Minister of Record's Office

Upkept by the Minister of Records

All Propositions for a week must be submitted on or before 23:59 (Pacific Time), Monday night.
All votes for a week must be submitted on or before 23:59 (Pacific Time), Wednesday Night.
A Week Begins Thursday mornings at 00:00

Latest News:

Goto the Simplex News page for more details and news history.

Index of The Minister's Office

Quick Mail Directory

Clicking a link here will automatically set the subject for the e-mail appropriately. Since I am setting up my mail client to sort by subject, it is important to me to recieve mails by thier proper subject. Failure to do so may result in extra processing time due to lost or mixed up mail. Before mailing anything in, be sure to understand any related procedure, if they exsist.

Discussion Board Index

Here is a list of available discussion boards. Please note that there is no automatic refreshing with this forum engine, so you must manually reload the forum message index after each post!

Proposition Submission Procedure

To submit a new proposition:
  1. Draft the Proposition, with your first and last name at the top, followed by a blank line.
  2. E-mail the official draft to the Minister of Records, with the subject as: "Simplex:Proposition Submission". It is also recommended that you start a new thread on the Proposition Discussion Board, and make a copy of it there.
  3. Upon recieving, the Minister of Records will record the Time and Date stamp for the proposition from the e-mail (To read the official time stamp procedure, click here) this is the official submission time. If submitted on time, then the Minister of Records will post it as an addendum to the law books, but in red type face to signify that it hasn't yet been voted on.
  4. As revisions are made, send them to the Minister of Records, with the subject "Simplex:Proposition Revision", and he will post up the revisions, altering the time and date stamp to that of the last update. The last update received before the deadline will be the final draft that is voted on.

Voting Procedure

To submit a request for Judgment:
  1. Read all the propositions (the laws written in red type). They will only be the latest additions to the law books.
  2. E-mail the Minister of Records a mail containing the proposition number, followed by wither a yes (or yea), no (or nea), or an abstain. Please place each propostition on a seperate line, and the vote on the same line as the number. It makes it easier to tally. Also, make sure the subject is "Simplex:Voting Ballot" so that I can sort it properly.
Note: At this time, I am required by law to post the results of a vote. The results, in the form of a percentage, will be posted with the date stamp for the propostition. If the proposition is displayed as black on white, it has passed, and if it is diplayed white on black, it has failed.

Invoking Judgment Procedure

To submit a request for Judgment:
  1. E-mail the Minister of Records, your name, and the names of people involved in the opposition (so as to sapena them for a statement), and a description of the issue that needs to be resolved. Be sure to set the subject to "Simplex:Invoke Judgment".
  2. Wait. The Minister of Records will collect official statements from all the persons involved, and then give those to the appointed Judge. When a verdict is reached, he will post all court records, as well as e-mail the verdict to all persons involved.

Law Databse

Here is contained every proposition and law. All propositions are written in red, and are at the end of the last volume of laws. All laws are written in black on white, and all failed propositions are written in white on black.


In this book is contained the request for Judgment, all the statements, and the verdict, for every case put to judgment.

Citizen Registry & Point Record

At this time, It isn't necessary to keep track of all point transactions, and therefore only a record of the current point values exsists. Listing in the point directory is mandatory for all players. Being listed here explicity means your an official citizen of Simplex, and only people listed here are official citizens. If you would like to transfer points to another citizen, e-mail the Minister of Records with the subject set to "Simplex:Point Xfer", and put the amount of the transfer, and who it should be transfered to in it. For a list of all the current citizens, e-mail addresses, point status, and other stats, go to the Registry of Citizen's Statistics.