Week 6
- Cari rolls 5-6, landing on Kwyjibo, paying $132 to ChocolateChip
- Ghost rolls 4-1, landing on int fib (int n) {return n == 1 || n == 2 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);}, paying $552 to THE CHEESE
- Kwyjibo rolls 5-3, landing on Connecticut Avenue, paying $93 to Silver Car
- Cypher rolls 4-2, landing on Kwyjibo, paying $132 to ChocolateChip
- TheCasey rolls 3-1, landing on A+noob+is, paying $123 to Ghost
- ChinDoGu rolls 3-3, landing on Square #45, with option to buy
- ChinDoGu rolls 4-2, landing on The Zoo, with option to spawn a creature
- THE CHEESE rolls 4-4, landing on Jail, paying $54 to ChinDoGu
- THE CHEESE rolls 2-2, landing on Square #22, with option to buy
- THE CHEESE rolls 4-4, landing on Square #30, with option to buy
- THE CHEESE rolls 1-1, landing on Square #32, with option to buy if ChinDoGu does not
- THE CHEESE rolls 3-2, landing on Square #37, with option to buy
- Silver Car rolls 5-2, landing on Square #45, with option to buy if ChinDoGu does not
- ChocolateChip rolls 3-3, landing on Square #4, with option to buy
- ChocolateChip rolls 4-3, landing on Square #11, with option to buy
- THE CHEESE buys Square #22 and names it s(int *x,int a,int b,int n){int m=(a+b)/2;return a>b?-1:n<x[m]?s(x,a,m-1,n):n>x[m]?s(x,m+1,b,n):m;}
- THE CHEESE buys Square #30 and names it void hello(){printf("Hello World!");}
- THE CHEESE buys Square #37 and names it max(int *x,int n){int i,max=0; for(i=1;i<n;i++) if(x[i]>x[max]) max=i; return max;}
- THE CHEESE builds a railroad on int swap (int *a, int *b) {*a ^= *b; *b ^= *a; *a ^= *b;}
- THE CHEESE builds a railroad on max(int *x,int n){int i,max=0; for(i=1;i<n;i++) if(x[i]>x[max]) max=i; return max;}
- THE CHEESE builds a railroad on s(int *x,int a,int b,int n){int m=(a+b)/2;return a>b?-1:n<x[m]?s(x,a,m-1,n):n>x[m]?s(x,m+1,b,n):m;}
- ChocolateChip buys Square #4 and names it Square #11
- ChocolateChip buys Square #11 and names it Square #4
- ChocolateChip builds a railroad on Kwyjibo
- Kwyjibo places a 7 of Diamonds on The owner of an unnamed square may give the square a name
- ChinDoGu buys Square #32 and names it Townhouse
- ChinDoGu buys Square #45 and names it Casino
- ChinDoGu spawns The MTS Bison
- ChinDoGu places a 10 of Spades on Casino
- ChinDoGu places a 10 of Clubs on Corner Store
- ChinDoGu builds a railroad on Jail
- ChinDoGu builds a railroad on Parliament House
- ChinDoGu builds a railroad on Corner Store
- Ghost trades in a 3 of Hearts for a Lottery Ticket
- Ghost trades in a 4 of Hearts and an Ace of Spades for a Lottery Ticket
- ChinDoGu, ChocolateChip, and THE CHEESE create a Commercial Block on int swap (int *a, int *b) {*a ^= *b; *b ^= *a; *a ^= *b;}, max(int *x,int n){int i,max=0; for(i=1;i<n;i++) if(x[i]>x[max]) max=i; return max;}, Kwyjibo, and Casino
- ChinDoGu builds a Store on Casino
- ChocolateChip places a King of Clubs on Kwyjibo
- ChocolateChip builds a Store on Kwyjibo
- Cari and ChocolateChip create an Industrial Block on Square #1, Cari, and Square #3
- ChocolateChip rolls 5-3, landing on Parliament House, paying $57 to ChinDoGu
- TheCasey rolls 4-3, landing on Square #48, with option to buy
- Cypher rolls 3-2, landing on Silver Car, paying $147 to ChocolateChip
- Cari rolls 6-4, landing on Square #3, losing 5 health
- Kwyjibo rolls 4-1, landing on int swap (int *a, int *b) {*a ^= *b; *b ^= *a; *a ^= *b;}, paying $108 to THE CHEESE, with $3 going to the Admin Bank Account
- Silver Car rolls 1-2, landing on Square #48, with option to buy if TheCasey does not
- ChinDoGu rolls 6-3, landing on Square #9, with option to buy
- THE CHEESE rolls 6-5, landing on Square #48, with option to buy if TheCasey and Silver Car do not
- Ghost rolls 5-5, landing on Mediterranean Avenue, paying $15 to Silver Car
- Ghost rolls 6-1, landing on Baltic Avenue, paying $36 to Silver Car
- The MTS Bison rolls 2-4, landing on The owner of an unnamed square may give the square a name
- This week's lottery numbers: 7 17 8 13 1 11 16. Ghost holds ticket 17 11 20 19 1 13 1, and wins immunity from paying rent on his next roll.
- Cari, Cypher, and TheCasey have been fined $400 for not voting
- Cypher and TheCasey have been removed from the game due to inactivity
- Proposal #23
- Proposed by Kwyjibo
- Rejected by a vote of 3-3.
I propose that people are able to work for a wage each week. The beginning wage will be $100 a week and will be paid at the end of the week. Consider this to be Sunday.
A player may increase their wage by taking University of Nomopoly courses for post-secondary education. The first year base courses cost $500 and will increase the person's wage to $300. This course will take 2 complete turns to learn and at that point the person will from then on receive a wage of $300 a week.
More Careers
Pre-requisite: base courses
Thief: A thief course costs $500 and takes 2 complete weeks to complete just like the base courses above. It allows a person to steal 5% of a player's money if another player occupies the same square as the current player (only once a turn). The thief also gets a wage of $400 a week and has a 1 in 10 chance of avoiding any reduction that occurs to his health.
Pre-requisite: base courses
Healer: A healer course costs $500 and takes 2 complete weeks to complete just like the base courses. It allows the player to gain 10 health each week (to a max of 100) at no cost. They also get a wage of $400 a week. Any player who occupies the same square as a healer or a square adjacent to a healer may request to be healed (maximum once per turn) and gain 10 health by paying $200 to the healer.
Pre-requisite: base courses
Warrior: A Warrior course costs $500 and takes 2 complete weeks to complete just like the base courses. A Warrior takes only half damage for all reductions in health. It also raises their wage to $350. It also allows the player to attack another player who is in the same square or adjacent to him, causing the target player to lose 10 health, maximum of once per update.
Pre-requisite: base courses
Politician: A politician course costs $1000 and takes 3 complete weeks to complete. It allows the player to have a wage of $450 a week and allows him the option to (once per week) give $200 to a randomly selected player. The money simply comes from nowhere and no one asks questions (just like real politics). It also allows the person to have a 1 in 10 chance of avoiding rent because of political immunity. They can also give out one gift item to a player of their choice each week at no cost to them. The gifts that a politician can give are a certificate of greatness, fake dimond, and get out of jail free card.
Also please feel free to add new careers to it if the rule passes.
All chance will be done randomly by the admin.
All wages are paid at the end of a week.
No 2 courses may be taken at the same time by the same player.
More courses and upgrades may be available in the future if rules are proposed to do so.
- Comments: It's ok, your rule is actually quite short compared to some other ones we've had. But your rule is rejected anyway. Sorry.
- Proposal #24
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
- Accepted by a vote of 4-2. Added and modified rules all over the place.
Add the following buildings to the game:
Missile Silo: Cost: $250. May only be built on the "center" square of an Industrial block (ie. the square that borders both of the other squares in the block). A Missile Silo may produce one missile per update, to be decided and payed for by the owner of the silo. The missiles are stored inside the silo and are not considered to be "items" owned by the player. A single missile silo may hold up to 3 missiles.
A missile may be fired only by the consent of all players who own squares in the block containing the Missile Silo. A missile silo may not fire more than one missile per update. When a missile is fired, the player who owns the missile silo must select a target square that is within the range of the missile. A square is said to be within range of the missile if the "distance" from the missile silo to the square is less than or equal to the missile's range value, where "distance" is the number of moves in the smallest path between the two squares, using North, South, East, or West moves to bordering squares. Example: If a Missile Silo is on Square 14, a missile with range = 2 could fire at any of the following squares: 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 26, 27, 28, or 34.
Each missile also has a probability of success, and an effect that will take place if the missile is successful. In either case, the missile is destroyed after being fired.
The following types of missiles are available:
- Cruise Missile: Cost: $400, Range: 4, Probability of success: 65%. Effect: Destroys a randomly selected building in the target square.
- Chemical Missile: Cost: $600, Range: 2, Probability of success: 65%. Effect: Causes the target square to become "polluted". Any player landing on a polluted square loses 5 health, but only has to pay 1/3 of the normal rent. (Same as pollution for an Industrial square, without the weekly income).
- Biological Missile: Cost: $750, Range: 3, Probability of success: 70%. Effect: The owner of the target square loses ownership of the square, any occupants of the target square lose 20 health, and the target square becomes "contaminated" for 3 weeks. A contaminated square may not be purchased or owned. Ffiring a Biological Missile is a "minor atrocity", explained below.
- ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile): Cost: $1000, Range: Unlimited, Probability of success: 90%. Effect: The target square is destroyed, and each square directly adjacent to the target, either North, South, East, or West, has a 50% chance of also being destroyed. A destroyed square is removed from the board. Any players occupying a square at the time of its destruction loses 25 health and are placed on Square #1. Firing an ICBM is a "major atrocity", explained below.
Any player who consents to an action directly leading to a minor atrocity is considered to be a "terrorist" for the current week and the next week after the atrocity. Any player who consents to an action directly leading to a major atrocity is considered to be a terrorist for the current week and the next 6 weeks after the atrocity. Being a terrorist has the following effects:
- A terrorist does not receive $1000 for going around the board as stated in VI-11.
- A terrorist may not buy squares.
- A terrorist may not buy lottery tickets.
- A terrorist may not trade with players who are non-terrorists.
If a Missile Silo is destroyed by means of another missile (either by the building being destroyed or the square being destroyed), the computers in the Missile Silo go haywire, and all missiles in the silo are fired at randomly selected squares within their ranges. This, of course, may destroy other missile silos as well...
Anti-Missile Battery: Cost: $100. May be built on a square that is part of any block. Any time a missile is fired at a square, the probability of success for that missile is reduced by 10% for each Anti-Missile Battery in the square or any of its bordering squares. Example: Squares 3 and 4 each contain an Anti-Missile Battery. If a Cruise Missile is fired at Square #3, the probability of success for that missile will be reduced to 45%.
Extra notes:
The current rules for buildings on a commercial block apply to buildings on any block type, such as:
- Buildings may only be built on a square that is in a block by the owner of the square.
- When a block is destroyed, all buildings on the square are destroyed and the owner of the buildings receives a 50% refund.
- Buildings must be built evenly on a block, so you can't place a 3rd building on a square until all other squares in the block have at least two, and so on as stated in rule XXII-1.
When a square is destroyed, it is simply removed from the board, and under no circumstances is any square number changed. The current movement rules still apply. Example: Square 7 is destroyed. The successor of Square 6 is now Square 8.
If Square #1 gets destroyed, all references in the rules to "Square #1" will change to "The lowest numbered square on the board".
- Comments: I see nothing but trouble coming from this one...
- Proposal #25
- Proposed by Silver Car
- Accepted by a vote of 4-2. Added a new rule XXIV to the rules.
A randomly selected square on the board (to be selected by jeff immediately after this rule passes) will be named the "House of Cards". This square will contain a railroad, and no player may own this square.
Any player who lands on or occupies the House of Cards (by normal movement or railroad or whatever) will have the option, during that update, to buy some really cool stuff by trading in cards:
Any "spade" card - A jetpack, which, when used, will allow the player to roll an extra die on his next turn. "Doubles" is defined as exactly two dice in the roll showing the same number.
A "pair" (two cards with same rank) - Medicine, which, when used, will cause the player to gain 15 health.
Two pairs - A time bomb, which may be placed on the square the player currently occupies. When a player lands on a square containing a time bomb, the bomb goes BOOM! and causes the player who landed there to lose 20 health. This causes the bomb to be destroyed.
Three of a kind (three cards with same rank) - A warp bubble, which, when used, will allow the player to jump to a square of his choice
A "straight" (five cards with ranks in sequence, aces can be low or high) - A hammer, which may be used on any player who occupies the same square as the player using the hammer. Causes the target player to lose 15 health.
A "flush" (five cards of the same suit) - Glue, which may be placed on the square the player currently occupies. When a player attempts to pass over a square with glue, the player stops his movement for that turn on the glued square. After this happens 3 times, the glue wears off and is no longer on the square.
A "full house" (three of a kind and a pair) - Anthrax, which may be used on any player. The target player becomes Infected. Any player who is infected loses 5 health at the beginning of each week. An infected player can get rid of the infection by either landing on the House of Cards or by landing a Hospital that is part of a block which the player owns part of.
A "straight flush" (five cards with ranks in sequence and of the same suit) - A Mask, which may be used to "impersonate" another player for a time period of one update. While you are impersonating another player, any effects of movement (landing on, leaving, and passing squares) are considered to have happened to the player you are impersonating. So you can land on squares and make someone else pay rent, lose health, etc.
- Comments: The House of Cards has been placed on Square #42.
- Proposal #26
- Proposed by THE CHEESE
- Accepted by a vote of 4-2. Added section 2 to rule XV.
Any money that is paid to a player or entity in the game that does not come from any other player or entity in the game will be deducted from the Admin Bank Account.
- Comments: Thanks. My life is much easier when the total amount of money in the game is constant.