The Magic Number is 239
Antimatter has had the Magic Potato and
Robert Sevin has had the Great Tuba
since Jul 28 19:24 EDT
Alfvaen has had The Great Trombone since Sun, 1 Jun 1997 22:12:37 -0600.
Harfmeister: Chaos. Harfy props: none
Current Streak: 2249 (1).
1997 Tornadoes: March 20, 8:55 EST; June 21, 4:20 EDT; September 22, 19:56 EDT; December 21, 15:07 EST.
breadbox has the tweaked widget of yendor.
Current Scores:
Score Ackanomic Name Status Real Name ----- -------------- 1234 ------------- 52 Niccolo Flychuck A (Uri Bruck) 21 Malenkai A (Randy Hall) 21 Guy Fawkes A (Robert Shimmin) 18 Techno A (Jerome Herrman) 18 breadbox A (Brian Raiter) 17 Alfvaen A (Aaron Humphrey) 17 Vynd A (John McCoy) 15 Rex Mundi A (Gavin Doig) 15 /dev/joe A (Joseph DeVincentis) 12 mr cwm A (Eric Murray) 9 two-star A (Alexandre Muniz) 6 ThinMan A (John Bollinger) 3 Karma A (Jordan James) 3 Robert Sevin A (Mitchell Harding) 3 Chaos A (Jason Orendorff) 0 Antimatter A (Ross Morgan-Linial) 0 Atilla the Pun AV (Micah Smukler) 0 CarsesraC A (Jeroen M.W. van Dijk) 0 AZTEC GOD A (Jesse Czaja) 0 Red Barn AV (Daniel Knapp) 0 Darth Vader RV (Clair Viglione) 0 Ben NP (Benjamin Good) 0 Dread Pirate Roberts Ag (Hank Turowski) 0 Ace Rimmer N (Gregory McClune) -3 fnord A (Michael J. Thomas) -7 Calvin N Hobbes AV (Thierry Joffrain) -8 Mr. Lunatic Fringe A (Phil Ackley) -28 Voting Gnome N (Ed Graham) Status: Column 1: N=New R=Returning (for Pending players) Column 1: N=New R=Returning A=Active n=Non-voting (for Vacationing players) Column 2: A=Active, P=Pending, N=Non-voting, V=Vacation, I=On Ice, D=Dead Other columns: v=Victory Eggplant, g=Chartreuse Goose, f=Frobbed Widget of Yendor, i=Involuntary (last put-on-vacation)Point Log for this cycle
Scores at the end of past cycles | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15)
Summary of scoring rules (slightly out of date)