Amend Rule 712, section (iii) to read(iii) The duties are
a) To place players sentenced to Gaol in Gaol within a seven-day period immediately following the expiration of their grace period. This shall be done by publically posting a description of the cell of that player, and their sentence shall begin at that time. The Gaoler may not Gaol players except as provided by the rules. Should it prove impossible to place that player in Gaol within the one-week period, the Gaoler shall be exempt from this duty in this instance.
b) To maintain a list of all players currently in the Gaol, and their remaining sentence.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Amend the first sentence of Rule 710, section 7b) to read
7b) If the penalty was a SENTENCE in the Gaol, player X shall be moved from their current Location to the Gaol at such time that the Gaoler places them in Gaol (not to be more than seven days following the expiration of their grace period, at which time their sentence will start.
Amend the next-to-last paragraph of R1067 to read:
No player in Cow Town may be removed from Cow Town without first giving their consent. This rule takes precedence over Rule 1018 and any mutable rules dealing with heresy, witchhunts, the justice system, or the Gaol. It defers to the rule describing the Yellow Submarine.
Create a new rule entitled "Yellow Submarine" with the following as text:
The lake in which the Cow Town Hotel lies shall henceforth be referred to as the Sea of Green.
There exists the Ackanomic entity known as the Yellow Submarine. If at any time the citizens of Acka wish to apprehend a fugitive who has fled to Cow Town, the Yellow Submarine may be used for this purpose.
Within three days of a player entering Cow Town, any player may send a private message to the Captain of the Yellow Submarine naming an amount of Ackadollars they are willing to contribute to fund a voyage of the Yellow Submarine to apprehend that player. If more than one player is in Cow Town, they must name which player they wish to apprehend. Likewise, a fugitive in Cow Town may send a private message to the Captain of the Yellow Submarine naming an amount of A$ they are willing to spend to prevent the Yellow Submarine's voyage. If any player sends more than one message described in this paragraph, only the largest amount named shall have effect.
At the end of the three day period, the Captain shall make public a list of all players submitting amounts and the amount they submitted. If the sum of all appliccable contributions to fund the Yellow Submarine's voyage is more than twice the fugitive's offer, the offered amount of A$ shall be transferred from all contributing players accounts (the fugitive in question is not for this purpose a contributing player); the Yellow Submarine shall dive into the depths of the Sea of Green, and the fugitive shall no longer be in Cow Town, nor shall he be eligible to reenter it for the next three days. The Captain receives 15 A$ from the Treasury for this service.
If at the end of the three day period, the fugitive's offer is at least half the to sum of of all contributions to fund the Submarine's voyage, the fugitive shall transfer the offered amount to the Captain, and the Captain shall explain to Acka that mechanical difficulties make it impossible to apprehend the fugitive. If the Captain received in excess of 15 A$ from the fugitive in this episode, he shall transfer half that excess (rounding down) to the Treasury for future maintenance of the Submarine.
If at the end of the three day period, the fugitive is no longer in Cow Town, no payments described in this rule are due, and the Captain is not required to set sail nor even to make public the list of offered payments.
The Captaincy of the Yellow Submarine may be transferred with the permission of the present Captain, though doing so is in bad taste and other players are permitted to sneer. The Captain of the Yellow Submarine may appoint a Lieutenant of the Yellow Submarine, who, while the Captain is on Vacation, shall gain all rights and priveleges of the Captaincy save the right to transfer the Captaincy. If the Captain of the Yellow Submarine should quit the game, the Lieutenant of the Yellow Submarine immediately gains the Captaincy in full. Should there ever be no Captain, the Captaincy shall be publically Auctioned. {{Guy Fawkes is the Captain of the Yellow Submarine.}}
Proposal 1302 - Wed Oct 02 11:24:13 EDT 1996
Niccolo Flychuck (Uri Bruck)
Decision: Accepted
1. Any player who feels offended by another player, or is engaged in a heated discussion with another player, may challenge that player to a duel, subject to the limitations described below.2. The procedure for challenging is as follows:
The Challenging player finds another players who agrees to be eir Second. The Challenger gives eir Second the name of the player e wishes to Challenge, and the reason for the Challenge. The Second posts a public message, which anounces the name of the Challenging player, the name of the Challenged player, the reason for the Challenge, and the fact that a Challenge has been made.
The Chalenged player has four days to find a player who agrees to be eir Second and have the Second respond to the message publically. The message should contain the following information: The fact that that the post is a reply to a Challenge, the Challenge it is a reply to, and a Contest chosen by the Challenged player for the Duel, or an explicit waiver of the privilege of choosing the contest. If there is no response to the Challenge within the four days, or the Challenged player declines the Challenge, then he is considered to have forefeit the Duel. In this case, the Challenged player loses 6 points, and the Challenging player gains 6 points.The Game or Contest chosen fot the Duel must be one listed on the Games & Contests web page, or must be described in this rule; moreover, it must be playable by two players and have definitive rules for determining a winner.
The Challenged player may explicitly waive the privilege of choosing a Contest, in which case the Challenging player may choose a Contest. However, if the response to the Challenge message includes neither a choice of Contest, nor an explicit message to the effect that the Challenged player has waived the privilege of first choice, then the Challenged player is considered to have forfeit the Duel. In this case e loses 6 points and the Challenging players gains 6 points.If the Challenged's Player has accepted the Duel, then the President has the duty to anounce that a Duel will be taking place between the Challenged player and the Challenging player who will be competing against each other in the specified Game or Contest, and that the the winner of the Game or Contest will be the winner of the Duel. If the Presidents is invloved in the Duel, then this duty becomes the duty of a Senator whose name comes first in alphaebetical order from among the Senators who are not involved in the Duel.
When the Duel is over, the winner of the Duel receives 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties he may have received as part of the Contest itself. The loser of the Duel loses 6 points in addition to any rewards or penalties he may have received as part of the Contes]x cD3Y2@P 2 d @ Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f 3Y2Y2 /home/devjoe/Mail _ 3~3~3 d 2 39393 d H j$ 333 d e Ə k3Y2S2 d J 3Y2\1 d % & ' ( ZD3]2]2 d four-day voting period. During the voting period all Players may send their votes to their tabulator, indicating which limerick is the better one. The participant whose limerick got the most votes, wins the duel. In case of a tie, the participant whose limerick was posted first wins the duel.
B. Boolean tic-tac-toe: {{[I did not invent this one, so save your praises]}}
(i) The game of Boolean tic-tac-toe, heretofore known as Bttt is played on a 3x3 grid labeled in the following mannera b c d e f g h i(ii) At the begining of the game on participant is randomly chosen to play the role of T, the other participant plays the role of F. The former is known as the T-players, the latter is known as the F-player.
(a) The symbol ! is the NOT symbol.
(b) The follwoing comma-delimited symbols are equivalent to T
(c) The following comma-delimited symbols are equivalent to F
(d) every symbol is equivalent to itself
(iv)Participants alternate turns. The T-player always goes first. The first turn must be played no more than three days after the game has been anounced. Every subsequent play must take place within 3 days of the most recent play. A participant who misses this deadline loses by default.
(v) There are two possible plays Play and Anti-Play.
Play - Participant places eir symbol, in an unoccupied square. A Particiapnt may not any of the equivalents of the symbol. The T-player may only play T, the F-Player may only play FAnti-Play - An Anti-Play consists of adding the NOT symbol next to a symbol already on the grid. If there is already a NOT symbol next to that location, then the number next to the NOT symbol is incremented. If there is no number then a 2 is inserted between the NOT symbol and T or F symbol If the number next to a NOT symbol is 3 then it is illegal to Anti-Play in that square.
It is illegal for a participant to Anti-Play on eir own Symbol or any of its equivalentsҫ ;>3κ>3κ>3 d X D E F G E4Y2о1 d fb 4A3A3 d 4 &i