Week 8
- Silver Car rolls 1-6, landing on s(int *x,int a,int b,int n){int m=(a+b)/2;return a>b?-1:n<x[m]?s(x,a,m-1,n):n>x[m]?s(x,m+1,b,n):m;}
- ChocolateChip rolls 3-5, landing on Square #43, with option to buy
- Ghost rolls 5-6, landing on Townhouse, paying $96 to ChocolateChip
- ChinDoGu rolls 6-1, landing on Townhouse, paying $96 to ChocolateChip
- THE CHEESE rolls 4-5, landing on Square #16, paying $48 to Cari
- Kwyjibo rolls 2-3, landing on National Park, paying $27 to ChinDoGu
- Cari rolls 3-6, landing on Square #29, with option to buy
- The MTS Bison rolls 3-4, landing on Vermont Avenue
- ChinDoGu builds a Mall on Casino
- THE CHEESE builds an ICBM in the Missile Silo on Square #4
- THE CHEESE builds a Mall on int swap (int *a, int *b) {*a ^= *b; *b ^= *a; *a ^= *b;}
- THE CHEESE builds a Mall on max(int *x,int n){int i,max=0; for(i=1;i<n;i++) if(x[i]>x[max]) max=i; return max;}
- Cari buys Square #29
- Kwyjibo places a Jack of Clubs on Blackjack
- Kwyjibo places a 3 of Spades on max(int *x,int n){int i,max=0; for(i=1;i<n;i++) if(x[i]>x[max]) max=i; return max;}
- Kwyjibo builds a House on The owner of an unnamed square may give the square a name
- Kwyjibo builds a House on Blackjack
- Kwyjibo builds a House on No
- Kwyjibo builds a House on Cypher
- Silver Car pays $5 to ChinDoGu and takes the railroad to The House of Cards
- Silver Car trades in a 2 of Hearts, a 2 of Spades, a 2 of Spades, a 4 of Hearts, and a 4 of Hearts for an Anthrax
- Silver Car trades in a 5 of Diamonds, a 5 of Diamonds, a 6 of Clubs, and a 6 of Hearts for a Time Bomb
- Silver Car pays $10 to ChinDoGu and $10 to THE CHEESE and takes the railroad to Casino
- Silver Car places a Time Bomb on Casino
- ChocolateChip buys Square #43 and names it Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts
- ChocolateChip builds an Anti-Missile Battery on Kwyjibo
- ChocolateChip builds a Missile Silo on Cari
- ChocolateChip builds a Cruise Missile in the Missile Silo on Cari
- Kwyjibo rolls 5-1, landing on Cypher. A springboard sends him back to Ghost, paying $24 to ChocolateChip
- Silver Car rolls 1-6, landing on Square #1, paying $1 to Cari and losing 5 health
- THE CHEESE rolls 1-5, landing on s(int *x,int a,int b,int n){int m=(a+b)/2;return a>b?-1:n<x[m]?s(x,a,m-1,n):n>x[m]?s(x,m+1,b,n):m;}, paying $559 to Silver Car
- ChocolateChip rolls 6-2, landing on The Zoo, with option to spawn a creature
- ChinDoGu rolls 5-1, landing on St. Charles Place, paying $114 to Silver Car
- Cari rolls 4-1, landing on Square #34, with option to buy
- Ghost rolls 2-4, landing on St. Charles Place, paying $114 to Silver Car
- The MTS Bison rolls 2-2, landing on void hello(){printf("Hello World!");}, losing 5 health
- Kwyjibo pays $30 to ChocolateChip and takes the railroad to Silver Car
- Kwyjibo builds a Mall on Blackjack
- ChocolateChip spawns The Skunk
- ChocolateChip creates an Industrial Block on Ghost, The name must not be more than 100 characters long, and int pow (int a, int b) {return b == 0 ? 1 : b % 2 == 0 ? pow(a * a, b / 2) : a * pow(a, b - 1);}
- ChocolateChip builds a Missile Silo on The name must not be more than 100 characters long
- ChocolateChip builds a Cruise Missile in the Missile Silo on The name must not be more than 100 characters long
- ChocolateChip fires a Cruise Missile from The name must not be more than 100 characters long to Square #4. The Missile Silo on Square #4 is destroyed. The computers in the Missile Silo go haywire, causing an ICBM to be fired at Cari, int pow (int a, int b) {return b == 0 ? 1 : b % 2 == 0 ? pow(a * a, b / 2) : a * pow(a, b - 1);}, and int f (int n) {if (x == 0) return 1; else return n * f(n - 1);}. Cari, Parliament House, int pow (int a, int b) {return b == 0 ? 1 : b % 2 == 0 ? pow(a * a, b / 2) : a * pow(a, b - 1);}, The name must not be more than 100 characters long, Hero+ # + *hics*, ChinDoGu, int f (int n) {if (x == 0) return 1; else return n * f(n - 1);}, National Park, and Square #4 are all destroyed. This causes the Industrial Block on Square #1, Cari, Square #3, the Industrial Block on int f (int n) {if (x == 0) return 1; else return n * f(n - 1);}, Square #4, void hello(){printf("Hello World!");}, and the Residential Block on Jail, Parliament House to all be destroyed. Also, the computers in the Missile Silo on Cari to go haywire, and a Cruise Missile is fired at The owner of an unnamed square may give the square a name. The missile is not successful and does no damage. ChocolateChip is now a terrorist until the end of week 14.
- Cari buys Square #34
- ChinDoGu pays $5 to Silver Car and takes the railroad to The House of Cards
- ChinDoGu trades in a 2 of Spades for a Jetpack
- ChinDoGu trades in an 8 of Spades and a 4 of Spades for a Card Remover
- ChinDoGu places a King of Clubs on identical to any other square name on the board
- ChinDoGu uses a Jetpack
- ChinDoGu builds a Railroad on Square #11
- ChinDoGu builds a Railroad on identical to any other square name on the board
- ChinDoGu builds a Railroad on City Park
- Ghost trades in a 10 of Hearts and a Jack of Clubs for a Lottery Ticket
- This week's lottery numbers: 5 3 13 12 9 3 6. Ghost holds tickets 2 15 17 6 13 3 12, 8 12 3 15 13 5 5, and 9 11 6 5 9 1 12, and wins immunity from paying rent on his next roll.
- Proposal #32
- Proposed by Kwyjibo
- Accepted by a vote of 6-1. Modified section 4 of rule XIV.
Amend rule XIV-4 to read as follows:
When a player lands on a square that is owned by an opponent and contains a card, the player who landed there must pay rent to the owner, defined as $(square number * card value), where card value is 11 for an ace, 10 for a face card, and the number of the card for any other card.
- Comments: Did anyone find the difference between this rule and the old rule XIV-4?
- Proposal #33
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
- Rejected by a vote of 5-2.
New Building!
Wormhole: Costs $75 and can be built on a residential or industrial square as per the current building rules. Any player that lands on a square containing a Wormhole is immediately warped into "Parallel Universe".
Parallel Universe is a separate board initially containing 7 squares numbered from -7 to -1 inclusive. (All Parallel Universe squares will have negative numbers, so no ambiguity with the Nomopoly board). The squares on the Parallel Universe board are not governed by the rules of Nomopoly squares, so they may not be purchased/owned/hit with missiles/etc (at least initially). All of the other rules of Nomopoly still apply, however.
The initial rules of Parallel Universe are as follows:
1) When a player warps into Parallel Universe, he will be placed on the lowest numbered square in Parallel Universe.
2) When a player takes a turn in Parallel Universe, he will roll one 6-sided die and advance that many squares on the Parallel Universe board.
3) When a player passes or leaves Square -1 of Parallel Universe, there is a 50% chance that the player will continue his move on to the lowest numbered square of the Parallel Universe board (as usual), and a 50% chance that the player will be warped out of Parallel Universe.
4) When a player warps out of Parallel Universe, he will have the option to make one rule proposal for Parallel Universe. The rule proposal will be posted during the next update, and the voting will take place during that update. The following people each receive one vote on the proposal:
- The Admin
- All players who have been in Parallel Universe during either the current update or the previous one.
The voting will take place during the next update after the proposal is posted. If the proposal receives more Yes than No votes, it is added to the rules of Parallel Universe.
When a player warps out of Parallel Universe, he will be placed on the square which he occupied before getting warped into Parallel Universe (but is not considered to have landed there). If for some reason that square does not exist at that time, the player will be placed on Square #1.
For the sake of continuing rule XIX-3, if a Skunk lands on a square containing a Wormhole, a randomly selected player gets immediately warped into Parallel Universe.
Extra notes:
- A Parallel Universe proposal should apply only to Parallel Universe, and must not change the rules of Nomopoly or affect players who are not in Parallel Universe (it will be up to the admin to judge a Parallel Universe proposal and veto any proposals that in his opinion are in violation).
- A Parallel Universe proposal is not considered to be a "regular proposal" by the current rules, and therefore is not subject to the effects of rule VIII (so you don't lose $100 for not voting and a Parallel Universe proposal doesn't count against the one proposal you get per week). The Admin still has the right to reject proposals that he believes are unfair or destructive to gameplay, however.
- Comments: You played Nomopoly I, and we tried the Parallel Universe. I thought we all learned an important lesson about that!
- Proposal #34
- Proposed by ChinDoGu
- Accepted by a vote of 5-2. Added section 6 to rule XXII.
Players may build Houses and springboards on Residential squares
- Comments: Have fun building houses on your residential block, ChinDoGu.
- Proposal #35
- Proposed by THE CHEESE
- Accepted by a vote of 5-2. Modified section 2 of rule XIV.
to encourage the trading of cards among players, I propose that the cards each player holds are posted on the players page for all players to see (just like any other items).
- Comments: Now that all cards are posted on the Players page, I won't be including the act of receiving cards in individual emails. Less work for me, which is getting more important as the game goes on :-)
- Proposal #36
- Proposed by Silver Car
- Accepted by a vote of 4-3. Added section 16 to rule VI.
Every time a player goes past the end of the board and back around to Square #1, a new square gets added on to the end of the board.
- Comments: Excellent. We'll be needing more squares after the little missile mishap this week...