Proposal 451- Thu Mar 7 6:00pm 1996
Spelling Errors
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Accepted
If there are spelling errors in any Ackanomic document, including Rules, Proposals, and Call for Judgements, and the spelling error is unambiguous, then the mispelled word shall be treated as if it were spelled correctly.

Proposal 452- Thu Mar 7 6:15pm 1996
Rule Titles
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Accepted

Each Rule shall have a Title. Each Proposal shall also have a Title. When a Proposal is submitted, the player that submits it may indicate the Title for the Proposal. If the player doesn't indicate a Title for the Proposal then the Promoter shall select a Title.

If the Proposal passes and the Proposal creates a New Rule, then the New Rule shall have the Title of the Proposal. If the Proposal amends or mutates a Rule, the Title of the Rule shall remain unchanged.

Once a Rule has a Title, the only way that the Rule may have its Title changed is if a Proposal is passed which changes the Title.

Proposal 453- Thu Mar 7 7:15pm 1996
Silence the Mutables
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Rejected

This is a proposal to create a rule that will read:

"This rule takes precendence over any Mutable rules that should happen to be numbered 421 or 446 through 452, inclusive. No aspect of any such rule (numbered either 421 or 446 through 452, inclusive) shall be enforced nor acted upon in any way."

Proposal 454- Thu Mar 7 7:45 1996
Quatloos from Heaven
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Rejected

This proposal would create a new rule that reads:

"This rule creates a nomic entity known as a Quatloo. Upon the successful passage of the proposal creating this rule, all Players shall receive 100 Quatloos. Each new player hereafter shall receive 100 Quatloos. Upon the first day of every month, each Player holding one or more of the following offices shall receive an additional 10 Quatloos:
Publicist, provided at least one new player has entered the
game during the past month

The Registrar shall be responsible for keeping track of the number of Quatloos held by each Player."

Proposal 455- Thu Mar 7 11:30pm 1996
Horrid Green Thing
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Deemed invalid by CFJ 123

This proposal would create a new rule that reads:

"(i) This rule creates a nomic entity known as the Horrid Green Thing. Upon the successful passage of the proposal creating this rule, there shall be a vote to determine who shall receive the Horrid Green Thing.

(ii) Upon the first day of every month, the Player who owns the Horrid Green Thing shall have to pay a 10 Quatloos maintenance fee. If the owner of the Horrid Green Thing has fewer than 10 Quatloos, the Horrid Green Thing shall cease to exist. If there is no recognized nomic entity by the name of "Quatloo", section (ii) is to be disregarded, without affecting any other section of this rule nor any other rule regarding the Horrid Green Thing.

(iii) The Horrid Green thing may be traded between players only by mutual consent. If at any time the same Player owns both the Horrid Green thing and the Voting Gnome, they are both deemed to be fighting among themselves and any special abilites of both entities shall be void until they are no longer both owned by the same Player.

(iv) The Registrar shall be responsible for keeping track of the owner of the Horrid Green Thing."

Proposal 456- Thu Mar 7 11:30pm 1996
Amending Rule 210
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Rejected

I propose to amend Rule 210 from :

"If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the lowest effective ordinal number takes precedence. If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supercede the numerical method for determining precedence. If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another, or to defer to one another, then the numerical method must again govern."


"If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more rules (both either mutable or immutable) claim to take precedence over one another, then a special CFJ must be called (by whichever player notices the conflict) with the following wording: 'Rules X1, X2,...,XN are in conflict.' Where X1..XN are the numbers of the conflicting rules. A judge is selected according to the rules for doing so. In the case of this special CFJ there are N+1 possible judgments. They are : 'Rule 1 takes precedence.', 'Rule 2 takes precedence.',...'Rule N takes precedence.', and 'Undecided'. If a judgement is returned Undecided, then another judge will be selected from the remaining players according to the rules for doing so. The outcome of this special CFJ will determine which rule takes precedence. This special CFJ can be overturned in the standard manner. During the time in which the CFJ is being ruled upon, or when it is being proposed to be overturned, the rule that takes precedence will be the rule with the lowest number."

Proposal 457- Thu Mar 7 11:30pm 1996
Amending Rule 344
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

I propose to amend Rule 344 from:

"Any Player who wishes to leave the game for a period of time less than or equal to one month from the time of the announcement of this leaving shall be placed on "vacation" through the sending of a message to the Speaker containing the words "I, , am going on vacation for days" where is the name of the Player who wishes to go on vacation and is the number of days for which the Player wishes to be on vacation. This Player's voting or lack thereof shall not be figured into the passing of any rules until days have passed or until the Player informs the Speaker that he/she has returned. The Player's votes will then count normally."


"Any player who wishes to leave the game for a specified period of time less than or equal to one month may notify the Registrar of this. The Registrar will then place the player on vacation, and announce to the other players the period of time in which the vacationing player will be on vacation. Any votes that were cast prior to the player going on vacation will count normally. On all other proposals the player will be considered to have abstained. If the player is a member of a political party, his abstention will not prevent the party from gaining their party unity vote. A political party is still considered as having all of their members, even if some of them are on vacation (therefore going on vacation cannot cause a political party to dissolve). During their vacation period the player may not be chosen as a judge for a CFJ, they may not be given the Magic Potato, and generally cannot be randomly selected for anything. As a general guideline, in all cases other than those outlined above, the player is considered to be nonexistent during their vacation period. When the vacation period is over they will become a normal player again."

Proposal 458- Fri Mar 8 5:15pm 1996
Amending 421
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Rejected

This proposal would amend rule 421 to read, in whole:

"brevity is the soul of wit"

and change its title to "Rule 421"

Proposal 459- Fri Mar 8 23:20:49 EST 1996
Penalty for Rejected Proposal
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

This proposal will create a rule that reads:

"When a proposal is defeated, the player who proposed it loses 5 points. This rule takes precedence over any mutable rule that does not explicitly state that it takes precedence over this rule."

Proposal 460- Fri Mar 8 11:15pm 1996
Building a Free Market and Economy
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

A new entity will be created called the "Office of the Financier" (Acronym OotF). The head of that office will be the Financier, whose job it will be to oversee and ultimately be responsible for the Financial Market (hereafter refered to as FM) defined below. The OotF will also have the responsibility for keeping track of transactions, possesions, yields and players' accounts, as well as all sub-entities that may be related to the FM.

The position shall be filled by candidates volunteering for the job. Should there be more than one candidate for the position, a vote will have to be taken by the Players or by another entity given that task as part of its charter, electing the candidate with the most votes. In case of a tie, the Speaker will randomly select one of tied candidates.

The FM will be the only legal place for transactions to take place. The FM is a sub-domain of Ackanomia and will be maintained as a bulletin board (*) under the resposibility of the OotF. That is, people will send request for transactions to the OotF, which will be posted on the FM to be updated no less than once every week. Once a deal has been reached between two (or more) players on a transaction posted, they will notify the OotF for the results to become effective.

The FM will begin to exist the following week from which a Financier has been picked. Should a Financier no longer exist, then the FM will be suspended until another is found.

The official currency of the FM, and therefore of Ackanomia, will be the AckaDollar (A$). Every new player (and all existing players when this proposal passes) will be credited with A$100. It is not expected that the A$ will be the only currency, and the exchange rate for currencies (or other objects) is left for the players to decide with every transaction.

At any time, and for a vote on any proposal, a Player may spend A$100 to be granted one single, extra vote. The Player must have at least that amount in cash at the time. The A$100 will be removed from existence and not atributed to anyone. Only one vote can be bought per proposal per player.

If a Player is in debt at the end of a biweekly session, he/she cannot buy votes, currencies, PFs, bonds, or anything else. The Player however, will continue to receive income, yields, debts and so on.

Furthermore, 100 bonds will be issued to every player one time only, called Political Favors (PFs). These PFs will bear the name of player they were first issued to. That is, a bond issued to Player Bob will be called "PFBob".

There can be no more than 100 PFs issued representing a Player. It is an essential freedom of Players to be able to own PFs of other players, selling or buying them on the FM for any price they see fit between them. The OotF will report every two weeks on the latest prices of the PFs, as well as the exchange rates between currencies. Also, the records of every transactions and its results must be publicly available.

At the end of every two weeks, the PFs will yield a dividend to the player owning them at that instant in time, and do so every two weeks for as long as the FM is operating. The dividend of a single PF<player> will be 1% of the change in the <player>'s score over that two weeks if his/her score went up. Otherwise, it will yield an effective debt of -0.5% of the change in score per PF. This yield will be credited or deducted from the owner of the PF's account.

It is anticipated that from this building block, many other entities - Banks, associations, stock brokers, etc... - and rules will mushroom. The Financier alone has the responsibility of maintaining order in the FM, and to assist him in his task, he/she may have one assistant of his/her choice. Also, it is acceptable for the Financier to delegate maintenance of accounts to Banks or other entities as they form. In such a case, the Financier has the authority to negotiate and resolve conflicts or disagreements about those accounts. The Financier is still responsible for the proper upkeep of the FM.

The Financier is publically accountable and can be voted out of office by two thirds of the votes of the Players. The Financier will report directly to the Players concerning his handling of the job, especially on matter concerning his decisions in resolving disagreements. Should players disagree with the Financier's decision, one of them may call a CFJ to impeach the Financier on that matter until it is dropped or a rule is passed clearing up the situation.

(*) The bulletin board may be as simple as a weekly message to everyone, or better, something arranged in coordination with the Web-harfer.

Proposal 461- Mon Mar 11 09:36:44 EST 1996
Integer Numeric Scores are Necessary
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Rejected

If, after any change in a Palyer's score, that Player's score is a number but not an integer, it will immediately be truncated to an integer. Any score which is not a number will be unaffected.

Proposal 462- Mon Mar 11 09:38:22 EST 1996
Transmuting 462
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Rejected

"Winning by Paradox is the Ultimate Joy"

Rule 219/0 is hereby transmuted to an Immutable Rule.

Proposal 463- Mon Mar 11 10:54:15 EST 1996
Amending 419 "Voting Options - Vote of Present"
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 419/2 which currently reads:

"Players may vote either for or against a proposal, or they may abstain, during the prescribed voting peroid. Players who do not vote within the prescribed period shall be deemed to have abstained."

shall be amended to read:

"Players may vote either for or against a proposal, they may vote Present, or they may abstain, during the prescribed voting period. Players who do not vote within the prescribed period shall be deemed to have abstained. A vote of Present shall count neither for nor against the proposal, but it shall count as a vote cast for the purposes of determing Quorum and Unanimity."

Proposal 464- Mon Mar 11 10:56:19 EST 1996
Amending 393 "Limited Subject Line Lengths"
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 393/0, which specifies standard subject lines, shall be amended to include the following paragraph at its end:

"The abbreviation Ack is an acceptable substitute for the word Ackanomic."

Proposal 465- Mon Mar 11 18:20:32 EST 1996
Repeal 355 - Kill the Gnome
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Repeal Rule 355.

Proposal 466- Mon Mar 11 23:04:46 EST 1996
Notes and Comments
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

A note is a part of the text of a Rule enclosed by square brackets. It is game custom that the presence of a note in a Rule has no effect on gameplay. [I.e., notes need not be obeyed. See Rule 101. Notes are primarily for clarification.]

Proposal 467- Mon Mar 11 23:12:15 EST 1996
Vaporizing Proposals
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

A proposal prefixed by "Pending ###:", where ### is the number of a current proposal, is vaporized if proposal ### ceases to exist but is not accepted. Vaporized proposals are not adopted, but neither are they, for the purpose of the enforcement of other Rules, "rejected" or "retracted".

Proposal 468- Mon Mar 11 23:48:47 EST 1996
Spending Points
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Rejected

A Player who has at least n points may spend n points, where n is a positive real number. The result is that his or her score is reduced by n. Players must notify the Scorekeeper of all points spent.

Proposal 469- Tue Mar 12 00:12:59 EST 1996
Repealing 431 - "Consecutive NO votes"
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

Rule 431 shall be repealed.

Proposal 470- Tue Mar 12 11:39:22 EST 1996
Words Have Meaning
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

For the purposes of Rule 111, a player may not declare that, in their judgement, "not winning" is worse than losing.

Proposal 471- Tue Mar 12 11:40:25 EST 1996
I Apologize in Advance, but Some Things are Irresistable
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Rejected

If passed, the Rule created by this Proposal directs that the Rule created by this Proposal shall not be recorded in the portion of the Ackanomic WWW page entitled "The Current Rule Set."

If passed, the Rule created by this Proposal directs that this Proposal shall be recorded in the portion of the Ackanomic WWW page entitled "The Archive of Proposals" with no title, and with "Due to a numbering error, no proposal was officially assigned this number." as the complete text.

If passed, the Rule created by this Proposal directs that any Player who is Registered at the time this Proposal creates a Rule shall incur a penalty of a loss of two (2) points on each occasion on which they make any reference to this Rule or the Proposal which created it.

If passed, the Rule created by this Proposal directs that any other Player shall receive a bonus of a gain of ten (10) points on the first occasion on which they make any reference to this Rule or the Proposal which created it, but shall incur a penalty of a loss of two (2) points on any subsequent occasion on which they make such reference.

Proposal 472- Tue Mar 12 15:19:36 EST 1996
"Another Test"
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Rejected

This is another test. Please ignore it, too.

Proposal 473- Wed Mar 13 09:55:14 EST 1996
A Blank Is A Welcome Relief
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

Neither the persons voting on this rule, nor the person who proposed it will gain or loose any points from this proposal, whether it passes or fails.

Furthermore, this proposal, should it pass, will NOT be added to the rule set and will be discarded immediately without it having any effect on anything at all.

This overrides any rule that would give it any effect.

Proposal 474- Thu Mar 14 18:51:58 EST 1996
"416 has got some problems"
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

This proposal will create a new rule that reads, in whole:

"This rule takes precedence over any higher-numbered rule. No such rule shall be valid, nor enforcable in any way."

Proposal 475- Fri Mar 15 14:43:52 EST 1996
"Proposal 474 is an Obvious Challenge"
mr cwm (Eric Murray)
Decision: Deemed invalid by CFJ 126

Rule 210 shall be amended by the substitution of the word "highest" for the word "lowest." This Rule shall take precedence over every lower numbered rule.

The following paragraph has no effect:

This Rule created by this proposal and that created by P474 will claim precedence over each other. Rule 210 will be, then, the mechanism for deciding which actually receives precedence, so whichever passes first will cause the other to have no effect. Because of the possibility of the voting period being shortened by all Players having voted, or being extended by a revision, we have no way of knowing which will pass first. Therefore, the effect of each proposal depends on the acceptance or rejection of the other. I believe that both this Proposal and P474 should be considered invalid by R416 and removed from the list of active proposals.

Proposal 476- Mon Mar 18 13:31:20 EST 1996
Repeal 416 "Proposal Sanity Reform" (repeal)
Mohammed (Jason Orendorff)
Decision: Accepted

Rule 416 is hereby repealed.

Proposal 477- Mon Mar 18 13:32:28 EST 1996
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

When a proposal is being called for suspension by R416, if exactly one third or more of the total number of players currently present (not on holiday, dead, etc...) petition the judge evaluating the CFJ within the alloted week, then the proposal cannot be suspended. The judge must render a verdict in accord to this, and give the names of the players who petitioned as a reason for the decision, in addition to anything he/she may write.

Proposal 478- Mon Mar 18 13:33:57 EST 1996
Creation of a Senate
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

A new entity will be created called the Senate. Members of the Senate will be called Senators. Senators are still players. The Speaker (or acting) will also have the title of ProConsul and will be the head of the Senate. Only when a Senate vote is tied, the ProConsul will cast his vote to decide on the outcome.

There will be four Senators. The Senate will only be be in session (exist) when the number of players in Ackanomic is greater or equal to 10.

When there is an empty seat in the Senate, elections will be held for that position. All players can vote for anyone they so desire to fill the seat, except for someone that is already a Senator or Speaker. The votes are to be sent to the Tabulator, who will report the outcome. The player with the most votes will be elected Senator. In case of a tie, the ProConsul will randomly choose one of the tied candidates.

A Senator will keep his/her seat until voted out or he/she resigns. A Senator can be voted out of office by two thirds of the votes of the Players.

Proposal 479- Mon Mar 18 13:34:52 EST 1996
Discouraging frivolous CFJs
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

If a CFJ is ruled FALSE then the player who called that CFJ will loose 4 points. If the CFJ is overturned, the 4 points will be given back.

Proposal 480- Mon Mar 18 13:35:44 EST 1996
Creation of the AckaDollar
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

The AckaDollar (A$) will be the official currency of Ackanomia.

Current players will receive A$100 ackadollars. New players will receive A$100 upon entering the game. AckaDollars cannot be traded, exchanged, given, destroyed or in any way acted upon except as regulated by other rules dealing with them.

Proposal 481- Mon Mar 18 13:36:32 EST 1996
Creation of PF Bonds
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

Every player will be issued 100 Bonds called Political Favors (PFs) in their name. That is, a bond originally issued to player Bob will be called a PFBob. The name of the PF will be the first word of the player's official name in the game, or the first 7 letters depending on which is shorter. A number can be added at the end of that name to make it unique.

New players will receive their 100 PFs upon taking up their official name in the game.

PFs cannot be traded, exchanged, given, or acted upon in any way except as regulated by other rules dealing with them. PFs may never be destroyed.

Proposal 482- Mon Mar 18 13:37:36 EST 1996
Creation of the Office of the Financier and Free Market
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Accepted

A new entity will be created called the Office of the Financier (OotF). This head of the OotF will be called the Financier, and will have up to two assistants which he/she will choose and dismiss as desired. The assistants are official representatives of the Financier and members of the OotF. They have the same powers as the Financier himself, except his is the final authority. They may resign their position.

The position of Financier shall be filled by candidates volunteering for the job. Should there be more than one candidate for the position, a vote will have to be taken by the Players or by another entity given that task as part of its charter, electing the candidate with the most votes. In case of a tie, the Speaker will randomly select one of the tied candidates.

A new entity called the Free Market (FM) will be created. It will be the only legal place for transactions to take place. The FM will exist in the form of a bulletin board where anyone may post requests for transactions, to buy, sell or exchange assets. The FM will begin to exist on the first Monday after the Financier has been picked. If there is no longer a Financier, then the FM will be suspended until another is found.

When a player is interested by a transaction, then he/she should sort out the deal with the player who posted it directly. Once the details of the transactions have been worked out, they must report it to the Financier. Once the Financier has verified the transaction was legal according to rules regulating such transactions, then it will be come official, become effective and a record will be kept. If the transaction is not specifically permitted by a rule, then it is illegal. The Financier is responsible for the proper maintenance of the accounts of the players, (bonds, currencies, whatever...), whether or not that task is delegated to someone or some other entity.

The Financier will be directly responsible for the upkeep of the FM. He/she may delegate any work to assistants, but is still ultimately responsible for it. The financier is also responsible for making sure the records of every transaction are publicly available.

The Financier is responsible for overseeing the lawful functioning of any entity that deals on, is related to, uses the FM, when using the FM. This includes the authority to negotiate and resolve conflicts or disagreements between such entities according to the rules, tradition, or to the best of his/her judgement, in that order.

The Financier is publicly accountable and can be voted out of office by two thirds of the votes of the Players. The Financier may also resign. The Financier will report directly to the Players concerning his handling of the job, especially on matter concerning his decisions in resolving disagreements. Should any player disagree with the Financier's decision, he/she may call a CFJ to impeach the Financier on that matter until it is dropped or a rule is passed clearing up the situation.

Proposal 483- Mon Mar 18 13:39:17 EST 1996
Rewarding Positivism II
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Deemed invalid by CFJ 134

Any player who voted FOR ("yes", "yea", etc...) all the following proposals will gain 200 extra units of whatever the official currency of Ackanomia is, provided there is one:
"Creation of a Senate",
"Discouraging Frivolous CFJs",
"Creation of the AckaDollar",
"Creation of PF Bonds",
"Creation of the Office of the Financier and Free Market"

If any of these proposals do not exist, then they will be ignored from the list. If the outcome for some of these proposal is not yet decided when this one passes, then payment will be delayed until it is.

Shoud all of the 6 listed proposals pass, as well as this one, then the Player by the Ackanomic name "Calvin N Hobbes" (the author) will have 70 points deducted from his score.

Proposal 484- Mon Mar 18 13:40:03 EST 1996
No Scapegoats: Masochism
Calvin N Hobbes (Thierry Joffrain)
Decision: Rejected

No proposal may single out a single players in Ackanomic for specifically losing or gaining any number of point.

The only exception is when the proposal targets the author himself for losing points.

Proposal 485- Mon Mar 18 13:41:35 EST 1996
Amending 205 - Voting Period
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 205 (The Prescribed Voting Period) from:

"The prescribed voting period on a proposal is seven days, starting from the moment that the proposal is distributed by the Speaker."


"The prescribed voting period on a proposal is seven days, starting from the moment that the proposal is publicly distributed by the officer who is officially responsible for distributing new proposals."

Proposal 486- Mon Mar 18 13:42:39 EST 1996
Amending Rule 211 - Invoking Judgements
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 211 (Invoking Judgements) from:

"Any player who has a question or complaint about any matter concerning the laws and their interpretation may email their statement to the Speaker, who will then distribute it to the rest of the Voters. A call for judgement is then incurred on that statement."


"Any player who has a question or complaint about any matter concerning the laws and their interpretation may email their statement to the officer who is officially responsible for handling calls for judgement (in the absence of such an officer, the Speaker assumes these duties), who will then distribute it to the rest of the Voters. A call for judgement is then incurred on that statement."

Proposal 487- Mon Mar 18 13:44:29 EST 1996
Amending Rule 371 - Numbering Proposals
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 371 (Numbering Proposals) from:

"The Speaker shall give each proposed rule change an ordinal number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule change proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive ordinal, whether or not the proposal is adopted. The effective ordinal number of a rule is the ordinal number of the most recent change to that rule."


"The Promoter shall give each proposed rule change an ordinal number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule change proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive ordinal, whether or not the proposal is adopted. The effective ordinal number of a rule is the ordinal number of the most recent change to that rule."

Proposal 488- Mon Mar 18 13:45:12 EST 1996
Amending Rule 212 - Selecting a Judge
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 212 (Selecting A Judge) from:

"When Judgement has been called for, a Judge is randomly selected from among the other registered players by the Speaker. The player selected has 3 days in which to accept or refuse the appointment by posting to the Speaker. Any player who does not respond to selection in 3 days shall be penalized 10 points, and is deemed to have refused appointment. If a selected player refuses appointment, then a further random selection is made from the remaining pool."


"When Judgement has been called for, a Judge is randomly selected from among the other registered players that are eligible to judge CFJs, as defined by any other applicable rules. This selection is performed by the officer who is officially assigned this duty (the job will be performed by the Speaker in the absence of such an officer). The player selected has 3 days in which to accept or refuse the appointment by posting to the applicable officer. Any player who does not respond to selection in 3 days shall be penalized 10 points, and is deemed to have refused appointment. If a selected player refuses appointment, then a further random selection is made from the remaining pool."

Proposal 489- Mon Mar 18 13:45:49 EST 1996
"Office of Clerk of the Court"
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Let there be an officer called the Clerk of the Court (hereafter referred to as CotC). The CotC is selected according to any applicable rules for selecting an officer. In the absence of such rules, the CotC is selected in the following manner:

The Speaker will request volunteers for the position. In the case of multiple volunteers, the Speaker will choose by random selection. In the event of there being no volunteers for the office of the CotC, the duties of the CotC are to be carried out by the Speaker.

The CotC shall be responsible for the following:
1. Receiving any "question or complaint about any matter concerning the laws and their interpretation" and making it an official Call for Judgement (hereafter referred to as CFJ), in accordance with all applicable rules.
2. Selecting judges for CFJs according to the applicable rules.
3. Reporting the results of CFJs to all players, and making certain
that the Web-Harfer has up-to-date information concerning CFJs.
4. Any administration of CFJs as defined by the rules.

The CotC may have other duties as assigned by other rules.

Proposal 490- Mon Mar 18 13:46:24 EST 1996
"What A Thankless Job"
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

If in any rule an action is required to be carried out, and the rule does not either specify who is to carry it out or define a mechanism for choosing someone to do so, the Speaker is required to carry out the task.

Proposal 491- Mon Mar 18 13:46:56 EST 1996
"Transmuting Rule 103 to Mutable"
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Transmute Rule 103 from Immutable to Mutable.

Proposal 492- Mon Mar 18 13:47:41 EST 1996
Amending Rule 217 - Overturning Judgements
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 217 (Overturning Judgements) from:

At any time in the week following the posting of a Judgement of "true" or "false", any player may propose that the Judgement be overruled, i.e. changed to "undecided". If that proposal is adopted, according to whatever rules are currently in effect for the adoption of proposals, then the Judgement is overruled, and the Judge who made it penalized 20 points.


At any time in the week following the posting of a Judgement of "true" or "false", any player may propose that the Judgement be overruled, i.e. changed to "undecided". If that proposal is adopted, according to whatever rules are currently in effect for the adoption of proposals, then the Judgement is overruled, and the Judge who made it penalized 20 points. The Call For Judgement whose Judgement was overruled will then have a new judge selected for it and will be judged on again (according to the applicable rules).

Proposal 493- Tue Mar 19 10:24:24 EST 1996
Ahimnorsty extra vote
Simon Marty Harriman (Andy Swan)
Decision: Rejected

this proposal creates an ackanomic entity called the ahimnorsty extra vote. It says that any player whose ackanomic name includes all of the letters in the word ahimnorsty gets an extra vote on each proposal.

Proposal 494- Tue Mar 19 10:25:14 EST 1996
Give me 257 points!
Simon Marty Harriman (Andy Swan)
Decision: Rejected

this proposal will have no other effect other than to change the score of the author of the proposal to exactly 257.

Proposal 495- Tue Mar 19 10:25:43 EST 1996
Simon Marty Harriman (Andy Swan)
Decision: Accepted

the passage of this proposal will create an acka-entity called the gumball which can be chewed only on alternate wednesdays and thursdays.

Proposal 496- Tue Mar 19 12:52:50 EST 1996
Accepting New Players
Wayne (Wayne Sheppard)
Decision: Rejected

When a person joins Ackanomic, they shall become an Observer. As soon as they provide a valid email address and choose an Ackanomic name, they shall be converted to a Player.

Proposal 497- Tue Mar 19 16:53:03 EST 1996
Senate Objectivity
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Rejected

A Proposal to create a new Rule which will read, in whole:
(i) No Player who is a member of the same Party as a Senator may become a Senator.

(ii) No Senator may become a member of the same Party as another Senator.

(iii) Should there ever be more than one member of a Party who are Senators, there shall be a resolution of this circumstance, considered to happen instantly after the condition is satisfied. To resolve the circumstance, all but one of the Players who are members of the same Party shall no longer be Senators. The process of selecting which among them shall be the sole Senator shall be resolved in the following order of precedence:

a) If there is an involved Player who recieved more votes when elected to the Senate than any other, he is the sole Senator among the involved Players. Otherwise,

b) Among the Players who were tied for the most votes recieved when elected to the Senate, if they can unanimously decide who among themselves shall be the sole Senator, that decision shall be enforced. Otherwise,

c) The sole Senator shall be randomly selected from among those Players who were tied for the most votes recieved when elected to the Senate.

(iv) This rule supercedes all mutable rules regarding Senate membership and/or party membership.

Proposal 498- Tue Mar 19 16:53:23 EST 1996
Protect Immutables
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Rejected

A Proposal to create a new Rule which will read, in whole:
"Upon the transmutation of an immutable Rule to a mutable Rule, the following two effects shall immediately happen in the stated order.

(i) The sentence 'This rule supercedes all mutable rules.' shall be appended to its text.

(ii) All Proposals that, if passed as a mutable rule, would amend or supercede the just-transmuted Rule are withdrawn without penalty to their authors.

This rule supercedes all mutable rules."

Proposal 499- Tue Mar 19 16:56:30 EST 1996
Amending Rule 464 - Subject Lines
Robert Sevin (Mitchell Harding)
Decision: Accepted

Amend Rule 464 from:

In order to make handling this game easier on all players, all subject lines should have standard components. all voting records, discussions, offical news, proposals, and calls for judgments should have subject lines as follow:

voting records: Ackanomic :voting results ###
discussions: Ackanomic :discussion
news, aka messages from the speaker: Ackanomic :official
proposals: Ackanomic :proposal ###
calls for judgment: Ackanomic :call for judgment ###

players should use these subjects for any message sent concerning the game. if a player fails to use these standardized subjects, they will recieve a penalty of a deduction of one point from their score.

The abbreviation Ack is an acceptable substitute for the word Ackanomic.


In order to make handling this game easier on all players, all subject lines should have standard components. All Ackanomic messages will use the following system to determine the appropriate subject line:

The subject line (hereafter referred to as SL) for a message containing voting results ought to be of the form (omitting quotation marks) : "Ackanomic: Pnum Voting Results" (where Pnum is the number of the proposal in question). The key word that cannot be altered is the word "Results".

The SL for a message containing a proposal should follow the form: "Ackanomic: Proposal Pnum" (where Pnum is the number of the proposal in question). They key word that cannot be altered is the word "Proposal".

The SL for a message containing a Call For Judgement shall follow the form: "Ackanomic: CFJ Pnum" (where Pnum is the number of the proposal in question). The key word that cannot be altered is "CFJ".

The SL for a message containing any official announcement, news, or other "official" Ackanomic business shall follow the form: "Ackanomic: Official". The key word that cannot be altered is "Official".

The SL for a message that is a general discussion follows the form: "Ackanomic: Discussion (Topic)" (where (Topic) is NOT required, but may be used to explain the topic of the message). The key word that cannot be altered is "Discussion".

The SL for any message that does not fit into one of the above categories, unless it is defined by some other rule, shall be of the form : "Ackanomic: Misc (Explanation)" (where (Explanation) is not required, but may explain what the topic of the message is). The key word that cannot be altered is "Misc".

Players should use these subjects for any message sent concerning the game. Minor variations are allowed in all cases, as long as the key word remains unchanged, and if the SL begins with the standard "Ackanomic" (or "re: Ackanomic, or minor variants thereof). If a player fails to use these standardized subjects, they will recieve a penalty of a deduction of one point from their score.

The abbreviation Ack is an acceptable substitute for the word Ackanomic in all cases.

Proposal 500- Tue Mar 19 16:59:41 EST 1996
Just In Case
pTang1001001sos (Mark Nau)
Decision: Retracted By Author Using Rule 423

A Proposal to create a new Rule which will read, in whole:
"This rule takes precedence over any higher-numbered rule that was not authored by pTang1001001sos.
No such rule shall be valid, nor enforcable in any way.