
[Actions] [Agents] [Players] [The Bank] [Contests] [Contracts] [Definitions, Conventions, and Protocols] [Fora] [Judiciary] [Motions] [Proposals] [Objects] [Offices and Officers] [Orders] [Scoring] [The Game] [The Rules] [Voting] [Winning] [Parties] [Miscellaneous]

Rule 121/4 : Score
Associated with each agent is a scalar quantity known as eir score. An agent's score is a representation of the number of point objects owned by em.

The owner of one or more points may transfer any or all points in eir posession to another legal owner by posting to the public forum.

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 121/0 amended by Proposal 328/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
2. Rule 121/1 amended by Proposal 350/1, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00
3. Rule 121/2 self-amended, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00
4. Rule 121/3 amended by Proposal 450/0, 21 Mar 2001 00:00:00

Rule 231/1 : Proposal Scoring
Whenever a Proposal is adopted, the Bank owes:

1. the Adopted Proposal Award to the Proposal's owner
2. the Opposed Minority Award to each Agent who voted against the Proposal
Whenever a Proposal fails, the Bank is owed:

1. the Failed Proposal Fine by the Proposal's owner

0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 231/0 amended by Proposal 353/0, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00

Rule 302/0 : Subliminal Religious Indoctrination
If at any time a Player submits a proposal which will cause the creation or alteration of a rule so that the rule would subsequently contain the text of one or more verses(*) from a Recognised Religious Text(**), then that Player shall secretly become a Humble Disciple.

Anytime before the close of voting on proposals, a Player may make an Accusation of Heresy by accusing any other Player of being a Humble Disciple, and present the evidence. If the Player is found to be Guilty of Heresy then the accuser receives a payment of 30 points.

If the proposal of a Humble Disciple is passed without the Humble Disciple being Accused of Heresy, then the Humble Disciple may, within one week, claim to have Preached to the Unbelievers and offer the proof. If their claim is accepted then they have Achieved Enlightenment and are blessed with 30 points.

If a player is wrongly Accused of Heresy, or a Humble Disciple's Proposal fails, then no further action is taken. A Player who is Accused of Heresy may not then claim to have Preached to the Unbelievers and Achieved Enlightenment if their Proposal subsequently passes.

(*)In the case that the Recognised Religious Text is not normally divided into verses, then one or more complete sentences totaling fifteen or more words shall be understood to constitute a verse.

(**)Recognised Religious Texts at this time are:
Christian Bible, New International Version.
Christian Bible, King James Version.
ISO/IEC 14882, Standard for the C++ Programming Language.

0. Rule 302/0 created by Proposal 315/2, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00

Rule 323/1 : Proposal Disbursements
Once per nweek, the Banker may set the Point values of the Adopted Proposal and Opposed Minority Awards such that the value of each is neither less than zero nor greater than twenty.

Once per nweek, the Tax Collector may set the Point value of the Failed Proposal Fine such that its value is neither less than zero nor greater than twenty.

0. Rule 323/0 created by Proposal 353/0, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00
1. Rule 323/0 trivially amended by Motion 24/0, 02 Mar 2001 17:50:25

Rule 392/0 : A reward for voting
The Voting Bonus is a variable associated with this game. The value of the Voting Bonus may never exceed 20 nor may it ever be less than 0. Initially the Voting Bonus is equal to 2.

Once per nweek, but not during the voting period, the Banker may set the Voting Bonus to a new legal value.

At the conclusion of each voting period the Bank owes one Voting Bonus in points to each Agent who voted in favor of at least one ballot item.

0. Rule 392/0 created by P452/0, 21 Mar 2001 00:00:00

[Actions] [Agents] [Players] [The Bank] [Contests] [Contracts] [Definitions, Conventions, and Protocols] [Fora] [Judiciary] [Motions] [Proposals] [Objects] [Offices and Officers] [Orders] [Scoring] [The Game] [The Rules] [Voting] [Winning] [Parties] [Miscellaneous]

Tue 26 Jun 2001 17:19:18 UTC