Ackanomic Player & Entity List

Generated at 01 October 1999 10:10:21

Registered Players

404 Not Found ( ) [ Joel Ricker ] : Log


has A$ 259
is Enlightened  Enlightened
has 2 Pairs of Dress Pants
is a Member of the Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
has the The Sword of Kahless (Value: A$ 100 )
has the Matched Luggage Set (Value: A$ 100 )

and ( ) [ Eric Wald ] : Log


has A$ 17
has a Pair of Dress Pants
is a Member of The Twits
has the the Jocopo Treasure (Value: A$ 50 )

Ape Idiom Reporter ( ) [ Gabriel Drummond-Cole ] : Log


has A$ 402
has Won a Cycle of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Gold Stripe  Gold Stripe
has 2 Silver Stripe   Silver Stripes
has a Stilton
is the Ackanomic Dee Jay
is the Dungeon Master
is the Rule-Harfer
is the Tabulator
is the Treasure-Harfer
is a Crazy French-Scottsman
is a Medalist of the Order of the Blue Cross
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is the Belt Holder & Wrangler
has a Batchelor of Ackanomic in Scamology
is Really Weird
is a Student of Custom
is a Student of scamology
is Weird
has 2 Extra Heads
has a Champion's Cloak
has a Muumuu (Being Worn)
has 3 Roulette Wheel Otzma Cards
has a Skeleton Key Otzma Card
has 2 Share Your Income Otzma Cards
has the Little Lamb  Little Lamb
has 3 nosesacks full of Cheesium
is a Member of the Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
is a Member of The Twits
has the Flashback (Value: A$ 50 )
has the N-2,bromoacetyl, N-acetyl amine (Value: A$ 30 )
has the Emperor Ai! Pedrito!'s Imaginary French Friend (Value: A$ 6 )
has the Treasure numbers are important devices which help the the Financier (Value: A$ 5 )
has the less than the Standard Harfer Fee (Value: A$ 9 )
has the A GAMES T-shirt (Value: A$ 25 )

Blest Lax Monk Pal ( ) [ Gavin Doig ] : Log


has A$ 163
has a Blue Cross Bonus
is the Publisist
is the Summarizer
is Enlightened  Enlightened
is a Student of Harfology
has 2 Pointy Ears   Pointy Ears
has 2 Extra Heads
has a Forked Tongue
has a Pair of Dress Pants [Being Worn]
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Wool Sweater  Wool Sweater
has a Wool Sweater  Wool Sweater (Being Worn)
has a Foul Fowl Otzma Card
has a Share My Expenses Otzma Card
has a Share Your Income Otzma Card
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM049
is a Member of The Wombles of Wibbledon
has the Eris is all my fault (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Rex's golden shovel of stupidity (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Sculpture 7 (Value: A$ 123 )
has the Stuff (Value: A$ 5 )
has the The Church of the Evil Ballot Stuffer (Value: A$ 5 )
has the The Misfiled Papers of the Council on Foreign Relations (Value: A$ 7 )
has the The Very Model Fo A Modern Party Member (Value: A$ 26 )
has the The statue of snowgod made entirely of Blue Jello (Value: A$ 100 )
has the eht saH (Value: A$ 75 )
has the Telephoto Camera (Value: A$ 100 )
has the Grimace is all my fault (Value: A$ 10 )

Burn the Witch ( ) [ Jonathan David Amery ] : Log


has A$ 473
is Enlightened  Enlightened
is Weird
has a Pointy Ear  Pointy Ear
has an Extra Head
has a Forked Tongue
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has 2 Go Fish Otzma Cards
has a Shield Otzma Card
has a Truthseeker Otzma Card
has a nosesack full of Cheesium
has the Earth (Value: A$ 100 )
has the F Peru (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Omega medal I (Value: A$ 11 )
has the The Ionic Columns of the JAM (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Wild Card's Consolation Prize (Value: A$ 35 )
has the Unclaimed Winning Condition by Rule 13-2-1 (Value: A$ 25 )

Calvin N Hobbes ( ) [ Thierry Joffrain ] : Log


has A$ 632
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has a Gold Stripe  Gold Stripe
has a Silver Moon  Silver Moon
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is Enlightened  Enlightened
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Wool Sweater  Wool Sweater
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM011
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM031
has the Crown of Ultimate Failure (Value: A$ 100 )
has the I Remember Oom-Pah-Pah! (Value: A$ 100 )
has the Narya the Great (Value: A$ 100 )
has the Nenya (Value: A$ 100 )
has the The Man With Infinite Monkeys in a Puny Space (Value: A$ 22 )
has the The Old Man's Marbles (Value: A$ 100 )
has the The One (Value: A$ 100 )
has the Vilya (Value: A$ 100 )
has the We Come In Peace (Value: A$ 10 )

Clamshell Lawyer ( ) [ Eric Plumb ] : Log


has A$ 159
has 2 ASS Tokens
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
is a Former Emperor of Ackanomic
is Enlightened  Enlightened
has an Extra Head
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Silly Vacation Hat
has a Foul Fowl Otzma Card
has a Go Fish Otzma Card
has a Share Your Income Otzma Card
has a Truthseeker Otzma Card
has the Really Big Blue Thing That Doesn't Do Much, Really
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM048 (Being Worn)
has 3 Prosthetic Foreheads   Prosthetic Foreheads #BM049
has 4 Prosthetic Foreheads   Prosthetic Foreheads #BM046
is a Member of The Wombles of Wibbledon
has the A Momentous Occasion (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Hubert's nonexistant EBS (Value: A$ 13 )
has the Sluggo's Razor Boomerang (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Water Balloon (Value: A$ 11 )
has the wooden wallet (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Unclaimed Winning Condition by Rule 13-2-2 (Value: A$ 30 )

Cthulhu ( ) [ Gavin Logan ] : Log


has A$ 2089
has a Silver Moon  Silver Moon
is the Ambassador
is the Count Tabula
is the Dean
is the Poet Laureate
is the President
is a Medallist of the Order of the Harf
is cackling insanely
has 2 Pointy Ears   Pointy Ears
has a nosesack full of Harfium
is a Member of The Wombles of Wibbledon
has the Diplomatic Immunity (Value: A$ 5 )
has the I made A Mean Hat. chuckle (Value: A$ 23 )
has the Sponsored by Rex Mundi #2 (Value: A$ 10 )
has the The Elevenfold Exhortations of Eris (Value: A$ 7 )
has the The Golden Apple of Discord (Value: A$ 5 )
has the A Scamology Baseball Cap (Value: A$ 100 )

danke ( ) [ Bill Palmer ] : Log


has A$ 776
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has the Great Tuba of Ackanomic  Great Tuba of Ackanomic
has the Sponsored by IdiotBoy #2 (Value: A$ 10 )

/dev/joe ( ) [ Joseph DeVincentis ] : Log


has A$ 2695
has 3 Benefyts   Benefyts
has 3 Badges of Glory
has Won 4 Cycles of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has 2 Gold Stripe   Gold Stripes
has 3 Silver Stripe   Silver Stripes
is a Justice
is the Promotor
is a Party Chess Swinger ( Party Chess Swinger )
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Evil Overlord of Ackanomic (retired)
is the Sage o'Doe Gas
is a Medallist of the Order of the Steel Flea
has a Batchelor of Ackanomic in Treasure Hunting
is Enlightened  Enlightened
is a Student of Vision
has 4 Pointy Ears   Pointy Ears
has 2 Extra Heads
has a Champion's Cloak (Being Worn)
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Wool Sweater  Wool Sweater
has a Foul Fowl Otzma Card
has a Shield Otzma Card
has a Share Your Income Otzma Card
has a Gold Pocketwatch  Gold Pocketwatch
has 5 nosesacks full of Clear Ore
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM049
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM001 (Being Worn)
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM035
has a Pick Axe
has 10 lots of Right Handed Grapefruit Juice
has a Shovel
has a nosesack full of Silver Ore
is a Member of the Hypnotist of Ladies
has the /dev/joe's watchface (Value: A$ 24 )
has the Bottle of Bacardi (Value: A$ 151 )
has the Hubert Feathers (Value: A$ 50 )
has the Lucky Ball and Chain (Value: A$ 50 )
has the Sculpture 2 (Value: A$ 123 )
has the Shades of Chorg (Value: A$ 51 )
has the Spasibo khorosho 2 (Value: A$ 30 )
has the The Mysterious Cone that Was on the Lonely Mountain (Value: A$ 13 )
has the The Ackanomic Home Game (Value: A$ 100 )

else...if (, ) [ Henry Towsner ] : Log


has A$ 386
has Won a Cycle of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has 2 Silver Stripe   Silver Stripes
was Almost a Benevolent Diktater (retired)
is a Medalist of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Elder
is the True Prophet
is the Tyrant
has a Batchelor of Ackanomic in Inter Nomic Relations
has a Batchelor of Ackanomic in History
has a Batchelor of Ackanomic in Custom
is Enlightened  Enlightened
is a Student of Custom
is a Student of Legislation
has a Champion's Cloak
has 2 Pairs of Dress Pants
has a Go Fish Otzma Card
has a Chartreuse Goose Egg  Chartreuse Goose Egg
has 13 lots of Right Handed Grapefruit Juice
has the Sculpture 31 (Value: A$ 123 )
has the Gretchold the Evil Math Troll (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Gretchold the Evil Malenkai's Loophole Troll%%c%% (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Victor Borge (Value: A$ 5 )

Fortunato ( ) [ Aaron Keesler ] : Log


has A$ 342
is Weird
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Share Your Income Otzma Card
has a Chartreuse Goose Egg  Chartreuse Goose Egg
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM042 (Being Worn)
has the A Dark And Stormy Night (Value: A$ 42 )
has the Postal Sestina (Value: A$ 79 )
has the Some version of the Rules (Value: A$ 25 )

Grimace ( ) [ Graeme Jefferis ] : Log


has A$ 900
has a Chartreuse Goose Egg  Chartreuse Goose Egg

IdiotBoy ( ) [ Matt Miller ] : Log


has A$ 204
has a Yellow Chartreuse Goose Card
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
is an Elder
is a Member of the Order of the Harf
is the Passive Contemplator
has 75 Extra Heads
has a Pair of Dress Pants (Being Worn)
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has found Phoebe's Matchbox  Phoebe's Matchbox
has 2 Canaries
has 4 nosesacks full of Clear Ore
has 2 a stick of Dynamite
has a Hard Hat
has a Pick Axe
has a Shovel
has a nosesack full of Silver Ore
has the Danek is all my fault (Value: A$ 10 )
has the IB's Divine Ice Pick (Value: A$ 10 )
has the a box of hammers (Value: A$ 5 )
has the The Barrel of Boundless Possibility (Value: A$ 10 )
has the the SausageMobile (Value: A$ 235 )

K 2 ( ) [ Kelly Kelly ] : Log


has A$ 915
has an ASS Token
has 2 Badges of Glory
has Won 3 Cycles of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has 3 Gold Stripe   Gold Stripes
has 3 Silver Stripe   Silver Stripes
is the Clerk of the Courts
is the Financier
is the Harfmeister
is a Justice
is the Registar
is the Scorekeeper
is a Crazy French-Scottsman
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is a Former Emperor of Ackanomic
has been Enlightened 2 times  Enlightened
is a Student of History
has a Forked Tongue
has a Champion's Cloak
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Muumuu
has a Wool Sweater  Wool Sweater
has a Wool Sweater  Wool Sweater (Being Worn)
has a Go Fish Otzma Card
has a Shield Otzma Card
has a Share My Expenses Otzma Card
has a Truthseeker Otzma Card
has the Machine That Goes *ping*  Machine That Goes *ping*
has a Green Triangle Puzzle Piece
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM022
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM036 (Being Worn)
has some Right Handed Grapefruit Juice
is a Member of All Canadians're Kind & Amiable
has the GRUAD's Plaything of Inexplicable Power (Value: A$ 7 )
has the IWW (Value: A$ 99 )
has the Pact With Satan (Value: A$ 5 )
has the The Caped Crusader Collectible Lunchbox-Dereliction of Duty Edition (Value: A$ 5 )
has the The Caped Crusader Collectible Lunchbox-Just Because He Can Edition (Value: A$ 5 )
has the The Caped Crusader Collectible Lunchbox-Lexical Equivalence Edition (Value: A$ 5 )
has the The Caped Crusader Collectible Lunchbox-Sinful Vacationer Edition (Value: A$ 5 )
has the The Lucky Bucket of Sand (Value: A$ 5 )
has the To the victor go the spoils (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Mu-Cow (Value: A$ 100 )
has the A Brass Razoo (Value: A$ 100 )
has the King Felix's Hammer of Joy (Value: A$ 10 )
has the JT's Barrel of Monkeys (Value: A$ 48 )

Kane ( ) [ Tyrrell McAllister ] : Log


has A$ 900
has a Skeleton Key Otzma Card
has a Chartreuse Goose Egg  Chartreuse Goose Egg

Malenkai ( ) [ Randy Hall ] : Log


has A$ 294
has 8 Badges of Glory
has Won 9 Cycles of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has 3 Gold Stripe   Gold Stripes
has a Ruby Slipper  Ruby Slipper
has 2 Silver Stripe   Silver Stripes
is the Speaker
is an Angry Villager
is a Commander of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Elder
is an Evil Overlord of Ackanomic (retired)
is a Commander of the Order of the Loophole Surfboard
is Enlightened  Enlightened
is Guilty of Patent Infringment
has 2 Pointy Ears   Pointy Ears
has 2 Extra Heads
has a Champion's Cloak (Being Worn)
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Gold Pocketwatch  Gold Pocketwatch
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM046
has a Silver Pitchfork
has the Badge of Fiendishness (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Dillinger's Codex (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Malenkai's Prayer (Value: A$ 13 )

Pure Haste ( ) [ James McGregor ] : Log


has A$ 704
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a nosesack full of Ancientium
has the The Stolen Plates (Value: A$ 7 )

Quoth the Raven ( ) [ Tom Walmsley ] : Log


is on Vacation  Vacation
has A$ 1580
has 3 Benefyts   Benefyts
has a Badge of Glory
has Won 2 Cycles of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has 2 Gold Stripe   Gold Stripes
is a Justice
is the Org-Harfer
is a Party Chess Swinger ( Party Chess Swinger )
is a Crazy French-Scottsman
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is a Medalist of the Order of the Fifteen Minutes
is Enlightened  Enlightened
is a Student of harfology
is Weird
has 3 Pointy Ears   Pointy Ears
has an Extra Head
has a Champion's Cloak
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Wool Sweater  Wool Sweater (Being Worn)
has 3 Skeleton Key Otzma Cards
has a Share Your Income Otzma Card
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM019
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM028
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM044
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM046
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM005 (Being Worn)
has a Right Handed Grapefruit
has some Right Handed Grapefruit Juice
is a Member of The Wombles of Wibbledon
has the Clue to the Map for the Kilroy Treasure (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Fleas Shaking Hands #1 (Value: A$ 2 )
has the It could have been my honor to be utterly vanquished in a Duel by Guy Fawkes, but alas, I was cowardly and took contemptible shelter in Untouchability. (Value: A$ 25 )
has the MTM's gingham Razor Boomerang (Value: A$ 24 )
has the The First Book of the Law of Fives (Value: A$ 8 )
has the Traffic Cone (Value: A$ 10 )
has the a capital M (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Perpetual Trophy (Value: A$ 77 )

Red Mao Gang ( ) [ Joseph Traub ] : Log


has A$ 877
has 3 Benefyts   Benefyts
has 3 Badges of Glory
has Won 4 Cycles of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has a Edam
has 2 Gold Stripe   Gold Stripes
has a Silver Moon  Silver Moon
has a Silver Stripe  Silver Stripe
is the Illuminatus
is a Justice
is the Postmaster
is a Party Chess Swinger ( Party Chess Swinger )
was Almost a Benevolent Diktater (retired)
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is the Agent of KAOS
has been Enlightened 2 times  Enlightened
is a Student of Treasure Hunting
has 2 Pointy Ears   Pointy Ears
has a Forked Tongue
has a pair of Wings  Wings
has a Champion's Cloak
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has 6 Wool Sweaters  (Being Worn)
has a Map Shard Otzma Card
has a Truthseeker Otzma Card
has a Red Square Puzzle Piece
has 2 nosesacks full of Brown Ore
has a Canary
has a stick of Dynamite
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM023
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM027
has a nosesack full of Glowing Ore
has a Hard Hat
has a nosesack full of Oxygium
has a Pick Axe
has 11 lots of Right Handed Grapefruit Juice
has a Shovel
has a nosesack full of Silver Ore
is a Member of the Hypnotist of Ladies
is a Member of The Twits
has the A Ticket to the Big Dance (Value: A$ 20 )
has the Acme Combo Shovel and Ice Pick (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Chalice from the Palace (Value: A$ 180 )
has the The Five Hundred Misplaced Ackapennies (Value: A$ 5 )
has the The Mangled Output of the Machine that Goes *Fn0rd* (Value: A$ 8 )
has the Invertible Poncho (Value: A$ 100 )
has the A Wizard's Staff (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Reductio is all my fault (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Hillary Rodham Clinton mask (Value: A$ 10 )

Reductio ( ) [ Elio M. García, Jr. ] : Log


has A$ 915
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a pint of Lager
has the Sponsored by A German Dog #2 (Value: A$ 10 )

Slakko ( ) [ Duncan Richer ] : Log


has A$ 562
has 3 Benefyts   Benefyts
has 3 Badges of Glory
has won a Game of Party Chess
has Won 4 Cycles of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has a Edam
has 3 Gold Stripe   Gold Stripes
is a Justice
is the Map-Harfer
is the Runemaker
is a Party Chess Swinger ( Party Chess Swinger )
is the Web-Harfer
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is Enlightened  Enlightened
is Weird
has an Extra Head
has a Champion's Cloak
has a ChessChamp's Cardigan
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Wool Sweater  Wool Sweater (Being Worn)
has a Roulette Wheel Otzma Card
has a Shield Otzma Card
has a Skeleton Key Otzma Card
has a Share My Expenses Otzma Card
has a Truthseeker Otzma Card
has a Bronze Frinking Straw
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM049
has a Shimmering Spellbok
is a Member of the Hypnotist of Ladies
has the Eight Very Wise Pieces of Advice, Some of Which Aren't Helpful at All (Value: A$ 9 )
has the GAD in Miniature (Value: A$ 20 )
has the It happens (Value: A$ 75 )
has the Nice Try #1 (Value: A$ 12 )
has the Omega medal III (Value: A$ 11 )
has the Onyx Vase (Value: A$ 98 )
has the Presidential Convertable (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Thanks from the Ackan Reserve (Value: A$ 10 )
has the The Magnificent Web-Harfer (Value: A$ 42 )
has the The Sceptre of banna #1 (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Touch the Tuppet Head (Value: A$ 26 )
has the Zapruder (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Home Entertainment Center (Value: A$ 100 )

Studge ( ) [ Tom Mueller ] : Log


has A$ 122
has Won a Cycle of Ackanomic
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Jade Grapefruit  Jade Grapefruit
is the Punching Bag
is Enlightened  Enlightened
is a Student of Inter Nomic Relations
has a Champion's Cloak (Being Worn)
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has 2 Go Fish Otzma Cards
has a Shield Otzma Card
has 3 Share Your Income Otzma Cards
has a Truthseeker Otzma Card
has a nosesack full of Ancientium
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM050
has 10 lots of Right Handed Grapefruit Juice
is a Member of the Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance
has the Car Crashes Suck (Value: A$ 10 )
has the The Will of the People (Value: A$ 100 )
has the fries with that (Value: A$ 23 )

Taser ( ) [ Antonio Rodriguez ] : Log


has A$ 898
has a Chartreuse Goose Egg  Chartreuse Goose Egg

two-star ( ) [ Alexandre Muniz ] : Log


has A$ 229
has a Gold Star
has a pair of Wings  Wings
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Wool Sweater  Wool Sweater
has the /dev/joe's Pinwheel of Many Colors (Value: A$ 50 )
has the Gonne (Value: A$ 6 )
has the Sculpture 13 (Value: A$ 123 )
has the Sculpture 5 (Value: A$ 123 )
has the The Inky Bloater (Value: A$ 10 )
has the The Trick Top Hat (Value: A$ 10 )
has the a strong shovel (Value: A$ 7 )
has the repayment (Value: A$ 50 )

Vynd ( ) [ John McCoy ] : Log


has A$ 421
has a Blue Cross  Blue Cross
has a Blue Cross Bonus
has a Bronze Torch  Bronze Torch
has a Gold Stripe  Gold Stripe
has a Silver Moon  Silver Moon
is a Crazy French-Scottsman
is a Ordinary Member of the Order of the Blue Cross
is an Evil Overlord of Ackanomic (retired)
is Enlightened  Enlightened
has a Pair of Dress Pants (Being Worn)
has a Pair of Dress Pants
has a Foul Fowl Otzma Card
has a Go Fish Otzma Card
has a Share My Expenses Otzma Card
has a Gold Pocketwatch  Gold Pocketwatch
has a Prosthetic Forehead  Prosthetic Forehead #BM046
has the Enemy Stamp (Value: A$ 100 )
has the Little Wooden Ship #2 (Value: A$ 5 )
has the Model of what might have been Jmmer's Butler (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Pair of Big Brass Balls, [sic] (Value: A$ 50 )
has the Piz is all my fault (Value: A$ 10 )
has the Savage Garden (Value: A$ 30 )
has the Zoot Suit Riot (Value: A$ 83 )
has the Porsche Carrera (Value: A$ 100 )

Main Rules Player Officers Entity Games Misc All - Together - Now

Automatically generated by K 2 using Rob V0.4.9 on 01 October 1999 10:10:21