Radio Free Nomic
Omnipotent Actions

There have been 5 occasions when a player has been effectively omnipotent. Really.
  1. Q's omnipotence by proposal
  2. Q's omnipotence by dollars
  3. Q's omnipotence by Donuts
  4. Q's (and possibly also Head's) omnipotence by Shock
  5. illuminati fnord's omnipotence by name


For a brief period, as a result of proposals 319, 337 and 346, the player known as Q was omnipotent. This is the message containing the actions he performed by means of this omnipotence.

With the passage of p346, I am now effectively omnipotent. The Evil Dictator's
Union requires that I now laugh maniacally, thus:


That done, I move on to the serious business of World Domination. In accordance with rule 1, I am making the following changes to the rules or game state:

I am causing proposals 355, 357, and 358 to be retracted, with no penalty to Green Blooded Sonuvabitch 1. (355 because "10 pts." does not appear in r270, and the other 2 because they create rules which have no titles.)

I am removing the word "initially" from the first sentence of rule 221.

I am replacing the text "will vote on that" with "may vote on that" in rule 221.

I am replacing the second instance of "10" in rule 221 with "8".

I am appending the following text to rule 221: "Electric Ants are non-transferable entities."

I am replacing the text of rule 305 with the following @@@ delimited text:
Name That Thing

Entities may be named or unnamed. Names may be any string containing letters, numbers, spaces, or any of "? / \ ! £ $ % & * , . ( ) - + = * ^ @ # ~", with a maximum length of 32 characters. Each name must be unique.

All voters must have a name. A player may change their name at any time by informing all other players that they are doing so. Initially, all players have a name identical to the name that appears in the From field of their email.

Rules must be named. Every rule has as a name the first line of text in that rule. The first line of text in a rule has no effect on the game state.

I am renumbering rule 350 to 304.

I am changing the name of the player JAMES MCGREGOR to Jams.

Transmute all immutable rules to mutable.

Remove the last sentence of rule 101.

Replace the first (and only) sentence of rule 103 with "A rule change must be one of the following: (1) the enactment of a rule; (2) the repeal of a rule; (3) the amendment of a rule."

Repeal rule 108.

Replace rule 112 with the following ~~~ delimited text:
Stagnation is Death

There must always be at least one permissible change to the rules.

Replace the first sentence of rule 210 with "If two or more rules conflict with one another then the rule with the lowest effective ordinal number takes precedence."

Append the following ~~~ delimited text to rule 101:
Any mention of mutability, immutability, or transmutation between those states, in the rules or in proposals, is considered semantically null and will have no effect on the rules or game state; this sentence will be removed on the 11th of March, 1998.

Insert the following text at the beginning of rule 324: "Dollars".

Append the following text to rule 324: "If at any time players have not received the set amount of dollars during the current calendar month, they immediately do."

Finally, replace the text of rule 1 with the following @@@ delimited text:
Rex Mundi

The player known as Q (real name Gavin Doig) was once omnipotent.

This rule may not be repealed, amended, renumbered, or altered in any way except as described in this rule. If ever this rule is not numbered 1, it will immediately be renumbered to 1. Any attempt to create a rule with precedence over this one, or to give an existing rule such precedence, will fail.

This rule takes precedence over all other rules.

The union now requires me to say:
Curses, foiled again!



Rule 324 was repealed by Q, when he took advantage of the last line, which said "The money can be used as the player sees fit to implement his plans." to implement his plan of repealing Rule 324.


Rule 375, in its original form, said "These donuts can be used (as per the current rules) in any way the player sees fit." Q saw fit to give himself 2000 Donuts from the Donut Warehouse, and remove that sentence.


The 3rd Shock from Rule 452 was All players are this rule. Q then posted the following message:
After some thought, and discussion with Head, I believe that the Shock was
"All players are this rule."

In accordance with rule 115, therefore, I am explicitly permitting the following rule change:

Replace the last sentence of rule 452 with the following @@@ delimited text:
@@@The player known as Q may change the rules or game state in any way by informing all players of the changes he is making.@@@

I am then performing the above rule change, which is explicitly permitted by a current rule.

In accordance with SOP (Standard Omnipotence Procedure) I announce that I will use my powers for good, and never for evil. ;-)


Q then posted this message:
I change the rule by creating a new rule, numbered 2, with the following @@@
delimited text:
The True Wheel

The player known as Q may change the rules or game state in any way by informing all players of the changes he is making. The name of the player named Q may only be changed as described in this rule. [I think I'm paranoid.]

[I invite any players (or observers) to make suggestions for how I can use my new found powers for good. I proactively mock any attempts to deny the existence of said powers. - Q.]

The last sentence of rule 452 is removed, and then this paragraph is removed.

This rule takes precedence over everything else. This rule may only be altered, amended, repealed or squibbled as described in this rule.


Head then posted this message:
As pointed out on the Nomic Bulletin Board, rule 2 claims to take precedence
over rule 1 (all other rules ...).  Normally, rule 210 would resolve this,
ie the rule with the higher number takes precedence, but both rule 1 and 2
claim to take precedence over this rule.  Therefore, I maintain that in
accordance with rule 1, Q's attempt to create rule 2 failed.

In an uncharacteristic act of cartoonish supervilliany, I now use the power of rule 115 to rename Q as Slumbering Giant 1.  I rename myself as Q.

In accordance with the last sentence of rule 452, I change the rules by creating a new rule, numbered 2, with the following MUNKI delimited text:

Satan Gave Me A Taco

The player known as Q may change the rules or game state in any way by informing all players of the changes he is making. The name of the player named Q may only be changed as described in this rule.  [Oh how paranoid ...]

[I invite any players (or observers) to make suggestions for how I can use my new found powers for moral ambivalence.  I retroactively mock Q for his assertion of omnipotence.]

The last sentence of rule 452 is removed, and then this paragraph is removed.

This rule takes precedence over everything else except rule 1, to which it defers. This rule may only be altered, amended, repealed or squibbled as described in this rule.

Q (the player previously known as Head)

Followed closely by this one:
In accordance with the last sentence of rule 452, I change the rules by
creating a new rule, numbered 2, with the following MUNKI
delimited text:

Satan Gave Me A Taco

The player known as Q may change the rules or game state in any way by informing all players of the changes he is making. The name of the player named Q may only be changed as described in this rule.  [Oh how paranoid...]

[I invite any players (or observers) to make suggestions for how I can use my new found powers for moral ambivalence.  I retroactively mock Q for his assertion of omnipotence.]

The last sentence of rule 452 is removed, and then this paragraph is removed.

This rule takes precedence over everything else except rule 1, to which it defers. This rule may only be altered, amended, repealed or squibbled as described in this rule.

Q (previously Head)

p.s. yes, well, in my haste (cut and paste?) I may have let some delimiters slip away ... foiled again

There followed a long period of inactivity. Head then posted this message:
It may be the case that I am omnipotent and Q currently isn't, to avoid
confusion however:

Using my omnipotent powers in accordance with rule 2, I append the following abdication delimited text to rule 2:

The player whose name is "Q" has his name changed to "Head". The player whose name is "Slumbering Giant 1" has his name changed to "Q". This sentence and the 2 preceeding sentences are removed.

Thus ends my short lived possibly non-existent reign.

Be warned, however, the Army of the Twelve Monkeys will return ... and be equally innefficient probably.

Head (most definitely now called Head)

Now definitely omnipotent, Q posted the following message:
Now that I am definitely omnipotent, I am performing the following actions in
accordance with rule 2.

I am amending rule 2 by replacing the current text with the following @@@
delimited text:
The True Wheel

The player known as Q may change the rules or game state in any way by
informing all players of the changes he is making. The name of the player
named Q may only be changed as described in this rule. [I think I'm paranoid.]

[I invite any players (or observers) to make suggestions for how I can use my
new found powers for good. I proactively mock any attempts to deny the
existence of said powers. - Q.]

This rule takes precedence over everything else, except Rule 1, to which it
grants precedence. This rule may only be altered, amended, repealed or
squibbled as described in this rule.

I am changing the name of the player known as "David Strickland" to
"Iscariot". [The name he wants.]

I am moving Jesus Christ to (7,9). If it is the case [as any sane person would
say] that Jesus Christ does not own (7,8), I am transferring ownership of
(7,8) to Jesus Christ, and transferring 100 Donuts from Jesus Christ to the
Donut Warehouse.

And then this one:
Using my r2 powers, I perform the following actions. Some of them may appear

I amend rule 114 by appending the following text as delimited by $$$ :
If a voter who has already cast a vote on a specific proosal casts another
valid vote on that proosal, the speaker shall record the new vote and
disregard the old one.
[What we do anyway, but it won't hurt to have it explicit.]

I amend rule 107 by placing the following EXPLICIT delimited paragraph between
first and second paragraphs :

When a rule is created it should be given a number. If a proosal which creates
a rule does not explicitly do so that rule shall receive the number of that
proosal. The exception is that if a rule is to be given a number which is the
number of an already existing rule, the new rule will instead be given the
largest number less than 10000 which is not already the number of a rule.

I create a new rule, numbered 456, with the following @@@ delimited text:

In shape, the Universe is a hollow torus (that is, the Universe is shaped like
a Donut).

The Universe is a named, unownable, non-transferable entity. All other
entities are contained within the Universe, and the Universe is not contained
within any Zone.

Any questions about what lies outside the Universe may be met with any degree
of scorn, because there can by definition be no "outside" to the Universe.

I create 90000 Donuts in my possession. I cackle in a notably evil fashion,
before giving 89999 Donuts to the Donut Warehouse. I give 1 Donut to Head, as
thanks for his work as a covert agent for the Evil Dictators Union.

And then this one:
In accordance with r2, I am amending rule 415 by replacing the current text
with the following @@@ delimited text:

Everything Lasts Forever

Societies are non-transferable entities. Societies are non-player voters.

(1) Forming an Society

Any Player may create a new Society by announcing its name to all players.
When this happens, that Player becomes the Founder of the new Society and its
only member.

Any player may publicly request membership in a Society. The Founder may then
publicly grant the request. When a request for membership is granted, the
player becomes a member of the Society.  The Founder of a Society may also
publicly establish an open admissions policy for that Society, which means
that anyone can join that Society at any time by publicly announcing that they
are doing so. The Founder of a Society may publicly revoke the open admissions
policy, at which time it ceases to be in effect.

A player may be the founder of only one society, but may be a member in up to
two societies.

(2) Society Disbandment

The rules may call for the disbandment of a Society. When a Society is
disbanded, the Society is then no more. A Society is disbanded upon it having
no members.

(3) Player Liberty Clause

No player may become a member of a Society without first publicly expressing
their consent to joining it. A player may leave a Society of which he or she
is a member at any time by publicly announcing that they are doing so.

(4) Society Uniqueness

No societies may have identical membership.  If an action is attempted which
would leave two or more societies with identical membership that action
automatically fails.

(5) Society Votes

Instantaneously before the prescribed voting period on that proosal elapses, a
society will vote for that proosal if (1) all members of that Society voted
for it (2) the society has at least three members.  Otherwise the Society will

After this and the r115 amendment, I will probably give up my omnipotence
(until the next time, bwuhahahahahaha!)

And then this one:
While I remember...

By r2, I set the following societies membership (and foundership) precisely as
shown. I destroy all societies other than those shown below.

The Evil Dictators Union.

The Army of the Twelve Monkeys.
Jesus Christ.

The Stonecutters.

And then this one:
Having received no objections to my r115 RFC, I now amend rule 115 by
replacing the current text with the following loveunderwill delimited text:

Do What Thou Wilt, Except on Tuesdays

Whatever is not explicitly prohibited or regulated by a rule is permitted and
unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the rules or game state,
which is permitted only when a rule or set of rules explicitly or implicitly
permits it. An action shall be considered to be regulated by the rules if a
rule or set of rules describes how that action may or may not take place, or
otherwise defines some feature of that action.

Game custom, spirit of the game, and linguistic interpretation, however, are
not part of the rules or game state, and are not regulated by the rules
(except maybe this one).


And finally this one:
In accordance with rule 2, I:

create 200 Wise Moon Apples in my possession;

transfer 50 Donuts from the Donut Warehouse to every player;

amend rule 209 by replacing "500" with "300";

repeal rule 2.



illuminati fnord achieved a score of 300 points, and so won the first Major Cycle, The Major Cycle of the Surfer Rosa. At that time, the initial version of the rule on Major Cycles allowed him to provide a name for the next Major Cycle which was then written into the rules. He provided as a name the string X. illuminati fnord may publicly change the rules or game state in any way he sees fit

After an initial fiasco involving missing delimiters, he publicly changed the rules by creating a new rule numbered 3, with the text:

Deja Q

The player whose name at the time this rule was created was the double-quote
delimited string "illuminati fnord" may change the rules or game state as he
sees fit by publicly announcing the changes he is making. illuminati fnord's
name may only be changed as described in this rule.

This rule may only be amended, repealed, squibbled, or painted a shade of pale
pink as described in this rule. This rule takes precedence over all rules
which would otherwise conflict with it.
He then amended rule 3 by appending the text:
Rule 110 may be altered by proposal, by bug-hunt, and as described in any rule
other than rule 110. Rule 110 may not be altered in any other way, even if
rule 110 should explicitly state otherwise.
to prevent anyone else from taking advantage of the same loophole.

CFJ 133 confirmed that his scam had worked. Shortly thereafter, he posted the following message:

In accordance with rule 3, I :

Cause CFJs 130, 131, and 132 to be judged Undecided, and set the quantities of
Biscuits, Wise Moon Apples, points, and Donuts owned by every entity to what
they would have been had these CFJs never been submitted.

Amend rule 110 by replacing the current HARDWIRED delimited text:
The present Major Cycle is named X. illuminati fnord may publicly change the
rules or game state in any way he sees fit.

The rules define the only ways to win a cycle.

When a player wins a Major Cycle the following things occur :

(1) He gains the title Pioneer of Aerodynamics

(2) He must provide a name for the next Major Cycle which replaces the name of
the old one in the first sentence of this rule

(3) He must provide a new title for the player who wins the next Major Cycle
which replaces the title in part (1) of this rule

with the following EXTERNAL delimited text:
The present Major Cycle is given the quoted name "The Major Cycle of
Aerodynamics", the Title which will be received by the winner of the present
Major Cycle becomes the quoted string "Pioneer of Aerodynamics", and this
paragraph is then deleted.

The rules define the only ways to win a cycle.

When a player wins a Major Cycle the following things occur :

(1) He gains the title provided by the winner of the previous Major Cycle, or
the quoted title "Major Cycle Winner n" (where n is replaced by the smallest
ordinal number such that that is a unique title) if no such title has been

(2) He may provide a name for the next Major Cycle. Until he does so, that
Major Cycle shall be nameless

(3) He may provide a title for the player who wins the next Major Cycle, as
described in (1)

Repeal rule 3.


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