To look at the initial ruleset, click here.
To look at the current ruleset, click here.
To look at the currently active proposals, click here.
To look at the now inactive proposals, click here.
To look at the players list, click here.
To look at the results of previous votes, click here.
To look at the undefined terms list, click here .
To look at the game history, click here.
To check the number of jellybabies owned by each player, click here.
To look at the Map of Camford, click here.
To look at the NomiCam subgame of CANTABRIGIA!, click here.
To go back to the main page, click here.

These are the now inactive NomiCam proposals; 301-379. The file has since grown too large to handle all at once, so:
Click here to look at proposals 380 onwards.

Proposal 301 (FAILED)
Active until 6 May
Enact as a rule number 1 the following
Set the rules to be what they currently are in .nomic, with the
modification that any rule which involves distribution to a newsgroup may
be modified by the speaker so that distribution to the players is
Repeal this rule if it hasn't already.

Proposal 302 (FAILED)
Active until 7 May

Create a rule, numbered 250, entitled "The Leah Morin Fan Club", containing the following LOVESICK-delimited text:

1. There exists an organization known as "The Leah Morin Fan Club".
2. The head of this organization is Jack Rudd.
3. To become a member, you must ask Jack Rudd if you can join, and he will decide whether or not you can do so.
4. The aim of this organization is to get Leah Morin (e-mail address to join NomiCam. Any member of the organization who succeeds in doing so shall gain n/2 points, where n is the number required to win.
5. The basic tenet of the organization is that Leah Morin is a perfect being. Any member who suggests otherwise is liable to be thrown out of the organization.

Proposal 303 (PASSED)
Active until 8th May

I hereby proposeth:
Create new rule as follows ignoring text in square brackets:
Any proposal may include undefined terms.
These shall me marked as such by putting them in squiggly brackets ({}).
These undefined terms may be defined by the acceptance of later proposals.
They will then cease to be undefined terms.
Any sentence forming part of a rule which contains an undefined term is
considered nonbinding, ie players act as if it did not exist, until the
undefined term is defined.
The speaker, or anyone to whom later proposals delegate this task, shall
keep a list of undefined terms, so that players can clearly see what terms
remain to be defined.
[OK, so this is a blatent crib from one of Slakko's games of Imperial
Nomic, but I liked it.]
End of rule proposal.

Proposal 304 (FAILED)
Active until 10th May

Create a rule containing the WOMBLES-delimited text, deleting the squiggly brackets if Proposal 303 fails to pass:

Each player starts with a {castle} in his {country}'s current capital city.

["Current capital city" is the city that is currently that country's capital in the real world.]

Proposal 305 (FAILED)
Active until 10th May

Create a rule containing the following WORLD-delimited text:

1. Each player must submit a list of up to four countries to the Speaker, in order of preference. They can be any countries or sub-countries in the world, but they must really exist.
2. Each player will then be assigned a unique country. This will occupy an area in the NomiCam world equivalent to its area in the real world. The NomiCam world is shaped the same as the real world.

(Sub-countries are places like Wales, Tibet, etc. which are not officially countries, but often act as such. The rule is as stated to avoid entries like "Beleriand", "Atlantis" etc. I prefer the idea of the real-shaped world to the .Nomic-style Square Grid.)

Proposal 306 (PASSED)
Active until 11th May

All proposals, amendments, and so forth must be shorter than four lines long.

Proposal 307 (PASSED)
Active until 11th May
A proposal not requiring a unanimous vote cannot be passed unless at least one person who isn't the proposer votes against it, and cannot fail unless at least one person who isn't the proposer votes for it.

Proposal 308 (PASSED)
Active until 11th May
All further proposals must contain the name of a different tree in their title.

Proposal 309 (PASSED)
Active until 11th May

Should the rule about undefined terms not be accepted, delete squiggley
brackets below.
Create the following rule, numbered however the speaker should see fit,
ignoring text in square brackets:
Repeal the rules created by proposals 305 and 304 if they were accepted.
[countries has already been done: let's try for originality!]
All players inhabit the university city of Camford.
All players are affiliated to a college.
All players should submit a name for their college.
Should any two players submit the same name, they must both choose
Each player starts with a {porters' lodge} in their college.
Each player starts with a {bar} in their college.
Each player starts with five {fellows} in their college.
End of rule.

Proposal 310 (PASSED)
Active until 11th May

NomiCam shall declare war on OxNomic.

Proposal 311 (PASSED)
Active until 11th May
(Birch) Poe Faces
Prop. 303 applies only after the Fall of the House of Usher

Proposal 312 (PASSED)
Active until 11th May
(Scots Pine) Fire at Will
In the event of fire breaking out in the lower end of the proposals (note 1) all participants are required to exit quickly and calmly via the back doors (note 2) of the NomiCam complex until the situation can be effectively dealt with.
(1) "Fire" being caused by
        (1.1) Friction: ten or more proposals within one hour
        (1.2) Explosive reaction: An argument over a proposal
              lasting more than six exchanges
(2) The more recent 10% of proposals, by amendment. Kindling is a collectible object. Fire is, and remains, hot.

Proposal 313 (PASSED)
Active until 11th May

(Giant Redwood) Lunch.

Proposal 314 (PASSED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 401, and entitled "Dancing Queen", reading as follows:

"Each {country} starts off ruled by a {monarch}. A male monarch is known as a king, a female monarch as a queen."

Proposal 315 (FAILED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 402, and entitled "Knowing Me, Knowing You", reading as follows:

"The Speaker shall keep an up-to-date list of all the players of NomiCam at all times."

Proposal 316 (FAILED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 403, and entitled "Take a Chance on Me", reading as follows:

"The Speaker may use random number generators (including dice, coins, and cards) to determine the effect of game actions where the rules enforce or suggest their use."

Proposal 317 (PASSED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 404, and entitled "Mama Mia", reading as follows:

"Players may not send messages written in Italian to the Speaker."

Proposal 318 (FAILED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 405, and entitled "Lay all your love on me", reading as follows:

"If a player has exactly n-1 (positive) points, where n is the number required to win, his or her score shall be reset to zero."

Proposal 319 (FAILED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 406, and entitled, "Super Trouper", reading as follows:

"All {actors} must be members of at least one {theatre company}."

Proposal 320 (PASSED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 407, entitled "I have a dream", reading as follows:

"NomiCam is an equal opportunities game. It does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, sexual preference, or tendency to believe one is a Womble."

Proposal 321 (FAILED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 408, entitled "The Winner takes it all", reading as follows:

"Anyone who wins a game of NomiCam shall gain 20 CamPounds before the start of the next game."

Proposal 322 (PASSED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 409, entitled "Money, Money, Money", reading as follows:

"The official currency of NomiCam is the CamPound. There are 100 CamPennies to the CamPound. All prices in NomiCam shall be given in CamPounds and CamPennies. CamPound may be abbreviated to C£."

Proposal 323 (PASSED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 410, entitled "S.O.S", reading as follows:

"Any {ship} that is {lost at sea} is in danger of {sinking}. Its chance of sinking is halved if it has a {radio transmitter}."

Proposal 324 (PASSED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 411, entitled "Chiquitita", reading as follows:

"A college may contain any number of {foreign students}. These must each have a {country of origin} and study a particular {course}."

Proposal 325 (FAILED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 412, entitled "Fernando", reading as follows:

"There exists a country called 'Trinidad and Tobago'. Its capital city is Port of Spain. It also has a city called San Fernando. No player may choose to start in control of Trinidad and Tobago."

Proposal 326 (PASSED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 413, entitled "Voulez-vous", reading as follows:

"{Foreign students} may not study a {language course} that includes one of their {country}'s {official languages}."

Proposal 327 (FAILED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 414, entitled "Gimme Gimme Gimme", reading as follows:

"Theft is a crime in NomiCam. Anybody caught stealing shall be sent to {jail}."

Proposal 328 (PASSED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 415, entitled "Does your mother know?", reading as follows:

"Anybody sent to {jail} shall have their {parents} told of their misdeeds. This shall be deemed the ultimate embarrassment."

Proposal 329 (PASSED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 416, entitled "One of us", reading as follows:

"NomiCam uses the gender-inspecific pronouns e, em, eir and eirs, which are the singular forms of they, them, their and theirs respectively. The Speaker may amend any rule, just once, to reflect this rule coming into action."

Proposal 330 (FAILED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 417, entitled "The Name of the Game", reading as follows:

"Whenever the rules refer to 'the game', and no other interpretation of the words is given, the game in question shall be NomiCam."

Proposal 331 (FAILED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 418, entitled "Thankyou for the music", reading as follows:

"Each {bar} shall contain precisely one {jukebox}."

Proposal 332 (PASSED)
Active until 13th May

Create a rule, numbered 419, entitled "Waterloo", reading as follows:

"All {railway lines} must contain at least two {stations}."

Proposal 333 (PASSED)
Active until 15th May

Title: The Larch
Proposal: This may also be known as Euro-Blurry-Vision.  If any proposal contains the name of an ABBA song, or a song by any other band which has won the Eurovision Song Contest, then its proposer will receive 10 bonus points if the proposal is accepted, provided no-one else points it out first.

Proposal 334 (FAILED)
Active until 16th May

Create a rule, entitled "Cats", containing the CATS-delimited text:

There exist animals known as cats. They have the power to vote on proposals.
Cats are very contrary creatures and will vote utterly randomly on any proposal submitted, with the sole exception that they will always vote FOR any proposal requiring unanimous support to pass, and AGAINST any proposal requiring unanimous voting-down to fail.
Every time the cats successfully change the result of a vote, they get to vote one more time on each proposal.
If, at any stage, the cats have more votes than the players put together, NomiCam is declared overrun by cats. The cats' votes are restricted to just one again, and the whole cycle starts again.
Cats' votes count towards quorum.

Proposal 335 (PASSED)
Active until May 17th

Create the following rule:
ABBA is/are a {Bad Thing}.
Any player gratuitously using ABBA references, for example excerpts as rule titles, shall be fined 17 points.
The speaker shall go back, examining past posts, and fine players 17 points per ABBA reference made before the acceptance of this rule.
The last two sentences of this rule shall be deleted.

Proposal 336 (FAILED)
Active until May 19th

Create new rule:
For a proposal which seeks solely to define an undefined term, the prescribed voting period shall be only three days.
This rule takes precedence over rule 205.

Proposal 337 (FAILED)
Active until May 19th

Within the city of Camford there exist the following places: The Death Van, Lecture Hall complex, Laboratory complex, Modern Languages Library, Scots Pine Polar Institute, Sewer, Cam, Scudamore's. Each of these places is {adjacent} to the place listed before and after it, and Scudamore's and The Death Van are adjacent. More places may be added, and more adjacencies defined by future proposals.

Proposal 338 (PASSED)
Active until May 19th

Create Rule ignoring text in square brackets:
All players must submit to the Speaker between 2 and 4 places for their colleges to be {adjacent} to. Once these adjacencies have been submitted, they may not be changed except by proposal. If adjacencies are not submitted within 5 days, the Speaker shall select adjacencies at random. New players should submit a college name, and then submit their college's adjacencies via a proposal. [Four Giant Redwoods and a small Ash.]The term "places" encompasses both places and colleges. No college may be {adjacent} to another. Repeal the last two sentences of this rule in the event of {flurp}.

Proposal 339 (PASSED)
Active until May 19th

Create and then transmute to immutable, the following rule, numbered 120, as defined by the OAK-delimited text:

Leah Morin is a goddess.

Proposal 340 (FAILED)
Active until May 19th
Hot Potato Tree
Anyone with a hot object must pass it on to another player within a week or lose 25 points.

Proposal 341 (PASSED)
Active until May 19th
Sprucing up
People with matches may set fire to trees.

Proposal 342 (PASSED)
Active until May 19th
Small tree noone except me knows the name of
Players who do not vote three times in a row get an extra vote they can use later.

Proposal 343 (PASSED)
Active until May 20th

I propose, oakenly:
Get rid of rule 306.

Proposal 344 (PASSED)
Active until May 20th

I propose:
Create new rule, ignoring the text in square brackets:
All proposals must be shown on the web page in such a way that lines of text are not longer than the width of the page. [rowan]

Proposal 345 (PASSED)
Active until May 21st

I propose, ignoring text in square brackets:
Get rid of rule 307
[I'll vote against, everyone else please vote for]

Proposal 346 (FAILED)
Active until May 21st

I propose create rule, ignoring text in square brackets:
Any player successfully defining an undefined term shall receive 6 points.

Proposal 347 (FAILED, would have been declared invalid anyway)
Active until May 21st

I propose:
Create the following rule, ignoring text in square brackets:
[holly] Duncan Richer is the winner of Game 1. Martin Stribblehill is the winner of game 2. Martin Stribblehill is the winner of game 3. Game 4 now begins. Delete this rule.

Proposal 348(PASSED)
Active until May 22nd
Giant Chestnut Tree
People own all objects mentioned in rules they have proposed. Provided
they know the name of the object, they can give any object to another
player by sending an email telling everyone of the exchange

Proposal 349(PASSED)
Active until May 22nd

Catamans rule
Any boat which goes ashore but does not sink must be burnt to ashes.

Proposal 350: Clearing Up the Petrified Pine Forest(FAILED)
Active until May 23rd

Transmute Rule 110 to Mutable.

Proposal 351: Leaving at least one Petrified Pine(PASSED)
Active until May 23rd

Enact a rule with the following quote-delimited text:
"There must always be at least one immutable rule.  The transmutation of
rules must never become completely impermissible."
Proposal 352:(PASSED)
Active until May 23rd

Enact a rule thus: "The bar of each college is a larch pole with metal supports.  It may be used by a member of that College to attack any non-member currently in that College, transferring ten points to the assailant from the victim, and sending the victim to eir Home College."

Proposal 353: Seeing the Wood For the Trees(PASSED)
Active until May 23rd

Enact a rule with the following BIRCH-delimited text:
BIRCH The name of the creator of a rule which was not in the Initial Ruleset shall be appended to the header of that Rule.  BIRCH

Proposal 354: Just a Little Bit (of Points Leakage)(PASSED)
Active until May 23rd

Enact a rule thus: "Too many points gum up the works.  Therefore each Monday at noon according to the then current British Time each player shall lose 25 points."

Proposal 355(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "Summer Night City", and numbered 501, reading as follows:

"There exists in Camford at least one {nightclub}, known as Barbie's. It costs 3 CamPounds to get into Barbie's. People trying to get in without paying shall be hit with a big oak stick by the {bouncers}."

Proposal 356(FAILED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "Angel Eyes", and numbered 502, reading as follows:

"TAGGART is the official TV programme of NomiCam. Anybody successfully putting a TAGGART reference into a proposal shall be given an {apple}."

Proposal 357(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "The Day Before You Came", and numbered 503, reading as follows:

"When a player who hasn't submitted a proposal before submits a proposal, all players shall gain n+a points, where n is the number of players in NomiCam at the time, and a is the number of apples in the game at the time."

Proposal 358(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "Eagle", and numbered 504, reading as follows:

"Eagles are a {protected species}.

Anybody found deliberately killing members of protected species shall be sent to jail.

Eagles nest in fir trees."

Proposal 359(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do", and numbered 505, reading as follows:

"If a player submits a proposal and does not vote on it, e is assumed to have voted FOR that proposal."

Proposal 360(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "So Long", and numbered 506, reading as follows:

"If a player has to leave the game for a length of time, e must send a letter saying so to the mailing list, together with when e will be back. It is not necessary to pine for em."

Proposal 361(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "Honey Honey", and numbered 507, reading as follows:

"{Honey} is produced by {bees}. Bees like to nest in trees, especially apple trees."

Proposal 362(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "The Visitors", and numbered 508, reading as follows:

"Anybody who doesn't belong to a college is kept at bay unless a member of the college can vouch for them. They may, of course, try to get in, but they run the risk of being evicted by the {porters}."

Proposal 363(FAILED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "Our Last Summer", and numbered 509, reading as follows:

"Any player of NomiCam who will be leaving Cambridge at the end of the year must find eir own replacement for the game. Failure to do so will cause them to be stuck in gum."

Proposal 364(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "On & On & On", and numbered 510, reading as follows:

"Anybody putting a gratuitous tree reference into a proposal shall be fined 10 points and an apple."

Proposal 365(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "Ring Ring", and numbered 511, reading as follows:

"Each college contains at least one {telephone}. Telephones are connected by {telephone lines} to {telegraph poles}. Telegraph poles are usually made of pine."

Proposal 366(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "I Wonder", and numbered 512, reading as follows:

"Any {student} studying {philosophy} must question eir existence at least once a week. If e concludes that e doesn't exist, or has turned into a plum, e shall stay locked in eir room until e believes e exists again."

Proposal 367(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "Lovelight", and numbered 513, reading as follows:

"Jack can't gain or lose points, apples, CamPounds, or any other measure of game progress from any proposal containing the words 'Leah Morin'."

Proposal 368(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "Head over Heels", and numbered 514, reading as follows:

"{Students} who are {in love} feel a need to {spruce themselves up} at least twice a day."

Proposal 369(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "When I Kissed the Teacher", and numbered 515, reading as follows:

"Nobody may gain any advantages in NomiCam by trying to seduce the Speaker. They won't even gain an apple."

Proposal 370(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "I am the City", and numbered 516, reading as follows:

"Camford shall be laid out on a square grid system. Each place in Camford has a map reference North and East. The Scots Pine Polar Research Institute is at (0,0). Map references must be pairs of integers.

Two places are ADJACENT if their North references are within 1 of each other, and their East references are within 1 of each other. The Speaker shall sort out map references based on given adjacencies."

Proposal 371(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "Cassandra", and numbered 517, reading as follows:

"There exists a country called Greece. Its capital city is Athens. It has a great collection of mythology. It is not known whether it has any inhabitants called Rowan."

Proposal 372(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "Under Attack", and numbered 518, reading as follows:

"NomiCam shall take any precautions necessary (nuclear missiles, giant redwoods, big swords etc.) to guard itself against OxNomic."

Proposal 373
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "When All is Said and Done", and numbered 519, reading as follows:

"There exists a Camford University Debating Society. Its headquarters are adjacent to the Scots Pine Polar Research Institute."

Proposal 374(PASSED)
Active until May 26th

Create a rule, entitled "The Way Old Friends Do", and numbered 520, reading as follows:

"No two players may be {at war} with each other for more than a week, otherwise the Speaker shall fine them each an apple."

Proposal 375(PASSED)
Active until May 27th

I propose the following:
Create new rule:
The official confection of NomiCam will be Jelly Babies. Any player who does not own a fresh {apple} will be given a Jelly Baby. Other methods of receiving or using Jelly Babies are not ruled out.

Proposal 376(PASSED)
Active until May 27th

Sinking oak canoe
Ammendment to rule 203.
Players must score under -100 points to win instead of over one hundred. Everything else is unaltered.

Proposal 377(PASSED)
Active until June 2nd

Propose create the following rule:
All new players start with six Jellybabies, one of each of the colours
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Pink, Black. They may be given or traded by
sending an e-mail letting all current Players know of the exchange. The
Speaker will keep an up-to-date list of how many Jellybabies are owned by
each player.
If nobody owns any Jellybabies at the enactment of this rule, grant all
current players six Jellybabies as above.
Repeal the last two sentences of this rule. 

Proposal 378
Active until June 3rd

Create new rule:
For a proposal which seeks solely to define an undefined term, 
the prescribed voting period shall be only three days.
This rule takes precedence over rule 205.

Proposal 379
Active until June 3rd

Within the city of Camford there exist the following places: The 
Death Van, Lecture Hall complex, Laboratory complex, Modern 
Languages Library, Scots Pine Polar Research Institute, Sewer, 
Cam, Scudamore's. Each of these places is {adjacent} to the place 
listed before and after it, and Scudamore's and The Death Van are 
adjacent. More places may be added, and more adjacencies defined 
by future proposals.