This page is intended for the use of players of
NomiCam, the nomic set in Cambridge University. Check the NomiCam
home page for more details. If you're not a Voter, this is a map of
Camford, the city that NomiCam is set in. NOTE that William
West Midlands college (MARTIN) is underneath the Cam.
EAST -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
0 Sewer ScotsPine Fermat
PolarRsch (JACK)
-1 Cam Merity Senate Modern
[WWMids] Hall House Languages
[UNDER] (JON) Library
-2 Scudamore's Laboratory
Complex Raddelard
-3 House Of New St. Porker's Death Lecture
Usher Museums Bassett's Piece Van Hall
(SEBI) Site (ALEX) Complex
-4 Ring St. Herman's
To look at the initial ruleset, click here.
To look at the current ruleset, click here.
To look at the currently active proposals, click here.
To look at the now inactive proposals, click here.
To look at the players list, click here.
To look at the results of previous votes, click here.
To look at the undefined terms list, click here
To look at the game history, click here.
To check the number of jellybabies owned by each player, click here.
To look at the Map of Camford, click here.
To go back to the main page, click here.
Despite the above set of rather Jack-style links <cough>, this page
is not actually part of the NomiCam complex on Jack's site on GeoCities:
it is in fact an entirely unconnected organism. Well, apart from the obvious
connections. And links. Okay, in fact it is fairly connected but you know
what I mean...
As you'll note from the URL it is rather a part of Alex Churchill's
metroplex of obscure HTML-ity. To view more of the site, click here,
here, here,
here or here.