
[Proposals Archive Index]

301/0: Fix Rule 4 typo
302/0: Fix Rule 5 typo
303/0: Fix Rule 8
304/0: Fix Rule 102
305/0: Fix Rule 114 typo
307/0: Fix Rule 223 typo
308/0: Fix Rule 114 typo
309/0: Fix Rule 4 typo
309/1: Fix Rule 4 typo
310/0: Fix Rule 5 typo
311/0: Rescinding Actions
311/1: Rescinding Actions
311/2: Rescinding Actions
312/0: Criminal Code
312/1: Criminal Code
312/2: Criminal Code
313/0: Pedantics
314/0: Motion to Amend Trivially
314/1: Motion to Amend Trivially
315/0: Subliminal Religious Indoctrination
315/1: Motion Reform
315/2: Subliminal Religious Indoctrination
316/0: Liars, and how to deal with them
316/1: make crime rule for liars
317/0: Motion Reform
318/0: Tomjack's mom cannot be a judge
319/0: Motion to Amend Trivially
320/0: Oversight in Roster Maintanence
321/0: ballot fix 1
322/0: Ballot fix 2
322/1: ballot fix 2
323/0: quorum change
324/0: Vacating Orders fix
324/1: Vacating Orders fix
325/0: Salary for Judges
325/1: Salary for Judges
326/0: Required Actions
327/0: append 237/judgement timing
329/0: 100 points to start with
330/0: I Shot The Sheriff
331/0: Motion to Remove Players
332/0: Quorum Fix
333/0: What's in a Name
334/0: Players that are [Away]
334/1: Players that are [Away]
335/0: Officers that are [Away]
336/0: unanimous consent fix
337/0: Market Economy
337/1: Market Economy
338/0: The Officer of Supreme Justice
338/1: The Officer of Supreme Justice
339/0: modification of 302/0, Subliminal Religious Indoctrination
340/0: elective offices
340/1: elective offices
341/0: Conflicting Legislative Orders
342/0: Motion to Remove Players II
343/0: Officers and Gentlemen
344/0: R227/2 Amendment
345/0: Object proposal
346/0: Transferable Voting!
346/1: Transferable Voting!
346/2: Transferable Voting!
346/3: Transferable Voting!
347/0: The Bank
347/1: The Bank
347/2: The Bank
348/0: Extra Votes
349/0: The Officer of Bean Counting
350/0: Points are transferrable objects
350/1: Points are transferrable objects
351/0: AWAY players - slight change
352/0: Salaries for Officers and Judges
352/1: Salaries for Officers and Judges
352/2: Salaries for Officers and Judges
353/0: Tax and Spend
354/0: Nomic: not just a game but a way of life!
355/0: Rule Cleanup
356/0: Who owns the Rules?
357/0: Win Tokens
358/0: No place like home
359/0: The Name Game
360/0: naming the nameless
361/0: Paper-Rock-Scissors
361/1: Paper-Rock-Scissors
362/0: Political Go
362/1: Political Go
362/2: Political Go
363/0: [no title]
363/1: Cleanup
364/0: Loans
365/0: The Price of Nomic
365/1: The Price of Nomic
366/0: How to Nominate
367/0: Win condition fix
368/0: rescinding actions fix
369/0: The price of justice
370/0: Binding Contracts
371/0: UC and Motion Fix
371/1: UC and Motion Fix
372/0: challenge/response games
373/0: Similarity game
374/0: Contests
375/0: A Resolution for Point Amnesty
375/1: A Resolution for Point Amnesty
376/0: C/RG-Contest fix
377/0: Tax Collector Fix
378/0: Similarity Game fix
379/0: Poetry Competiton c/rg
380/0: NomicHome
381/0: Motions of no confidance
382/0: Parties
382/1: Parties
383/0: Extra Vote fix
384/0: Motions to Create or Destroy Points
385/0: Mediocraty
385/1: Mediocrity
386/0: The Thug and Its Uses
387/0: Randomness and Dice
388/0: I Second That
389/0: Foully voting AGAINST every single proposal on every ballot really drives me up the wall you will know if youre the one im talking to i really think something ought to be done about this blatant misuse of democratic principles and this is a holy crusade t
390/0: Licensing: Instances
391/0: licensing fee for C/RG's
392/0: Dependency of Propositions
392/1: Dependency of Propositions
392/2: Dependency of Propositions
393/0: Debt Transfer
394/0: Name Changes
395/0: [no title]
396/0: Expediency of Player Creation
396/1: Expediency of Player Creation
397/0: Inheritance
398/0: Newbie Players
398/1: Newbie Players
398/2: Newbie Players
399/0: Joel must Randal
400/0: Voting Clean-up
401/0: Recognition Elimination
401/1: Recognition Elimination
402/0: R103 Fix
403/0: Only Players May Change the Rules
404/0: Jurisdiction of Rules
405/0: Only Players may win
406/0: No Bills of Attainder
406/1: Impossible Actions
407/0: Automatic Debt Payment
408/0: Proposal Dependency: I Need My Fix
409/0: Repeal R350
410/0: Parties: back by popular demand
410/1: Parties: back by popular demand
411/0: Preventing Tyranny of the Majority
412/0: The Administrator is an Elected Office that does not expire
413/0: A Resolution for Point Amnesty, part 2
414/0: Roster improvement
415/0: Randal Judgements
416/0: Debt Fix
417/0: Even though no-one has used these NomicHomes, I'd better tidy up
418/0: NomicHomes have no fixed value
419/0: proposal to revamp the proposal/scoring system
420/0: Voting Clean-up
421/0: R103/0 Fix
422/0: Only Players May Change the Rules
423/0: Proposal Dependency: I Need My Fix
424/0: Micropayment
425/0: Joint Proposals
425/1: Joint Proposals
426/0: Removing Players that are [Away]
427/0: R213/203 Fix
428/0: Agents and Organizations
428/1: Agents and Organizations
429/0: Rubber Stamps
430/0: Against a monopoly of power
431/0: Go Stones
431/1: Go Stones
432/0: let's vote ourselves rich
433/0: Money for Nothing
434/0: Thug Fix
435/0: Just Because It's A Bank, Doesn't Mean It Should Be Bankrupt
436/0: Tax the Rich!
436/1: Tax the Rich!
437/0: Debt Overdue Charges
438/0: Lynching
438/1: Lynching
439/0: The Very Small Black Hole
440/0: Hail Eris!
441/0: Prevention of Voting Manipulation
442/0: Names of Agents
443/0: A Little Heresy
444/0: Sack the lazy
444/1: Sack the lazy
445/0: for Sacking
445/1: for Sacking
446/0: Judge Selection
447/0: How to vote
447/1: How to vote
448/0: The Tribune
449/0: cards
450/0: Omnibus Proposal
451/0: Another [Away] patch
452/0: A reward for voting
453/0: Debts Fix I
454/0: Mediocrity fix
455/0: Statute of Limitation
456/0: Pooker
456/1: Pooker
457/0: Card Games
458/0: The Dunce Cap
459/0: Separation of Card Packs
460/0: point protection
461/0: Go alliance improvement
461/1: Go moves improvement
462/0: Accepting an alliance is a normal (counted) Go move
463/0: Mediocrity fix fix
464/0: Thug Time Limit
465/0: Fix the Showdown
466/0: Awards and Fines should be known before voting starts
467/0: Remove the debt system
467/1: Remove the debt system
467/2: Remove the debt system
468/0: Go moves fix
469/0: [no title]
470/0: No Pooker
471/0: Reset the game
471/1: Reset the game
472/0: Really Fix the Showdown
473/0: Win Conditions and Proposal Rewards
473/1: Win Conditions and Proposal Rewards

Tue 26 Jun 2001 17:19:03 UTC