Radio Free Nomic
Proosals 301 - 350

Proposal 301 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following text, delimited by ~~~:
The following actions are performed, in the order in which they appear.
Rule 107 is transmuted to mutable.
Rule 107 is amended so that the last sentence is changed to "The effective ordinal number of a rule is the number it had when it was created."
Rule 107 is transmuted to immutable.
This rule is repealed.

Proposal 302 - accepted
Submitted by Black Francis

create a new rule as bound by asterix :
*Overlapping proposals
If the speaker receives one or more proposals which are in his opinion defining a similiar rule change to a proposal he has already received but not posted to the other players, he must make the players aware of this clash before the voting period on any of these rules begins.  The players who submitted the proposals have three days to come to an agreement about which proposals or amalgamation of proposals they wish to have voted on. Any of these players may, within this time period, remove their proposal by notifying the speaker (such proposals are ignored and no voting period for them should commence).  Once the players agree the voting period for the remaining proposals can commence.  If this period elapses without any agreement being reached each player who submitted a proposal loses 5 points, all proposals are then posted by the speaker and voted for in the normal way.*

Proposal 303 - rejected
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following ~~~ delimited text.

If rule 302 exists, amend it to have the text delimited by @@@ at the bottom of this rule, and then repeal this rule.

Otherwise, amend this rule to have the text at the bottom of this rule which is delimited by @@@.

Retracting Proposals

Between the time it is distributed by the Speaker and the end of the prescribed voting period any player may retract any proposal they have submitted, by specifying the proposal number to all players, and stating that they wish to retract it. Any player who does so shall lose 2 points.

A proposal which is retracted will have no effect on the rules, and all voting on it will be ignored by the Speaker. @@@

Proposal 304 - rejected
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule, with the following text, delimited by ~~~

Name That Thing

Everything in Radio Free Nomic may have a name within the game. This name may be any string of letters, numbers, or spaces, with a maximum length of 32 characters. Each name must be identical.

All voters must have a name. A player may change their name at any time by informing all other players that they are doing so. Initially, all players have a name identical to the name that appears in the From field of their email.

Every rule has as a name the first line of text in that rule. The first line of text in a rule has no effect on the game state.

Each Electric Ant is sequentially given the name "Electric Ant n", where n is replaced by the highest ordinal number such that this is a unique name, and this paragraph is then removed from this rule. ~~~

Proposal 305 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following text, delimited  by !!!

If rule 304 exists, remove the last sentence of the first paragraph, change all names to what they would have been had proposal 304 not passed, and then add "Each name must be unique." to the end of the first paragraph, and then repeal this rule.

If rule 304 does not exist, amend this rule so that it has the following text, delimited by ~~~

Name That Thing
Everything in Radio Free Nomic may have a name within the game. This name may be any string of letters, numbers, or spaces, with a maximum length of 32 characters. Each name must be unique.

All voters must have a name. A player may change their name at any time by informing all other players that they are doing so. Initially, all players have a name identical to the name that appears in the From field of their email.

Every rule has as a name the first line of text in that rule. The first line of text in a rule has no effect on the game state.

Each Electric Ant is sequentially given the name "Electric Ant n", where n is replaced by the highest ordinal number such that this is a unique name, and this paragraph is then removed from this rule.

Proposal 306 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Amend Rule 221 by adding the quoted sentence; "The exception is proposals which attempt to overturn a CFJ; Electric Ants will not vote on such proposals, as they find them confusing."

Proposal 307 - rejected
Submitted by Q

Overturn the the judgement on the CFJ with the statement:
The speaker may (for the purposes of clarity) insert a comma between the words "enactment" and "repeal" in rule 103 part (1).  This does not constitute a change in the rules and this statement does not constitute a proposal in so far as there is no such thing as an "enactment repeal".

Proposal 308 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following text, delimited by ~~~

Bug fixing

Perform the following actions exactly once, in the order in which they appear, and then repeal this rule.

Transmute rule 103 to mutable.
Amend rule 103 by inserting a comma between the words "enactment" and "repeal" in (1).
Transmute rule 103 to immutable.

Amend rule 221 by replacing "when the prescribed voting period on a proposal has elapsed" with "instantaneously before the prescribed voting period on a proposal elapses."

Reduce Gavin Doig's score by 10.

Proposal 309 - invalid (more than 1 rule change)
Submitted by Q

Amend the second sentence of Rule 305 to read "This name may be any string containing letters, numbers, spaces, or any of "? / \ ! £ $ % & * , . ( )", with a maximum length of 32 characters.",
and append the following sentence to rule 305:
Q's score is reduced by 5 points once only, whereupon this sentence is removed from this rule.

Proposal 310 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Amend the first (and, indeed, only) sentence of Rule 208 to read:
"When a proposed rule change is defeated, those players who voted for it receive 5 points each. A player whose proposed rule change is defeated also loses 10 points."

Proposal 311 - rejected
Submitted by Black Francis

Create a new rule as bound by asterix
*Transmutation delay
Any proposition which attempts to transmute a rule may contain no other rule changes.*

Proposal 312 - rejected
Submitted by Jesus Christ

Create a new rule bounded by ###
What is a proposal?
A proposal must be, syntaxtly, a single rule change in accordance with the rules currebtly in effect. If a rule change is defined to included more than one action then this rule defers, in precedence, to it.###

Proposal 313 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Amend rule 302 by replacing the current text with the following @@@ delimited text.

Retracting Proposals

Between the time it is distributed by the Speaker and the end of the prescribed voting period any player may retract any proposal they have submitted, by specifying the proposal number to all players, and stating that they wish to retract it. Any player who does so shall lose 2 points.

A proposal is considered to be defeated immediately upon it being retracted. All score changes that would usually occur when a proposal is defeated are ignored; this takes precedence over all rules dealing with score changes when a proposal is defeated.@@@

Proposal 314 - rejected
Submitted by Black Francis

create a new rule as bound by asterix
        Entities have no implicit properties other than their definition as entities.
        Entities must be either transferable or non-transferable. Transferable entities are subject to the rules of ownership then in effect.
        All players are non-transferable entities.*

Proposal 315 - accepted
Submitted by Black Francis

create a new rule as bound by asterix
        A transferable entity must be assigned to a player when it is created.  The chosen player is the owner of that entity.
        An owner may choose to transfer any entity he owns to another player at any time.  Once this transfer is announced, the chosen player becomes the owner of the entity.  The previous owner loses all rights of ownership over the entity when this occurs.*

Proposal 316 - rejected
Submitted by Black Francis

create a new rule as bound by asterix
*Illuminatus plots
        Any state of affairs may be defined as an illuminatus plot.  Any player may propose an explanation for any illuminatus plot.  If this proposal is accepted unanimously by all players, the player who proposed it receives one point of enlightenment.*

Proposal 317 - rejected
Submitted by Black Francis

Amend rule 221 with text bound by asterix
*Electric ants are non-transferable entities.*

Proposal 318 - rejected
Submitted by Black Francis

create a new rule as bound by asterix
*Does rule 202 exist ?
        The absence of rule 202 shall be defined as an Illuminatus plot.  If this plot is explained, append this rule with the new paragraph "That would be a yes.", renumber this rule as 202 and remove the first paragraph.*

Proposal 319 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Amend rule 221 by adding the following @@@ delimited text after the 4th sentence (which begins "The Speaker").
If, however a proposal is submitted by the player known as Q (email address, then all 10 Electric Ants will immediately vote for it.

Proposal 320 - rejected
Submitted by Jesus Christ

Amend r204 by replacing the existing text with the following, bounded by ###
###Number Of Votes
Each voter may have a maximum of one vote. All registered players have exactly one vote.###

Proposal 321 - rejected
Submitted by Black Francis

create a new rule as bound by asterix
*I will show you the true nature of the force
        Any player with one or more enlightenment points may choose to define these as either "dark side" or "light side" points.  Upon choosing, all points that player owns gain this definition.*

Proposal 322 - rejected
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1

New Rule.
A list is kept of how the individual EA's have voted. EA's voting should therefore be based on how they have voted previously.

Proposal 323 - rejected
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1

New Rule

EA's can own property. Should an EA become the 'supporter' of a player this property becomes that players.

Proposal 324 - accepted
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1

New Rule.
All players are to be given a set amount of dollars base $1000 (+250 for each placing lower than 1st ) each month based on their current point standing ( eg 4th would recieve $1750) . This money is a transferrable entity as with Heads rule change. The money can be used as the player sees fit to implement his plans.

Proposal 325 - rejected
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1

The money is owned by the player and therefore can be accumulated. A player can also trade in $100 for 5 points at any time.

Proposal 326 - rejected
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1

This money can also be used to bribe an EA. The minimum bribe level for Ea's will =( total times they have voted against you * 10). Should players put in conflicting bribes to the same EA, then the EA will vote along with who he has voted for most. Or if both players are even in this case the EA votes randomly.
In any case the money offered becomes the property of the ea in question.

Proposal 327 - rejected
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1

New Rule.
AE's shall be declared a supporter of a player should they consecutively vote along with a player five times. After this point the player will cast the vote for himself and for the EA in question.
After this point the EA in question becomes a transferrable entity, owned by the player. The EA can also no longer be bribed by any player.

Proposal 328 - rejected
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1

New Rule
A player may alter his vote providing his email is sent before the end of the voting period. He suffers no cost as a consequence of this.

Proposal 329 - retracted
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
If, during the previous 7 days, any player has used the word "logically" more than twice in messages to the other players, that player's name shall be changed to "Green Blooded Sonuvabitch n", where n is the lowest ordinal number such that that is a unique name.

Proposal 330 - rejected
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
That, Sir, is Illogical

If, during the previous 7 days, any player has used the word "logically" more than twice in messages to the other players, that player's name shall be changed to "Green Blooded Sonuvabitch n", where n is the lowest ordinal number such that that is a unique name. If rule 329 exists, repeal it. Remove the last 2 sentences of this rule.

Proposal 331 - accepted
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1


The speaker may add punctuation marks to any rule for the sake of clarity. This change does not require a vote, nor is it considered a proposal.

The speaker must show to all players both the old rule and his change. Should any alteration be disputed by a player then the  two arguements are presented to a judge.

Proposal 332 - rejected
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1

Amendment. to rule 213

The points awarded to  a judgement are to be reduced to 10 points. These points are ' payment' and are not removed should his judgement be disputed.

The judge should also give clear reasons for his decision based on the current rules.

Proposal 333 - rejected
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1

The postal rule

The time of any email being sent is assumed to be the time it comes into effect.

Proposal 334 - rejected
Submitted by Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1

New Rule

Obertum Dictum Pedanticum

All judgements are to be kept on the website along with the reasons for them.

Proposal 335 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text:
That, Sir, is Illogical

If, during the previous 7 days, any player has used the word "logically" more than twice in messages to the other players, that player's name shall be changed to "Green Blooded Sonuvabitch n", where n is the lowest ordinal number such that that is a unique name.

Proposal 336 - retracted
Submitted by Q

Amend rule 324 by adding the following @@@ delimited text to the top of it.

Q's score is reduced by 10 points, and this sentence is then removed.

Proposal 337 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Amend rule 201 by appending the following @@@ delimited text:
On any proposal is submitted by the player known as Q (email address, quorum is defined to be 25% of the players.

Proposal 338 - rejected
Submitted by Jesus Christ

Amend a r221 by replacing the text bounded below by ### with the text bouned below by ***
###whether each of these Electric Ants, abstains, votes for###
***whether each of these Electric Ants votes for***

Proposal 339 - rejected
Submitted by Jesus Christ

Transmute r104 from immutable to mutable.

Proposal 340 - rejected
Submitted by Jesus Christ

Create a new rule bounded by ###
###Life-cycle of Electric Ants
Electric Ants are without sex and may propagate with any other Electric Ant.
Should positive real number of electric ants vote against an proposal which is accepted then the number of Electric Ants in the game is reduced by one. Should more than electric ant vote for a proposal which is accepted then the number of pairs (with rounding always to the lower of the two possible integers) electric ants is determined. For each pair there is an equal chance of producing (propagating) a new Electric Ant and failing to do so. Any new Electric Ants created in this way are subject to the rules currently governing Electric Ants.
If the number of Electric Ants exceeds 3n where n is the number of players then the number of Electric Ants will be reduced to prevent this. This can be viewed as the death of EAs due to a lack of resources.
The number of Electric Ants may not fall below 0.5 n, where n is defined as above.###

Proposal 341 - accepted
Submitted by Jesus Christ

Amend rule 221 by inserting the word "initially" between "are" and "10" in the first sentence of this rule.

Proposal 342 - retracted
Submitted by Jesus Christ

Amend r208 by adding the sentence "Those players who voted for it receive five points."

Proposal 343 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule with the following @@@ delimited text.
Amend the second sentence of Rule 305 to read "This name may be any string containing letters, numbers, spaces, or any of "? / \ ! £ $ % & * , . ( ) - + = * ^ @ # ~", with a maximum length of 32 characters.", and then Q's score is reduced by 10 points once only, whereupon this rule is repealed.

Proposal 344 - accepted
Submitted by Jesus Christ

transmute r103 from immutable to mutable.

Proposal 345 - rejected
Submitted by Jesus Christ

Ammend r103 by inserting the words "and only one" between "one" and "of" in the first sentence of this rule, and add the following sentence bounded by ### after the current text.
###eg a rule change may not involve both creation and repealing, creation and amendment etc. of the same (or different) rules.###

Proposal 346 - accepted
Submitted by Q

Create a new rule, with the following @@@ delimited text:
Rex Mundi

This rule takes precedence over all other rules. If ever this rule is not number 1, it will be renumbered to 1.

The player known as Q, whose email address is, may make any change he desires to the rules or game state of this game. He may do so by sending a message to all other players which details the changes he is making. These changes need not comply with any other rules on changing the rules or game state. These changes may change this rule.

Any sentence beginning "If, however" is removed from rule 221, and this sentence is then removed from this rule.

Proposal 347 - rejected
Submitted by Jesus Christ

Amend r104 by replacing the text bounded by ~~~ with the text bounded by ###.
~~~and (3) the prescribed voting period must have elapsed or all voters have cast a vote, whichever is first.~~~
###(3) the prescribed voting period must have elapsed or all voters have: voted for or against the proposal, or have made their intentions to abstain known to the speaker; whichever is first; and (4) the proposal consists solely of a single rule change as defined elsewhere in the rules.###

Proposal 348 - accepted
Submitted by Black Francis

repeal rule 206

Proposal 349 - rejected
Submitted by Black Francis

Amend rule 221 by appending the following sentence bound by asterix :
*Electric ants are non-transferable entities.*

Proposal 350 - accepted
Submitted by Black Francis


Entities have no implicit properties other than those defined in the rules. They must be either transferable or non-transferable.  Entities are subject to the rules of ownership then in effect.  All players are non-transferable entities.*

Proosals 351 - 400.
Proosals 401 - 450.
Proosals 451 - 500.
Proosals 501 - 550.
Proosals 551 - 600.
Proosals 601 - 650.
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