1. Amend R109 to be entitled "Officer Jurisdiction" and read as follows:
"Each Officer is responsible for recording, in a timely fashion, a particular subset of Agentic actions. The Administrator is responsible for recording actions not specifically within the jurisdiction of any other Officer. Every action falls within the jurisdiction of at least one Officer."
2. Retitle R228 to "Motion Numbering" and strike the last sentence.
3. Retitle R235 to "Numbering of Requests
4. Repeal R301.
5. If R304 has not been repealed, replace its last sentence with:
"All legal changes to Ballot Items must be reflected in the published Ballot."
6. Replace "recognising" in R310 with "numbering".
Proposal 401/1 : Recognition Elimination
"Each Officer is responsible for recording, in a timely fashion, a particular subset of Agentic actions. The Administrator is responsible for recording actions not specifically within the jurisdiction of any other Officer. Every action falls within the jurisdiction of at least one Officer." 2. Retitle R228 to "Motion Numbering" and strike the last sentence. 3. Repeal R235 and append its text as the second paragaph of R234. 4. Repeal R301. 5. If R304 has not been repealed, replace its last sentence with: "All legal changes to Ballot Items must be reflected in the published Ballot." 6. Replace "recognising" in R310 with "numbering".
"Motions to Amend Trivially are Secondary Approvable Motions which may be made only by Players, are adoptable only through two-day unanimous consent, and fail if it is not granted. A Motion to Amend Trivially, when submitted, must consist of one potential Legislative Order that would unsubstantially amend a Rule if adopted. Motions to Amend Trivially may never become issues on a Ballot. The Legislative Order corresponding to an adopted Motion to Amend Trivially directs the Administrator to make appropriate changes to the Rules." 2. Amend the first sentence of R117 to read: "Proposals are Primary Approvable Motions which are not subject to unanimous consent, and may be made only by Players."
[[ This should allow for rules which require Officers to keep track of points and other such data, as you're requiring the Officer to produce a correct report. ]] New rules may also not be proposed which will restrict a player's actions outside of public fora.
"Whenever a Player's score reaches or exceeds 500 points, and that Player owns at least 20 Rules, the Administrator shall credit em with a Win."
"Proposals which name individual Players in their texts are prohibited."
Proposal 406/1 : Impossible Actions
"No Agent shall be required to take an action if there is no public fora in which that action would be possible. Any Rule or portion thereof that would require such actions of an Agent shall have no effect."
"Automatic Debt Payer" is an attribute which Players can have. A player may gain or lose the "Automatic Debt Payer" (ADP) attribute by posting eir preference to a public forum. The Banker must keep track of which players currently have the ADP attribute. Whenever a debt is created naming a Player (X) as a debtor, if the named Player has the attribute "Automatic Debt Payer" and also has sufficient funds to pay the debt, then the debt is automatically paid, points transferred, and the debt is destroyed.
"The owner of an Approvable Motion may specify a condition for its adoption in addition to the standard conditions required by the Rules. Whenever an Approvable Motion would be adopted in the absence of a condition added by its owner, and it is no longer possible for that condition to be met, the Motion fails by dependence. No scoring may occur due to failure by dependence." 2. Amend the first sentence of R229 to read: "An Approvable Motion is adopted iff it is subject to and receives consent or at the close of voting on it its passage ratio exceeds one-half, and all other adoption conditions applying to it are met." And add as the last sentence of the first paragraph: "An Approvable Motion fails when its adoption becomes impossible."
A Party is a type of object consisting of a name, a serial number, a set of rules, and a set of member agents. Any agent may create a party at any time by announcing eir intent to the Administrator who shall recognize eir action and assign a serial number, the party creator must also determine an initial set of rules and name for the new party. A newly created party has no members, and a party which is found to have no members continuously for a period of one nweek ceases to exist. 2. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Membership", text as follows: The requirements for membership of a party shall be defined by the rules of that party. No agent may become a member of a party without eir consent. The members of a Party must abide by the rules of that Party, with the proviso that no agent may be required to abide by a set of rules of which e has been uninformed. The rules of this game take precedence over the rules of all Parties, but they do not exempt the members of a party from a punishment for failing to comply with the rules of that party. 3. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Privacy", with text as follows: The rules and membership list shall be maintained by the members of that party. They must be available to all members of that party, but are not required to be available to non-members; all members must be apprised of any change in the rules or party membership. If the otherwise privately kept rules or membership of a party is the subjct of a CFJ, and the judge of that CFJ is not a member of that party, then whomever is responsible for tracking the state of the party rules and any elements defined in the party rules shall make them available available to judge upon the judge's selection, but the Judge shall not further distribute them. 4. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Security", with text as follows: In no case may an agent be bound by a set of rules of which e is uninformed. In no case may an agent become a member of a party without eir express written consent, although said consent does not nescessarily have to be posted to the Public forum. Party rules may not take precedence over the rules of this game, although this does not nescessarily exempt a player from penalties for failing to abide by the rules of a party of which e is a member. Party rules may not redefine terms used in the rules of this game. 5. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Destruction", with text as follows: If a Party ceases to exist the last known state of its rules, membership, and any variables or other objects defined shall be made publicly available.
Proposal 410/1 : Parties: back by popular demand
A Party is a type of object consisting of a name, a serial number, a set of rules, and a set of member agents. Any agent may create a party at any time by announcing eir intent to the Administrator who shall recognize eir action and assign a serial number, the party creator must also determine an initial set of rules and name for the new party. A newly created party has no members, and a party which is found to have no members continuously for a period of one nweek ceases to exist. 2. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Membership", text as follows: The requirements for membership of a party shall be defined by the rules of that party. No agent may become a member of a party without eir consent. The members of a Party must abide by the rules of that Party, with the proviso that no agent may be required to abide by a set of rules of which e has been uninformed. The rules of this game take precedence over the rules of all Parties, but they do not exempt the members of a party from a punishment for failing to comply with the rules of that party. 3. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Privacy", with text as follows: The rules and membership list shall be maintained by the members of that party. They must be available to all members of that party, but are not required to be available to non-members; all members must be apprised of any change in the rules or party membership. If the otherwise privately kept rules or membership of a party is the subjct of a RFJ, and the judge of that RFJ is not a member of that party, then whomever is responsible for tracking the state of the party rules and any elements defined in the party rules shall make them available available to judge upon the judge's selection, but the Judge shall not further distribute them. 4. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Security", with text as follows: In no case may an agent be bound by a set of rules of which e is uninformed. In no case may an agent become a member of a party without eir express written consent, although said consent does not nescessarily have to be posted to the Public forum. Party rules may not take precedence over the rules of this game, although this does not nescessarily exempt a player from penalties for failing to abide by the rules of a party of which e is a member. Party rules may not redefine terms used in the rules of this game. 5. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Destruction", with text as follows: If a Party ceases to exist the last known state of its rules, membership, and any variables or other objects defined shall be made publicly available.
If a proposal names one or more specific players in its text, those players must consent to the passage of the proposal. If a proposal uses one or more terms which indirectly refer to one player, or to a group of players containing less than half of the players in the game, each specified player or group must consent to the passage of the proposal. Names of administrative positions are a special case of the above clause. If the administrative position is not yet filled, no consent is needed. If the posiiton is filled, the player who occupies that position must consent. Consenting to the passage of a proposal means that, if any single player from whom consent is required votes against the proposal, or if the majority of a group from which consent is required votes against the proposal, the proposal fails.
"The Office of the Administrator is an Elected Office which does not have a Term of Office (i.e. the Officer stays in Office until e resigns or is removed from eir Office by other means). The Administrator is responsible for all game duties not assigned by the Rules to other Officers. The Office is initially held by the Player whose real name is Joel Uckelman."
Amend Rule 110 by adding the following paragraph: "If the Administrator resigns, e shall name a Player who will assume his duties until the Office is again filled. If the Administrator has resigned without naming any Player, the first Player who publicly announces that e will assume the Administrator's duties shall do so until the Office is again filled."
and Whearas the subsequent Banker's reports and scoring have been based upon the second, corrected version; and Whearas the first version contained several major errors which were corrected in the second version; and Whearas the Banker would have to perform his several nweeks worth of duties a second time to return to the first version, which would in any case create a discontinuity in the game state; Be it resolved that article 1 of P375/1 be waived, while retaining the other provisions of P375. Be it also resolved that the Bankers Report for Nweek 15, published by Poulenc on the 20th of February, 2001, plus the two subsequently published corrections, be accpted as accurate and representative of the game state at that time.
"The Roster is a list of all Players. It shall contain, for each Player, at least the following information: (1) The Player's name, (2) eir email adress, (3) eir score, and (4) a list of all attributes associated with em. The Administrator is responsible for updating the Roster so that it reflects the current game state."
The verb "to Randal" is defined as "to perform an action which is mostly unrelated to the game, which one does not want to perform". The noun "Randal" is defined as either "an action which is mostly unrelated to the game, which one does not want to perform" when it is used with an article, and "a character from Clerks" when it is used as a name. Any Motion or Proposal which requires a player to Randal may be nullified via the process below. If a player feels that an action required of em is a Randal, he may make a Request for Randal Judgement. A Request for Randal Judgement is a specific kind of Request for Judgement, which follows all the rules of Requests for Judgement. When a Request for Randal Judgement (RFRJ) is made, it is applied to some Motion or Proposal. The player making the RFRJ should specify which Motion or Proposal it should be applied to. The Statement of the resulting RFJ is " If there is a time limit on the Randal in question, it is extended for the duration of the Judgement.
If an agent owes points to another agent e is a debtor and the agent to which e owes points is eir creditor. Said pending point transfer is a debt. The debt shall exist until payment has been made by point transfer, satisfying the debt. If the debtor does not transfer the specified number of points by the time specified at creation of the debt, or within two weeks of the debt creation by default, eir creditor may force payment with a Motion for Payment. A Motion for Repayment is a primary, approvable motion that is not subject to unanimous consent. A Motion for Repayment should specify the debt that is overdue by amount, agents involved, and due date. If a Motion for Repayment passes and the debt remains unpaid a motive order is issued for the transfer of points to satisfy that debt, to be performed as soon as possible.
Replace the phrase 'can be bought and sold as any Object' with 'can be bought and sold by the transfer of a number of points either equal to the value or agreed by the players involved to the selling player from the buying player, which will result in the transfer of the NomicHome (but not its contents, which will remain the property of the selling player and be removed from the NomicHome) from the selling to the buying player.'
enact a new rule entitled "FPCs and Making Proposals" with the following text: MAKING PROPOSALS Each Player gets one Free Proposal Coupon (FPC) each week. If, at the end of an nweek, a Player's FPC has not been used, then it is destroyed. FPCs are Objects. To make a proposal, a Player do one of the following: ---END OF NEW RULE--- Amendments: Amend R231/1 to read: 1. the Adopted Proposal Award to the Proposal's owner [[thus getting rid of the Failed Proposal Fine]]
"The Agent who submits a Motion is its owner. An Agent may never own more than ten live Motions of any one type, and may never submit more than ten Motions of any one type in a single day; otherwise an Agent may make a new Motion of any type at any time. New Motions are live and active by default. Live Motions which are neither being voted on nor for which consent is being sought are revisable, and may be activated, deactivated, or withdrawn, but only by their respective owners. In no other case may a Motion be altered. When a Motion is withdrawn, it becomes dead. Each Motion type is either Approvable or Unilateral. Approvable Motions are subject to voting or consent, as per the Rules, while Unilateral Motions need no such approval to take effect. Each Motion type is either Primary or Secondary. Primary Motions are assigned serial numbers by type, while Secondary Motions are assigned serial numbers as a group." 2. Amend R118 to read: "Each Player is eligible to vote on each issue on any given Ballot for the duration of the voting for which the Ballot was issued. Other Agents may be eligible voters, if allowed by the Rules." 3. Amend R201 to read: "The Administrator shall, at least 48 hours prior to the close of voting each nweek, distribute to all Players the Ballot for that nweek. On the Ballot shall be a list of the following: i. Approvable Motions which were at the time when voting began both live and not awaiting consent. ii. Candidates to fill Elected Offices which are vacant or for which the current Officer's term will expire at the end of the nweek." 4. Repeal R202. 5. Amend R224 to read: "Each eligible voter may cast exactly one vote on each issue on any given Ballot, unless otherwise provided for in the Rules." 6. Retitle R227 as "Quorum and Voting", and amend it to read: "Quorum is the minimum number of eligible Agents needed to cast votes on an issue during a single voting period in order for the results of voting to have effect. Motions for which quorum is not met remain alive, but are not adopted. Elections for which quorum is not met are held again in the next nweek, and the term of the current Officer is extended by one nweek." Motions for which quorum has been met become dead at the close of voting, regardless of their adoption." 7. Repeal R304. 8. Replace "Ballot Items" in R309 with "issues on the Ballot". 9. Retitle R312 as "Nominations" and amend it to read: "Prior to the start of voting during a nweek in which an Elective Office is either vacant or an Elected Officer's term will expire, any Player may nominate any Player, including emself, as a candidate for that Elective Office. Any Player who declines nomination for an Office prior to voting ceases to be a candidate for that Office." 10. Create a new Rule entitled "Elections" as follows: "Voters may cast exactly one vote for a candidate for each Elective Office on the Ballot. Whichever candidate receives a plurality of the votes cast for an Elective Office shall assume that Office upon the expiration of the erstwhile Officer's term. In the event of a tie for the most votes among two or more candidates for an Elective Office, the Administrator shall select one of those candidates to hold the Office."
"Motions to Amend Trivially are Secondary Approvable Motions which may be made only by Players, are adoptable only through two-day unanimous consent, and fail if it is not granted. A Motion to Amend Trivially, when submitted, must consist of one potential Legislative Order that would unsubstantially amend a Rule if adopted. Motions to Amend Trivially may never become issues on a Ballot. The Legislative Order corresponding to an adopted Motion to Amend Trivially directs the Administrator to make appropriate changes to the Rules." 2. Amend the first sentence of R117 to read: "Proposals are Primary Approvable Motions which are not subject to unanimous consent, and may be made only by Players."
"The owner of an Approvable Motion may specify a condition for its adoption in addition to the standard conditions required by the Rules. Whenever an Approvable Motion would be adopted in the absence of a condition added by its owner, and it is no longer possible for that condition to be met, the Motion fails by dependence. No scoring may occur due to failure by dependence." 2. Amend the first sentence of R229 to read: "An Approvable Motion is adopted iff it is subject to and receives consent or at the close of voting on it its passage ratio exceeds one-half, and all other adoption conditions applying to it are met." And add as the last sentence of the first paragraph: "An Approvable Motion fails when its adoption becomes impossible."
"Pennies are Objects. One Penny is worth 1/100 Point, one Point is worth 100 Pennies. Whenever an Agent owns 100 or more Pennies, 100 of eir Pennies are destroyed and one Point is created in eir posession. This process is repeated until the Agent owns less than 100 Pennies. Whenever an Agent transfers a number of Pennies larger than the number of Pennies in eir posession, one of eir Points is destroyed and 100 Pennies are created in eir posession until e has sufficient Pennies. The transfer is impossible if the Agent does not have the required number of Points. If an Agent is required to make a payment to another Agent that contains a fractional part, and the rule that governs the payment does not state that the amount should be rounded, e shall pay the fractional part in Pennies. Values, scores, etc. shall be written as the the amount of Points plus the amount of Pennies/100. [[ For example 8 points, 4 Pennies are written 8 + 4/100 = 8.04 ]]"
"A Player may suggest an amendment to a live Proposal owned by another Player by sending eir suggestion to a public forum. The owner of the Proposal can then decide whether e accepts the amendment or not. If e accepts the amendment, the Proposal is amended as suggested and becomes a Joint Proposal. The Player who suggested the amendment becomes a contributor of that Joint Proposal. Whenever a Joint Proposal is adopted, its owner owes 1/(N+2) of the Adopted Proposal Award to each contributor; Whenever a Joint Proposal fails, each contributor owes 1/(N+2) of the Failed Proposal Fine to the Proposal's owner. N is the number of contributors. [[ Examples: Number of Share for Share for 1 1/3 2/3 This makes sure the owner, who had the idea, always receives the largest share, while the rest is distributed equally among all contributors. ]]"
Create a new rule entitled "Proposal piracy" with the following text: "Any of the following is considered Proposal piracy: 1. A Player (pirate) makes a proposal that deals with the same issues as a live Proposal owned by a different Player (victim), and that proposal is an amendment to the exisiting proposal rather than a new idea, unless the Player previously suggested eir Proposal as an amendment to the victim's Proposal, and that amendment was rejected by the victim. 2. The owner of a Proposal (pirate) rejects a suggested amendment to that Proposal, but later amends it as suggested without crediting as a contributor the Player (victim) who suggested the amendment. If a Player suspects that e has become a victim of Proposal piracy, e can make a Request for Judgement stating that eir Proposal was copied. If that RFJ is ruled True, the pirate owes to the victim 1/2 of that nweek's Adopted Prosal Award, or two Points, whichever is higher. If in case of 1. both Proposals are voted on, and the victim's Proposal fails, the pirate also owes the Failed Proposal Fine of the nweek in which the voting took place to the victim."
Proposal 425/1 : Joint Proposals
"The owner of a live Proposal may make that Proposal a Joint Proposal by naming one or more other Players as contributors of that Proposal. No Player shall become a contributor without eir prior consent. Whenever a Joint Proposal is adopted, its owner owes 1/(N+2) of the Adopted Proposal Award to each contributor; Whenever a Joint Proposal fails, each contributor owes 1/(N+2) of the Failed Proposal Fine to the Proposal's owner. N is the number of contributors. [[ Examples: Number of Share for Share for 1 1/3 2/3 This makes sure the owner, who had the idea, always receives the largest share, while the rest is distributed equally among all contributors. ]]"1. Amend R109 to be entitled "Officer Jurisdiction" and read as follows:
0. Joel Uckelman made a Proposal [401], 16 Feb 2001 02:56:31
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 401/0, 16 Feb 2001 03:23:42
1. Joel revised Proposal 401, 19 Feb 2001 18:44:20
1. Administrator recognized Proposal 401/1, 20 Feb 2001 06:51:20
1. Proposal 401/1 held (0-0-0-18), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
1. Proposal 401/1 failed (5-6-1-7), 11 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 402/0 : R103 Fix
Strike the text ", or transmutation", and insert "or " immediately before "amendment" in R103.
0. Joel Uckelman made a Proposal [402], 16 Feb 2001 03:00:32
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 402/0, 16 Feb 2001 03:23:42
0. Proposal 402/0 failed (6-6-0-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 403/0 : Only Players May Change the Rules
1. Amend R303 to read as follows:
0. Joel made a Proposal [403], 16 Feb 2001 03:11:09
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 403/0, 16 Feb 2001 03:23:42
0. Proposal 403/0 failed (6-6-0-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 404/0 : Jurisdiction of Rules
New rules may not be proposed which will require the player to take an action outside of the limits of public fora.
0. sabby made a Proposal [404], 19 Feb 2001 20:44:54
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 404/0, 20 Feb 2001 06:51:20
0. Proposal 404/0 failed (2-10-0-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 405/0 : Only Players may win
Amend Rule 211 to read:
0. Joerg made a Proposal [405], 20 Feb 2001 00:10:31
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 405/0, 20 Feb 2001 06:51:20
0. Proposal 405/0 passed (8-4-0-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 406/0 : No Bills of Attainder
Create a new Rule entitled "No Bills of Attainder" with the following text:
Create a new Rule entitled "Impossible Actions"
0. Joel made a Proposal [406], 20 Feb 2001 05:33:48
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 406/0, 20 Feb 2001 06:51:20
1. Joel revised Proposal 406, 24 Feb 2001 02:32:12
1. Administrator recognized Proposal 406/1, 24 Feb 2001 02:32:12
1. Joel withdrew Proposal 406/1, 25 Feb 2001 18:03:20
Proposal 407/0 : Automatic Debt Payment
create a new rule entitled "Automatic Debt Payment" with the following text:
0. Benjamin made a Proposal [407], 20 Feb 2001 18:05:09
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 407/0, 21 Feb 2001 16:19:17
0. Proposal 407/0 passed (8-4-0-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 408/0 : Proposal Dependency: I Need My Fix
1. Retitle R346 to "Motion Dependency" and amend it to read as follows:
0. Joel made a Proposal [408], 22 Feb 2001 21:52:59
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 408/0, 23 Feb 2001 22:11:28
0. Proposal 408/0 failed (6-6-0-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 409/0 : Repeal R350
Repeal R350.
0. Joel made a Proposal [409], 22 Feb 2001 22:02:08
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 409/0, 23 Feb 2001 22:11:28
0. Proposal 409/0 failed (1-10-1-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 410/0 : Parties: back by popular demand
1. Enact a new rule entitled "Parties", text as follows:
1. Enact a new rule entitled "Parties", text as follows:
0. Poulenc made a Proposal [410], 23 Feb 2001 03:55:37
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 410/0, 23 Feb 2001 22:11:28
1. Poulenc revised Proposal 410, 24 Feb 2001 02:39:06
1. Administrator recognized Proposal 410/1, 24 Feb 2001 02:57:35
1. Proposal 410/1 passed (7-4-1-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 411/0 : Preventing Tyranny of the Majority
Create a rule entitled [[you guessed it]] "Preventing Tyranny of the Majority" with the following text:
0. PurpleBob made a Proposal [411], 23 Feb 2001 05:18:07
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 411/0, 23 Feb 2001 22:11:28
0. PurpleBob withdrew Proposal 411/0, 25 Feb 2001 22:22:26
Proposal 412/0 : The Administrator is an Elected Office that does not expire
Amend Rule 208 to read:
0. Joerg made a Proposal [412], 23 Feb 2001 15:47:11
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 412/0, 23 Feb 2001 22:11:28
0. Proposal 412/0 passed (9-2-1-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 413/0 : A Resolution for Point Amnesty, part 2
Whearas, upon the passage of proposal 375/1 "A Resolution for Point Amnesty", the point holdings were to be based on the "first, incorrect version" of an nweekly Banker's report,
0. Poulenc made a Proposal [413], 24 Feb 2001 03:33:50
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 413/0, 25 Feb 2001 22:01:16
0. Proposal 413/0 passed (7-4-1-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 414/0 : Roster improvement
Amend rule 213 to read:
0. Joerg made a Proposal [414], 24 Feb 2001 15:05:54
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 414/0, 26 Feb 2001 06:22:12
0. Proposal 414/0 passed (9-2-1-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 415/0 : Randal Judgements
Create a rule entitled "Randal Judgements" with the following text:
0. PurpleBob made a Proposal [415], 25 Feb 2001 22:49:36
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 415/0, 26 Feb 2001 06:22:12
0. Proposal 415/0 passed (7-4-1-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 416/0 : Debt Fix
Amend each instance of "Motion for Repayment" to "Motion for Payment" in rule 317.
0. Poulenc made a Proposal [416], 25 Feb 2001 23:55:05
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 416/0, 26 Feb 2001 06:22:12
0. Proposal 416/0 passed (10-2-0-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 417/0 : Even though no-one has used these NomicHomes, I'd better tidy up
Amend R340 as follows:
0. M'cachessilnath made a Proposal [417], 26 Feb 2001 20:29:28
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 417/0, 01 Mar 2001 22:48:06
0. Proposal 417/0 passed (8-1-3-7), 11 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 418/0 : NomicHomes have no fixed value
In rule 340, remove "Value: initially 0 points".
0. Joerg made a Proposal [418], 27 Feb 2001 15:06:14
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 418/0, 01 Mar 2001 22:48:06
0. Proposal 418/0 passed (6-5-1-7), 11 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 419/0 : proposal to revamp the proposal/scoring system
enact a new rule entitled "Activity Points" with the following text:
0. Benjamin made a Proposal [419], 28 Feb 2001 17:22:26
"Activity Points" (APs) are Objects. They are awarded to players for activity within this game of nomic. APs can be created, destroyed and transferred only as defined within the rules. APs are different from regular Points.
1. For each ballot item a Player votes on (either with a yes or no vote) e is awarded a single (1) AP.
2. For each Judgement a Player makes, e is awarded 5 APs
Activity Points can be spent on proposals.
1. spend a FPC (destroying it in the process)
2. pay to the Bank 4 Points
3. spend (thus destroying) 3 Activity Points
"Whenever a Proposal is adopted, the Bank owes:
2. the Opposed Minority Award to each Agent who voted against the Proposal
and amend R323/0 to read:
"Once per nweek, the Banker may set the Point values of the Adopted Proposal and Opposed Minority Awards such that the value of each is neither less than zero no r greater than twenty. "
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 419/0, 01 Mar 2001 22:48:06
0. Benjamin withdrew Proposal 419/0, 01 Mar 2001 23:25:22
Proposal 420/0 : Voting Clean-up
1. Amend R120 to read:
0. Joel made a Proposal [420], 01 Mar 2001 00:28:24
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 420/0, 01 Mar 2001 22:48:06
0. Proposal 420/0 passed (8-4-0-7), 11 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 421/0 : R103/0 Fix
Strike the text ", or transmutation", and insert "or " immediately before "amendment" in R103.
0. Joel made a Proposal [421], 01 Mar 2001 00:28:24
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 421/0, 01 Mar 2001 22:48:06
0. Proposal 421/0 passed (8-4-0-7), 11 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 422/0 : Only Players May Change the Rules
1. Amend R303 to read as follows:
0. Joel made a Proposal [422], 01 Mar 2001 00:28:24
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 422/0, 01 Mar 2001 22:48:06
0. Proposal 422/0 failed (6-6-0-7), 11 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 423/0 : Proposal Dependency: I Need My Fix
1. Retitle R346 to "Motion Dependency" and amend it to read as follows:
0. Joel made a Proposal [423], 01 Mar 2001 00:28:24
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 423/0, 01 Mar 2001 22:48:06
0. Proposal 423/0 failed (6-6-0-7), 11 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 424/0 : Micropayment
Create a new rule, entitled "Micropayment", with the following text:
0. Joerg made a Proposal [424], 01 Mar 2001 15:01:00
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 424/0, 01 Mar 2001 22:48:06
0. Proposal 424/0 passed (7-4-1-7), 11 Mar 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 425/0 : Joint Proposals
Create a new rule entitled "Joint Proposals" with the following text:
contributors each of them the owner
2 1/4 1/2
3 1/5 2/5
. ... ...
Create a new rule entitlet "Joint Proposals" with the following text:
0. Joerg made a Proposal [425], 01 Mar 2001 15:01:04
contributors each of them the owner
2 1/4 1/2
3 1/5 2/5
. ... ...
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 425/0, 01 Mar 2001 22:48:06
1. Joerg revised Proposal 425, 02 Mar 2001 17:30:39
1. Administrator recognized Proposal 425/1, 03 Mar 2001 01:14:32
1. Proposal 425/1 failed (4-7-1-7), 11 Mar 2001 00:00:00