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which contains an accurate snapshot of the gamestate (except proposals) at some time far in the past.Proposal Information for Raincloud
Exists: No
Created: by Alex at 2:09:10 17th October 2003 GMT.
Description: there exists a way to make burning states false
Expires 2:09:10 2nd November 2003 GMT
Create a
New Rule: Raincloud
Color: gray, because that's the color of a raincloud
with the following asterisk-delimited text.
The raincloud has the name "bar", and its location is some vertex of space.
Whenever the space heater moves from vertex (x, y) to (x+dx, y+dy), and the raincloud is at (a, b), and (a, b) and (a-dx, b-dy) are graphwise adjacent, the raincloud will instantly move to (a-dx, b-dy).
The gamestate includes those properties of the raincloud that are referred to in the ruleset.
Modify rule 26 BurningVertices to have the following asterisk-delimited text.
Each vertex of space has a boolean burning state which is part of the gamestate. If the raincloud remains at any vertex for at least eight days, the burning state of the vertex becomes false. If the space heater remains at any vertex for at least eight days, and the raincloud is not at the vertex during that time, the burning state of the vertex becomes true.
When a new vertex is created, its burning state is false.
Set the location of the raincloud to vertex 0, that is, (1, 4).
- Alex voted with 1
- Robert voted with 5/7
- Olena voted with -1
- Xiannan voted with 1
Comments:- --I wish there was some point to this game before we made up more new objects. So I'm against this, for now. --Olena B
- But I don't like that burning is irreversible. So what qualifies as a point to you?
- --Alex
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