Rule 709/12
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
This rule has precedence over all other rules, except where this rule explicitly defers to other rules.The Gaol has an Evidence Room that is a Location unlimited in capacity. The Gaoler shall place items in the Evidence Room as directed by the Rules. Items in the Evidence Room belong to no Player. Items in the Evidence Room may not be manipulated in any way except as explicitly permitted by the Rules. This paragraph takes precedence over R665 (Treasury and Hard Money) insofar as it is necessary to prevent the unowned items from being placed in the Treasury.
The Location known as the Gaol is hereby created. It is a cramped building. A player may not leave the Gaol except by the application of a Rule which explicitly defines a procedure or condition for the player to be released or removed from the Gaol.
If a player is in the Gaol, they shall not count for the purposes of determining Quorum.
Players in the Gaol may not be selected to judge CFJ's, to be mentors, to find Phoebe's Matchbox, or to be Mad Hatters. If a player has been selected to judge a CFJ and has not yet accepted or declined the appointment when e enters the Gaol, e is considered to have declined the appointment as judge.
If a player is in the Gaol, they may perform no game actions except those on the following numbered list and those allowed by Rule 101. If a particular action on this list is not defined elsewhere the rules, however, it is considered to be "prohibited". This clause defers to any other rule which regulates any action on the following list:
1) A voting player in the Gaol may make a Call for Judgement (CFJ)
2) A voting player in the Gaol may make a Call for Criminal Judgement (CFCJ)
3) A player in the Gaol may make an Appeal for Pardon (AFP), as long as that player is not the President.
4) A player in the Gaol may bribe the Gaoler, if such an officer exists
5) A player in the Gaol may go on Vacation
6) A player in the Gaol may return from Vacation
7) A player in the Gaol may make a Public Apology.
8) A player in the Gaol may post up to 3 public messages a day.Note that "game action" means anything where the player must act. Examples include voting, submitting proposals, AOJs, chewing the Gumball, etc. Examples of what this does NOT include are things like gaining points, passively receiving currency or the Magic Potato, or winning.
A player is released from the Gaol if and when their sentence expires. Other rules may specify other conditions under which a player is released.
Rule 710/11
Criminal Justice
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
This rule defines the Call for Criminal Judgement (CFCJ) procedure. Except as detailed in this rule, it shall be like the Call for Judgement in all ways, including how it is submitted, how judges are selected, how it is appealed, etc. Any changes to the CFJ procedure will automatically be "inherited" by the CFCJ procedure when they do not contradict the exceptions detailed in this rule.1) A "court fee" of A$20 will be paid by the player making the CFCJ, to the Treasury.
2) A CFCJ will be clearly labelled as such, to distinguish it from an ordinary CFJ.
3) Its "statement" shall be "X has committed a Crime", where X is replaced with the name of a registered player.
4) Its "reasoning" section shall show how Player X broke the Rules.
5) It shall include a "suggested penalty" section, which is a recommended penalty to be imposed on Player X, should a verdict of TRUE be reached. More than one class of penalty may be recommended. The valid classes of penalties are:
- a) a DEDUCTION of 0 or more points from Player X's score.
- b) a FINE of 1 or more A$ payable by Player X to the Treasury.
- c) a SENTENCE in the Gaol of 1 or more days for Player X.
- d) the TRANSFERENCE of one or more tinkets, gadgets, or A$ in the possession of Player X to the initiator of the CFCJ.
- e) the EXPULSION of Player X from the game.
- f) a PUBLIC APOLOGY of 1 or more lines by Player X.
6) Upon a verdict of FALSE on the CFCJ, no penalty shall be imposed upon Player X.
7a) Upon a verdict of TRUE, the judge may retain or alter the recommended penalty. The result will become the actual penalty. This will be imposed following a 3 day "grace period".
7b) If the penalty was a SENTENCE in the Gaol, player X shall be moved from their current Location to the Gaol at the end of the grace period, at which time their sentence will start. If, however, player X was already in the Gaol at the end of the grace period, the sentence they are currently serving shall be increased by the length of the new sentence.
7c) If the penalty specifies a TRANSFERENCE of any entity which it is not permissible to transfer, that part of the penalty shall be void, but such shall not necessarily void other parts of the penalty.
7d) If the penalty includes a PUBLIC APOLOGY, Player X is required to post a public message of at least the court-required length apologizing for his criminal ways. This should be done within three days of the expiration of his grace period, and it should have "Acka: Public Apology" as its subject line. Failure to comply will result in the addition of three days to that player's Gaol sentence, if he is in Gaol, or the immediate transfer of that player to the Gaol for a three-day incarceration if he is not in Gaol. Self-abasement is especially encouraged in such a message.
8a) All other verdicts shall work as they would for a CFJ. Any verdict may be appealed as with a CFJ.
8b) If a TRUE verdict is not upheld on an appeal, any penalties, except SENTENCE, are reversed, effective the time of the appeal verdict. The amount of any penalty of SENTENCE is subtracted from player X's current sentence (if any, assume 0 if none), and the player is released from Gaol if their resultant sentence is non-positive.
8c) If a TRUE verdict is upheld on an appeal, the appellate court or judge may impose a penalty different from the previously imposed penalty. If such an appeal verdict is delivered during the grace period, the new penalty is imposed at the end of that grace period instead of the original one (ie, the grace period is not adjusted). If the appeal verdict is delivered after the grace period ended (previous penalty already imposed), then the appropriate transactions are performed to adjust the penalty. In this case, if either penalty involved a SENTENCE in the Gaol, then the difference is tacked on or subtracted from player X's current sentence. If the result is non-positive, player X is released from the Gaol if they are there. If the result is positive, and player X is not in Gaol, they are placed there immediately.
9) No more than one CFCJ may be brought against a single player for a single instance of allegedly breaking the Rules. No one may be tried more than once for the same alleged instance of violating the Rules (an appeal is considered a continuation of the original trial).
Rule 711/2
Appeal for Pardon
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
Any player may make an Appeal for Pardon (AFP), provided all of the following are true:1) The player is not the President.
2) The player has had a verdict of TRUE reached against them within the past 3 days on a CFCJ, OR the player is in the Gaol, OR the player is Guilty of Patent Infringement.
3) The player is not on vacation.
An AFP must be made to the public forum. From the time it is made public, the President has 3 days to GRANT or DENY the pardon. If there is no President, the President is on vacation, or the President does not act on the AFP within 3 days, the AFP is considered DENYed.
If the AFP is GRANTed, the penalty from the most recent CFCJ against the player is waived, and/or the player is immediately released from the Gaol, if they are in the Gaol, or the player will no longer be said to be Guilty of Patent Infringement.
Rule 712/7
Malenkai (Randy Hall)
(i) The Office of Gaoler is hereby created.(ii) There shall be one seat for this office. This seat is filled by election.
(iii) The duties are
- a) To maintain a list of all players currently in the Gaol, and their remaining sentence.
- b) To publically post a description of the cell of any player in the Gaol.
(iv) The Privileges are:
- a) To be able to accept bribes of A$ from a player in the Gaol, by publically announcing that they are doing so, providing said player has agreed to the bribe.
- b) To release a player from the Gaol before their sentence is up, by publically announcing that they are doing so.
Upon announcing a bribe, the A$ is transferred from the player making the bribe to the Gaoler, if and only if the player has sufficient A$.
The Gaoler is not obligated to release a player from which they have received a bribe.
Rule 713/2
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
To break the Rules is a Crime, a Felony.To perform an action specified by the Rules to be Illegal is a Crime. An action specified by the Rules to be "impermissible" is, by contrast, impossible. However, an attempt to commit such an action is a Crime [even though the action itself does not occur].
If, however, the illegally or impossiblility of a publically knowable change to the game state goes unreported for at least 14 days, the action or inaction which caused that change is considered legal, but it is still a Crime. The change is deemed to have occurred retroactively to the time of the attempt. The preceeding does not apply to the case of events which occur automatically, but whose occurrance is not (or erroneously) reported [e.g., loss of the Great Trombone]. This paragraph has precedence over rule 103.
Failure of an Officer to perform a Duty of an Office e holds is a Crime. The act of performing a Duty incorrectly is Malpractice, which is also a Crime.
Rule 714/3
Cow Town Hotel
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
This rule establishes a Hotel named Cow Town. It is a classy building.Cow Town is located near the Library, at 32 Yellow Roosevelt Avenue in the bottom of a crater filled with water.
Cow Town is a hideout for Gaolbirds. Any player who has been found guilty of a crime (per CFCJ) can enter Cow Town during their "grace period". This is accomplished by publically posting a message that reads "I'm going down to Cow Town, Cow's a friend to me. Live's beneath the ocean, that's where I will be. Beneath the waves, the waves, and that's where I will be. I'm going to see the Cow beneath the sea." Immediately after the posting of such a message, an eligible player will enter Cow Town.
Any player in Cow Town is a Fugitive and should be referred to as such in any public message.
No player may enter Cow Town except as specified in this rule. Upon entering Cow Town, the guest shall have the Chartreuse Goose transferred to him or her from wherever it is.
The fee for staying in Cow Town is A$25 a night. The owner of Cow Town may do with the hotel as he sees fit, however selling the hotel to another player is considered to be bad form, and players are allowed to sneer. The only exception to the sneering bit is if a former gaoler wishes to sell the hotel to a newly elected gaoler.
Any Player who is staying in Cow Town may submit proposals, vote on proposals, call for judgement, deliver judgement, transfer currency in accordance with the rules, or leave Cow Town of their own consent. A player in Cow Town may also go on vacation or return from vacation.
Any Player who is staying in Cow Town may not perform any action that is not on the above list . Upon entering Cow Town all privileges that a player is entitled to are suspended until the player leaves Cow Town.
No player in Cow Town may be removed from Cow Town without first giving their consent. This rule takes precedence over Rule 836 and any rules dealing with heresy, witchhunts, the justice system or the gaol.
The gaoler may visit Cow Town, but shall never stay there.
Rule 715/3
in Contempt
snowgod (Phil Ackley)
A player who is held in Contempt shall be required to either pay a fine of A$100 to the treasury, or be placed in the Gaol for three days. The player who is in Contempt is allowed to choose which of the two options he would like. If the player does not make a choice within three days of being held in Contempt it will be assumed that he has chosen the Gaol sentence.A player shall cease to be held in Contempt once a choice as been made per above.
Rule 716/3
Patent Infringement
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
When a rule change occurs that causes a new named entity or named class of entities to exist, and a Player owns an entity with the same name as the new entity or class, that Player shall be Guilty of Patent Infringement, unless that entity is any type of Frog.When a Player becomes Guilty of Patent Infringement they shall:
1) deliver the item described in the preceding paragraph to the Gaoler, to be placed in the Gaol's Evidence Room.
2) obtain a Prosthetic Forehead in accordance with the Rules, and present it to a Scientist, as a symbolic apology to the intellectual community.
3) be said to be Guilty of Patent Infringement until an Appeal For Pardon is GRANTed them by the President.
Rule 719/0
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Zuriti'ili is a Crime.As it is not yet entirely clear what constitutes the heinous Crime of Zuriti'ili, the judge of a CFCJ alleging that such a Crime has occurred is granted an unusual amount of latitude in setting forth a verdict. He or she is encouraged to research ancient tomes before reaching a decision, and in presenting the verdict may set forth a single guideline relevant to the current case, to aid future judges in similar situations. Naturally, the guideline may not conflict with the existing guidelines and other rules, and it must agree with the verdict itself (otherwise it is ignored for the purposes of this rule.)
[Recommended guidelines are of forms like "Xxxx does not constitute Zuriti'ili," or "It is possible for an act of Zuriti'ili to involve xxxx." To stretch the fun, they should be broad and vague so that the definition of Zuriri'ili sharpens slowly over time.]
On appeal, this guideline may be upheld (if the verdict is upheld) or overturned and possibly replaced with another guideline (even if the verdict itself is upheld) as long as the resulting guideline and verdict agree with one another and with the rules. When it becomes illegal to appeal a Zuriti'ili CFCJ further, any guideline from that CFCJ that was not overturned on appeal is added to the list of guidelines below.
. At least once in the history of Ackanomic, a player has committed Zuriti'ili.
. Zuriti'ili may be related to one or more entities that can be owned.