Week 18
- THE CHEESE rolls 1-8, landing on Vermont Avenue, paying $78 to Silver Car
- Cari rolls 4-5, landing on Square #71, with option to buy
- Silver Car rolls 6-5, landing on Townhouse, paying $96 to ChocolateChip
- ChinDoGu rolls 2-3, landing on Draven Corp., paying $61 to Kwyjibo and losing 5 health
- Ghost rolls 2-1, landing on Energetic Nomopolists love Emerald Nuts, paying $43 to ChocolateChip and losing 5 health
- Kwyjibo rolls 6-5, landing on Square #58, paying $58 to ChocolateChip and losing 5 health
- ChocolateChip rolls 8-8, landing on THE CHEESE, paying $72 to THE CHEESE
- ChocolateChip rolls 2-7, landing on max(int *x,int n){int i,max=0; for(i=1;i<n;i++) if(x[i]>x[max]) max=i; return max;}, paying $518 to ChinDoGu
- ChinDoGu rolls 4-6, landing on No, paying $182 to Kwyjibo
- Ghost rolls 3-6, landing on Square #58, paying $58 to ChocolateChip and losing 5 health
- ChocolateChip rolls 2-8, landing on Oriental Avenue, paying $273 to Silver Car
- Kwyjibo rolls 3-2, landing on Blackjack
- THE CHEESE rolls 8-10, landing on The Institute, paying $318 to ChinDoGu
- Cari rolls 5-6, landing on City Park, paying $75 to ChinDoGu
- Silver Car rolls 4-1, landing on max(int *x,int n){int i,max=0; for(i=1;i<n;i++) if(x[i]>x[max]) max=i; return max;}, paying $518 to ChinDoGu
- This week's lottery numbers: 17 6 3 19 4 6 15. No winners.
- The Government builds a Legislative Building on Fair + Road
- Proposal #75
- Proposed by ChinDoGu
- Accepted by a vote of 7-1. Added section 17 to rule VI.
Whenever a new square would be added to the end of the board, it is insead added in place of the lowest number destroyed square. If no such destroyed square exists, it is added to the end as per normal.)
- Comments: Time to fill in the gaps.
- Proposal #76
- Proposed by THE CHEESE
- Accepted by a vote of 8-0. Modified section 4 of rule XXII.
New Building:
Name: ATM
Block type: All
Cost: $50
Effect: Any player occupying a square containing an ATM may deposit or withdraw money from his bank account. The player must pay a service fee of $5 for each transaction (one transaction is defined as withdrawing or depositing money). This service fee is paid to the owner of the square containing the ATM.
- Comments: Cool.
- Proposal #77
- Proposed by Kwyjibo
- Rejected by a vote of 6-2.
To change your name a new player with that name is created and then all net worth is transfered to the new player and the old one dies.
- Comments: Most players figured out the (intentional?) loophole in this one.
- Proposal #78
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
- Accepted by a vote of 8-0. Modified section 6 of rule VIII.
No proposal may reference any immutable characteristic of any player.
- Comments: Although there are zillions of ways around this proposal, hopefully we will eliminate some of the more blatant attempts.
- Proposal #79
- Proposed by Silver Car
- Accepted by a vote of 5-3. Modified section 2 of rule XXIV and section 1 of rule XXXI.
Put Square #42 back on the board. This square will continue to function as the House of Cards, just like it did before.
As well, the following rules pertaining to items at the House of Cards will be changed:
- Bingo Card: The numbers on a Bingo Card will be randomly selected from square numbers that exist on the board at the time of its creation. Duplicate numbers will only be allowed in columns for which there are not at least 5 squares in the board that correspond to the legal numbers for that column.
- Mask: Using a Mask is a minor atrocity.
- Warp Bubble: A player may not use more than one Warp Bubble during an update. Also, a player may not use a Warp Bubble to jump to any square named Blackjack.
- Comments: From all the talk of loopholes in this rule, I'm really afraid of the results of this proposal...