Week 5
- Woll receives the Hot Potato
- Jamie rolls 6-6, landing on Square #18, paying $12 to Cypher
- Square #27 and Square #28 have been added to the board
- Jamie rolls 2-4, landing on Fifnem
- Jamie takes out a Lucky Donut
- Jamie rolls 2-3, landing on square one, paying $45 to The Founder
- Draven rolls 4-2, landing on Square #2, paying $6 to Woll
- Square #29 and Square #30 have been added to the board
- Draven rolls 5-1, landing on Square #8, paying $24 to The Founder
- ChocolateChip rolls 1-3, landing on Robot Arms Apartments
- ChocolateChip rolls 4-1, landing on Draven Corp., paying $48 to Draven
- Penelope rolls 2-1, landing on Square #21, paying $63 to Woll
- Penelope rolls 4-3, landing on Square #28, with option to buy
- Cypher rolls 3-3, landing on Square #21, paying $63 to Woll
- Cypher rolls 5-6, landing on Square #2, paying $6 to Woll
- Square #31 and Square #32 have been added to the board
- Cypher rolls 5-3, landing on Fifnem, paying $30 to Jamie
- Cypher takes out a Lucky Donut
- The Founder rolls 4-5, landing on Square #29, with option to buy
- The Founder rolls 1-3, landing on Lucky!!, paying $3 to Penelope
- Square #33 and Square #34 have been added to the board
- Woll rolls 2-3, landing on Square #26, with option to buy
- Woll loses 1 health and hands the Hot Potato to The Founder
- Woll rolls 5-2, landing on Square #33, with option to buy
- The Founder loses 5 health due to holding the Hot Potato
- Jamie donates to the Fountain of Wealth
- Jamie buys a First Aid Kit and a can of purple paint
- Woll buys Square #26
- Woll buys Square #33
- Cypher donates to the Fountain of Health
- Woll donates to the Fountain of Wealth
- The Founder buys Square #29
- The Founder donates to the Fountain of Wealth
- ChocolateChip donates to the Fountain of Health
- ChocolateChip reduces Transportation Services fees from $100 to $50
- ChocolateChip trades Planet Express to Cypher in exchange for Thermodynamic Hell
- Draven trades Draven Corp. to Woll in exchange for Square #21 and $200
- Draven names Square #21 Draven Corp.
- Jamie rolls a 5 at the Fountain of Health and a 6 at the Fountain of Wealth, gaining $30
- Draven rolls a 1 at the Fountain of Health and a 1 at the Fountain of Wealth, losing 10 health and $50
- ChocolateChip rolls a 5 at the Fountain of Health and a 6 at the Fountain of Wealth, gaining 10 health
- Penelope rolls a 4 at the Fountain of Health and a 2 at the Fountain of Wealth, losing $50
- Cypher rolls a 2 at the Fountain of Health and a 2 at the Fountain of Wealth, losing $50
- The Founder rolls a 2 at the Fountain of Health and a 2 at the Fountain of Wealth, losing 10 health
- Woll rolls a 6 at the Fountain of Health and a 2 at the Fountain of Wealth
- Proposal #38
- Rejected by a vote of 3-2.
- Proposed by Cypher
Every player has "karma". Karma is defined as " The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny." There will be 4 Karma points available to assign to the players every week. To determine who gets the karma, two players will be randomly selected by Jeff at the beginning of the week, and it is up to those two players to dispense the karma as they see fit (based on the actions/behavior of the players). Each of the two players will have two karma points to dispense each. They may not give karma to themselves and they may not give karma to the other Karma dispensing player of the week (only the two players dispensing Karma will know who the karma dispensers are).
Karma points can be used to "redo" certain random events. For instance, if a dice is rolled, and a player wishes to have the dice re-rolled, they may spend one karma point to have the random event redone. Any random event may be redone (including the dice roll that determines a players movements for a given week) on the condition that the re-roll does not affect any decisions already made by other players. For instance, if a player has rolled a dice, and landed on a square, and purchased the square, then the random dice-roll is ineligable for a karma re-roll. Also, Karma re-roll's cannot be used to redetermine who are the karma dispensers of the given week.
For instance, valid use of a karma point would include re-rolling the fountain(s) dice, re-determining the location of the "giant fart", re-rolling a players movement dice (on the condition that the player(s) involved haven't already made any decisions based on the results of the randomized event), or re-distributing the hot potato after its destruction
A player can have a maximum of 5 karma. If there is more than 5*(# of players - 2) karma at the beginning of the week in the game, the weekly karma distributors become karma collectors each with the ability to "destroy" two karma points in the game.
- Comments: This was probably one of the most interesting ideas we've seen so far, but I don't think it would have been practical. ie. re-rolling your first move of the week, modifying your second move as well. Add that with people re-rolling moves multiple times, and I don't think I would have been able to keep up.
- Proposal #39
- Rejected by a vote of 5-0.
- Proposed by Jamie
I propose that if a player passes square 20, they should be given the option to turn around and go in the opposite direction.
- Comments: The general complaint with this one was that it was unclear. Does the player immediately turn around? Does the player go in the opposite direction every turn from then on? Or just one turn?
- Proposal #40
- Accepted by a vote of 4-1. Added rule 5 to section XXI.
- Proposed by Cypher
Whenever you are on a "block" of owned properties on the board, you will gain x health points where x is equal to the number of squares in the block. This is analogous to hotels in real life, the bigger and better the hotel, the more relaxing your stay is and the better you feel when you're done. Whereas if you stay in a crappy motel (ie a single square) then chances are you will be uncomfortable. So, if you land on a block of 2 squares and pay double the rent (as in ChocolateChip's previous rule), you will gain two health. Or if you land on a block of 3 squares and pay quadruple the rent, you will gain three health.
- Comments: If you name your square "Worst Western Hotels", do you still gain health by staying there? "Ask About our Sheet Rental".
- Proposal #41
- Accepted by a vote of 4-1. Modified rule 4 of section VIII.
- Proposed by Draven
Failure to submit a vote on a proposal will result in a $100 fine for each proposal you did not vote on. Abstaining is considered voting for this purpose.
- Comments: This should take care of the quitters *cough*PENELOPE*cough*
- Proposal #42
- Accepted by a vote of 3-2. Added a new section XXIV to the rules, and modified rules 1 and 2 of section VI.
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
Players may choose between 5 different methods of transportation which define what type and how many dice are rolled for that player's moves:
On Foot: two 6-sided dice. Cost: $0. This is currently the default method of transportation, once this rule is passed, all players will receive this method of transportation.
Clogs: two 3-sided dice. Cost: $100. The clogs will make you go very slowly around the board.
Roller Skates: two 8-sided dice. Cost: $500. Roller skates will move you faster than on foot, but if you ever roll a total of exactly 15 while on roller skates, you have fallen, causing you to lose 5 health.
Car: three 5-sided dice. Cost: $2000. The car will let you roll 3 dice, greatly increasing your chances of rolling doubles. Doubles is defined as any two (but not all three) of your dice showing the same number. If you happen to roll all three dice the same number, your car has stalled, and you must pay $250 to repair it.
Monkey-Driven Rocket Sled: one 24-sided dice. Cost: $3000. The ultimate in transportation technology, the Monkey-Driven Rocket Sled will allow you to move at amazing speeds. You can also purchase bananas at any time at a price of $5 each, which will immediately be fed to the monkey. Each banana will increase the number of sides on the dice by 1, for one turn only (ie. 5 bananas will result in rolling a 29-sided dice). This technology is untested, and as a result is a bit buggy. If at any time while using this vehicle you roll higher than 25, then there is a 2% chance for each number above 25 that the monkey will go insane and blow up the vehicle, causing you to lose your Monkey-Driven Rocket Sled and go back to moving On Foot. (example: a roll of 30 will give a 10% chance of blowing up)
A player may change methods of transportation at any time by notifying the Admin and paying the cost of the requested transportation. A player may only have one method of transportation at a time, and buying a new one replaces the old one. Example: You currently have clogs, and you buy a car, losing the clogs. If you want to switch back to clogs in the future, you must pay for the clogs again.
- Comments: Darn, I just gave away all of my 27-sided dice.
- Proposal #43
- Accepted by a vote of 3-2. Modified rules 3 and 4 of section VI.
- Proposed by Draven
Jeff should get a vote on every rule proposal every week.
- Comments: I was hoping last week's proposal giving me exactly one vote passed, then I could have used it on this one. Talk about a good investment.
- Proposal #44
- Accepted by a vote of 5-0. Added rule 5 to section XVIII.
- Proposed by The Founder
A player may paint or use paint thinner on one of their squares at any time if they are not on that square by paying $100 (they must have the can of paint/paint thinner already).
- Comments: Good proposal, but we could have come up with a name for this procedure, like "Paintball Gun" or something like that...
- Proposal #45
- Rejected by a vote of 3-2.
- Proposed by Woll
Shared ownership: Two players may choose to share their property with one another. In this scenario each player would receive half the rent when someone lands on that property and the two players will be able to offer their transportation services to their own squares and any squares in which they are sharing ownership. The transportation fee will go to the player who offered the transportation. The shared squares may only be painted one colour and this is the colour that the initial owner had put on the square, the secondary owner may not change the colour without consent of the initial owner. In order to share ownership the two players must agree to this and notify the admin via email. Squares may only be shared by two players. In order to end the sharing of a square, either owner may request that the sharing of the square has been discontinued and in this case will notify the admin.
- Comments: Welcome to Amalgamated Amalgamation Inc.
- Proposal #46
- Accepted by a vote of 5-0. Added rule 6 to section XVIII.
- Proposed by The Founder
No player may use paint or paint thinner to change the colour of a square owned by a player, unless they own that square.
- Comments: Finally!! This resolves all the complaints about being able to paint other people's squares. Of course, you can still paint other players.
- Proposal #47
- Accepted by a vote of 4-1. Modified rule 1 of section XVII.
- Proposed by Jamie
I propose to amend rule XVII, there should be a store on every second square ending with 9. (19, 39, 59, etc.) **this refers to square number, not name.**
- Comments: Since it's not mentioned here otherwise, I'll assume that "store" means "Nomopoly General Store", so players cannot own the squares on which stores are located.
- Proposal #48
- Rejected by a vote of 3-2.
- Proposed by ChocolateChip
Currently you can buy any square you land on during your turn but you can only paint the last square you land on, due to that being your current square. Therefore I propose to change the first part of section 1 of rule XVIII from:
"you can dump the paint on the square that you currently occupy, thereby making the square that color"
"you can dump the paint on any square that you landed on during the current turn, thereby making the square that color"
- Comments: Sorry, this proposal was made obsolete by Proposal #44.
- Proposal #49
- Rejected by a vote of 3-2.
- Proposed by Woll
At the end of every turn the player with the least amount of money will receive 10% of the money in the admin’s bank account.
- Comments: I can see a glaring loophole with this rule. Try to figure it out.
Week 6