
Factions In Axiom

Extra votes are defined in Rule 102 (see section 3) and one sort of extra vote is the faction vote described in Rule 105.

This page is for linking to whatever material factions think they need posted on the web. Please note that this is not necessarily an exhaustive list of factions because I might well have forgotten to update this particular page in a while. Not much changes in the way of factions, so when there are changes, it's easy to forget to come back here to do some harfing.

The Mafia Faction

  • Leadership Election/Auction Protocols

    The Brotherhood of 0x3F

  • No documents at this time

    Last Updated: 9/4/2000 4:00pm PST
    Author: Jennifer Mueller
    If you're wonder whether the game is still going, message me at mueller4@sonic.net