Week 1
- Proposal #1
- Proposed by Kwyjibo
- Accepted by a vote of 6-0. Added rule XII to the rules.
I propose a rule that gives everybody 100 health. Should you ever reach 0 or less health, your user resets and you start the game over at square one.
Resets means that your player reverts to the state the player was in at the start of the game at the biggining of week 1.
- Comments: I've seen this rule before, I think...
- Proposal #2
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
- Accepted by a vote of 4-1. Added rule XIII to the rules.
When a player lands on an unowned square, he/she may buy the square at a cost of $(25 * the square number). The player who buys the square is then said to be the "owner" of the square. A square may not have more than one owner.
In the event that multiple players land on a square on the same turn, the first player who landed there will have until his next turn to purchase the square. If the player does not buy the square, the next player who landed there has the option to buy before his next turn after receiving the option to buy, and so on.
The owner of an unnamed square may give the square a name. The name must not be more than 100 characters long and must not be identical to any other square name on the board. Also, the Admin has the right to reject any square name which in his opinion is inappropriate.
- Comments: Same as before, even if you're 2nd or 3rd in line to buy a square, still let me know of your intent to buy in order to speed purchases up.
- Proposal #3
- Proposed by Silver Car
- Accepted by a vote of 6-0. Added rule XIV to the rules.
I propose we add items known as "cards" to the game. Whenever a player rolls doubles, he will receive a randomly selected card from a standard deck of playing cards (52 cards, no jokers). Cards are not unique ie: if a player receives a 6 of spades, there is nothing stopping him or anyone else from getting another 6 of spades in the future.
Any cards received, as well as the current set of cards each player has, will not be revealed to other players. When a player receives a card, the Admin will notify the player of which card was received, and a player may at any time request from the Admin a listing of all cards he currently holds.
- Comments: The game of Mao is now in session.