Proposal 1501 - Sun 1 Dec 20:31 CST 1996
Vault Divination II
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected
This is a Modest Propsal.

The CV is hidden within the Gumball. If a player eligible to find the CV legally chews the Gumball, he shall find it therein. Other players may still chew the Gumball, but they shall not find the CV by doing so. If the CV is sent Somewhere Else by Rule 1430, this rule shall repeal itself.

Proposal 1502 - Sun 1 Dec 20:34 CST 1996
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Any player may become an Expert on any area or areas of the Ackanomic rule set. An Expert in a given area must be knowledgeable about the area, particularly including knowledge of relevant rules and CFJs. In order for a player to become an Expert in a given area they must publicly state their desire to become an Expert, and they must declare the area (or areas, if they wish to become an Expert in more than one area simultaneously) in which they wish to be considered an Expert. The Senate has 2 weeks to discuss the matter. They must vote to grant the player the title of Expert in each requested area. If half (or more) of the Senate votes to grant the player the title of Expert in a given area, the player becomes an Expert in that area. By the end of the 2 week period the Senate must publicly announce the results of their voting, and declare what area(s) (if any) the player is an Expert in. If the Senate does not declare a player an Expert in a requested area, they have the option of posting the reasoning for their decision. There is no limit to the number of areas a player may be an Expert in, and there is no limit to the number of players that may be an Expert in a given area.

When deciding whether or not a player is an Expert in a given area, the Senate must consider the following criteria:

1. The player must be well versed in all rules and CFJs relevant to the area.
2. The player must be keeping up to date with any relevant new proposals.
3. The player must be honest, and willing to interpret the rules when a conflict arises that is relevant to their area of Expertness. They must do so without bias.
4. The area must be well-defined and specific.
5. The area must not be too broad (ie "the rules" is too broad, but "Acka economy" isn't)
6. The area must not be so simple that everyone understands it well.

An Expert may publicly resign as an Expert in any given area (or areas). This causes them to no longer be an Expert in that area (or areas). The Senate may, at any time, vote to cause a player to no longer be an Expert in any given area (or areas). The Senate must publicly announce their intention to do so, and then publicly announce the results of their vote. If 75% or more of the Senate votes to revoke the player's title of Expert in a given area (or areas), the player loses that title (or titles). The Senate must publicly give their reasoning for this decision.

Proposal 1503 - Tue 3 Dec 9:43 CST 1996
Killing 13 Blanket Precedence Clauses
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[Synopsis: one way to make the rule set less confusing is to remove the unnecessary uses of blanket precedence clauses (i.e. all of them.) This proposal does not remove -all- blanket precedence clauses from the rule set (there are literally dozens!) But it's a soft & easy start.]

1. Rule 414 ("The Office of the Tabulator") shall be amended by changing:
(a) appoint someone to the Functional Office of Count Tabula (created by this rule). This is the only way the office can be filled. This clause takes precedence over any mutable rule which would define other ways to fill the office.
(a) appoint someone to the Functional Office of Count Tabula (created by this rule). This is the only way the office can be filled.

2. Rule 504 ("The President of Ackanomia") is amended by changing:
(iii) Whenever this Office is filled in an acting capacity, the Acting President may exercise Privilege "a" as listed in section (ii) of this Rule. This takes precedence over any Rule that would prevent this action.
(iii) Whenever this Office is filled in an acting capacity, the Acting President may exercise Privilege "a" as listed in section (ii) of this Rule.
[That privilege, btw, is the power to appoint volunteers to Functional Offices.]

3. Rule 549 ("The Blue Cross") is amended by removing the sentence:
No player may ever have more than one Blue Cross Bonus; this takes precedence over any other mutable rule which would give a player more than one Blue Cross Bonus.
from section 2. [The part that remains is sufficient to enforce this.]

4. Rule 554 ("Tammany") is amended by replacing:
(ii) Tammany may cast one vote on every Proposal. This takes precedence over any Rule that would deny Tammany the right to vote.
(ii) Tammany may cast one vote on every Proposal.

5. Rule 570 ("Player Names") is amended by changing:
It is a duty of the Registrar to make sure the player's chosen name complies with this Rule, and the Registrar has the final right to approve or deny the chosen name. This clause takes precedence over any mutable rule which would deny the Registrar these duties.
It is a duty of the Registrar to make sure the player's chosen name complies with this Rule, and the Registrar has the final right to approve or deny the chosen name.

6. Rule 593 ("Ackanomic Research Guild") is amended by deleting the sentence "This takes precedence over Rule 613."

[ Current text:
III. When a Scientist is removed from their office by impeachment, he loses 20 points. If a Scientist resigns from their offcie while an Impeachment Paper is pending against him, he loses 5 points. An Impeachment Paper against a Scientist requires no quorum and a simple majority of votes in favor to be accepted. This takes precedence over Rule 613.

7. Rule 609 ("Offices, Commonalities") is amended by changing:
Officers have 3 days to complete the tasks and duties they are responsible for, not counting any time the officer is on vacation or in Gaol, unless other rules unambigiously specify a different finite amount of time for these things. This section takes precedence over any other mutable rule which specifies an unlimited amount of time, does not specify an amount of time, or is unclear in its time specifications with regards to the amount of time officers have to complete tasks and duties.
Officers have 3 days to complete the tasks and duties they are responsible for, not counting any time the officer is on vacation or in Gaol, unless other rules unambigiously specify a different finite amount of time for these things.

8. Rule 613 ("Offices, Impeachment") is amended by removing:
This Rule takes precedence over all mutable rules.

9. Rule 615 ("Speaker") is amended by changing:
This rule takes precedence over all mutable rules, except that it defers to R 779.
This Rule defers to Rule 779 ("Succession Proceedings").

10. Rule 665 ("Treasury and Hard Money") is amended by removing:
This Rule claims precedence over any Rule that would create or destroy A$.
[from the section marked "Hard Currency:"] and by changing:
A player may donate any Tradeable, non-mimsy entity they own to the Treasury by publically announcing they are doing so. If the item is a Trinket, it is converted into its value in A$ upon transferrence to the Treasury.
A player may donate any gift or tradeable entity they own to the Treasury by publically announcing they are doing so. If the item is a Trinket, it is converted into its value in A$ upon transferrence to the Treasury.
[...a minor bug fix while I'm in here...]

11. Rule 710 ("Criminal Justice") is amended by changing:
7a) Upon a verdict of TRUE, the judge may retain or alter the recommended penalty. The result will become the actual penalty. This will be imposed following a 3 day "grace period". This takes precedence over all other mutable rules which establish or dis-establish a grace period.
7a) Upon a verdict of TRUE, the judge may retain or alter the recommended penalty. The result will become the actual penalty. This will be imposed following a 3 day "grace period".

12. Rule 712 ("Gaoler") is amended by removing:
This clause takes precedence over any other mutable rule regulating A$ transfers.
[The rule is talking about bribing the Gaoler.]

13. Rule 721 ("Organizations") is amended by changing:
No Player may be forced to become a member of an Organization against their will. This section takes precedence over any other rule pertaining to membership in Organizations.
4. No Player may be forced to become a member of an Organization against their will.

Proposal 1504 - Tue 3 Dec 9:43 CST 1996
Casting Bonus Votes is a Voting Action, and Be Consistent
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend Rule 793, "Proposal Bribery", by adding the following after item C in section II: "D. Using a Bonus Vote by rule 1386."

Amend Rule 1269 by changing "Bonus-Vote" to "Bonus Vote". [section 4b]

Proposal 1505 - Tue 3 Dec 9:44 CST 1996
Voting with Bonus Votes
Niccolo Flychuck
Decision: retracted by author

This is a Modest Proposal.

In R793, add the following text as section II D: "Casting a Bonus Vote by rule 1386."

In R1269 replce all occureces of "Bonus-Vote" with "Bonus Vote"

Proposal 1506 - Tue 3 Dec 9:44 CST 1996
Simpler Swinger Pricing Schemes
Niccolo Flychuck
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

In R726 replace the text "A$600 are transferred" with the text "An amount of A$ equal to (100 + (Number of Swinger multiplied by 50)) is transferred"

{{[Yes, it does make sense. The less seats there, the higher the price, but it doesn't keep changing like my previous proposal. The maximum price is lower than the current price.]}}

Proposal 1507 - Tue 3 Dec 9:44 CST 1996
Creation of a PartyChessPiece Kamikaze
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule, a member of the Party Chess Rule Suite, with text as follows:

1. A Kamikaze is represented by the ASCII character Z.
2. Its material value is 6.
3. A Kamikaze's move consists of two parts:
First, the Kamikaze moves from 1 to 6 squares in any horizontal or vertical direction. Second, it moves from 1 to 6 squares, at a right angle to its direction of motion in the first half of its move. It must make both halves of its move in order to move at all. It may not jump over any pieces in its path.
4. If a Kamikaze captures a piece, the capturing Kamikaze is destroyed immediately after it makes the capture.

Proposal 1508 - Tue 3 Dec 20:17 CST 1996
This Is Where The Party Ends
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

No player may shake hands with the Devil and then later claim to have been "only kidding" (or something substantially similar in meaning).

Proposal 1509 - Tue, 3 Dec 20:17 CST 1996
Otzma Card Type Paratroop
Guy Fawkes (robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule, a member of the Oztma Cards Rule Suite, with text as follows:

1. This rule defines an Otzma Card type called "Paratroop."
2. An Otzma Card of type Paratroop may be played only by a Swinger, and only in their turn. If the Swinger uses an Otzma card of type Paratroop, and before the end of his turn, places an off-board piece on the board, he may place that piece where it attacks one or more enemy pieces. This takes precedence over the usual conflicting restriction on placement plays.
3. Counter-action: the piece placed under the influence of the Paratroop card is removed from the board and placed in its owner's collection of off-board pieces.
4. There may be no more Paratroop cards in existence than 1.5 times the number of Offices of Swinger.

Proposal 1510 - Tue 3 Dec 20:17 CST 1996
Forbidden Scores
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

No player may ever have a score of 17 (ie no player may have 17 points). Any player who would otherwise attain a score of 17 points must have their score changed to a random integer between 13 and 21 (including 13 and 21, but excluding 17).

Proposal 1511 - Wed 4 Dec 17:34 CST 1996
Clairence (Clair Anthony Vigilone)
Decision: Rejected

I would like to make a rule called "steal". On his turn, a player may attempt to steal an amount of points from another player, and add the points he has stolen to his own points. The method for determining if a player sucessfully steals would be to flip a number of coins. The number of coins that you flip is determined by this: For every point you are attempting to steal, flip a coin. Then, you tally how many heads you got and how many tails you got. If you got a majority of heads, you sucessfully steal. If you get a majority of tails, you fail to steal... which has pentalties. The pentalties for stealing is reducing your score by the number of points you were trying to steal divided by 2. Example: I want to steal 2 points from Bob. I flip 2 coins, they both are tails. I fail my steal, and my score is reduced by 1 point.

Proposal 1512 - Wed 4 Dec 17:34 CST 1996
Allowing More Unique Party Chess Pieces
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.
Add the following text to rule 985.1, section 3, immediately after subsection H.

I. A PartyChessPieceDef rule may define conditions under which the position on the Party Board of a piece it defines enhances or restricts the moves or captures available to other pieces. PartyChessPieceDef rules defer to such enhancements or restrictions.

Proposal 1513 - Wed 4 Dec 17:34 CST 1996
Creation of a PartyChessPiece Bouncy!Ball
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule, a member of the Party Chess rule suite, with text as follows.

1. A Bouncy!Ball is represented by the ASCII character !
2. A Bouncy!Ball may move any number of squares in any single direction, and it may and must jump over exactly one other piece in doing so. This piece must occupy SQn its direction of motion, where the destination square is SQ(2n) in its direction of motion.
3. A Bouncy!Ball's material value is 5.
4. The physical appearance of a Bouncy!Ball is that of a large rubber sphere, colored primarily in the color associated with its controlling Swinger, but featuring several swirls of bright fluorescent shades.

Proposal 1514 - Wed 4 Dec 17:35 CST 1996
I Wonder What Would Happen If...
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal. Add the following to the end of R1369.1, part IV

If ever the number of Otzma Cards of a given type exceeds a limit set by the rule which defines that type of Otzma Card, one randomly selected Otzma Card of that type shall be destroyed. This shall be repeated until the number of Otzma Cards of that type does not exceed the aforementioned limit.

Proposal 1515 - Thu 5 Dec 7:12 CST 1996
Auntie Em! Auntie Em!
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Insert the following text immediatlely before the last clause of Rule 1253:

Whenever a Tornado sweeps through Acka, each player's or haunted house that is dangling from its emergency tether stands a separate 50% chance of losing its tether and being swept off the face of Acka. The player or undead shall retain possession or haunt of the land the building was sitting on. A player so bereaved of shelter may rebuild his house for A$100, and he must name it upon its reconstruction. Until such time, he shall be issued a small tent for use as his Home.

If the house belonged to a player who was on vacation, that player shall be assumed to be vacationing in a far-off land with a two-letter name. Upon his return, he may submit a report containing the name of this far-off land and a summary of his journeys there. If he does so within seven days of his return, he shall receive five points.

A dangling house may be saved from this chance of being blown away if within the five days preceding the tornado, a Priest in good standing with the weather gods blessed the house. Such a blessing must state that which house is being blessed and contain at least two words of at least six syllables. A priest is said to be in good standing with the weather gods if he posted a prayer of deliverance, as defined by the rules, at the beginning of the current calendar month.

Proposal 1516 - Thu 5 Dec 7:13 CST 1996
Return of the Voting Gnome!!!
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: retracted by author

This is a Modest proposal. Perform the following actions in the order they appear.

Create a new rule, entitled "The Voting Gnome" with text identical to that had by rule 355 immediately before its September 23, 1996, repeal.

Amend Rule 1516 by renumbering it to Rule 355.

Proposal 1517 - Thu 5 Dec 7:13 CST 1996
If a Thousand Years is like a Day in the Eyes of the Lord, Can't We Have a Few Extra Hours?
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

Replace the phrase, "on the first of each month," found in Rule 1349 with "sometime during the first three days of each month"

Proposal 1518 - Thu 5 Dec 7:13 CST 1996
More Awards for Malenkai
/dev/joe (Joseph DeVincentis)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 549, "The Blue Cross" as follows:

Change the last sentence of section 2 to read:
"Ruby Slippers, Gold Stripes, Silver Stripes, and Blue Crosses are nameless, nontradeable entities, and are medals."

Change section 4 to read:
"4. a. A player with a Blue Cross Rank of 20 or more qualifies for a Blue Cross.
b. For each 160 points of Blue Cross Rank above 20 that a player has, he qualifies for a Ruby Slipper.
c. For each 40 points of Blue Cross Rank a player with a Blue Cross has above that required for his Blue Cross and all his Ruby Slippers, he qualifies for a Gold Stripe.
d. For each 10 points of Blue Cross Rank a player with a Blue Cross has beyond that required for his Blue Cross and all his Ruby Slippers and Gold Stripes, he qualifies for a silver stripe."

In section 5, change "Blue Crosses, Silver Stripes, and/or Gold Stripes" to "medals".

In section 6, change "one Gold Stripe" to "one Gold Stripe or Ruby Slipper" and change "four Gold Stripes" to "one Ruby Slipper" and add at the end:
"A player with at least two Ruby Slippers may wear them on his feet and may click them together to transport himself to Kansas, by publicly announcing the action, but only if he is not wearing any other form of footwear, and only if Kansas is a place defined in the rules, and only once per calendar month. Ruby Slippers are magical, so they adjust to fit left and right feet, and any size feet, as needed."

Proposal 1519 - Thu 5 Dec 7:14 CST 1996
The Size of Things
Jammer (John Lotz)
Decision: Accepted

I wish to make a modest proposal.

All Items in Acka have a size measured in thingees.

Negligible 0 Thingees
Small 1 Thingees
Medium 2 Thingees
Large 4 Thingees
Huge 5 Thingees
Really Huge 6 Thingees

The significance of this is that all structures and land have a capacity measured in Thingees as well;
a Space in a structure holds 10 Thingees
a Kaa of land holds 25 Thingeess
A Tower holds 6 Thingees

Proposal 1520 - Fri 6 Dec 7:30 CST 1996
Pre-empting a CFJ
ThinMan (John Bollinger)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Rule 985.2 shall be amended by changing the text "according the PartyChessPieceDef rule, defining that piece" in section 3.B.(i) to "according to the applicable rules".

{{[ Aside from just cleaning up the language, this clears the way to more complexly-interacting pieces by making it clear that the legal moves available to any particular piece may depend on more than just that piece's PCPD rule. This may be necessary for P1512 (should it pass) to work, but it is also useful in its own right. ]}}

Proposal 1521 - Fri 6 Dec 7:31 CST 1996
In Which Count Tabula's Alter Ego Gets It
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

1. Rule 414/12 ("The Office of the Tabulator") is amended by removing:
The terms "Count Tabula", and "Assistant Tabulator" are synonomous, as used in the rules. [this will be removed by CSR, hopefull, when no longer needed]

2. Rule 818/6 ("Prosthetic Foreheads") is amended by changing:
Once a Forehead Tribunal has been summoned, each player may send exactly one vote to the Assistant Tabulator during the next three days. Votes may take the form of, "Yes, 'is toppy's a copy," or "No, 'is peak's unique." If more than half of the votes cast are "Yes, 'is toppy's a copy," the offending Prosthetic Forehead is destroyed and the player who described it loses two points. Otherwise, the player who called the Forehead Tribunal forfeits 5 A$ to the Treasury.
A Forehead Tribunal is a Hearing. The valid responses are, "Yes, 'is toppy's a copy." and "No, 'is peak's unique." If the verdict is that "Yes, 'is toppy's a copy.", the offending Prosthetic Forehead is destroyed and the player who described it loses two points. Otherwise, the player who called the Forehead Tribunal forfeits 5 A$ to the Treasury.

3. Rule 1396/0 ("Hearings") is amended by changing all occurrences of "the Assistant Tabulator" to "Count Tabula".
[ current text (excerpt):
While the Hearing is in session, each Player may send his or her response to that Hearing to Count Tabula privately. Count Tabula shall record each response that matches one of the valid responses for the Hearing. If a Player who has already responded sends another valid response, the Assistant Tabulator shall discard the previous response and record the new one.
appears first in the Rule defining them. If no responses were received while the Hearing was in session, the verdict shall be "Never mind." The Assistant Tabulator has the Duty of announcing the verdicts of Hearings with all due haste.


Proposal 1522 - Fri 6 Dec 7:31 CST 1996
Killing 15 More Blanket Precedence Clauses
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

1. Rule 414 ("The Office of the Tabulator") is amended by changing:
The Duties of Count Tabula are:

(a) to handle solicitation, tabulation, and reporting of votes on all Ackanomic matters, excluding Proposals. This includes, but is not limited to:
(a.1) Hearings
(a.2) Impeachment Papers
(a.3) Witchhunts
(a.4) All elections, including Senatorial, Presidential, Speaker, Delegates, and other elected offices.

This clause (a) and its subsections (a.x), take precedence over any other mutable rule which denies Count Tabula these duties, or would define an alternate procedure or officer (including Tabulator), to perform them.
The Duties of Count Tabula are to handle solicitation, tabulation, and reporting of votes on all Ackaonimc matters, excluding Proposals. This includes, but is not limited to, Hearings [see Rule 1396], Impeachment Papers [Rule 613], and all Elections for Office [Rule 611].

2. Rule 726 ("Party Hall") is amended by changing:
Only a Player who is not a Party member may be elected for the NAP Seat. The previous sentence takes precedence over all the rules governing elections and eligibility for public office.

All Players may vote for the NAP Seat. There is no NAP Swinger seat if there are no non-aligned players. This clause takes precedence over all others in this rule, or any other mutable rule pertaining to Party Hall or Swingers.
Only a Player who is not a member of any Political Party is elegible to volunteer for the NAP Seat. All Players may vote in the Election for the NAP Seat.

3. Rule 396 ("Office of Promoter") is amended by changing:
The Office of the Promoter is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Promoter are:

(a) to accept proposal submissions from players, and to,
(b) assign the proposal a number and distribute it for voting.

A proposal by a Player shall be made by submitting it to the Promoter.
The Office of the Promoter is a Functional Office. The Duties of the Promoter are:

(a) to accept proposal submissions from players;
(b) to keep a record of each proposal from the time it is submitted to the time its voting period ends;
(c) to assign each proposal a number and distribute it for voting.

The Promoter has three days to distribute each proposal in accordance with part (c) except during a Festival of Torkola. Then, the Promoter may not distribute the proposal until the Festival is over and is given three days from the end of the Festival to do so. [See Rule 797 ("Festival of Torkola").]

The Promoter has the Privilege of being able to call a Festival of Torkola under certain, special circumstances. [See Rule 797.]

4. Rule 797 ("Festival of Torkola") is amended by changing:
4) During a Festival, it is illegal for the Promoter or anyone else to distribute a Proposal for voting. This clause takes precedence over any mutable rule which would require or allow the Promoter, or anyone else, to do so. This specifically applies to Proposals only.
4) During a Festival, it is illegal for the Promoter or anyone else to distribute a Proposal for voting. This applies to Proposals only.
and by changing:
5b) Upon distribution of any proposal whose last 2 digits are "00", the Promoter may declare a Festival to start on the day following the distribution of the proposal. He or she shall also determine the length. The Promoter is strongly encouraged, but not required, to do this, taking into consideration the state of the game and popular opinion. This clause takes precedence over or augments all mutable rules which define the privileges of the Promoter, and all mutable rules which would deny the Promoter this privilege. This shall be a Privilege of the office of Promoter. [ie, a Festival can occur every 100 proposals].
5b) Upon distribution of any proposal whose last 2 digits are "00", the Promoter may declare a Festival to start on the day following the distribution of the proposal. He or she shall also determine the length. The Promoter is strongly encouraged, but not required, to do this, taking into consideration the state of the game and popular opinion. [ie, a Festival can occur every 100 proposals.]

5. Rule 1014 ("Taking the Altar by the Horns") is amended by changing
This rule takes precedence over any rule which contains either of the words 'witch', 'round', or 'flat'.
This rule takes precedence over Rule 729 ("Ackanomic Middle Ages").

6. Rule 1022 ("Spelling Bee") is amended by removing:
This rule takes precedence over any mutable rule which would prohibit the type of Rule and CFJ changes described here.

7. Rule 1067 ("Cow Town Hotel") is amended by changing:
Cow Town is a hideout for Gaolbirds. Any player who has been found guilty of violating the rules (per CFCJ) can enter Cow Town during their "grace period".
Cow Town is a hideout for Gaolbirds. Any Player who has been found guilty of a Crime (per CFCJ) can enter Cow Town during their "grace period".
and by changing:
The fee for staying in Cow Town is A$25 a night. Whoever is serving as Gaoler at the time of the passage of this rule shall be considered the owner of Cow Town. He may do with the hotel as he sees fit, however selling the hotel to another player is considered to be bad form, and players are allowed to sneer. The only exception to the sneering bit is if a former gaoler wishes to sell the hotel to a newly elected gaoler.
The fee for staying in Cow Town is A$25 a night. {{ As of now, Cow Town is owned by whoever is currently serving as Gaoler. }} The owner of Cow Town may do with the hotel as he sees fit, however selling the hotel to another player is considered to be bad form, and players are allowed to sneer. The only exception to the sneering bit is if a former gaoler wishes to sell the hotel to a newly elected gaoler.

8. Rule 1108 ("Locations") is amended by removing the last sentence from section 3).
[ current text:
3) If a Rule specifies that a player enters a Location, they leave their current Location, unless there is some other restriction which would prevent them from leaving the current Location [e.g. Gaol]. In this case they actually do not enter the destination Location; they remain where they are. This section has precedence over any mutable rule which specifies that a player be moved to another location.

9. Rule 207 ("Scoring When A Proposal's Voting Results are Reported") is amended by removing the stray quote mark at the end of the first paragraph, and by changing:
If a proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points and every player who voted NO on it receives 3 points. Exception: No points are awarded for voting NO on a proposal considered to be Modest.
If a non-Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives 10 points, and every player who voted NO on it receives 3 points. If a Modest proposal is accepted, the player who proposed it receives half as many points as he or she would have received otherwise, and no points are awarded for voting NO.

10. Rule 1109 ("Modesty and Pride") is amended by removing:
This rule take precedence over whatever other rule or rules specify the points to be scored upon the adoption of a proposal.
and adding:
{{ This Rule is hereby renumbered to 209. [Higher precedence.] }}

11. Rule 1112.2 ("And the Harf shall inherit the Earth!") is amended by removing:
This rule takes precedence over any other mutable rule which would deny such a bonus.

12. Rule 1155 ("Decks of Playing Cards") is amended by removing:
This paragraph takes precedence over all other mutable Rules dealing with Playing Cards and Decks of Playing Cards.
from the paragraph that says that Cards may not be exchanged between Decks.

13. Rule 1307.1 ("Rule Suites") is amended by removing the last sentence from section 4.
[ current text:
4) It is a privilege of the Web-Harfer to move rules which are members of Rule Suites out of the main rules document into a seperate document, and to establish and maintain a link from the link phrase (section 1 d)) to this document. If any such member rules are moved to a seperate document, then all such member rules of that Rule Suite must be moved to that document, and the link must be established and maintained. This section takes precedence over any other mutable rule which conflicts with it in any way.
] [The Web-Harfer is not bound to keep a record of all rules anyway.]

14. Rule 1356/1 ("Synod") is amended by removing the last sentence from section 9.

[ current text:
9. When the Synod is not in Session it is impermissible for the Synod to trade, distribute profits to member Churches, or take any other action, except for the duty of contacting Founders of Churches with unoccupied Seats, as described in section 5 of this rule. This section takes precedence over any other section of this rule and takes precedence over any rule which would allow the Synod to take any action when it is not in Session.

15. Rule 1386 ("Bonus Votes") is amended by removing:
8. This rule takes precedence over any rule that concerens tradeable entities that can be used as Votes.

Proposal 1523 - Fri 6 Dec 7:32 CST 1996
Them Bonuses
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: retracted by author

A proposal to create a rule entitled "Them Bonuses" which contains the following text:
When a proposal is accepted and the number of players who cast No Votes was equal to or less than 1, a Bonus Vote is created and given to the author of the proposal. If exactly one player cast a No Vote, then a Bonus Vote is created and given to that player.

Proposal 1524 - Fri 6 Dec 7:32 CST 1996
Vending Machine Blues
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

[Synopsis: Rewrite of the Vending Machine Blueprint. Fixes at least two potential scams in the current Blueprint. Also makes the Vending Machine mechanical....]

A new rule shall be created, reading:
{{ The Blueprint for the Vending Machine is amended to read, in full:
The Vending Machine is a mechanical Gadget. They can be quite lucrative.

All Vending Machines are equipped to vend Rocks To Wind A String Around. The price to buy a Rock To Wind A String Around from a new Vending Machine is A$6. A Player can equip eir Vending Machine to sell other items, if the technology exists.

The owner of a Vending Machine may change the price for which the Machine sells a certain item, by announcing which price e is changing and the new price (an even number of A$). However, no price can be changed in this way more than once in 30 days.

Any player may buy an item from any non-broken Vending Machine by announcing which item e wishes to buy and which Vending Machine e is buying it from. The Machine checks to make sure the buyer has enough currency to buy the item. If e has enough, the Vending Machine transfers half the price of that item from the buyer to the Machine's owner, and half of the price from the buyer to the Treasury. Finally, it creates a new item of the type requested, and gives it to the buyer.


Proposal 1525 - Fri 6 Dec 7:32 CST 1996
A Plaindromic Rule Palindromic A
Swann (Steven Swinarski)
Decision: Rejected

No Flea may say, "As e be-- oh Phoebe say, 'as yam, a elf on!'"

Proposal 1526 - Fri 6 Dec 7:33 CST 1996
snowgod's Disease
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

A horrible epidemic is sweeping across Acka!

This epidemic is named "snowgod's Disease." Its sufferers are highly prone to send private messages to the public forum, particularly if those private messages are to one's co-conspirators in a scam, coup attempt, or other loophole surfing activity. To preserve the public health of Acka, some action must be taken!

Whenever a player believes another player is infected with snowgod's Disease, he may call a Public Health Emergency by posting in a public message that he is doing so, and naming which player he believes is infected. A Public Health Emergency is a type of Hearing. The valid responses are, "Yes, why just yesterday e posted a letter to eir aunt!" and, "No, e, uh, meant to do that." If the verdict is "Yes, why just yesterday e posted a letter to eir aunt!" the named player is determined to be infected with snowgod's Disease until the end of the calendar month, and the player who called the Hearing, known for this purpose as the Medical Examiner, shall within the next seven days, publically post what treatment he feels the infected player should be subjected to. This "prescription" is not a legally binding document. No player may have a Public Health Emergency called against him more than one per calendar month, as this would be just plain too silly.

Proposal 1527 - Fri 6 Dec 7:33 CST 1996
Too Honest to be a Successful Politician
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Grandiose Proposal.

Amend R 615, "Speaker", to replace "weekly" with "monthly" in section (iii), and to remove all occurrances of the phrase "cows eat grass" from the rule.

Proposal 1528 - Fri 6 Dec 7:33 CST 1996
Cow Town Fix
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest proposal. Add the following paragraph to the end of R1067.

If a player most recently entered Cow Town with an n-day Gaol sentence pending, and if upon leaving Cow Town after staying there m days, m<n, he shall immediately be sent to Gaol to serve an n-m day sentence.

Proposal 1529 - Fri 6 DEc 7:33 CST 1996
Otzma Card Type Foul Fowl
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule, a member of the Otzma Cards Rule Suite; its title is "Otzma Card Type Foul Fowl"; its text is as follows:

A Card of this type can only be played in the public forum, and may only be played when the Chartreuse Goose is Somewhere Else.

A player who plays this Card shall announce the name of an active player. Upon doing so, the Chartreuse Goose is transferred to the player named.

Its Counter-Action: The Chartreuse Goose is transferred to the player who played this card.

There may be at most 5 Otzma Cards of type "Foul Fowl". This rule takes precedence over rule 1243.

Proposal 1530 - Fri 6 Dec 7:34 CST 1996
A little fix to Otzma Days
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.
In R1369.1 section 4 a replace the text:"since the previous Otzma Day" with the text:"since the begining of the previous Otzma Day"

{{[the way the rules stands now, proposals which were accepted during the Otzma Day are not counted, or at least not unambgiously so.]}}

Proposal 1531 - Sat 7 Dec 7:04 CST 1996
Not a Game at All
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

Create a new rule with text as follows:
{{The entity Boolean Tic-Tac-Toe is hereby destroyed. [The second player can always force a win.]}}

Proposal 1532 - Sat 7 Dec 7:04 CST 1996
In Which Them Bonuses Get With the Harf
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

When a non-modest Proposal submitted by a Player is accepted by a margin so thin that, had even one Player changed his or her mind and voted NO rather than YES, the Proposal would have been rejected, the Player who submitted the Proposal is awarded one Bonus Vote.

Proposal 1533 - Sat 7 Dec 7:05 CST 1996
Consistency Is All I Ask!
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal.

In Rule 1302, replace the string, "The duel starts upon the Challenged Player posting his" with, "The duel starts upon the Challenged Player's Second posting the".

Proposal 1534 - Sat 7 Dec 7:05 CST 1996
Where Your Posts Don't Go
breadbox (Brian Raiter)
Decision: Rejected

Whenever a player posts a message to a public forum that appears to have been sent there accidentally, any other player may ask for the Truth of the Matter. This is done by posting a public message to the same forum that: a) addresses the player in question; b) quotes the message under suspicion (or enough of the message to clearly identify it); and c) asks, "Was this intended to be a private message?" If such a request is sent within 24 hours after the message under suspicion was originally sent, the player in question must reply truthfully, and as soon as e is able to, with a yes or no answer to the same public forum. (If multiple requests for the Truth of the Matter are made in regards to the same message, all but the first one may be freely ignored.)

If the Truth of the Matter is no, and the message under suspicion was actually meant to be sent to the public forum, nothing more is required of the player who sent it. [Note, however, that it is generally considered good form for the player to "take the hint", and try to clarify what the original message was trying to communicate.]

If, on the other hand, the Truth of the Matter is yes, and the message under suspicion was indeed intended to be private, the player who sent it will be "Unconsciously Parodied" for the next three days. During this time, every single private message that e sends to another player must be matched by a public message, posted to the public forum, that is an unconscious parody of the private message. Also during this time, the Unconsciously Parodied player will be followed by a filthy scarecrow waving its broomstick arms, and always where eir eyes don't go: when e turns to look, said scarecrow will be gone behind em, wearing eir confused expression on its face.

If a player sends a private message to the public forum during a time when e is being unconsciously parodied, e is not required to admit it: specifically, if any players ask for the Truth of the Matter, e is free to ignore them. E is not, however, excused from his duty to write an unconscious parody of the message in question and publically post it as well.

Proposal 1535 - Sun 8 Dec 9:20 CST 1996
Otzma Card Type Amazing Hoover Building Mover
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

1. This rule defines an Otzma Card type called, "Amazing Hoover Building Mover."
2. This type of card may only be played in the public forum.
3. When playing this card, the player playing it must name a currently dangling building. Upon the completion of this incantation, a giant vacuum cleaner shall rise from the ground near that building's emergency tether, suck it back to earth, reattach its suction cups, and then return to the dimension from whence it came.
4. Counteraction: The reattached building loses its suction cups and once again dangles. In addition, there is a 50% chance that the Home of the player who Countered the Amazing Hoover Building Mover card, if such a building exists, shall lose its suction cups and dangle.
5. There may be at most 15 Otzma Cards of this type in existence.

Proposal 1536 - Sun 8 Dec 9:21 CST 1996
More of Them Bonuses
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Rejected

A proposal to create a rule entitled "Them Bonuses" which contains the following text:
When a proposal, which is not Modest, is accepted and the number of players who cast No Votes was equal to or less than 2, a Bonus Vote is created and given to the author of the proposal. When a proposal, which is not Modest, fails and exactly one player voted Yes on it, a Bonus Vote is created and given to that player.

Proposal 1537 - Sun 8 Dec 9:21 CST 1996
Clairence (Clair Viglione)
Decision: Rejected

My proposal is to make a rule that would allow players to attempt to "zap" other players, rendering them unable to submit ANY mail to this game of Nomic for one (1) day. The details are below:

Only one person may zap per standard 24 hour day. This would require that someone makes a schedule of who's turn it is to zap and when. Now, zapping is handled through your imaginary "zap gun". If it is your day to zap, you send a message to Guy Fawkes, or whoever has gotten his position that he holds at the date of this message, that you want to zap (whoever you want to zap). Then, the person you sent that message to rolls a six sided die, this die roll is may be affected by modifiers, but they will be described later, after what happens when you roll the die is described now:

If you roll a:

1: Not only do you miss your zap, but your gun blows up, causing you minus two points, as well as you not being able to zap on your next zap turn. (on that day, NO ONE will zap.)
2: You miss your zap, no pentalties.
3: You hit, but not the person you expected to hit! (The person in charge must make a RANDOM determination as to who is hit.
4: You came close to hitting, but your zap bounced off a mirror and came back to hit YOU! You now experience the effects of the zap.
5: You hit your target, causing normal affects (as described above)
6: You critically hit your target, making them not able to submit any mail for two (2) days!


1. If a person has never zapped, they get a minus one pentalty. (if you rolled 6 they would get 5, ect.)
2. If a person has zapped more than 5 times, they get a plus one bonus.
3. If a person has zapped more than 15 times, they get a plus two bonus.
4. If a person has zapped 100 times or more, they have "mastered" zapping. When Guy Fawkes (or whoever has his position that he has at the time of this mail) rolls the dice for the zap master, he only rolls a 3 sided die. 1 on the die is equal to 4 on the six sided die, 2 on the three sided is equal to 5 on the six sided, and 3 on the three sided is equal to 6 on the six sided.

Also, people can get skills that allow them to avoid being zapped, as described below:

1. If the person being zapped has never been zapped, the attacked gets a plus 1 bonus!
2. If the defender has been zapped more than 10 times, the attacker gets a minus 1 pentalty!
3. If the defender has been zapped more than 50 times, the attacker gets a minus 2 pentalty!
4. If a defender has been zapped more than 100 times, he/she has said to have "mastered" avoiding being zapped. The attacker gets a -4 pentalty, unless the attacker is a master of attack, in which case there are no pentalties.

Misc. Rules:

If, after the modifiers being applied to an attack roll, the result is a negative number, count it is a 1.
If, after modifiers, the attack roll result is greater than 6, treat it as a 6.

_PLEASE_ thikn before you vote on this rule, as it will bring a whole new aspect of play into the game, and it will also bring in some mild violence.

BTW, this is only me 3rd proposal!

Proposal 1538 - Sun 8 Dec 9:21 CST 1996
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (aka Saving Grace)
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest proposal

Change the name of R 542 to, "Political Parties."

Replace the second sentence of R 542 with, "A party is a sufficiently large group of players that declare themselves a Political Party and have a valid Charter."

Replace the paragraph beginning, "Any Player may create, join, or leave" with, "Any player may create, join or leave a Political Party at any time, but no Player may be a member of more than one Politcal Party at any one time. If a Player joins or leaves a Political Party, he must declare it publically. A Party must have at least three members at the time of its creation. A Party, less than one month old, whose membership falls below three ceases to exist. A Party older than one month whose membership is less than three for seven consecutive days ceases to exist. A Party whose membership falls below three for the second time in a single calendar month ceases to exist."

{{[The time when parties who were undermanned for a day or so could reconstitute themselves with no harm is past. Now, with party chess, what was once a minor nuissance is a major setback. Take the Underworld early in September, for instance. De'ghew's quitting caused the UW to cease to exist, but it was back again within the day. Fortunately, PartyChess was then in the piece-buying stage; today, it would be a much bigger problem. True, while parties should be able to plan membership changes in advance, there will always be a few sudden circumstances where that is impossible, and a "grace period" is suitable for these situations.]}}

Proposal 1539 - Sun 8 Dec 9:22 CST 1996
Reorganization I
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

[Hopefully a first step towards making the rules easier to navigate
(especially for newbies) and lay the goundwork for tiers, power, or
whatnot, or an LRO sort of rule organization and re-org II and III :)]


Create a new rule with the following text:


perform the following actions in the order specified:


I. [get rid of R 101's binding mutability on the low number rules, and
    make them all mutable.]

a) Transmute R 101 to mutable.
b) Amend R 101 to remove the sentence which reads:
"Until such time as they are legally transmuted, Rules 101-115 are
immutable, and Rules 201-219 are mutable."

c) Transmute every rule which is not mutable to mutable.


II. [fold R 101, 110, 111, 115, 592 into 101]

a) Amend R 101 so that its title is "The Game of Ackanomic", and so that
its text is:

      Ackanomic is a self-modifying game of ules.  All players must
always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they
are then in effect, and interpreted in accordance with current game

     The rules and the game state may only be changed as described in
the rules.  Actions described in the rules may only be performed, and
shall only have those effects, as specified by the rules.  Whatever is
not explicitly prohibited or regulated by the rules, however, is
permitted and unregulated.  Game custom, spirit of the game, and
lingusitic interpretation are external concepts and are not regulated
or part of the game state.

     The game consists of a sequence of "Cycles".  Cycles end when
specified by the Rules. At most one Cycle is in progress at any one time.
A player may only win a Cycle by achieving a winning condition that
is defined by the Rules.  A player may not win the Game of Ackanomic.
A player always has the option to leave the Game of Ackanomic.

     This rule has precedence over all other rules.

b) Repeal R 108, "Mutable/Immutable Inconsistencies" [nuke the axe]
c) Repeal R 110, "The Game and Winning" [folded into R 101]
d) Repeal R 111, "Leaving The Game" [folded into R 101]
e) Repeal R 115, "Permissibility Of The Unprohibited" [folded into R 101]
f) Repeal R 113, "Rule Changes That Affect Rule Changing Rules" [do we
need this?]
g) Repeal R 592, "Protection" [folded into R 101]


III.  [bring back Rule Changes to 103 where it belongs, merge in the
parts of R 106 that apply to rule changes, remove transmutation, and
remove R 106.  Point to R 104 explictly for clarity]

a) Amend R 491 so that its title is "Proposals and Rule Changes", and
so that its text is:

      A proposal is any collection of text designated as a proposal,
submitted and distributed as described in Rule 104. If a proposal is
accepted, any valid rule changes in the proposal are applied, one at a
time, in the order in which they appear, starting at the time its
tabulated voting results are officially reported.  This is considered
the "time of application", or "when the rule changes are applied".
      A rule change is a description of a game effect.  A rule change
is valid if it describes the creation of a new rule, the amendment of
an existing rule, the repeal of an existing rule, or the renumbering of
an existing rule. If an accepted proposal does not refer to amending,
repealing, renumbering, or creating rules, then it is treated as a valid
rule change to create a new rule with the entire body of the proposal
as its text; this implicit creation of a new rule is only applied in
the case defined in this sentence.

     If an amendment to a rule does not unambiguously describe
the amendment to take place, it is not a valid rule change. Rule changes
not defined as valid by the rules are invalid.

      When a valid rule change takes effect, at its time of application,
the effect described by the rule change happens. The adoption of an
invalid rule change has no effect.

      No rule may generate any effect that applies retroactively to a
time before the generation of the effect.  A rule change that would
have effects retroactive to before the time of its application is invalid.

b) Renumber R 491 to 103.
c) Repeal R 106, "When Proposals Can Take Effect" [sucked into 103 and 217]


IV.  [merge R 104 and R 105; make the language a little more concrete]

a) Repeal R 105, "Proposals Must Be Written Down"
b) Amend R 104, "Adopting Proposals" to read:

      Proposals are made by e-mailing them to the Promoter, who shall
distribute them to the players to be voted on. Accepted proposals must
guide play in the form in which they were distributed to the players.

      All such proposals shall be voted on, unless they are retracted,
nullified, or deemed invalid in accordance with the Rules. In these cases,
they are removed from consideration, and are considered to be neither
accepted or rejected.

      When a proposal's prescribed voting period ends, or all players have
cast a vote on a proposal, then that proposal is accepted if a quorum has
been achieved and the required number of YES votes were cast on the


V.  [bring the voting rule right up here next, between submitting proposals,
and quorum and acting players]

a) Amend R 390 so that its title is "Voting on Proposals".
b) Renumber R 390 to 106.
c) Amend R 201, "Quorum and Active Players", to replace all occurrances
of "390" with "106".
d) Amend R 793, "Proposal Bribery", to replace all occurrances of
"390" with "106".


VI.  [put when scoring changes take effect after the scoring rule,
207.  I see Mohammed is going to bring "Modesty and Pride" up to 209.
That should work well.]
a) Renumber R 1089.2 "When Score Changes Take Effect" to 208.


VII.  [the precedence rule]

a) Amend R 210 so that its title is "Resolving Precedence Conflicts", and
to replace

If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or
more immutable rules conflict with one another


If two or more rules conflict with one another


VIII.  [put the judgement rules back where they belong, with their brothers]

a) Renumber R 589, "Invoking Judgement" to 211.
b) Renumber R 588, "Selecting A Judge" to 212.
c) Renumber R 569, "Overturning Judgements" to 217.


IX.  [clarify temporal stuff about CFJs, fold the CFJ part of old R 106 into

a) Amend R 215, "Judgements Must Accord With The Rules", to read:

      All Judgements must be in accordance with all the rules in effect
at the time judgement was invoked, and with respect to the game state at
that time.  When the rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the
statement in question, however, then the Judge shall consider currently
existing game custom and the spirit of the game in reaching a decision.

      A statement verified (or nullified) by judgement applies
retroactively to any past game situation it may concern.


X.  [put all the winning conditions in one place]

a) Amend R 422 so that its title is "Winning by Points".
b) Amend R 422 to replace:
Making this determination is a duty of the Office of Scorekeeper, and
this clause supercedes any mutable rule which would deny the Scorekeeper
this duty.
Making this determination is a duty of the Scorekeeper.

c) Renumber R 422 to 220.

d) Amend R 798 so that its title is "Winning by Palindrome".
e) Renumber R 798 to 221.

f) Amend R 1430 so that its title is "Winning by Finding the Crystal Chalice"
g) Renumber R 1430 to 222.

h) If R 1501 exists, amend it so that its title is "Vault Divination", and
renumber it to 222.1

i) Renumber R 1243, "Chartreuse Goose" to 235.


XI.  [Consolidate Political Party Rules]

a) Renumber R 391, "Rewarding Party Unity" to 543.
b) Amend R 542 so that its title is "Political Parties".


XII.  [put all the office stuff in one place, pTangs general office
rules followed by the specific offices]

a) Amend R 609, "Offices, Commonalities" to replace

"Offices are named, unownable entities."


Offices are named, unownable entities, unless the rules specify otherwise
for a particular office.

and to replace

"A Seat of an Office is an unownable entity."


A Seat of an Office is an unownable entity, unless the rules specify
otherwise for a particular Office or Seat.
[the preceeding is needed to make Wizard and Capital Swinger work as
tradeable offices.  As it stands now, Wizard works because of its higher
precedence, but Capital Swinger does not.  Renumbering the rule will
give it higher precedence, though.]

b) Renumber R 609, "Offices, Commonalities", to 401.

c) Renumber R 611, "Offices, Related Definitions", to 402.

d) Amend R 612, "Functional Offices, Commonalities", to replace
all occurrances of "609" with "401".
e) Renumber R 612, "Functional Offices, Commonalities", to 403.

f) If Proposal 1503 was accepted, amend R 613 "Offices, Impeachment"
to place the following sentence at the beginning of the rule:
This rule defers precedece to rule 593 where there is a conflict.

otherwise, amend R 613 to replace
      This Rule takes precedence over all mutable rules.
      This Rule takes precedence over all rules, except that it defers
to rule 593.

g) Renumber R 613, "Offices, Impeachment", to 404.

h) Renumber R 615, "Speaker" to 405.

i) Renumber R 396 to 406, and change its title to "Promoter".
j) Renumber R 411 to 407, and change its title to "Web-Harfer".
k) Renumber R 414 to 408, and change its title to "Tabulator and Count 

l) Renumber R 424 to 409, and change its title to "Registrar".
m) Renumber R 425 to 410, and change its title to "Scorekeeper".
n) Renumber R 478 to 411, and change its title to "Senate".
o) Renumber R 482 to 412, and change its title to "Financier and the Free
p) Renumber R 489 to 413, and change its title to "Clerk of the Court".
q) Renumber R 504 to 414, and change its title to "President".
r) Renumber R 973, "Presidential Decisions", to 415.
s) Renumber R 507 to 416, and change its title to "Supreme Court".
t) Renumber R 508, "Justices Rock", to 417.
u) Renumber R 563, "Justices Are Keeper Of The Sacred Laws" to 418.
v) Renumber R 583 to 419, and change its title to "Ambassador".
w) Renumber R 621, "Historian", to 420.
x) Renumber R 695, "Office of Common Sense, Redundancy, and Redundancy" to 
y) Renumber R 832, "Postmaster", to 422.
z) Renumber R 895, "Map-Harfer", to 423.
aa) Renumber R 1271, "Poet Laureate" to 424.
bb) Renumber R 1374, "Praetor" to 425.


XIII.  [put all the financial stuff in one place, after the entity stuff.
Merge Treasury and A$s, bring Treasury up as the first financial rule,
then bring the other financial rules in behind it].

[heads up, Guy, this will clash with yours]

a) Change the title of R 665 to "Treasury and AckaDollars" and change its
text to:

I. AckaDollars

      The AckaDollar (A$) is the official currency of Ackanomia.

      Each player who has not previously been granted A$ by application
of this rule shall be granted the lesser of A$900, or the average A$
balance of all other existing players, from the Treasury.

      AckaDollars are gift entities.

II. Treasury:

      The Treasury is a named, unownable entity that serves as a
storing house for entities that belong to no Player. Items owned by
the Treasury are said to be "in the Treasury", and they may not be
manipulated in any way except as explicitly allowed by the Rules.

III. Hard Currency:
      AckaDollars may not be created nor destroyed. This Rule has
precedence over any Rule that would create or destroy A$. Whenever the
Rules specify that a Player should receive A$, and do not indicate
where those A$ should come from, they shall come from the Treasury.
Whenever the Rules specify that a Player should lose A$, and do not
indicate where those A$ should go to, or specify that they should be
destroyed, they shall go to the Treasury instead. The total number
of A$ shall always be 75,000.

IV. No Ackapennies:
      A$ may not be broken into fractional AckaDollars. If the Rules
specify a transfer should be made that includes a fractional reckoning
of A$, the transaction will instead be conducted in an integer number
of A$, and the rounding shall be in favor of the Player or entity
receiving A$.

V. Bankrupt Treasury:
      Whenever some number of Players are to receive A$ from the
Treasury, and there are insufficient available A$ to meet those
obligations, the following process is executed:

      a) If there are no A$ being haunted by Undead, skip to step (d) of this
      b) Each Undead stops haunting 10% (round up) of the A$ it is haunting.
      c) If there are still insufficient available A$ to meet the
obligations, the process returns to step (a).
      d) If there are sufficient available A$ to meet to the obligations, the
obligations are met, and the
      process ends.
      e) The remaining available A$ in the treasury shall be given to the
players in proportion to the
      number of A$ owed each player.

VI. Donation:
      A player may donate any non-mimsy Tradeable or gift entity they
own to the Treasury by publically announcing they are doing so. If the
item is a Trinket, it is converted into its value in A$ upon transferrence
to the Treasury.

b) Renumber R 665 to 505.
c) Repeal R 480, "AckaDollars".

d) Renumber R 1348.1, "Trinkets", to 506.

e) Renumber R 481, "PF Bonds", to 507.
f) Change the title of R 565 to "Bond Yields", then renumber the rule to

g) Change the title of R 510 to "Voluntary Debt Prohibited".

h) Renumber R 1098, "in Debt" to 511.
i) Renumber R 1318, "Bond Options", to 512.
j) Renumber R 1323, "Rental", to 513.

k) Renumber R 1416.5, "Trading and Gifts", to 515.

l) Renumber R 683, "ExtraNomic Entities" to 501. [put this with the entity
stuff while were here].


XIV.  [End Cycle consolidations.  Move some of the end of cycle stuff up
after R 666.]

a) Renumber R 790, "Fat Lady". to 667.
b) Renumber R 867, "Eggs and Fruit", to 668.
c) Renumber R 1314, "Marks of the Champion" to 669.
d) Renumber R 1268, "Commission d'Arts" to 670.


XV.  [Criminal Justice consolidations, early 700s]

a) Renumber R 1067, "Cow Town Hotel", to 714.
b) Renumber R 1298, "in Contempt", to 715.
c) Renumber R 1300, "Patent Infringement", to 716.


XVI. [Locations and Buildings, mid 800s]

a) Renumber R 1108, "Locations", to 835.
b) Renumber R 1018, "Hotels", to 836.
c) Renumber R 767, "Nothing Important", to 837.
d) Renumber R 1099, "Hall of Elders", to 843.
e) Renumber R 894, "Map" to 845.


XVII.  [Rule naming, numbering, etc, mid 400s]

a) Amend R 452, "Rule Titles", to change its title to "Proposal and Rule
Titles", and to replace the word "name" with "Title" in the last
sentence of the second paragraph.

b) Renumber R 642, "Proposal amd Rule Numbering" to 453.
c) Renumber R 682, "For Personal Glory..." to 454.
d) Renumber R 822, "Revision Numbers" to 455.


XVIII. [A couple of oddballs closer to what they are related to]

a) Renumber R 870, "Self Deleting Text", to 546.
b) Renumber R 939, "Party Hall Party", to 727.


XIX.  [If I had the time, move religious/church stuff to high 700s, subgame
stuff to 1200s, physics to 1300s.  Re org II reminder :)]


XX.  [Press Consolidation]

a) Amend R 891, "The Press", to append the following paragraph at the
end of the Rule:

It is a Crime for a Player to refuse to publish, in a newspaper he or
she owns, a correction of an untrue statement that previously appeared
in that newspaper, after a public request for such a correction has
been made. Simply neglecting to publish such a correction for a period
of three days or more after the request shall be taken as refusal to do

b) Repeal R 892, "Journalistic Integrity".

c) Repeal R 1130, "Senate Seat Names".  [Its only use is if the size of
the senate changes.  If this happens, which seems unlikely, worry about
it in that proposal.]


XXI.  [Bad Pointer Fixup]

a) Amend R 709, "Gaol", to delete section 7), and to renumber section 8)
to 7) in the allowable actions list.  Also replace all occurrances of
"115" with "101" in the rule.

b) Amend R 208, "When Score Changes Take Effect", to remove all occurrances
of "This clause defers to R 106 where there is a conflict.".

c) Amend R 208, "When Score Changes Take Effect", to remove all occurrances
of ", except as permitted by R 106".

d) Amend R 208, "When Score Changes Take Effect", to replace all occurrances
of "588" with "212", "569" with "217", and ", 798" with "".

e) Amend R 716, "Patent Infringement", to replace all occurrances of "665"
with "505".

f) Amend R 1348.2, "Buried Treasure!", to replace all occurrances of "665"
with "505".

g) Amend R 714, "Cow Town Hotel", to replace all occurrances of "1018"
with "836".

h) Amend R 1237, "Fulfilling Campaign Promises" to replace all occurrances
of "939" with "727".

i) Amend R 1313, "Purple Robe of Justice", to replace all occurrances of
"588" with "212".

j) Amend R 235, "Chartreuse Goose", to replace

"This clause takes precedence over R 219, R 422, and any other mutable
rule which establishes winning conditions."


This clause takes precedence over any other rule which establishes
winning conditions.

k) Replace all occurrances of "609" with "401" in rules 402 and 403, and
in R 457, if it exists.

l) Replace all occurrances of "611" with "402" in rule 401.
m) Replace all occurrances of "612" with "403" in rule 401.

n) In rules 208, 726, and 593, replace all occurrances of "613" with "404".


XXII.  [Contingincies for the proposals currently in the queue, through
P 1534]

a) If Proposal 1496 was accepted, renumber R 1496 to 847.
b) If Proposal 1497 was accepted, renumber R 1497 to 848.

c) If Proposal 1522 was accepted, amend R 408, "Tabulator and Count Tabula",
to replace all occurrances of "611" with "402", and "613" with "404".

d) If Proposal 1529 was accepted, replace all occurrances of "1243"
with "235" in the rule created by Proposal 1529.


XXIII.  [Removing "mutable"]

Remove every occurrance of the word "mutable" and the word "Mutable" 
from every rules.  [This looks like it will work, although it will be
time consuming for the Web-Harfer :( More on that later].


XXIV.  [Removing "immutable"]

a) Amend R 457 to remove ", or perform any action permitted by an Immutable

b) Amend R 714, "Cow Town Hotel", to remove "unless it is allowed by an
immutable rule".

c) Amend R 1330, "Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Side Effecs", to remove
 "(unless immutable)".

d) If Proposal 1491 was accepted, amend R 513, "Rental", to remove
", or any action permitted by an immutable rule".


XXV.  [Hard Work Deserves Good Pay]

a) A$57 is transferred from the Treasury to the Web-Harfer.

b) An Automatic Sculpture is created and transferred to the author of
the proposal who created this rule [which shall soon be buried.  Don't
worry, its nothing free for me].


XXVI.  [Everything should just be a rule, like other games]

Remove the attribute of "Mutable" from all rules which have that attribute.



Proposal 1540 - Tue 10 Dec 12:34 CST 1996
Swann (Steven Swiniarski)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Proposal to create two Rules:

Text of a Rule entitled "The Mad Scientist" (text delimited by ~'s):

There is an Office of Mad Scientist which has one seat. The holder of the Office has the title of Scientist, but e is not a member of the Ackanomic Research Guild. This Office cannot be filled by any other Scientist, and when a Player takes the seat of this Office e must say publicly; "They laughed at me back at the Academy, the fools! Bwahahaha!" Or words to that general effect.

This Office can only be filled or transferred as follows: If the seat is vacant, it is filled by the last Player to take possession of any Frankenstein Monster. If no such player exists, the seat shall be filled by Election for Office.

The Mad Scientist's duty is to create Blueprints for, and build, Frankenstein Monsters. Being an outcast from the Scientific community, e has none of the other usual privileges associated with being a Scientist, this takes precedence over rules that would grant em duties and privileges beyond those assigned em in this Rule.

The Mad Scientist shall receive A$15 for each Frankenstein Monster e creates.

Any official communication by the Mad Scientist, in eir capacity as Mad Scientist, shall be made in a bad Transylvanian accent and contain at least one exclamation point.


Text of a Rule entitled "The Frankenstein Monster(s)" (text delimited by ~'s):

There is a class of entities known as Frankenstein Monsters. Each Frankenstein Monster is unique, and has its own name. Each Frankenstein Monster has its own unique Blueprint, which can only be crated as specified in this Rule. Only the Mad Scientist can construct anything from a Blueprint created by this Rule, an attempt by any(one)thing else to build something from a Blueprint for a Frankenstein Monster is doomed to dismal failure. This rule takes precedence over the Rules generally governing Blueprints.

A Blueprint for a Frankenstein Monster is not a Blueprint until its construction is completed by the Mad Scientist. Until then it is a Blueprint-under-construction.

If no Blueprint for a Frankenstein Monster is currently under construction, and no Frankenstein Monster is being built from a Blueprint, the Mad Scientist shall begin construction of a Blueprint for a Frankenstein Monster by making a public announcement, in the proper accent, as follows:

"I am building a monster and its name is <name>!" (where <name> throughout this Rule refers to a name picked for the Monster by the Mad Scientist that is not the same as that of any other Entity, or any prior Monster.)

Thereafter, the construction of a Blueprint for a Frankenstein Monster named <name> is initiated. The Blueprint is constructed by the Mad Scientist attaching valid Frankenstein Parts to it. However, e may only attach such Frankenstein Parts as are delivered to em.

Any Player (including the Mad Scientist) has the option of digging up and delivering a Frankenstein Part to the Mad Scientist, provided that Player has not already done so since the prior Thursday.

A Frankenstein Part is dug up in the following manner:
i) A complete sentence of no more than thirty words is copied from either some current Rule, some past version of a Rule, or the text of a Blueprint for something other than a Frankenstein Monster. The sentence is only valid if it has never been used before to create a Frankenstein Part (even a rejected one); a body can only be dug up once.
ii) A single noun is selected from this sentence.
iii) All instances of the selected noun is replaced by <name> (in whatever grammatical form is appropriate.)
iv) The modified sentence, if it fulfills all the above conditions, is a valid Frankenstein Part.

The Mad Scientist must attach all parts to the Blueprint-under-construction, in the order delivered. If any Part is in conflict with a prior attached Part, (i.e. the two Parts would give the Monster mutually-exclusive attributes, (one says "the monster is blue," the other "the monster cannot be blue.") or would lead to a paradoxical or self-contradictory Blueprint) the new Part is rejected, withers, and is discarded.

The Mad Scientist shall keep secret the text of the Blueprint-under-construction (it is not yet a Blueprint), not revealing anything of its nature or contents, until one of the following conditions is true:

v) Its construction is such that any new Parts would be rejected.
vi) It is over 1000 words long.
vii) It consists of more than 25 complete sentences.

Once this happens the Mad Scientist shall publicly announce;

"I have assembled the Blueprint for <name>!"

E shall then post the text of the Blueprint-under-construction. At this point the Blueprint is constructed, (and is a Blueprint) and no more Parts may ever be added to it. The Mad Scientist must immediately, after this announcement, begin building the Frankenstein Monster subject to the general limitations placed upon Scientists working from Blueprints.

Once the Frankenstein Monster <name> is built, the following happens, (these provisions take precidence over the rules governing the fate of things built from Blueprints):

viii) The Mad Scientist shall exclaim, "It's alive! <name> IS ALIVE!"
ix) The <name> Monster is awarded to the last Player other than the Mad Scientist to have dug up and delivered a Part that was successfully attached (i.e. not rejected) to the Monster. This Player then owns the <name> Monster.
x) If this Player also submitted the last Part in the case where any additional Parts would have been rejected, that Player shall also win the current cycle, be awarded the honorary title of Angry Villager, and be awarded a Silver Pitchfork (a non-unique ownable entity).
xi) The Blueprint is hidden away and may never, ever be used again to create another Monster. If the <name> Monster ever ceases to exist, its Blueprint instantly crumbles into useless dust.


Proposal 1541 - Tue 10 Dec 12:35 CST 1996
Boons of the Ancients
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

[gist: create a standard rule that is a probability-weighted list of prizes that can be doled out as specified by the rules. Right now, the *ping* machine is the only thing that does this, but other things can be added. Replace the gadget that the machine gives out with a Boon of the Ancients from this list].


Create a new rule which reads:

1) Whenever the rules specify a Boon of the Ancients is bestowed upon a particular player, the Boon is chosen from the list below, created if necessary (or as described following), and transferred to the particular player (or elsewhere, as described following).

2) Boons may either be bestowed randomly or deterministically. If the rule bestowing the Boon does not specify a method, the random method is used.

3) Under the deterinmistic method, the player designated to receive the Boon ("player" for the purposes of this rule) has 3 days to choose a Boon for himself to receive. No Boon is bestowed if three days pass and the player has made no selection.

4) Under the random method, the numbers in parentheses following each choice are summed, and the probability of receiving a particular Boon on the list is the number in parentheses after that Boon divided by the sum. The Officer in Charge of Random Things then randomly chooses a Boon for the player to receive based on these probabilities.

5) If the Boon is not of type "Must Describe", it is immediately created if necessary, and transferred to the player after it has been chosen.

6) If the Boon is of type Must Describe, the player has 3 days to post a description of the Boon as specified in the list. If no description is posted in that time, no Boon is bestowed. A Boon is of type Must Describe if the words "Must Describe" appear in its description in the list below.

7) Boons of type Must Describe are created 7 days after their description is posted, or when the results of a Bogusity Hearing on that particular Boon's description are publically knowable, whichever is later, unless the Boon is found to be Bogus, in which case the player receives no Boon, and/or no Boon is created.

8) Any player may call a Bogusity Hearing within three days of a description of a Must Describe Boon being posted. Only one such Hearing may be called per Boon. The player who described the Boon may not vote in the hearing. This takes precedence over R 1396. The valid responses to the Bogusity Hearing are "This loophole surfer is totally Bogus", and "Thats a pretty cool idea". If the result is the former, the Boon is found to be Bogus and the player who described it loses 11 points.

9) Boon list [weights sum to 100 in this case]:

a) The player has found an ancient artifact. A random Gadget from the pool of Blueprints which have existed for at least 14 days, such that no instance limits are exceeded for any particular Gadgets, is bestowed (45).

b) The player has found an ancient scroll. A random Otzma Card, all cards having the same probability, such that no instance limits are exceeded for any particular Otzma Card, is bestowed (25).

c) The gods smile upon the player. 1 Bonus Vote is bestowed (10).

d) An ancient relic. A Trinket of value A$75 which the player Must Describe. In this case, A$75 in the Treasury is transmuted into the Trinket when it is bestowed as above (7).

e) Ancient knowledge. A Blueprint is created in the Blueprint Archive (not owned by the player, but said to be created by the player), as described by the player (Must Describe) (5).

f) Ancient wisdom. An Otzma Card is added to the Otzma Card Rule Suite, which the player Must Describe (5).

g) The gods are bored. The player is given pointy ears (2).

h) The gods are grouchy. The Chartreuse Goose is transferred to the player. This takes precedence over the rule entitled "Chartreuse Goose" (1).

{{ renumber this rule to 1241.}}


Amend R 1240, "The Machine That Goes *ping*", as follows:

a) replace

"one Gadget from a Blueprint randomly selected from the set of Blueprints which both existed at the beginning of the current Scholar's term and currently exist; this Gadget"


"one random Boon of the Ancients; this Boon"

b) remove "Create a new rule reading:" from the top of the rule.

Proposal 1542 - Tue 10 Dec 12:35 CST 1996
InterNomic Incentive
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

This is a Modest Proposal.

Amend R 970, "Ackanomic/Internomic Interface", to replace

Any Ackanomic Player may request the Liaison to make an InterNomic Proposal by sending the Proposal to the Liaison.


Any Ackanomic Player may request the Liaison to make an InterNomic Proposal by sending the Proposal to the Liaison. If said Proposal is adopted by InterNomic, the player who requested it receives 7 points upon the Ambassador reporting the fact of its adoption to Ackanomic.

Proposal 1543 - Tue 10 Dec 12:35 CST 1996
Prime Time for an Otzma Day
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Amend R 1369.1, "Definition of Otzma Cards", as follows:

I. replace section III, subsections 2 and 3, which currently read:

2. The following entities have the authority to declare an Otzma-Day: the President, the RuneMaker, any Institution. a proposal which has been accepted according to the rules can also declare an Otzma Day

3. Otzma-Days must be declared at least three-days in advance, unless it has been declared by a proposal. An Otzma-Day last for three days or until the RuneMaker has declared the end of Otzma-Day, whichever comes first. Once an Otzma-Day is over, at least 10 days must pass before the next Otzma-Day can start.


2. The following entities may declare an Otzma-Day: the President, the RuneMaker, any Institution, or any Rule.

3. Otzma-Days must be declared at least three-days in advance, unless it has been declared by a rule. An Otzma-Day lasts for three days or until the RuneMaker has declared the end of the Otzma-Day, whichever comes first. Once an Otzma-Day is over, at least 10 days must pass before the next Otzma-Day can start; this sentence has precedence over section VI of this rule.

II. Add the following text at the end of the rule:

Whenever a non-Null Proposal whose proposal number is prime is accepted, an Otzma Day is declared.


Amend the rule which was created by Proposal 396, either entitled "Promoter" or "Office of Promoter", by replacing section (b), which reads:

(b) assign the proposal a number and distribute it for voting.


(b) assign the proposal a number 1 greater than the number assigned to the previously distributed proposal, and distribute it for voting.


Create a new rule entitled "I *really* wish my conditional rule changes proposal passed", with the following text [which effectively moves R 1535, if it was accepted, into the Otzma Card Rule Suite]:

If proposal 1535 was accepted, perform the actions on the following list in the order listed:

a) create a new rule, member of the Otzma Card Rule Suite, with text and title identical to the text and title, respectively, of R 1535. Change authorship credit of this new rule to "Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)"; this sentence takes precedence over the rule entitled "For Personal Glory...".

b) repeal R 1535, "Otzma Card Type Amazing Hoover Building Mover".


Proposal 1544 - Tue 10 Dec 12:36 CST 1996
"ing" is no longer an official word :(
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

[I understand the problem with the old official dictionary, yet find the new one too limiting. A simple union of the two should work, as presumably the deficiency in the first one was the absence of common forms of common words , which should be in the new one (I remember 'tower' not being in it, but 'towering' in there, go figure).

The ideal solution would be to charge admission to acka and buy a subscription to the on-line OED :). Where *is* that Coke money?]

This is a Modest proposal.


Amend the rule created by Proposal 411, ("Web-Harfer" or "Office of the Web-Harfer"), to replace the text which currently reads:

b) To select and maintain a link to the Official Dictionary of the English language (hereafter referred to in the rules as the "Official Dictionary").


b) To select and maintain one or more links to on-line Dictionaries of the English language. The term "Official Dictionary", as used elsewhere in the rules, shall be construed to mean the union of these Dictionaries.

Proposal 1545 - Tue 12 Dec 12:36 CST 1996
Otzma Card of type TruthSeeker
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Decision: Accepted

Create a rule entitled: "Otzma Card of type TruthSeeker", which is a member of Otzma Cards Rule Suite, and has the following text:

A Card of this type can only be played in the public forum, and its play must be accompanied with a payment (by the player playing it) to the Treasury of a quantity of A$ which is 10 times the square of a non-negative integer. This non-negative integer is referred to as "T" for the purposes of this rule.

This card has the power to reveal portions of the Machine that goes *ping*'s Truth. The number of words revealed is equal to T.

The Scholar of *ping* shall, within 3 days of the Card taking effect, privately post T words from the Machine's truth, undisgusied, to the player who played the Card. Such post shall also unambigiously specify where each word is locacated in the Truth.

This rule has precedence over Rule 1240 where there is a conflict. This card has no effect if there is no Scholar of *ping*, if the current Scholar of *ping* has not revealed the Machine's Truth, or if T exceeds the number of words in the Machine's Truth.

Its Counter-Action: The private post per above shall be posted publically as soon as humanly possible by either party who was privy to it. (Once posted by one player, the other player is not obligated to do so).

Proposal 1546 - Tue 10 Dec 12:36 CST 1996
But not a Real Green Dress, that's cruel
fnord (Michael Thomas)
Decision: Rejected

If a player mentions, in a public post, an object that is green, using the words "a green /object/", then follows up that phrase with the parenthetical phrase "(but not a real green /object/, that's cruel)", they are awarded A$25 from the Treasury. No player may gain more than A$25 in a single post, nor more than A$50 in any calendar month, by the application of this Rule.

Proposal 1547 - Wed 11 Dec 11:51 CST 1996
A Multitude of Web-Harfers
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

This is a modest proposal.

Amend Rule 411 (Office of the Web-Harfer) by adding the following text (delimited by quotation marks) to the end of the list of Privileges:

"c) To seek and appoint Assistant Web-Harfers (who must be volunteers) to help keep the Ackanomic WWW page up-to-date. [This mainly would be, for example, putting an assistant in charge of the CFJ portion of the page.]"

and add the following text (delimited by quotation marks) to the end of the list of Duties:

"c) To seek and appoint Assistant Web-Harfers as needed to keep the Ackanomic WWW page up-to-date. [This is a duty because the Web-Harfer is obligated to get help when it is needed, rather than let the Ackanomic WWW page become out-of-date.]"

Proposal 1548 - Wed 11 Dec 11:51 CST 1996
More Exciting Endgames
Guy Fawkes (Robert Shimmin)
Decision: Rejected

[Gist: Under the current point win, one player usually causes the Magic Number to skyrocket with repeated misses, with little chance of anyone else catching up. Mohammed's rewrite would further reduce the chance of anyone catching up, since the cycle would already be over; I also feel it strips the point win of finesse. Here, I propose a third alternative, which might result in some close point wins, "pennant races," for those in baseball-playing countries.]

For the purposes of this proposal, "Rule X" refers to Rule 422 if Proposal 1539 failed, and Rule 220 if it passed.

Amend Rule X as follows:

Replace all text beginning with the third paragraph with the following, delimited by "@*&!" symbols.

All integers which can be expressed in the form 257+16i, where i is a nonnegative integer, are Magic Numbers. No other numbers are Magic Numbers unless so defined by the rules.

If exactly one player fulfills both of these conditions:
(a) his score is equal to a Magic Number
(b) at no time during the current cycle, his score has been greater than that Magic Number that player wins the current cycle of the game.

In Rule 593 "Ackanomic Research Guild," replace "the Magic Number" with "a Magic Number".

In Rule 666 "End of Cycle" change step k) to read in full, "k) The game cycle number is incremented by 1."

Proposal 1549 - Wed 11 Dec 11:52 CST 1996
Faster Points for Whamiols
Habeous Corpus (Ed Graham)
Decision: Rejected

This is a Modest Proposal

Ammend Rule 201 (Quorum and Activer Players) by replacing the second paragraph with:

A Player is defined as "active" on if said Player has voted on or made a Proposal. Vacationing Players who do not vote, however, are not considered "active" for the purpose of determining quorum.

Habeous Corpus

Proposal 1550 - Wed 11 Dec 11:52 CST 1996
Make Room for Capital-Swingers
Niccolo Flychuck
Decision: retracted by author

In the rule "Party-Hall" Replace the text:
"The number of seats in Party Hall will be equal to the number of Political Parties plus one."

With the text:
"The number of seats in Party Hall will be equal to the number of Political Parties plus the number of Capital-Swingers plus one. "