Week 23
- Cari rolls 5-1, landing on Square #34
- THE CHEESE rolls 4-5, landing on The Lower Plane of Rath, with option to buy. Square #4 has been added to the board.
- Ghost rolls 2-4, landing on int swap (int *a, int *b) {*a ^= *b; *b ^= *a; *a ^= *b;}, paying $907 to ChinDoGu with $27 going to the Admin Bank Account
- ChinDoGu rolls 10-8, landing on Square #2, paying $26 to Ghost
- Kwyjibo rolls 2-6, landing on Kwyjibo, paying $1030 to ChinDoGu with $30 going to the Admin Bank Account
- ChocolateChip rolls 8-4, landing on The Institute, paying $206 to ChinDoGu. A springboard sends her back to Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts, losing 10 health.
- Volrath rolls 3-3, landing on Oriental Avenue, paying $273 to Silver Car and gaining 15 health
- Volrath rolls 2-4, landing on void hello(){printf("Hello World!");}, paying $90 to Silver Car
- Silver Car rolls 5-10, landing on :-), paying $798 to ChocolateChip and slipping on a Banana Peel, losing 10 health and jumping to Kwyjibo, paying $1030 to ChinDoGu with $30 going to the Admin Bank Account
- The Skunk 7 rolls 3-2, landing on Kwyjibo. Volrath is given ownership of Square #3, a Government block is created on Square #71, int fib (int n) {return n == 1 || n == 2 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);} becomes polluted, Kwyjibo and Silver Car get sprayed and pass out, Kwyjibo, Silver Car, ChocolateChip, and Ghost each receive $500 from the Admin Bank Account, and The Skunk 7 and The Skunk 6 get into a fight, causing them both to die.
- The MTS Bison rolls 3-2, landing on The House of Cards
- The MTS Bison 2 rolls 1-4, landing on identical to any other square name on the board
- The Elephant 2 rolls 1, landing on game over I win. The Gorilla get trampled and loses 10 health.
- The Gorilla rolls 6, landing on Square #71 and dropping a Banana Peel
- The Gorilla 2 rolls 4, landing on int fib (int n) {return n == 1 || n == 2 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);}, losing 5 health
- ChinDoGu rolls 8-2, landing on The Institute. A springboard sends him back to Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts, losing 10 health.
- Cari rolls 4-2, landing on Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts, losing 10 health
- Ghost rolls 3-4, landing on int fib (int n) {return n == 1 || n == 2 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);}, paying $184 to ChocolateChip and losing 5 health
- Kwyjibo rolls 8-4, landing on This is 102 characters long
- Silver Car rolls 3-10, landing on New York Avenue
- THE CHEESE rolls 5-3, landing on Kwyjibo, paying $1030 to ChinDoGu with $30 going to the Admin Bank Account
- ChocolateChip rolls 2-6, landing on :-)
- Volrath rolls 5-1, landing on St. Charles Place, paying $494 to Silver Car
- This week's lottery numbers: 11 19 11 6 15 6 11. No winners.
- The Government builds an ATM on The Institute
- THE CHEESE is elected Governor by acclamation
- Cari is fined $300 for not voting
- Cari is removed from the game due to inactivity
- Proposal #101
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
- Rejected by a vote of 4-3.
Put Square #10 and Square #6 back on the board, and name them "Jail" and "Maximum Security Prison" respectively.
Whenever a player commits a "crime", he will be sent to Jail. When a player is in Jail, he will still roll dice, but does not move. A player can get out of jail by doing any of the following:
- Rolling doubles while in jail. The player will immediately move ahead on the board the amount shown on the dice, but will NOT roll again for rolling doubles.
- Attempting to break out of jail. When a player tries to break out of jail, there is a 50% chance of escaping, and a 50% chance of being caught. If the player sucessfully escapes, he is immediately released from jail. If the player is caught, he is fined $2500 and is sent to Maximum Security Prison. In either case, attempting to break out of jail is a minor atrocity.
- After a player has taken 2 turns in a row while in jail, he is automatically released from jail and may continue moving with his next roll.
When a player is sent to Maximum Security Prison, he will not roll dice on his turns, and may not leave until after he has served 4 turns in Maximum Security Prison. A player who is in Maximum Security Prison may not trade with other players who are not in Maximum Security Prison. Also, in order to vote on proposals while in Maximum Security Prison, the player must pay $100 for each proposal he wishes to vote on.
A player who lands on Jail or Maximum Security Prison by roll of dice or some other method of movement is not actually considered to be in jail, but is "just visiting"
Currently the only crime is "speeding". A player is speeding if he rolls doubles on 5 consecutive turns.
- Comments: Sounds like something from the "other game"...
- Proposal #102
- Proposed by THE CHEESE
- Accepted by a vote of 6-1. Modified section 3 of rule XXIX.
A player may not drive to any square named Blackjack
- Comments: Fun game! Try to guess who voted No on this one!
- Proposal #103
- Proposed by Volrath
- Accepted by a vote of 6-1. Modified section 3 of rule XIX.
I propose that a new animal the Blinking Jelly Dog be added to the Zoo. The Blinking Jelly Dog will function as all other animals until released. When released the Blinking Jelly Dog will perform the following actions
The Blinking Jelly Dog lands randomly on a Square every turn. Upon landing, the Blinking Jelly Dog gains the attributes of a random animal excluding the Blinking Jelly Dog until end of turn. Then does what that animal would
- Comments: The Zoo here in Winnipeg is great. I remember seeing the Blinking Jelly Dog last time I was there. He gave everyone seizures...