Proposal 901 - Mon Jun 10 00:27:52 EDT 1996
No E-mail, No Game
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted
All players and observers joining Ackanomic must have a valid e-mail address reachable from the official mailing list at the time they join, or else they may not join.

If all of a player's mail from the official mailing list sent in a period of 3 days or longer (with a minimum of 10 messages) bounces, the Postmaster may put that player on vacation by publicly announcing that he is doing so, and giving the reason. A player put on vacation in this way may not return until email from the list can reach his address again.

If a player or observer's mail from the list bounces for a week or more (minimum 20 messages) then the Postmaster may remove that player or observer from the game by publicly announcing that he is doing so, and giving the reason. The player or observer may rejoin at a later time as usual.

[[ This is what I was going to put into the Postmaster proposal, but was getting too complicated before, so I waited on it and made it into a separate rule. ]]

Proposal 902 - Mon Jun 10 02:33:39 EDT 1996
I Sage o'Doe Gas, I
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Let 'ohm' let a burned heretic, ere her afterlives, upon telling O'the word, elope to the, eh, "Tote poled row eh tog nil let no pus evil ret fare he reciter eh den rub at elm" Hotel.

Proposal 903 - Mon Jun 10 12:23:42 EDT 1996
Bascule (Matt Black)
Decision: Rejected

[Synopsis: If in unanimity, the Senate may prohibit the production of destructive Gadgets]

This rule creates a Committee of Scientific Ethics. It's purpose is to oversee the scientific and technological advances in Ackanomia, and to ensure that such developments are in the public interest.

Inventors and Scientists may not sit on the Committee of Scientific Ethics, however they may be invited to give evidence to the Committee. If a Senator is neither Inventor nor Scientist then he is a member of the Committee of Scientific Ethics.

If the Committee of Scientific Ethics unanimously decides that a blueprint produced by the Inventor would create a gadget or gadgets that would be detrimental to the game of Ackanomic, it may prohibit the production of those gadgets by publishing a document to that effect to the public forum signed by all active Committee members. The document must include an explanation of the reason for the prohibition. This prohibition may be overturned if at any point in the future a member of the Committee publishes a document to that effect.

If the Inventor produces a prohibited gadget, he is breaking the law and may have criminal proceedings brought against him.

Proposal 904 - Mon Jun 10 13:20:53 EDT 1996
Game vs Cycle
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

If a Player wins the Game according to the Rules, then the same procedure shall occur as if he had won a cycle [currently defined by Rule 666]. In particular, the game shall not end.

Proposal 905 - Mon Jun 10 13:32:54 EDT 1996
Transfer of Currency
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

To transfer Currency [Ackadollars (A$)] from one player to another, both of the following conditions must be met.

-The intent to transfer must be made in the public forum by the player giving the Currency away (aka Payer).

-The Payer must have at least the amount of the transfer in their account.

If the above conditions are met, then the Fianacier shall credit and debit the appropriate accounts. If the transaction is invalid for any reason, a public message shall be posted explaining why the transaction was invalid. [[if no message is posted, we can assume the transfer was made]]

[[Is is silly that I must inform the Fianacier that I wish to accept the money that someone wishes to give me]]

Proposal 906 - Mon Jun 10 13:35:39 EDT 1996
Restrictions on Points
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Accepted

No one may have thier point total or score changed for any reason, except by methods described in the Rules.

Proposal 907 - Mon Jun 10 15:44:30 EDT 1996
Spring Cleaning
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal 306
Repeal 379
Repeal 339
Repeal 431

[[ These proposal have been around long enough. Let's clean house and make room for some more proposals. ]]
Rule 306/0 (Mutable)
The Magic Potato
Sean Crystal

This rule creates a nomic entity known as the Magic Potato. The Magic Potato will be given to a randomly chosen player each week. The responsibility of chosing the Player randomly will be left up to the Speaker. There will exist only one Magic Potato at any one time. The Player that currently holds the Magic Potato will gain two extra points for each proposal of his that is accepted while he holds the Magic Potato.

The first Magic Potato will be given out on the first Monday following the accepting of this Proposal into law.

Created by Proposal 306, Jan 30 1996

Rule 339/0 (Mutable)
Keep 'Em In The Game
Mitchell Harding

Anyone whose score is below -60 automatically has it reset back to 0. Anyone whose score reaches exactly -60 has their score changed to 20.

Created by Proposal 339, Jan 30 1996

Rule 379/0 (Mutable)
Short is Good
Wayne Sheppard

Any player who makes a proposal that has less that five lines of text in the body of the proposal shall be awarded five points if the proposal passes.

Created by Proposal 379, Feb 6 1996

Rule 431/1 (Mutable)
Consecutive NO Votes
Mitchell Harding

No player may cast a vote of no more than 7 times consecutively. Abstention from a vote does not count as making a series of votes nonconsecutive. In other words, no one can vote No for more than 7 proposals before having to vote Yes for one. The "ordering" of the votes cast will be ordered based on the numbering of the proposals. Therefore you could not vote No for Proposals 401-408 and Yes for Proposal 409, no matter what order the votes were cast in. The chronological ordering of the votes is unimportant, only the numbering of the proposals that were voted on.

Created by Proposal 304, Jan 23 1996
Amended by Proposal 431, Mar 1 1996, by Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)

Proposal 908 - Mon Jun 10 19:13:44 EDT 1996
making game cycles last longer
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

[[ While I was proposing to change the proposal scoring, I figured I'd consolidate a few things as well.]]

1. Amend rule 207, "Scoring When A Proposal Is Adopted" as follows:
a. Change the name to "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Period Ends"
b. Replace the text:

"When a proposed rule change is adopted, those players who voted against it receive 5 points each. A player whose proposed rule change is adopted also receives 10 points."


"When a proposal passes, the player who proposed it receives 9 points and every player who voted against it receives 2 points.

"When a proposal fails, but meets quorum, the player who proposed it loses 9 points and every player who voted for it receives 1 point.

"When a proposal does not meet quorum, each active player who was not on vacation and abstained on the proposal shall lose 5 points and be placed on vacation."

[[ Since we have auto-vacation, this last part is not likely to happen very often, so I increased the penalty. In general, I am trying to put more emphasis on making proposals rather than on voting, as we had a player run up 250 points in a month during which he only made 6 proposals which we didn't retract, and 2 of them failed.

The four rules listed below are all incorporated into the one rule above.]]

2. Repeal rule 208 "Scoring When A Proposal Is Defeated".
[["When a proposed rule change is defeated, the player who proposed it loses 10 points."]]

3. Repeal rule 427, "Vice Versa".
[["Any player voting for a proposal that does not pass will be awarded 3 points above and beyond any other bonuses or penalties."]]

4. Repeal rule 599, "Encouraging Voting".
[['If a quorum is not established for the voting on any proposal then:

'(i) Each player who did not legally cast a vote on that proposal, and who was legally counted for the purpose of determining the quorum, shall lose two points.

'(ii) No player who did legally vote on the proposal shall have his score adjusted as a result of the failure of the proposal.

'This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules governing scoring.

'If the term "active player" is defined in the rules, then every occurance of the word "player" in parts (i) and (ii) of this rule shall be interpreted as if it was "active player."']]

5. Repeal Rule 774, "Auto-Vacation".
[["If a quorum is not met on a proposal, all players who abstained on the proposal shall be placed on vacation."]]

Proposal 909 - Mon Jun 10 19:14:11 EDT 1996
amend R480
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

Ammend the first sentence of R480 to
The New Ackanomic Zooz will be the official currency of Acknomia

[[Currently it says The AckaDollar (A$) will be the official currency of Ackanomia.]]

Proposal 910 - Sun Jun 23 04:25:19 EDT 1996
Overuse of R451
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

1. Amend Rule 112 'At Least One Mutable Rule'.
Change the word 'inpermissible' to 'impermissible'.

2. Amend Rule 218 'Registered Players'.
Change the word 'parrticipate' to 'participate'.

3. Amend Rule 306 'The Magic Potato, Creation of'.
Change the word 'chosing' to 'choosing'.
[[not 'choking', as ispell suggested. :-) ]]

4. Amend Rule 414 'The Office of the Tabulator'.
Change the word 'Tabluator' to 'Tabulator'.
Change the word 'priveledge' to 'privilege'.
Change the word 'Delagates' to 'Delegates'.
Change the word 'priveledges' to 'privileges'.

[[Don't amend 451 to change 'mispelled' to 'misspelled'.
This is the cute kind of thing that gives flavor to the game, and it looks intentional.]]

5. Amend Rule 457 'Vacationing'.
Change the word 'help' to 'held'.
[[ in 'The duties of any offices help by the player shall be performed...' ]]

6. Amend Rule 463 'Voting Options'.
Change the word 'determing' to 'determining'.

7. Amend rule 508 'Justices Rock'.
Change the word 'Presidental' to 'Presidential'.

8. Amend rule 514 'Contracts, Creation of'.
In part (i), change the word 'recieved' to 'received', and change the word 'indentical' to 'identical'.
In part (v), change the word 'existance' to 'existence'.
Change the word 'non-Enforcable' to 'non-Enforceable' each time it appears (parts (iv) and (vi)).
Change the word 'Enforcable' to 'Enforceable' each time it appears (parts (ii), (iii), and (v)).

9. Amend rule 542 'Creation Political Parties'.
Change the word 'Politcal' to 'Political'.

10. Amend rule 545 'Notes and Comments'.
Change the word 'doube' to 'double'.
Change the word 'completly' to 'completely'.
Change the word 'expilcitly' to 'explicitly'.
[[This rule needs other fixes]]

11. Amend rule 551 'Contracts, Preventing Abuse'.
Change 'non-Enforcable' to 'non-Enforceable' in part (i)b)4).
Change the word 'Enforcable' to 'Enforceable' each time it appears (parts (i)a) (twice), (ii)a), and (ii)c)).

12. Amend rule 554 'Tammany, Creation of'.
In part (v), change 'recieved' to 'received'.
In part (viii), change 'inadvertantly' to 'inadvertently'.

13. Amend rule 566 'Tools IV'.
Change the word 'atributed' to 'attributed'.

14. Amend rule 569 'Overturning Judgements'.
Change the word 'apeal' to 'appeal' each time it appears (6 times).
Change the word 'frivously' to 'frivolously'.
Change the word 'appelate' to 'appellate'.

15. Amend rule 570 'Player Names'.
Change the word 'refering' to 'referring'.
Change 'aphanumberic' to 'alphanumeric' (in the comment at the end).
Change 'superceeds' to 'takes precedence over' and 'Register' to 'Registrar' in the sentence "This clause superceeds any mutable rule which would deny the Register these duties and rights."

16. Amend rule 571 'Changing Player Names'.
Change the word 'anounces' to 'announces'.
Change the word 'sents' to 'sends'.

17. Amend rule 578 'Retracting CFJ's'.
Change the word 'CFG' to 'CFJ'.

18. Amend rule 583 'The Ambassador, Creation of'.
Delete '[sp?]'. [[ This was after 'endeavour'. ]]

19. Amend rule 589 'Invoking Judgement'.
Change the word 'inherintly' to 'inherently'.
Change the word 'ammend' to 'amend' both times it appears.

20. Amend rule 593 'The Inventor, Creation of'.
Change the word 'concensus' to 'consensus'.

21. Amend rule 604 'After a Name Change'.
Change the word "CJF's" to "CFJ's".

22. Amend rule 607 'File Clerk, Creation of'.
Change 'recieving' to 'receiving' in part (iii)a).
Change 'Enforcable' to 'Enforceable' each time it appears (parts (iii)b), (iii)c), (iii)d), and (iv)b))
Change 'non-Enforcable' to 'non-Enforceable' in part (iv)b).
Change 'precendence' to 'precedence' in part (v).

23. Amend rule 615 'Speaker, Creation of'.
Change 'precendence' to 'precedence' in part (iv).

24. Amend rule 648 'Confirmation Procedure'.
Change 'comfirmed' to 'confirmed'.

25. Amend rule 666 'End of Cycle'.
Change 'Chartruese' to 'Chartreuse' each time it appears (twice).

26. Amend rule 682 'For Personal Glory'.
Change 'apear' to 'appear'.
Change 'enaction' to 'enactment'.

27. Amend rule 683 'ExtraNomic Entites.'.
Change the title to 'ExtraNomic Entities'.

28. Amend rule 709 'Gaol, Creation of'.
Change 'silmultaneously' to 'simultaneously'.
Change 'superceeds' to 'takes precedence over'.

29. Amend rule 710 'Criminal Justice'.
Change 'superceeds' to 'takes precedence over'.

30. Amend rule 712 'Gaoler, Creation of'.
Change 'Priviledges' to 'Privileges' in part (iv).

31. Amend rule 721 'R. Organizations'.
Change 'Acaknomic' to 'Ackanomic'.

32. Amend rule 726 'R. Party Hall'.
Change 'represenatative' to 'representative'.

33. Amend rule 767 'Nothing Important'.
Change 'spontaneous' to 'spontaneously'.

34. Amend rule 775 'Church, Creation of'.
Change 'anouncement' to 'announcement' in parts 2d (twice), 7c, and 8e.
Change 'infomation' to 'information' in part 2d.
Change 'duites' to 'duties' in part 4d.
Change 'apublic' to 'a public' in part 8e.

35. Amend rule 779 'Succession Proceedings'.
Change 'ineligable' to 'ineligible' in part 4a twice.
Change 'regretablly' to 'regrettably' in part 5a.
Change 'equivelent' to 'equivalent' in part 5a.
Change 'superceeds' to 'takes precedence over' in parts 5a and 5b.
Change 'privelege' to 'privilege' in part 5a.
Change 'Permissability' to 'Permissibility' in part 5a.

36. Amend rule 786 'Gadgets, Creation of'.
Change 'Privelege' to 'Privilege' in part (iii).
Change 'offerred' to 'offered' in part (iii)e).
Change 'Priveleges' to 'Privileges' in part (iv).

37. Amend rule 790 'Fat Lady, Creation of'.
Change 'Acknomic' to 'Ackanomic'.
Change 'untill' to 'until'.
Change 'This rule take precendence' to 'This rule takes precedence'.

38. Amend rule 797 'Festival of Torkola'.
Change 'superceeds' to 'takes precedence over' in parts 4 and 5b.
Change 'distributation' to 'distribution' in part 5b twice.
Change 'priveledges' to 'privileges' in part 5b.
Change 'priveledge' to 'privilege' in part 5b twice.

39. Amend rule 798 'Palindromes are Inherently Amusing'.
Change 'accessable' to 'accessible'.

40. Amend rule 826 'Acid Rain Dance, Creation of'.
Change 'decription' to 'description'.
Change 'Immediatly' to 'Immediately'.

41. Amend rule 829 'Handling Paradox Wins'.
Change 'permissable' to 'permissible'.

42. Amend rule 867 'Eggs and Fruit'.
Change 'Chartruese' to 'Chartreuse' each time it occurs (5 times).

43. Amend rule 870 'Self Deleting Text'.
Change 'superceeds' to 'takes precedence over'.

44. Amend rule 894 'Map, Creation of'.
Change 'boundries' to 'boundaries'.
Change 'non-existance' to 'non-existence' twice.

45. Amend rule 906 'Restrictions on Points'.
Change 'thier' to 'their'.

Proposal 911 - Mon Jun 24 00:53:34 EDT 1996
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R545 by replacing the last sentence [[ currently "This rule expilcitly does not apply to this rule." ]] with "The above parts of this rule do not apply to this rule."

Amend R664 by replacing the last sentence [[ currently "This rule does not apply to this rule." ]] with "The above parts of this rule do not apply to this rule."

[[ Since the ConCon found to not have occurred, we still need to do this. ]]

Proposal 912 - Mon Jun 24 00:53:50 EDT 1996
Judicial Reform I
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 588 to add the following paragraph after the existing text of the rule:

If the CFJ is a Call For Criminal Judgement (CFCJ), the player or players against which the CFCJ is being called are excluded from "the other active players" and "remaining pool" as described above. This exclusion is made before the random determination is made. In other words, a player who has a CFCJ called against them may not be selected to judge that CFCJ.


{{ All CFCJs whose number is less than 101 shall have 100 added to their number. This applies whether or not a verdict has been reached on the CFCJ.}}

Proposal 913 - Mon Jun 24 00:54:04 EDT 1996
Judicial Reform II
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R 588 to add the following paragraphs after the existing text of the rule:

If the CFJ is determined to be a Conflict of Interest with respect to a player or group of players by the officer responsible for selecting the judge (hereafter called the CotC), the player or players that a Conflict of Interest has been determined for are excluded from "the other active players" and "remaining pool" as described above. This exclusion is made before the random determination is made.

The CotC has the priveledge of determining for which players, if any, there is a Conflict of Interest, based on the statement of the CFJ. The CotC must make all such determinations public, and must include reasoning in such disclosure.

[An example of possible Conflict of Interest might be:

Player X calls the following CFJ:

"Player Y has used illegal means to change their score."

The CotC could then find that it would be a Conflict of Interest to choose Player Y to judge this CFJ.]

Proposal 914 - Mon Jun 24 00:54:23 EDT 1996
Economic Reforms
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 554, "Tammany" by replacing section (iv) c) which reads:

c) In the text of the message, it designates an amount of currency from 0 to 5 units.


c) In the text of the message, it designates an amount of currency from 5 to 25 units, evenly divisible by 5.

[[Tammany was created before the treasury and the large increases to our balances, and R 666. This should bring the bribe back into line. If I wasn't so lazy, I would bribe on every proposal at these rates.]]


Amend R 710, "Criminal Justice" by replacing the phrase:

A "court fee" of 50 units

with the phrase:

A "court fee" of 20 units

[[this fee doesn't seem in line with the economics of the game. The courts should be more accessable by reducing high legal fees.]]

Proposal 915 - Tue Jun 25 14:38:13 EDT 1996
Winning isn't everything...
Kelly Martin (Kelly Martin)
Decision: Rejected

I. Rule 904 shall be amended to read:

Ackanomic is a game without end. The Game shall consist of a sequence of "Cycles", played in sequence according to the Rules. Cycles end when required by the Rules. The period of time between the end of one Cycle and the beginning of the next is called an "Intermission". At most one Cycle is in progress at any one time.

Any Rule which purports to define conditions under which a Player wins the Game shall be interpreted instead to be defining conditions under which a Player wins a Cycle. This Rule takes precedence over any Rule which specifies conditions under which a Player wins the Game, or conditions under which the Game would end.

II. Rule 110 shall be amended to read:

A Player wins the current Cycle when that Player achieves one or more of the Winning Conditions defined in the Rules. If two or more Players achieve the same or different Winning Conditions at the same time, all such Players jointly win the current Cycle at that time. A Player who wins a Cycle is a Winner of that Cycle.

If there are no Winning Conditions defined by the Rules, nobody can win a Cycle.

Nobody can win during an Intermission.

III. Rule 790 shall be amended to read:

A Cycle ends when one or more Players Win that Cycle. When the current Cycle ends because of one or more Players winning it, an Intermission begins.

Upon the beginning of an Intermission, all events which the Rules require to take place at the end of a Game take place. The Intermission ends when all such events are complete.

When the Intermission ends, a new Cycle is begun. All Rules, Proposals, and other Nomic Entities remain unchanged from the state they had at the end of the prior Cycle, except for those changes required by the Rules.

IV. Rule 219 shall be amended to read:

A CFJ which alleges that
a) the Rules have been changed such that further play is impossible, that the legality of some action cannot be determined with finality, or that some action is both equally legal and illegal; and
b) that the condition alleged to exist in part (a) can be rectified by the creation, amendment, or repeal of exactly one mutable Rule other than this Rule, and explicitly states the exact Rule Change which is thus alleged
is a "Paradox Win CFJ".

If a Paradox Win CFJ is judged TRUE, it shall be automatically appealed to the Supreme Court; there is no fee for this automatic appeal, even if one would normally apply. A FALSE ruling may be appealed in the normal fashion, and the following paragraph does not apply to appeals of a FALSE judgement.

While the Supreme Court is reviewing a Paradox Win CFJ which was originally found TRUE, voting upon all Proposals shall be suspended, no new Proposal shall be distributed, no new CFJs shall be assigned, and no Judgement on any outstanding CFJ other than the Paradox Win CFJ shall be accepted. Any time limits for legal action pertaining to any suspended activity is extended for the duration of the Supreme Court's deliberations. The Supreme Court shall review the Paradox Win CFJ with all deliberate haste; the usual time for deliberation is shortened to three days in this case.

If the Supreme Court, upon review, finds that the correct Judgement of a Paradox Win CFJ is TRUE, the Player who made the Paradox Win CFJ wins the current Cycle (this is a Winning Condition). At the end of that Cycle, all Proposals under vote and all CFJs not judged are removed from consideration without penalty to any Player, and the single Rule Change alleged per (b) above is applied to the Rules, before the next Cycle begins.

A Player who wins a Cycle in the fashion specified in this Rule receives a Left-Handed Kumquat, in addition to any other awards e may receive.

This Rule takes precedence over any Rule which conflicts with any of its provisions.

V. Rule 422 shall be amended to read:

The Magic Number is the number of Points required to win a Cycle. Being the only Player whose Score exactly matches the Magic Number is a Winning Condition. The Magic Number may be different for each Cycle, and the Magic Number of a given Cycle may vary during the course of that Cycle, as specified by the Rules.

At the beginning of a new Cycle, the Magic Number of that Cycle is 257.

If, at a single time, there are two or more Players, all of whose Scores exactly match the Magic Number, the Magic Number of that Cycle shall immediately be incremented by 13.

If the Scorekeeper cannot, in good faith, determine which of two or more Players achieved a score exactly matching the Magic Number first, all such Players shall be considered to have achieved it simultaneously.

VI. Rule 666 shall be amended to read:

Whenever a Cycle ends, the following events shall take place, before the start of the next Cycle:

a) All Chartreuse Goose Eggs and Right-Handed Grapefruit are eliminated.
b) The Winner (or Winners) of the Cycle just ended shall each receive a Right-Handed Grapefruit, if the Rules define such an entity.
c) All Players who, at the time the just-ended Cycle ended, had zero or fewer points shall each receive a Chartreuse Goose Egg, if the Rules define such an entity.
d) 20% (rounded down) of the Ackadollars held by each non-winning Player, and 10% (rounded down) of the Ackadollars held by each Winner shall be transferred to the Treasury.
e) 25% (rounded up) of each species of Bond held by each Player shall be transferred to the Player in whose name the Bonds were issued.
f) Each Player shall receives from the Treasury a number of Ackadollars equal to the lesser of his score in the Cycle just ended and the Magic Number of the Cycle just ended.
g) The current Bond Payment cycle is aborted, and the time of the next payment of bond dividends is adjusted to be two weeks after the start of the next Cycle.
h) The Score of every Player is set to zero.

VII. Rule 425 shall be amended, by replacing the words "winning the game" with the words "winning a cycle".

Proposal 916 - Tue Jun 25 14:39:26 EDT 1996
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Rejected

Part A:

There shall exist the following ackanomic enitities:

A pencil
a #20 beading needle
an X-Acto knife handle
a sterile gauze pad
a medium sized adhesive-bandage strip
topical disinfectant
a nice hot cup of coffee

These entities shall not be owned by any one player. However any player may control any of these entities at any time he desires to.

Part B:

If at any time a player completes the following procedure the treasury shall transfer A$40 into his account. A player may only complete the following procedure once per game cycle. To complete the procedure, a player needs to post a step by step description of the procedure. The player may add colorful embellishments so long as he also describes each step in the procedure.


1) Place #20 beading needle in X-Acto knife handle.

2) Light match, and sterilize needle by holding it in the flame for at least 15 seconds, or until the needle is red hot.

3) Remove pants (being careful to first remove shoes), and sit down. Thoroughly swab an acessible area of your upper thigh with topical disinfectant. Grip needle firmly by X-Acto knife handle, and with a quick pwerful motion, plunge deeply into fat and muscle of thigh within swabbed area.

4) With needle still embedded in thigh, pick up pencil and paper and note your immediate reaction to having a red-hot needle plunged into your leg.

5) Upon completing step 4, put down pencil and paper, grasp handle, and extract needle carefully, pulling backward directly alon original trajectory of needle. Remove sterile gauze from packaging and hold over wound until bleeding stops. Dress wound and put pants back on.

6) Pour yourself a nice hot cup of coffee and review your notes. Post some commentary about your notes to the end of your message describing the procedure.

Proposal 917 - Tue Jun 25 14:39:56 EDT 1996
More fixing offices
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Rejected

[[ Summary: This fixes up the creation rules for the Supreme Court, Promoter, Financier, Historian, Postmaster, and CSRR as was done with other offices already. Also rule 612's precedence clause is reduced in scope, and the Gaoler rule is amended to allow it to really be filled by election. The CSRR and ConCon rules are amended to replace the undefined term "Official Voting Period" with "Prescribed Voting Period". ]]

1. Amend R612, 'Functional Offices, Commonalities' as follows: Change the first sentence from
"This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules."
"This rule takes precedence over rule 609."

[[ Eliminating a blanket precedence clause; this will allow elected functional offices (like Gaoler already claims to be). ]]

2. Amend rule 712, 'Gaoler, Creation of'.
Change section (ii) from:
"There shall be one seat for this office. This seat is filled by election." to:
"There shall be one seat for this office. This seat is filled by election. This rule takes precedence over rule 612."

3. Amend R507 'The Supreme Court of Ackanomia' to read:
"The Supreme Court is a Political Office with two seats. The players who hold these seats are called Justices. The President, Speaker, and Senators may not be Justices. Justices are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Should the Senate not agree on a candidate, then the President must propose another person until the Senate agrees or the Senate has already rejected three candidates."

[[ The removal from office clause can be replaced by the standard impeachment procedure.

The rule now says:
"A new entity will be created called the Supreme Court. It will be composed of two players (called Justices) who are neither President, Speaker, Senator or already Justice. They are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Should the Senate not agree on a candidate, then the President must propose another person until the Senate agrees or the Senate has already rejected three candidates.

"Once a justice, a player can never be voted out or kicked of office by any other entity, except by a petition of at least two thirds the number of players. A justice can resign.

"Should there not exist either/all of the above mentioned position (president, speaker, senator) then this rule becomes dormant until there are." ]]

4. Amend Rule 396 'Office of Promoter' to read, in full:
"There is a functional office called the Promoter. A proposal by a Player shall be made by submitting it to the Promoter. As soon as possible after receiving the proposal, the Promoter shall assign the proposal a number and distribute it to the players for voting."

[[ R396 now says: "Let there be officer called the Promoter. The Promoter would be selected on a volunteer basis. In the case of multiple volunteers, the Speaker will choose by random selection. In the event of there being no volunteers for the office of Promoter, the duties of the Promoter are to be carried out by the Speaker.

A proposal by a Player shall be made by submitting it to the Promoter. As soon as poosible after receiving the proposal, the Promoter shall assign the proposal a number and distibute it to the players for voting." ]]

5. Amend Rule 482 "Creation of the Office of the Financier and Free Market" to read in full:

"There is an office called the Financier, to be filled by election. There is also an office called Assistant Financier, with two seats. The Financier may choose or dismiss Assistant Financiers as desired. There shall never be Acting Assistant Financiers. This takes precedence over any other mutable rule which specifies methods for filling offices.

"The Financier and Assistant Financiers are collectively called the Office of the Financier (OotF). The Financier may delegate his powers to the assistants as he desires, but he is still ultimately responsible for his duties.

"A duty of the Financier shall be to keep track of the accounts (bonds, currencies, etc.) of the players.

"An entity called the Free Market (FM) exists. It is a bulletin board where anyone may post requests for transactions, to buy, sell, or exchange assets. The FM is suspended at any time there is not a Financier, and exists starting on the first Monday after a new Financier is picked.

"When players have agreed to a transaction, they should report it to the Financier. When the Financier has verified that the transaction is legal, it becomes official and the appropriate records shall be updated. A transaction is only legal if it is specifically permitted by a rule."

[[ Current text of 482:

"A new entity will be created called the Office of the Financier (OotF). This head of the OotF will be called the Financier, and will have up to two assistants which he/she will choose and dismiss as desired. The assistants are official representatives of the Financier and members of the OotF. They have the same powers as the Financier himself, except his is the final authority. They may resign their position.

"The position of Financier shall be filled by candidates volunteering for the job. Should there be more than one candidate for the position, a vote will have to be taken by the Players or by another entity given that task as part of its charter, electing the candidate with the most votes. In case of a tie, the Speaker will randomly select one of the tied candidates.

"A new entity called the Free Market (FM) will be created. It will be the only legal place for transactions to take place. The FM will exist in the form of a bulletin board where anyone may post requests for transactions, to buy, sell or exchange assets. The FM will begin to exist on the first Monday after the Financier has been picked. If there is no longer a Financier, then the FM will be suspended until another is found.

"When a player is interested by a transaction, then he/she should sort out the deal with the player who posted it directly. Once the details of the transactions have been worked out, they must report it to the Financier. Once the Financier has verified the transaction was legal according to rules regulating such transactions, then it will be come official, become effective and a record will be kept. If the transaction is not specifically permitted by a rule, then it is illegal. The Financier is responsible for the proper maintenance of the accounts of the players, (bonds, currencies, whatever...), whether or not that task is delegated to someone or some other entity.

"The Financier will be directly responsible for the upkeep of the FM. He/she may delegate any work to assistants, but is still ultimately responsible for it. The financier is also responsible for making sure the records of every transaction are publicly available.

"The Financier is responsible for overseeing the lawful functioning of any entity that deals on, is related to, uses the FM, when using the FM. This includes the authority to negotiate and resolve conflicts or disagreements between such entities according to the rules, tradition, or to the best of his/her judgement, in that order.

"The Financier is publicly accountable and can be voted out of office by two thirds of the votes of the Players. The Financier may also resign. The Financier will report directly to the Players concerning his handling of the job, especially on matter concerning his decisions in resolving disagreements. Should any player disagree with the Financier's decision, he/she may call a CFJ to impeach the Financier on that matter until it is dropped or a rule is passed clearing up the situation." ]]

6. Amend Rule 621, "Historian, Creation of" as follows:

Replace the first four sections:

"1) The office of the Historian is hereby created. There will be one seat for this office.

"2) Upon vacancy of the office, it will be filled on a volunteer basis. Upon multiple volunteers, the Speaker will choose one [preferably one with access to a web server]. In the event that no volunteers come forth, the office will remain vacant and its duties unfulfilled.

"3) Salary: The Historian will draw a salary as appropriate for a Functional Office. Should this term be undefined or its salary be undefined, the salary will be 0.

"4) Term: The Historian will hold the office until he or she resigns or until he or she is Impeached."


"1) There shall be a functional office called Historian. There shall never be an Acting Historian. This takes precedence over all other rules for filling offices."

And change the beginning of the last section from "5) Duties:" to "2) Duties:"

7. Amend rule 832, 'Postmaster, Creation of', as follows:
Change the first paragraph from:
"There shall be a functional office called the Postmaster, with one seat. The office of Postmaster shall be filled by a volunteer. If there is no volunteer, and at any time in which the office of Postmaster is vacant, there shall be no Acting Postmaster. This rule takes precedence over the rules "Offices, Commonalities" and "Functional Offices, Commonalities" with respect to Acting Officers." to:
"There shall be a functional office called the Postmaster.
There shall never be an Acting Postmaster.
This rule takes precedence over rule 612." And delete the last sentence:
"The Postmaster shall receive the usual salary for a Functional Office."

[[ I'm guilty of adding some cruft into the ruleset myself. Let's eliminate some. ]]

8. Amend R695 "Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy" to read, in full:

"(a) There shall be a functional office called Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy. This office may be referred to as CSRR.
(b) A privilege of the CSRR is publishing Common Sense Reports. A common sense report (CSR) is a suggested change to the rules. A CSR is not a proposal. The changes suggested in a CSR may only consist of amending and repealing mutable rules.
(c) The CSRR shall distribute CSR's publicly, and assign each one a unique number. After a CSR is distributed, any player may officially object to it by publishing his objection publicly. If no player objects to the CSR within the Prescribed Voting Period after it has been distributed, then at the end of that time, the changes it suggests will be made. The CSRR shall publish a notice that the changes have been made."

[[ In addition to cutting out a lot of junk, this changes "Official Voting Period" to "Prescribed Voting Period", a term which is actually defined in the rules. See also change #9 below.

The old text was:
" (a) The Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy shall exist. This office may be referred to as CSRR.
(b) The purpose of the Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy is to make changes to the rules when it finds that the rules, as written, do not make sense, are redundant, do not conform _in fact_ to their interpretation in game custom, or are redundant. The Office may perform other functions if they conform to the rules. [The Office should make minor changes. But if it can get major changes past the, shall we say, review process, it can.]
(c) CSRR shall be a Functional Office with one seat.
(d) (1) The CSRR Officer may publish suggested changes to the rules. Such a publication may be referred to as a "Common Sense Report" or "CSR." The CSRR Officer shall assign a unique number for reference purposes to each CSR he publishes.
(2) Changes to the rules suggested by a CSR shall be limited to modifying an existing rule or repealing an existing rule. A CSR may not propose the modification or repeal of immutable rules.
(e) (1) If any player objects to the changes in the CSR within the Official Voting Period, he shall publish his objection. The changes proposed by the CSR shall not be made. This subsection shall not prevent any formal proposal from being made. [In other words, even if there are objections to the CSR, the CSRR Officer, or anyone else, can still propose it as a formal rule proposal.]
(2) If no player objects to the changes in the CSR within the Official Voting Period, the changes proposed in the CSR shall be made. The CSRR Officer shall publish a notice that the changes have been made. All Officers responsible for modifying any official rule set(s) [e.g., the Web-Harfer] shall modify such rule set(s) upon receipt of such publication." ]]

9. Amend Rule 629, 'Constitutional Convention; Procedure' by changing "Official Voting Period' and 'official voting period', each time those phrases occur, to 'Prescribed Voting Period'.
[[ This term is actually defined by the rules. ]]

Proposal 918 - Tue Jun 25 14:40:54 EDT 1996
Amend R592: What's a trombone FOR, anyway?
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R592 by appending the following sentence: "Protected entities may be manipulated in ways that have no game effect as their owners or controllers as see fit."

Proposal 919 - Tue Jun 25 14:41:32 EDT 1996
Emergency Financial Measures
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Retracted by author

1. Part c) of rule 666 shall be modified to read, "c) The winner is given a Right-Handed Grapefruit, should such an entity be defined by the Rules."

2. A new rule is created, reading:
{{ Each player receives A$750 from the Treasury. }}

Proposal 920 - Wed Jun 26 00:22:19 EDT 1996
fixing rule titles again
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend rule 452 by changing the second paragraph to:
If the Proposal passes and the Proposal creates a New Rule, then the New Rule shall have the Title indicated by the proposal, or if none is specified, the New Rule shall have the same Title as the Proposal. If the Proposal amends or transmutes a Rule, the Title of the Rule shall remain unchanged, unless the proposal explicitly amends the name of the Rule.

{{[ This will allow proposals to create rules with titles different than the proposal's title; this is particularly useful for proposals which create more than one new rule.
Rule 452 now says:
Each Rule shall have a Title. Each Proposal shall also have a Title. When a Proposal is submitted, the player that submits it may indicate the Title for the Proposal. If the player doesn't indicate a Title for the Proposal then the Promoter shall select a Title.

If the Proposal passes and the Proposal creates a New Rule, then the New Rule shall have the Title of the Proposal. If the Proposal amends or mutates a Rule, the Title of the Rule shall remain unchanged.

The title of a rule may only be changed when a rule change amends the rule, or when a rule changes the title.]}}

Proposal 921 - Wed Jun 26 00:22:36 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

No proposal may contain, in its text or title, the letter 'W', (or lowercase 'w'). Any such proposal submitted is invalid, and shall be handled as such by the appropriate rules.

No proposal may contain the number of this rule, in its text or title. Any such proposal submitted is invalid, and shall be handled as such by the appropriate rules.

Proposal 922 - Wed Jun 26 00:22:49 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 306, entitled "The Magic Potato, Creation of" to replace the term 'Speaker' with the term 'Registrar'.

Proposal 923 - Wed Jun 26 00:23:09 EDT 1996
Gimme that Gnome
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Doctor Who, not Star Trek or any other science fiction serial, is the official science fiction television serial of Ackanomic.

The official science fiction television serial is Protected.

Proposal 924 - Wed Jun 26 00:23:35 EDT 1996
Required Reading
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

a) Upon the passage of this rule, the Web-Harfer shall have a fortnight to either provide a link to, or provide the text of, Godel's Theorem on the Ackanomic web page.

b) Additionally, the Web-Harfer shall have a fortnight to either provide a link to, or provide the text of, commentary from at least one figure in mathematics, logic, or law, as to the *gist* of Godel's Theorem.

c) If the Web-Harfer claims that a) or b) are impossible, do to copyright restrictions, or inability to find the required material, and such a claim is bona-fide, then the Web-Harfer shall not be liable for any game penalty arising from the non-performance of clause a) and b), including, but not limited to, CFCJ procedure. This clause superceeds any mutable rule which would attempt to impose such a penalty, or which defines a procedure to initiate such a penalty.

d) Upon completion of the requirements of clause a), the Web-Harfer shall receive a bonus of 10 points. Once such a bonus is recieved, this clause d) shall be stricken from this rule.

e) Upon completion of the requirements of clause b), the Web-Harfer shall receive a bonus of 5 points, plus an additional 10 points if the commentary selected is substantially about law. Once such a bonus is recieved, this clause e) shall be stricken from this rule.

f) The Web-Harfer may publically request that the Speaker help him or her in his or her attempt to comply with clause a) and b). If such a request is made, the Speaker must make a bona-fide effort to help the Web-Harfer. [[who says I wouldn't find something for the Speaker to do?]]

Proposal 925 - Wed Jun 26 00:24:08 EDT 1996
This is a GAME, not third grade
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Upon the passage of a proposal, the author of the proposal shall receive one point for each misspelled word in the proposal being passed.

If there is any doubt as to the correctness of the spelling of a particular word, the dictionary chosen for the palindrome rule (which will never be needed for that rule) shall adjudicate the spelling in question.

If this is impossible, either because the dictionary does not exist or is incomplete, or because that rule does not exist, the Speaker shall determine if the contentious word or words is/are spelled correctly, vis-a-vis the Queen's English.

Proposal 926 - Wed Jun 26 02:09:32 EDT 1996
Massive Repeals
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal 495 if it exists
Repeal 514 if it exists
Repeal 551 if it exists
Repeal 706 if it exists
Repeal 720 if it exists
Repeal 721 if it exists
Repeal 726 if it exists
Repeal 729 if it exists
Repeal 767 if it exists
Repeal 775 if it exists

I dare anyone to argue that these Rules need to stay in the Ruleset. For the most part, they have just cluttered up the ruleset since thier introduction. The Contracts haven't even been attempted to be used. The other stuff is just as useless, including the Party Hall. Surely if the author had planned on doing something with it, he could have submitted a proposal by now. And to those who argue that the Rules are part of the character of the game and should be left alone, they will always remain on the Acka Web page in the proposal histories.

Proposal 927 - Wed Jun 26 02:12:56 EDT 1996
Kill the Rules I Hate part 1
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal 306 - The Magic Potato

Proposal 928 - Wed Jun 26 02:13:28 EDT 1996
Kill the Rules I Hate part 2
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal 339 - Keep'Em in the Game

Proposal 929 - Wed Jun 26 02:14:01 EDT 1996
Kill the Rules I Hate part 3
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal 335 - The Voting Gnome

Proposal 930 - Wed Jun 26 02:14:51 EDT 1996
Kill the Rules I Hate part 4
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal 379 - Short is Good

Proposal 931 - Wed Jun 26 02:15:40 EDT 1996
Kill the Rules I Hate part 5
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal 400 - Politeness Moon

Proposal 932 - Wed Jun 26 02:16:22 EDT 1996
Kill the Rules I Hate part 6
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal 431 - Consecutive NO votes

Proposal 933 - Wed Jun 26 13:10:21 EDT 1996
Emergency Economic Measures
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Retracted by author

A new rule shall be created, reading:

{{ Each player shall receive A$750 from the Treasury. }}

Proposal 934 - Sat Jun 29 13:08:38 EDT 1996
Massive Repeal Omission
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Retracted by author

Repeal rule 607.
[ The File Clerk won't be needed if P926 passes and repeals the other contract rules. ]

Proposal 935 - Sat Jun 29 13:16:38 EDT 1996
Repealing R829
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Repeal rule 829, "Handling Paradox Wins".
[[The rule has been judged to not work anyway, and if P915 passes, its idea is incorporated into R219.]]

Proposal 936 - Mon Jul 01 16:50:53 EDT 1996
Lazy II
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Retracted by author

Replace the text of R 213, which currently reads:

Having accepted the appointment, a Judge has exactly one week in which to post an official Judgement. A Judge who fails to deliver Judgement within that period is penalized 10 points.


Having accepted the appointment, a Judge has exactly one week, starting from the time they were initially selected, in which to post an official Judgement. A Judge who fails to deliver Judgement within that period is penalized 10 points, and the appointment is reassigned.

[[this makes the CotC bookkeeping alot easier, and, admittedly, speeds up the CFJ process. Presumably, though, the judge designate is thinking about the verdict anyway when deciding whether or not to accept appointment. It also clarifies a small loophole about what to do with the CFJ if the judge is tardy.]]

Proposal 937 - Mon Jul 01 16:51:38 EDT 1996
Silly Vacation Hat, Creation of
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
Decision: Accepted

There shall exist a type of nomic entity known as Silly Vacation Hats. Silly Vacation Hats cannot be owned or controlled except as allowed by this rule. A Silly Vacation Hat can do nothing but be worn, admired, removed, and disintegrate.

Whenever a player has remained "on vacation" for a period exceeding 14 days (and is not already wearing a Silly Vacation Hat), the registrar shall randomly select an active player (hereafter known as a Mad Hatter) to design a Silly Vacation Hat for the vacationing player. The Mad Hatter will then have three days to publically announce a design for the Silly Vacation Hat. If a player fails to submit a design for the Silly Vacation Hat within the designated period, that player shall have 3 points deducted from his score, and the registrar shall select a new Mad Hatter.

When a player who has been "on vacation" for more than fourteen days returns he is required to:

a) Post a message to the public forum admiring his silly vacation hat.
b) Thank his Mad Hatter for designing him a hat.
c) Wear the hat for a period of 14 days.
d) include in the closing of every message he posts to the public forum the text string "Wearing a Silly Vacation Hat."

After 14 days have elapsed since the vacationers return, the vacationer shall remove his hat. Upon a hat's removal, it will immediatly disintegrate and be removed from the game.

This rule shall not apply to vacationers who are wearing a Prosthetic Forehead, as it is well know that a Silly Vacation Hat will not fit over a Prosthetic Forehead.

Proposal 938 - Mon Jul 01 16:52:15 EDT 1996
Rewarding the good
Robin Hood (R Shaw)
Decision: Rejected

At the end of every week the Tabulator shall publish a list of all proposals which have passed during that week ranked by the number of yes votes they received.
If all the proposals ranked in first place are by the same player that player shall be proclaimed 'the supreme legislator' by the president and immmediately receive a 10 point bonus.
They shall keep the title 'the supreme legislator' until such time as another player gains it. While they hold it their name must always be preceeded by this title. [e.g the supreme legislator Malenkai] Failure to do this is impolite.

Proposal 939 - Mon Jul 01 16:53:07 EDT 1996
Party Hall party
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Accepted

The 7th day of every month shall be known as the Day of the Party Hall party.

If Party Hall is in session:
Sometime during this day, each Swinger shall send one message each to the other Swingers. These messages shall be generally friendly, and must include at least one complimentary statement about the recipient, a member of eir Party, or eir Party as a whole. In the case of messages sent to the NAP Swinger, statements that praise the independence of non-party-affiliated Players also qualify.

The Gaoler shall compose a depressing and awfully-written 8-line poem, and will post it publicly.

Proposal 940 - Mon Jul 01 16:54:02 EDT 1996
Posion Word, Creation of
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Rejected

The protected acka-entity known as the "Poison Word" now exists.

The Poison Word must be some string of lower-case English letters, and is initially "legume." The Poison Word can be changed only if there is a process for doing so explicitly delineated in the Rules.

If, when it is time for the vote on a Proposal to be resolved, that Proposal contains a word that, when converted to lower-case, is the same as the Poison Word, that Proposal shall fail.

Proposal 941 - Mon Jul 01 16:54:48 EDT 1996
Spelling Moon
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Any Player A sending a public message (a message to all Players) must spell all words in the said message correctly. If some Player B feels that A misspelled any word(s), Player B may call a hearing, and in so doing, must state the number of words allegedly misspelled (hereafter known as X). In this hearing, all Players will send their votes to the Assistant Tabulator and vote either "Yes, he misspelled X words", or "No, he's an A student, just passed third grade", or abstain.

Players have 3 days from when the hearing is called in order to vote. At the end of that time the votes will be counted by the Assistant Tabulator and a simple majority (50% or more) will determine the outcome. The Assistant Tabulator will then publicly announce the outcome of the hearing. If the verdict shows that a person misspelled X words, he is immediately sent to the Gaol for a sentence of X days, with no grace period (this clause superceeds any mutable rule which would otherwise give the player a grace period).

If the verdict shows any other result, he gets the nickname Heavy Metal Hare for the next 3 days.

Proposal 942 - Mon Jul 01 16:55:24 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

R 491 shall be amended to read, in full:

A rule change is valid if it calls for one or more of these effects, and no other effects: the creation of a new mutable rule; the amendment of an existing mutable rule; the repeal of an existing mutable rule; a change of the mutability of any rule; a change of a rule's number.

When a valid rule change is adopted, the effect or effects called for by its text shall be carried out.


R 709 shall have its number changed to 300.

Proposal 943 - Mon Jul 01 16:55:38 EDT 1996
Show Some Respect
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

Amend R 362 to append the following paragraph after the existing text:

The term "player", as used above, specifically means "a player who is not on vacation". This clause takes precedence over any other mutable rule which would define the term differently. This paragraph also has retroactive effect to Jun 25, 1996, 03:51 hrs New Your Time. This clause takes precedence over R 106 and any other Mutable rule which would deny retroactive change or effect.

Proposal 944 - Mon Jul 01 16:56:03 EDT 1996
Respect the Dead II
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

[[I didn't think of some things on this the first time around]]

Amend R 570 to replace the phrase which reads:

"A new player may not choose the name of previous player"

With the phrase:

"A new player may not choose the name of previous player, or the previous name of a current player"


Amend R 571 to wholly relpace its current text with the following:

A player may change it's Official Ackanomic Name if all of the following conditions are met:

a) The player anounces the new Name publicly with a short explanation to all the players.

b) The player sents the old name, the new name and the real name of the player to the Registrar.

c) The new name complies with all other rules as if the name were being chosen by a new player, including, but not limited to, R 570.

[[old text of R 571:

A player may change it's Official Ackanomic Name if

a) The player anounces the new Name publicly with a short explanation to all the players.

b) The player sents the old name, the new name and the real name of the player to the Registrar.

Proposal 945 - Mon Jul 01 16:56:18 EDT 1996
Protecting The Rules
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

Any change to the rules must be voted upon by the players of Ackanomic. Any change that is not voted upon is void and illegal.

Proposal 946 - Mon Jul 01 16:56:31 EDT 1996
Word Limit.
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

There cannot be more than 50000 words in the rule set. If adding a passed proposal (as a new rule or by its effect) to the rule set would result in the rule set having more than 50000 words (whether or not it was already over the limit to begin with), then that passed proposal is declared void and not added to the rule set.

Proposal 947 - Mon Jul 01 16:57:34 EDT 1996
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

A new rule shall be created, reading:

1) Five Slices of Pizza are hereby created. They are initially unowned. Once the 5 Slices are created, no more may ever be created.

2) The Slices are Protected. Once owned by a player, a Slice may be transferred or traded amongst players for currency, as permitted by the rules for transactions, on the FM or otherwise.

3) Upon there existing 1 or more Slices which are unowned, there will be an auction for the unowned slices. The Assistant Tabulator shall be the auctioneer, and he or she is not permitted to bid in the auction.

4) The Auction shall be conducted as follows:
4a) All players are permitted to submit one bid of an amount of currency equal to or less than the amount they possess. Anyone who submits more than one bid, or a bid in excess of what they have is disqualified, and their bid is disqualified. Bids may not be retracted.

4b) Let N be the number of Slices unowned. The players who made the N highest qualified bids shall each receive a Slice. If the number of players who made qualified bids is less than N, then the Assistant Tabulator shall receive all the the remaining Slices. If the bids are tied such that the Assistant Tabulator cannot determine who gets Slices, the Assistant Tabulator shall resolve the tie(s) via random means.

4c) All funds successfully bid will be transferred from the bidder's account to the Treasury. The successful bidders shall take possession of their Slice(s), as shall the Assistant Tabulator, if appropriate.

5) Once owned, a player may eat their Slice by publically announcing that they are doing so. This act destroys the Slice; it may not be eaten again.

6) Upon a Slice being eaten, one of the following random effects happens. The Speaker is responsible for determining which random effect occurs, and any other random events associated with the effect. This section, and the effects described by this section, takes precedence over any other mutable rule with which there is conflict, or would prevent the specified effect from occuring (in other words, the effects take precedence over any other mutable rule which would prevent them from occurring). List of possible effects:

1) The eater may choose any proposal in the proposal archive, which previously failed, and make that proposal a mutable rule as if it were Adopted at the time the Slice was eaten.

2) A random proposal in the proposal archive, which previously failed, is applied as if had been Adopted at the time the Slice was eaten.

3) The the Great Trombone of Ackanomia shall instantly be transferred to the eater, from wherever it is, or from whomever has it.

4) The eater may take any proposal currently being voted on, and make it a mutable rule. The proposal must have been submitted before the Slice was eaten. Such action removes the proposal from consideration.

5) The eater is sent to the Gaol for 5 days, with no grace period.

6) A random mutable rule is repealed.

7) The eater receives A$ 300 from the Treasury.

8) The eater may choose a mutable rule to repeal.

9) The eater's score is set to -59.

10) The eater may choose any office, and kick the current holder out of that office. The eater then holds that office.

11) The eater's score is set to 2112.

12) The eater's Ackanomic name is changed to George. This name may not be changed for 30 days.

13) The eater may specify any gadget or artifact to be destroyed. Upon such specification, the entity specified is destroyed.

14) same as 2) above

15) same as 4) above

16) The eater may swap the text of any 2 mutable rules, including titles (numbers remain unswapped).

17) The eater's score is set to the Magic Number, if and only if they were wearing a Prosthetic Forehead when this rule was Adopted.

18) The eater may compose and add a mutable rule to the ruleset, so long as that rule is approved by 50% or more of all "Party Hall Swingers". The eater has 5 days to compose and get such a rule approved. If Swingers do not exist, or the eater cannot compose or get approval in the time limit, the eater is given a Chartreuese Goose Egg instead.

19) The eater may remove any three words from the ruleset, so long as such removals come from mutable rules.

20) The eater realizes, simply by the fact that that they are here, and that this rule is a rule, that an Ackanomic Miracle has occurred, and True Wisdom has been seen. Given that insight, they automatically receive Phoebe's matchbox from where ever it may be, and they must report what Phoebe says, as per the rules for doing so. Additionally, they may choose any effect on this list (except this one of course, we don't need 7 CFJs :)) to occur. They must make such choice immediately upon receipt of notification that this option was chosen.

Proposal 948 - Mon Jul 01 16:57:50 EDT 1996
Making Some Rules Mutable Temporarily
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Transmute Rule 104 to Mutable.
Transmute Rule 105 to Mutable.
[[ See next proposal. In order to be a valid rule change, this must be a separate proposal from the amendment. See rule 491.]]

Proposal 949 - Mon Jul 01 16:58:00 EDT 1996
Spelling Moon
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Retracted by author

Any Player A sending a public message (a message to all Players) must spell all words in the said message correctly. If some Player B feels that A misspelled any word(s), Player B may call a hearing, and in so doing, must state the number of words allegedly misspelled (hereafter known as X). In this hearing, all Players will send their votes to the Assistant Tabulator and vote either "Yes, he misspelled X words", or "No, he's an A student, just passed third grade", or abstain.

Players have 3 days from when the hearing is called in order to vote. At the end of that time the votes will be counted by the Assistant Tabulator and a simple majority (50% or more) will determine the outcome. The Assistant Tabulator will then publicly announce the outcome of the hearing. If the verdict shows that a person misspelled X words, he is immediately sent to the Gaol for a sentence of X days, with no grace period (this clause superceeds any mutable rule which would otherwise give the player a grace period).

If the verdict shows any other result, he gets the nickname Heavy Metal Hare for the next 3 days.

Proposal 950 - Mon Jul 01 17:02:11 EDT 1996
Terminology Check
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

[[ Currently the rules refer to YES, NO, FOR, IN FAVOR, and AGAINST votes. The result of a proposal vote is referred to as accepted, adopted, passed, rejected, and failed. This proposal would reduce this to just YES and NO votes and "accepted" and "rejected" proposals. It also eliminates the now-unnecessary concept of unanimous votes, and the outdated term "Voters."

Rules 104, 105, 379, 491, 516, and 706 are handled by other proposals.]]

1. Amend Rule 207, "Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Period Ends":
Change "passes" to "is accepted".
Change "voted against it" to "voted NO on it"
Change "fails" to "is rejected".
Change "voted for it" to "voted YES on it"

2. Repeal Rule 447, "Definition of Unanimous".
[[This is no longer needed.]]

3. Amend Rule 452, "Rule Titles".
Change "passes" to "is accepted".

4. Amend Rule 463, "Voting Options".

"Players may vote either for or against a proposal, they may vote Present, or they may abstain, during the prescribed voting period."


"Players may vote YES, NO, or PRESENT on a proposal, or choose not to vote on a proposal, which is called abstaining."

and delete " and Unanimity" from the last sentence.

5. Amend Rule 549, "The Blue Cross":
Change "adopted" to "accepted", twice.

6. Amend Rule 554, "Tammany, Creation of":
Change the beginning of part (ix) from:
"Tammany shall vote FOR a Proposition"
"Tammany shall vote YES on a Proposal"

Change the beginning of part (x) from:
"Tammany shall vote AGAINST a Proposition"
"Tammany shall vote NO on a Proposal"

7. Amend Rule 581, "Required Number of Votes", to read, in full:
"The required number of YES votes for a proposal to be accepted is two-thirds of the total number of YES and NO votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period."

[[It now says:
"The number of votes required to pass a proposal is two-thirds of the total of the YES and NO votes legally cast within the prescribed voting period."

8. Amend Rule 589 by replacing "Voters" with "Players".
[[The "Speaker and Voters" rule is long gone. Get rid of its legacy.]]

9. Amend Rule 728, "That's just silly":
Change "adopted" to "accepted".
Change "proposer who proposed the change" to "player who submitted the proposal".

10. Amend Rule 761, "Parades":
Change "adopted" to "accepted".
Change "adoption" to "acceptance".

11. Amend Rule 797, "Festival of Torkola":
In part 5a, change "passage of a Resolution or Proposal" to "acceptance of a Proposal".
In part 5c, change "failure of 3 consecutive proposals/resolutions" to "rejection of 3 consecutive proposals", and change "failures" to "rejections" two more times in this section and change "fail" to "are rejected".

12. Amend Rule 824, "Consecutive Passages":
Change "pass" to "are accepted" and change "passed" to "were accepted".