- 11 September 2006: added pages for Nomopoly IV to the archive. Thanks to jeff Yakel.
- 24 February 2006: nomic.net is back up, in its new home.
- 12 February 2006: added five rulesets for Nomic World to the archive. Thanks to Gordon Hogenson for mailing us paper copies of these.
- 20 January 2006: added pages for Nomopoly III to the archive. Thanks to Jeff Yakel.
- 12 October 2005: added partial list archives for Acronomic to the archive. Thanks to Aquarion.
- 19 May 2005: added wiki for WikiNomic to the archive.
- 1 April 2005: added pages for LiveJournal Nomic to the archive.
- 29 March 2005: added files for primal nomic to the archive.
- 29 March 2005: added pages for Nomopoly II to the archive.
- 9 February 2005: added polls for Pure_Nomic to the archive.
- 7 February 2005: minor site restructuring. Created News, Links, and Tools pages. Main pages are valid XHTML 1.1.
- 20 January 2005: added polls for Legislative Nomic to the archive.
- 18 January 2005: added pages for ifMUD Nomic to the archive.
- 18 January 2005: added pages for CUGC Nomic to the archive.
- 18 January 2005: added a page for Unanomic to the archive.
- 17 January 2005: added pages for Scatterbrains to the archive.
- 17 January 2005: added pages for Survivor Nomic to the archive.
- 16 January 2005: added pages for Moderated Nomic to the archive.
- 16 January 2005: added pages for Misty's Nomic to the archive.
- 16 January 2005: added more Nomic World documents to the archive.
- 16 January 2005: added Yahoo! group files for ThermodyNomic to the archive.
- 16 January 2005: added Yahoo! group files for Pure_Nomic to the archive.
- 16 January 2005: added boardgame files for Our Nomic to the archive.
- 16 January 2005: added Yahoo! group files for n_omic to the archive.
- 16 January 2005: added pages for DDDnomic to the archive.
- 15 January 2005: upgraded and despammed the NomicWiki.
- 11 January 2005: added pages for Acronomic to the archive.
- 11 January 2005: added another list archive for Mornington Nomic to the archive.
- 11 January 2005: added list archive for Pure Nomic to the archive.
- 11 January 2005: added list archive for Our Nomic to the archive.
- 10 January 2005: added pages for McNomic to the archive.
- 10 January 2005: added pages for NomicICQ to the archive.
- 10 January 2005: added pages for Nomic World to the archive.
- 10 January 2005: added pages for Rishonomic to the archive.
- 10 January 2005: added pages for New Rishonnomic to the archive.
- 10 January 2005: added pages and mail archive for Mornington Nomic to the archive.
- 9 January 2005: added pages for Imperial Nomic 30 to the archive.
- 9 January 2005: added pages for Future Nomic to the archive.
- 9 January 2005: added pages for IgNomic to the archive.
- 9 January 2005: added pages for Nomic Risk to the archive.
- 9 January 2005: added pages for Nomopoly I to the archive.
- 9 January 2005: added pages for NPP Nomic to the archive.
- 9 January 2005: added pages for OxNomic to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for Socialnomic to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added mail archives for Not Bob to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added mail archive for Legislative Nomic to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added mail archive for Genomic to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for Valparaiso Nomic to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for Nomic-Game to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for Nomic mit Tens to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for the Fantasy Wargame Design Project to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for N_omic to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for Imperial Galactic Nog Nomic to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for Imperial Nomic 29 to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for Imperial Nomic 28 v2.0 to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for Imperial Nomic 31 to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for Utopia to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for Unplugged Nomic to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added a page for Reponomic to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for Prism Nomic to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: added pages for DocNomic to the archive.
- 8 January 2005: I'm in the midst of making my yearly maintenance sweep. Watch this space for changes.