Revise R336:"challenge/response games" as follows:0. Benjamin made a Proposal [376], 12 Jan 2001 13:48:34
1. Add the following indented text at the beginning of the rule:
A Challenge/Response Game (C/RG) is a Contest, governed by R338, unless otherwise noted here.
These are the Contest Rules for Challenge/Response Games:
2. Change all instances of 'admin title' to 'Contestmaster title'
Change all instances of 'Administrator' or 'Admin' to 'Contestmaster'
3. Change the last phrase of the rule from 'in public fora' to 'in any public forum'.
4. To the end of the rule, append the following indented statements:
Players do not need to publicly consent to inclusion in a C/RG (as per R338/Contests) to become Contestants of the Game, they only need to submit an answer to the Contestmaster as per the Contest Rules.
The Prize for the C/RG is the points awarded to the winner of the Challenge.
Amend the second paragraph of rule 317 to read as follows:0. Poulenc made a Proposal [377], 12 Jan 2001 16:51:00
If a debt owed the bank is overdue the Tax Collector shall, within a reasonable length of time, submit a motion for repayment of that debt on behalf of the bank.
Revise R337:"Three of these things belong together" as follows:0. Benjamin made a Proposal [378], 12 Jan 2001 13:48:34
1. Replace all instances of 'Administrator' or 'Admin' with 'Contestmaster'
2. Directly under 'The Challenge will take the following form:', change 'The S.O. will describe a list of items.' to 'The S.O. will publish a list containing at least three distinct items.'
The Poetry Contest is an instance of a challenge/response game with the following attributes:0. M'cachessilnath made a Proposal [379], 13 Jan 2001 18:40:19
game name: The Poetry Contest
contestmaster title: A Nomic's Poet Laureate
duration: until repealed
repetitive: yes, at discretion of current contestmaster
entry fee: 2
When they feel like it, the Poet Laureate should post a Challenge to any public forum.
Limits and guidelines:
The Challenge will take the following form:
The Poet Laurate will set a topic, and optionally a length, a style and/or a title, for the other players to write a poem on.
This is entirely up to the personal tastes of the current Poet Laureate; bribes, threats and other forms of coercion are entirely permissable so long as they break neither the other rules of this Nomic or the laws of the land in the country of residence of either participant in said form of coercion.
first Admin:
The first Admin of the game is M'cachessilnath.
Enact a Rule entitled "Home Alone" with the following text:0. M'cachessilnath made a Proposal [380], 13 Jan 2001 18:40:21
A NomicHome is a particular instance of Place as defined by the relevant rule. Every Player in A Nomic automatically owns a NomicHome.
A NomicHome has the following properties, changable by the owner:
Location: initially NomicTown
Name: initially's Home
Description: initially 'A boring house'
Contents: initially just the Player who is the owner of the NomicHome
Value: initially 0 points
All properties except Contents of a NomicHome can be assigned arbitary values, and the NomicHomes can be bought and sold in the same manner as any Object. Contents can only be modified by adding an Object elsewhere acquired, adding a Player with eir consent or removing an Object or Player already present.
To assign a new value to one or more properties of their NomicHome, a Player must post such modifications to any public forum, and these will be treated as a two-day unanimous consent motion [to allow for changes insulting anyone to be barred].
Anyone who quotes more than a sentance (or 10 words; minimum 4 words) of another Player's NomicHome description in their NomicHome description must pay that Player a fine of half the value of their NomicHome nweekly until they have submitted a modification to rectify the matter. [if you want the description, buy the home from the player!]
Amend rule 315 by changing its title to "Motions of no confidance" and by replacing its text with the following two paragraphs:0. Poulenc made a Proposal [381], 15 Jan 2001 02:11:20
A Motion of non confidence is a secondary approvable motion used to evict an elected officer who loses the support of the voters. The motion must specify the elected office to be targeted. A Motion of non confidence may not be subject to unanimous consent and requires a passage ratio of two-thirds.
Upon the adotion of the motion of non confidence the term of the targeted office is set to expire at the end of the current nweek.
1. Enact a new rule entitled "Parties", text as follows:
A Party is a type of object consisting of a name, a serial number, a set of rules, and a set of member agents. Any agent may create a party at any time by announcing eir intent to the Administrator who shall recognize eir action and assign a serial number, the party creator must also determine an initial set of rules and name for the new party. A newly created party has no members, and a party which is found to have no members continuously for a period of one nweek ceases to exist.
2. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Membership", text as follows:
The requirements for membership of a party shall be defined by the rules of that party. No agent may become a member of a party without eir consent.
The members of a Party must abide by the rules of that Party, with the proviso that no agent may be required to abide by a set of rules of which e has been uninformed. The rules of this game take precedence over the rules of all Parties, but they do not exempt the members of a party from a punishment for failing to comply with the rules of that party.
3. Party Privacy
The rules and membership list shall be maintained by the members of that party. They must be available to all members of that party, but are not required to be available to non-members; all members must be apprised of any change in the rules or party membership. If the otherwise privately kept rules or membership of a party is the subjct of a CFJ, and the judge of that CFJ is not a member of that party, then they shall be made available to em, but e shall not further distribute them without consent from a member of the party.
Proposal 382/1 : Parties
A Party is a type of object consisting of a name, a serial number, a set of rules, and a set of member agents. Any agent may create a party at any time by announcing eir intent to the Administrator who shall recognize eir action and assign a serial number, the party creator must also determine an initial set of rules and name for the new party. A newly created party has no members, and a party which is found to have no members continuously for a period of one nweek ceases to exist. 2. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Membership", text as follows: The requirements for membership of a party shall be defined by the rules of that party. No agent may become a member of a party without eir consent. The members of a Party must abide by the rules of that Party, with the proviso that no agent may be required to abide by a set of rules of which e has been uninformed. The rules of this game take precedence over the rules of all Parties, but they do not exempt the members of a party from a punishment for failing to comply with the rules of that party. 3. Enact a new rule entitled "Party Privacy", with text as follows: The rules and membership list shall be maintained by the members of that party. They must be available to all members of that party, but are not required to be available to non-members; all members must be apprised of any change in the rules or party membership. If the otherwise privately kept rules or membership of a party is the subjct of a CFJ, and the judge of that CFJ is not a member of that party, then they shall be made available to em, but e shall not further distribute them without consent from a member of the party. 4. Enact a new rune entitled "Party Security", with text as follows: In no case may an agent be bound by a set of rules of which e is uninformed. In no case may an agent become a member of a party without eir express written consent, although said consent does not nescessarily have to be posted to the Public forum. Party rules may not take precedence over the rules of this game, although this does not nescessarily exempt a player for penalties from failing to abide by the rules of a party of which e is a member. Party rules may not redefine terms used in the rules of this game.
The Motion to Create Points is a Unilateral Secondary motion that may be submitted only by the Administrator. It should specify a number of points to be created. The Motion to Create Points does not take affect until the Banker and the Tax Collector both publicly announce eir consent. Once created, the Motion to Create Points may not be revised, but may be withdrawn by its owner or the Administrator. When the Motion to Create Points takes effect, a numer of points equal to the specified number shall be created, owned by the Bank. 2. Enact a new rule entitled "The Motion to Destroy Points", with text as follows: The Motion to Destroy Points is a Unilateral Secondary motion that may be submitted only by the Administrator. It should specify a number of points to be destroyed. The Motion to Destroy Points does not take affect until the Banker and the Tax Collector both publicly announce eir consent. Once created, the Motion to Destroy Points may not be revised, but may be withdrawn by its owner or the Administrator. When the Motion to Create Points takes effect, a number of points owned by the bank equal to the specified number are destroyed, provided that the bank owns at least that many points. If the bank owns fewer points than the specified number then the Motion has no effect.
The Mediocraty game is an instance of a Challenge/Response game with the following attributes: game name: Mediocraty sub-game The initial S.M should specify what limits are being used for the game set. The limits may contrain quantities that include those described below or others. The bracketed number following each quantity is recommended as the minimum for that quantity. However these quantities are only guidelines and do not determine compliance. In some cases a maximum will also be listed here. The limits may include: (x) The level of mediocraty game to be played (min. 1) The S.M is encouraged to be creative and come up with other limits that may apply to Mediocraty games. A level n game of mediocraty sub-game consists of z n-1 sub games, unless n=1 in which case it consists of z individual challenges. The challenge shall use the following form: The S.M shall post to the public forum a message announcing the sub-game and asking players to submit their quantities. Players then have three days to respond with their quantites by private email. A valid entry specifies one quantity. At the conclusion of a level n Mediocraty sub-game the winner is determined. If n is greater than 1 the winner is the participant who won the most mediocre number of level n-1 sub-games during that level n game; that is whose number of level n-1 wins is exceeded by as many participants as it exceeds. The winner of a level 1 sub-game is the player whose specified quantity is the most mediocre. Prizes shall not be awarded for individual challenges making up a larger mediocraty game. Instead, at the conclusion of the game announced by the first S.M of the game the entire collection of all entry fees collected for the individual challenges that made up that game shall be paid to the winner. This is an exception to rule 336.
Proposal 385/1 : Mediocrity
The Mediocrity game is an instance of a Challenge/Response game with the following attributes: game name: Mediocrity sub-game The initial S.M should specify what limits are being used for the game set. The limits may contrain quantities that include those described below or others. The bracketed number following each quantity is recommended as the minimum for that quantity. However these quantities are only guidelines and do not determine compliance. In some cases a maximum will also be listed here. The limits may include: (x) The level of Mediocrity game to be played (min. 1) The S.M is encouraged to be creative and come up with other limits that may apply to Mediocrity games. A level n game of Mediocrity sub-game consists of z n-1 sub games, unless n=1 in which case it consists of z individual challenges. The challenge shall use the following form: The S.M shall post to the public forum a message announcing the sub-game and asking players to submit their quantities. Players then have three days to respond with their quantites by private email. A valid entry specifies one quantity. At the conclusion of a level n Mediocrity sub-game the winner is determined. If n is greater than 1 the winner is the participant who won the most mediocre number of level n-1 sub-games during that level n game; that is whose number of level n-1 wins is exceeded by as many participants as it exceeds. The winner of a level 1 sub-game is the player whose specified quantity is the most mediocre. Prizes shall not be awarded for individual challenges making up a larger Mediocrity game. Instead, at the conclusion of the game announced by the first S.M of the game the entire collection of all entry fees collected for the individual challenges that made up that game shall be paid to the winner. This is an exception to rule 336.
There exists an entity known as the Thug. The Thug may be used only by its employer, and only once per nweek, to reverse a single vote case by a Voter, such that "yes" vote becomes a "no" vote, and any other vote (or lack thereof) remains unchanged. To use the Thug, its employer shall, when casting eir Ballot, indicate at which Voter and Ballot Issue the Thug is directed. Within a reasonable period following the conclusion of each voting period in which the Thug has been used, the Bean Counter shall randomly select the Thug's new employer from among those Players who voted during the previous nweek.
Whenever a Player is called upon to make a random determination, it shall be made among all the possible choices with equal probability, or as close to equal probability as is reasonably achievable. The probabilities of a die falling on each of its faces are considered to be roughly equal for Game purposes, baring any tampering with or obvious deformities of the die. Dice rolls may be specified in the form xdy, where x is the number of dice, and y is the number of faces on each die. Coins are considered to be two-sided dice. [[Examples: 3d6 is three six-sided dice, 1d20 is one twenty-sided die.]] A combination of dice or the mathematical manipulation of the results of a die may be substituted for a unavailable die so long as the same probability distribution is preserved. [[Example: the roll of a d6 divided by 2 may be used instead of a d3.]]
"An Approvable Motion requiring P seconds in N days is granted consent upon receiving seconds by P unique eligible voters other than the Motion's owner within N days of its recognition. No Motion may be granted consent in this way unless explicitly allowed by the Rules. Any Approvable Motion requiring seconds for which the required number of seconds is left unspecified is considered to require one second. Any Approvable Motion requiring seconds for which the required period within which the seconds must occur is left unspecified is considered to to have a period of three days. An eligible voter may second an Motion requiring seconding by publicly indicating e is doing so." 2. Strike the word "unanimous" from Rules 120 and 229. 3. Change the title of Rule 230 to "Tacit Consent" and Amend Rule 230 to read: "An Agent introducing an Approvable Motion may request consent at the time of its introduction, or until such time as the granting of consent could still occur prior to the nweek's voting, unless the Rules explicitly prohibit it. N-day P-consent on a Motion is granted if no more than P eligible voters object to the Motion within N days of its recognition. The appropriate level of consent is considered to have been requested automatically for any Approvable Motion which may be adopted only by that level of consent or greater. N-day unanimous consent is equivalent to N-day 0-consent. Any Approvable Motion for which the required level of consent for adoption by consent is left unspecified is considered to require unanimous consent. Any Approvable Motion for which the required period without objection for adoption by consent is left unspecified is considered to have a period of three days."
If, on a ballot containing at least five proposals, an agent is found to vote against at least three and for no proposals then that agent shall owe a debt of 20 points to the first agent to point out eir breach of good conduct within three nweeks of the offence.
Whenever an instance of an instantiable item is created, the creator of the instance owes the licensing fee(s) to the owner(s) of the rule(s) defining the instantiable item. If no licensing fee is defined for an instantiable item, it is assumed to be zero. Definition: An instantiable item is something of which instances can be made. [[The plurals are necessary for multiple inheritance, both linear and parallel: If C is an instance of B and all B's are instances of A's, then the creator of C owes fees to both the owners of (the rules defining) B and A. Also, if C is an instance of both B and A, then C owes to B and A as above.]]
if a (child) proposition is dependent on one or more other (parent) propositions, that means: the dependent proposition cannot pass (have effects) unless all of the propositions on which it depends also pass. If a dependent proposition passes, but any of its parents' fail, the text of the proposition is erased before it takes effect. This rule applies only to child/parent propositions on the same ballot.
Proposal 392/1 : Dependency of Propositions
This rule applies only to child/parent propositions on the same ballot. If a (subsidiary) proposition is dependent on one or more other (primary) propositions, and any of the (primary) propositions fail (either as defined by the rules, or because it fails by dependence), then the (subsidiary) proposition fails by dependence. If a (subsidiary) proposition is negatively dependent on one or more other (primary) propositions, and any of those (primary) propositions pass, then the (subsidiary) proposition fails by dependence. If a proposition fails by dependence, then it is considered "withdrawn" and "dead". This rule superceedes R120:Motions, if the two conflict.
Proposal 392/2 : Dependency of Propositions
This rule applies only to subsidiary/primary propositions on the same ballot. If a (subsidiary) proposition is dependent on one or more other (primary) propositions, and any of the (primary) propositions fail (either as defined by the rules, or because it fails by dependence), then the (subsidiary) proposition fails by dependence. If a (subsidiary) proposition is negatively dependent on one or more other (primary) propositions, and any of those (primary) propositions pass, then the (subsidiary) proposition fails by dependence. If a proposition fails by dependence, then it is considered "withdrawn" and "dead". This rule superceedes R120:Motions, if the two conflict.
Debts are objects which may be transferred at will. The player to which a debt is payable is the same as the owner of that debt. An Agent may create a debt any time, in their own ownership, by posting eir intent to the Public Forum. The debt is created when its creation is recognized by its owner. Unless specified otherwise by the rules or a legislative, administrative, or judicial order the debt is always owed by its creator. Debts are divisible. The owner of a debt may elect to split it into component debts such that the sum of the point-values of the component debts is equal to the point-value of the original debt. The component debts may then be transferred independantly. Component debts have the same owner, debtor, and due date as the original debt. Each Agent is responsible for recording the debts owned by em. This information must be made publicly available. If an agent is requested, by any agent, to post this information to the Public Forum e is required to do so. If a CFJ finds that an agent has failed to follow the rules by distributing false debt information, a correct version of that debt information shall be posted to the public forum, and that agent owes the bank one judge's salary and one officer's salary. The Banker may accept for payment to the Bank the transfer of a debt or debts equal in total point value to the amount owed to the Bank.
"An Agent may initiate changing eir name to another uniquely identifying name by notifying the Administrator. The Administrator shall, in a timely fashion, record the name-change in the appropriate way. Agents may change only their own names."
2. Repeal R222. 2. Amend R227 to read: "Quorum is the minimum number of eligible Agents needed to participate in voting in order for the results of voting to have effect. If quorum on some Ballot Issue is not met for a nweek's voting, it will be handled as follows: 1. Motions cease to be Under Consideration. Ballot Issue Motions for which quorum has been met become dead at the close of voting, regardless of their adoption."
An agent may create a Motion to Add emself by publicly indicating that he would like to join the game, and indicating the name he would like to be known by." [[I'm not entirely sure if the first clause is necessary. I see no rule that prevents an Agent from making a Motion to Add emself, but the main page says that one must be a Player to make a Motion to Add.]] 2. In rule 210, change the words "three-day unanimous consent" to "one-day unanimous consent".
Proposal 396/1 : Expediency of Player Creation
"An agent may create a Motion to Add emself by publicly indicating that e would like to join the game, and indicating the name e would like to be known by." 2. In Rule 210, change the words "three-day unanimous consent" to "two-day unanimous consent".
"Any Objects owned by a Player at the time when e forfeits or is removed become property of the Bank." 2. All Objects owned by Agents who ceased to be Players prior to the adoption of this Proposal shall become property of the Bank.
Any Agent otherwise qualified as a Player may become a Newbie Player by publicly announcing that e wishes to become a Player. A Newbie Player will automatically become a Player if no eligible voter objects within a three day period. If any eligible voter objects within that period, the Administrator shall create a Primary [[or Secondary?]] Approvabe Motion to add the Agent as a Player, and the Agent shall stay a Newbie Player until the end of the next voting period, after which e will become a Player if the motion to add em is adopted. If the motion is not adopted, e will lose eir status as a Newbie Player. Newbie Players shall be treated like regular Players, with the exception that they cannot become Officers or Judges.
Proposal 398/1 : Newbie Players
If any eligible voter objects within that period, the Administrator shall create a Secondary Approvabe Motion, not subject to tacit consent, to add the Agent as a Player, and the Agent shall stay a Newbie Player until the end of the next voting period, after which e will become a Player if the motion to add em is adopted. If the motion is not adopted, e will lose eir status as a Newbie Player. Newbie Players shall be treated like regular Players, with the exception that they are not eligible voters and cannot become Officers or Judges.
Proposal 398/2 : Newbie Players
If any eligible voter objects within that period, the Administrator shall create a Secondary Approvabe Motion, not subject to tacit consent, to add the Agent as a Player, and the Agent shall stay a Newbie Player until the end of the next voting period, after which e will become a Player if the motion to add em is adopted. If the motion is not adopted, e will lose eir status as a Newbie Player. Newbie Players shall be treated like regular Players, with the exception that they are not eligible voters and cannot become Judges.
"The Player known as Joel Uckelman is ordered to Randal once within 10 days after this rule takes effect. The action of Randalling will be recorded via camara and posted to the Nomic web site. These photographs will remain for a minimum of 6 months."
"The Agent who submits a Motion is its owner. An Agent may never own more than ten live Motions of any one type, and may never submit more than ten Motions of any one type in a single day; otherwise an Agent may make a new Motion of any type at any time. New Motions are live and active by default. Live Motions which are neither being voted on nor for which consent is being sought are revisable, and may be activated, deactivated, or withdrawn, but only by their respective owners. In no other case may a Motion be altered. When a Motion is withdrawn, it becomes dead. Each Motion type is either Approvable or Unilateral. Approvable Motions are subject to voting or consent, as per the Rules, while Unilateral Motions need no such approval to take effect. Each Motion type is either Primary or Secondary. Primary Motions are assigned serial numbers by type, while Secondary Motions are assigned serial numbers as a group." 2. Amend R118 to read: "Each Player is eligible to vote on each issue on any given Ballot for the duration of the voting for which the Ballot was issued. Other Agents may be eligible voters, if allowed by the Rules." 3. Amend R201 to read: "The Administrator shall, at least 48 hours prior to the close of voting each nweek, distribute to all Players the Ballot for that nweek. On the Ballot shall be a list of the following: i. Approvable Motions which were at the time when voting began both live and not awaiting consent. ii. Candidates to fill Elected Offices which are vacant or for which the current Officer's term will expire at the end of the nweek." 4. Repeal R202. 5. Amend R224 to read: "Each eligible voter may cast exactly one vote on each issue on any given Ballot, unless otherwise provided for in the Rules." 6. Retitle R227 as "Quorum and Voting", and amend it to read: "Quorum is the minimum number of eligible Agents needed to cast votes on an issue during a single voting period in order for the results of voting to have effect. Motions for which quorum is not met remain alive, but are not adopted. Elections for which quorum is not met are held again in the next nweek, and the term of the current Officer is extended by one nweek." Motions for which quorum has been met become dead at the close of voting, regardless of their adoption." 7. Repeal R304. 8. Replace "Ballot Items" in R309 with "issues on the Ballot". 9. Retitle R312 as "Nominations" and amend it to read: "Prior to the start of voting during a nweek in which an Elective Office is either vacant or an Elected Officer's term will expire, any Player may nominate any Player, including emself, as a candidate for that Elective Office. Any Player who declines nomination for an Office prior to voting ceases to be a candidate for that Office." 10. Create a new Rule entitled "Elections" as follows: "Voters may cast exactly one vote for a candidate for each Elective Office on the Ballot. Whichever candidate receives a plurality of the votes cast for an Elective Office shall assume that Office upon the expiration of the erstwhile Officer's term. In the event of a tie for the most votes among two or more candidates for an Elective Office, the Administrator shall select one of those candidates to hold the Office."
1. Enact a new rule entitled "Parties", text as follows:
0. Poulenc made a Proposal [382], 15 Jan 2001 02:52:34
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 382/0, 15 Jan 2001 22:56:09
1. Poulenc revised Proposal 382, 16 Jan 2001 00:45:13
1. Administrator recognized Proposal 382/1, 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15
1. Proposal 382/1 failed (1-3-1-6), 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 383/0 : Extra Vote fix
amend rule 320 by changing both instances of "100" in the rule text to "50"
0. Poulenc made a Proposal [383], 16 Jan 2001 01:48:12
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 383/0, 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15
0. Proposal 383/0 failed (0-5-0-6), 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 384/0 : Motions to Create or Destroy Points
1. Enact a new rule entitled "The Motion to Create points", with text as follows:
0. Poulenc made a Proposal [384], 16 Jan 2001 02:09:12
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 384/0, 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15
0. Proposal 384/0 passed (4-1-0-6), 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 385/0 : Mediocraty
Enact a new rule entitled "C/RG: Mediocraty" with text as follows:
admin title: the Supremely Mediocre
duration: until repealed
repetetive: when finished
entry fee: 2
(y) The number of players required for the C/R game to start (min 3)
(z) The number of level n-1 sub-games to play as part of each level n game.
Enact a new rule entitled "C/RG: Mediocrity" with text as follows:
0. Poulenc made a Proposal [385], 16 Jan 2001 03:14:53
admin title: the Supremely Mediocre
duration: until repealed
repetetive: when finished
entry fee: 2
(y) The number of players required for the C/R game to start (min 3)
(z) The number of level n-1 sub-games to play as part of each level n game.
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 385/0, 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15
1. Poulenc revised Proposal 385, 16 Jan 2001 06:00:47
1. Administrator recognized Proposal 385/1, 16 Jan 2001 22:39:46
1. Proposal 385/1 passed (3-2-0-6), 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 386/0 : The Thug and Its Uses
Create a new Rule entitled "The Thug and Its Uses", with the following text:
0. Joel Uckelman made a Proposal [386], 16 Jan 2001 03:48:37
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 386/0, 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15
0. Proposal 386/0 passed (3-2-0-6), 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 387/0 : Randomness and Dice
Create a new Rule, numbered 9, entitled "Randomness and Dice", with the following text:
0. Joel Uckelman made a Proposal [387], 16 Jan 2001 03:48:37
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 387/0, 16 Jan 2001 03:56:15
0. Proposal 387/0 passed (4-1-0-6), 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 388/0 : I Second That
1. Create a new Rule entitled "Consent by Seconding", with the following text:
0. Joel Uckelman made a Proposal [388], 16 Jan 2001 05:18:21
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 388/0, 16 Jan 2001 22:39:46
0. Proposal 388/0 passed (4-1-0-6), 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 389/0 : Foully voting AGAINST every single proposal on every ballot really drives me up the wall you will know if youre the one im talking to i really think something ought to be done about this blatant misuse of democratic principles and this is a holy crusade t
Enact a new rule, titled "Against negative voting" with text as follows:
0. Poulenc made a Proposal [389], 16 Jan 2001 06:12:25
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 389/0, 16 Jan 2001 22:39:46
0. Proposal 389/0 failed (0-5-0-6), 20 Jan 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 390/0 : Licensing: Instances
create a new rule with the title 'Licensing: Instances' with the following text:
0. Benjamin made a Proposal [390], 24 Jan 2001 00:47:25
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 390/0, 26 Jan 2001 02:39:12
0. Proposal 390/0 held (2-0-0-9), 30 Jan 2001 00:00:00
0. Proposal 390/0 failed (3-3-0-8), 09 Feb 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 391/0 : licensing fee for C/RG's
The licensing fee for Challenge/Response Games is 10 points.
0. Benjamin made a Proposal [391], 24 Jan 2001 00:47:25
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 391/0, 26 Jan 2001 02:39:12
0. Proposal 391/0 held (1-1-0-9), 30 Jan 2001 00:00:00
0. Proposal 391/0 failed (1-5-0-8), 09 Feb 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 392/0 : Dependency of Propositions
create a rule with the title 'Dependency of Propositions' and the following text:
create a rule with the title 'Dependency of Propositions' and the following text:
create a rule with the title 'Dependency of Propositions' and the following text:
0. Benjamin made a Proposal [392], 24 Jan 2001 01:04:05
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 392/0, 26 Jan 2001 02:39:12
1. Benjamin revised Proposal 392, 26 Jan 2001 05:46:20
2. Benjamin revised Proposal 392, 26 Jan 2001 06:15:32
1. Administrator recognized Proposal 392/1, 27 Jan 2001 05:45:51
2. Administrator recognized Proposal 392/2, 27 Jan 2001 05:45:51
2. Proposal 392/2 held (2-0-0-9), 30 Jan 2001 00:00:00
2. Proposal 392/2 passed (5-1-0-8), 09 Feb 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 393/0 : Debt Transfer
Enact a new rule entitled "Debts are Objects" with text as follows:
0. Poulenc made a Proposal [393], 01 Feb 2001 17:33:11
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 393/0, 04 Feb 2001 18:08:02
0. Proposal 393/0 failed (3-3-0-8), 09 Feb 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 394/0 : Name Changes
Amend R204 to read:
0. Joel Uckelman made a Proposal [394], 05 Feb 2001 21:35:53
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 394/0, 06 Feb 2001 03:11:33
0. Proposal 394/0 passed (5-1-0-8), 09 Feb 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 395/0 : [no title]
1. Repeal R220.
0. Joel Uckelman made a Proposal [395], 05 Feb 2001 22:08:29
2. Elections for non-vacant Offices are held again in the next nweek. The current Officers keeps their Offices for another nweek. Candidates must be nominated for election again.
3. Elections for vacant Offices shall carry on the majority of votes cast."
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 395/0, 06 Feb 2001 03:11:33
0. Proposal 395/0 passed (4-2-0-8), 09 Feb 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 396/0 : Expediency of Player Creation
1. Add a rule entitled "Player Self-Creation" with the following text:
"A non-player Agent otherwise qualified as a Player may create a Motion to Add, provided that e is the Agent that would be made a Player by the motion.
1. Add a rule entitled "Player Self-Creation" with the following text:
0. PurpleBob made a Proposal [396], 08 Feb 2001 22:55:37
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 396/0, 09 Feb 2001 04:11:25
1. PurpleBob revised Proposal 396, 14 Feb 2001 23:32:23
1. Administrator recognized Proposal 396/1, 16 Feb 2001 01:47:33
1. Proposal 396/1 passed (5-4-0-7), 19 Feb 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 397/0 : Inheritance
1. Create a Rule entitled "Inheritance", with the following text:
0. Joel Uckelman made a Proposal [397], 09 Feb 2001 06:05:06
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 397/0, 12 Feb 2001 20:56:19
0. Proposal 397/0 passed (7-2-0-7), 19 Feb 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 398/0 : Newbie Players
Change the title of rule 210 to "Becoming a Player" and the the content to:
Any Agent otherwise qualified as a Player may become a Newbie Player by publicly announcing that e wishes to become a Player. A Newbie Player will automatically become a Player if no eligible voter objects within a three day period.
Any Agent otherwise qualified as a Player may become a Newbie Player by publicly announcing that e wishes to become a Player. A Newbie Player will automatically become a Player if no eligible voter objects within a three day period.
0. Joerg made a Proposal [398], 12 Feb 2001 20:11:55
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 398/0, 14 Feb 2001 06:23:55
1. Joerg revised Proposal 398, 14 Feb 2001 11:45:45
2. Joerg revised Proposal 398, 15 Feb 2001 22:46:49
1. Administrator recognized Proposal 398/1, 16 Feb 2001 01:47:33
2. Administrator recognized Proposal 398/2, 16 Feb 2001 01:47:33
2. Proposal 398/2 failed (3-6-0-7), 19 Feb 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 399/0 : Joel must Randal
1. Create a new rule entitled, "Joel must Randal" with the following text:
0. Corque made a Proposal [399], 15 Feb 2001 23:24:28
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 399/0, 16 Feb 2001 01:47:33
0. Proposal 399/0 passed (7-1-1-7), 19 Feb 2001 00:00:00
Proposal 400/0 : Voting Clean-up
1. Amend R120 to read:
0. Joel Uckelman made a Proposal [400], 16 Feb 2001 02:50:17
0. Administrator recognized Proposal 400/0, 16 Feb 2001 03:23:42
0. Proposal 400/0 failed (6-6-0-6), 01 Mar 2001 00:00:00