The following is quoted from the post that preceded the beginning of the first few months of auctions.
=====SECRET DOCUMENT - MAFIA POLICY - READ AT OWN RISK======== Our elections should (in a thematically appropriate way) be held by a bidding war to commence on the first day of each month and run until no one bids again for 24 hours or 10 days passes, whichever comes first. New bids must be less than or equal to cash on hand, in legal increments of $T, and be at least 5% more than the last bid. The top bidder when gets to be leader till at least the next election. By bidding, e automatically agrees to give half of eir bid to each of the other faction members (rounding down to the nearest 0.01$T, with the possible leftover $T0.01 to go to whoever was the leader in the previous month). The losers of the auction automatically agree to accept the cash (so we don't clog the list with unnecessary "I agree" emails). If someone wins the auction and in between making a legal bid and having to pay out the cash e loses enough money that e won't be able to cover eir debts, then the "winner" reverts to the next lowest bid, and so on until we get to a bid that someone CAN cover. ==============================================================
Last Updated: 9/4/2000 4:00pm PST
Author: Jennifer Mueller
If you're wonder whether the game is still going, message me at