Week 8
- Woll rolls 5-5, landing on Square #44
- Woll rolls 6-4, landing on Anchored Down By... Oh Wait, Wrong Version, paying $24 to The Founder
- Square #47 and Square #48 have been added to the board
- Woll rolls 4-2, landing on Grif, gaining 4 health
- Wonder rolls 5-5, landing on Square #26, paying $312 to The Founder and gaining 3 health
- Wonder rolls 2-1, landing on Blood Gulch, paying $348 to ChocolateChip and gaining 3 health
- Wonder rolls 1-6, landing on Square #36, paying $108 to Jamie
- Jamie rolls 5-2, landing on Square #13, with option to buy
- Jamie rolls 4-3, landing on Draven Corp., paying $120 to Draven and gaining 2 health
- Jamie takes out a Donut with Sprinkles
- The Founder rolls 6-6, landing on Lucky!!, paying $3 to Wonder
- Square #49 and Square #50 have been added to the board
- The Founder rolls 8-5, landing on Grif, paying $294 to Woll and gaining 4 health
- The Founder rolls 6-6, landing on Square #26, gaining 3 health
- The Founder rolls 2-3, landing on Madison Cube Garden, paying $93 to ChocolateChip
- Draven rolls 5-2, landing on Square #13, with option to buy if Jamie does not
- Draven rolls 5-1, landing on Nomopoly General Store
- ChocolateChip rolls 2-3-1, landing on Robot Arms Apartments, paying $33 to Jamie
- ChocolateChip loses 1 health and passes the Hot Potato to Woll
- ChocolateChip rolls 2-2-1, landing on Not Draven Corp, paying $48 to Woll
- ChocolateChip rolls 4-4-2, landing on Square #26, paying $312 to The Founder and gaining 3 health
- ChocolateChip rolls 1-2-3, landing on Old New York, gaining 3 health
- Cypher rolls 4-7, landing on Square #18
- Square #51 and Square #52 have been added to the board
- Cypher rolls 3-5, landing on Thermodynamic Hell, paying $144 to ChocolateChip and gaining 3 health
- Woll loses 5 health due to holding the Hot Potato
- Draven buys 2 cans of Yellow Paint, 2 cans of Green Paint, and 2 Greases
- Draven greases Nomopoly General Store
- Draven greases Draven Corp.
- Draven paints Chili Mart red
- Draven paints We Like The Moon red
- ChocolateChip cashes in a Lucky Donut
- ChocolateChip donates to the Fountain of Wealth
- ChocolateChip buys a can of Red Paint and a Grease
- ChocolateChip dumps a can of Red Paint on himself
- ChocolateChip greases Madison Cube Garden
- Jamie buys Square #13
- Jamie buys a can of Purple Paint and a can of Orange Paint
- Jamie paints Fifnem orange
- Wonder donates to the Fountain of Health
- Wonder buys Roller Skates, Clogs, and a First Aid Kit
- Woll buys a can of Red Paint, 2 cans of Green Paint, a Monkey-Driven Rocket Sled, and 100 bananas
- Woll paints Square #33 green
- Woll paints Sarge green
- Woll uses a First Aid Kit
- Woll donates to the Fountain of Wealth
- The Founder donates to the Fountain of Wealth
- Woll rolls a 6 at the Fountain of Health and a 2 at the Fountain of Wealth
- Wonder rolls a 4 at the Fountain of Health and a 3 at the Fountain of Wealth, losing $50
- Jamie rolls a 6 at the Fountain of Health and a 5 at the Fountain of Wealth
- The Founder rolls a 3 at the Fountain of Health and a 1 at the Fountain of Wealth, losing 10 health
- Draven rolls a 5 at the Fountain of Health and a 3 at the Fountain of Wealth, losing $50
- ChocolateChip rolls a 4 at the Fountain of Health and a 5 at the Fountain of Wealth, gaining $30
- Cypher rolls a 6 at the Fountain of Health and a 5 at the Fountain of Wealth
- ChocolateChip parks a Car on Old New York
- The Founder buys a Monkey-Driven Rocket Sled and 100 bananas
- Cypher buys Clogs
- Cypher switches methods of transportation to On Foot
- Cypher loses $10770 due to Proposal #71
- Jamie has been fined $1100 for not voting
- Proposal #71
- Accepted by a vote of 6-1. Modified rule 4 of section XXVI.
- Proposed by Cypher
The lottery will be modified such that the lottery winner gets 50% of the admin bank account, up to a maximum of $100 per ticket * 3 possible tickets per player * n number of players in the game. For the current number of players, this will set the max to $2100. This rule will be retroactively inacted by removing all money gained through a single winning lottery event in excess of $2100.
- Comments: And now I send out the Whammy to take back all of Cypher's winnings.
- Proposal #72
- Rejected by a vote of 5-2.
- Proposed by Draven
Body armor will be available at the Nomopoly General Store for $300. It reduces the damage you take by 50% for two turns.
- Comments: Most players figured out the loophole in this one.
- Proposal #73
- Rejected by a vote of 6-1.
- Proposed by Cypher
Every player has "karma". Karma is defined as " The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny." There will be 4 Karma points available to assign to the players every week. To determine who gets the karma, two players will be randomly selected by Jeff at the beginning of the week, and it is up to those two players to dispense the karma as they see fit (based on the actions/behavior of the players). Each of the two players will have two karma points to dispense each. They may not give karma to themselves and they may not give karma to the other Karma dispensing player of the week (only the two players dispensing Karma will know who the karma dispensers are).
Karma can be used to "weight" random events for a current turn. It costs 2 a minimum of 2 karma points to weight the random events of the turn. A player must decide (prior to Sunday) to spend their karma points and must notify Jeff. Each karma point spent represents 10% of a random event (with the min. of 20% for the two required karma points). When the user spends their karma points, they must specify at what range the percentages be applied to. For instance, if somebody spent 2 karma points and specified 10% at the beginning (low range) and 10% at the end range, then all random events for that players turn will be between 10% and 90% of the actual range. Or, the user could put all 20% at the beginning of the range making the new range between 20% and 100%. For example, with 20% off the bottom range (so 20% - 100%), a user who is roller skating would normally roll two d8 dice, thus giving a possible range of 0 - 16. In my example, the new modified range would be from 3 - 16 (the range is rounded to the nearest integer value). So, if the event revealed 10 / 16, then the final value would become (10/16)*(16 - 3) + 3 = 11.125 =~ 11 Thus weighting the random event to the higher ranges. This 20% range reduction would occur for all random events in the turn. The effect of the weight, will increase with the number of karma points spent. The maximum karma allowed to be spent during one turn is 5. Which would allow the user to select a 50% range to eliminate from random events.
- Comments: Weird, I thought this one would be more popular than the previous Karma rule.
- Proposal #74
- Accepted by a vote of 4-3. Added a new section XXVII to the rules.
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
This one is kind of long but it is clear and will add an interesting dimension to the game...
A new entity exists in the game, known as Parallel Universe. Parallel Universe consists of 20 squares, numbered from -20 to -1 (so no ambiguity with the Nomopoly Board), separate from the current board. The squares themselves have no special rules associated with them (other than the increasing numerical order from -20 to -1, -20 being the successor ot -1), so you can't buy them, color them, etc. (Basically like the board we started with). At least for now...
Square #22 (of the Nomopoly Board) will be named Wormhole, and no one may own this square. Any player landing on Wormhole will immediately be removed from the Nomopoly Board and enter Parallel Universe. Also, Wormhole may be used as a destination for Transporation Services by all players at any time, regardless of the fact that nobody owns it.
When a player "enters" Parallel Universe, he will be placed on Square -20 of Parallel Universe. When a player passes square -1 of Parallel Universe, there is a 50% chance of the player continuing on to square -20 as usual, and a 50% chance of being warped back to the Nomopoly Board.
Once a player is warped back, the player will be placed back on Wormhole on the Nomopoly board (the player is NOT said to have landed there, for obvious reasons). The player will then get to add one rule to Parallel Universe. The rule must adhere to the following guidelines: 1) It cannot cause a player to unwillingly leave Parallel Universe, or to unwillingly get trapped in Parallel Universe. 2) It cannot cause a player's money, items, squares, etc. to be unwillingly modified. 3) It cannot modify the rules in Nomopoly. 4) It must be fair to all players. 5) It must not contradict the existing rules of Parallel Universe. The Admin will send back any illegal rules. The new rule will not be posted or otherwise told to the other players, so it will be up to them to figure it out if they wish.
Oh, and Wormhole cannot be greased :-)
- Comments: Great, the time it takes me to do an update has just doubled.
- Proposal #75
- Rejected by a vote of 4-3.
- Proposed by Draven
Every time a player lands on a square, there is a 20% chance of finding "loose change". If you find loose change, you will receive 10 times the roll of one 6-sided die, in Nomopoly dollars.
- Comments: I hope you didn't vote this rule down just because Draven made it, because it is impossible to take advantage of this one.
- Proposal #76
- Accepted by a vote of 5-2. Added rule 4 to section I.
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
If at any time a paradox or contradiction occurs in the game, the following actions will be taken:
If, in the Admin's opinion, a single rule proposal was responsible for the paradox, the player who made the proposal will be fined $1500 and the offending rule will be removed from the ruleset.
If, in the Admin's opinion, the paradox cannot be pinned down to a single rule proposal, the paradox will be resolved by the Admin modifying the ruleset. When the Admin modifies the ruleset, he will have the following goals in mind, from highest to lowest priority: 1) ensure fairness to all players. 2) remove the paradox from the game. 3) modify the least possible number of rules.
- Comments: I'm sure this was not a shot at Draven in any way :-)
- Proposal #77
- Accepted by a vote of 6-1. Redone all of section XVI of the rules.
- Proposed by The Founder
Modify section XVI: Transportation Services to the following:
Transportation services shall be offered by the Yellow Bus Company (YBC). Any player may choose to use the YBC's services after their last move for the turn to "drive" to another square by notifying the admin of their wish to do so as well as the destination square. The destination square must have been owned by another player since the beginning of the turn. Players must specify if they wish to be "driven" by the proposal deadline of that turn.
A player using the YBC's services must pay fees in the following manner. Call the rent of the destination square Rent. The player using the YBC's services must pay the owner of the destination square 50%(Rent) [one half of Rent]. The player using the YBC's services must also pay to the Admin Bank Account the greater of: $500 - 50%(Rent) [500 minus one half Rent] or 50%(Rent) [one half Rent]. (All final values rounded to the nearest N.D.)
Definition of "drive": A player who drives from Square A to Square B is said to leave Square A, and now occupies Square B (does not land on Square B). That player does not pass any squares between A and B.
- Comments: I have also placed the definition of "drive" under rule 4 of section VI.
- Proposal #78
- Accepted by a vote of 6-1. Added rules 5 and 6 to section XXVI.
- Proposed by The Founder
If at the time a lottery would be held the Admin is considered rich, then the winner of the lottery shall receive twice the normal amount of winnings instead of the normal amount, which shall be deducted from the Admin Bank Account. This total can possibly exceed any maximum amounts for lottery winnings as specified by other rules.
If at the end of a turn the Admin is considered poor, then no lottery shall be held during the next turn. This rule has precedence over all other rules for determining whether or not a lottery shall be held.
- Comments: I'll assume that "poor" means "in debt" since we have no current definition of poor.
- Proposal #79
- Accepted by a vote of 4-2. Added a new section XXVIII to the rules.
- Proposed by Wonder
Co-ownership (the wonderful world of back door exchanges in a challenge for achieved wealth, status and power)
How to acquire a co-ownership:
Players may contact other players via through administrations (Jeff) with an offer for co-ownership of one of their squares for ownership of another player's square (a square must be offered for co-ownership for another square to be co-owned)
Both individuals must agree on co-ownership, if so the actions of this agreement will be taking into effect next turn.
What does co-ownership entail:
Co-ownership allows both parties to receive half the rent of the co-owned squares if another player is to land on the co-owned square. Either player in co-ownership may land one co-owned squares without having to pay rent and may park their car/monkey sled on the co-owned squares without charge as long as the co-ownership exists.
Co-Ownership Blocks:
If the co-owned square is previously part of a block owned by one of the two co-ownership players it may act as a connector between two blocks (blocks will be seen as having gained the addition of the other co-ownership player's squares added to their block) allowing for co-owned squares rent to rise as well as the block providing that both blocks are of the same color.
If the co-owned square is attached to one of the co-ownership players blocks and is painted to the block color it may then be counted as part of the block. Both the block squares rent rises as well as the co-owned square.
Net worth:
During co-ownership a players net worth will half the value (of a square is the purchase price of the square plus the purchase price of any improvements or additions to the square) of the co-owned squares
Exiting a co-ownership:
In order to end the sharing of a square, either owner may request that the sharing of the square has been discontinued and in this case will notify the admin. It only requires one person wish to break up a co-ownership and both players do not have to be in agreement. When a break up in co-ownership occurs co-owned square between the two parties will then become again property of owner before the co-ownership. Blocks made directly from the co-ownership of squares will no longer be blocks. Increased rent of blocks due to the addition of a co-owned square (acting as either a connector between two blocks or an addition to a previously owned block) shall return their original (before co-ownership) rent value before the co-ownership.
Ending of co-ownership actions will be taking into effect next turn.
Additional Stuffs:
Only one co-ownership agreement can exist between the same two players. But players may have additional co-ownership agreements with other players.
In the initial offering of co-ownership only squares to be co-owned can be used to offer, not cash or cash supplement.
A co-owned square may not part of more than one co-ownership agreement at a time.
A co-owned square may not be used as connector to another co-owned square that is severing as a connector.
Only the originally (before co-ownership) owner of the co-owned square may paint the co-owned square or do any modifications.
A square that is currently co-owned may not be traded by either player in that co-ownership. The square may only be traded to other players when the square is no co-owned.
Any actions such as painting the co-owned square during co-ownership or modifying the co-owned square will Not reset back to the original (before co-ownership) state if the co-ownership ends.
- Comments: Wow, if only everyone could put this much effort into their proposals, we wouldn't have any problems with the rules.
- Proposal #80
- Accepted by a vote of 6-1. Added a new section XXIX to the rules, and modified rule 3 of section XVII.
- Proposed by Wonder
Paint Paradise Revisited *note change(s) have been made
Paint guns shall be sold at the Nomopolopy General store. The paintball gun requires a can of paint to work which of course is bought separately. While the gun may be used repeatedly without repurchase, the can of paint may only be used once. Paint guns cost $200. Paint guns when used in conjunction with a can of paint have the ability to color a player from 15 squares counting from behind or forward from the players shooting current location on the board and reducing the health of that player if hit by paint gun. The likely hood of painting/injuring another player is as follows: If the intended victim is within 0-5 squares (counting both forward or backwards from the player shooting) the likely hood is 1:2 or 50%. If the intended victim is within 5-10squares (counting both forward or backwards from the player shooting) the likely hood is 1:4 or 25%. If the intended victim is within 11-15squares (counting both forward or backwards from the player shooting) the likely hood is 1:8 or 12.5%. If the intended victim is hit then that person is colored the color of what was originally in the can of paint and they lose 15 health points (nasty paint fumes). Paint guns must be used with a can of paint, and once the gun has been fired the can of paint is used (empty can of paint is discarded and disappears from the game). When someone fires a gun there is a 1:12 chance 8.3% chance of the gun not working (not firing at all at the intended victim) and the paint spilling on to yourself wasting the can of paint and coloring yourself!(Although quite rare)
You are only allowed to attempt a shot at the intended victim once per turn (no wild shooting rampages)
- Comments: Much better than last week's paint proposal, now that the two major problems have been fixed.
- Proposal #81
- Rejected by a vote of 6-1.
- Proposed by Jamie
I propose to change rule ** (whatever)so that a person who wins the lottery will win 50% of the bank account with a max of 2100 ND, applying to last week's lottery, this week's lottery, and all future lotteries.
- Comments: OK, you guys are mean. This proposal was EXACTLY the same as #71, and it got rejected 6-1.
Week 9