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which contains an accurate snapshot of the gamestate (except proposals) at some time far in the past.Proposal Information for End the game
Exists: No
Created: by Robert at 21:44:52 13th February 2005 GMT.
Description: End Christmas Game very soon
Expires 21:44:52 1st March 2005 GMT
Create a new rule entitled "Dusk" with the following ^-delimited text, but with the date and time one second after this proposal is passed substituted for "*date*" and "*time*" respectively.
^The game ends on *date* just before *time*. After the game has ended, the gamestate is immutable. The date and time of day are part of the gamestate, and are equal to the minimum of their real-world values and *time* on *date*.^
The colour of "Dusk" shall be the appropriate shade of purple, because no extant rule has anything close to that colour.
- Robert voted with 8/9
- Alex voted with 8/9
- Kelly voted with 2/5
Comments:- Rule 1 (BasicActions) permits ending the game with unanimous consent of players, but this might be difficult. Also, the rules don't mention what should happen after the game ends. I hope that I have accomplished this while maintaining the ruleset's consistency. Feel free to create competing proposals!--Robert
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