Proposal 401 - rejected*Mmmm ... Forbidden Donut
Submitted by Pippito
There is one Forbidden Donut. This is a transferable entity. The owner is Pippito, replace this entire sentence with the following text "Anyone who owns the Forbidden Donut receives the title Commander in Chief of All Sugar-Coated Bakery Products."*
Proposal 402 - alpha - rejectedValidity of rule changes
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1
REMOVE ALL THE TEXT CURRENTLY IN RULE 203 and replace with the following
For a proposal to be accepted/ rejected all that is required is that a simple majority of votes (excluding abstainees) are cast either for or against the proposal. In addition for any proposal to be adopted requires at least 50% of the players voting to be in favour of it.
Proposal 402 - beta - rejectedValidity of rule changes
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1
Create a new rule as bound by asterisks :
*Insane Dribble
A rule shall be defined as Insane Dribble if it fulfills any of the following criteria :
(1) Its name was the intended first line of the rule
(2) It contains the phrase "as he sees fit"*
Proposal 403 - rejected (failed to meet quorum)Overturn the verdict on the CFJ (108) with the following statement:
Submitted by Jesus Christ
Black Francis has won the game and is the new speaker.
Proposal 404 - acceptedAmend r209 by adding the following sentence bounded by (sect)(sect)(sect) after the text currently comprising r209.
Submitted by Jesus Christ
(sect)(sect)(sect)The rules specify the only ways of gaining or losing points.(sect)(sect)(sect)
Proposal 405 - acceptedcreate a new rule as bound by asterisks :
Submitted by Black Francis
*Never Say Never Again
When this rule calls for the creation of a rule, number that rule X-n where X is the number of this rule and n is the smallest ordinal number such that the rule created has a unique number.
Create a rule with the following quoted text :
"The Supreme Court of RFN
(1) Supreme Court Sessions
A call to invoke a session of the Supreme Court is called a Court Appeal. The rules identify the only ways in which Court Appeals may be submitted.
A session of the Supreme Court lasts from the time invoked until all appropriate decisions have been made. The Supreme Court consists of two people who have the following titles: the Supreme Court Judge and the Law Talking Guy. Black Francis (real name Gavin Logan) gains the title Supreme Court Judge and Q (real name Gavin Doig) gains the title Law Talking Guy then this sentence is removed from this rule.
(2) Verdicts
The members of the Supreme Court must discuss the matter raised in the Court Appeal and then pass a verdict. This verdict must accord with the current rules. If the current rules are silent or unclear on the matter in question, game custom should guide the verdict.
There are three possible verdicts : True, False or Undecided. The Law Talking Guy may make his recomendations to the Supreme Court Judge but the latter's decision is final and over-rules that of the former if they conflict.
Once a verdict has been reached and all players have been informed; any necessary actions are taken, then the session of the Supreme Court ends.
(3) Complicity
If a member of the Supreme Court is deemed to be Complicit in any matter raised by a Court Appeal he loses his title for the duration of the session involved. If this member was the Supreme Court Judge then the Law Talking Guy loses his title and gains the title Supreme Court Judge for the duration of the current session. If there is no Law Talking Guy, the speaker must randomly select a non-Complicit player to replace the Law Talking Guy and receive his title for the duration of the session involved. The rules define the only ways in which players may be Complicit.
(4) Resignation
A player may resign his position in the Supreme Court at any time. He does so by stating this fact to all other players and nominating a player to replace him. This player must not be a current member of the Supreme Court, complicit in a current Court Appeal, or be Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1 (real name Stuart Park) as he finds such tasks confusing. The nominated player then receives the title held by the resigning player who instantaneously loses it."
Create a new rule with the following quoted text :
"The Laws of RFN
The laws of RFN are not rules in themselves but they are guidelines which may be broken by any player. These laws define part of game custom and breaking them may result in punishment by the Supreme Court. The laws of RFN are as follows :
(1) No player may attempt to cause the violation of a shrine. Violation of a shrine means the amendment, repeal, renumbering or any other alteration of any rule defined as a shrine. This law does not include the violation of shrines which describe the resignation, expulsion or otherwise destruction of an entity which has rejoined the game since the creation of the shrine.
(2) No player may disobey the rules of RFN or otherwise act on a misinterpreted version of them. Where the rules define it, such a move would be invalid, but this law also includes any attempt to disobey the rules where other players remain unaware of a move's invalidity. For example, the rigging of random elements of the game by the player responsible for those elements.
(3) A member of the Supreme Court must rule impartially. For example, he may not decide against a win by paradox for the sole reason of denying a player victory.
(4) All players must be polite in their dealings with other players."
Create a new rule with the following quoted text :
"Crime & Punishment
A player (who will be identified as the Caller) may submit a Court Appeal to the Supreme Court Judge if he believes an RFN law to have been broken. This message must : (1) identify a player whom the caller believes may have broken a law of RFN and (2) identify the approximate time and circumstances of this occurence. If this Court Appeal accuses any member of the Supreme Court, that member will be deemed to be Complicit.
If a verdict of True is reached, the Supreme Court should then decide on a punishment, which will then occur. Punishments include :
(1) The accused player loses a number of points between 1 and 50
(2) The accused player loses a number of donuts between 1 and 100
(3) A number of donuts between 1 and 100 are transfered from the accused player to another player deemed to be the injured party.
The Supreme Court must decide unanimously which of these punishments or combination of punishments is to be levied against the accused player and the magnitude of any penalty involved."
Create a new rule with the following quoted text :
"Vigilante group
A player may at any time declare to all players that he is forming a Drunken Posse and he is the leader. All players who are not members of the Supreme Court must then join this Drunken Posse.
The leader of a Drunken Posse may perform one of the following actions :
(1) He may call for a Bad Court Thingy on any verdict reached by the Supreme Court. All members of the Drunken Posse must make it known (by emailing all players) whether they support this call or not. If all members of the Drunken Posse support the Bad Court Thingy the appropriate Supreme Court verdict is overturned (ie becomes Undecided) and all effects of that verdict are reversed.
(2) He may call for the Lynching of any member of the Supreme Court. All members of the Drunken Posse must make it known (by emailing all players) whether they support this call or not. If all members of the Drunken Posse support this call then the member of the Supreme Court loses his title and it is granted to the leader of the Drunken Posse.
Once the results of an action have been decided, the Drunken Posse is disbanded whether the action was successful or not."
Repeal this rule.*
Proposal 406 - acceptedcreate a new rule as bound by asterisks :
Submitted by Black Francis
Repeal rule 110
create a new rule numbered 110 with the following quoted text :
"Major Cycles in RFN
The present Major Cycle is named The Major Cycle Of The Surfer Rosa.
The rules define the only ways to win a cycle.
When a player wins a Major Cycle the following things occur :
(1) He gains the title Grand Overlord of the Major Cycle of the Surfer Rosa
(2) He must provide a name for the next Major Cycle which replaces the name of the old one in the first sentence of this rule
(3) He must provide a new title for the player who wins the next Major Cycle which replaces the title in part (1) of this rule
(4) All points are reduced to zero
Winning a Cycle has no effects on the game other than those described in this rule."
Amend rule 209 by replacing the entire text of that rule with the following quoted text :
"Winning a Major Cycle
The winner of the present Major Cycle is the first player to acheive a score of over 500 points."
Amend rule 219 by replacing the entire text of that rule with the following quoted text :
"Winning By Paradox
The following forms of winning are described as winning by paradox.
If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, then a player may call for judgement on a statement to that effect. If the statement is judged true, and the judgement is not overruled, then the player who called for judgement is declared the winner of the game.
If the legality of some action cannot be determined with finality, or if some action appears equally legal and illegal, then a player may submit a CFJ to this effect. If such a CFJ is judged true, then the player who submitted it is declared the winner of the current Major Cycle.
No player may win the game except by paradox.
This rule takes precedence over every other rule for determining the winner of the game."*
Proposal 407 - acceptedcreate a new rule as bound by asterisks :
Submitted by Black Francis
*Obi-Wan Has Taught You Well
Wise Moon Apples are ownable, non-transferable entities.
If a player submits a proposal which is adopted he gains 1 Wise Moon Apple. If the Grand Pedantic Wizard publicly praises the wording of any proposal, the player who submitted that proposal gains 1 Wise Moon Apple.
If a rule states that a player gains or loses a number of Wise Moon Apples, that number of Apples is created or destroyed in the player's possession. If the number of Apples to be destroyed is greater than the number that player owns then the surplus is ignored.
Proposal 408 - acceptedOverturn the judgement on CFJ 111.
Submitted by Q
Proposal 409 - rejectedamendment to rule 331
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1
" If, in the judgement of the speaker"
replace with
" If, in the judgement of the originator of the rule"
Proposal 410 - acceptedamend rule 389 by replacing the entire text with the following quoted text :
Submitted by Black Francis
"Insane Dribble
A rule shall be defined as (insane dribble) or if it is this rule shall be defined as (D'oh !) only if it fulfills at least one of the following major criteria :
(1) Its name was the intended first line of the rule
(2) It contains the phrase "sees fit"
(3) It specifies that donuts are transferred to the donut warehouse and it is not rule 361
(4) It contains the phrase "as per the current rules" or the abbreviation "APTCR"
or at least two of the following minor criteria :
(1) It was originally created by a proposal which was publicly mocked by the Grand Pedantic Wizard
(2) It was originally part of a proposal which was submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1 (real name Stuart Park)
If at any time rule 361 is renumbered, replace all instances of the number 361 in this rule with its new number."
Proposal 411Create a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
Submitted by Q
There are an infinite number of Game Mechanics. Game Mechanics are nameless, non-transferable, unownable entities. There are an infinite number of Game Spanners. These are nameless, non-transferable entities. Each Game Spanner is owned by a Game Mechanic.
Whenever the rules call for any alteration in the rules, this alteration will be performed by a Game Mechanic, using his Game Spanner.
Whenever ownership of any entity is transferred, a chain of Game Mechanics will instantaneously pass the entity along between the old and new owners.
Game Mechanics and Game Spanners have no effects on the game other than their
existence. This rule grants precedence to all other rules, except those
dealing in any way with biscuits or any other non-Donut confectionery, over
which it takes precedence.
Proposal 412 - acceptedCreate a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
Submitted by Q
Amend Rule 361 by replacing the current text with the following ### delimited text:
Mmmm... Donuts
Donuts are the currency of Radio Free Nomic. Donuts are nameless, transferable entities, which may be owned only by players, the Donut Warehouse, or other entities which the rules explicitly state may own Donuts. Donuts may not be created or destroyed, or split into smaller fractions. If ever the rules specify a fractional number of Donuts are being used in any transaction the number shall be rounded. If no method of rounding is specified for that transaction, then the number shall be rounded to the nearest integer. If a Donut transfer is attempted which would leave any entity with a negative number of Donuts, that transfer shall fail.
Any new player joining the game gets 500 donuts when they do so.
Create a new rule numbered 362 with the following ~~~ delimited text:
Donut Repository
The Donut Warehouse is a named, non-transferable, unownable entity. The Donut Warehouse is the place where all Donuts which are not in circulation are stored. Whenever the rules state that an entity gains or loses a number of Donuts, but do not otherwise say where the Donuts are coming from or going to, they are transferred between that entity and the Donut Warehouse.
The Donut Warehouse is also the repository for sundry other entities. For this purpose, the Donut Warehouse may own any ownable entity.
Repeal this rule.
Proposal 413 - acceptedCreate a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
Submitted by Q
Locations are mapped on a square grid, where the rows and columns are each identified by the numbers 1 to 9. (1,1) is the bottom left corner square. (So (2,3) would be the square in the 2nd column of the 3rd row).
These squares on the grid may be referred to as Zones. Zones are nameless transferable entities. (1,1) is given to the Donut Warehouse, and this sentence is then removed.
All Zones may have entrance requirements. If a Zone has no entrance requirements, then any entity may freely enter that Zone. If a Zone has entrance requirements, then only entities which meet those conditions may enter that Zone. Common Ground has no entrance requirements. All Zones owned by the Donut Warehouse have no entrance requirements.
All entities other than Zones are in the same location as their owner, and will move with their owner, unless otherwise specified by the rules.
Players may buy an unowned Zone which is not Common Ground by specifying the location of such a Zone, and paying 100 Donuts. For this to take place only the player must be the only player in the specified Zone.
The Zone (1,1) is Common Ground. If there are any entities other than Zones which are not owned by any player, they are in this Zone. All entities other than Zones are placed in this Zone, and this sentence is then removed.
A player may move to any Zone provided he meets the entrance requirements.
Entrance requirements may be altered by the Zone's owner, provided the Zone is not Common Ground.
If a player owns a Zone with no entrance requirements, he may specify to all
players that this Zone is now Common Ground, and it will become so, and the
player will gain 50 Donuts.
Proposal 414 - rejected (failed quorum)Overturn the verdict on CFJ 112.
Submitted by Q
Proposal 415 - acceptedcreate a new rule as bound by asterisks :
Submitted by Pippito
*Everything Lasts Forever
Societies are non-transferable entities. Societies are non-player voters.
(1) Forming an Society
Any Player may create a new Society by announcing its name to all players. (Its name must be a legal name but it may be of up to 128 characters in length. This rule takes precedence over rules which govern the length of names.) When this happens, that Player becomes the Founder of the new Society and its only member.
Any player may request membership in a Society. The Founder may then grant the request. When a request for membership is granted, the player becomes a member of the Society. A Society may also establish an open admissions policy, which means that anyone can join that Society at any time.
A player may be the founder of only one society, but may be a member in up to two societies.
(2) Society Disbandment
The rules may call for the disbandment of a Society. When a Society is disbanded, the Society is then no more. A Society is disbanded upon it having no members.
(3) Player Liberty Clause
No player may become a member of a Society without first expressing their consent to joining it. A player may leave a Society of which he or she is a member at any time.
(4) Society Uniqueness
No societies may have identical membership. If an action is attempted which would leave two or more societies with identical membership that action automatically fails.
(5) Society Votes
When all players have voted on a specific proposal, or instantaneously before the prescribed voting period on that proposal elapses, a Society will vote for that proposal if (1) all members of that Society voted for it (2) the society has at least three members. Otherwise the Society will abstain.*
Proposal 416 - acceptedCreate a new rule as bound by asterisks :
Submitted by Black Francis
A Rule may specify circumstances under which a Hearing is called. When this happens, the Caller shall announce in a message to all players that a Hearing has been called, citing the rule that requires it and the circumstances that brought it about, and telling the valid responses (and other pertinent details). As of this announcement, the Hearing is in session.
The Speaker shall be the Caller unless the rules specify someone else for that duty for a particular Hearing.
While the Hearing is in session, each Player may send his or her response to that Hearing to the Caller privately. The Caller shall record each response that matches one of the valid responses for the Hearing. If a Player who has already responded sends another valid response, the Caller shall discard the previous response and record the new one. Any response contained in a post that does not unambiguously identify the Hearing it is in response to, even if only one Hearing is in progress, is invalid. Non-player voters may not vote in hearings, unless a rule says otherwise for a specific type of hearing.
The Hearing shall end when it has been in session for three days, unless another rule defines a longer period of time for a particular Hearing. When it ends, it ceases to be in session.
Once a Hearing has ended, it has a verdict. The verdict of the Hearing is whichever valid response was given by the most Players, and other entities capable of voting in hearings, in response to the Hearing, if exactly one valid response holds this distinction. Otherwise, if there is a tie among two or more responses, or there were no responses, the result of the Hearing is said to be inconclusive.
When the results of a Hearing are inconclusive, the Caller shall recount the
votes, discounting any cast by a non-player voter. If the result is still
inconclusive, the result is whichever of the tied responses appears first in
the Rule defining them, unless the Rule for a particular hearing defines an
alternative way to resolve the inconclusive hearing.
A hearing may be retracted any time before its result is announced by the
player who put it forward.*
Proposal 417 - acceptedcreate a new rule as bound by asterisks :
Submitted by Black FrancisThis was retroactively amended by Bug-Hunt 138, which replaced "A Quorum is acheived on a proposal only if 50% of the players cast a vote" with "A Quorum is acheived on a proposal only if at least 50% of the players cast a vote.", one second after the proosal was submitted.
Rule Amendments
amend rule 103 by appending the following quoted text :
"No rule change may have retroactive application."
amend rule 105 by replacing the entire text with the following quoted text :
"Communication Between Players
All Players must make it clear to the Speaker how they wish to send and receive messages (including the details of their email address etc. where appropriate), these messages include (but are not limited to) : proposals, CFJ's, proposal results and votes.
At first all Players send and receive messages by email. The Speaker has the right to refuse any changes to this arrangement."
amend rule 106 by replacing the entire text with the following quoted text :
"When Proposals Take Effect
An adopted proposal will take effect instantaneously after the prescribed voting period has elapsed, or after all voters have cast their vote, whichever is first. If adopted, proposals must guide play in the form in which they were voted on.
No proposal may have retroactive application."
amend rule 109 by replacing the entire text with the following quoted text :
"Making Proposals
The proper way to make a proposal is to write it down (in the form of electronic media) and send it to the current Speaker. The Speaker will then distribute the proposal to all Players. The prescribed voting period begins at the moment that the proposal is distributed by the Speaker."
repeal rule 113
amend rule 114 by replacing the entire text with the following quoted text :
"Voting Options
Voters may cast a vote one of three ways on any proposal during the prescribed voting period; for, against or undecided.
Players should cast their vote on a proposal by sending it to the Speaker before the end of the prescribed voting period. Voters who do not vote within the prescribed voting period shall be deemed to have abstained. In the case of email, votes are only valid if they were received by the Speaker's mail server before the end of the prescribed voting period."
amend rule 201 by replacing the first sentence of the rule with the
following quoted text :
"A Quorum is acheived on a proposal only if 50% of the players cast a
amend rule 203 by replacing the entire text with the following quoted text : "Required Number Of Votes
A proposal may only pass if at least two thirds of all votes cast within the prescribed voting period were for."
amend rule 204 by replacing the entire text with the following quoted text :
"One Voter One Vote
Each Voter may cast only one vote unless the rules state otherwise."
amend rule 207 and rule 208 by replacing all instances of the phrase "proposed rule change" in both rules with "proposal"
amend rule 211 by replacing the first sentence with :
"Any Player who has a question or complaint about any matter concerning the
rules and their interpretation may send a statement to the Speaker, who will
then distribute it to the rest of the Citizens."
amend rule 212 by replacing the entire text with the following quoted text :
"Selecting A Judge
When a CFJ (Call For Judgement) arises, a Judge is randomly selected from among the other Players by the Speaker. The Player selected has 3 days in which to accept or refuse the appointment by informing the Speaker. Any Player who does not respond to selection within 3 days shall lose 10 points, and is deemed to have refused appointment. If a selected Player refuses appointment, then a further random selection is made from among the remaining Players."
amend rule 404 by appending the following quoted text :
"If, at any time, the player whose real name is Stuart Park is not named
Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1, replace all instances of that name in this rule
with his current name."
replace the entire text of this rule with the following text delimited by
£££ :
All Players have a quantity of points. If at any time a rule requires that
a Player loses or gains a number of points, that number is subtracted or
added to the Player's score respectively. The rules state the only ways in
which a Player's score may be changed.
Proposal 418 - rejectedCreate a new rule as delimited by the_intense_humming_of_evil :
Submitted by Black Francis
Nomic Rule Theft
The theft of rule ideas from other Nomics is considered to be the subversive activity of communist infiltrators.
If a Player submits a proposal which attempts to create a new rule, any other Player may start a Rule Theft Hearing by sending a message to all players that names the accused player, identifies the proposal in question, identifies a rule in any other Nomic which is believed to be the source, and calls for a Rule Theft Hearing, provided a Rule Theft Hearing is not already in progress against that player, and provided there are less than 5 Rule Theft Hearings in progress.
A Rule Theft Hearing is a Hearing. The valid responses to a Rule Theft Hearing are "duh..." and "no sir, i don't like it". The Player who called the Rule Theft Hearing shall be the Caller for it.
If the verdict is "no sir, i don't like it", the proposal in question shall be given a definition which is the name of the Nomic from which the original rule came, as will any rules which this proposal creates or has created.
If, on the other hand, the verdict is "duh...", then the proposal in question is defined to be creative.
A Rule Theft Hearing may not be called in response to a creative proposal.
Proposal 419 - acceptedCreate a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
Submitted by Q
This rule is renumbered to 100, and this paragraph is then removed.
This rule take precedence over all other rules.
All instances of the quoted string "proposal" are replaced by the quoted string "proosal" both in the current rules, and in any currently pending proposals, and this rule is then repealed.
Proosal 420 - acceptedAmend rule 315 by replacing
Submitted by Q
Proosal 421 - rejectedamend rule 415 by appending the following quoted text :
Submitted by Black Francis
"(6) Membership
No player may be granted membership in a society more than once. Any attempt to grant membership in a society to a player who is already a member of that society will automatically fail. The rules specify the only ways in which membership may be granted. Disband the society known as The Evil Dictators Union then create a new society called The Evil Dictators Union which has the player known as Q as its founder and only member, then remove this sentence from this rule."
Proosal 422 - rejectedamend rule 305 by adding the following text delimited by * between the word "characters" and the full stop in the second sentence :
Submitted by Black Francis
* if it is a player's name or 128 characters for all other names unless otherwise specified by the rules*
Proosal 423 - retractedcreate a new rule as delimited by $$$ :
Submitted by Black Francis
Proposal Format
Any text delimited by square brackets (e.g. [text]) within the text of a
proposal or rule is not considered to have any effect on the game state.
Proosal 424 - acceptedamend rule 411 by appending the following text delimited by good_whiskey :
Submitted by Black Francis
Game Mechanics are gnomes.
Proosal 425 - rejectedcreate a new rule as delimited by MONKEY :
Submitted by Black Francis
Any entity may have an alliance. There are four alliances, namely : Chaos, Order, Iron and Good Whiskey.
A player may choose to adopt or recant an alliance at any time. A player may not have more than one alliance at the same time.
Iron is the enemy of Good Whiskey. MONKEY
Proosal 426 - rejectedamend rule 12000000 by replacing the entire text of that rule with the following text delimited by MONKEY :
Submitted by Black Francis
The Twelve Monkeys
All biscuits have a sanctuary in the subterranean tunnels of Parsifal. Any player who discovers this sanctuary in a rule may intone the following quoted text :
"Gesegnet sei dein Leiden, Das Mitleids höchste Kraft, Und reinsten Wissens Macht Denn zagen Toren gab!"
if they do, they will receive a biscuit.
If the speaker intones this text, he will lose a donut. No player may
intone this text more than once per Major Cycle.
Proosal 427 - acceptedAmend r413 by replacing
Submitted by Jesus Christ
##he meets the entrance requirements.## with
##his location immediately previously was in a zone which has a clear
path to the one into which he wants to move, and he meets the
entrance requirements.
A clear path is defined as being a route which
on a two-dimensional grid consists of zones (including both the
starting position and the ultimate destination) connected at least by
a vertex represented on the aforementioned grid which are either,
with the sole exception of the starting zone, common ground or in
which the player wishing to travel meets all the entrance
All registered players, have 72 hours from the time of
so becoming to select a zone which they will occupy initially. If
they fail to do so, or do not meet the entrance requirements of the
zone which they have selected, they will, at the end of the 72 hour
period, be placed in zone (1,1).##
Where ## are delimiters.
Proosal 428 - rejectedcreate a new rule as delimited by the_inobvious_solution :
Submitted by Black Francis
The World As We Know It
All zones represent a world. This world is named Parsifal. the_inobvious_solution
Proosal 429 - acceptedcreate a new rule as delimited by delimiters :
Submitted by Black Francis
Naming Zones
Amend rule 413 by replacing the following quoted text : "Zones are nameless transferable entities.", with the following text delimited by * : *Zones are transferable entities. Initially, all zones have a name identical to their grid reference (e.g. (1,1)), however, zones retain their grid reference even if their name is subsequently changed.*. Remove this paragraph from this rule.
A player may name any zone he owns at any time by informing all players of the name he has chosen and the specific zone. A player may change the name of any zone they own at any time by informing all other players that they are doing so. delimiters
Proosal 430 - acceptedcreate a new rule as delimited by ??? :
Submitted by Black Francis
GBS1's Shrine
Stuart Park was once a player in this game. He submitted approximately 40
proposals during his term as a player, and 5 passed. And then he left ...
and there was much rejoicing.
Proosal 431 - acceptedCreate a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
Submitted by Q
The player who was named bacon at the time proosal 431 was distributed receives 500 Donut once only, and this rule is then repealed.
Proosal 432 - acceptedcreate a new rule as delimited by $$$ :
Submitted by Black Francis
Proosal Format
Any text delimited by square brackets (e.g. [text]) within the text of a
proosal or rule is considered semantically null and has no effect on the
game state or current rules.
Proosal 433 - rejectedamend rule 205 by appending the following text delimited by
Submitted by Black Francis
The prescribed voting period on a proosal shall be considered over once all
players have voted on that proosal. This rule takes precedence over all
others for determining when the voting period on a proosal ends.
Proosal 434 - rejectedamend rule 114 by appending the following text as delimited by $$$ :
Submitted by Black Francis
If a voter who has already cast a vote on a specific proosal casts another
valid vote on that proosal, the speaker shall record the new vote and
disregard the old one.
Proosal 435 - rejectedcreate a new rule as delimited by MONKEY :
Submitted by Black Francis
Them's Fightin' Woids
Internomic is dull. It is also boring. If ever these terms are mutually exclusive, a hearing is called. The valid responses to this hearing are : 'Internomic is a glimmung.' and 'Internomic is vastly interesting.'. When a verdict on this hearing is reached, the verdict replaces the first paragraph of this rule.
If RFN or Radio Free Nomic is ever a voting member of Internomic it shall
declare itself an enemy of Internomic.
Proosal 436 - acceptedCreate a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
Submitted by Q
Throughout this rule, any text which appears in square brackets (i.e. []) is a comment, and has no effect on the game state or current rules.
[This proosal will just clean up the rules a little by removing unnecessary references to GBS1]
Amend rule 335 by replacing "ordinal number" with "ordinal number greater than 1". [So no one else need ever share his name]
Amend rule 389 by removing the paragraph which reads "(2) It was originally part of a proosal which was submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1 (real name Stuart Park)" [Not needed now.]
Amend rule 404 by removing ", or be GBS1 (real name Stuart Park) as he finds such tasks confusing" and " If, at any time, the player whose real name is Stuart Park is not named GBS1, replace all instances of that name in this rule with his current name." [Nor are these]
All Donuts owned by GBS1 are transferred to the Donut Warehouse, if they have not been already. Any other entities owned by GBS1 are destroyed. GBS1 is destroyed, and no longer exists as an entity in the game. [Just clears this up]
This rule is repealed once all other actions detailed in it have been
Proosal 437 - acceptedamend rule 359 by replacing the entire text with the following text delimited by talks_in_maths :
Submitted by Black Francis
This Is What You Get
There exists a non-transferable entity named Karma Police. The Karma Police may own donuts. If at any time the Karma Police own more than 100 donuts, they will be considered bloated. If the Karma Police are bloated, any attempt to transfer donuts to them will fail. On the first day of every calendar month the Karma Police will immediately transfer any donuts in their possession to the Donut Warehouse.
If, at any time, a proposal is rejected, the Karma Police will arrest the player who submitted that proposal for a period of three days (beginning simultaneously after the results for that proposal were posted by the speaker) if and ONLY if that proposal received less than two votes for. While a player is under arrest, he cannot move to another location unless required to by another rule.
The Karma Police accept kickbacks. Any player who is under arrest may escape arrest by transferring 50 donuts to the Karma Police.
When this rule is created any entities who are under arrest are immediately
removed from that condition then this paragraph is removed from this rule.
Proosal 438 - rejectedAmend rule 417 by replacing the entire text with the following @@@ delimited text:
Submitted by Q
Each player associated with them a score. This score is measured by an integral number of points. Points and scores are not entities.
When the rules say that a player gains or loses a number of points, his score is increased or decreased by the appropriate number. The rules specify the only ways in which scores and points may be manipulated.
This rule takes precedence over all rules concerned with the manipulation of
points or scores. This rule is renumbered to 310, and this sentence is then
Proosal 439 - acceptedamend rule 305 by adding the following text delimited by * between the word "characters" and the full stop in the second sentence :
Submitted by Black Francis
* if it is a player's name or 128 characters for all other names unless otherwise specified by the rules*
Proosal 440 - rejectedcreate a new rule as delimited by MONKEY :
Submitted by Black Francis
Any entity may have an alliance. There are four alliances, namely : Chaos, Order, Iron and Good Whiskey.
A player may choose to adopt or recant an alliance at any time. They do so by posting a message to all players which makes clear how they are changing their alliance. A player may not have more than one alliance at the same time.
Iron is the enemy of Good Whiskey.
Proosal 441 - acceptedAmend rule 413 by replacing the following text, delimited by insanity:
Submitted by Q
with the following text, delimited by sanity:
A clear path is defined as being a ordered series of Zones, including both the starting Zone and the final Zone, where each Zone is adjacent to the following Zone, and where the player wishing to travel at all times meets the entrance requirements for the next Zone in the series.
Adjacency is defined as being the situation where two unique Zones are so situated that the numbers of their rows and the numbers of their columns each differ by no more than one.
Proosal 442 - rejectedAmend r335 by replacing
Submitted by Jesus Christ
Proosal 443 - rejectedcreate a new rule as delimited by @ :
Submitted by Black Francis
Random Events
Unless the rules state otherwise, any time a player must randomly determine
an event from a number of options, each option must be given an equal
Proosal 444 - rejectedCreate a new rule as delimited by ONCE_AGAIN :
Submitted by Black Francis
Once Only
The player named Black Francis loses 1 point.
Proosal 445 - rejectedcreate a new rule as delimited by WACKO :
Submitted by Pippito
Double Glaze ... Aaaah
The quoted phrase "Sugar Coated Bakery Product" is synonymous and
interchangeable with the quoted word "donut".
Proosal 446 - acceptedcreate a new rule as delimited by XANADU :
Submitted by Black Francis
Public Announcements
If any rule calls for a message, action, announcement or any game function
to be public, the appropriate message must be sent to all players and
observers. If any players or observers share an email address, sending one
copy of the message to that address is sufficient, unless another rule
states explicitly otherwise.
Proosal 447 - rejectedamend rule 107 by placing the following EXPLICIT delimited text between the first and second paragraphs :
Submitted by Black Francis
When a rule is created it should be given a number. If a proosal which
creates a rule does not explicitly do so that rule shall receive the number
of that proosal. If a rule is created which has the number of an existing
rule, it shall be immediately renumbered by the speaker to a unique ordinal.
Proosal 448 - retractedcreate a new rule as delimited by FIVE_RED_APPLES :
Submitted by Black Francis
Philosophical Investigations 1
Following a rule is analogous to obeying an order. We are trained to do so; we react to an order in a particular way. But what if one person reacts in one way and another in another to the order and the training? Which one is right?
Suppose you came as an explorer into an unknown country with a language quite strange to you. In what circumstances would you say that the people there gave orders, understood them, obeyed them, rebelled against them, and so on?
The common behaviour of mankind is the system of reference by means of which we interpret an unknown language.
Renumber this rule as 206 then remove this sentence from this rule.
Proosal 449 - acceptedcreate a new rule as delimited by $$$ :
Submitted by Black Francis
What The World Needs Now
amend rule 218 by replacing the first sentence of that rule with the following quoted text : "A player is any person who has been registered as a player by the speaker." and then append the following quoted text to that rule "The speaker must maintain a list of all currently registered players."
amend this rule by replacing the entire text with the following text as delimited by QUITTERS :
Leaving The Game
If any player leaves the game, the following things occur : i) any donuts owned by that player are transferred to the donut warehouse, ii) all other entities owned by that player are destroyed (unless the rules state other wise).
That player must then be unregistered as a player by the speaker and is no
longer considered to be a player in this game.
Proosal 450 - retractedcreate a new rule as delimited by $$$ :
Submitted by Black Francis
Senility and Decrepitude
There exists a vast, non-transferable, unownable, unknowable entity named The Void of Antiquity. All things move toward the void in time. Any game function, state, value or variable which is not recorded (or whose recording is not regulated by a rule) is considered to have been lost to The Void of Antiquity immediately after it has ceased to affect the game state.
If an error in the recording of any game function, state, value or variable which is explicitly recorded (or whose recording is regulated by a rule) occurs and is not corrected by a player in a message to all other players for a period of fourteen days, the correct record is considered to have been lost to The Void of Antiquity and the false recording is now considered the correct one.
No rule may rely on the existence of any information which has been lost to The Void of Antiquity. If any such rule exists it is immediately repealed. $$$