A Player holding an Office is an Officer. Officers have certain duties and privileges by virtue of their Offices, as specified in the descriptions of eir respective Offices. Offices are unique, and may be held by no more than one Player at a time unless explicitly allowed in the Rules. Offices may change hands only as allowed in the Rules.0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
Each Officer is responsible for recognizing, in a timely fashion, a particular subset of Agentic actions. The Administrator is responsible for recognizing actions not specifically within the jurisdiction of any other Officer. Every action falls within the jurisdiction of at least one Officer.0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
An action is considered recognized when the appropriate Officer responds to it as specified in the Rules. If no response is specified in the Rules, said action is considered recognized when the appropriate Officer records it in eir Nweekly Report.
An Officer may resign from eir office at any time by declaring publicly eir intention to do so. The Office then becomes vacant, and the Administrator assumes an Officer's duties until such time as the Office is again filled.0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
If the Administrator resigns, e shall name a Player who will assume his duties until the Office is again filled. If the Administrator has resigned without naming any Player, the first Player who publicly announces that e will assume the Administrator's duties shall do so until the Office is again filled.
The Term of Office for an Office is five nweeks, unless otherwise specified in the Rules. At the end of the Term of Office the current Officer is automatically nominated for election unless e publicly specifies otherwise. If no Player other than the current Officer is nominated for election then the current Officer is automatically elected for another Term and no election is required. In the event that the election is tied, the Administrator shall select one of the tied players to hold the Office, but the Term of Office is reduced to one nweek.0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
An Officer ceases to hold eir Office Upon expiration of eir Term unless e is eir own successor.0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
An Officer shall convey to eir successor, in a timely fashion following the expiration of eir Term, all materials necessary to carry out the duties of the Office.
Each Officer shall, during each nweek, issue a Report summarizing actions during that nweek falling within eir jurisdiction.0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
The Office of the Administrator is an Elected Office which does not have a Term of Office (i.e. the Officer stays in Office until e resigns or is removed from eir Office by other means). The Administrator is responsible for all game duties not assigned by the Rules to other Officers.0. Initial Rules adopted, 02 Oct 2000 00:00:00
The Office is initially held by the Player whose real name is Joel Uckelman.
If the Administraor deems that an Officer has not performed eir duties in a reasonable time, then the Administrator may declare emself to be the Deputy of that Officer and perform those duties instead of the Officer concerned.0. Rule 306/0 created by Proposal 330/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
If a Player deems that the Administrator has not performed eir duties in a reasonable time, then the Player may declare emself to be the Deputy of the Administrator. The Player must specify exactly what duties e thinks that the Administrator should have performed. The Player must then wait 24 hours before e may carry out these duties as Deputy Administrator. If another player objects to the Player's Deputyship or the Administrator performs the duties within those 24 hours then the Player may not perform those duties concerned. Once the duties have been performed by the Deputy, the Administrator is no longer required to perform them.
Special Case:
In the case that the duties the Deputy Administrator wishes to carry out would affect the Ballot Issues for that nweek [[eg. Recognition of Proposal submission or alteration]] and voting starts in less than 24 hours, then the Deputy Administrator need only wait 6 hours to perform the duties. However the duties do not officially happen until the second before voting starts, so players may still object in the mean time.
The following exceptions apply to the Deputy Administrator:
The Deputy Administrator may not recognise eir own actions [[eg. Proposal submission or alteration]].
The Deputy Administrator may not assign or recuse Judges for an RFJ in which e is the Plantiff or Defendant.
The Deputy Administrator may not award or credit any Player with a Win.
If for any reason an Officer is [Away] e will cease to hold the office and a random player shall be selected by the Administrator to fulfill that office. The expiration date of the office shall be moved to just before the start of the next voting.0. Rule 308/0 created by Proposal 335/0, 11 Nov 2000 00:00:00
The Officer of Supreme Justice (OSJ) is an Elected Officer. The OSJ is responsible for recognising RFJ's, selecting Judges and recusing Judges.0. Rule 310/0 created by Proposal 338/1, 21 Nov 2000 00:00:00
An Office filled through election is an Elective Office. An Office is Elective iff the Rules specify it to be so.0. Rule 311/0 created by Proposal 340/1, 21 Nov 2000 00:00:00
Prior to the start of voting during a nweek in which an Elective Office is either vacant or an Elected Officer's term will expire, any Player may nominate any Player, including emself, as a candidate for that Elective Office.0. Rule 312/0 created by Proposal 340/1, 21 Nov 2000 00:00:00
Any Player who declines nomination for an Office prior to voting ceases to be a candidate for that Office.
A Motion of non confidence is a secondary approvable motion used to evict an elected officer who loses the support of the voters. The motion must specify the elected office to be targeted. A Motion of non confidence may not be subject to unanimous consent and requires a passage ratio of two-thirds.0. Rule 315/0 created by Proposal 343/0, 21 Nov 2000 00:00:00
Upon the adotion of the motion of non confidence the term of the targeted office is set to expire at the end of the current nweek.
The Office of The Banker is an elective office. It is the responsibility of the Banker to post actions to the public forum for the Bank. There are some decisions that must be made and some actions that must be performed by the bank. This office acts as the decision-making and action-performing part of the Bank.0. Rule 318/0 created by Proposal 347/2, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00
If a CFJ finds that the Banker has not allowed the Bank to perform its required duties within a reasonable length of time e is expelled from the office and fined fifty points.
It is up to the Banker to decide what actions the Bank will take, and post those actions to the public forum. Eir nweekly report should include a summary of all actions taken by the Bank in that nweek, and also a list debts owed by or owed to the bank.
The Banker may always cause the Bank to perform an action in an Administrative, Motive, or Legistative Order, provided that it is a legal action for the Bank. The Banker may also cause the bank to repay any debt that it owes. If another action is to be performed, the Banker must instead act on behalf of the bank, and although the action is performed as if acted by the bank, it cannot affect items owned by the bank or enter the bank into any debts, or be any other effect not normally allowed by the action an independant agent.
The Officer of Bean Counting (OBC) is an Elected Officer. The OBC is responsible for keeping track of the number of each Object currently owned by each Agent.0. Rule 321/0 created by Proposal 349/0, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00
The Office of The Tax Collector is an Elective Office. It is the responsibility of the Tax Collector to recover from Agents debts owed the Bank.0. Rule 324/0 created by Proposal 353/0, 01 Dec 2000 00:00:00
Voters may cast exactly one vote for a candidate for each Elective Office on the Ballot.0. Rule 359/0 created by P420/0, 10 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Whichever candidate receives a plurality of the votes cast for an Elective Office shall assume that Office upon the expiration of the erstwhile Officer's term. In the event of a tie for the most votes among two or more candidates for an Elective Office, the Administrator shall select one of those candidates to hold the Office.
The Agent holding the office of Banker may never be nominated in an election for Tax Collector, nor may the Tax Collector ever be nominated in an election for Banker.0. Rule 372/0 created by P430/0, 21 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Should the Offices of Tax Collector and Banker ever be held by the same agent the powers of those offices shall be subject to the following restrictions:
1. All variable awards adjustable by the Banker or Tax Collector from voting, all salaries, and all fines or payments resulting from voting or the proposal process, shall be immediately set to zero, and shall remain at zero until such time as the duties of the two offices are no longer to be performed by the same agent.
2. The holder of both offices may not approve any motion that requires the approval of the holder of both offices.
The office of The Tribune is an elective office. The term of office for the Tribune is one nweek. At the end of the Term of Office the current Tribune is not automatically nominated for election. A specific Player may not be nominated as Tribune more than once every five nweeks. If no player is nominated as Tribune the office is held vacant. [[severe restrictions so that the Tribune's power is kept in check]]0. Rule 383/0 created by P448/0, 21 Mar 2001 00:00:00
The Tribune is meant to be the protector of liberty in this game of nomic. The Tribune holds the power of veto, once per nweek the Tribune may Veto a proposal by posting such action to a public forum.
A Proposal Vetoed by the Tribune fails even if would have otherwise been approved. This paragraph overrides rule R229 [[adoption of motions]]
The Dunce Cap is an object which may be transferred or altered only as defined within the rules. The Dunce Cap indicates that its owner has done something especially stupid.0. Rule 398/0 created by P458/0, 20 Apr 2001 00:00:00
The Initial Owner of the Dunce Cap is Benjamin.
At any time, any Player may make a Motion of Stupidity, naming the Dunce, and eir act of stupidity. A Motion of Stupidity is a Secondary Approvable Motion subject to Voting. If the Motion of Stupidity passes, then (ownership of) the Dunce Cap is transferred to the Dunce named in the Motion.
If two such motions are approved within the same nweek, the later motion shall prevail.