The official Ackanomic Web Page

Ackanomic is a game of Play-By-Email Nomic. This page serves as the information center for the game.

This game is still Active, and still accepting New Players. Join Now!

Last Update no earlier than: Friday, August 13, 1999.
The rules, proposal archive, proposals by player, and scores should be updated through proposal 4299.

This document has now been sub-categorised and split. If you want you can have the whole lot in one lump, or else select one of the categories below:

Rules, Proposals and Related Documents
Players, Scores and Organisations
Reports of Ackanomic Officers
Past and Present Subgames
Archived Information about some Acka Entities
Miscellaneous Ackanomic Documents

General Information

General information on Nomic games || How To Join This Crazy Game || General Ackanomic Information
This is a brief summary of Ackanomic for novices. (Read this if you don't know what Ackanomic is)

Internomic - Niccolo's Internomic Page. Ackanomic is a Voting Member of Internomic.

Email Archive - Comprehensive digests of the Ackanomic mailing lists have been maintained for over two years now.
ackanomic || acka-research || acka-finance || acka-games || acka-voting

Newspaper Archive - I "publish" The Infrequent Ackan on a, well, infrequent basis. :-)
Alfvaen does the same with the older, more well established Big White Gazette.

IRC Service - Connect to herne.dragoncat.net port 9942.

[The Nomic Ring]

This Nomic Ring site is owned by Duncan Richer.

Want to join the Nomic Ring

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Mailing Information:
Most offices can be reached via ackanomic.org email aliases, e.g. web@ackanomic.org will get back to me as Web-Harfer.

Page by: Mitchell Harding, Joseph DeVincentis, Aaron Humphrey, and now Duncan Richer.