Radio Free Nomic
Proosals 451 - 500

Proosal 451 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Amend rule 417 by replacing the entire text with the following @@@ delimited text:

Each player associated with them a score. This score is measured by an integral number of points. Points and scores are not entities.

When the rules say that a player gains or loses a number of points, his score is increased or decreased by the appropriate number. The rules specify the only ways in which scores and points may be manipulated.

This rule takes precedence over all rules concerned with the manipulation of points or scores. This rule is renumbered to 310, and this sentence is then removed.

Proosal 452 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following EST delimited text:
All the Madmen

Where this rule says that a random determination is made, it will be made by the Speaker, with all options being given equal probability.

At the beginning of each calendar week the following steps are performed precisely once, in the order in which they appear.

1. A random number between the number of the lowest numbered rule and the number of the highest numbered rule whose number is less than 10000 is selected. This random number is know as Voltage.

2. If there is no rule numbered Voltage then the Shock will consist of no text at all.

3. If there is a rule numbered Voltage, then a random paragraph within that rule shall be selected, and then a random sentence within that paragraph shall be selected. This sentence is known as the Shock.

4. If the Shock contains any noun phrase then a random noun phrase within the Shock is replaced with the double-quote delimited noun phrase "this rule".

5. This rule is then amended by appending the Shock to this rule.

Should the Donut Warehouse ever own precisely 666 Donuts, this rule will  be repealed.

Proosal 453 - rejected (failed to meet quorum)
Submitted by Black Francis

amend rule 205 by appending the following text delimited by :
The prescribed voting period on a proosal shall be considered over once all players have voted on that proosal. This rule takes precedence over all others for determining when the voting period on a proosal ends.

Amend rule 106 by replacing the first sentence with the following GIT delimited text : GITAn adopted proosal will take effect instantaneously after the prescribed voting period has elapsed.GIT.  Then remove this paragraph from this rule.

Proosal 454 - rejected (failed to meet quorum)
Submitted by Black Francis

Amend rule 110 by removing the entire text and replacing it with the following COHERENT delimited text :

Major Cycles

The present Major Cycle has the following £ delimited name : £The Major Cycle Of The Surfer Rosa£.  Winning a Cycle has no effects on the game other than those described in this rule.  The rules define the only ways to win a cycle.

When a player wins a Major Cycle the following things occur :

(1) he gains the following $ delimited title : $Grand Overlord of the Major Cycle of the Surfer Rosa$, (2) he must provide a name for the next Major Cycle which replaces the name of the old one in the first sentence of this rule, (3) he must provide a new title for the player who wins the next Major Cycle which replaces the title in part (1) of this rule, (4) all points are reduced to zero, (5) the next cycle begins.

Proosal 455 - rejected (failed to meet quorum)
Submitted by Black Francis

Create a new rule as delimited by USELESS_CRAP :

No More Heroes Anymore

Repeal the rules which have the following numbers : 384, 385, 386, 389, 401, 402, 403, 404.  Then repeal this rule.

Proosal 456 - rejected (failed to meet quorum)
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:

In shape, the Universe is a hollow torus (that is, the Universe is shaped like a Donut).

The Universe is a named, unownable, non-transferable entity. All other entities are contained within the Universe, and the Universe is not contained within any Zone.

Any questions about what lies outside the Universe may be met with any degree of scorn, because there can by definition be no "outside" to the Universe.

Proosal 457 - accepted
Submitted by Jesus Christ

Create a new rule delimited by +++
Join The Party

The game mechanics, in their never-ending search for biscuits, have created a network of underground tunnels from which they may access any place in the land of their existence. The gnome population though, is increasingly dwindling as death-rates rise and birth-rates fall. The game mechanics need biscuits to survive. As such they offer their services to players of RFN, to be treated like other objects and passed along their underground tunnels to other destinations. Game mechanics though are foolish and can be tricked by players into believing that donuts, which, like all gnomes, game mechanics despise are in fact biscuits.

As a result any player may ask the game mechanics to take them to another zone, providing the player meets the entrance requirements of that zone. To do so the player must give 50 donuts to the game mechanics, which they instantly eat thus removing them from the players possession. on their next visit to the donut warehouse, occurring instantaneously after the player appears in the zone they have been taken to, the game mechanics, now realising they have been tricked, throw up the donuts whole thus leaving them in the ownership of the donut warehouse.

The player must also specify which zone they wish to be carried to. The player then instantaneously appears in that designated zone.

Should the player not wish to part with so many donuts they may offer 25 donuts to the game mechanics who will then eat, the donuts, resulting them being returned to the donut warehouse by the same process as detailed above, and carry the player to a randomly determined zone in which the player meets all the entrance requirements.

The rules specify the only way on which players may change their location. This rule in no way defines the state of existence of the playing area or the players of RFN.

Proosal 458 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Overturn the verdict on CFJ 118.

Proosal 459 - accepted
Submitted by Black Francis

amend rule 205 by appending the following text delimited by :
The prescribed voting period on a proosal shall be considered over once all players have voted on that proosal.  This rule takes precedence over all others for determining when the voting period on a proosal ends.

Amend rule 106 by replacing the first sentence with the following GIT delimited text : GITAn adopted proosal will take effect instantaneously after the prescribed voting period has elapsed.GIT.  Then remove this paragraph from this rule.

Proosal 460 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
Quicker, Easier, More Seductive

Amend rule 207 by replacing all instances of "points" with "Wise Moon Apples".

Amend rule 208 by replacing "receive 5 points" with "receive 5 Wise Moon Apples" and replacing "also loses 10 points" with "gains 10 Biscuits".

Amend rule 212 by replacing "shall lose 10 points" with "gains 10 Biscuits".

Amend rule 213 by replacing "is penalised 10 points" with "gains 10 Biscuits".

Amend rule 214 by replacing "penalised 20 points" with "gains 20 Biscuits".

Amend rule 302 by replacing "shall lose 2 points" with "gains 2 Biscuits", and replacing all instances of "score changes" with "creations or destructions of Biscuits or Wise Moon Apples".

Repeal rule 375 [because we now have a way to gain Donuts].

Amend rule 407 by replacing the current text with the following ### delimited text:
Obi-Wan Has Taught You Well

Wise Moon Apples are ownable, non-transferable entities, which my only be manipulated as described in the rules.

If the rules state that a player gains or loses a number of Wise Moon Apples, that number is created or destroyed in the player's possession. If this would leave the player with a negative number of Wise Moon Apples, all of his Wise Moon Apples are instead destroyed and he gains a number of Biscuits equal to the absolute value of the negative number of Wise Moon Apples he would otherwise have had.

Create a new rule numbered 408 with the following ### delimited text:
All Too Easy

Biscuits are ownable, non-transferable entities, which my only be manipulated as described in the rules.

If the rules state that a player gains or loses a number of Biscuits, that number is created or destroyed in the player's possession. If this would leave the player with a negative number of Biscuits, all of his Biscuits are instead destroyed and he gains a number of Wise Moon Apples equal to the absolute value of the negative number of Biscuits he would otherwise have had.

Renumber this rule to 406, and replace the entirety of its text with the following ### delimited text:
Quicker, Easier, More Seductive

Biscuits are the antithesis of Wise Moon Apples. Therefore, if at any time a player owns a quantity of both Biscuits and Wise Moon Apples, one of each is immediately destroyed.

At any time a player may convert a number of Wise Moon Apples which he owns to either points or Donuts. He does so by informing all players of how many of his Wise Moon Apples he wishes to so transform, and which of the options he wishes to transform them to. That number of the player's Wise Moon Apples are then destroyed, and for each Wise Moon Apple the player will gain either 1 point or 2 Donuts, depending on which he chose.

Proosal 461 - accepted
Submitted by Grimace

Enact the following as delimited by ***
Fruit n veg

Any player may Vegetate by posting a message to all other players stating that they are doing so; and also stating the dates their Vegetation will start and finish.

During this period, including the given start and finish dates, the player is known as a Vegetable - these are the only times a player may be known as a Vegetable.

Vegetables may not vote, and do not count when determining Quorum.

Change the word 'active' in rule 221 (Random Voters) to 'non-Vegetable', and then remove this sentence from this rule.

Proosal 462 - accepted
Submitted by Head

Create a new rule as delimited by azrael :

Founder Actions

Any player who is a founder of a society may publically remove the membership of any player currently in that society.  They may also publically disband that organisation at any time, thus removing the membership of all players who are members of that organisation.

Renumber rule 416 as 420.  Renumber this rule as 416.  Remove this paragraph from this rule.

Proosal 463 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:

[Updates the rules to use public announcements instead of "to all players". I though this was substantially too huge to be a BH.]

Amend rule 109 by replacing
"The Speaker will then distribute the proosal to all Players" with "The Speaker will then publicly distribute the proosal".

Amend rule 302 by replacing
"by specifying the proosal number to all players" with "by publicly announcing the proosal number"

Amend rule 305 by replacing
"informing all other players that they are doing so." with "publicly announcing that they are doing so, stating their new name."

Amend rule 315 by replacing "announced" with "publicly announced".

Amend rule 331 by replacing
"distribute a Bug-Hunt. This must be sent to all players, and" with "publicly distribute a Bug-Hunt, which" "sending a message to that effect to all players" with "publicly announcing that he is doing do"

Amend rule 335 by replacing "messages to the other players" with "public messages".

Amend rule 386 by replacing "defined" with "publicly defined".

Amend rule 401 by replacing "declare to all players" with "publicly announce",
and replacing "perform" with "publicly perform",
and replacing all instances of"known (by emailing all players)" with "publicly known".

Amend rule 406 by replacing "informing all players of" with "publicly announcing".

Amend rule 413 by replacing "specify to all players" with "publicly announce".

Amend rule 415 by replacing "announcing its name to all players" with "publicly announcing its name".

Amend rule 416 by replacing "announce in a message to all players" with "publicly announce".

Repeal this rule.

Proosal 464 - rejected (failed to meet quorum)
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
Vegetable Patch

Amend rule 201 by replacing "the players" with "the non-Vegetable players" [makes Vs not count for quorum (precedence might mean they currently do)].

Amend rule 205 by replacing "all players" with "all non-Vegetable players".

Amend rule 212 by replacing "other Players" with "other non-Vegetable Players", and replacing "remaining Players" with "remaining non-Vegetable players".

Amend rule 220 by replacing "all players" with "all non-Vegetable players".

Amend rule 331 by replacing "If a player disagrees" with "If a non-Vegetable Player disagrees".

Amend rule 401 by replacing "A player" with "A non-Vegetable player", and "All players" with "All non-Vegetable players".

Amend rule 415 by replacing "1) all members of that Society voted for it (2) the society has at least three members" with "1) all members of that Society voted for it (2) the society has at least three members who are voters"

Amend rule 420 by replacing each instance of "player" with "non-vegetable player".

Amend rule 446 by replacing each instance of "players" with "non-Vegetable players" [allows Vs to go off the mailing list].

Amend rule 461 by replacing "a message to all other players" with "a public message".

Amend rule 461 by replacing the last paragraph [which is now redundant and unnecessary] with
"A Vegetable may publicly request that he become an observer. If he does so, he will be considered an observer for the duration of his current Vegetation."
[allows Vs to stay on the mailing list].

Repeal this rule.

Proosal 465 - rejected
Submitted by CowJason

amend rule 456 by removing the second paragraph and replacing it with the following _GOTMILK_ delimited text:

The Universe is a named, unownable, non-transferable entity consisting entirely of the 81 zones.  All other entities are contained within the Universe.

Proosal 466 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
Vegetable Patch

Amend rule 201 by replacing "the players" with "the non-Vegetable players" [makes Vs not count for quorum (precedence might mean they currently do)].

Amend rule 205 by replacing "all players" with "all non-Vegetable players".

Amend rule 212 by replacing "other Players" with "other non-Vegetable Players", and replacing "remaining Players" with "remaining non-Vegetable players".

Amend rule 220 by replacing "all players" with "all non-Vegetable players".

Amend rule 331 by replacing "If a player disagrees" with "If a non-Vegetable Player disagrees".

Amend rule 401 by replacing "A player" with "A non-Vegetable player", and "All players" with "All non-Vegetable players".

Amend rule 415 by replacing "1) all members of that Society voted for it (2) the society has at least three members" with "1) all members of that Society voted for it (2) the society has at least three members who are voters"

Amend rule 420 by replacing each instance of "player" with "non-vegetable player".

Amend rule 446 by replacing each instance of "players" with "non-Vegetable players" [allows Vs to go off the mailing list].

Amend rule 461 by replacing "a message to all other players" with "a public message".

Amend rule 461 by replacing the last paragraph [which is now redundant and unnecessary] with
"A Vegetable may publicly request that he become an observer. If he does so, he will be considered an observer for the duration of his current Vegetation."
[allows Vs to stay on the mailing list].

Repeal this rule.

Proosal 467 - rejected
Submitted by Head

Repeal rule 221

Proosal 468 - rejected
Submitted by Head

create a new rule as delimited by $$$ :

Senility and Decrepitude

There exists a vast, non-transferable, unownable, unknowable entity named The Void of Antiquity.  All things move toward the void in time.  Any game function, state, value or variable which is not recorded (or whose recording is not regulated by a rule) is considered to have been lost to The Void of Antiquity immediately after it has ceased to affect the game state.

If an error in the recording of any game function, state, value or variable which is explicitly recorded (or whose recording is regulated by a rule) occurs and is not pointed out publically by a player for a period of fourteen days, the correct record is considered to have been lost to The Void of Antiquity and the false recording is now considered the correct one.

Proosal 469 - invalid
Submitted by Q

Amend rule 466 by inserting the following @@@ delimited paragraph between the second and third paragraphs.

At any time a Vegetable may announce to all players that he is returning from his Vegetation; when he does so, the finish date of his Vegetation becomes the date that his message was received by the Speaker's mail server, and he ceases to be known as a Vegetable. bacon becomes a Vegetable, with a start date of the date this sentence was added to the rules, and a finish date of 1st October [this will allow bacon to removed from the mailing list as he asked] and this sentence is then removed from this rule.

Proosal 470 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Amend rule 305 by replacing the current text with the following allthedifference delimited text:

Name That Thing

Entities may be named or unnamed. Names may be any string containing letters, digits, spaces, or any of "? / \ ! £ $ % & * , . ( ) - + = * ^ @ # ' ~". For the purposes of the rules, these symbols constitute the set of characters.

Any name may be at most 128 characters long, unless the rules state otherwise.The name of a player may be at most 32 characters long.

All voters must have a name. A player may change their name at any time by publicly announcing that they are doing so, stating their new name. Initially, all players have a name identical to the name that appears in the From field of their email, or the first characters up to a maximum of 32 characters of that field if the name would otherwise be invalid according to this rule.

All rules become nameless, and this paragraph is then removed.

The name of a rule may be of any length. If ever any rule has no name, that rule receives as a name the first line of text in that rule, and that line of text is then removed from that rule. A proosal which creates a new rule may specify a name for that rule, and that rule will then be created with that name. 10 days after this rule is created, this paragraph is replaced with the following @@@ delimited text: @@@All rules must be name, and the name of a rule may be of any length. If ever any rule has no name, that rule receives a name consisting of the quoted phrase "Rule X", where X is replaced by the number of that rule. A proosal which creates a new rule may specify a name for that rule, and that rule will be created with that name.@@@

Proosal 471 - accepted
Submitted by Head

Create a new rule as with the following MONKEY delimited text :

Repeal Rule 1

Apply the following effects or actions once only in the order in which they appear:

i) For the purposes of the rules, to "repeal" a rule shall mean to renumber that rule as n+1 (where n is its current number); to "alter" a rule shall mean to append the quoted phrase "five red apples" to that rule; to "squibble" a rule shall mean to remove that rule from the current rule set.

ii) Squibble rule 1.

iii) Renew the meaning of the words repeal and alter to what they were before this rule was created.

iv) Repeal this rule.

Proosal 472 - accepted
Submitted by Head

Amend rule 452 by replacing the entire text with the following MADDER delimited text:

All The Madmen

At the beginning of each calendar week the following steps are performed precisely once, in the order in which they appear:

i) The speaker randomly selects a rule which is numbered less than 10000. This rule is called the Socket.

ii) If there is no Socket then the Shock will consist of no text at all.

iii) If there is a Socket, then a random paragraph within that rule shall be selected, and then a random sentence within that paragraph shall be selected. This sentence is known as the Shock.

iv) If the Shock contains any noun phrase then a random noun phrase within the Shock is replaced with the double-quote delimited noun phrase "this rule". A noun phrase must consist of a noun; its preceeding pronoun, definite or indefinite article; and any adjectives applied to that noun. [e.g. The following: a red ballon, any noun phrase, his decision; are all noun phrases.]

v) This rule is then amended by appending the Shock to this rule.

Should the Donut Warehouse ever own precisely 55555 Donuts, this rule will be repealed.

Proosal 473 - accepted
Submitted by Grimace

Enact a rule as delimited by ***.
Too many psychopaths, not enough cycle paths.

Perform each of the following amendments to rule 452 (All the Madmen) precisely once in the order they appear:

If Proosal 472 passed, change the five Roman numeral headings i), ii), iii), iv) and v) to their decimal equivalents 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.

Renumber section 5 to section 6. Delete section 4.

Add the following text, delimited by PARTS4AND5, immediately after section 3:
4. If the Shock contains any noun phrase then a random noun phrase within the Shock is selected. This phrase is known as the Plug. A noun phrase must consist of a noun; its preceeding pronoun, definite or indefinite article; and any adjectives applied to that noun.
[e.g. The following: a red balloon, any noun phrase, his decision; are all noun phrases.]

5. The Plug is replaced with the double-quote delimited noun phrase "this rule", and the double-quote delimited noun phrase in this sentence is replaced with the Plug.

Repeal this rule. [ logically logically logically ]


Proosal 474 - accepted
Submitted by Tic0

Create new rule as delimited by NotTooOriginal :

My first

Perform the following actions in the order in which they appear:

If Proosal 472 or 473 didn't pass, repeal this rule immediately without performing any further actions.

Amend section 5 in rule 452 (All the Madmen) with the following text delimited by HackMe:
5. The Plug is exchanged with the double-quote delimited noun phrase "this rule" located within this sentence.

Repeal this rule.


Proosal 475 - rejected
Submitted by CowJason

Amend rule 216 by replacing the entire text with the following MUCH_BETTER delimited text:

Judgements Are Not Rules

If a statement on which Judgement has been called is Judged to be true or false, and that Judgement is not overruled, it does not thereby become a rule, or any part of a rule.  It merely becomes an explicit part of currently accepted game custom. 

A Judgement of undecided has no effect on the rules or game custom.

[As it is a judgement of false has no effect on game custom and therefore was practically equivalent to a judgement of undecided. The last bit is just added for clarity's sake.]

Proosal 476 - retracted
Submitted by CowJason

Amend rule 216 by replacing the entire text with the following MUCH_BETTER delimited text:

Judgements Are Not Rules

If a statement on which Judgement has been called is Judged to be true or false, and that Judgement is not overruled, it does not thereby become a rule, or any part of a rule.  It merely becomes an explicit part of currently accepted game custom. 

A Judgement of undecided has no effect on the rules or game custom.

[As it is a judgement of false has no effect on game custom and therefore was practically equivalent to a judgement of undecided. The last bit is just added for clarity's sake.]

Proosal 477 - accepted
Submitted by Head

Amend rule 212 by appending the following INCENTIVE delimited text:

If a selected player accepts appointment, he gains 5 Wise Moon Apples.

[Currently there are many penalties for judges, so I thought a little reward for services rendered might be in order.]

Proosal 478 - retracted
Submitted by Head

Create a new rule with the following PUKE-O-RAMA delimited text:

More Publicity

Amend rule 213 by replacing the quoted string "in which to post" with the quoted string "in which to publicly post".

Amend rule 413 by replacing the quoted string "A player may move to any Zone" with the quoted string "A player may publicly move to any Zone".

Repeal this rule.

Proosal 479 - accepted
Submitted by Head

Amend rule 387 by replacing the entire text of that rule with the following ACKA delimited text:

What is a Proosal?

A proosal may contain any number of rule changes or alterations to the game state. If any part of an accepted proosal contains a rule change or effect which is ambiguous or is invalid under the current rules, that part shall be treated as if it were a null string.

No game effect may be applied retroactively. This rule takes precedence over all rules except those which specifically state that they take precedence over this one, to which it grants precedence.

[Most of us submit proosals which effect many rule changes but we have to create a whole new rule which contains them then repeal that rule. This proosal makes this process neater.

Also, retroactivity under the current rules is possible with single effects, this proosal corrects that problem.]

Proosal 480 - invalid
Submitted by illuminati fnord

Amend rule 305 by replacing "Each name must be unique." with "Each entity name must be unique within the set of entity names. Each rule name must be unique within the set of rule names. An entity may, however, have the same name as a rule, if that name is otherwise a legal entity name."

Proosal 481 - accepted
Submitted by illuminati fnord

Amend rule 446 by appending the following lesscontroversial delimited paragraph:
If the rules state that a player may perform an action, and do not otherwise specify how that action is to be performed, then that action must be performed publicly.

Proosal 482 - accepted
Submitted by illuminati fnord

Amend rule 461 by inserting the following @@@ delimited paragraph between the second and third paragraphs.

At any time a Vegetable may announce to all players that he is returning from his Vegetation; when he does so, the finish date of his Vegetation becomes the date that his message was received by the Speaker's mail server, and he ceases to be known as a Vegetable. bacon becomes a Vegetable, with a start date of the date this sentence was added to the rules, and a finish date of 1st October [this will allow bacon to removed from the mailing list as he asked] and this sentence is then removed from this rule.

Proosal 483 - accepted
Submitted by illuminati fnord

Amend rule 305 by inserting the following @@@ delimited paragraph between the second and third paragraphs:
Each entity name must be unique within the set of entity names. Each rule name must be unique within the set of rule names. An entity may, however, have the same name as a rule, if that name is otherwise a legal entity name.

Proosal 484 - accepted
Submitted by illuminati fnord

Create a new rule with the following giantrobotmantra delimited text:


Whenever the rules state that something is to be randomly determined, and do not otherwise state who is to make that determination, it shall be made by the Speaker.

Whenever the rules state that something is to be randomly determined, and do not otherwise state what probability each possibility has, each possibility shall have equal probability.

Proosal 485 - invalid
Submitted by Head

Amend rule 219 by replacing the following VALIUM delimited text:

The following forms of winning are described as winning by paradox.
If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, then a player may call for judgement on a statement to that effect. If the statement is judged true, and the judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for judgement is declared the winner of the game.

If the legality of some action cannot be determined with finality, or if some action appears equally legal and illegal, then a player may submit a CFJ to this effect. If such a CFJ is judged true, then the player who submitted it is declared the winner of the current Major Cycle.

No player may win the game except by paradox.

This rule takes precedence over every other rule for determining the winner of the game.

with the following PROZAC delimited text:

A player may submit a CFJ which alleges that the validity of some action cannot be determined with finality, or some action is equally valid and invalid, or that further play is impossible.  If such a CFJ is judged true and is not overruled, then the player who submitted it is declared the winner of the current Major Cycle.  This method of winning is called winning by paradox.

[If further play were impossible under the old version, cfj's could not be submitted because they would constitute "further play". Now, paradox cfj's only "allege". This new version is also much leaner.]

Proosal 486 - accepted
Submitted by illuminati fnord

Overturn the verdict on CFJ 126. [Apologies to CowJason, but I think the "use" and quoted text not being sent by the quoter thing makes the False verdict incorrect.]

Proosal 487 - rejected
Submitted by Pippito

Create a rule as delimited by OPPOSITE:

The Future is Bright

Replace all instances of the quoted string "biscuit" or the quoted string "Biscuit" in all rules except 411 and 457 with the quoted string "Dumbass Sun Oranges".

Repeal this rule.

Proosal 488 - accepted
Submitted by illuminati fnord

[Tic0's recent paradox win CFJs have highlighted the fact that you can win multiple times with the same paradox. This should fix that.]

Amend rule 219 by appending the following @@@ delimited paragraph:
If, in the opinion of the judge, a CFJ which, if judged True, would lead to a player winning by paradox addresses substantially the same issues as a previous CFJ, that CFJ should receive a Judgement of Undecided.

Proosal 489 - accepted
Submitted by Head

(All double quotes in this proosal are delimiters.)

Create a new rule named "Retracting CFJ's", numbered 308, with the following text:

Between the time it is distributed by the Speaker and before it receives a judgement any player may retract any CFJ they have submitted, by publicly announcing the CFJ number, and stating that they wish to retract it. Any player who does so shall gain 2 biscuits.

If a CFJ is retracted, the judge who was chosen by the speaker need not accept appointment as a judge and need not post an official judgement. Any biscuits which would normally be gained as a result of such inaction are not incurred. This rule takes precedence over all rules governing CFJ's.

[The strange numbering of this rule is to keep in line with illuminati fnord's proposed renumbering of the rule set.]

Proosal 490 - rejected
Submitted by Jesus Christ
This proosal sucketh

[This proosal re-enforces the fact that in CFJs and the Supreme Court we have a 3 verdict system and each possible verdict should be given equal weight, and a verdict of undecided does not mean a judge has failed to come to a decision but that they have come to a decision of undecided.]

Carry out the following actions in any Grimace wishes:
1 - Amend rule 214 by replacing "Undecided" with "Not Proven"
2 - Amend rule 217 by replacing "undecided" with "Not Proven"
3 - Amend rule 401 by replacing "Undecided" with "Not Proven"
4 - Amend rul3 404 by replacing "Undecided" with "Not Proven"

Proosal 491 - retracted
Submitted by illuminati fnord

Create a new rule named "Renumbering 1", numbered 100,  with the following @@@ delimited text:
Amend rule 107 by replacing "If a proosal which creates a rule does not explicitly do so that rule shall receive the number of that proosal. The exception is that if a rule is to be given a number which is the number of an already existing rule, the new rule will instead be given the largest number less than 10000 which is not already the number of a rule." with "If a proosal which creates a rule does not explicitly give it a number, or if a rule is to be given a number which is already the number of an existing rule, the new rule shall instead receive the smallest number greater than 2000 which is not already the number of a rule.". Remove this paragraph from the rules.

One second after the creation of this rule, replace the current text with the following ~~~ delimited text:
In this rule, where there is a statement of the form "n m", where n and m are replaced by natural numbers, that statement shall mean "Renumber rule n to m". Perform the following renumberings once only, in the order in which they appear, and then repeal this rule.

[Historic and otherwise useless]
430 1701

335 1601, 386 1605, 389 1610, 395 1615, 456 1620

415 1501, 416 1503

420 1401

413 1301, 429 1303, 457 1305

[Supreme Court]
404 1201, 403 1202, 402 1203, 401 1204

[Entities, specific]
221 1101, 359 1105, 361 1110, 362 1111, 384 1115, 385 1116, 391 1120, 411 1125

[Entities, general properties of]
304 1001, 305 1002, 315 1005, 371 1010

[Misc. rule alterations]
331 601, 452 605

[Scores and winning]
110 501, 207 503, 208 504, 209 502, 111 505, 219 510, 310 515, 406 520, 407 521, 408 522

105 401, 446 405, 461 410

211 301, 212 302, 213 303, 214 304, 215 305, 216 306, 217 307

[Basic Structures]
210 120, 218 125, 220 130, 449 135

[Proosals et al]
201 215, 203 216, 204 217, 205 218, 103 201, 104 202, 106 203, 107 204, 109 205, 114 210, 302 120, 387 125, 432 130

[Basic Structures, reprise]
112 105, 115 110

Proosal 492 - accepted
Submitted by CowJason

Replace the entire body of rule 305, or rule 1002 if p491 has been accepted with the following NAMEGAME delimited text:


Name that Thing

Entities may be named or unnamed. Names may be any string containing letters, digits, spaces, or any of "? / \ ! £ $ % & * , . ( ) - + = * ^ @ # ' ~".  For the purposes of the rules, these symbols constitute the set of characters.

Any name may be at most 128 characters long, unless the rules state otherwise.  The name of a player may be at most 32 characters long.

Each entity name must be unique within the set of entity names.  Each rule name must be unique within the set of rule names.  An entity may, however, have the same name as a rule, if that name is otherwise a legal entity name.  If two entities have at any time the same name, then the second entity to have the name shall be renamed using the method defined later in this rule.  If the order in which they were named can not be determined in the opinion of the speaker, or if they obtained the name at the same time, the speaker shall randomly choose which name shall be renamed.

All players must have a unique name.  A player may change their name at any time by publicly announcing that they are doing so, stating their new name. Initially, all players have a name identical to the name that appears in the From field of their email, or the first characters up to a maximum of 32 characters of that field if the name would otherwise be invalid according to this rule.

All rules must be named, and the name of a rule may be of any length. If ever any rule has no name or an illegal name, that rule receives a name consisting of the quoted phrase "Rule X", where X is replaced by the number of that rule.  If two rules are given the same name, the rule with the greater number is renamed as per this paragraph.  A proosal which creates a new rule may specify a name for that rule, and that rule will be created with that name.

The following steps are taken in the given order if the rules call for an entity to be renamed because of an ambiguous name:

1) A space (quote delimited character " ") is appended to the name.

2) The lowest natural number, where a natural number is an integer greater than zero, that will not result in an ambiguous name, is appended to the name.

3) If the name exceeds the allowed name size, the character directly proceeding the number is deleted and step 2 is repeated unless the name would no longer have any non-digit characters, in which case the speaker gives the entity an arbitrary legal name.


Proosal 493 - accepted
Submitted by illuminati fnord

Amend rule 107 by replacing "If a proosal which creates a rule does not explicitly do so that rule shall receive the number of that proosal. The exception is that if a rule is to be given a number which is the number of an already existing rule, the new rule will instead be given the largest number less than 10000 which is not already the number of a rule." with "If a proosal which creates a rule does not explicitly give it a number, or if a rule is to be given a number which is already the number of an existing rule, the new rule shall instead receive the smallest number greater than 2000 which is not already the number of a rule. This takes precedence over all other rules regarding the numbering of rules.".

In this proosal, where there is a statement of the form "n m", where n and m are replaced by natural numbers, that statement shall mean "Renumber rule n to m".

[Historic and otherwise useless]
430 1701

335 1601, 386 1605, 389 1610, 395 1615, 456 1620

415 1501, 416 1503

420 1401

413 1301, 429 1303, 457 1305

[Supreme Court]
404 1201, 403 1202, 402 1203, 401 1204

[Entities, specific]
221 1101, 359 1105, 361 1110, 362 1111, 384 1115, 385 1116, 391 1120, 411 1125

[Entities, general properties of]
304 1001, 305 1002, 315 1005, 371 1010

[Misc. rule alterations]
331 601, 452 605

[Scores and winning]
110 501, 207 503, 208 504, 209 502, 111 505, 219 510, 310 515, 406 520, 407 521, 408 522

105 401, 446 405, 461 410

211 301, 212 302, 213 303, 214 304, 215 305, 216 306, 217 307

[Basic Structures]
210 120, 218 125, 220 130, 449 135

[Proosals et al]
201 215, 203 216, 204 217, 205 218, 103 201, 104 202, 106 203, 107 204, 109 205, 114 210, 302 220, 387 225, 432 230

[Basic Structures, reprise]
112 105, 115 110

Proosal 494 - retracted
Submitted by Head

All the double quotes in this proosal are delimiters.

Create a new rule named "Senility and Decrepitude", numbered 115, with the following text:

If an error in any public report of the game state is not pointed out by any player for a period of two weeks, that error becomes instead a correct representation of the game state.

This rule takes precedence over all rules with which it would otherwise conflict.

Proosal 495 - rejected (failed to meet quorum)
Submitted by Head

All the double quotes in this proosal are delimiters.

Create a new rule named "Senility and Decrepitude", numbered 115, with the following text:

If an error in any public report of the game state is not pointed out by any player in the fortnight following that report, that error becomes instead a correct representation of the game state.

This rule takes precedence over all rules with which it would otherwise conflict.

Proosal 496 - retracted
Submitted by Head

Amend rule 230 "Proosal Format" by appending the following paragraph delimited by double quotes:

Unless otherwise specified, within any proosal double quote marks (ie ") are delimiters.

Proosal 497 - rejected (failed to meet quorum)
Submitted by Head

Amend rule 303 "Delivering Judgement" by appending the following text delimited by double quotes:

Should this occur, that Judge is deemed to have refused appointment and a new Judge should be selected using the same method outlined in rule 302.

Tic0 is deemed to have refused appointment on the CFJ's numbered 136 and 138. Randomly select a new Judge for these from the set of all players eligible for this appointment.

[That should fix a gaping hole.]

Proosal 498 - rejected (failed to meet quorum)
Submitted by Head

Amend rule 230 "Proosal Format" by appending the following paragraph delimited by asterisks:

Unless otherwise specified, within any proosal double quote marks (ie ") are delimiters.

Proosal 499 - rejected (failed to meet quorum)
Submitted by Head

Remove the following double quote delimited text from rule 605, (All the Madmen):

"A Judgement may be accompanied by reasons and arguments, but any such reasons and arguments form no part of currently accepted game custom itself."

Proosal 500 - rejected (failed to meet quorum)
Submitted by Head

All double quotes in this proosal are delimiters.

Create a new rule numbered 145, named "Ambiguity" with the following text:

When a piece of text is unambiguous (that is, when a piece of text has only one obvious intention) it shall be treated as if it were the exact text intended.

Proosals 301 - 350.
Proosals 351 - 400.
Proosals 401 - 450.
Proosals 501 - 550.
Proosals 551 - 600.
Proosals 601 - 650.
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