed from the game. Any offices they held shall be vacated. The players shall be treated as if they quit the game. They may rejoin in good standing if they so desire.

Proposal 1137 - Tue Aug 20 16:37:46 EDT 1996
Jeremiah, The Rather Average Looking Bullfrog
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Made Harfy by Malenkai at Aug 20, 18:36 EDT
Decision: Rejected

As I was hiking in the Wilds of Ackanomia a while ago, I came across a Rather Average Looking Bullfrog. What prevented it from being Totally Average was what stopped me from stepping on it and squishing it.

The Rather Average Looking Bullfrog could speak. It spoke out and warned me that it was underfoot. ("Watch where you're bloody well stepping, you jerk!" were it's exact words) Startled, I jumped back a step or two (it was later measured at half a kilometer) and stared at this Rather Average Looking Bullfrog, which obviously wasn't.

He introduced himself to me as Jeremiah, claimed to be a direct descendant of the Golden Frog, and asked me for a drink. Jeremiah, the Rather Average Looking Bullfog is apparently a lush. I picked him up and carried him back to my house, where we shared a bottle of wine or twelve. Over the course of the evening, we devised the following Proposal:

Create a Rule Entitled, "Jeremiah, The Rather Average Looking Bullfrog"; with text:

1. An Ackanomic Entity titled "Jeremiah the Rather Average Looking Bullfrog" exists. For the duration of this Rule, the Entity shall be referred to as "JRALB". JRALB may not be owned, bought or sold. It may not be destroyed except as defined in this Rule.

2. JRALB will visit various Players randomly, as determined by the Officer in charge of random things. If no Officer is in charge of random things, this duty shall fall to the Registrar, unless e indicates that e can't be bothered, in which case this duty falls to the Speaker. Visits from JRALB will last at most one week from the date JRALB's visit is posted on the Public forum except as otherwise specified in this Rule.

3. At any time during JRALB's visit, the Player being visited may buy JRALB a drink. Drinks for JRALB cost A$5, A$10, A$20, or A$50. When a Player buys JRALB a drink, e does so by posting a message to that effect to the Tabulator, Assistant Tabulator, Acting Tabulator or Acting Assistant Tabulator, if those positions exist. If they do not exist, the Speaker will accept these postings. Whenever a Player buys JRALB a drink, JRALB will cast a vote on any one (1) Proposal of the Player's choice still open for voting. JRALB will cast his vote in the following manner:
a) Upon buying JRALB a drink for A$5, and specifying which Proposal JRALB is casting a vote for, the Tabulator (et al.) will roll a four (4) sided die; if the roll comes up 1, then JRALB abstains; if the roll comes up 2, then JRALB votes Present; if the roll comes up 3, JRALB votes AGAINST; if the rolls comes up 4, JRALB votes FOR.
b) Upon buying JRALB a drink for A$10, then the Tabulator (et al.) rolls a five (5) sided die with the same conditions as above except: if the roll comes out either a 4 or a 5, JRALB votes FOR.
c) Upon buying JRALB a drink for A$20, then the Tabulator (et al.) rolls a six (6) sided die with the same conditions as above except: if the roll comes out a 4, a 5 or a 6, JRALB votes FOR.
c) Upon buying JRALB a drink for A$50, then the Tabulator (et al.) rolls a seven (7) sided die with the same conditions as above except: if the roll comes out a 4, a 5, a 6, or a 7, JRALB votes FOR.

4. After casting a vote, or after seven days from the start of his visit if no vote was cast, JRALB will cease visiting the Player and find a new Player to visit, unless one or more of the following conditions are met:
a) If the Player currently visited by JRALB buys another drink, JRALB will decide as described above for voting whether to remain another week.
b) If the Player currently being visited by JRALB, after buy a A$50 drink, becomes outraged by the vote cast by JRALB, e may step on JRALB, killing him. The Player will pay a penalty in Points equal to the number of Points e would have been entitled to had the Proposal voted on by JRALB passed and a cleanup fee of A$50. If the Player kills JRALB, any vote cast by JRALB will be considered null and void, as if the vote were never cast. JRALB will cease to exist; but his Undead will visit the Undead of Players and mooch drinks. Of course, no one can keep track of JRALB's Undead and his drinking binges, and his Undead is incapable of voting.

5. This Rule takes Precedence over all other Mutable Rules concerning the Creation or Destruction of Ackanomic Entities, Entity Voting or the allocation of Points based on Voting or Proposals.

Proposal 1138 - Tue Aug 20 23:41:55 EDT 1996
Fixing a Loophole I almost Surfed but thought better of
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 824, "Consecutive Passages", to read:

If 10 or more consecutive proposals are accepted, the Brass Monkey shall climb the tallest building in Acka Land and proclaim --

"The authors of the consecutive proposals that were accepted shall be awarded 5 bonus points."

After this proclamation, the Scorekeeper shall increment the scores of each author of a proposal in the consecutive streak by 5 points for each of their proposals accepted in that streak, with a maximum of 15 points per distinct author.

Proposal 1139 - Tue Aug 20 23:42:11 EDT 1996
Undead end of cycle fixes
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 666 as follows:

Add this section to the beginning:
{{ [Since Rule 964 takes precedence, the Undead with CGE's did not lose them at the end of the cycle.]
The undeads Simon Marty Harriman, Kelly Martin, and The Great Old One stop haunting all Chartreuse Goose Eggs. Then, all Chartreuse Goose Eggs in the Treasury are destroyed. }}

Change section b from:
"b) All Chartreuse Goose Eggs and Right-Handed Grapefruit are eliminated."
"b) All Undead stop haunting all Chartreuse Goose Eggs and Right-Handed Grapefruit. Then, all Chartreuse Goose Eggs and Right-Handed Grapefruit are destroyed."

Change section f from:
"f) In every instance where a Player owns Bonds issued in another Player's name, 25% (round up) of such Bonds will revert back to the Player in whose name the Bonds were issued."
"f) In every instance where a Player owns or an Undead haunts Bonds or Bond Promissories associated with a Player or Undead other than emself, 25% (round up) of such Bonds or Promissories revert back to the Player or Undead they are associated with. Each Undead haunts or stops haunting Bonds and Promissories as necessary to achieve the above exchange, and Promissories returning to Undead go into the Treasury."

Proposal 1140 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Revenge of the Chartreuse Goose
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected


Repeal R 431


Create a new rule entitled "Cheesecake", reading:

{{The player who authored the proposal which created this rule shall be declared the winner of the cycle. Authoring the proposal which created this rule is considered achieving a winnning condition as described by R 110.}}


Create a new rule entitiled "Chartreuse Goose", reading:

Let the Chartreuese Goose exist, it is a unique entity. Initially it is Somewhere Else. It may only be possessed by one player at a time.

A player who possesses the Chartreuse Goose may not win the cycle or game. This clause takes precedence over R 219, R 422, and any other mutable rule which establishes winning conditions.

The Chartreuse Goose (hereafter called "Goose") is transferred as specified below. Other rules may specify other ways for it to be transferred.

The term "paradox win CFJ", as used in the following, means any CFJ with a statement in its reasoning similar to the following: "Upon a verdict of TRUE, the initiator wins the cycle in accordance with R 219".

Conditions upon which the Goose is transferred:

1) Upon a verdict of FALSE on a paradox win CFJ, the initiator of the CFJ receives the Goose from wherever it is.

2) Upon a verdict on a paradox win CFJ being overturned to TRUE, the Goose goes Somewhere Else, if and only if the player possessing it was the initiator of the CFJ in question. Immediately afterwords, that player is declared the winner of the cycle.

All of the following actions must be announced publically if they are performed:

3) A player who has possessed the Goose for at least one week may pay A$200 to the Treasury and cause it to go Somewhere Else.

4) A player who has possessed the Goose for at least 30 days may pay A$75 to the Treasury and transfer the Goose to the single player with the lowest score. The player receiving the Goose receives A$75 from the Treasury. This option is not available if more than one player has the lowest score.

5) A player who possesses the Goose may pay A$350 to the Treasury and transfer it to any other player of their choice.

6) A player possessing a Chartreuse Goose Egg may take the Goose off the hands of any player who possesses it, provided the Goose owner agrees to the transaction, and pays a mutually agreed upon amount of currency (of at least A$50) to the Treasury. The Egg owner will receive from the Treasury the same amount that the Goose owner payed in, as compensation.


Amend R 219 to read in full:

If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, or if the legality of some action cannot be determined with finality, or if some action appears equally legal and illegal, then a player may call for judgement on a statement to that effect. Such a call for judgement must contain in its reasoning a statement to the effect that the initiator is claiming a win in accordance with R 219, on a verdict of true.

If the statement is judged true, and the judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for judgement is declared the winner of the cycle.

Proposal 1141 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Coup I
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R 581, "Required Number Of Votes", to read:

For the purposes of this rule, the "player named Malenkai" refers to the Acka player whose name was Malenkai on July 4, 1996.

The required number of YES votes for a proposal to be accepted is 1, if the player named Malenkai legally cast a YES vote on the proposal within the prescribed voting period.

The required number of YES votes for a proposal to be accepted is 100% of the total number of YES and NO votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period, if the player named Malenkai did not legally cast a YES vote on the proposal within the prescribed voting period.

Quorum is defined to be 0.000001 % of the active registered players. This rule has precedence over all other mutable rules.

{{[in good fun. I don't think I would make a very good dictator, if this works. I just want to fix the loophole and a couple of other things..., of course, the fix exists :)]}}

Proposal 1142 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Coup II
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule reading:

{{The rule changed described by the proposal entitled "Coup I" shall be applied as if that proposal were accepted. This takes precedence over all other mutable rules.}}

Proposal 1143 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Coup III
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule reading:

{{The rule changed described by the proposal entitled "Coup I" shall be applied as if that proposal were accepted. This takes precedence over all other mutable rules.}}

Proposal 1144 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Coup IV
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a new rule reading:

{{The rule changed described by the proposal entitled "Coup I" shall be applied as if that proposal were accepted. This takes precedence over all other mutable rules.}}

Proposal 1145 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Coup V
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a new rule reading:

{{The rule changed described by the proposal entitled "Coup I" shall be applied as if that proposal were accepted. This takes precedence over all other mutable rules.}}

Proposal 1146 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Coup VI
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a new rule reading:

{{The rule changed described by the proposal entitled "Coup I" shall be applied as if that proposal were accepted. This takes precedence over all other mutable rules.}}

Proposal 1147 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Coup VII
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule reading:

{{The rule changed described by the proposal entitled "Coup I" shall be applied as if that proposal were accepted. This takes precedence over all other mutable rules.}}

Proposal 1148 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule reading:

{{The rule changed described by the proposal entitled "Coup I" shall be applied as if that proposal were accepted. This takes precedence over all other mutable rules.}}

Proposal 1149 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Coup IX
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Create a new rule reading:

{{The rule changed described by the proposal entitled "Coup I" shall be applied as if that proposal were accepted. This takes precedence over all other mutable rules.}}

Proposal 1150 - Wed Aug 21 14:50:04 EDT 1996
Coup X
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: retracted by author

Create a new rule reading:

{{The rule changed described by the proposal entitled "Coup I" shall be applied as if that proposal were accepted. This takes precedence over all other mutable rules.}}