Final Rules

01/ Follow the Rules / Only twelve players will be admitted at the start of the game. By applying and being admitted to the game, players agree to follow the rules.

02/ High Rules / Rules 01-05 are High Rules. The players may not change the High Rules. High Rules take precedence over all other rules.

03/ Winning / Only one player may win the game.

04/ Elimination / All players continue to be players until the rules specify that they are Eliminated. Once a player is Eliminated, they may no longer participate in the game.

05/ Vetoing / The Host may veto any proposals that would create responsibilities for the Host he is unable to fulfill. A vetoed proposal fails, regardless of any votes cast on it.

1/ The Host / The maintainer of the game is called to Host. It is the Host’s responsibility to keep an updated account of the current rules, current player list, and pending proposals.

2/ Host’s Rights / The Host may submit one proposal of his own once per Round. The Host may not vote on proposals. The Host may make spelling or grammar changes to the rules at any time.

3/ Rounds / The game is divided into Rounds, each consisting of seven days, from Monday to Sunday. Every Monday at 9 AM CST, the Host will distribute the current proposals for voting; the Host will not reveal which players made which proposals. Every Thursday at 9 PM CST, the Host will reveal the results of voting on proposals and state who made what proposals; passed proposals then take effect simultaneously. Every Saturday at 9 PM CST, the Host will reveal if any game actions taken by any players have caused one or more players to be Eliminated, and those players will be removed from the game immediately.

4/ Proposals / A proposal may create, amend, or repeal one or more rules, or describe one or more game actions to be carried out. If a proposal creates a new rule it must include a title for that rule, and the new rule is given a rule number greater than the highest existing rule number. In the event that two or more proposals attempt to alter the same the same portion of the rules, the one with the greater number of FOR votes will be enacted and the others will be ignored. If there is a tie, the proposal with the lower ordinal proposal number shall be enacted.

5/ Submitting Proposals / Players may submit Rule Change Proposals (also called proposals) to the Host at any time to be voted on during the next round. These proposals must include a title and detail the changes to the rules the player wishes to carry out. When the Host distributes the proposals, he will give each a unique number, starting with 001.

6/ Only One / A player may only have one proposal considered per Round. If the same player submits multiple proposals to the Host before the next Round begins, only the most recently submitted proposal will be distributed.

7/ Mailing List / All players will have access to a mailing list to communicate to other players, post game actions and draft proposals, or to use as they see fit. Once a player is Eliminated they are removed from the list. When to rules specify the players to submit something to the Host, it means directly to the Host and not via the mailing list.

8/ Voting / Players may vote FOR or AGAINST proposals currently up for vote. Players submit these votes to the Host, sometime after the proposals have been distributed but before the host reveals the votes.

9/ Passing / A proposal passes and takes effect if the number of FOR votes cast for it is greater or equal to the number of players voting on that proposal, divided by two (rounded down) plus one.

10/ Request for Judgement / If at any time, the rules are ambiguous, unclear, or appear to contradict each other, a player may submit a Request for Judgement to the mailing list. It is the Host’s duty to deliver a verdict on the issue, and the Host’s decision is final. Such verdicts will be numbered from RFJ-01

11/ Inactive Elimination / If a player does not vote on proposals in any round, that player will be Eliminated. A player who is eliminated via inactive elimination cannot be saved by simply losing points (as per rule 18, Pointer.)

13/ Winning / If at any time there is only one player in the game, that player shall be declared the winner.

14/ Precedence / Rules with lower ordinal numbers take precedence over higher ordinal number rules.

15/ Immunity Gavel /When the Host announces that a player's proposal has passed, that player gains five points.

16/ Return from Beyond / Any time an individual is eliminated from the game, that person moves on and sits on a jury for the remainder of the game. If only two players remain, members of the jury may post to the mailing list nominating either of these Players. If either player is ever nominated by more than half of the jury, that player wins immediately. Otherwise the game continues. The rules of the game may still require more of these two individuals in order to win, but ultimately this jury will determine the winner. The jury will also potentially make future judgements, as deemed fit by the game and future rule changes.

17/ Forced Success / There exists an entity known as The Ring. After the enactment and dismissal phase of each round, one player is awarded this entity. The player who receives it for the round has a vote twice that of the usual for each proposal voted on in a round where he/she has the ring. For example, if a player votes FOR on a proposal, his/her vote counts as if it were two FORs in the total vote and the quorum is increased as if there were another player still in the game and that player had voted the same as the player with The Ring.

18/ Points /Each player has an amount of Points. If a player would be Eliminated, but has more than five points, they lose five points instead of being Eliminated. Once per round, a player may send a message to The Host indicating another player who will lose a point. At the end of a round, it is revealed who lost points in this manner, and how many, but not who caused them to lose those points. If a player ever has zero or fewer points, for any reason, that player is eliminated. A player who is eliminated via inactive elimination cannot be saved by simply losing points.