Ackanomic Player & Entity List

Generated at 01 October 1999 10:10:21

Holy Churches & Cults of Ackanomic

The Church of banna : Log


doesn't own a Brass Razoo

The Church of the Good Ballot Stuffer : Log


doesn't own a Brass Razoo

Sphere's of Influence

All Canadians're Kind & Amiable : Log

Founder: Alfvaen

Properganda statement:
This spcae has been intentionally left blank.


Generosity: 13


doesn't own a Brass Razoo

Anti-Canada Kamikaze Alliance : Log

Founder: Trent

Properganda statement:
Members of ACKA will stop at nothing to stave off the Canadians, and will rather die free Ackans than live under the harsh oppression of Governor General Romeo LeBlanc and Prime Minister Jean Chretien. Loyal Ackans: I urge... no... I _demand_ that you throw your might behind acka by joining ACKA. Together, as one, let us grind the Canadian armies to DUST. Let nothing remain of Canada but a smoking crater and a small portion of the Yukon. Let us build a monument to Acka's first President and Second Speaker, Robert Sevin, out of the skulls of Canadians crushed by our mighty wrath. Present a united front. Do not dismay. The Canadians will soon learn that we are not to be trifled with!


Generosity: 56


doesn't own a Brass Razoo

Hypnotist of Ladies : Log

Founder: /dev/joe

Properganda statement:
While that other group wanders around, having started the institutionalization process twice for the same group of players, and having gotten the support of the other necessary players, I am now announcing the formation of a new institution. Having received no suggestions for a name, I am following through on my threat to use the Enhanced Generic Proposal Namer (which *is* implemented in the bot, now) to name this institution.


Generosity: 25


doesn't own a Brass Razoo

Tocpe : Log

Founder: IdiotBoy

Properganda statement:
This page has been left blank intentionally


Generosity: 3


doesn't own a Brass Razoo

The Wombles of Wibbledon : Log

Founder: Laa Laa

Properganda statement:
Not wanting to be left out in the cold with all this sphere stuff I announce my own intention to form an institution which will own a spherical rator and will be called "The Wombles of Wibbledon". It will champion the surreal, the farcical, the wacky, and the plain stupid (except for those proposals which are stupid but aren't meant to be). It's ultimate goal will to be to change the rules of Ackanomic to the rule of draughts. Anyone who has ever had a 4 letter name containing an "e", "r" and "i" is free to join me. As is anyone else who wishes to champion the worthy goals I have set out.


Generosity: 20


doesn't own a Brass Razoo

Other Institutions

The Twits : Log



has A$ 26

Main Rules Player Officers Entity Games Misc All - Together - Now

Automatically generated by K 2 using Rob V0.4.9 on 01 October 1999 10:10:21