Week 14
- Cari rolls 4-5, landing on Kwyjibo, paying $1030 to ChocolateChip with $30 going to the Admin Bank Account
- ChinDoGu rolls 5-5, landing on max(int *x,int n){int i,max=0; for(i=1;i<n;i++) if(x[i]>x[max]) max=i; return max;}, paying $932 to THE CHEESE with $27 going to the Admin Bank Account
- ChinDoGu rolls 1-3, landing on A+noob+is, paying $123 to Ghost
- Ghost rolls 6-5-2, landing on Virginia Avenue, paying $195 to Silver Car
- THE CHEESE rolls 6-1, landing on Square #1, paying $3 to Cari
- Kwyjibo rolls 2-3, landing on Square #57, paying $171 to THE CHEESE
- Silver Car rolls 6-4, landing on void nop () {}, paying $120 to THE CHEESE
- ChocolateChip rolls 2-6, landing on Cypher, paying $532 to Kwyjibo with $15 going to the Admin Bank Account. A springboard sends her back to Square #11, paying $12 to ChinDoGu.
- The Elephant rolls 4, landing on hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii all!
- The Gorilla rolls 7, landing on Square #58
- The Skunk rolls 2-2, landing on Square #69
- The MTS Bison rolls 2-5, landing on void nop () {}. Silver Car has the option to use The MTS Bison's services.
- The MTS Bison 2 rolls 5-1, landing on Square #64
- The Skunk 2 rolls 2-2, landing on Kwyjibo. Cari gets sprayed and passes out, Kwyjibo is given ownership of Maybe, Square #54 becomes polluted, a Residential block is created on Square #63 and Square #64, and Cari and Silver Car each receive $500 from the Admin Bank Account.
- Silver Car uses The MTS Bison to jump to The Zoo
- Silver Car spaws The Elephant 2, The Gorilla 2, The MTS Bison 3, and The Skunk 3
- ChocolateChip uses a Warp Bubble to jump to The House of Cards, getting rid of her Anthrax infection
- ChocolateChip trades in a 7 of Diamonds, a 7 of Hearts, and a 7 of Spades for a Warp Bubble
- ChocolateChip trades in an 8 of Clubs, an 8 of Hearts, and an 8 of Hearts for a Warp Bubble
- ChocolateChip trades in a 2 of Diamonds, a 4 of Diamonds, a 6 of Diamonds, a 6 of Diamonds, and a Queen of Diamonds for a Glue
- ChocolateChip places a King of Spades on Silver Car
- ChocolateChip takes the railroad to Kwyjibo
- ChocolateChip uses a Glue on Kwyjibo
- ChocolateChip pays $5 to THE CHEESE and takes the railroad to Square #57
- THE CHEESE rolls 6-6, landing on Jail, paying $180 to ChinDoGu
- THE CHEESE rolls 1-1, landing on Oriental Avenue, paying $859 to Silver Car
- THE CHEESE rolls 6-1, landing on void hello(){printf("Hello World!");}
- Silver Car rolls 5-2, landing on Square #58
- ChinDoGu rolls 6-2, landing on Kwyjibo due to glue, paying $1030 to ChocolateChip with $30 going to the Admin Bank Account
- ChocolateChip rolls 4-6, landing on Square #67
- Ghost rolls 3-2, landing on Square #70, with option to buy
- Cari rolls 5-4, landing on Square #53, paying $159 to THE CHEESE
- Kwyjibo rolls 6-4, landing on Square #67, with option to buy
- The MTS Bison 2 rolls 4-6, landing on Mediterranean Avenue, losing 5 health
- The Skunk 3 rolls 2-1, landing on Square #62
- The MTS Bison 3 rolls 2-1, landing on Square #54, losing 5 health
- The Skunk rolls 2-2, landing on Square #20
- The MTS Bison rolls 2-5, landing on Square #58. Silver Car has the option to use The MTS Bison's services.
- The Skunk 2 rolls 2-2, landing on Square #66
- Cari has been fined $500 for not voting
- The Government builds a House on The Institute
- This week's lottery numbers: 10 9 20 9 13 17 11. ChinDoGu holds tickets 20 9 15 11 12 13, 11 3 9 9 19 17, 6 9 6 10 17 10 11, 11 16 9 10 8 14 17, 13 16 10 15 9 9 2, and 20 18 10 6 9 5 13, and wins immunity from paying rent on his next roll.
- Proposal #57
- Proposed by Kwyjibo
- Rejected by a vote of 3-3.
I would like to propose a new entity in the game called the Corporation.
Each square on the board after purchase will come with one share of the Corporation.
It will cost $50 to register the share with the Corporation.
A registered share will give the owner one vote in the Corporation.
Each week, every person who owns at least one registered share will be able to propose a rule which applies to the Corporation (which will be referred to as a Corporate Proposal).
These proposals will then be voted on by registered share holders. There will be one vote per share.
The proposals are limited to the actions in which the corporation will perform and can not affect any players adversely causing harm to them or loss of Nomopoly related posetions. It may however include proposals on dues the corportion pays out and products and services the corporation will offer.
- Comments: Personally, I like the whole subgame idea (such as the Corporation, Parallel Universe, etc.) But I'm not playing, so my opinion really doesn't count.
- Proposal #58
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
- Accepted by a vote of 4-2. Added section 4 to rule XI and added a new rule XXX to the rules.
With the extremely large amounts of money going into the game, nobody will ever go bankrupt. To give us all some possible long-term goals, I propose the following addition to rule XI:
Define your Net Worth at any particular time as the sum of the following:
- Your money
- Your current bank account balance
- ($10 * your current health)
- The total purchase price of all squares you own
- The total block purchase price for each square you own that is part of a block
- The total purchase price of all buildings on squares you own
- $25 for each square you own that contains a railroad
- The total of ($10 * card value) for all cards you own ("card value" is defined in rule XIV-4)
- 50% of the total purchase price of all missiles you own
- The purchase price of your current method of transportation
- 10% of your current credit limit if you own a credit card
- $10 for each Corporate Power point on any of your squares
- $10 for each "Yes" vote on all proposals you have made during the game
- $100 bonus for each proposal you have made during the game that was accepted
- $100 bonus for each proposal you have made during the game that was accepted unanimously (ie. zero "no" votes)
- $25 bonus for each proposal you have made during the game that has made it into the "Nonsense" section of the rules
- NEGATIVE the amount of your current credit card balance if you own a credit card
- NEGATIVE $100 for each square you own that is polluted
- NEGATIVE $1000 if you are currently passed out
- NEGATIVE $1000 if you are currently infected with anthrax
- NEGATIVE $1500 for each time your user has been reset during the game
- NEGATIVE $2500 if you are currently a terrorist
If at the end of a week, a player has a higher Net Worth than the sum of the Net Worth of all other players combined, then that player is declared the Winner of Nomopoly II.
(P.S. Feel free to add more contributions to Net Worth as new stuff becomes part of the game)
(P.P.S. I have done the calculations, nobody is even close to winning the game at this time, so don't worry about the game ending too soon)
(P.P.P.S. Jeff if this rule is accepted it would be really cool if you made a line graph or something like that shows each player's net worth from week to week on the website. Just an idea.)
- Comments: Good idea, I'll work on that graph idea thingy during the week off.
- Proposal #59
- Proposed by ChinDoGu
- Accepted by a vote of 6-0.
All players recieve a christmas gift of $1500 and one free building of their choice on a square they control.
- Comments: Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Kwazy Kwanza! Tip-Top Tet! And a solemn Ramadan.
- Proposal #60
- Proposed by Silver Car
- Accepted by a vote of 4-2. Modified section 4 of rule XXII.
Hospitals may be built on Residential squares.
- Comments: Gotta get rid of your Anthrax somehow...
- Proposal #61
- Proposed by THE CHEESE
- Accepted by a vote of 5-1. Modified section 3 of rule XIX.
New "creature" at the Zoo: "The Insane Scary Screaming Suicidal Zookeeper" (or TISSSZ for short). TISSSZ will roll five 7-sided dice and move once per update.
TISSSZ has a set of cards (initially empty). Whenever he lands on a square containing a card, he will create a copy of that card and add it to his current set of cards. Also, any player occupying the same square as TISSSZ may sell TISSSZ one or more of his cards for $150 each, thereby transferring ownership of the card to TISSSZ.
If at any time TISSSZ has any four cards of the same suit, he will dump Horse Manure on his current square, and bury all of his cards in it (thereby losing ownership of those cards). Any player or creature landing on a square containing Horse Manure immediately loses 10 health. Also, any player occupying a square containing Horse Manure may chose to clean up the Horse Manure on that square. Cleaning up Horse Manure causes the player to lose 3 health, but he will then gain ownership of all cards buried in the Horse Manure.
If a Skunk lands on TISSSZ, then TISSSZ will dump Horse Manure on the squares directly North, South, East, and West of him (if they exist) and randomly distribute all of his cards among those piles of Horse Manure.
If a Skunk lands on a square containing Horse Manure, he will go crazy and cause a newly created ICBM to be fired at his current square.
- Comments: This is gross! I like this rule, but perhaps a better name for Horse Manure would have been nice, such as "Jell-O" or something like that.